Ch. 1: A new home

Story by Siek on SoFurry

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Standard disclaimer and such...

This story contains M/M yiff. If you are under legal age, or if you are offended by such things as gay relationships, then turn back. (not that i can stop you from reading if you're already here...) Otherwise, Enjoy ^^

Story and characters are (c) to me. please ask if you wish to use them...who knows, i might say yes.


Music, everywhere there was music. The beautiful melody played across the glade, carried upon the cool winter breeze from its origin. At first hearing it, one might assume that they were dreaming only and not actually hearing each note as it gently caressed their ears, floating easily and delicately over the equally beautiful glade in which they stood. And such was the thought had by a young wolf of whom had stumbled, quite by accident, upon this wondrous valley and into the verdure of this glade. He stared about, his deep silver eyes wide and his tail swaying side to side in slow rhythm to the music; his body, more foxen in nature then wolven, slowly picking up the rhythm as well as he walked. He was tired however, as he had been running and hiding from his former master since the day before; though he knew not if he had actually been followed. He stopped in the middle of the small glade and sat, exhausted, with his tail and hands in his lap; continuing to look about the glade in wonder of where the beautiful melody emanated. After a time, he sighed quietly and gave up his search, lying on his side and curling up slightly as he decided it better to try to rest while he could.

The music stopped shortly after the wolf fell asleep, the musician having realized that he was no longer alone in the valley only after finishing his song and opening his eyes, immediately greeted by the sight of a silver and crimson furred creature lying in the middle of his glade, obviously sleeping now. The fox, having at first been greatly embarrassed, gave into his curiosity shortly after and carefully placed his wooden flute in a hollow just behind him; then cautiously crept down from his perch in the tree to where the intruder was lying. The fox's steps were light, as not to wake the sleeping wolf when he approached, and he easily made his way to the intruder, not even the slightest sound coming from him as he did. The fox sniffed the air, immediately able to tell that the intruder was a wolf; though, he was confused when he saw him. His markings, though backwards, were the same as the foxes. Whereas the tip of the fox's ears, his hands, paws, and the tip of his tail were black, this wolf's were crimson; and where the fox's chest and belly were more of a creamy white, the wolf's was crimson there as well. And as where the fox's main body fur was a reddish color, the wolf's was silver. He also had a 'mask' of crimson fur on his muzzle from his nose up to his ears, covering his eyes; as well as a streak of crimson on each side of the tip of his muzzle. In all honesty, he looked more like a fox then a wolf, to the fox, and had he not been able to smell his scent, the fox would have mistaken him as such.

"Where'd you come from...?" the fox whispered curiously to himself, reaching out to delicately run his hand over the wolf's side. It seemed to the fox that he was in a very deep sleep; his breathing was deep, yet soft, and he didn't even seem to notice when the fox ran his claws gently through his fur, despite a slight shiver that ran through the wolf's body. Seeing as it was in fact winter, despite how green and alive this valley was, it was still cold out. Deciding it best to get the wolf somewhere warmer, the fox very carefully picked the wolf up in his arms and slowly carried him back to his cabin not too far off into the thick forest from where they were.

When they arrived at the fox's small cabin, the fox opened his door and brought the wolf inside, taking him into his bedroom and laying him gently on his bed. He was still sound asleep, though obviously warmer now, seeing as he was no longer shivering as he had been since the fox picked him up.

"Sleep interesting friend. I'll have to remember to ask your name when you finally wake." The fox said as he pulled his blankets over the wolf's lithe form. He then left the cabin and closed the door, returning to the tree he had been in to retrieve his flute so he wouldn't forget of it later.

When he got back to the cabin, the wolf was still sleeping, so he set a small fire in the fire-pit in his living room and sat in front of it on his couch. The couch was a bit large for just him, seeing as it could probably sit around five people on it, but he didn't care; he liked to stretch out in front of the fire sometimes, and the couch gave him the perfect place to do just that. He had made it not long after building the bed that the wolf was now sleeping on, which was also a bit larger then it needed to be. He had made everything he owned really, the cabin included. He had stumbled upon this beautiful valley nearly a year and a half ago, probably in the same manner the wolf had not less then half a day ago. He was deep in thought now and didn't notice when the wolf stirred behind him on his bed, not quite awake yet, though the confines of sleep were slowly drifting from his mind in the form of a dream.

