Morning Wood - Nice Ending

Story by Jag on SoFurry

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Morning Wood

By Jag

Contains M/M yiff and cock vore

Vaper and Kicer (c) Jag

Vaper stood with his arm raised in the air, gripping the steel bar in his paw of the bus as he rode in the cities bus, having to stand since it was overcrowded, much like it was everyday when he got out of work. His slick brown and cream color fur smelled like food and grease, something he liked for the first few days when working at the restaurant. Now it the smell just hung on his clothes and fur for the rest of the day once he got out of work, which made him want a shower everyday when he got home, which was starting to work up that part of his apartment bill. His large brown tail hung through the back of his blue jeans, the tip almost reaching the floor of the bus. His nose twitched some as the bust stopped to let more people on. He sighed to himself and used his free paw to stroke his muzzle, his whiskers pushing back some as he did so. Looking at his reflection in the bus window as he stood he admired his form, always loving being an otter, a cute one at that from what everyone else had told him.

Today was just like any other, routine. Waking up and trying to get over his little problem before taking a shower and running a couple errands, then to work for nine hours. Vaper was happy though, tomorrow would be different. Instead of the usual Friday, he got time off of work and would get to go to the airport and pick up his boyfriend. It was going to be the first time the two of them could meet and actually be alone in his apartment for the entire weekend. It was going to be so much fun for the two of them, he just hoped that one little bodily function that had been acting up recently wouldn't make itself known.

He almost stumbled and fell when the bus pulled up to his own stop, not realizing where he was as his thoughts were tracing back to his boyfriends body. His cute gray fur, his button nose and tail, his sexy rump. Overall he was such a good looking kitty. Vaper smiled to himself as he got off the bus, watching it pull away. It was already starting to get dark, having wasted most of the day cooking for people. Vaper checked left and then right before quickly walking across the street, rummaging through his pocket until he found his key. Pulling open the apartment building door, he walked quickly up two flights of stairs before reaching his door. Unlocking it with his key he pushed the door open and walked inside, setting his keys on the center counter before heading over to the bathroom. He slid the glass shower door open and started to work off his shirt, pulling off the white collared shirt that he had put on for work. He tossed it into the hamper, sinking the shot and making a little swishing noise as he did so. He looked back at himself in the mirror again, his cream color fur along his belly and chest, moving up to his neck. He brushed his chest a few times, getting a few little pieces of fuzz from his shirt. Vaper rested his paw on the sink, leaning down some and cracking his back. He murred some as a little bit of tension was removed from his body. He yawned some, covering his muzzle with a paw and shaking his head. He didn't know why he was so tired these past few nights. It was still early and he felt like going to bed already. He slowly took his pants off, working them to his knees before they fell to his feet. Vaper carefully stepped out of them, stretching his arms in the air as he moved to the shower, sticking his paw in and cranking the water on. The water began to fall in the shower, cold at first before starting to warm up. Vaper took another look at himself in the mirror once more, brushing a paw down his hips and sheath and smiling to himself, giving a little hump in the air and picturing his boyfriend in front of him. He murred some to himself as he got into the shower, sliding the glass door closed and letting the hot water run off his slick fur.

Vaper did what he normally did, stood under the water and moved around just enough to let the water soak into his fur, loving the feeling of the water running over him. Fifteen minutes went by before he even picked up the bottle of soap and squirted some into his paw, running it over his fur and soaping himself up. Soon enough his body was full of suds, but those were quickly washed away with the water as it continued to rain down over his body. He closed his eyes some and rested his back on the glass door, almost falling asleep in the shower before a light ringing got his attention. He shook his head and turned the shower off, sliding the door open and listening to the second ring. He looked down at his pants and stumbled over to them, almost slipping on the floor as he rummaged through the front pocket and pulling out his cellphone on the third ring. Vaper took a look at the name of who was calling him, feeling his energy kick up when he saw the name Kicer. He flipped the phone open and brung it to his ear.

"Hey love!"

"Hey! Just making sure your going to remember to pick me up tomorrow afternoon."

"Of course I'll remember. Why would I leave my cute kitty all alone at the airport? For some other otter to get his paws on you, I think not!"

"I believe you Vaper."

"Oh yeah, plus my old roommate moved out since the last time you were here, so the apartment is all ours!"

"Oh that's good to know! Means we can be naughty whenever we want, hehe."

"Yup! I'll be sure to give kitty everything he wants."

