Chapter 17: I'll Always Come Back For You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#17 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 17: I'll Always Comes Back For You

It was rare that Kilyan called family meetings. He only did so when the family had something very important to discuss. The last family meeting had been for the sake of having a talk with Roan and Zane about their first mating season. Roan and Zane, only boys of fourteen, had sheepishly asked their parents everything they wanted to know about the mating season. They had already been told some things by their father, but Kilyan thought it would help for the boys to hear things from a female's experience, so he asked his wives to explain to their sons why gentility, kindness, and respect were so important when taking a female for the first time. The three parents failed to mention the wild orgies that sometimes took place after cherries were broken.

But tonight's family meeting was very different. There was a curious air about it rather than a nervous one: no one knew what the meeting was about except Kilyan. Kilyan's family was, in fact, thoroughly confused: Kilyan and the boys were supposed to be setting out to find Enya and Theo. Lea and Ohana, meanwhile, were going to spend the night at Loryn and Kira's (a distraught Zalia was staying with her mother). But Kilyan had halted their preparations to call the rare family meeting. In bewilderment, the boys set aside their spears and traveling packs. In bewilderment, Lea and Ohana put aside their rolled up sleeping furs and baskets. And the little family sat around the fire, watching Kilyan and waiting for his explanation.

Kilyan took a deep breath. He was sitting up very straight, his arms and legs folded, his shoulders squared. His wives sat on one side while his sons sat on his other. They were all staring at him and he didn't know how to begin. How do you drop this kind of bomb? Anticipating the angry reactions of his wives, he had almost wanted to just leave without explaining, but such a thing would have been cowardly, and Kel had raised no coward. Kel had always been open and honest with Aliona. Kilyan was determined to be the same way.

"I'm not helping with the search for Enya and Theo," Kilyan said into the silence.

"Father?" Roan whispered in surprise, and Zane cried out, "Dad! Why not?"

"Aren't you feeling well, honey?" Lea implored and touched a tender paw to Kilyan's knee, for they all knew that only a fatal illness could have kept Kilyan from helping Keeno.

Ohana, meanwhile, said nothing: just folded her arms and stared shrewdly at Kilyan. Kilyan swallowed. Oh, boy. Why was it that Ohana always seemed able to read his mind? He felt a slow blush creeping up his cheeks but firmly held it down.

"I thought you smelled funny when you came in," Ohana accused with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah," said Lea thoughtfully, ". . . so did I!" She scowled as it dawned on her.

Kilyan's wives glowered at him, but Roan and Zane were still thoroughly bewildered.

"What's goin' on?" Zane asked blankly.

"Your father is abandoning his niece for some shemale's pussy," Ohana told her son, and when her fangs flashed behind her pretty lips, Kilyan knew he was in for it now.

"Kilyan, I don't believe you!" snarled Lea, gazing at Kilyan in disgust and disbelief. "Enya is in danger, Keeno needs you! And you blow it off to go and mess around on us --"

"It's not like that!" Kilyan cut across her impatiently.

"Then what's it like?" Ohana demanded. "As soon as Avi blows into town, you scurry off like some horny teenager --"

"It's about my daughter!" Kilyan snapped out.

There was a pregnant pause as everyone stared at him. Roan and Zane looked at each other, unable to believe what they'd just heard. Lea and Ohana, meanwhile, stared at Kilyan with large eyes and he was relieved when their expressions softened.

"Dad?" said Roan slowly. "Are you saying . . . you have another wife somewhere?"

The boys looked at their father in amazement, and both of them suddenly knew what had really been eating at Kilyan all this time: this mysterious lover, who it appeared Lea and Ohana were not too fond of.

Kilyan sighed heavily, his arms still folded across his chest. He looked up, a streak of black mane in his eyes, and said calmly to his sons, "Remember when you were little pups and I left the village for a long time? I went to get the sorcerer Zaldon, and that's when I brought Yuri back with me."

Roan and Zane nodded.

"While I was gone," continued Kilyan, swallowing thickly, "I met another female, a female who had both sets of sexual organs but was more female than male. She was the princess of a tribe of shemale wolves to the far south. She made me her slave. I slept with her before I managed to escape. And now . . . she's returned to tell me that I not only have a daughter . . . but our daughter has run away. She wants me to help her find the child."

"But why you?" Ohana asked quietly. "Avi has a whole village to help her find her daughter. Just because you're the father --"

"The pup ran away . . . to find me," Kilyan explained.

"So . . . you're going, Dad?" Zane asked.

Kilyan looked up at his family and said, "Not unless any one of you is against it."

The boys shook their heads and said that they weren't.