The wolf was dreaming of his escape from his master; of how he had barely managed to slip past the numerous guards and out the castle gate in mid-night; of how he had ran from the place, glancing behind him only to be sure that the guards weren't about to catch him. He had ran through the forest for a few hours before hiding in a hollow tree and trying to sleep, though sleep never came to him then; so he kept running. He ran and ran for a day, and full into the next, when he had tripped and fallen through a group of bushes into a cave, hidden behind them. Still unable to sleep, and sore from falling and being scratched badly by the bushes, he slowly limped through the dark cave until he came to the exit. It was then that he began to hear the music, slowly calling him forth from the cave and into the oddly lush valley.

The wolf woke with a start and fell off the bed, scrambling into a corner and curling up, hugging his knees to his chest as he started crying, thinking he had been caught again. His sudden fall caught the attention of the fox, who quickly ran into the room to find the wolf hiding in a corner.

"Don't...hurt me....please..." the wolf pleaded through short sobs, his ears lain back flat against his head and his tail held between his legs as he looked up at the fox in pure terror.

The fox's heart ached at the sight before him, and hearing what the wolf said, he slowly stepped forward while whispering "Hey....its alright, I'm not gunna hurt you, ok? You're safe here." Only to find the wolf pressing himself further into the corner as he approached, so he stopped and sighed deeply.

"W-who...are you? Why did you...bring me here...?" The wolf asked, still crying, though less then before.

The fox smiled warmly, trying to comfort the wolf in some way. "My name is Siek. I'm really sorry if I scared you...I just thought I should get you somewhere warmer then that glade so you didn't freeze to death." he said as he knelt down, staring at the floor between them.

"'re...not gunna to make me go back...are you?" The wolf asked in a pained voice, looking at Siek pleadingly.

"Go back where?" Siek asked in concern, looking up to meet the wolf's pleading eyes.

"Go" the wolf's words fell short as he began crying again, remembering all that happened to him before he ran away from his master.

Siek moved over to him and put his hands on the wolf's shoulders. "Its alright...I wont make you go back...wherever it is. You're safe now...ok? I won't hurt you and I won't make you go back." He said in a soothing voice. The wolf broke down then, and fell forward, hugging Siek and sobbing heavily into his chest-fur. Siek was shocked at first; but he soon started to gently rub the wolf's back in attempt to calm his fears, whispering "It's ok...everything's gunna be ok..." quietly into the wolf's ear as he sobbed. This went on for only a few minutes, until the wolf stopped sobbing and shaking, though Siek still continued to rub his back gently.

"I'm sorry..." the wolf said quietly.

"For what?" Siek asked curiously, looking down at the wolf leaning against him. When the wolf stayed silent, the fox picked him up as he slowly stood, and set him on the bed again. The wolf kept his ears lain back and looked at his hands on his knees. "You have nothing to be sorry for...not that I can see..." Siek said calmly, kneeling down in front of the wolf and looking up into his deep silver eyes.

The wolf just looked away. "Thank you for your kindness...I'll leave now...I-if you want me to..." he said slowly, though obviously not wanting to go.

" don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to...ok?" Siek said, reaching up to brush the tears from the wolf's cheek with the back of his hand.

"R-really? You mean, I can stay?" The wolf asked, quickly looking back at the fox and into his dark blue eyes questioningly.

"If you want does get kinda lonely here sometimes. I certainly wouldn't mind the company." Siek said, smiling when the wolf's face lit up. "What's your name?"

"M-my name...? It's Shade..." the wolf said, blushing slightly and looking away again.

"Well...Shade," Siek said with a slight grin at seeing the wolf's blush. "...are you hungry?" Shade nodded, though still looking away.

"Yeah...I haven't eaten anything in awhile..." Shade said quietly with a slight whine.

Siek smiled and stood, then held his hands out to the wolf to help him to his paws. "Well...I was about to make something before you woke up." He said as Shade took his paws and stood as well, following the fox out into the living room. "You just sit there on the couch and I'll make us some food, ok?" he said, leading Shade over to the couch.

