A new friend

Story by amber_bunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Friends and enemies

Here begins a small series of ventures into unknown territory for me, so if my next however many stories aren't the greatest, I suppose that would be why. This and the other series coming up are particularly different for me in overall theme, but I've been enjoying planning them out while my computer's been getting fixed, so hopefully they'll turn out as well as I've been imagining them. Granted, my main problem now is coming up with enough names for all of the characters within them...seriously, I'm considering buying one of those baby name books just for that sake... >.<;

Since I'm not completely sure I know what I'm doing, and am still slightly uncomfortable with this type of story, any comments and the like would be appreciated. Otherwise, as usual, enjoy =^.^=

"Come now...must we go through this every night?"

"Ha...what's that supposed to mean, that I'm supposed to just let you get away with anything?"

The scene was nothing particularly special for those watching, though it was always interesting enough for a crowd to gather in a wide berth around the two that were currently having a mild argument. The usual superhero/villain conflict that of course, in the end, would result in the hero emerging triumphant while the villain was locked up, fled, etc.

The superhero in question was a girl who appeared seventeen years old, a mink with pure white fur along most of her body while her short hair and long, bushy tail were a shiny golden color. Her tight white outfit, covering everything but her arms and head, left honestly little to the imagination, with a modest bust and tight rear, and had a golden stripe on each side from her ankles to curve around ending around her collar bone, the points of the two lines almost meeting there. Naturally, on her face she wore a golden mask that hid the area around her eyes, with a white film over the eyes that she could see through. It was anyone's guess as to how such a small covering could actually successfully hide one's identity, or similarly how removing one's glasses could make one apparently unrecognizable to those that know or have seen them, but that, I suppose, is besides the point. Cosmic forces and plot devices and the like, undoubtedly.

The villain, however, was much more thorough about hiding their appearance. Clad fully in black, devilish armor streaked in some areas with red, the feet and fingers ending in sharp points, they were definitely an imposing sight, and the fact that they were hovering in the air helped that point along further.

"Honestly, I have to think you're attracted to me. I'd be willing to bet I can make an appearance in the middle of nowhere, with only one person around to see it, and you'd waste little time in showing up," the armored figure said amusedly, their voice deep and dark, muffled somewhat by the face-plate of the armor.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," the mink, her voice much lighter, said with a light smirk, allowing the villain's words to roll right off of her. "Any time you try anything, I'll be around to stop you, I guarantee it."

"Really now? Hm...I suppose I'll just have to see about that, won't I..." the villain said with a dark chuckle, his arms remaining crossed in front of him, as if he never had much of a care for what was happening right now. "Enjoy your little ‘victory' for now, because I assure you it won't last long." With that, a cloak of shadows suddenly appeared around him, hiding him from view briefly until it passed, at which point he'd disappeared and the crowd around the area cheered for their hero's victory.

"Hmph...yeah, we'll see..." the mink said quietly, disappearing herself in a burst of white light.

The next day saw Kara Starr beginning her first day of junior year in high school, the first thought on her mind being that she was now officially just beyond the halfway point of her days as a high schooler. She was popular enough, and received a few greetings within the hallways from those that knew or knew of her, before she came to homeroom for the first day, to ‘acclimate the students back to the school'. Of course, that really meant to get those that were slacking around over the summer booted back into their studies, but at least she'd have someone she knew around.

Taking her usual spot at a table near the back of the class, the mink, wearing a light blue t-shirt and darker blue shorts, watched the door for a familiar face to arrive, soon waving over a tabby cat. The friend had light gray fur striped with darker grey, and light brown eyes, and was wearing a similar outfit to the mink, only with a white t-shirt instead. Smiling and waving back, the feline went over to take the seat next to the mink, grunting a little as she removed her backpack from her shoulders, placing it on the floor next to the seat.

"Man...I can't wait to get out of high school and finally be rid of these ridiculously heavy books..." the feline complained.

"Yeah, me too...I wonder how many people will collapse from the weight this year," the mink joked, and they both giggled, though it did have its truth. A few people the previous year had actually eventually collapsed from the heavy books weighing down their backpack, and had fortunately been quickly assisted by a passerby, who would of course make the common suggestion of leaving some of the books in their locker, only for the one being helped to complain that their locker was too far away from their classes.

