
Story by Dodgy Cur on SoFurry

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The rain beat a steady rhythm on the windshield and the wipers did little to clear it, each sheet wiped away instantly replaced with another. Aeren, some would say a cheetah of ill repute, was running late for a get-together with friends and was going slightly too fast for the time of night and the road conditions. He spun the wheel as he approached a corner and the car swept around it. He felt the wheels skid slightly on the sodden road and tapped the brakes to straighten it out.

'Gotta be more careful.' He said to himself. 'It ain't worth dyin' for.'

As he completed the corner he thought he saw something next to the road slightly ahead. He squinted, trying to see through the rain.

'The hell you out for in weather like this?' he said when he realised it was a person. He drew to a stop level with the figure and opened the passenger door. Outside stood a snow leopard, shivering in sodden clothes. His stark white hair fell moistly over his eyes.

'You okay? You need a lift somewhere?'

'Got nowhere to go.' He said in a flat tone. He had a dignified British accent, which displayed a hint of sadness.

'C'mon, get in. It'll kill you out there.'

The leopard was reluctant at first but climbed in after weighing up the options.

'So where ya goin'?'

'Like I said, nowhere to go.'

Aeren looked him over. He was wearing some smart black pants and a white shirt. On the sleeve of the shirt he noticed an expensive brand label. 'What happened, you don't look homeless.' he allowed himself a slight smile. 'Very wet, but not homeless.'

'How do you know?'

'You're dressed too smart.'

'Yeah, well, I've only just become homeless.'

There was an uncomfortable pause. 'Oh, you need to dry off.' He reached behind the passenger seat and into an open gym bag. After rummaging around for a few seconds he drew out a large towel. He handed it to the leopard, who began rubbing it over the wet fur of his face and head.

'So, what's your name?'

The towel parted like a curtain and a matted muzzle poked out. 'Ikah.' The towel passed over his head and began rubbing the back of his neck.

'I'm Aeren. So, Ikah, You got anyone you can stay with tonight?'

'...No. I was planning to spend a night under the stars but then it started pissing down and... well, that's when you came along.'

God-damn! Thought Aeren, That voice is driving me wild! 'Look, I don't usually do this but I got a spare room with nobody to use it if you want somewhere out of the rain for the night.'

'I don't know...'

'Hey, c'mon, It's not like I'm an insane killer or anything.' He smiled and was pleased when Ikah allowed himself to do the same.

'Thank you... I'd appreciate that.'

Aeren started off again and looked at the clock. It was too late to meet up with his friends now. He made a mental note to leave them a message later but had other things on his mind right now. He gave a sideways glance towards Ikah. The leopard had undone his shirt and was currently drying his chest. Aeren moaned almost silently and squirmed slightly in his chair. He felt a stirring in his crotch and felt his member begin to poke out of his sheath. He shifted again to hide the swelling.

'So, Ikah, you wanna talk about what happened?'

'I wouldn't want to burden you with my problems.'

'Well, if you don't wanna talk that's fine but it wouldn't burden me. I'm a good listener.'

'Maybe later.'

'Fair enough.'

After a short journey filled with awkward silences and small talk the two arrived at Aerens home. He pulled into the driveway and climbed out. Ikah also left the car and followed Aeren, who was running to get out of the rain, to the door. It was hurriedly opened and Aeren ushered Ikah through and into the living room.

'First thing, you gotta get into something dry.' Ikah's shirt was still unbuttoned and Aeren could have blushed at the sight of the matted yet luxurious fur there. 'You're a bit smaller than me but I should have something that'll fit ya. Just wait here for a second.' He left the room and went to his bedroom. Rummaging through the closet he found out a red shirt and some blue jeans. On his way back to the living room he stopped at the linen closet and grabbed another towel. He handed the bundle to Ikah upon his arrival.

