A Tiberian Werewolf and his Pet

Story by ComradeSch on SoFurry

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I've been in the area for a while, as a representative of the local Ministry. The authoritarian taint, the will of my superiors, permits me to act on humans with impunity- I've probably become drunk with power. I have taken a human as a prisoner, without warrant or reason- But now that I have him, I have to do something, as I cannot simply leave him by himself.

He squirms in my chair, trapped in my quarters. I remove my cap, with a cigarette in my mouth, enjoying watching him struggle. I eventually get bored and walk over to him. He looks at me, his mouth covered. I take the cigarette and apply it to the gag, causing it to fall off. I stop any fire that might have started with my boot. "Well... Now, I have you. But what to do with you?" I chuckle and look him over before getting an idea. A painful, humiliating, yet somehow perfect idea. He remains silent and looks at me.

I lock the door and pull all the shades before heading back. "Well, I know what I'm going to do..." I remove my pants, revealing a rather substantial werewolf package and a nasty grin. He continues staring silently as I lift my tail and bare my ass at him. "Lick... You'll have more fun at the end." He blushes slightly. "Can't unless you bring it to me..." I press my ass against him, looking back maliciously. He feels my tailhole press against his nose. "Hgmnf..."

"Lick!" My package bumps against his tip. Reluctantly, he starts licking it, and I murr and start to lengthen. He keeps licking as I grind my ass on his nose and let his member poke out from under mine as I jack it off. He blushes and keeps licking, my scent on his nose, and I get painfully hard as I keep jacking him off, murring quietly. He moans softly and keeps licking, with an "Mmnnff" Coming from his mouth, his hot breath washing over me. My tail loops around his neck as I press right up against him, jacking him off rougher as he squirms a bit and keeps licking, realizing this won't be a one time thing. I dribble pre-cum as I jack him off as best as I can manage, wanting to bring about another rough play session... One that would be even more fun for me. A true guilty pleasure, one I can only dream of as he blushes and moans. "Ahnn... Mmmff..."

I keep jacking him off, waiting for him to cum before I really have my fun with him. As I think of it, he gasps and cums hard. I smile and get off him, grabbing him by the bonds on his wrists, hauling him to his feet and dragging him to the bed. He struggles a bit and grunts. "Nnnnhh..." I throw him on the bed, landing him on his back, and take off my shirt, revealing a nasty bite scar. "You see this? This is how I became what I am... And now..." He chuckled. "We can do this the painful way, where I do the same to you, or we do this the fun way, where I breed you like a little bitch." I have a look-over of my prey before removing my boots and getting on the bed. He grunts and closes his eyes. "E-either way will hurt... Mmm.. But maybe I'll enjoy the big bad wolf."

I could have sworn he just winked at me.

I put his legs on my back and looked at him. "I want you to look your master in the eyes... I want to see the look in your eyes while I fill you... I want to see the look in your eyes when you have the beast blood... And most of all, I want to hear your feral snarls as our superior blood boils through you!" He gulps, not getting it. "W-wha...?" "You'll get it..." I chuckle as I prod at his entrance, already posing a transfer risk, given my lycanthropy. He blushes. "O-oh my..." I gently slide in and out, starting to pleasure his insides... And making passing on my curse, at least to my knowledge, inevitable. He moans softly and grabs my ass. I thrust slowly at first, putting one large paw on his chest, and the other jacking him off. Normally, lycanthropy is best transferred this way.. He moans out, enjoying it immensely. "Ahhnn... Oohh..." I let out happy canine noises as I keep thrusting. He blushes and grunts. My huge tongue flops out as I enjoy this. He cums and collapses. I see hi cum, but as of now, I'm only about halfway there as he rests there, half conscious. I lick his face as I keep thrusting, feeling him loosen up a bit. He lays there unable to move. "Nnnhh... Hhnn..."

It takes me about ten minutes, but when I finally release, it's substantial even for a werewolf. He faints after our little play.


He wakes up completely normal, seeing me permanently in werewolf form. When he wakes up, it turns out I've been cuddling him, almost like a lover, in his sleep. He blushes and sees he's shackled to my bed. "H...Hi..." I wake up and look at him. "Have the gods forsaken my deeds..." I yawn and look right at him. "You should have changed... But you haven't." I close my eyes and mouth some words, evidently in prayer. He gulps and shivers. "Maybe I'm immune..." "Or maybe it's a sign... Look, lemme be straight with you... Ironic pun definitely not intended..." "Hmm? What do you mean? He chuckles and blushes. "The gods may have given you to me as a sign... Think about it. You're unconquerable by even our blessings the gods handed us... You may be equal in their eyes... As an act of humility... Remember what I did to you yesterday? Taking you as my own?" "Yes. I kinda liked it. Especially having your butt in my face." "Well... I want you to put your dick in my ass. And be rougher than any wolf ever could." I bare my ass and go red. He gulps and blushes darkly. "O...ok... Are you gonna let me go?" "No... I will give you the rank of Indentured Servant, though. You'll have more rights than a Slave, and can order them around. However, you'll be bound to me personally. You'll answer to me and only me." "O...Ok, m...Master." He gulps and nods. "What kind of servant?" "You'll serve me personally. It's a far greater honour to serve a master directly than to slave in a coal mine or the fields. You will receive pay, quarters and certain... Priviledges." He nods and blushes. "Yes, master..."

"So... Are you going to fuck me? Or gape at my ass?" I smirk. "Well master.. Seeing as I'm shackled to your bed.. Wouldn't it make more sense to ride me?" "I like your thinking... What was your name?" "M...Markos..." "Very well... Markos." I begin gently fondling his dick. He moans softly and blushes. "I rather enjoy your scent, master..." I chuckle. "I can smell you fifty thousand times better... And I love that scent." I wait until he's fully hard as he blushes darkly. Once I know he's hard, I slip down on it and kiss hia deeply, truly enjoying having someone to be intimate with. He closes my eyes, happily submitting to me. "Mmmhh..." "Mmmm... Not bad... Would have been better if you were a werewolf." I kiss deeply, letting my big tongue in his mouth. I pleasure him so well, he can't respond... He Just simply let me have my way. "Mmmm..."

I grab his hand and put it against my wolfhood. "Stroke me~" He starts stroking and moaning, wanting more of my ass. I moan and arch my back. "Keep doing that... That feels great!" He keeps stroking and moans out, getting close. I pant and yip, certainly having fun, but my knot can be seen, and isn't fully inflated, indicating about halfway to orgasm.

"You... You're about to-" I feel his seed inside me, and that just makes me murr louder and want more of him inside me. It also lubricates my insides, letting me ride him harder as his hand slips off my wolfhood, as he collapses in pleasure. I speed up as he moans out loudly, getting close again. "Gonna cum!" "You're..." I yap. "You're not alone!" By this point, I'm blurring over his hardened cock, and my knot expands fully as I suddenly feel his seed again, and that drives me over the edge, howling out as my wolfhood starts raining my wolfy seed onto both of us, striking him and sticking into my fur. I slow down and cuddle with him, unshackling him.

"Mmm... Markos... I love you..."