Chapter 15: Follow Me

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#15 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 15: Follow Me

Enya was only too happy to pack her things in a traveling pack, and strapping the bag over her shoulder, she took Theo's paw and together they climbed the village wall and slipped off into the night.

She was supposed to be doing this with Yuri. This was supposed to be Yuri holding her paw, Yuri giving her mischievous smiles and laughing softly with her as the two of them made their great escape. This was supposed to be Yuri whispering gleefully with her of how shocked and angry and worried everyone would be the next morning when the two of them were gone. But this wasn't Yuri. This was Theo. Yuri hadn't loved her enough to do such a thing. Yuri had rejected her.

At Enya's insistence, they headed north through the forest. She knew from Yuri's tales that the south was dangerous land: the ocean was there and the wastelands, where merchants and lone wolves alike roamed in search of vulnerable wolves to abduct. And to the northeast was the winter village, where tail chasers and the females like them were hated far more than they were in the summer village: winter wolves had zero tolerance for same sex love. But what lay to the far north, Enya hadn't the faintest clue, and the sense of adventure, of heading into the unknown thrilled her: she had never been away from the summer village in her life.

Theo had. Young males on the verge of their mating seasons were sometimes allowed to slip off and visit other villages, sometimes with their parents, sometimes with friends. Theo had been to the northern most end of the forest, where one could see the meadows spreading away to the horizon, and in the very distance, a line of mountains were in silhouette against the sky. The sight was beautiful at sunrise, and Theo promised that they would stay there a while to see it. But only for a while. They were more than likely being pursued by their parents: they were underage and were, therefore, still the responsibility of their elders.

"But, Theo," Enya asked as they were walking through the forest, "what's in the mountains? What's beyond them?"

It was morning, bright and blue, and they had spent the night together sleeping beneath a tree. Theo had not lit a fire for fear their pursuers might track them easier, but he vowed with a playful smile that Enya would never be cold: and he kept his promise. He lay on his back, his spear nearby, and Enya snuggled against his chest, loving his strong arm about her. But they were so frightened and excited that they couldn't sleep and merely lay there blinking at the dark canopy of trees and the stars winking beyond.

"I hope you can swim, babe," Theo had said presently.

"Why's that?"

"Because if it's north you wanna go, we're gonna have to cross the river."

Enya couldn't swim. She knew she should have been worried, but for some reason, she wasn't. She had run away from her father (which instantly made her eligible for becoming a lone wolf or even being stoned to death), and she felt that after doing that, she could do anything -- especially with handsome, sweet Theo at her side. She felt acutely that the journey would have been very miserable alone. But Theo always kept her smiling, even though she knew that he was as heartbroken as she: he'd been forced to leave Roan behind in the summer village, after all. Enya was well aware that Theo thought of Roan all the time. She kissed his cheek to comfort him, and they fell asleep together. In the morning, Theo woke her at the crack of dawn, and they set out.

"What's in the mountains?" Theo repeated, walking leisurely at Enya's side. He shrugged. "Hell if I know. I've never been. And as for what's beyond them . . . I've heard it's the end of the world. But those are just stories."

"The end of the world," Enya said dreamily.

Theo cocked an eyebrow at her. "Don't tell me you want to go there!"

"Don't you want to see what's beyond the mountains?" Enya scolded. "Come on, Theo! Where's your sense of adventure?"

Theo was silent. He understood Enya's desire to explore more than she realized: Enya was suffering a broken heart, and a good way to distract herself from that sort of deep pain was to run headlong into danger and uncertainty. His father had married him to a loose canon.


Theo sighed, adjusting the traveling pack on his shoulder. He gave Enya a weary smile. "Just promise me that if I take you to the end of the world, you'll come back."

Enya grinned and took his arm, and they happily passed through the shadows and flickering sunlight together.

When they reached the river, Theo tied his spear to his traveling pack, and instructing Enya to hold on to his pack and kick with her legs, he waded into the river with her following behind. The current was not very strong here: the waterfall was pretty far off. And so they waded in to their waists without trouble, then Theo started a firm stroke. Clinging to the bag on Theo's back, Enya struggled to keep her head above the water and kicked her legs, loving the sight of Theo's strong shoulders and arms flexing with muscles as they swam for the opposite shore.

