4 in the Morning

Story by snpbluefox on SoFurry

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4 in the Morning

By Bluefox

[insert standard warning], blah blah blah, this story is a little violent but oh well don't read it if you don't want to. It contains violent depiction of rape and death.

Noise endlessly echoed in the small bar, thick acrid smoke hung in the air. People mulled about drinking stouts of beer, playing pool and drunken guys hitting on females, trying trying their luck, not wanting to go home alone on a Saturday night.

"Hey barkeep, another round of shots for my friends here" Shouted a brown fox wearing a long trench-coat, sitting at a table with two of his buddies.

"OH YEAH! Travis your the best" An inebriated puma shouted, smacking the table with a paw "Why are you in such a good mood tonight?"

Travis smiled "Because my friend" He bent in close going into a whisper "It's just a good night, those pesky cops always try to find something on me but they cant catch me. Just tonight I heard 'em coming a mile away at this deal but I was gone by the time they entered the place."

"Ahh, you lucky bastard." The puma smiled taking a quick shot. "What's on the agenda tonight then?"

"Laying low, I'm going to stop selling for a month or two, I don't want another close call." He leaned back in his chair "So tonight is just for fun. We're gonna get drunk pick up a couple of cheap floozies and stay out of trouble for a bit, I'm paying since I'm in such a good mood."

"That's something I can drink too" The puma smiled.

The tinkling of a bell at the front door went unnoticed as a black fox, dark as the night, walked in through the front door. Deep thumping sounds emanated as heavy boots walked along the wooden floor, stopping near Travis's table.

"Hey Kid" A deep voice said, clearly audible even over the noise in the bar.

Travis's head fell back, eyes glazed over, looking at the black fox behind him. The figure wore a white t-shirt with a dark coat left hanging open; blue jeans hung loosely over his frame with heavy work boots covering his foot-paws. "Who are you? And why should I care?" He slurred out, the words words falling upon deaf ears.

The Fox grabbed the back of Travis's head slamming it forward into the table, glasses tinkled and fell over shattering on the floor. "Don't play games with me Travis. I could just as easily haul your sorry ass off to jail, but I need something"

"Oh" His ears perked up, squinting through the blurred vision and spinning earth. "I see Detective Clayton but I don't have what you need, I lost it all earlier in a raid by your comrades."

"Bullshit" He reached to the back of his belt, pushing the barrel of a gun into Travis's chest. "Now I know your always carrying. So you better give me what you have, understand B-A-I-T" He said tapping the gun into Travis's chest on each letter.

"Or else" Travis laughed "Can I call you Clay?" He pulled out a cigarette lighting it, taking a deep puff.

"No" He said with his mouth scowled up "What you can do is give me-"

"Clay" Travis cut him off "What are you going to do here, surrounded by all these people and the barkeep who probably already has a heater standing by?"

Clayton smiled grabbing the front of his t-shirt pulling him to his feet. "You choose the wrong bar then my friend, this bar is as back-alley as you can get, the patrons don't care what happens and the barkeeper is on my side. Right Moran?" He said over his shoulder

"Right Clay" The bear behind the counter smiled cleaning a shot glass.

"Now you two are going to leave this establishment" Clay pointed at the two quiet friends. "If you come back tonight ill make sure you spend the next couple of night in lock-up. You get me"

The two nodded, turning away as they walked towards the door. "HEY PRICKS! I bought your drinks and you repay me by walking out leaving me here!" Travis shouted

"Were associates not friends Travis, your not worth it" The puma walked out the door.

Clayton slammed the butt of the gun across Travis's face, blood dripping out of his nose. "Lets go out back, I'll make sure you know who is boss and who you don't lie to." He pushed Travis's back, keeping the gun pressed firmly against his spine.

The night was cool, a fine layer of mist hovered above the wet ground. Flashes of lighting lit up the darkened sky, thunder covered up the eerie silence of midnight. The backdoor to the tavern burst open, a body being pushed roughly onto the dirty ground filled with broken bottles and cigarette butts.

"So" Travis wheezed out pushing himself up "With that gun you have all the power, if you didn't have it could you really take me in a hand-to-hand fight"

"Yes I could but I'm not here to show my superiority over you, this all could have gone easily if you had just given me what I asked for"

"What this!" He reached into his pocket pulling out a small baggie with a white powder in it "This is nothing, barely enough to feel. You know I met you once before detective, I remember you being a good person. What happened?"