"Ok...thanks." the wolf said, smiling as well and watching Siek as he walked into another room and disappeared for a moment, then re-emerged with a few slabs of meat and some kind of grill, which he set over the fire-pit. He carefully laid the meat on the grill over the fire, then turned around and walked over to the couch, sitting on the side opposite the wolf. Shade looked at Siek curiously, causing the fox to giggle slightly. "That's how you cook?" he asked curiously, indicating the grill and fire-pit.

"Yeah, what? You've never seen something like that before?" Siek asked, cocking his head to the side slightly as he looked at the wolf.

Shade shook his head and sighed. "Never really been aloud in a kitchen or anything, so..." He started blushing again as the fox continued to stare at him, flicking his tail into his lap and gently wringing it in his hands nervously.

"Hey...what happened to you anyway? How'd you end up in the glade?" Siek asked curiously, scooting a little closer to the wolf as he waited for an answer.

"I...uh...was running away..." Shade said nervously, looking at his hands again.

"Running away huh? From what?" Siek asked, turning and sitting on his knees on the couch, waiting patiently.

" master..." Shade said, ducking his head, his ears lain back.

Siek looked surprised. "You're a slave?" he said in a near whisper.

Shade nodded sadly and looked at Siek, tears forming in his eyes again. "You're not make me go back...are you? Y-you said you wouldn't..." he asked, obviously afraid again.

"No! I wont make you go back...I'm just, surprised is all...I never would have guessed..." Siek stopped in mid-sentence as Shade almost tackled him, hugging him tightly and pinning him against the couch.

"Thank you...I could never go back there....I'd kill myself if I had to go back there again..." he said, overjoyed that Siek wasn't making him go back. Shade started nuzzling Siek's chest as he hugged him, continually saying "Thank you..." as he did so.

"Whoa...ok, your welcome...heheh...but, you're gunna have to let me up...unless you like your steak burnt?" Siek said more then asked, giggling as Shade got up quickly, blushing and saying he was sorry again. "It's fine." Siek said, patting the wolf's shoulder lightly and getting up to flip the steaks using a set of tongs that were lying next to the fire-pit.

"Really...I'm sorry...I do that sometimes without even thinking..." Shade said, sighing. "It won't happen again...."

"Really, it's fine." Siek said, glancing back at the wolf for a moment and noticing, oddly for the first time, that he wasn't wearing anything. " can borrow some of my clothes if you want to...unless you're more comfortable wearing nothing but your fur?" he asked, grinning slightly as the wolf blushed deeply and curled up in the corner of the couch.

"That'd be great...if you really don't mind...I guess I lost mine when I fell into that cave..." Shade sighed.

Siek nodded and walked into his bedroom for a moment, searching through his dresser until he found a pair of shorts and a shirt that he thought might fit the wolf. He came back out and handed them to the wolf, then sat on the couch; absently watching as Shade got up and put the clothes on, the fox silently admiring his lithe form. Shade was of seemingly average height, around 5'11, and he was slightly muscular, not overly so that it stood out predominately, but enough that when he stretched or flexed, as when he pulled the shirt on over his head, it showed. Also, the crimson fur on his chest and belly extended to the wolf's inner thighs as well and even went up under his tail, as Siek noticed when the wolf bent down to pull the shorts on, unknowingly exposing himself as he did and giving the fox a very nice view. Siek quickly looked away when Shade turned and looked at him for a moment before he sat back down. Luckily for the fox, the wolf hadn't noticed he had been staring at him so blatantly.

"Thanks..." Shade said quietly.

" just go up and hug people without even thinking about it?" Siek asked, only half-serious.

Shade nodded though. "Yeah, sometimes...they either push me away, or hug back...though...I think I prefer it when they push me away..." he said, sighing quietly.

"Why?" Siek asked, not understanding.

"B-because...usually....if they hug back, I-it's because they want...something more..." Shade said quietly, staring blankly at the fire before them.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." Siek said, feeling slightly embarrassed now.

"I-its nothing..." Shade started to say, then stopped, ears lain back again.

"Huh?" Siek asked, looking at the wolf curiously.

"I'm sorry...I..." Shade sighed deeply.

"What is it...?" Siek asked as he moved slightly closer to the wolf.

Shade ducked his head. "I know...we just met and're really nice to me...and like you..." the wolf breathed deeply, forcing himself to look at the fox. "W-would you mind if I...stayed here with you for a while?"