It was hard work and took several minutes, but they found jutting rocks to rest on in the center of the river, and after the cross, they sloshed up the muddy bank and sat down to rest.

Panting to catch his breath, Theo peeled his traveling pack off and gave his fur a shake. Enya shielded herself and giggled as the spray hit her, then shook her fur in return. This made her breasts fly everywhere, and Theo found himself staring at them. The water had been cold this early in the morning, and Enya's pink nipples were standing out very hard.

"What?" Enya said, covering herself and flushing.

"Do that again," Theo told her.

"Theo! Don't tell me you liked it!"

Theo said nothing, but his cock stiffened a little, and seeing it twitch against his thigh, Enya flushed again. But she felt mischievous suddenly. She put her paws behind her head and thrust her breasts out.

"You mean . . . like this?"

Enya jiggled her breasts a second time, and Theo's eyes traced over her body from her slender waist to her arched back to the great soft mounds that were bouncing against each other just for him.

"You know," Theo said, cupping one of Enya's great breasts, "I've never been with a female . . ." He gave her breast a firm squeeze that made her body tingle.

"I've never been with a male," Enya admitted, leaning back on her paws. She felt herself trembling slightly when Theo leaned close to her and wondered why she was afraid. Oh, god, what was he doing? She squeezed her eyes shut and gave a little cry: he was sucking her nipple. His lips pulled at her, gently tasting, and she moaned when she felt his tongue trace over those sensitive nerve endings.

"Oh, Theo -- d-don't --!" Enya's eyes flew open when she felt his fingers sinking in her sex. She closed her thighs against him, her arms between her legs like an extra barrier. She looked so embarrassed and alarmed that Theo laughed.

"Enya, what's the matter? It's me. It's Theo," he said, cupping her face with one paw. "You know I would never hurt you, don't you?"

"Not on purpose anyway," Enya returned with large and frightened eyes.

Theo smiled. "Oh, Enya. I'll be gentle! Come on now. You can pretend I'm Yuri," he said, kissing her just below the ear, "and I'll pretend you're Roan. You're so soft like him. Roan's fur is smooth, just like a female's." And so saying, he ran his paw down Enya's waist and over the curve of her hip.

"You'll be gentle?" Enya begged, shivering as Theo's kisses traveled down her neck.

"If you just give me the chance," Theo whispered back, and Enya didn't know why she was so frightened: she had already been penetrated by a fist, surely she could take Theo's cock, however big and thick it was? And his kisses were irresistible on her neck, on her shoulder. He kissed the length of her arm and the heel of her palm, then looked up at her with imploring eyes. Enya still felt a little afraid: she had heard so many horror stories about a male's cock hurting the first time.

"Enya," Theo whispered. He leaned close, and kissing her cheek, he gently added, "Spread your legs."

Enya took a deep breath and did as she was asked: she opened her thighs, and Theo looked down at her sex, peeling the swollen lips back and gently caressing her clit. She felt her clit heave and throb in response and blushed. He was smiling at her.

"All swollen and dripping," Theo said in her ear, "and just for me!" He sank his fingers again, and when Enya felt them gliding inside of her, she whispered Yuri's name.

"So Yuri used to finger you like this?" Theo asked, running his fingers deeper. "God, you're tight . . ."

Enya nodded breathlessly. "What -- what did Roan do to you? I mean, what do males do?"

Theo laughed softly. "You mean what did I do to Roan. Nothing for your innocent ears to hear. Mmm, spread them wider or else I'll never get in . . . that's it," Theo whispered when Enya sheepishly opened her legs so wide that she blushed. He was making her feel as if she'd never been touched before!

"Put your arms around my neck," Theo told her. "You'll probably feel more comfortable that way."

Enya did as Theo advised her and closed her eyes. She shivered when she felt it: that first slow and careful prodding of Theo's big cock. She felt the soft head nudge her, as if it was carefully finding its way inside, then the thick shaft sank after it, and she felt herself widening around the width of him. Her thighs trembled and clenched tight against him. Theo halted. She was so tight now in her nervous clenching that he couldn't get in.

"Relax your thighs, babe," he whispered in her ear. "That's it . . ." And that great cock slithered in her juices until she felt the head prodding her deep inside.

