Date Night

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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Colton and Nadia add something new to their love life. I don't know if 'hypnosis' is the right tag for this, but I'm not really sure what else to call it. Everything in here is consensual, if that's a concern for anyone.

Nadia looked down at her rabbit, lying naked on the floor and smiling hungrily back up at her. His pink cock was half-hard and resting on his belly as she lowered her head to make a single long slow lick from his toes to his head, leaving his fur damp and sticking up as it went. As soon as her tongue had passed Colton's member, it bounced up from his light grey crotch. Nadia head a stifled moan from under her tongue, and smiled slightly as she pulled her tongue across, and finally off, his face and long ears. She pulled her head up to a comfortable height above her love and looked down again, seeing him breathing harder and squirming slightly, either unable to get comfortable or, more likely, finding each small change somehow more comfortable than the last. She shook her head slightly.

"You'd think someone would have taught you how to groom yourself by now," she said jokingly.

"Did I taste wrong?" the rabbit said, concerned. "I just took a bath, I don't know..." He stopped as he saw the dragon smile slightly, then looked his messy, damp fur. "Oh screw you, like that's my fault right now."

"Screw me? And here I thought you wanted to go first tonight."

"I didn't say that, just that I wanted to try something I think you'll like after I'm settled in your belly tonight. You're the one who said to strip and lie down."

"I skipped dinner today and I'm hungry. I figured if you had an idea for after, I may as well feel full when I cum. That's always so much better. And did I say you could get up?" She moved a hand to gently push Colton down again as he started to sit up. Her sharp talons clicked as they hit the stone floor on either side, then scraped as she pushed out her fingers and lowered her palm until it was resting gently on his torso. The scales on her palm were soft and rough, almost like calloused hominid hands. "I don't want my dinner running off tonight, especially after I went so hungry last month." Since their anniversary, Colton and Nadia had set aside one night a month for just themselves.

"Sorry I was sick. If you want to gulp down a coughing, sneezing, barely conscious rabbit then next time feel free."

Nadia knelt down to lick her captive's face again, his taste making her hungrier and hungrier. She needed something in her stomach now, and not just anything. She craved the feeling of live prey squirming and wriggling down her throat and into her belly, and the only live prey she ever ate was lying in her power, and clearly craving the same if the strong, fast heartbreak she felt was any indication. She realized she was drooling slightly, a few drops of her sticky saliva splashing around her love as he looked up at her.

"You really are hungry, aren't you?" Colton was a little afraid, not an unusual feeling when he was with his draconic love. He knew she wouldn't hurt him, but instinct always told him to run, to fight, to get away from the giant predator before she could make a meal of him. Instinct hadn't won out over his memory of and desire for just how wonderful it felt when she did make a meal of him in a long time, and he wasn't going to say no when she wanted him this badly. Even if he was more scared than usual. "Then what are you waiting for. Eat up."

Nadia picked her dinner up and brought him just above her mouth. She knew how much he liked to stay in her mouth for a few moments, but she needed to get him inside her now. She opened her claws and slid the rabbit down into her mouth head first, not waiting for him to say goodbye before swallowing him whole with three quick gulps. She felt him squirming slightly on the way down and smiled as he finally slid into her stomach, sating her hunger. She took a moment to savor the feeling of a full belly before she stepped onto her bedding and lay down quickly.

Colton was trying very hard not to panic as the dragon tilted him headfirst into her waiting maw. She had never swallowed him head first before, he had always had at least a little time to prepare before the darkness of her throat overtook his vision and the pressure around him made breathing harder. He had always been able to look at her as she started to gulp, to both see her face and feel her throat around his legs for a few moments before his head was pulled into her maw. He had never told her not to take him like this, but she had never tried to before. He tried to relax, to focus on the sensations that were surrounding him, the walls of her throat gently squeezing his body and pulling him down like they had many times before. His entire body being coated by her saliva, lubricating him on his way down. The strong steady heartbeat, overpowering his own as her body claimed his. Still, he was fighting panic for a moment until he reminded himself- "This is Nadia. You love her, you trust her. Inside her is the safest place you can ever be, and the best place you can imagine."