"Oh...I um...Ahh!" Siek jumped up, quickly forgetting about what was being said as he realized their food was starting to burn. He grabbed a bucket of water and doused the fire, sighing, then grabbed a couple plates he had made and put the steaks on them; then walked over to a counter and grabbed a couple forks and knives that he had also made and put them on their plates as he walked back over to the couch and sat down again, handing the wolf a plate and smiling at him. "Enjoy...I hope it's not too burnt...eheh..."

Shade smiled back at the fox, though slightly saddened. "It's the best I've had in a long time...thank you Siek."

They ate mostly in silence, enjoying each other's company and the warm feeling of finally having some food in their bellies. The steak was a little burnt, but it was still tender in the middle, so it turned out rather well considering. When they were done, Siek took their plates and set them on the counter, then returned to sit on the couch.

"Thank you for the food really was good." Shade said almost shyly as he curled up in the corner of the couch contentedly.

Siek looked over at him and smiled. "Thank you...though, I wish it had turned out better...and I'm sorry it wasn't that much...I would have made more, but...I honestly don't have that much."

"Oh...don't worry about that. I'm just glad you took me in...I'd have starved, if not frozen to death out there if you hadn't of been so kind to me...I'm sorry I freaked out earlier..." Shade's voice trailed off slightly as he finished speaking.

"It's alright...I can understand the reason for it well enough." Siek said, sighing quietly and looking at the fire-pit.

"Hey...were you the one making that music I heard before I fell asleep?" Shade asked as he remembered what it sounded like, looking curiously at the fox, cocking his head to the side as he did.

Siek immediately blushed and scratched the back of his neck absently, looking at the couch between the two of them. "I uh...yeah....I guess so..." he said quietly, putting his hands in his lap.

"It was really beautiful..." Shade said, moving across the couch to sit closer to the fox, who looked up when he saw him. "I could barely believe that I was even hearing it, it was so beautiful..." he continued nearly in a whisper.

Siek blushed even more at hearing that, looking into the wolf's deep silver eyes and knowing that he was being entirely serious. He had no idea what to say to that though; nor, for that matter, what to do. He just sat there, staring at the wolf as his heart began to beat faster for a reason unknown to him.

"C-can I...? Can I stay here with you?" the wolf asked quietly, almost pleadingly. "I'll do whatever you want me to...anything...please?" he begged.

Siek sat there for a few moments, unable to say anything as he stared at the wolf. "Um...Y-yeah, you can stay..." he finally stuttered after a few minutes as the wolf started to slide back to the other side of the couch.

When he heard the fox say that, Shade struggled with himself not to tackle the fox again as he promised he wouldn't. Instead, he whispered "Thank you..." as he forced himself to settle down onto the couch again.

Siek could tell he was holding something back though, and he hated seeing the wolf in stress like that, so he took it upon himself and moved over to the wolf, hugging him loosely at first, then tightening his grip after the wolf wrapped his arms around his chest and hugged him back. "You're welcome...though, I don't want you thinking that you're a slave here too...ok? Cuz your not. Got it?" he whispered into the wolf's ear, and smiled when he nodded in return. "Good."

"Thank you so much Siek..." Shade said, burying his face in the fox's chest and nuzzling against him softly.

Siek smiled and gently rubbed the wolf's back. His heart started beating faster again as he slowly ran his hands up and down, feeling the soft fur and tense muscles beneath his shirt, and his breath caught when the wolf quietly moaned into his chest. He smiled to himself and pressed a little harder, massaging the wolf's back gently, and grinned slightly when he made him moan again. "A little tense are we?" Siek giggled quietly when Shade nodded, tightening his arms around the fox a little more. "Want me to rub your back for you?"

Shade looked up at him. "Aren't you already?"

"Heheh...yeah, I guess so..." Siek said quietly, then yawned and tried to stretch. "I'm gunna need to get some sleep mind?"

Shade blushed slightly and sat up, flicking his tail quickly into his lap as he did. "Sorry...yeah. Um...where am I going to sleep?" he asked, looking at the fox questioningly.

", can sleep out here if you want to..." Siek offered quietly, then added, slightly hesitantly "...or, you could sleep in my's big enough for both of us...I guess."

Shade shivered slightly. "Would you mind...? Seems a little cold out here..."