Enya gave a shrill little gasp. "Oh, god!" It was the deepest pleasure she had ever felt, that wide, hot shaft pumping so slowly and carefully and so deeply inside. In and out, it went; in and out, it squished inside of her. She felt her pussy walls contract and give her juices, and Theo moaned his encouragement.

"See?" he whispered, smiling down at her. "Not so bad, is it?"

He was so handsome and sweet and she felt a thrill of happiness when he playfully kissed her nose. Enya kissed him back, but felt embarrassed that her breasts were slowly riding with his thrusts, that her clit was swelling against his cock and that the friction was pushing shrill sighs from her. Theo noticed her embarrassment and told her to close her eyes, kiss him, and pretend he was Yuri. Enya did, and she came: hot and sticky and thick. Theo muttered Roan's name and came inside of her. He tried to pull out but too late, and Enya felt his hot passion filling her. Lying there panting under Theo, she suddenly didn't care: she could still feel the last tingling vibrations of pleasure his cock had given and she was biting her lip, imagining that this was Yuri on top of her, imagining that Yuri's breasts were smashed so deliciously to her own.

"God, that was hot," Theo whispered to himself. He dropped his face miserably in Enya's neck and added, "I miss Roan." His soft, gentle, beautiful Roan. He sighed.

"I miss Yuri," Enya added just as miserably.

"Well . . . we better get going. If we keep stopping to fuck, they're sure to find us."

Enya laughed, and the two of them rose and took up their traveling packs. Theo shouldered his spear again, and they continued their journey through the northern forest.

The rest of the day, Enya found it difficult to look at Theo. She'd never felt so close to anyone except Yuri, and she felt as if she had betrayed something within herself. Theo seemed to feel the same way: he loved Roan, and unlike Enya, still considered himself Roan's lover. But when they admitted their feelings to each other, they laughed over the sad irony of the situation: Theo had cheated on Roan . . . with his wife.

They stopped again in the cool eve of the day to rest and to eat as twilight was reaching purple fingers through the trees. Theo walked off a little to take a piss in the bushes, and Enya took a drink from her canteen, watching Theo's muscular back flexing out of the corner of her eye. God, Theo was beautiful. Poor Roan was probably missing him terribly. She felt a shoot of pain in her heart: if only Yuri was missing her.

"You think we should get divorced?" Enya wondered when Theo had returned. "I mean, I like you, Theo, but I don't want to spend my life with a male. I . . . I want a female."

"And I want Roan," Theo added, taking a dismal bite of bread. "Yeah, sure. If you want to get divorced, babe, we'll get divorced. But promise me one thing."

Enya waited, watching him over her canteen.

Theo grinned: "Let's always stay friends."

"It's a promise." Enya smiled up at him, and leaning over, she gave him a kiss on the cheek that he playfully returned with a few mock bites on her neck. Enya giggled under the heat of his breath, the brush of his lips, and when they had both finished eating, they set out again.

Darkness was swiftly consuming the forest when Theo announced that they should stop for the night. Traveling wolves usually traveled at night and slept during the day, but Theo had suggested they do the opposite: they would be much easier to stumble upon and capture if they were sleeping in broad daylight.

"How much farther?" Enya groaned, dropping her traveling pack heavily in the leaves. "I've never done this much walking in my life. I think my legs might fall off."

"God forbid," said Theo, glancing up and down Enya's round calves and shapely little thighs. He dropped off his own traveling pack and sat at her side, adjusting the feathered warrior talisman on his bulging upper arm. "Another day of walking, maybe? I'm not sure. I haven't been to the meadows since I was fourteen. Used to go out there with my dad. There's a warren there and my mother likes rabbit."

Enya saw him lean back against the tree and place his arms behind his head. He was chewing on a bit of grass in the corner of mouth. He smiled at her.

"So what are you going to do after we reach the mountains?"

"I don't really have a plan," Enya admitted. "I just wanted to get away from everyone and everything to do with the summer village!"

"Amen!" teased Theo, and Enya gave him a mock scowl. "Seriously, though, Enya," he said, sitting forward. He rested his elbows on his knees and peered at her with thoughtful black eyes. "We need to have some kind of plan. We can't just wander around forever. What if we settle down and hide out for a long time? After a while, they should stop looking for us. Then we can go wherever we want."

Enya nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds good. Though knowing my dad, he won't stop looking for me until next century."

