Character Intro - A Lazy Saturday Morning

Story by Serinthia Kelberry on SoFurry

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#2 of Serinthia & Friends Intros

A short character intro featuring a brother and sister pair, Timothy and Samantha Draftwood, who are quite a bit closer than brothers and sisters normally are. It's a lazy Saturday morning and discussing what's going on in their lives and what to do with the beautiful day outside.

Samantha's eyes opened very slowly as they caught sight of a thin sliver of morning sunlight breaking in between the heavy curtains pulled closed over the bedroom window. The bedroom was still mostly dark, save for that sliver of light and that of the green LEDs of the clock on the nightstand, showing it was still quite early in the day, barely past 7am. The apartment was silent from what she could hear, though she thought she could faintly hear the sound of the central air. Summers were warm even living in a part of the city near the coast as she did. The other sound she heard was one of the most welcome sounds in her world; the slow, gentle breathing of her twin brother Timothy as he dozed quietly next to her.

In fact, Samantha realized, he was still snuggled up against her body from behind, holding her close in his arms as he slept. Both were quite naked and she felt herself warm slightly as she felt certain parts of him pressing lightly against her lower back. There was no more perfect feeling, she thought, than being curled up like this in bed with the love of her life, even if that love was for her brother.

Fraternal twins, it had seemed to her that the two raccoons always went everywhere and did everything together growing up. It wasn't until they were around fourteen or so that she thought she might have a crush on her own brother. He was both smart and kind, and also confident in what he did even then...and he always cared for her above any other concern. By the time they were sixteen, she was sure she was in love with him in more than a sisterly way...and it was shortly before their seventeenth birthday that she finally confessed it to him, only to learn that he harbored a forbidden love for her as well. It would blossom into a sexual relationship soon after. Now, in their mid twenties, their love and passion showed no signs of slowing down.

Samantha snuggled a little deeper under the covers as she thought about it, finding herself quite content to stay there all least until her tummy rumbled slightly. She lay there a moment more, considering how best to extricate herself from her brother's embrace and get up without waking him, intent on letting him sleep a little longer while she got up to make breakfast. Using all her skill and patience, she wriggled very slightly, a little at a time, until she gently slid free of both her brother and the covers and stood up silently, before fetching her soft blue morning robe and heading downstairs.

She took a moment to pull open the curtains to get some more light downstairs before going to the kitchen and putting on the local public radio station before starting on breakfast. Digging out the ingredients, she settled on pancakes and sausage, an old favorite of theirs, and took her time whipping up the perfect batch. By a stroke of good timing, she heard her brother moving about upstairs just as she was assembling everything on plates and soon he came down stairs to join her. He came down wearing his own morning robe in a light shade of blue and headed right for his sister.

"Morning, Sis," he said, still somewhat sleepily as he slide his arms around her from behind as she stood at the counter. He drew her back against him and squeezed her warmly as he leaned in and kissed the side of her neck gently.

Samantha felt herself warm inside once more, so in love with her brother's touch and his scent and, well, everything about him. She turned around and embraced him fully, the two of them hugging warmly.

"Morning, you," she said sharing a quick kiss with him "How'd you sleep?"

"Excellently," Timothy replied "And not just because you were in bed with me."

He chuckled quietly as he gave her rear end a gentle pat before taking his plate of food to go sit down.

"Wrapping up my current software coding contract last night was a real load off," He said as he began eating. Samantha brought her food to the table to join him.

"I imagine," she replied sympathetically "I know you love writing code, dear brother, but still, you could use a week off."

"And I plan to spend all of it either on the couch or in my games," Timothy said happily.

"Really?" Samantha asked "You can't pry yourself away from your computer even when you're not working?"

"Well," Timothy said with a grin "Maybe with the right motivation."

"You're insatiable," Samantha said, laughing briefly as she finished eating.

"Oh, that reminds me," she said "Aunt Cass told me yesterday she's going to be working at her new shop out by the beach next week, and, instead of bringing in somebody from another shop, she's going to let me be in charge of the one downstairs."

"Oh hey, that's pretty sweet," Timothy said as he finished up as well "You must be doing really well for her to trust you with the whole store like that. You'll be a professional florist with your own flower shop in no time."

"I don't know about that," Samantha said, blushing slightly at the praise "I'm happy just being able to work in the shop with her and learn from her for now. Someday, though. Still, you're right. That is a lot of trust. She trusts both of us with so much."

It went unsaid that their Aunt Cassandra was one of only two people in the whole world who knew of the twins' incestuous secret, and was surprisingly supportive of it after she got over the initial shock. In fact, it often surprised the twins how supporting she was. Not everyone would be so understanding. Liberal as their area of the world was, there were some things that were still taboo...still forbidden. Their relationship was such a thing.

"So, for the here and now," Samantha continued "With my temporary promotion, and your temporary vacation, we should do something fun today to celebrate."

"I was thinking about that," Timothy said as he helped her clean up the dishes "and I was briefly tempted to stay home with you in bed all day loving you as only your big brother can..."

"You're only ten minutes older than me, smart-ass," Samantha shot back playfully.

Timothy laughed.

"Yes, little sister, I am," he said with a grin "I think instead, though, I really need to get out of the house. We both should. I don't think I've seen the light of day all week."

"Well it looks like a great day outside," Samantha said "New movies are open, or we could hit the mall..."

"Maybe a little of everything," Timothy countered "Movie, some lunch at the mall, and then maybe that family fun center with the arcade and the mini golf."

"That could work," Samantha said as they finished cleaning the dishes "maybe later on we could even hit The Gryphon's Den. I heard they're doing a retro music night tonight."

"Well it is fun to go out to the club now and then," Timothy said "Should we see if Serinthia is up for anything?"

Serinthia had been their best, most closest friend since middle school. She was also the other one of only two people who knew just how the twins felt about each other. Samantha nearly went to get her phone, but then she remembered.

"Actually, no," she said "She told me the other day she was working overtime this weekend on some big project for her company. No rest for the weary I guess."

"Ah well, another time then," Timothy said "For now I think we have a pretty full day, ourselves."

"Yeah, we should clean up and get going," Samantha replied.

"Works for me," Timothy said "You want to shower first or should I?"

Samantha smiled softly as a thought occurred to her. She went to slide her arms around her brother and hug close to him, looking up into his eyes.

"What's wrong with showering together?" she asked with an innocence both of them knew she didn't possess.

"Well, if we do that, it'll take longer," Timothy said as he drew her close, nuzzling her softly "and you know why."

"I'm sure we'll have time," Samantha said with a grin before pressing her muzzle to his and the two kissed long and deep, a flood of emotion and arousal building inside the two of them as they held each other close and shared the intimate moment.

"We'll make time," Timothy whispered once the kiss was broken.

He took her by the paw then and they went upstairs to begin their not-so-lazy Saturday.