Zara meets Octavius

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#13 of Leisure Writing

So...been doin a lot of outlining and researching for various projects, so I haven't been writing a lot as of late. Wasn't really in the mood to get around to writing yiff with Zara, but I still felt like writing more with him in general. So I just decided to have him meet up with some characters I haven't written in a while. Our first guest is Octavius, the boisterous Roserade from the first few chapters of Further Evolutions that didn't get nearly enough screen time as he should have, at least in my opinion X3. He was such a fun character to write when I first started, so it was fun going back and BRINGING him back, at least for this short, non-canon exchange.

"B-but DARLING!" said Octavius, hurrying in front of Zara and blocking his way, "you simply MUST tell me about yourself! Y-you're just so...DIFFERENT from all of the other girls!"

Zara blushed deeply, twiddling his thumbs and looking down at the floor. "W...well actually...m-mister Octavius, th...the thing is that...I-I'm actually a...a...a--"

"'A,' 'a,' 'a,' a WHAT?!" said Octavius, startling the dark type, "My DEAR Zarlette! You must be more CLEAR and CONFIEDENT in what you say! Just because your CHEST isn't as big as all of the other girls doesn't mean that you should be afraid to say what resides in your MIND!"

Zara felt his entire face burn up, and he hugged his arms across his chest. "N-no mister Octavius, I-I don't think you understa--"

"BESIDES, my dear Zara," he went on, cutting Zara off before he could speak up. Zara reflexively hid behind his ponytail as the Roserade continued to exclaim. "Chest size isn't EVERYTHING a man looks for in a woman. Why, there is a whole PLETHORA of qualities that males find attractive! Take the humble RUMP for example! A WIDELY underappreciated, no pun intended, feature of a female that can drive some males absolutely CRAZY! yourself have a MAGNIFICENT rump! Why, just LOOK at how plush and rounded it is!"

Zara's face lit up like a Christmas light.

"Why, I'm sure there are many women on this boat that ENVY such an astounding ass! Others are so small and petit, yet yours is so...," he stopped to make a circle in the air with his hands, "so PLUMP and JIGGLY! It's like the hourglass on you was FLIPPED so that your plump assets were your ASS!" Zara whimpered and stuffed his face behind his paws. He REALLY wished he had brought an ID or something to clear things up, but hindsight--

"Why do you continue to stand in SILENCE, my Zarlette?!" shouted Octavius, cutting him off from his thoughts, "Was the backing to your backside not enough to rouse your CONFIDENCE?! MUST I find more defining features of yours to boost your morale?!" Zara raised his paws and shook his head.

"N-no-no-no," he shook his head, "I-I'm alright, you-you don't need to go on--"

"NONESENSE!" shouted Octavius, making Zara jolt in surprise, "I MUST go on! You simply MUST know the qualities that you should be PROUD of!"