"Alright, everyone, settle down," the teacher, a tall male wolf, said quite unnecessarily as he walked into the room, some of the class having only been chatting quietly amongst each other in a few small groups, the tabby cat and mink only one of them. Many of the students often said that he didn't want to be there, and the tired tone in his voice only helped along that rumor. "Welcome to junior year of high school, students, as usual behave yourselves and make sure to get your work in and on time. This isn't summer any more, I'm afraid. Oh, and we have a new student starting this year, so if you could come in please," he said as he sat at his desk, directing the last statement to the door.

Receiving the cue, said student walked through the door only to quickly gain the eyes of a few of the students throughout the room, including the tabby's. She was a black bat with a crown of medium-length red hair that fell over part of her right eye, her wings folded against her back and the dark purple vest she was wearing, her bottom half covered by a black skirt that ran about halfway down her thighs, just enough, apparently, to keep within the school's dress code regulations. A small hint of a pair of fangs could be seen between her lips, and her light red eyes showed a small glint of rebellious nature, assisted perhaps by the thin chain bracelet she wore around her left wrist, an emerald charm in the shape of a bat dangling from it.

"Hey everyone, my name's Luca, hope to get along well enough here," she said, her voice a little rough, giving a small bow and ever-so-briefly catching the tabby's eyes in her own, the feline blushing very softly and glancing slowly away. Another pair of eyes she briefly caught were the mink's, who blinked, mentally shrugging off the look as she saw the bat's eyes sweep over the rest of the room as quickly as they'd met her eyes.

"Alright then, take a seat anywhere you like and wait for the bell for the first actual class period to ring," the wolf said lazily, glancing passively, perhaps longingly, out the window, leaving the students to continue the conversations they'd temporarily halted for his, and Luca's, arrival.

Seeming to think over it for a moment, the bat shrugged and hooked her thumbs in the top of her skirt, walking toward the table in the back of the room where the mink and tabby cat were sitting, going back to complaining about the weight of the books they'd been given.

"Plenty of room here, it looks like," the bat simply said, pulling out a seat across from the two and sitting leisurely down in it. "So...your names?"

"Kara..." the mink said quietly with a light, but brief, glare toward the bat that had joined them without a care.

"I'm Tara..." the tabby said somewhat timidly, glancing over to the bat for a few moments, who blinked.

"Kara and Tara, huh? Heh...no wonder you two seem to be friends," Luca joked, she and Tara sharing a small giggle, Kara unable to help but join them.

After that meeting, Kara seemed to make it a point to avoid the bat, and kept Tara away from her as well, though never told her that. Not that it was overly difficult, given that Tara, a lesbian as Kara knew, though the point had never been brought up more than once, spent most of the time she wasn't spending with Kara or at home with her family with her girlfriend, a cheetah who was now a senior, and would thus be graduating a year ahead of the two.

She couldn't help but see the bat around on occasion, however, and even hear about her sometimes. The girl was certainly becoming popular around the school, though she supposed girls like that didn't have a very hard time of it. It wasn't until volleyball started somewhat later in the year that she began to see more of the bat.

Joining the volleyball team as usual, their spots as regulars guaranteed and thus taking the time they would go to the tryouts to relax elsewhere, Kara and Tara showed up to the first official practice after it seemed half the team was already there, looking around at any new and old faces, one in particular being quite unexpected.

Luca, the bat, had apparently made her way onto the team. She was thin, maybe a little thinner than Kara, but she did have that certain look of an athlete, the mink supposed, and gave a nod in greeting as the bat waved over to them.

"Alright everyone, get in your positions. Blue team one side, green team the other side," the coach, a large brown bear, spoke in their usual loud voice, and Kara, blue, and Tara, green, waved to each other as they parted ways. "Remember the rules, everyone, and play hard or I can't guarantee you'll play in the games. Now serve!" the coach called out, and the practice game started, the coach's method of making sure the regulars were in shape and the newcomers could play properly as a team with who they were grouped with.

