Story of my life. Chapter One

Story by DarcWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Story of my life.

So, there I was, walking along the street of-wait a second, maybe I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Darc, my last name isn't important. I thought I was straight... but that changed just a few nights ago.

I'm a sixteen, and live with my parents. I'm a red Fox with white rings on my wrists, on my eye, and a little white speckle on my tail. Oh, and on the bottom of my feet. I'm about five feet, seven inches, and weigh close to ahundred and forty pounds. I'm not exactly 'Muscular' But I can bench-press close to ninety pounds.

Just a few nights ago, I was sitting in the bathtub, listening to a song by Green Fur, when suddenly my father bangs on the door. I knew what I was in trouble for, but I didn't listen, I just turned my MP3 player up louder, and started humming along to it. My dad started hammering on the door, cussing at me, and yelling things I'd never dare to repeat.

See, the problem was that I had a lot of friends, and these friends liked to talk on and on... so part of it was that I had a huge bill on my phone. Another part was that I had st-Ahem, 'borrowed' my dads credit card, and...well, did something I knew I would regret. I had actually paid for porn with it, and then hid the porn. My parents knew that I looked at it, and had no problem. When asked, they'd just say "Oh, it's normal for him." But this time, I knew I had gone too far.

My dad started threatening to break down the door, of course, I couldn't hear him. I was busy in my own little world, not caring about any thing. I thought about my (sorta slutty) girlfriend. I thought about how much we made each other happy. Then I remembered how much she made me mad. I came over to her house, and found her...eating out another girl. I didn't say anything, and I've been meaning to break up with her for awhile now.

Then when the song finished, I finally heard my dad, banging on the door, almost breaking it off the hinges. The water felt good on my fur, and I didn't really want to get up. I switched onto the next song, and I heard a huge bang sound. I opened my eyes and saw my parents standing there, my dad red with anger, and my mother just standing there, crying.

My dad took my headphones off my head, and growled in my ear, almost silently. "You'd better be out of the tub, and downstairs in five minutes, or I'm throwing you down there." I whimpered and just nodded my head. My parents left and I immediately started throwing my clothes on, and walked down stairs. When I got down there, my dad pushed me onto the ground. Not exactly hard, but enough to to get a grunt from me.

My dad pushed the phone bill into my face, growling. "What the hell is this? Why has your bill been so high?" He said, trying to act calm. All I could do is shrugged as my heart beat fast. I was shaking, wondering what my dad would do, when he shoved his credit card bill into my face, I could see that the porn I had bought had been circled in red, I started sweating. I knew it would come to this, but I didn't imagine it would be like this. The tension in the air, along with my mothers silent sobs. "And this? Care to explain?" He asked, growling louder. I just shook my head, feeling a headache come on. My father then took me by the scruff of my shirt, lifting up to his muzzle. I could feel his breathing getting more intense. He simply said "Get out"

"Get out" Those words kept repeating in my head. Did he really mean for me to get out the house? Was my own father kicking me out of the house? Did he really expect me to just get a job, and find a house, and everything would be alright? Was I supposed to go on the streets, alone, with no money, in just my tank top, shorts, and my hoody? I looked though our window, and it was snowing. "'s cold outside...and-" I started to say, but my dad cut me off. "Get your clothes, and everything you need. And just get out before I chuck you out the door, bare-ass naked." I winced and he dropped me onto the floor. I went upstairs, into my room, and started packing my stuff. I knew I didn't have long before my dad did just that.

When I was ready, I went downstairs again, my dad glared at me. I tried to avoid his gaze. I walked over to my mom, and gave her a hug and a kiss good bye. She didn't say anything, and she was crying harder. I sighed and looked at the door. I was barely old enough to get a job, but I needed to work somewhere. Maybe my Girlfriend would let me stay with her for a few days. My dad coughed, telling me get out. I walked over to the door and turned towards my parents. "Mom, dad. I guess this is good bye. I'm not sure if I'll be back..." I said, slightly sad.

I turned around again, and started walking towards the door. My mom ran up and and hugged me one more time. I sighed again, and opened the door, a cold gust flew in, and my dad almost pushed me out. I stumbled out into the snow, almost falling flat on my face. I could hear my mom sobbing inside, and my dad quickly closed the door, and the blinds. I looked around, snow was falling heavily. I started to walk out the drive way, going to my Girlfriends house. I took a look at my old house one more time, snow falling into my hood. I put it on, and walked on, taking my backpack full of clothes and everything I'd need with me in it.