"Okay hon, I gotta finish packing and get to the airport on time. See you tomorrow. Love ya lots!"

"Love you too Kitty Cat."

With that the two hung up their phones and Vaper sat on the floor, a growing puddle of water building up underneath him. He smiled to himself and shuddered, imagining his kitty all the way over here and in his arms. Kicer's soft fur up against his and the whole weekend ahead of them to spend in each other arms. So much he wanted to do to his kitty, but that would all have to wait until tomorrow and the days that would follow. His body gave a little shake again and his sheath swelled up some, causing Vaper to look down at the pink cocktip trying to poke itself up and out. He pushed a finger on it and pushed it back into the sheath.

"Not right now you. Kitty doesn't come till tomorrow. And stop getting bigger in the morning. I've heard of bad morning wood before, but your getting ridiculous."

The sheath started to settle back down as Vaper got up from his seat, grabbing the towel hanging up on the rack and dropping it on the ground, cleaning up all the water on the ground before picking it up and starting to pat his fur down. As soon as he was dry he moved out of the bathroom, grabbing his cell and shutting the light off behind him. Vaper went back into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of pizza rolls and unwrapped them, sticking them on a plate and then putting it into the microwave. After two minutes the microwave beeped and he took the plate out, walking to his bedroom and climbing into it. Vaper covered himself up with the light blue sheets and turned on the television. Flipping through the channels he stopped on Tech TV to catch an episode of X-Play. He popped one of the rolls into his mouth and chewed it up before swallowing, giving a murr at the taste. After a few minutes he finished the snack and sunk his head into the soft pillows, closing his eyes as he listened to the review of Age of Empires III, quickly falling to sleep.

With not having to wake up early to get things done and go to work, Vaper's alarm didn't go off at the usual time of eight in the morning. Instead he had set the clock for about half past eleven, which was slowly starting to approach. Vaper rolled over in bed, hugging the sheets close to his chest and murring loudly, giving a slight hump in his sleep. He murred happily, giving a few low moans and humping a few more times. He was dreaming deeply about his kitty, wrapping his arms tightly around a pillow and giving a hump into it, his cock sliding out of his sheath and pressing against the soft pillowcase fabric. He moaned again and his cock continued to slide out, bulging out some and doubling its normal size, causing Vaper to groan as his cock gave a throb. The alarm suddenly went off, snapping him out of his deep dream. Vaper's hand shot out from the bed and hit the alarm, stopping the song "Nth Degree" right in the middle of a verse. He sat up and moaned a few times to himself before sliding out of bed, sitting on the edge of it and looking at his throbbing cock. He sighed to himself and looked at the pink member as the cumslit opened a few times, spurting some pre onto the floor. He shook his head and sighed again, giving it a light rub and murring loudly before stopping.

"Oh man, morning wood has never been this bad. Why is it only in the morning my cock gets this big?!"

He ran his paw over his ottercock once more, his body giving a shudder as he got up and trudged over to the bathroom, starting the shower and making sure it was cold before he stepped into it. He quickly became wide awake, his cock giving another shudder before starting to retreat into the sheath of the otter, shrinking some and slipping all the way back inside, the cumslit spurting a little more pre as it withdrew back into the sheath. Vaper turned the water temperature up and he murred some to himself as things started to heat up. He looked back down at his crotch and gave his sheath a rub and light slap.

"No acting like that when Kicer is around. I don't want to have to go to the doctor because he knows about this little problem. Just don't get bigger then normal for the next few days."

He gave his sheath another rub, as if thinking to himself that his mind could control what his cock did in the morning. He shut off the water after a couple of minutes, grabbing the towel from last night and drying himself off before throwing it back to the ground. He walked back to his room, completely nude and looking through his closet for something to wear. Pulling out a pair of shorts and a green T-shirt he puts them on and looks at the clock, just enough time.

Vaper walked a couple blocks to the parking lot where he kept his car at. Since his apartment complex didn't have lots around back and one couldn't park on the side of the street, everyone got to park in this large lot when there was room. Three stories high and since Vaper didn't use his car that much it mostly stayed parked in one spot until he wanted to get groceries or go out shopping. What was better was two weeks earlier he had gotten choice parking right on the first floor when he came home from getting a few things at the store. If there was one thing he didn't like, it was taking stairs while holding bags. Just a dangerous process for him since he seemed to lose all sense of balance when holding onto something. As he walked into that lot he grabbed his keys from his pocket, pointing and clicking the unlock button at his 2001 Geo Metro. He bought it cheap a few years back and it was a nice small car for him to drive around. Getting in Vaper tossed a few pieces of garbage into the back so it would be nice and clean for when his kitty got in. Looking at the clock is was just a little past one. About half an hour to get to the airport and meet Kicer.