By the time his head was pushed into the dragon's stomach he had skipped right past calm and was well into horny, the adrenaline and temporary fear only making him need a release more. As soon as the rest of him slid into the small chamber, he rolled onto his belly and started gently thrusting into the soft floor. His cock slid along, desperate for a hole to fill. The rabbit forced himself to stop- he wanted to be able to enjoy the plan for tonight too. He focused on his love's mind, focused on her consciousness as he linked his thoughts to hers. Normally he left it as a link, so they could share their thoughts and sensations. Today though, he pushed further, not sharing her sensations but seizing her senses and lying to them, telling her mind that it was seeing and hearing and smelling and feeling things that simply were not there. Before he pushed too far, he also remembered to stop her muscles, making the dragon's body think it was asleep so that she couldn't hurt others, or get hurt herself. He brought himself into her senses, lying to them and joining the lie at the same time.

Nadia was curled up in bed as she felt her love thrusting inside her belly. She was happily full, but had expected a bit more from tonight. She loved feeling Colton cum inside her, but he had implied something more would happen tonight, or at least that he had a new idea to try. Her hunger was satisfied, but her vent was damp and aching for release, desperate to be filled. She wanted to arch her neck and start to fill it with her tongue, but Colton had asked her to lie down and wait for him before moving. She got comfortable, as comfortable as she could with her sex screaming at her for attention, and waited. She trusted her love to make good on his promises, so she tried to be patient. After a short while, she saw a flash of blinding light, heard a loud but muffled banging, smelt and tasted cinnamon, and felt every muscle become heavy and solid. She panicked and tried to flail, to escape, but couldn't move. She felt like she was falling. From the outside, it looked as though the great dragon had quickly fallen into a peaceful sleep.

Suddenly Nadia's senses snapped back, but she wasn't in her chambers. She moved her head, looking around. She was standing outside on a cliff face, with a dark forest and a shimmering, fast moving river below her. She could hear it flowing past the rocks. The sun was setting in the distance, the sky was filled with orange and red hues. The air smelled clean, like it had rained recently, but there was a bit of wood smoke smell mixed in. It was beautiful, and Nadia felt calm and peaceful. Then, in a flash of fear, she reached to her belly. She couldn't feel Colton, she didn't know where he was or if he was ok.

"Hold on, relax. I'm fine." She heard Colton, only she didn't hear him. It felt like a thought, like a link, but he couldn't use any magic unless he was inside her.

"What just happened? Where are we, are we in danger? Where are you?"

"We're safe, I promise. We're still in the cave, and I'm still in your belly. I wasn't sure this would work right, and I didn't want to get your hopes up in case it didn't. Do you feel ok? Normal I mean, like you would expect to feel at a place like this."

Nadia thought for a moment. "I feel normal, just confused. What happened?"

"Magic. You're still in bed, but I can make you feel like you're almost anywhere. This is one of my favorite places from when I was young. Look around. Don't go too far though, there are boundaries we can't cross.

Nadia walked around the top of the cliff, trying to recognize the place. She could feel the dirt beneath her feet, and a slight breeze. She found a flower bed and stopped to smell them, and they seemed real. They didn't smell perfect, but the imperfections made it more believable than impossibly perfect scent. "This is amazing. ... not what I expected but this place is stunning."

"This next part may be less than perfect- it's not based on a memory so bear with me if it's too wrong."

Nadia looked around a moment before she saw a shadow darting across the ground. She looked up and saw a dragon passing overhead. It made a lazy turn, circling gently downwards.

"You made me a dragon?" Nadia whispered, eyes fixed on the descending figure.

"You were already a dragon, love," Colton teased. "But here, I can be a dragon too."

"Why? I don't..."