"That is non of your business" Clayton slashed the gun downwards "Shit happens, now throw that over here"

"Fine" he tossed the baggie on the ground near his feet "Now what? Are you gonna shoot me."

"Yes" A flash of lightning filled the sky, the gunshot drowned out by a crack of lightning.

Travis fell back, a wound in his right shoulder, blood seeping down his arm mixing with the water on the ground. His hand instinctively shot up, putting pressure on the bleeding hole. "Fuck" He screamed, writhing in pain on the ground.

Clayton reached down putting the baggie into his coat pocket, holstering the pistol, he picked up the used shell casing. Kneeling down beside the wounded drug dealer, prying the pain stricken limb from over the bleeding hole.

"Now if I ever see you again for any reason. I'll make you regret it, understand?" He slipped a thumb in the hole, moving it around, causing as much agony as possible.

"Ahh! Fuck...... yes!" His voice quivering, the pain arching through every synapse, his breathing becoming more ragged.

"Now, I suggest you get yourself to a hospital. At the rate your bleeding I could only imagine you have only an hour before you pass out. Don't make me regret not killing you, it would be easier to cover up your death if I kill you now. But I do have a soft side to my friend" He whispered, lightly slapping the pain ridden form on the cheek. He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it, smoke surrounding his face; Watching the slowly dieing man limp off down the alley.

The sounds of the bar filled the air as Clayton closed the back door. Taking the last puff on the cigarette, he put out the butt in an ashtray on the bar. "Hey Moran, let me get 3 shots of Jack and a pint of blue moon. Could you have Liz bring it to me, ill be in my usual spot."

"Sure thing" he grunted throwing a rag over his shoulder, diligently pouring out the shots.

Clayton sat down in a booth at the very back, hidden from view, only a small lamp lighting the table. He sat down taking out the baggie and pouring the cocain out on the hard wooden table, cutting it up into three lines. The familiar tapping of Liz's high heels could be heard coming closer. "MmMmm... there's my favorite bunny" he said winking at her "Want a line?"

"Not tonight hun, I got a long night and last time you got me to fucked up to do anything" She smiled putting the beer and shots onto the table "But if you need anything else, I'll be around" She turned around walking away, shaking her pert butt seductively at him.

"Ohh well" he thought "Can't win em all" He lowered his head down to the table, going back and forth over two lines quickly snorting them up. Rubbing his nose with a paw, snorting inwards to get all the little particles down. His head falling back against the wall with a content look on his face, looking up at the flickering light bulb. "Ohh shit"

Time seemed to slow down. the dust moving slowly in the air, watching it slowly fall from the ceiling as he slowly downed the pint. Time seemed flow again as a voice wafted through the air.

"Is this seat taken" The light airy voice of a female filled his ears, turning his head, blinking through teary eyes. A vixen with a very unusual fur pattern stared into his eyes. Her fur a dark emerald green color, a patch of white outlined what he could see of her chest. Wearing a very modest dress that seemed to outline her curves while not showing the goods. She looked young couldn't be more than 22 and to good looking to be hanging around a bar of this caliber..

"Of course not, young thing" He sat up downing two shots one after another, enjoying the strong bitter taste of the Jack.

She took a seat next to him, eying the line of coke and the other shot of jack. "Mind if I do a line" She smiled at him, rubbing her paw up his leg.

"'Course not, if you think you can handle it that is" He smiled enjoying her attention, most women try to avoid his gruff facade. While he doesn't actively look for women its nice when they make it so easy.

"It doesn't look like that much, doubt I'll feel anything from it" She leaned down the line disappearing from the table in an instant, she snorted reaching for the shot downing it even faster.

"D..amn" He stuttered "Surprising, you don't look like a women that could handle coke." He downed the rest of the pint of Blue Moon. "No offense o'course"

"I'm surprising in more ways than one" She leaned in kissing him firmly on the lips, holding it and swishing her tongue around lewdly in his mouth. Rubbing her paw along his leg, making his member stand in full salute.