It was good that there wasn't much traffic out on the road going to the airport, which was a surprise figuring it was Friday afternoon. Vaper arrived at the airport with plenty of time to just wait around, paying two bucks to park his car in a lot for an hour. He hurried himself to the entrance of the airport, even though he knew he didn't need to. He was just excited and wanted to get in there in hopes that the plane had come early. Vaper had to get to Gate Five to wait for his kitty and since it was a small airport it wouldn't take him that long to get there. He took a look at the nearest flight check, running down the list and stopping at Kicer's flight, seeing it read as On Time. Vaper smiled adn took off walking toward the gate, stopping at each window to look at the planes as they took off. Getting to his waiting area he checked out the window and saw the plane already pulled in and people starting to unload bags. He leaned up against the window and murred happily to himself as he waited for a few moments. Soon enough the doors opened though and the passengers started to unload from the plane. Vaper got on his tiptoes and looked at the top of everyone's head getting out, trying to spot Kicer.

Vaper's eyes searched about for one thing to give away his kitty's position. He then spotted just what he wanted, a pair of gray ears perked up on the top of a gray spiking headfur. The ears gave a few little twitches and Vaper smiled, knowing that was his target. Waiting for a few other passengers to clear out of the way, Vaper reached an arm forward and pulled Kicer out of the crowd, causing him to stumble forward and look at who had pulled him. Otter eyes met with kitty eyes and the two ran forward, Kicer dropping the bag on his shoulder as they hugged tightly. The two squeezed as hard as they could, both of them taking deep breaths of one another's scent, murring to themselves in the process. With Vaper being just about six feet and Kicer being just around five foot eight, Vaper could easily nuzzle the top of Kicer's head, giving one of his ears a couple licks as they held the hug for a bit longer. Both had a visible bulge in their pants, which rubbed against each other for a few moments before they broke the hug, Vaper giving Kicer's nose a little lick.

"Heya Kitty!"

"Hiya Otter!"

The two kiss quickly before nuzzling the side of each other's face, both murring happily before pulling away from one another. Kicer ran back to his back and picked it up, putting it back on his shoulder as Vaper wrapped an arm around his neck, leading him out of the waiting area and towards the front of the airport, wanting to get him back to the car. Kicer purred very lightly as they walked side by side, leaning his head against Vaper's arm and then looking up a bit to grin at him as they exited the airport, moving quickly towards the parking lot.

They reached the car faster then Vaper expected, Kicer opening the side door and tossing his back into the back seat before getting into the passenger's seat. As Vaper started to get in, Kicer slid his paw on his seat and once Vaper sat down he murred at feeling the paw under him, giving a lower murr and smiling at Kicer as he felt a nice squeeze. The two leaned closer to each other, parting their mouths before they met, exchanging a deep kiss with one another, breaking it off quickly and going for another. That two lasted all but a few seconds before went for a third one, this time holding it for longer, their tongues pushing against one another's before moving past and exploring the other's cheek and teeth before coming back to one another. The tongues wrestled and they swapped more saliva with one another before breaking the kiss, a trail of saliva being left between them. Kicer licked his lips before pulling his hand out from under Vaper, causing him to grin back at the kitty. Vaper raised a paw and slowly scritched underneath Kicer's chin, causing him to lift up a bit and purr a bit louder. The two kissed quickly once more before putting on their seatbelts and Vaper started the car, pulling out of the lot and back onto the road.

"So how was your trip kitty?"

"Long and hard, much like myself at the moment."

"Wow! I didn't even take the trip and I feel like that too!"

Both grinned at another another before starting to laugh loudly for a full minute, slowly calming themselves down.

"But the flight was really nice. Everything went well."

"Well that's good to know. Wouldn't want my kitty feeling bad when he got here."

"So what's our to do list for the rest of today? Going to your place for mad kinky sex before dinner and then more kitty-otter fun?"

"Not that I'd complain about that plan, but tonight I wanted you to be more then just a sex kitty..."

"Awww...but I love being a sex kitty...."