The practice game went well enough, to the point where it was 6-4, blue team's lead and serve for the possible victory, then an incident occurred.

Giving a light smirk and seizing what she saw as an opportunity, Luca jumped for a high ball, a strong flap of her suddenly unfolded wings carrying her up high enough to spike the ball into an open space on the other team's side, who couldn't quite make it in time despite one of the player's diving.

"Hey! No wings!" the coach shouted, some of the players wincing at the further increased volume of his deep voice, and the shrill whistle that he blew a moment after his shouting. "Pull anything like that again, and I'm pulling you, got that? Green team's serve!"

"Sure thing, coach," Luca nodded, that light smirk still on her face, oblivious to a glare from the mink.

Having been given further reason to avoid the bat, Kara made a point to ignore Luca whenever she tried to talk to her in practice, otherwise making sure not to see her anywhere, though the bat didn't seem to mind the cold treatment at all. Two weeks passed, and it came time for their first game, and the deciding moment when everyone would see who would play regularly.

"We're both in! Excellent!" Tara said cheerfully, looking over the list she'd looked up in the library during free time, joined by the mink, giving a smile that faltered for a moment at an unexpected sight. Kara's own name was top of the list, followed by Tara two names down, then the sixth name, the final name for the starting line-up, was noticed by her. Luca. Plain as day, despite that stunt in the first practice.

‘Well, this should be interesting...' she thought, hoping for the team's sake, since Luca, she had to admit, was a good player, that nothing like that would happen in the game. Not that it would be all that bad...there were other good players on the roster, and being rid of the bat would be a welcome thing for her.

The actual day of the game passed for the mink with some anxiety, nervous for what her and her team's performance would be like in the game, and what would happen with the bat. Joining the rest of the team in the bus that would take them to the school whose team they were playing, she took her usual seat in the back, joined by Tara and, one seat in front of them, Luca, still unnaturally persistent in hanging around.

"Hey, good luck, both of ya," Luca said, leaning back leisurely in her seat and glancing out the window, giving a thumbs-up to the two behind them.

"Hehe, thanks..." Tara said, seeming to avoid looking at the bat.

"Yeah...just don't get in trouble," Kara said quietly as the bus began to move forward, receiving an amused scoff from Luca.

The game, fortunately, passed most of the way without incident, the opposing school proving to have a tough team to face, and the starting six, including Kara, Tara, and Luca, not once switched out. After a series of back-and-forth serving opportunities, the score eventually came to 6-4, the trio's team leading with the serve for the victory attempt. Back and forth the ball went, a few spikes attempted and cut off, until a high ball came up toward Luca, and the world seemed to move in slow motion for Kara as the bat set herself to jump.

Not wanting to watch but unable to look away for fear that she might have a ball to recover, or a teammate to restrain, the mink kept her eyes shifting between the ball and the bat, expecting at any moment for those wings to unfold, but that dreaded moment never came. Instead, Luca winked over to her and waited for the ball to come within her range, jumping and pulling her arm back as if to spike the ball, one of the members of the opposing team already reacting and jumping as well, raising their arms into the probable path of the ball. But the spike never came, at least from Luca...acting almost on instinct, Kara closed the small distance between herself and the net, time still moving slowly as she jumped to meet the ball that Luca butted with her other fist in her direction, bringing her hand down swiftly as the other team began to react to send the ball between the one that had attempted to cut off a spike from Luca and the one coming up to try and stop a spike from her, the ball colliding solidly with the floor and bouncing off past the back line of the opposing team. As both bat and mink landed, the buzzer went off to signal the point, and thus the end of the game, met with a sudden, loud cheer from the side of their supporters.

"Valley High wins! A feint from Luca and a spike from Kara has gotten them the victory point!" the announcer for the game shouted excitedly, their microphone-amplified voice making its way over the noise of the crowd to successfully reach everyone's ears.

"We won! We completely won!" the mink cheered as the team reached the locker room after the game, everyone tired, whether from physical exhaustion on the part of the six that played or anxiety on the part of those that sat out this game. Rushing around cheerfully, forgetting any exhaustion she had, she went to hug everyone on the team, starting with Tara and working around the room. Forgetting her distaste for the bat for the excitement of the victory and that last play she'd pulled off, she even hugged Luca...or went to, at least.