"You want a dragon. I know you do, and it's ok. I love you, and I know you love me. I try my best, but most of the time, when we make love, you're left wanting more. We can't... We can't fuck like most partners, it just doesn't work."

"I don't care about that."

"Yes you do. Not enough to leave me, or to make you love me one bit less. But sometimes you wish I was a dragon, that we didn't have to take turns every time we want to be with each other, that we could make love in a way that feels natural." The dragon finally landed, and looked at Nadia with a hopeful smile. He opened his mouth and said out loud, in the same voice her bunny always had, "And here, with a bit of luck, we can."

Nadia looked the dragon over, and had to choke back a laugh. The dragon, Colton, looked at her, disappointed. "That bad huh? I was hoping I could make a decent dragon."

"You make a very handsome dragon. It's just, well I may not have met many dragons but I don't think any have long furry bunny ears instead of horns."

"Oh god!" The dragon's ears twitched as he moved them around. "Those are not supposed to be there. Give me a minute, I'll try to..."

He stopped as Nadia walked to him laughing, then rubbed her neck against his. "I think they're adorable. And very you." Colton started purring, and Nadia pulled back and faced him. "I never thought I'd hear that coming from you." She smiled.

The two dragon's just stood there for a moment, staring into each other's eyes. They had never really made eye contact before, not with both of Nadia's eyes simultaneously at least. The ears seemed to be a mistake, but the dark brown eyes were so clearly his that she had to force herself to look away. She looked over him, recognizing a few pieces of his real body that he had used in this one. His fur pattern, scale pattern now, was largely the same, varying shades of grey in his face and body. His belly and neck seemed more cream than off-white, but it was otherwise unchanged. She walked around him, admiring Colton's work. Without really meaning to, she glanced between his rear legs, and stopped. Two massive orbs, tight against his body, were visible behind a large sheath. As she watched, Colton's dick started to emerge, growing from the sheath slowly.

Colton looked towards her, standing by his side and staring openly at his member. "Nice view?" he asked, while taking a peak at Nadia's vent. He had lied to his own senses well, he could only see from his own eyes, and he could feel the power in his muscles. He turned, and almost immediately fell flat on his belly, his legs slipping from beneath him. "Ow."

Nadia quickly brought herself around, worried. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"Four legs. Not used to four legs and no arms. I'm fine, we can't really hurt ourselves here, at least not permanently." He stood shakily, focusing on each leg as he did.

Nadia laughed. "You look like a baby deer! It's adorable!"

"Oh, like you'd be any better on two legs?" Colton was standing more stably now, focusing on not moving.

"Can you do that? Make me think I'm in a different body?"

"Yeah, theoretically. I think that's something to try later though, not now." He slowly, deliberately turned so he was facing Nadia. "Tonight I think we should stick to this."

Nadia licked his nose. "Fair enough. So, what should we do?" She looked at him and batted her eyes. "I believe you said something about fucking?" She was less excited after watching her lover fall, but she was more than willing to see what he could do.

"Could you turn around? I don't want to flail around trying to walk?"

She turned around, lifting her tail and wrapping it over Colton's shoulders as she knelt down, looking over the cliff. She turned her head slightly, and started to say something. She stopped as Colton dipped his head down and ran his long tongue along her slit.

"I figured we could start with the familiar and work it out from there," Colton said before diving back in. He started gently, barely dipping the tip of his tongue into her folds, but with every lick he reached slightly deeper into her quickly dampening pussy. Before long his tongue was deeper inside her than he had ever gone, from that entrance at least. He was disappointed to find that he couldn't push his face inside her at this size, but he kept pushing deeper and deeper with his tongue, savoring the taste and feel of her sex and pleasure.

Nadia was still except for the tip of her tail, which was lazily swinging around the base of Colton's neck. As he pulled his tongue out again, he brushed it lightly against her clit, and her tail stopped, squeezing against the top of his neck.

"Oh god yes. Just like that, please."