" can if you want. It would be warmer too I guess." Siek sighed quietly and stood up, facing away from the wolf, and walked slowly into his room. When he reached the doorway, he turned his head and looked at the wolf. "You coming?" he asked as he walked into the dark room.

Shade nodded, then got up, holding his tail in his hands in front of him as he walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed opposite where the fox was sitting. He stretched lithely and yawned, then looked back over at the fox, and saw he was taking off his shorts, his shirt already gone. The wolf swallowed hard and looked away, breathing deeply for a few moments, and then was startled and jumped slightly when the fox put a hand on his shoulder.

" really are tense..." Siek said after seeing him jump.

" if I take these off...? I'm kinda uncomfortable sleeping in clothes..." Shade mumbled quietly, still looking away.

"Sure...go ahead. Like I said, the bed is big enough..." Siek said before rolling back over to where he was, though already under the covers. He watched the wolf nod, panting slightly as he slowly took off the shirt and stood, slipping out of the shorts and quickly under the covers on his side of the bed, lying on his side and curling up slightly, facing away from the fox nervously. Siek sighed slightly and lied on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

Shade rolled over onto his other side, facing the fox. " really do want to thank you Siek..." he said in a very nervous voice.

" don't have to thank me Sh-..." Siek started to say, but the wolf cut him off.

"Maybe not...but...I want to." Shade said, moving a little closer, keeping his eyes locked on the fox's. "I...I can do a lot...whatever you need done..." he said as he slowly slid his hand over onto the fox's chest. Siek shivered as he did that, but didn't push him away, so he moved closer still until he was about a foot away from him.

Siek looked at him in surprise and shivered as the wolf slid his hand down his chest and over his belly, coming to rest just above his sheathe, stopped only by his fully erect vulpine shaft. The fox swallowed hard. "A-are...are you sure? You really don't have to..."

Shade giggled slightly and wrapped his hand around the fox's stiff cock, squeezing gently at its base just below the knot. "Seems like you want me to...and I certainly wouldn't mind..." his nervousness had disappeared completely in that moment as the fox murred deeply.

"O-ok...I-if you really w-want to..." Siek barely managed to stutter. Shade smiled broadly and moved closer, hugging the fox and practically lying on top of him, his own hard lupine cock being pressed between them as he did. Siek gasped when he did that, feeling the other male on top of him made him all the more aroused.

"I'll...take that as a...yes..." Siek said between breaths. Shade grinned and gently licked the tip of the fox's muzzle, then slowly slipped down under the covers until his muzzle was resting on the fox's belly. He hugged his waist tightly for a moment, causing the fox to moan, and then moved down a little further to lick the furred balls that were nestled gently between his legs, running his tongue over and around them for a moment, and then up Siek's sheathe slowly, making the fox moan again, though louder then before. Shade teased the fox's shaft, licking it gently then slipping his tongue down into its sheathe, the fox moaning and gasping every time the wolf moved his tongue even the slightest bit. From there, he very slowly licked up the length of the fox's cock, stopping as he got to its tip and taking the tip into his muzzle, suckling on it gently for a few moments and enjoying the fox's taste and scent, flicking his tongue out and licking at the now throbbing shaft every now and then before he slipped his muzzle down onto the length completely, taking all seven and a half inches of the throbbing fox-hood into his muzzle and throat. He sat there for a few minutes, his nose in the fox's crotch, breathing deeply of the musky scent and enjoying every second of having the fox's throbbing cock in his muzzle.

"Ohhhhhh!'re... gunna make me... cum...before you anything!" Siek moaned out loudly, managing to speak between gasps. He was gripping the bed-sheets tightly in his hands, his claws digging into the fabric and tearing it slightly. The wolf murred deeply, causing a shock of pleasure to run through the fox's body as his throat vibrated around his cock, and causing the fox's shaft to freely leak pre-cum down the wolf's throat. Shade moved a hand up and rested it on Siek's belly, gently rubbing and scritching at him while he moved his muzzle up the fox's shaft until only the tip was in his muzzle, then he slowly started back down again, pulling back up when his lips reached the fast growing knot, and continued this rhythm for a few minutes, slipping his other hand under the fox's tail, gently squeezing at his rump.