Kicer fakes pouting for a few seconds before giggling to himself, Vaper turning to him with a wide grin on his face.

"There will be plenty of time to be a sex kitty during the rest of your weekend."

"Okay! So what're the plans hon?"

"Decided that on your first night here I wanted to do something special. So I'm taking my kitty out shopping so I can buy him a few things before taking him to dinner adn then a movie, then back home for fun."

"That sounds really fun! Almost as fun as ottercock inside kittybutt!"

Vaper and Kicer drove about half an hour to the mall right from the airport, starting up talk about how each of them had been since their first meeting after a year and a half. While they mostly knew what the other was doing through messengers and phone calls they did like to keep some things private and then talk about them in person. It was the same routine for Vaper who brought up how it was alright working at his place. Kicer brought up that he was having family problems as well as work related problems back home, but that wasn't going to get him down at all. As they pulled into the mall parking lot, Kicer leaned forward some to toy with the fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror, causing Vaper to smile and chuckle some as he stopped the car and cut the engine. Vaper leaned forward and planted a kiss right on Kicer's nose, getting him to grin and then push forward as he unbuckled his seatbelt and quickly kiss Vaper on the lips, giving his nose a quick lick before getting out of the car. Kicer ran around to the driver's side door as Vaper got out and upon reaching him, pushed a paw up under his shirt and rubbed his belly a few times, giving a firm squeeze to make the otter murr softly. Kissing Kicer on the forehead Vaper stuck his paw down the back of Kicer's pants and walked next to him toward the mall, Kicer wedging his own paw into the back of Vaper's pants in the process.

The two spent no more then an hour scouting the entire mall. They stopped in each store that made them interested for only a few minutes, then went into one of the larger department stores and buying a new pair of light blue bed sheets that they could break in later as well as a few towels for showers during the next couple of days. The last stop was the arcade where a few dollars in quarters were spent playing air hockey and racing games before heading back to the car and stashing their goods. Safely in the trunk the two raced each other to the nearby Italian restaurant, quickly getting inside and being seated. Vaper ordered chicken alfredo and a coke to drink; Kicer grinned at him and ordered the exact same thing, causing Vaper to lean forward in his seat as the waiter walked away.

"Copy cat..."

Kicer giggled to himself before gazing deep into Vaper's eyes, grinning at him until an order of bread and their drinks arrived. Thanking the waiter as he walked away again the two go after some bread, their paws grabbing hold of the same piece at the same time. They stare at each other, each giving a small tug on their half of bread before Vaper reached over and broke it in two. They stared at each other for a moment before both opening their mouths, the other placing his slice of bread inside. They chew and swallow before starting talk once more on recent events in their lives, Kicer going into detail about the airport and security and such. Shortly after their dinners arrive and they quickly start to chow down, both rather hungry from the day's events thus far and both not having eaten anything.

Upon finishing their meals, Vaper leaves a fifty on the table for the waiter, the bill coming to just over forty dollars. The two walk out of the restaurant and get back into the car. Vaper started it up and drove quickly down the street before stopping at the movie theater, both quickly getting out of the vehicle once more and rushing to the entrance. Vaper got to the front counter first and got two tickets for a movie that came out two weeks before, not wanting to deal with the crowds in a new movie and opting for a little bit more alone time with his kitty. He paid and then headed into the screening room with his Kicer following close behind him, using his paws to lightly bat at the otter tail behind him. Going into where the movie was going to be shown they take a seat up near the front, only a handful of others in the same screening room as them. Sitting down they rub noses with each other as the previews just about wrap up, the movie starting soon after.

For the first ten minutes their eyes are glued onto the screen, watching the first part of the movie before Kicer reached over and took Vaper's paw into his. For the next ten minutes the two fooled around, Kicer giving a squeeze to the otter paw before Vaper squeezed back and chuckled. The two began to slump in their seats, disappearing a bit from view of the other patrons. Kicer rested his paw on the crotch of Vaper's pants, giving it a few deep rubs with his paw. Vaper started to murr as soft as he could at the rubbing, his sheath starting to bulge out some. He looked at Kicer as if to say not at the moment, but he returned with a grin and a squeeze, causing Vaper to gasp softly, the tip of his cock slowly starting to push out of the sheath. Vaper reached over and pushed his paw down into Kicer's pants, getting him to giggle loudly and put both his paws over his mouth. He lowered his paws and started to purr loudly as Vaper's paw stroked up and down Kicer's sheath, which quickly swelled some and let the kittycock start and poke out. Vaper quickly removed his paw from Kicer's pants and leaned his head on him, giggling to himself.