'I'm sorry they're not designer or anything and they don't match but... Uh, I'll show you to the spare room so you can change in private. He did so and left, shutting the door behind him. Back in the living room he sat in an armchair and waited. He let his mind wander. He imagined Ikah slowly removing his sodden clothes and dropping them on the floor. He took the towel and began rubbing the white fur of his belly. Going lower the towel passed over the sheath, gently dabbing it dry. Lower still until he cupped his sack in the material and... Aeren came back to the real world when he felt the swelling in his pants and the moist dribbling of pre-cum. He rubbed his member gently through the cloth until he heard footsteps padding towards the living room. He shifted to hide the swelling once again when the door opened and in came Ikah, dressed in the clothes Aeren had given him. The shirt hung off him and he'd had to use his own belt to hold the jeans on. He was holding his damp clothes.

Aeren stood up, hunched slightly in an attempt to hide his bulging pants, which it appeared that Ikah failed to notice.

'You want me to dry those off for you?'

'Please.' He held out the clothes and Aeren took them and went through to the kitchen. He put them in the drier and started it up on a one-hour cycle. He tried to think of a way to buy some time for his member to calm down. He opened the door a crack. 'You want something to eat?'

'No thank you.'

'A drink then, you want a beer?'

Ikah didn't even have to think about the answer to that. 'Please.'

Aeren closed the door and opened the fridge. He reached in and pulled out two LionBrau. He went over to a draw and made a show of looking for the bottle opener. Eventually he 'found' it as the bulge started to shrink and opened the bottles. Back in the living room he handed one of the bottles to Ikah, who had placed himself on the sofa, and sat back in the armchair.

He took a large gulp from his bottle. 'You wanna talk yet?'

'Okay, I suppose.'

'What did you mean when you said you'd just become homeless?'

'I was living with my parents before. They're both avid Christians so when I told them they... kicked me out.'

'Told 'em?'

His gaze became glazed, remembering a traumatic moment. 'I had it all planned. I cooked them a wonderful meal. I sat and talked with them for the evening. It was going great. Then I decided the time was right, everyone was in a good mood, laughing and joking.'

Holy hell, is this leading where I think it is!? Thought Aeren.

'Then I told them: Mum, Dad, there's something I feel I need to tell you. I've kept it secret for too long and I feel you need to know the real me. For a long time I've known for sure so now I think you should too. I'm gay.'

Aeren's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe it. This beautiful snow leopard was telling him what he'd been desperate to hear.

'They just sat there for a while. Then Dad started laughing, shortly followed by Mum. They thought I was joking.' A wry smile passed onto his lips. 'Then they saw that I wasn't laughing. They kicked me out. Told me I was a shame to the family, that the bloodline would end with me because I was a queer.' A small pained laugh escaped him and a tear began to pass down his cheek. 'I suppose you want me to leave now you know the truth.'

'I can't make you leave now.' He smiled. 'You're wearing my favourite shirt.'

Another tear rolled through Ikah's fur followed by another, and another. Soon he was crying freely, sobs wracking his delicate frame. Aeren rushed over and sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

'Hey, it's okay. You've been knocked down but you've landed on your feet here. You stay as long as you want.' Oh, God, he thought, please stay. He pulled the sobbing creature close and Ikah rested his cheek on Aeren's shoulder, an arm coming around and resting on his other. Aeren wished the embrace would never end and it was a long time before the shuddering sobs and tears subsided, eventually stopping completely.

'I'm sorry you had to see that, Aeren.'

'Hey, it's okay. A good cry always makes us feel better, huh?' he smiled again when Ikah looked into his eyes.

'Uh, I'm a bit tired... and emotionally drained. I think I'd like to go to bed.'

'Yeah, it's getting' late. Think I'll turn in too.' The both stood up and walked down the hall leading to their respective rooms.

'Thank you Aeren.' Said Ikah at the threshold of the spare room. He went in and shut the door behind him. For a short while Aeren contemplated following him in but decided against it. He went through the next door into his own darkened room. Stripping off he crawled under his covers, lying on his side. He began thinking about the revelation that Ikah had just made, thought about how this beautiful, gay snow leopard was now staying under his roof. He found himself growing hard again but this time did nothing to prevent it. He reached under the covers and gently rubbed at the moist, slick rod there. Encircling it he began running his paw up and down in a rhythmic motion, his pads sliding over the barbs. He quietly purred as he felt climax approaching and slowed his pace slightly, holding back for as long as he could. His body began to shudder as wave upon wave of pleasure rolled over him, his tail twitching in ecstasy. Soon he reached a point where he could hold on no longer and let the final orgasm loose, he cupped a paw under the end and caught as much of his seed as he could, some small globs flowing over and onto the sheets. When he was empty he brought his paw up and lapped the milky white fluid from it, enjoying every drop.