"I'm...nngh...gunna cum...soon...gah...really soon...Ahh!" Siek said, forcing himself to warn the wolf before he thrust up deep into his throat and moaned loudly, arching his back as his climax hit, and sending the first few of many waves straight down the wolf's throat before filling his muzzle completely with hot fox-cum. Trying his best to swallow everything the fox had to give, Shade kept his muzzle on the throbbing cock, swallowing as much and as quickly as he could; though some escaped his muzzle, dribbling down over his cheeks and lips, leaving white streaks in his silver fur. By the time it was over, Siek was panting heavily, his eyes closed and hands still gripping the sheets basking in the very warm afterglow of being sucked off for the first time in his life. The orgasm had lasted only thirty seconds or so, but it felt like he'd lost a few pounds from how much he'd shot into the wolf's very willing throat and muzzle.

When he finally gained enough ability to think, he realized that Shade was still down there, still holding the well-used cock in his muzzle, breathing heavily. " ok down there...?" Siek asked tiredly, receiving a low murr from the wolf in reply that sent a shiver of pleasure through his whole body as it vibrated around his still sensitive shaft. Siek gasped suddenly as the wolf pulled off his still hard shaft with a loud slurping sound and lied down on him, trapping the fox's cock between his chest and the fox's belly as he hugged the fox's waist tightly, nuzzling at his belly warmly. "That was...really great Shade...thank you..." Siek said, reaching down and gently rubbing the wolf's ears, eliciting a kind of purr from him.

"Glad you let me thank you now?" Shade asked, closing his eyes as the fox massaged his ears.

"Oh...definitely...that's the first time anyone's ever done that for me...and now I regret not doing it before!" Siek said with a slight chuckle. "But...what're we gunna do about yours? I can feel it still needs attention." he continued, indicating the warm hard shaft pressed against his leg.

"Mmmm...yeah...but, you don't have to do anything for me, I was thanking you...remember?" the wolf said with a slight sigh.

"Well...sure, I need to thank you for thanking me so generously." Siek said, giggling slightly.

"Heh...if you really want to..." the wolf said, sliding up the fox's body a little more so he could see his face, and in the process, pressing the tip of his cock against the underside of the fox's tail, bringing a slight gasp from him. "...but, how do you want to?" he asked quietly, looking up into Siek's dark blue eyes warmly.

" was thinking the same way you did...unless you have another idea?" the fox asked, still massaging Shade's ears gently.

"Have you ever done that to someone else before?" the wolf asked curiously.

"Yeah, actually...I have a couple of times....just, they never returned the 'favor'." Siek said with a sigh, remembering back a few years ago.

"Have you ever been mated before?" Shade asked, a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Do you mean...have I ever had a mate...or, have I ever had sex?" the fox asked in return in attempt to clarify.

"Both." Shade replied with a faint smile.

" mate. But...I have once...though I was on top. I've never been the bottom before..." Siek said quietly, blushing slightly.

"Oh...well, its up to you Siek. Do you want me in your muzzle, or under your tail?" the wolf asked, a slight grin suddenly gracing his muzzle.

Siek licked the wolf's nose, looking into his deep silver eyes and smiling warmly. "Well...that depends..." he said, blushing even more now.

"On what?" Shade asked curiously, lifting his hips and moving up Siek's body more until his cock touched the fox's, then relaxing and resting completely on top of him, murring quietly into his chest.

"Mmmm....on you..." Siek spoke quietly into the wolf's ear.

Shade looked up at him in slight surprise, cocking his head to the side with a questioning look in his eyes as he stared at Siek. "W-what do you mean Siek? Why does it...depend on me?"

"Well...I was...kinda hoping..." Siek started nervously, his heart rate quickening again as it had before. He sighed quietly and forced himself to continue. "I...I think I love you Shade. I w-want you to stay with, in this valley. I...I was hoping that you would be my mate...will you?" The fox was very nervous now, and seeing the wolf just lying there on top of him as he was made his need for that question to be answered all the more prominent. Tears suddenly filled Shade's eyes as he stared at Siek in shock, unable to think, or even move for that matter, because he was so overwhelmed after fully comprehending what the fox had just asked him. Siek watched the wolf in concern as he just lied there staring at him, tears slowly falling and soaking his cheek fur; his concern slowly turned into fear so he laid his head back against his pillows, looking up at the dark ceiling as tears filled in his eyes as well. "I...I'm sorry...I never sh...should have said...j-just forget I said anything...ok?"