Not catching that small, devious smirk anywhere near in time, or the fact that the bat had been watching her, the mink rushed over finally to the bat, cheering "That was great!" on the way, her arms open to quickly wrap around the bat in a tight hug, the bat's arms coming to wrap around her in a gentler grip.

It was a moment later that she realized that the bat was kissing her. Deeply.

Another moment passed and she began to close her eyes, returning the bat's kiss just as deeply, her arms still tightly wound around the bat's neck.

A final moment passed, triggered by the feeling of the bat's tongue beginning to slip into her mouth, when she realized what was happening, where she was, and who was around, and she quickly pulled back, blushing heavily, the locker room in complete silence as the team couldn't help but look on, some, particularly Tara, blushing as well.

"Um...g...good game..." Kara said quietly, walking quickly over to her locker to gather her clothes, all desire to change into them and reveal any part of herself in the act completely gone. Keeping her eyes focused only on her possessions, she could hear activity resume in the locker room, getting up after a short while to walk out and back to the bus with everyone else, making sure to get on the bus before Luca and keeping her eyes firmly locked out the window, as far away from the bat as she was sure she could get them.

"So, where to, then? The usual place?" Tara asked as she got off the bus alongside Kara, wandering somewhat aimlessly down the sidewalk away from the school, the incident in the locker room eventually forgotten during the bus trip, though Kara had still kept her eyes or attention from going anywhere near Luca.

"Sounds good to me, I could certainly use something to eat...I swear, these school lunches could do to be a lot more filling," Kara said, and they both giggled, still more complaints about high school life.

Wandering along the sidewalk now with a destination in mind, they came to the restaurant they usually went to after games, waiting a short while to get a table and ordering a water each, their conversation turning from school lunches forward to the day's game.

"I still almost can't believe we won, though..." Tara eventually said, both girls having ordered fish and chips from the waiter moments earlier.

"Well, we have a pretty good team, so why's it such a surprise?" a familiar voice spoke out, and the girls looked over to see the bat directed to a table. Their table, apparently. "Hope ya don't mind, saw you two in here when I came in and told the guy at the front that I knew you," Luca said, settling into a chair in her usual fashion, the somewhat small circular table having four chairs around it and the bat choosing, out of the two possibilities, the one next to Tara.

Kara's first thought was that the bat was staying away from her, but given Luca's personality, that didn't seem likely at all. Just a random choice between the two chairs, she figured, but she couldn't help but notice Tara's tail begin to wave around contentedly behind her as the tabby glanced briefly over to the bat. It took everything she had to openly remind Tara that she already had a girlfriend, but that would involve revealing that the feline was lesbian, which would likely only serve to draw the bat toward her.

Instead, she decided to play it calmly and let the bat stick around, at least for now, instead of the rather more appealing choice of pushing her away. Perhaps physically. "So what are you doing around here, anyway?" she said, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Me? Grabbing a bite, I guess. Found this place around when I moved here and I've been coming here a lot since then. Ain't that right?" Luca replied, directing the last question toward a passing waiter, who nodded.

"Oh...alright then," Kara said, giving a small nod, her suspicion steadily subsiding.

"So how about you two? Haven't seen either of you in here before."

"We usually come here after we win, kind of a tradition with us..." Tara said, her voice becoming timid as it usually seemed to when Luca was around.

"Huh...sounds cool. Well, I'm on the team, too, so I hope it's a tradition I can join in on?" the bat smiled hopefully, shifting her eyes occasionally between the two.

"Um...up to you, I guess," Kara said, looking to Tara. She wanted to flat-out say ‘no! now stay away!', but that seemed rather distasteful, despite what happened not all that long ago.

"I guess it's alright, might be nice having a third person around," Tara nodded, smiling a little.

"Perfect," the bat smiled, her two fangs revealed a bit more than they usually were within it. "If we're coming here after we win, then I guess we'll have to win a lot, this place has some pretty good stuff."