Colton smiled over his tongue as he sent it into her depths again, lightly licking her clit again as he pulled out. Nadia held back a moan.

"Let it out, if you want. No one will hear you but me, you won't bother anyone," Colton pushed the words into her mind as he pushed his tongue into her wet pussy again, and Nadia let herself moan loudly.

"Deeper, just a bit deeper."

Colton pushed further inside, and kept going deeper with each lick until Nadia's tail wrapped itself around his neck as she rode out her climax, the walls of her pussy squeezing around his tongue as he slowed down, riding out her ecstasy. After a few moments, her tail relaxed, and he pulled his tongue out. "So did I do alright?" he asked, licking his lips to clean all of her fluids off his face. Scales were so much easier to wipe clean than fur.

"You did wonderfully." Nadia was panting, and turned her head to look at her lover. "Now fuck me, please."

As strange as it was, neither Nadia nor Colton had ever had traditional sex. They had been together for a long time, and it was never really an option. So when Colton carefully climbed on top of Nadia, reaching his long neck to rest on her shoulder and steadying his legs as he positioned himself, neither of them knew quite what to expect. It was awkward, getting his forelegs around her delicate wings, but after a moment they managed to squirm into a comfortable position.

Colton thrust forward, missing his target, and tried again. This time, he rubbed his long member just between her lips, but didn't make it inside her. He moaned as he felt the heat coming out of her, onto his cock. He was used to the heat, but only on his entire body. On the third try, he found his mark. The head of his dick pushed slowly into her lips, and both of them gasped. Her slick walls welcomed him gladly parting to let him enter. He pulled out slightly, and Nadia gripped his cock. The world around them shimmered as they each began to lose themselves in the other. Fast thrusts followed by slow, steady retreats.

Colton, running on borrowed instinct, clawed at Nadia's sides, trying to get a grip. He found one, and used the leverage to thrust in harder, faster. He pulled his head up and softly bit down on the base of Nadia's neck. She wrapped her tail around his waist, gripping him tightly and pulling him into her, fighting against him whenever he pulled back. As she reached her second peak, she roared out her pleasure. Her pussy was pulsing around Colton's cock, massaging it with her soft slick walls. He didn't last much longer than her, releasing her neck and roaring himself, joining her voice as he pumped his love full of thick white seed.

He stayed inside her, resting on her back even after his cock stopped twitching, until Nadia turned her neck to see him.

"I love you so much."

"I love you even more," he replied as he pulled out, and they both moaned and enjoyed the last few sensations of their passion.

"So... this looks different." Nadia looked around at the world. The edges seemed blurred, with colors and objects mixing into each other. Only the two dragons were clear, standing out against the depthless background.

"Yeah, I kind of lost focus." Colton looked sheepish as he glanced around. "I was a bit distracted."

"Well good. I'd be disappointed if you were focusing on the _scenery_while you were balls deep in me." He laughed, and nuzzled her. "This is hurting my eyes a bit though, could you fix it?"

"Give me a second." Colton closed his eyes and focused. The world around them faded away, and was replaced with Nadia's chambers. Colton walked over to her bed, and lay down. "Come here." Nadia joined him, drops of dragon cum dripping from her pussy as she walked. "So, good idea?"

"A very good idea. We are definitely doing that again." She nuzzled him, and squirmed around. "This bed isn't quite big enough for two dragons, is it?"

"No, not really. And as much as I love cuddling, I think I prefer to sleep curled up in a warm dragon belly."

"I think I prefer sleeping with a rabbit snoozing in my belly." Nadia smiled at him. "So, back to normal?"

Colton stood up, turning around and looking down at Nadia. She curled up, her eyes open. "I'll see you when we wake up." The room stayed still, but Colton shimmered and faded out of sight. Nadia blinked, and reached a paw to squeeze her belly. She felt a familiar push back, and smiled. She definitely felt better with Colton inside her.


I delayed uploading this one, something just felt off about it. Not really sure what. Any feedback would be welcome, hope you enjoyed.