He broke the kiss looking into her full eyes. "You look..." he trailed off watching her intently. Her fur pattern seemed to slowly shift from a dark green to a dirty muddy brown. Her face looked beat up, like she had done one too many "favors" for her fix. He blinked his eyes the women going back to the emerald goddess. "Nevermind" he whispered roughly grabbing the back of her head, his lips locking with hers in a sloppy kiss.

"Hey!" She shouted, smashing her elbow into his mouth knocking him back. The world went black for a second, shaking the cobwebs off he looked out over the table to see a brown vixen storming off towards the door shouting "Jerk, I was just looking for a good time. Your probably a wife beater too!" looking over her shoulder as she left the bar.

He looked at her face, it was a different one than the one he was just with but she was looking at him. A metallic handcuff was around his wrist, it was locked around a radiator. "What.." His head fell forward slamming on the table. A veil of darkness enveloped him.

Life moved quickly in the bar people moved in and out, the taps flowed freely and people looked happy. In the lonely corner sat the sleeping fox his head on the table. No one paid any heed not even noticing him. The bright halogen lights turned on and lit up the bar "Everyone it's 3am, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here!" Moran the barkeeper shouted amongst groans of patrons.

The light penetrated the the darkness surrounding Clayton "Oh ... shit" he groggily whispered, the world slowly spinning as the nights events slowly came back to him. He tried to stand up but the cuff around his wrist stopped him "Crap... forgot" He fumbled around in pockets with his free hand looking for the key. "Shit she must have stole it and my wallet is gone" He thought. "Hey Moran!" He shouted "Bring me some bolt cutters."

The barkeep slowly walked over smiling at the predicament his friend was in. "What happened got to close to a succubus?" He chortled out.

"H-A-H-A, very funny. Now if your done shitting yourself can you cut me loose?" The cutters broke the chain on a strong first strike. "I don't remember but I sure as hell am going to find out, and make whoever did this pay. Dearly" He laughed

"Well you owe me Thirty Bucks Mr. I-Got-Tricked-By-A-Women" Moran laughed spelling it out.

"Can you add it to my tab the bitch stole my wallet too"

"Sure thing you bring me enough business for me to cover this one time" Slapping Clayton hard on the back.

"Whatever" he sighed walking over to the door "I'll be back tomorrow night"

"Stay out of trouble my friend" Moran waved as the door closed.

Clayton walked briskly down the side walk, slapping his forehead with an open palm "Shit, shit,shit.. What happened" He breathed out deeply clearing his mind "Ok, lets think about this logically. I shot Travis and got my coke, check that happened. I snorted the coke, then that women. Who was she? I seem to remember her face." he sat down on a stone embankment lost in deep thought. "OK, I know it was a different girl that left than the one that sat down. That's right it was that female that lived behind my house that sat down, but when she left it was a brown vixen... No, they were the same person. It was defiantly that woman and I don't even know her name."

A wave of realization hit him. "God damn it, musta been some bad coke. He knew I was coming, did he also set up the women to rob me?" he shook his head "No he's not that smart, must have been chance that the women came when I was seeing things. Yes but it was defiantly that women I have seen from my back window, I could spot that fur pattern a mile away." He snicked walking down the empty street.

Thick sheets of rain started to fall, dimming out streetlights and obscuring the view of the empty street. Clayton walked slowly on the sidewalk jumping in and out of thought, enjoying the cool rain as it bounced off his jacket and wetting his fur. He stopped in front of a ranch style house with blue siding that ran the course of the house. "1515, that's her house. The woman at the bar, lives here with her mom" He whispered to no one, remembering how she was always nice to him teasing him from the window.

She would always be undressing when he cut the grass, making large motions unintentionally trying to get his attention as she changed clothes; Or when she just looked out from the deck, sipping a drink. Intently watching him with his shirt off as he did yard work sweating under the hot sun. He noticed every look, always with a smile on her face. He longed for her touch, knowing it could never work. Now she left the door wide open, robbing and humiliating him.

He noiselessly walked through the soggy ground, boots leaving a small impressions that quickly disappeared in the heavy rain. Running his paw along the brick side of the house, he came to the kitchen window. Peering inside the slightly ajar window it was dark, not a light was on but the blue glow of a smoke detector on the wall. He listened intently, not a sound emanated from the house.