"I would want you to come after me if I was lost," Zane said with a half-smile and received a fond ruffle on the mane from his father.

"If it's what you must do, Kilyan, then I will stand beside you," Ohana said, though Kilyan could tell by her stiff manner that she was still a little jealous.

Lea, however, nodded anxiously to hear that a pup was in danger. "Yes, go and find her, Kilyan! God knows the world is no place for a little pup, especially a female pup." She squeezed Kilyan's knee and he smiled gratefully at his family.

"You'd better get going, boys," Kilyan told his sons. "And let the others know I'm not coming, hmm?"

Roan and Zane nodded and gathered their things. When they were ready to leave, Kilyan playfully knocked their heads together and told them to keep their paws off Yuri or Zaldon would have them for lunch. They laughed and chorused the usual "Yes, Father!" before kissing their mothers and departing.

When Kilyan turned back to the room, he noticed the rigid manner in which Lea and Ohana were gathering their things. Lea tried to smile for his benefit, but Ohana wouldn't even look at him.

"Oh, my Lea, my Ohana," Kilyan said with a sigh, and kneeling between his wives, he took them each in an arm. "Can you really be so jealous? You know I belong to you. You know I am yours!" He gave Ohana a hard kiss under the ear and saw her fight back a smile.

"Oh, Kilyan! You know damn-well you won't be able to keep your paws off Avi!" Ohana accused. "The way you went on about her when you came home those years ago! You might as well have been in love with her." She sniffed a little, remembering all the times she'd awoken in the middle of the night to hear Kilyan murmuring Avi's name in his sleep, and how jealous she had been! How indignant!

Lea nodded in sad agreement with Ohana, but she looked more miserable than angry, her pretty black eyes echoing with an anxiety that sent a pang to Kilyan's heart.

Looking at Lea and Ohana, Kilyan realized that his wives weren't only jealous but that they probably felt threatened by Avi because she was younger and in her prime with higher breasts and glossier fur. But Kilyan also knew that getting between Avi's thighs a second time was going to prove damn-near impossible: Avi had not come alone. On the way back they were joined by Avi's mate: a huge, bulky shemale with a terrible possessiveness of Avi. They landed outside of the village gates, where Avi's wife stood waiting, and when she saw Kilyan, she charged at him like a bull and shoved him back, shouting at him in the shemale language. Avi calmed her wife down and introduced them to each other. Avi said her wife's name was Ryo. Ryo had firmly warned Kilyan to keep his paws off Avi, and if she so much as caught him looking at her wife, she would snap him in halves. Kilyan didn't doubt that she could do it: shemales possessed a terrible super strength, and Ryo was one of the biggest shemales he had ever seen. She was almost taller than Kilyan and her arms were thick with muscles. Her breasts might as well have been muscles too, they were so hard and stiff. And after giving her warning, she had proceeded to guard Avi like a dragon. Avi, meanwhile, looked amused by her wife's over protectiveness but nonetheless wearied by it.

When Kilyan told Lea and Ohana these things, he was glad when they burst out laughing.

"So you see?" said Kilyan, loving the sight of their breasts jiggling with their laughter. "Even if I wanted to touch Avi, I'd probably be smashed into dust before it happened. That should make the two of you happy."

Lea sighed with laughter and rested her head against her husband. "Okay, Kilyan, we get it! Just don't go getting on Ryo's bad side. I don't want to be sweeping you up later."

"As if Ryo had a good side," Kilyan said with a snort.

"But, Kilyan," said Ohana slowly, and Kilyan noticed with a sad pang that she was staring at her knees. "Do you want to touch Avi?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't," Kilyan admitted. He remembered with an inner wince that he had, in fact, already made love to her. "Ohana, I'd even marry her if she'd take me, but she won't. Avi even admitted to hating me. You have nothing to worry about."

Ohana laughed softly. "I'm sorry, Kilyan. I just . . . the thought of you with Avi makes me so s-scared." She looked up at Kilyan and said with sad gray eyes, "I love you . . ." What if he fell in love with Avi and did not come back to her? It was ridiculous that Kilyan would ever so such a thing to his family, but males were males, and besides, she could tell that Kilyan cared a great deal more about Avi than he could hide. What if Avi loved him back? Took him prisoner? Tried to keep him? Ohana was terrified that this time Kilyan might not come back at all. Her heart was threatening to break just at the thought.

Kilyan's heart melted. "Oh, Ohana," he whispered, touching her chin. "And I love you, too! From the moment I first saw you -- why, you've owned me body and soul! I belong to you. And I belong to Lea," he added, taking Lea's paw, and the three of them smiled at each other. "A male was never so lucky to have two such beautiful and devoted wives to love and protect. In fact, I wound up sleeping with Avi in the first place because I missed the two of you!"