"If I've got to be horny for the rest of the movie, so do you kitty."

"Fair enough handsome."

Wrapping an arm around Kicer's the two leaned together, resting their head's together and watching the rest of the movie in silence, just the sound of Kicer's purring being heard by the two of them. As the credits started to roll the two gave each other a nice long kiss, tongue wrestling quickly before breaking it off and getting up, heading back outside to the car. They both got in and Vaper started the vehicle up quickly, stepping on the gas to make it home quickly so he could have fun with the kitty.

The car was parked on the bottom floor of the garage a block away from Vaper's house. He popped the trunk as Kicer got out of the car. Vaper locked the doors and grabbed the new sheets and let Kicer carry the bag full of towels as they made their way back to Vaper's apartment. They reached ran all the way up the stairs and Vaper quickly unlocked the door, the two throwing their bags on the floor as the door shut behind them, hugging each other tight and kissing deeply, pushing their tongues into the other's mouth and swapping saliva for about a full minute before breaking it off as each groped the other's rump. Vaper reached down and grabbed the bags, moving down the hall after Kicer and tossing the towel bag into the bathroom and reaching the bedroom. Kicer was already lying down in the bed, rolling around some before lifting himself up to his knees, shaking his rump a few times at Vaper who just gave it a small slap, getting a loud murr from the kitty.

"New sheets first kitty, didn't buy them for nothing."

Kicer rolled off the bed and Vaper pulled the sheets off the bed, tossing them down on Kicer as he lay on the ground. Vaper opened the new sheets and quickly put the fitted sheet onto the bed with no problem at all, hearing a few loud murrs coming from underneath the old sheets in the process. He made his way over to the old sheets on the ground, pulling them off Kicer and seeing him lying naked underneath of them causing him to smile and paw up at the air.

"Hey! Give those back, they smell like sexy otter!"

"Well I smelly like sexy otter too you know..."

Kicer quickly got up and attached himself to Vaper, lifting up the otter's shirt and pulling it off, tossing it to the ground before pressing his nose into Vaper's chest and neck, taking a few deep breathes.

"Murr....fresh otter..."

"See, told you so."

With that Vaper kissed Kicer once more before pulling away from him, getting some help from the kitty to pull on the second sheet and then the comforter. Vaper reached over with the new pillow cases and pulled the old ones off, chucking them at Kicer before quickly stuffing the pillows back into a protective sheet. Vaper suddenly feels a tug on his pants, seeing Kicer's arms around him tug at them again a couple of times. He let out a playful growl before falling back into the floor.

"Otter pants won't come off?!"

Vaper grinned and undid the top button and unzipped them, giving a wink to Kicer.

"Try them now kitty."

Kicer crawled close and gave the pants another tug, the pants sliding all the way down Vaper's body and showing off the tip of his cock. Kicer pushed his nose into the bulging sheath, causing Vaper to moan some as he felt the nuzzling around the area followed by a few quick warm licks that made a bit more of his cock slip out. He looked down to see Kicer nuzzling his crotch again, giving his balls a few nuzzles before stepping out of his pants and lifting the kitty up to his feet. Kicer nuzzled about in Vaper's neck, murring at not only his scent, but the scent of their own musk starting to build up in the room. Leaning back some Vaper flopped himself down on his back in the bed, Kicer almost leaping onto him once he settled himself down. Licking about at the otter's face and giving him a few kisses on the lips, Kicer starts to purr louder then he had all day, both their cocks rubbing up against each other, pre oozing from both of them and rubbing into their fur. Vaper held Kicer tightly against his chest, using his paws to stroke down the feline's back and rub at his tailbase, leaning his head back some and murring to himself as he felt Kicer lick and nuzzle his face and neck. Shifting a bit underneath Kicer, the otter lets out a low moan as he feels his cock press up into the kitty's stomach, murring softly afterward as he gave a hump upward and got a loud moan from Kicer. Vaper quickly gave a big hug to his kitty, flipping himself on top as he felt a few light nibbles on his neck. Running his whisker's against Kicer's a few times he pulled away from the kitty, wrapping his arms around his legs and pushing them up, leaning Kicer's body back with them. With the kitty's head resting firmly on a couple pillows, Vaper got onto his knees and pushed his pre leaking cock up against Kicer's tailhole, the feline tail whipping around a little bit before settling down. With a gentle push Kicer let out a light grunt followed by a slight whimper, having been a long time since he last got penetrated. Giving a groan Vaper pushed forward some, his cock sinking in about an inch causing Kicer to yelp loudly before murr softly. Kicer lifted himself up on his elbows and grinned at Vaper as his paws rested on the feline's hips.