The screen parted from top to bottom, the sharpened pocket knife easily cutting the thin metal stands. Pushing the slide locks on the inside, the screen easily pops out discarded in the pooling muddy water. He quietly pulls himself on the window sill, taking off his muddy boots and carefully sliding through the 4 inch window gap. His bare feet slid over the cold tile floor; water dripping from his coat making the only sound, leaving a small trail wherever he went. The brass handle to the garage felt cool in his hand, making a low click sound as it slowly opened. All the tools were scattered across a giant ply-wood table with nylon rope hanging on wall hooks. In a small red toolbox in the middle of the mess, the one fix all tool, duct tape also cutting a small length of rope from the wall.

The hollow wood steps creaked and groaned as Clayton made his way slowly and deliberately up. Keeping his ears up for any sound of movement. He paused at the top of the stairs looking left and right down the halls, two rooms on the left and one on the right. He crept to the one on the right first being closer. The door was slightly ajar, peering through the crack. A middle aged vixen laid on top of the covers, teal fur covered her visible body.

"Wrong one" he thought to himself a little disappointed. He made his way down the other hall, being careful not to drip on the floor. The door was wide open, the hardwood floor merged into soft carpet. The walls were adorned with pictures and little knick-knacks sat on selves as she lay sleeping in bed. A dark velvet nightgown hung loosely on her frame. The bed covers were messily bunched up as she slept spread out over the queen bed, he intently watched as her chest rose and fell rhythmically. Closing the thick wooden door, an audible click as he turned the lock closed.

Clayton's heart jumped a beat as the figure rolled over on the bed whispering "No, mo..." trailing off into silence. He dropped the rope to the ground, staring at her gentle curves. Gently lifting her nightgown up, exposing her stomach and her pink panties. Running his finger through that soo soft fur, like velvet, a scent like strawberries hung in the air. His hand fell lower rubbing her thigh, getting worked up just touching that body.

Her eyes shot open, seeing a shadow with a lustful look on it's face. "He..." a paw clamped down on her muzzle, forcefully holding her mouth closed.

"Shh" He brought a free hand to his mouth, "If your not quiet, I may have to hurt you" He whispered bringing the pocket knife to her throat. "Now I'm going to move my hand, If you don't keep that mouth closed. You'll regret it" He moved his paw from around her muzzle.

She instantly flailed her hands wildly in the air trying to scream "HE.." A fist quickly slammed across her face, the dull slapping sound filled the room, violently knocking her head to the side. Her eyes were closed and soft rhythmic breathing followed.

"See hun, you had to go and make it hard on yourself." He grabbed the duct tape from around the butt of his gun. Peeling off an end and tightly spinning the tape over her muzzle, leaving no space for her mouth to move. Her velvet fur being pressed down and pushed out of the way by the thick tape. He measured out another length of tape, tightly wrapping it around her wrists. Crawling on top of her, knees planted in the bed, his hips on top of hers.

Cool water soaked the bed and her fur where they touched. He lightly slapped her face. "Come on, wake up you cant sleep all night I'm here for some fun." She looked right into his eyes a deep sadness and fear gripped them, tears forming in the corners. "Oh, come on don't give me that look. You know you asked for it when you robbed me earlier tonight." She quickly shook her head back and forth. "Oh, no? I saw you earlier there's no denying it" He brought a fist up, slamming it into her stomach. She lurched upwards trying to roll over in pain but his hips held her down. "See now, don't make me do that again by trying to lie to me" He grinned cruelly.

He brought the knife to her quivering stomach. "Now if you're not a good girl, I just may have to start cutting and I wouldn't know when to stop. You don't want that now do you?" Her head shook back and forth. "Ok, then good" bringing the knife to the bottom of the nightgown, cutting it down the middle. It lightly fell open, exposing her body to the air. He ran his fingers over the top of her breasts. "You are fine my dear, You're just perfect" He whispered in her ear. Roughly fondling the nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, her body quivering under his rough cool touches coating her fur in a sheen of water.

His hand slowly traveled down her stomach slipping under her panties, rubbing over the sensitive little nub and playing with the outer petals. Her breathing deep as she's forced to breathe through the nose.