"Yeah, that's definitely true," Kara said, finding herself beginning to warm up to the bat, at least a little. She'd still have to talk to her sometime, in private, about what happened in the locker room, though, explain to her that she wasn't...like that. Something that probably wouldn't be easy since she had kissed the bat back, despite how much she hated to admit that fact.

With that, the waiter brought over a plate of food for each of them, fish and chips for Tara and Kara while Luca had apparently ordered a large fruit salad on her way to the table. The conversation forgotten as they all ate, the waiter came over to gather their plates once they were finished, offering a look at the dessert menu.

"Come on, why not? We just won our first game of the season, against the school I hear is our rival school, so we should indulge ourselves," Luca suggested, and the other two nodded, none of the three needing a look at the dessert menu after how many times they'd each been there. A chocolate sundae for Kara and Luca and caramel for Tara was brought to them not long afterward, and they each sighed in relief as they downed their desserts, all three only too happy for the refreshingly cold ice cream after the tough game earlier.

"Well, I guess I should be getting home. See ya ‘round," Luca said, waving to both of them as she wandered off, all three having paid for their meals by that point.

"Yeah, it's getting kind of late, we should probably be getting home too," Tara suggested, met with a nod from Kara, and the two got out of their seats and stretched a little, waving each other off as they went opposite ways down the sidewalk.

Walking calmly down the empty sidewalk lit by occasional streetlights, a little surprised at the complete lack of traffic down the street at that moment, Tara couldn't help but shiver lightly, stopping to scan around the area for a moment before continuing on, gasping in surprise as she was suddenly grabbed from behind, a surprisingly gentle grip around her stomach. Looking down quickly, she blinked as she noticed something familiar on the left wrist of the one that had ambushed her: an emerald bat glinting in the light.

"L...Luca?" she asked, the nervousness she usually felt around the bat beginning to well up in her, further increased by the memory of the sudden, surprise kiss earlier that day in the locker room that Luca had given Kara.

"What, not going to fight back or anything? I'm sure you remember what happened earlier, and it's not like you really know me all that well...for all you know, I could be one of those people that ambushes girls like you in the night, people you should fight against with everything you've got..." the bat said quietly, straight into one of the feline's pointed ears, which twitched a little under the breath on it.

"Y...I...what?" Tara stammered, not sure how to react to that. She did, indeed, remember that event quite vividly...remember how she would've loved that to be her...

Cut off from those thoughts, she noticed the bat's hands shifting slowly up her stomach, eliciting a small purr from the feline, who watched them somewhat intently. When those hands reached a point dangerously close to her breasts, however, they left her stomach and sight.

"You wanted that...to be you, right?" Luca whispered into her ear, and Tara nodded slowly, a light pink tint appearing on her cheeks. "Don't think I haven't noticed you, how nervous you've always seemed to be around me and nobody else...how you look at me, or don't look at me...even that first day, when I was brought in front of the class, when our eyes met..."

"I-I...I have a boy..." Tara started, cut off by the bat's hand suddenly appearing over her mouth for a few moments.

"Boyfriend, you say? Sure you don't mean...girlfriend? I have seen you around with that cheetah, you know..."

Blushing further, Tara turned around, backing away from the bat a few steps, her eyes showing a little conviction as she spoke. "I...I do have a girlfriend, and I'm not a cheater, so you'll have to find someone else..."

"Sure about that?" Luca asked, smirking and taking a few steps toward the feline, Tara retreating only one.

"Y...yes, I am...so..." Tara began to protest, trying to summon some kind of strength before she found one of the bat's hands gripping hers gently, directing her closer, which her feet, driven by those piercing eyes boring into hers, were only too happy to oblige with.

"What if I said...I didn't care? Or that I didn't quite believe you?" Luca said, that smirk remaining on her face as she began to walk backwards, directing the feline back with her until they were in a nearby alley, out of view of anyone that might decide to show up.

Breathing a little quicker, finding herself at a loss of what to say, Tara simply allowed herself to be directed by the bat. Soon enough, she felt Luca's hands on her shoulders, purring as they massaged them gently, directing them against the wall and gently pinning her there.