"N-no..." the wolf whispered with a warm smile, finally regaining his voice.

"Please!...just forget it...please...?" Siek pleaded, closing his eyes tightly and turning his head to the side and unable to see the wolf's smile.

"I...cant forget it..." Shade whispered, lowering his head back down to the fox's chest and closing his eyes, hugging Siek warmly. Siek whined quietly as he felt the warmth of the wolf's still hard cock press against his sheathe, his own shaft having already slipped back into his sheathe after the angst he now felt took over. "I cant...because..." Shade took a deep, shuddering breath as he felt Siek lift his head up and look at him. "Because I would love for nothing else...then to stay here with you...and be your mate." he said happily as he pushed himself up onto his knees and looked down at Siek, now sitting in his lap, his tail wagging slightly and brushing against the fox's balls, unintentionally arousing him again.

Shade yelped as Siek suddenly pushed him backwards gently and out of his lap, then practically tackled him, pinning him back against the wall at the end of the bed before hugging him and kissing him deeply and passionately. When Siek broke the kiss, he growled shortly and asked with a slight whine "Why didn't you just say so you silly wolf? You had me really worried there for a minute!"

Shade giggled and brought the fox into a tight hug, nuzzling his cheek and neck lovingly. "Because I wasn't at all expecting you to ask me're so nice to me all the time and you've been taking care of me since you found me..." he sighed sadly then, before continuing. "I figured it was just to get me to do something for you...I'm sorry I thought that...its just, that's what everyone else always wanted...they figured if they were nice to me for a little while that I'd make them a good 'toy' when they needed me..." the wolf had stopped nuzzling by now and just pressed his muzzle into Siek's neck and shoulder as he hugged him.

"Awww....I'm so sorry. I'll never do that to you though...ok? I really do love you Shade." Siek softly and lovingly licked at the wolf's neck for a few moments, bringing a low murr from him as he started to nip at where he had licked.

" you too...Siek." Shade replied, followed by a loud gasp when Siek reached down, wrapping his hand around the wolf's cock and squeezing it.

"We cant forget about this..." Siek said playfully, giving the wolf's cock another gentle squeeze and slowly stroking him up then down, making him moan quietly.

"No...but, have you decided yet?"

"Yeah...I wanna suck you off..." Siek decided, looking down and seeing the wolf's shaft, knowing he needed to have his muzzle on it soon or he'd go crazy.

"Ok...but...I wanna go down on you again while you suck me off...ok?" Shade said quietly, grinning widely when Siek looked up at him suddenly.

"Really? But you just did!"

"I know...that's why I want to 'again'...silly fox!"

Siek immediately lied down on his back, pulling the wolf with him and into a very deep, passionate kiss that only served to arouse the both of them even more, their bellies coated in streaks of pre by the time Shade broke the kiss and slipped off the bed, moving around to where Siek's head was and crawling up over him until his crotch was even with the fox's head, and his muzzle was hovering just over Siek's cock. Both murred in pleasure as the other's hot breath washed over their sensitive shafts, then each simultaneously took the other's warm cock into their muzzles and moaned at both the sensation of having a cock in their muzzle, and pleasure of being inside the warm, wet muzzle of the other. They both felt as though they were in heaven then, and cared nothing about anything other then giving their lover the most pleasurable experience they had ever had.

It had only been a few minutes, but Shade could already feel his knot growing rapidly while Siek was sucking long and hard every time he started to pull out of the fox's muzzle, a loud slurping sound being made as he did, causing the wolf to moan out around the cock in his own muzzle whenever Siek sucked particularly hard. Each time he willingly submitted and let his hips drop down again, gently thrusting into the warm, slick muzzle as his cock was rapidly drawn back in with no resistance whatsoever. As this continued, he slowly bobbed his own muzzle up and down Siek's slick shaft in rhythm with his gentle thrusts, sucking hard when he pulled back as the fox did to his shaft when he raised his hips up, trying to create the same sensation as best he could, and being rewarded with low murrs and muffled gasps every so often. He could tell the fox was getting close again though, because each time he went back down on the slick cock, his lips pressed against a rapidly swelling knot. Taking the fox's cock completely into his muzzle and throat for the second time that night, Shade wrapped his lips around the base of the knot and gently pulled back up, sucking hard as he did and causing Siek to moan out loudly around his own shaft before the fox followed suit when Shade thrust down once more into his muzzle, allowing Siek to take him to the hilt and suck hard on his knot in return. The sensation of that was too much for the both of them; and, rolling onto their sides, they both hugged the others waist tightly, pulling the other's cock as deep into their muzzles as they could while arching their backs and cumming hard down the other's throat; quickly filling their muzzles to the brim. They drank deeply of each other's seed, keeping their muzzles shut tight and lips wrapped firmly around the other's knot as their climaxes ensued with such force that they couldn't breathe even if they wanted to.