"But it doesn't change the fact that you have feelings for her," Ohana wisely added.

Kilyan kissed her tenderly on the lips. "No, my Ohana, it does not."

"Then go and find your daughter," Ohana said, cupping Kilyan's face with one paw. "Before I change my mind and get jealous again," she added, and playfully shoved Kilyan's face away.

"We'll be here when you come back," Lea said with shining eyes. She was glad that Ohana was ready to support Kilyan: she hated when the two argued. She suddenly kissed Kilyan's cheek, then did the same to Ohana, and both of them laughed at her sweetness and pinned her down. They held her arms above her head, opened her shawl, and drank in the sight of her breasts being pulled up so high from the position.

"Lea, you sweet little thing, you," Ohana said, smiling down at Lea and licking her lips.

They watched as Lea's white breasts flushed crimson. She fluttered her lashes, embarrassed that the two of them were looking on her with such playful hunger and mischief, that the two of them were holding her down with the clear intention of doing things to her and watching her reaction. They were both taking in the sight of her breasts slowly heaving with quiet hunger, and now they squeezed her breasts until the nipples were standing out hard.

"Oh!" Lea cried out and bit her lip when they each suckled at her nipples.

"Such sweetness shouldn't go to waste," Kilyan told Ohana. They nodded at each other, and Lea gave a shrill little gasp when she felt their fingers gliding inside her sex. They held her thighs open and pinched playfully at her pussy lips, and when Ohana started gently rotating and massaging her clit, Lea arched her back and moaned.

"Oh, how can the two of you embarrass me like this!" Lea cried, but they knew she was enjoying it: her big pussy lips were slobbering wet.

"No, no, Ohana, she likes it this way," Kilyan said, and he took Lea's clit and firmly squeezed, then massaged and stroked it. Lea cried out and arched back, and they loved the sight of her cheeks coloring up.

Ohana hooked a finger in Lea's mouth and traced her tongue over Lea's gasping lips. "Kilyan," she said, "why don't you put your cock in here? Lea's lips are so soft -- both pairs." And so saying, she knelt between Lea's thighs and started to lick her hungrily. Lea gasped: Ohana was sucking and licking at her clit, sucking in her pussy lips and licking them too. She squirmed when Ohana paused to lick her thighs, and then that greedy little mouth was closed over her pussy again, sucking away her juices.

Then Kilyan was squatting beside Lea, and giving her a loving a smile, he took her head in his paw and slid his cock deep in her mouth. He started pumping his cock against her lips and at the same time, squeezing and caressing the great soft mound that was her breast. Lea gurgled around his cock but loved the thick, salty taste of it stroking against her tongue, loved the smell, loved that it was throbbing with veins. She loved Kilyan's big paw squeezing her breast, sometimes pinching and twisting the nipple as he pressed his dick against her tongue. But she loved most of all the look on Kilyan's face: he looked down at her with a mixture of hunger and love that made her shiver happily. She had never felt so wanted, so loved, and yet so completely possessed as she had by Kilyan and Ohana in that moment. The two of them touched her and licked her and kissed her until she was soon coming again and again, and when she swooned in her ecstasy, Kilyan lovingly gathered her in his arms and carried her from the hut.

Ohana gathered their things and followed. Kilyan would have to carry Lea to Loryn's now. They passed up the dark street together, and Kilyan thought it was the funniest thing: the sight of Ohana with his spear on her shoulder and a basket under her arm. Ohana had no trouble with the spear, and why should she? She was a winter wolf, and as such, was as tall and as strong as her tribe. She was not as tall as her husband, but being a winter wolf, Ohana was fairly tall for a female. Kilyan loved the sight of her long, slender legs, so graceful and elegant beneath her high, twitching buttocks whenever she walked.

"Our sweet little Lea," Ohana said, glancing fondly at Lea's slender form.

Lea was draped, pale and beautiful, across Kilyan's arms. Her head was on his shoulder and she was smiling in her sleep. Ohana loved the way her white mane lifted on the breeze, streaming out over Kilyan's shoulder.

Kilyan smiled down at Lea too. "Yes, my sweet and soft Lea." He sighed. "I've loved her since we were pups, and I don't guess I'll ever stop. I've always loved you too, Ohana. I wasn't sure how I'd let you go if it turned out you didn't love me back."

"But I did," Ohana said, smiling sideways at Kilyan. "And I don't guess I'll ever stop either."

They smiled at each other and kissed, and when Kilyan left his wives at Loryn's, his spear on his shoulder, the gentlest affection in his green eyes, Ohana realized that she could trust him to come back to her. He would always come back.