"So you like that" he whispered ever so quietly, a small amount of moisture covering his hand. "Here want a taste" Her head moving in vain as the sticky paw came close, the goo coating her nose and lips. "See it's not so bad" he dipped the two fingers in his mouth. "Hmm you taste like sweat, sweat honey." He moved down her body, slowly sliding down her pink panties exposing her sweet honeypot.

She shook her head, flailing her legs trying to avoid his agonizingly painful gazes. "Moe, pease stop" could be heard as she tried to talk through her gag. A wild kick catching the underside of his jaw.

An open handed slap echoed through the small room. "What did I say, now I have to cut this work of art." The tip of the knife rested on her inner thigh as he held her leg still with the other. "Now your not going to want to move hun, otherwise this will be a lot harder to do" The knife dipped in an inch as he slowly moved it up, crimson staining her fur dripping down to the white bedsheets as blood flowed from the gash. He pulled the dagger out, slapping the wound a few times with an open paw as the female beneath him cried and quivered in pain. He smiled, watching her roll around on the bed the fire burning even more in his loins.

"Now, I assume we wont have anymore interruptions" He rubbed his bloodstained hand over her face, cleaning his paw off. He took off his wet jacket throwing it to the ground, and unzipping his fly letting his strained penis out of it's confinement. "Now before we jump into the good stuff lets warm up a little shall we?" He rolled her over onto her stomach, lifting her butt into the air with knees on the back of hers making sure she couldn't move away.

"Ok this may hurt a little" He lined his shaft with her virgin butt, running his cock over the hole slowly teasing her. He drove his hips forward, painfully ramming his cock to the hilt in one smooth motion. Her body shook violently from the pain, vibrating against the cock jammed up her butt. Bliss crossed his face as he could feel her every motion, every breath. He dropped back violently thrusting the un-lubricated cock back and forth, a small dabble of blood rolled down her stomach. His breathing getting heavier and heavier, her tight pucker squeezing his thick penis.

She sobbed under the forceful thrusts, her anus on fire, every thrust intensifying the pain. The bed shook back and forth, the squeaking of the bed springs not making it past the thick wood door. He thrusted in one last time, the knot slipping into the over stretched virgin hole as he painted her bowels with ropes of cum. Collapsing on top of her, slowing moving the knot back and forth draining every last ounce of his seed into her bum.

"I know it was amazing, right?" he rhetorically said panting heavily. He put a hand on her butt pushing her forward, amidst her silent screams, pulling his knot out. The gaping hole leaking a crimson cum down her legs and up her stomach. She collapsed on the the bed sore and exhausted, arms slightly shaking with tear coated cheeks.

"Now you just stay there" He got up opening the window, lighting a smoke. He watched her body move up and down, the sheets covered in water and cum slowly dripping out of that used hole. The faint red glow of the cherry lighting the room eerily.

"You almost ready for round 2" He looked at the clock above her door 4:39 "Maybe 3 if were quick about it" he laughed taking the last puff from the smoke throwing it out the window. The bed squeaked as he laid down next to the girl passed out. "tisk tisk, not yet". Straddling her hips, he brought his paw down on her cheek again and again until her eyes opened. Her cheeks turning bright red under the constant abuse. He brought his mouth next to her ear whispering almost inaudibility "You cant sleep yet, there is still much more fun to bed had. Do we need another lesson"

She shook her head, deep eyes full of tears and sadness. Raising his fist he brought it down hard in the middle of her stomach causing a hissing of air to escape her nose, coughing into the duct tape gag. Opening his palm he slapped it across her face with all of his force, knocking her head violently to the side, expirating blood out of her nose.

Putting his hand around her throat, feeling the air move in an out slower and slower with the more pressure he put on. Moving his hips, the cock-head slowly parting the lovely petals as it inched it's way in. Pinching her nipple and squeezing the breast roughly as he hilted himself fully. The velvet walls messaging the full length of his cock, filling her completely. Sucking her nipples and slightly shifting, his cock engorged in pleasure. The girl closed her eyes too weak from the abuse to fight back.

"Ready?" He jack-hammered his hips back and forth cock slamming in and out of the tight hole. He put pressure on her throat cutting off her oxygen as she silently groaned, weakly flailing under his might. Driving in his cock all the way, he held it there. "I'm gonna make this last, I don't need to finish you off quite yet." He reached down rubbing her clit, she tensed up cumming. Her vaginal walls tightened around his cock almost like a vice, as cum flowed out onto the bedsheets. Her eyes closed, head falling back onto the pillows.