When I finally got to Tiffany's house, my heart beating. I knocked on her door. No one answered for a few seconds, before she finally answered, sweating. She was in her night dress, and I could see one of her friends behind her, also sweating. I knew what they were doing, but I didn't question any further. She just looked at me and growled. "Um...hey, Tiff, I have no where to go...and my parents just kicked me out of my house. Can I maybe...stay at your house for a few days, or until I get on my feet?" I asked her, almost begging. She welcomed me in with a sad look on her face. She asked me to the couch. I could see wet ended dildos and strap ons. I tried not too look at them. She looked me in the eyes when i sat down, and said "Listen...Darc...your really nice. But...I'm a lesbian. I just didn't know when we started I'm breaking up with you." I looked up and said to myself "Great...what else could go wrong tonight?" Her ears flicked towards me, and she asked "What did you say?" I just shook my head. "So...can I stay here for a little while?" She looked at her friend, and then at me. "I guess...but you might hear some...moaning. That's us." She chuckled. I nodded and asked where I could stay. "Upstairs, it might be kinda small, but it should do." I started to walk upstairs.

Now...the thing about Tiff, is that she was two years older then me. She legally owned her own house. As I walked into the small room, I noticed something. There was actually the picture of me that I had given to her on our first date. I sighed and looked at the bed. Tired and starving. I set my stuff down, and walked downstairs again. I already heard moaning, knowing they had started up. Not wanting to bother them, I went back to my new room. My stomach growled all night. I couldn't really hear Tiff and her friend now, but I knew what they were doing. I was holding back tears at this point. I put a pillow over my head, and cried into the pillow. Thinking about my parents and how much I actually missed them, about Tiff and how she was probably doing her friend right now, and about my best friend Sever.

When I woke up, I walked downstairs. I could see Tiff and her friend passed out on the couch. They were both naked. I looked at them both, then looked away. I walked into the kitchen, and looked into the fridge. I found some milk, and looked in the pantry. I found some cerel. I poured myself a bowl, and then walked into the living room. I sat down and looked around. I decided to turn on the T.V. I did, and started flipping though the channels. Finding nothing good on, I turned it off, and kept eating. When I finished, I sat up, and then pulled out a blanket from under the couch, and I draped it over Tiff's and her friends body. Smiling, I went to the kitchen and rinsed my bowl out. Then I went to the mail box, and got the paper. Knowing that the second best place to look for a job would be here.

I sat down on the couch, and started flipping though the pages, looking for the jobs section. I found it, and, sadly, there were no jobs open. None. I sighed, then rememered that Tiff had a computer. It wasn't meant for gaming, but it could help me with looking for a job. I went downstairs, and turned it on. It made a loud screeching noise, then stopped. I didn't hear anything in the living room, so Tiff and her friend were still asleep. I got on the internet, and did the best I could do, looking for jobs. I finally found one as a bartender. I could probably lie about my age a bit. I clicked the link, and found it was for a gay bar. I looked at any other results I may have gotten, this was the only one. I looked for where it was, and, it was right down the street. I got dressed quickly, and wrote a note to Tiff, saying "Tiff, looking for a job, be back later. Bye." I put it in a spot so she would see it, right in her face, then ran out the door.

I ran down the street until I got to the bar, it turned out, it wasn't a bar, as much as a club. It was day time, so it was pretty quiet. I walked in, and found the manager sitting alone at a table. There were a few people there. I walked up to him, said "I'm here about the bartender job. Is it still open?" He looked at me, then looked over me again. "You don't look eighteen." He said to me, I knew exactly what I was gonna say. "But appearences don't mean much though, do they?" I smiled as he handed me the keys to the bar. "You DO know what to do, right kid?" I just nodded, and ran off. Of course, he stopped me. "Woah woah woah kid, hold it right there. Your shift doesn't start until Eight thirty PM. Go home, have a drink, paw off, sleep, just do something for..." He checked his watch "About five hours." I shrugged and walked out the door, smiling. I couldn't wait for my first day. I went back home, (Of course, my home being Tiff's house, for now.) And heard the two girls moaning. I opened the door, and saw them. Tiff had a strap on, and was humping her friend. They payed me no attention, I just went upstairs and fell asleep. All ready for my first night. (End Chapter One.)

Ah, my first story. I hope you enjoyed, there's more to come. I really enjoyed writing it.

(Oh, and if someone could maybe draw Darc? I'm crap at drawing. >_<)