"All the way inside, ottercock needs to be nice and warm inside kittybutt."

Vaper nodded and smiled as Kicer laid back down, moaning loudly as the full seven inches of ottercock pushed into Kicer's tailhole. Both moaned loudly as Vaper's balls slapped against Kicer's body. The feline purred as loud as he could, clenching his tailhole around the cock buried inside of it. Vaper moaned feeling that sensation, giving a few humps forward as his cock throbbed inside of Kicer. Gripping the feline's hips tightly Vaper slid his cock out of the tailhole, rubbing the head over the opening a few times before sliding it all the way back in. Kicer perked his ears and let out a loud moan, his own cock giving a few throbs as Vaper did this once more, this time pushing against the cock and trying to force it deeper into the tailhole. Kicer began to squirm some as he felt pressure building up inside of his tailhole, soon feeling the sensation stop as the cock slid from his tailhole. The feline panted a few times before letting out another load moan and murr, purring loudly as the cock went right back into him. The sound of Vaper's balls slapping against Kicer's tailbase made both of them moan deeply, Kicer's tail moving up some and wrapping up with Vaper's. The otter continued to slide his cock in and out of the feline tailhole presented to him, plunging back inside as deep as he could go. Vaper moaned loudly, rubbing his paws up and down Kicer's sides before stopping himself and starting a steady stream of humps into Kicer's backside. Kicer let out a couple of cute mews each time Vaper's cock pushed back into him. The feeling was amazing, feeling great at the moment and murring deeply as his paws touched Vaper's, holding them in his as he locked his legs around the otter's back. Vaper kept going in pace, pre leaking from his cock and into the kitty tailhole, making the humping even easier as the tailhole was slicked with pre. Kicer closed his eyes as he felt the slick cock slide in and out of him, clencing around the cock as it pushed deep into him once, not wanting to let it go. Vaper sensed this and started to hump forward as fast as he could, his cock moving barely forward an inch each time before going back inside his lover. The hot passage around the ottercock quickly got Vaper to moan a few more times loudly, pushing himself all the way into Kicer and draining himself, shooting his thick and creamy seed all the way into his bowels. Kicer purred deeply and clenched his tailhole around the cock a few more times, helping Vaper drain himself inside of him. The otter leaned down and planted his kitty with a deep kiss, murring after breaking it off and then quickly sliding himself out of his kitty. Some of his juices run out from the tailhole as the cock is removed, Vaper sitting down on the bed and picking Kicer up and setting him in his lap, moaning and licking at his muzzle a few times.

"That was great kitty. Hope there's more like that for the rest of the weekend."

"Should be otter. Think we can get a shower quickly before going to bed, getting kind of late..."

"Sure, but you haven't..."

"I know..."

The two get up and Kicer ran ahead to the shower, his tailhole slightly leaking cum as he waddled down the hall into the bathroom. Vaper heard the shower turn on and he stroked his still hard cock, murring as he got up and headed into the bathroom. The outline of Kicer could be seen through the glass door, causing the otter to murr some and rush to the sliding door, opening it and getting inside to see his already sopping wet kitty. The water began to run down his slick fur as he hugged his kitty and let the water run off each of them. Kicer slowly ran his paws down Vaper's chest before getting on his knees, gently gripping the cock with his paws and letting them work over them, gripping and squeezing with one paw and toying with the slick ballsac with the other. Vaper braced himself with his hands and moaned as he felt the warm pads of the kitty paws on his cock, the hot water running over him. He suddenly let out a gasp as he felt his cock enveloped in warmth, feeling the somewhat rough kitty tongue starting to lick and suck on his cock. The cock pushed against the back of the feline's maw as Kicer swallowed every so often in his licks, glancing up at Vaper to see him panting deeply, eyes shut tight as he gave a few humps into the maw. Giving the ballsac a couple more squeezes, Vaper moaned and pushed his cock forward some, spraying his creamy goodness into the kitty maw. Kicer's throat bulged slightly as the cum flowed right down his throat, a loud gulping echoing through the water hitting the shower floor and their bodies. Kicer pulled the cock from his mouth and swallowed again, slowly standing up and pushing his nose against Vaper's and smiling at him as they exchanged glances.

