Niko's Unintentional Discovery

Story by nikoprower32 on SoFurry


#3 of The Reasons We Fight

Niko discovers Sapphire has powers as well

Niko started to glow a slight pink and when it dissipated, he woke up. He notices the gun in Sapphire's hand, and Sapphire quickly tosses it back under her bed as the G.U.N soldiers busted and opened fire. Niko waved his hand and the bullets disappeared. Sapphire noticed Niko was a lot braver than he usually was. Niko was usually timid and was always avoiding a fight if he could. However, the Niko in front of her seemed a lot more likely to fight. Niko turned his head and smirked and Sapphire noticed his eyes weren't the usual hazel, now they were an electric blue. He had also gained fangs that looked sharp enough to cut even the strongest of metals.

"I can take these clowns!" Niko said, a cocky tone in his voice. "Stand back!" Niko charged at the soldiers who were shooting at him mercilessly. He raised his index finger like a sword and pointed at the soldiers.

"Howling Wind Cuts!!" He shouted as he summoned gusts to cut the soldiers into diced chunks. Niko looked at his handiwork and smiled victoriously.

"Damn I rule!" He shouted as he turned to Sapphire who's shocked to see Niko do what he did. She had known he could project his thoughts, but being able to do that was new to her.

Sapphire slowly backed up. "What the hell, Niko, what the hell?" She placed her hand over her phone in caution. This would be a story for her boss.

Noticing her hand near the phone, he used his Electrokinesis to disable her phone and looked at her.

"This is what dad was trying to keep you or anyone else from seeing..." Niko said sadly. "I...I'm a Psi. We've known each other since birth and the only power you've ever seen is my mental projection. Haven't you ever wondered if i could do more?" She nods at this. Niko, knowing now he shouldn't have snuck out of his house, re-enables Sapphire's phone and sits down and looks at the floor.

"If you're going to call your boss, just do it now." He said with a heavy sigh. "I can't go home now. Tails will just lock me up with tighter security and prevent me from seeing you ever again. If I start wandering, I'll only get caught by the G.U.N." Niko begins to sob, but holds back his tears and stands up. "I have to confront my father. Will you come with me? To back up my story?"

"I don't know. You did kind of just literally rip some guys to shreds," Sapphire told Niko, pocketing her phone. "You've kept that from me for what? 18 years? How am I supposed to trust you? Especially since you just pulled something about love! Was that to get me weak?!"

Sapphire had never been forgiving. She was always on guard. She never let anything get by her. Niko had learned that the hard way. Not only that, but she had a temper that got her arrested once.

When she gets angry, she just loses it. And the result wasn't pretty. At this very moment, she was about to lose it.

"Give me one reason I can trust you after what just happened, and I'll back you up," Sapphire added, recollecting herself only a little.

Niko tried to try to come up with a reason Sapphire should trust him. However, after what he just pulled he couldn't even come up with one. Suddenly, Niko's psychic senses kicked in, causing his tail to stand up and twitch. Niko looked outside and noticed a sniper positioned fifty yards across from Sapphire's bedroom window, aims right at Sapphire. Niko noticed this and, as the shot fires, stands in front of her and takes the bullet. As he falls to the ground, he uses telekinesis to grab Sapphire's gun and shoots the sniper in the forehead. Niko falls to the ground and looks at Sapphire.

"Now do you trust me?" He asked bleeding heavily. "In case you weren't paying attention, I just took a bullet to the heart for you!" Niko, not wanting to get any further on his friend's bad side, which isn't a pretty one to begin with, he calmed down.

"I'm sorry, Sapph." Niko said cringing in pain. "Dad told me not to tell you...Tails said it would freak you and your parents out and you'd move away. Plus, our dads are business partners. Tails believes that their business would crumble if I used my he wanted me to practice control alone in his old lab. He doesn't know I'm in full control! He wants me to practice something I can already control fully. It's just that I fear I might harm those close to me. People like you. Please Sapphire? Understand that I hid my powers for your safety."

"No!" Sapphire yelled. "You played me like a fool, Niko! I can't believe you'd say all those things before when you had secrets! So what if our dads are business partners! That wouldn't have made a difference!"

"But-" Niko said before being silenced.

"Just shut up," Sapphire growled, carefully picking up Niko and putting him on her bed. Not skipping a beat, she grabbed a first aid kit from under her bed. She pulled some gauze out and applied pressure to his wound. "Do I need to call 911, or do you have some healing powers I should know about?" she snarled, though being serious. She didn't care if he just took a bullet for her, she could have taken it. Plus, she holds grudges.

Niko's psychic powers noticed Sapphire's anger, and he decided to do as she asked. However, Niko felt another feeling he never felt before. It was feeling that made him sick to his stomach. It was heartbreak and it was a feeling that he wished he never discovered. He truly loved Sapphire, but now she hated him...

"Just call Tails." Niko replied with a heartbroken tone in his voice. "He'll lock me away, but he'll know what to do."

"You're insane if you think I'm letting him lock you up," Sapphire replied, applying slightly more pressure. "I can call someone to help you." She may have been angry, but she wasn't stupid enough to let Mr. Prower lock Niko up for a stupid reason.

"Gah!" Niko screamed in pain. "Easy, will ya?" Suddenly, Niko's wound glows green and it heals up. Niko looks at Sapphire and notices her hands are glowing green. "Uh...Sapphire?" Niko said. "Your hands are glowing green."

Niko then realized something. He wasn't the only person who has special powers.

Niko's Revelation Part 1

Chapter 1 Niko's Revelation pt. 1 NIko walks to Sapphire's house, rehearsing what he's going to say to her. He had known Sapphire since they were old enough to say hi to each other. Over the years he fell in love with her and he wanted to tell her...



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