Despite their best efforts, cum was still trickling out from between their lips and into each other's crotch fur by the time their orgasms slowly wore off. Easing their grips on the other's waist, they slowly pulled off each other's cock, breathing heavily and deeply as they regained their breath, bathing their still sensitive cocks in a warm, yet chilling breeze that sent shivers through both their bodies. Shade slowly and carefully flipped around and crawled up onto Siek's body, gently pressing his slick wet shaft into the fox's belly next to Siek's own shaft, encasing them both in the warmth of their furry bodies as Shade wrapped his arms around the fox's upper torso and hugged him tiredly, resting his head on the fox's chest just below his neck. They lay like that for half an hour, basking in the warmth of each other's body and the afterglow of what they had just done.

"That...was...amazing..." Siek said between breaths, finally regaining his voice as he wrapped his arms around his love.

" more that time...then you did last time...Siek." Shade said with a slight giggle, causing the fox to blush deeply.

"Well...what'd you expect? After treatment like that...I got a lot of cum down my throat too you silly wolf...don't forget that." Siek said with a faint chuckle as his breathing finally started to calm back to normal.

Shade nuzzled Siek's chest lovingly. " asked for it...didn't you?" he asked quietly, continuing to nuzzle the fox's furry chest.

"Heh...yeah, and I'm certainly not gunna complain." Siek looked down at the wolf and licked his ears once, causing him to look up at him. When he did, Siek pulled him into a deep and loving kiss, parting his lips and forcing his tongue into the wolf's muzzle, which was willingly accepted as Shade parted his lips too and pressed his tongue back against Siek's. They both murred quietly as their tongues fought for entrance into the other's muzzle, tasting their own seed once entrance was granted and licking all over. The kiss was only broken after Shade yawned, his muzzle opening wide as he did which made the fox giggle. "You must be tired huh?" he asked quietly after the wolf was finished yawning.

Shade nodded. "Yeah...sorry...but I'm really wore out now..." he said in an apologetic tone.

"Awww...its alright. I can kiss you all I want tomorrow right?" Siek said with a slight grin.

"Yeah, you sure can. In fact, you can do whatever you want to with me tomorrow. So long as this is my home and you are my mate, I'm yours to do with as you sexy fox you." Shade looked deep into Siek's eyes as he said that and watched as tears of pure joy filled them quickly.

Siek quickly pulled Shade into another deep kiss, though he kept it short in respect to the fact that he was also quite tired now. When he broke the kiss, he rolled Shade onto his side and snuggled up against him, his back against the wolf's chest, and pulled his arms around him. "I love you Shade..."

"I love you too Siek..." Shade said as he hugged the fox to him warmly after pulling the blankets up over them. "Sleep well...wake me up if you get up first ok? I don't wanna spend even a moment away from you."

Siek smile and nuzzled back against Shade's chest, hugging his arms to his own chest. "I will...I promise. See you in the morning. And you'd better wake me up too if you wake up first."

Shade giggled quietly and kissed the back of Siek's head. "Naw...I think I'll let you sleep....I just wont go anywhere if I do wake up, I'll just keep lying here and hold you in my arms until sleep fades from you and you wake up too."

"Heh...your so sweet...well...I hope you enjoy your new home. We'll be here for a very long time, I hope."

"Yeah, I hope so too... I'm certainly enjoying it so far... Night Siek."

"G'night very foxy wolf..." Siek mumbled the last part more to himself then to Shade, but the wolf heard him anyways and hugged him all the more lovingly because of it. They soon let the wonders of sleep overtake them, both dreaming beautiful dreams of each other, dreams filled with a certain music that made them feel like they were floating up in the clouds, together, for the entire night.


well, thats the first chapter. Lemme know what you think. Constructive critisism is appreciated. ^^