Vaper lowered his paw to grab Kicer's cock, but he pushed back some and shook his head. Reaching over Kicer grabbed the bottle of soap and squirted some into his paw, lathering it up and running it up and down Vaper's back. Kicer moved down to his butt, running his paws over Vaper's buttcheeks and tailbase before raising the bottle of soap. The feline fumbled with the bottle and dropped it behind Vaper, the bottle falling right at the drain. The otter gave Kicer a quick kiss before turning around and leaning down, reaching for the bottle. Vaper felt two paws lock around his hips and then felt himself pulled back, his tailhole spreading as six or so inches of kitty cock entered him. Vaper let out a moan and tried to pull himself off the cock, but found the kitty's paws wrapped tightly around his waist, the feline humping into him as quick as he could as he purred deeply. Vaper moaned loudly, falling some and taking Kicer with him. Vaper landed on his hands and knees, Kicer squating behind him and humping fiercely into the otter tailhole. This was the first time he had ever pushed his cock into anyone, loving everything. The soft, smooth and hot insides of his love played over his cock as he purred loudly, moaning loudly as the water trickled down their fur. Kicer soon felt a clenching around his cock, causing him to moan and spurt his kitty seed inside the tailhole. He milked himself as every drop drained into the otter, pulling out and letting him spin back around to kiss him deeply, both murring loudly.

"Seems kitty wanted something new."

"It was everything I hoped for. Guess I've got other things to do this weekend as well."

Vaper grinned as the two quickly washed each other down, groping the other before getting out of the shower and grabbing two of the new towels and drying each other off. Kicer was nothing but a real puffy kitty and Vaper was his normal slick otter self. The two moved off to the bed and got into it, pulling the sheets over their bodies and snuggling close, giving each other a few kisses before Kicer turned around, staring at the wall before closing his eyes, feeling Vaper snuggling up against him, his sheath rubbing up against his tailhole. Soon enough Kicer was purring happily to himself as he listened to Vaper breathing, the two quickly going to sleep.

The hours drifted on quickly, the two sound asleep in each other's grasp, Kicer not moving as Vaper slept soundly with one arm dragged over the kitty. As the morning hours came on Vaper's cock slowly began to slip out of its sheath, hardening up and growing a little bit larger then normal, pre leaking on Kicer's back as he remained asleep, purring happily at the warm feeling moving along his back. His tail flick back and forth happily as Kicer turned in his sleep, murring happily and hugging close to Vaper as the larger cock rubbed over his crotch and belly. Taking a deep breath, Kicer let out a loud murr as he smelled the musk being let off from the otter, even in sleep his body wandering down some and rubbing over the cock with his paws. The idle paws made their way across the tip of the cock, the cumslit opening slightly to rub pre into the furry paws before enveloping them. With a quick and squishy sucking sound the paws are sucked in and made a bulge as it traveled down the length of the cock, the rest of Kicer's arms following his paws. A low moan came from the kitty as his arms traveled slightly down the length, a visible bulge making its way down before another suck pushed the arms together, Kicer's face moving right to the slit of the cock. He started to lightly lick over the tip as his arms moved all the way inside, the tip of the cock opening some to slip his head inside, his body starting to make its way deeper into the cock, his form bulging the cock out even more.

Two otter paws reached down to the sides of the cock, squeezing around it and rubbing up and down, Vaper's mind dreaming happily about his kitty as he jacked himself off some, moaning in his sleep as the kitty's head slid all the way into the tip of the cock followed by his neck and shoulders. A few gulps could be heard as the cock sucked at Kicer's form, wanting more of it to go down into it. With the top part of his body traveling clearly down the length of the cock. With a little hump forward, Vaper pushed his cock into Kicer's body, his body bending as he slept to get into a better position, murring happily and giving a little wiggle as his body was slowly engulfed in warm, slick goodness. Kicer yawned inside of the cock, giving a gentle push forward as he drifted back into a sound sleep, his chest sliding deeper into the cock as it sucked at his form. Vaper continued to give a small hump forward every once in awhile, his paws still stroking down the length of his shaft, over Kicer's face and arms as it gave the kitty another tug forward. His upper chest quickly slid into the cock, pre leaking down his chest and belly as it pulled him in deeper. Vaper gave another hard squeeze around his cock, causing the shaft to throb and pull a bit more of Kicer inside, his lower chest slipping in rather easily with a wet sucking sound. A gurgled moan came from Kicer, his moan cut off by pre leaking around him. He swallowed it as he closed his mouth, purring happily to himself as he pushed himself in deeper, another wet gulp sliding him past his belly.