"Hey wake up" He slapped her already reddened face "I'll tell you when you can sleep" His cock slipped all the way out, only to pound back in an instant. The sound of his cock slipping into the wet hole filling the small room. He moaned increasing his speed, the pleasure of forcibly taking the girl he has long sought after, making his climax build-up faster.

"Ready .... for .... the... end" he panted through his thrusts. Driving his cock in as deep as it would go knotting her, pleasure flowing through him as cum painted her inner most depths. He fell on top of her, head resting on her shoulder. Panting trying to catch a breath.

A light came under the door as the hallway light was turned on. His heart jumped a beat as a light tapping was heard coming closer. He brought the pocket knife to her throat, covering her nose with the other cutting off her oxygen so she would listen. "Now don't say a word or do anything." He split his fingers letting her breath. The tapping went down the stairs, the garage door opening made the ground vibrate. The garage closed again as the car drove off down the street.

"well it seems your mom left I guess you don't need this anymore" He cut the tape at the corner of her mouth, peeling it off and ripping hairs, as he wound it off.

"Your sick" she said through a blood filled mouth. Coughing trying to clear her mouth.

He put his hand on her side rolling her off the bed, a dull thump sounded as she hit the floor. He put his back against the headboard, lighting another cigarette. "No, you did it to yourself. I'm not a person to jack around with, I take what I want when I want." He puffed out a long steam of smoke.

"Not when I tell the police" Struggling against the bond on her hands.

"Ohh, I am the police hun. Who says I'll even give you the chance" He took a last puff throwing the smoke at her. The cherry singed her fur, burning the delicate skin beneath. "That hurts you fucker"

"And what I haven't done to you already didn't?, To me your just a thing you're pain means nothing. Everyone needs something to fear and I'm the person to fear." he zipped up his pants. "Now comes the question, what should I do with you? Should I just let you go on about your life or are you going to go to the police and should I kill you now?" He rhetorically asked "Let me think about it on the toilet" He opened the door walking to the bathroom straight across from her room. Leaving the door open as he emptied his bladder into the open toilet. "You know, We need to do this mor.."

She quickly tried to run down the hall, her paws slipping on the smooth wood floor.

"HEY!" He dove out of the bathroom grabbing her ankle. She fell flat on her face, a small pool of blood pooling on the floor. "Ok, I guess you made the choice rather easy." He dragged her back into the room as she clawed at the hardwood floor. Grabbing the rope off the floor, he ripped her head up by her hair showing her the knotted rope.

"No please... I'm sorry" She whispered shaking her head back and forth.

He laid it around her neck tying a knot at her throat. "Lets go" He pulled the rope as it tightened dragging her along the floor, pressure cutting off her breathing. Tying the other end to the banister.

"STOP!" she screamed her bound hands attacking the rope.

"You made your decision my dear" he strongly lifter her up, setting her butt on the banister.

"Please, please ill do anything" Her sobbing tear filled eyes full of sadness.

"Sorry" He pushed her chest, time seemed to flow in slow motion as she fell. Her hands weakly scraping at the banister as it slipped out of her grip. The rope going taut, her neck making a sick snapping sound. Life slowly leaving her body as her breathing slowed.

He watched her body slowly swinging back and forth, her struggling coming to a stop. "Ok, time to get to work" He walked down to the kitchen opening the cabinet underneath the sink, taking out a jug of bleach. Splashing it over the window sill where he came in, spilling it over the wood floors where we walked. Pouring it down the stairwell and over the bed covering and destroying evidence he might have left behind. He stopped in front of her body, it's eyes cold and dark, cum slowly dripping from her used holes.

"Sorry to ruin that nice body of yours but people die everyday you'll just be another statistic." He bought the jug over her head, watching it slowly cascade down her body. A final splash over her sex organs, the bleach covering and destroying what evidence he may have left behind.

"Well you've been sweet honey but I have to go." Grabbing a paper towel, he opened the back door, closing it as he left throwing the empty bleach bottle into a yard 2 houses down. Jumping over the back gate into his backyard leaving the nights enjoyments behind him.