"And knowing my dad, he won't start looking for me at all." Theo laughed bitterly, and Enya heard him shifting in the darkness.

"I wish we could light a fire," she said. "It's getting so dark I can hardly see you. And cold." She shivered and hugged herself.

"Well, I can see you. That white stripe sure makes your tits stand out in the dark. It's nice." And Theo laughed when Enya's white bosom blushed and heaved from his words.

"The only problem is," said Enya, quickly changing back to the problem at hand, "where would we go? You know, after they've stopped looking for us? Any ideas?"

"Hmmm. Hey, I know: let's start our own village."


Enya squirmed and giggled when Theo grabbed her in the darkness, and pulling her into his arms, he groped at her breasts, giving mock growls in her ears and kissing her neck and loving her shrill giggles.

"Oh! Theo -- not there!"

Enya's excitement increased when she felt Theo's fingers gliding once more in her sex. He nuzzled his face in her breasts and his paws were everywhere. She couldn't control her giggles when he started licking her breasts in such hard, loving laps that they bounced up and down. She fumbled for Theo's cock in retaliation and loved the soft feel of it. She gave a little gasp when Theo stiffened in her paw, the heat of him throbbing against her fingers.

"Oh, now you've done it!" Theo teased, playfully rocking his hips against her.

Enya shrieked with laughter when Theo suddenly pinned her to the ground, and they probably would have engaged in yet more loving making when Enya gasped. It wasn't a delighted gasp: it was a gasp of shock and fear. Theo pulled back and looked down at Enya. He could see her frightened eyes shining in the darkness. She was gazing past his head. He whipped around.

Gazing down at them was a slender white wolf. A female, with bright blue eyes that were so light they could have been transparent. Her white mane was pulled back and fluttering on a non-existent breeze, and her breasts were so big and high and firm that Enya felt her pussy gush at the mere sight of her. She had lovely wide hips that reminded Enya of Yuri, and a nose as pink her sex. Her pale eyes were fringed in even paler lashes, and she stood there watching the two of them with her ears pricked forward, as if stumbling upon them had been the most bizarre thing in the world.

Theo snatched his spear and leapt to his feet. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Still stricken with shock, Enya scrambled up behind Theo and peered around him at the stranger. Why, this wolf was so white she was practically glowing! And she was so damn pretty. Everything about her was prettiness, softness, from her small feet and their glossy nails to her slender waist to the way she stood with her breasts thrust forward. She smiled uncertainly at Enya's probing blue eyes and ducked behind a tree with the blank look of a curious squirrel. One of her slender, white arms hugged the tree, which made her breasts smash together nicely. A strand of white mane fell across her gaze and they could see her tail flashing up and down behind her, could see that her ears were pricked forward in her curiosity and fear.

Enya drew in a sharp breath: every fiber of her being was drawn to this gorgeous, to this unbelievable creature. There was a strange aura about her: her blank, beautiful eyes spoke of things wild and untamed and yet gentle and easily startled, like the deer that migrated between the summer and winter villages.

Theo seemed taken with the strange female too: he lowered his spear half a fraction and seemed uncertain of himself, but his voice was gentle when he asked again, "Who are you? What do you want? You don't have to be afraid, we won't hurt you. See?" And he actually lowered his spear to the ground and raised his empty paws.

The strange, glowing wolf seemed a little put at ease. Her pale lashes fluttered and she answered shyly, ". . . . They call me Aidan."

Enya's ears pricked forward in her wonder: the white wolf's voice seemed to echo with a sort of ethereal power, as if several wolves were speaking at once. And there was something else she hadn't noticed: this wolf had strangely pointed ears. Her ears were shaped like round little leaves with tiny points, not the regular triangles of any normal wolf's ears. And the pupils of her eyes . . . they were narrow. But for all her odd features, she had an undeniable sex appeal that had both Enya and Theo standing paralyzed.

Aidan's long lashes fluttered up and down again, and they saw the corner of her mouth curl up in a little smile. "And I want nothing but for you to follow me," she added, and flicking her tail up and down, she turned and glided away into the trees.

Enya and Theo looked at each other and silently agreed to follow. They shouldered their traveling packs and hurried after the strange wolf, who was floating ahead of them with her breasts high, a blank flame drifting along through the darkness.