Vaper gave a moan as he felt the bulge in his cock move deeper. His paws found their way to Kicer's butt, pushing firmly against it in an attempt to make the large bulge sinking into his cock go all the way down. He moaned loudly as the bulge was sucked down more, pre leaking onto the bed as it ran off Kicer's fur. The kitty's sheath started to bulge out as his belly made its way into the cock, soon enough a quick wet sucking sound dragging Kicer's waist inside, causing the kitty to start and hump in his sleep. Kicer could feel his head being pushed out into something, cum draining on his head some as he gave a slight wiggle as he slept. Vaper's paws worked now on the kitty's legs, pushing against his footpaws and having them sink in rather quickly. With each moment, more of the kitty vanished into the cock, his bulge traveling down into the otter's ballsac, bulging that out as well. Kicer knees vanished into the ottercock as his hands, head and chest were pushed into the ballsac, his fur quickly being covered in cum. Kicer's face planted into the side of the ballsac, causing him to groan some and then open his eyes. He yawned and then blinked as he swallowed a good amount of cum, starting to squirm about inside of his lover's hot, dark and cramped ballsac. Not knowing where he was he tried to call out for help, getting another mouth full of cum before gulping that down and starting to wiggle about, pushing against the sides of the sac.

The squirming and wiggling made Vaper moan loudly, humping forward and loving the nice feeling. Kicer's footpaws quickly disappeared with the rest of his legs into the tip of the cock, a quick wet gulp sending them completely inside. The last of the kitty bulge traveled down the length of the cock before being deposited into the sac. The kitty squirmed about, which made Vaper moan even louder, his paws gripping his cock and giving it a few jerks. Yawning some, Vaper opened his eyes and leaned up some, feeling an intense squirming under the sheets and murring before hearing muffled words. He pulled the sheets off him and gasped as he saw his ballsac bulging with his lover's form. He looked at his cock as it throbbed a few times, squirting pre over his paws. He shook his head and tried to think of something, grabbing his cock and giving it a few jerks, moaning loudly as he did so. He looked at his cock as it throbbed a few more times, quickly grabbing it with both paws and giving it a few squeezes, rubbing it up and down. He moaned some more, pre running down his cock some more as he continued to jerk his cock, feeling the struggling inside start to slow down. He gasped some, both from the wiggling stopping and the great feeling he was having. Soon enough he rocked back and forth, murring happily to himself and pumping his cock, humping up into that before feeling his shaft swell some, spurting pre before giving another throb and moving the bulge upward.

He continued to hump into his paws, feeling the bulge start to quickly move up his cock, soon enough the head of his kitty spurting out, a loud gasp being heard as Kicer started to pant loudly. Vaper kept going pulling at his cock as he felt Kicer's body beneath it. As the kitty's shoulders push out, Vaper got on his knees, jerking his paws quickly over his cock before moaning loudly, collapsing onto his back as Kicer's form travels up and out of the cock, spilling into a pile of cum on the bed sheets. He started to pant even more, gasping for breath as he turned onto his back, his belly bulging some from the amount of cum he had swallowed inside of the otter. He coughed some and leaned forward, his fur dripping wet with cum as he stared at Vaper. The two exchanged galnces, Vaper giving a shrug as his cock started to withdraw back into its sheath, causing him to blush some. Kicer smiled back at him and then carefully crawled over to Vaper, resting halfway in his lap and smearing cum over his slick fur.

"Kicer...I'm sorry! I had no idea...!"

"It's okay, everything's fine. In fact that was kind of nice."


"Yeah, stuck inside a hot, smelly, dark place and having all the cum I could want. It was nice."

"Are you sure your okay?"

"I'll be fine. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night before morning. Go from there afterwards and see what that was all about. Maybe even try to control that little morning wood function of yours."

The two giggle to each other before Vaper laid down in bed, the smell of his cum filled the room. He pulled his cum drenched kitty into a hug and snuggled against him, slowly slipping into a sleep as Kicer purred a bit as he drifted off as well.