A while later he was almost asleep when he heard his door open quietly. Ikah silently padded over and got under the covers, Aeren's back to him. He shuffled closer and placed an arm over Aeren's waist, his paw resting on his chest.

Smiling, Aeren brought a paw up and held the paw nestling in his chest fur.

'...How did your parents react when you told them?'

'It took 'em a while but eventually they were okay with it. You knew?'

'You got hard when I was drying off. How could I not know?'

Aeren purred as the paw on his chest slipped down and began rubbing the side of his thigh. It slid round and found his sheath, running around the circumference. Soon there was a head of red flesh poking out which became the glistening shaft that Ikah had noticed through the pants. He ran a paw down its length several times. Aeren felt a pressure against his buttocks and he rolled over to face his partner. Face to face their members touched and rubbed against each other. They looked into each others gleaming eyes in the near blackness. Aeren made the first move then, moving in and placing his lips over Ikah's. Together their muzzles opened and their tongues explored. They embraced and held each other close, their shafts pressed between them. Aeren's paw explored downwards and found the base of Ikah's tail. After stroking it gently for a short while he ran his paw slightly lower and found the hole below it. Gently running a finger over it he elicited a purr from Ikah. The rumbling purr resonated in Aeren's own muzzle and throat and soon he too was purring into the kiss. Ikah's purr turned into a gasp of pleasure as the finger slid into him. Aeren gently moved the finger in and out, rubbing at the tender passage. Ikah eventually broke the kiss and lowered himself below the covers, the finger sliding out of him. Going lower he found what he was looking for. He tentatively licked at the end of Aeren's member, savouring the taste of the clear fluid there. He circled a paw around the base and gently manipulated it as he opened his mouth and began running his muzzle along the length. Aeren purred louder as the warmth enveloped him. He placed a paw on the back of Ikah's head and stroked the fur, gently, almost imperceptibly he urged the head deeper onto himself. Ikah gave no resistance as he sucked and lapped at the member. He felt Aeren begin to thrust as the pulsing of his shaft quickened. Soon the sensation of warm liquid shooting into his mouth overwhelmed him and he swallowed eagerly. Unable to take in all of the fluid some of it began to run out of the corners of his mouth and dribble down into and around Aeren's sheath.

Soon the flow stopped and Aeren reached past his new mate's head, took some of the overflow onto his fingers and licked at them eagerly. Ikah raised off the meat and began to clamber up the form below him, a lustful look in his eyes. Once again the two kissed, only this time it was more urgent, full of passion. Aeren savoured the taste of his own seed on the other's tongue. He instinctively knew what was now expected of him and he was more than willing to comply. He lifted and parted his legs, Ikah going with him. His spent shaft rested against his belly, the remaining fluids soaking into the fur. He hitched his tail back and to the side and soon felt Ikah's stiffness pressing against the opening. Gently it entered, the passage easy as Ikah's own pre-fluids had been untended until now. Soon he was in up to his sheath and was thrusting away. Aeren reached up and caressed the muscular chest before him. He wrapped his legs around Ikah as the thrusting became harder, pushing him as deep as he could go. Ikah all but roared in ecstasy as he began filling Aeren. The warmth filling his insides was almost enough to bring Aeren to climax again and it took only a few seconds of rubbing at his shaft for him to spray what was left of his fluids over himself.

Ikah pulled out and lay atop his lover, their shafts resting against each other once more, slowly receding into their sheaths. They rolled onto their sides in a deep embrace, each lost in the other's luxurious fur.

'Y'know, you can stay here as long as you want.' Aeren said hopefully.

'Are you sure I won't be in the way?'

'Sure... There is one problem though...'

Ikah looked confused, 'What's that?'

'I've been toying with the idea of turning the spare room into a rec-room... so you'd have to sleep in this room with me.'

Ikah smiled lovingly. 'I think I'd like that.'

'Me too.'