"So...do you want me?" Luca asked, desire leaking into her voice as her lips hovered barely half an inch away from Tara's. Receiving a nod of confirmation, she pressed her lips softly to the feline's, feeling her purring increase in volume, further still as she tugged at Tara's lower lip with her lips, allowing it to slowly leave her lips and snap back into place.

"Luca...I...I probably shouldn't..." Tara weakly protested, letting out a light moan as the bat's hands massaged downward from her shoulders, inevitably approaching her breasts.

"Tara...keep protesting, and I might just have to leave," the bat smirked, her lips tugging at the feline's lower lip once more. "Do you want me to?"

"P...please don't stop...I did want it to be me, not Kara..." Tara said, shaking her head in a definite ‘no', meeting Luca's nearby lips with hers in a deep kiss.

Lifting one of her hands to stroke gently along one of the feline's cheeks, Luca allowed her other hand to continue its way downward, massaging firmly along Tara's breasts.

Lost in pleasure, her long-secret fantasies of being with Luca realized, Tara pressed her tongue forward, finding easy passage for it into the bat's mouth, where the bat's tongue teasingly avoided it despite clearly being sought after. Whimpering lightly at the apparently futile effort, she began to return her tongue to her own mouth, the bat's tongue wrapping somewhat firmly around it as soon as it began to try escaping. Pressing her tongue boldly further forward into the bat's mouth, she came to realize that the bat's hand that was massaging her breast was, while still massaging her, making its way still lower, currently halfway between her stomach and hips.

Enjoying both this time with the tabby and how easy this plan had turned out to execute, and how well it would undoubtedly continue, Luca pressed further into the kiss, deepening it as she stopped her hand from massaging along Tara's chest as it came to the bottom of her shirt, slipping under it and trailing the fingers slowly upward, along her stomach and to her bra, working their way under it to trace around her breast in a spiral, ending finally at the nipple, which her fingers played along, giving a light, occasional tug. Meanwhile, her other hand had left the tabby's cheek, making its way down her body in much the same way that the other hand had.

Purring loudly, anticipating, hoping where that second hand would go, Tara instinctively spread her legs a little, breaking away from the kiss to find her tongue still held by Luca's as she pulled back, the bat's long tongue slowly uncoiling from hers outside their mouths and allowing both tongues to return to their respective owner's mouths. "God...Luca...wh-why me?" Tara moaned out.

"Because you're attractive, you obviously wanted me, and you're just what I needed..." Luca replied quietly, her hand that had made its way under Tara's shirt trailing back down from her breast, spreading the fingers to sift downward through the fur on her stomach. Placing kisses against the feline's cheek, downward to her jaw line, Luca trailed her hand back up along Tara's shirt, tugging lightly at the neck of it, exposing where her neck met her shoulders.

Thinking nothing of the last part of what Luca said, Tara nodded slowly, moaning out further as Luca's hand finally began to slip under her shorts and panties, massaging its way further down to her damp slit, which received a somewhat further massage, the hand's quest downward reaching its apparent destination.

Careful to make sure that the feline would be able to pay it no mind until it was too late, if even then, Luca slipped one, then two, fingers beyond the tabby's damp folds, working gently in and out of her as she trailed kisses further down to the part that her other hand was still exposing, sucking gently at that area, pleased to note that it was further exposed from Tara tilting her head up and away from her. Not letting her perfect opportunity go to waste, Luca slowly, gently dug her two glinting fangs into fur and flesh, slowly piercing the skin, further until they were in a sufficient distance, all the while continuing to suck at that area, the feline's moans revealing that she hadn't realized the act.

Smirking evilly, her fingers still working into and out of Tara's slit, Luca began to drink, remaining careful not to alert the girl, not that it would matter at this point anyway. Her eyes slowly fluttering closed, Tara steadily drifted into a lulled sleep, falling against Luca as she pulled her fangs and fingers away from the girl, wrapping her arms around the feline to hold her in a gentle embrace, the evil smirk still plastered on her face.

"That certainly went much easier than I could've ever hoped..." Luca said, quite satisfied. "Sleep well, my young princess, your knight will be joining you soon...that I guarantee..."

With that, the two girls became cloaked briefly in shadow, nowhere to be seen after it passed.