A Free Massage...?

Story by Sn33zingLizard on SoFurry

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#1 of Jixer's Sexual Adventures!!

So!! Got this wonderful commission done by the ever so talented Spelunker Sal, thought it couldn't hurt to stop being lazy and to try and write some stuffs again... Took me a few hours from start to finish in the weeeee hours of the morning so I hope it turned out nice and such, thought I kinda fell off at the end a bit... I got a lil tured but I didn't want to break the flow! 14.2 pages a website told me... Hooray me?

Had been a few weeks now since Jixer had moved, his high school years were over finally and it was time to move onto bigger and better things. University was the next best thing apparently, winding up at one mostly thanks to his dad. After being pressed for the last year or so of high school he just couldn't take it any more, not that it was the worst thing he could have done. He did have aspirations at being a mechanic of some sorts, a fan of things on two and four wheels, no diesels though... So with that in mind he found himself doing a course at a university several hours away, the best available to him which of course meant moving out. Not as bad as he thought it would have been, he didn't have much stuff and they had found a place for him to stay at as well. Finding a granny flat in the back of a rather nice families back yard that they had refurbished to rent out, of course moving wasn't the hard part. The hard part was parting ways with his dad and older brother for the next few months, really the first time he had lived alone being 19 years of age at the moment. The people he lived with were nice enough hough, a family of canines that he had to admit made things a little easier for him. Of course Mrs. Tugg and her chocolate chip cookies added to their friendly hospitality from time to time. He was left to his own devices most of the time though, such as the arrangement they had as long as he paid his rent when it was due.

All in all it was a fairly new experience for him to take in, he did have a few ways to get past it though. Play the games for hours on end, go out and take in the town on his motorbike and then there was him just lazing about barely dressed watching TV or something. He had just gotten done with an activity that took his mind off his impending trip back to school and his lack of relatives near by. Jixer had just gotten through a few hours at the local recreation centre, finding it on one of his rides around. Not one to pass up the chance to play some baskethoops and play he did! It turned out a little different than he had first planned though, just expecting to get there and shoot around for a few hours. Instead he found himself roped into a friendly group of seven with their eighth never showing up, so ensued the games of four n four and alike. Starting out a little shaky for the blue tongued lizard, his first shot one that barely grazed the bottom of the net. Not that it was the worst thing that they'd seen, he did play better after that. Making an impression as well as some new friendly acquaintances in the process as well, all fun and games really. He did regret not stretching before hand once he was back in the locker room though, not that he was expecting to exert himself like he had though.

So there he was, sitting on one of the wooden benches in font of a row of lockers. His bag with his things in and around it next to him, most of his scaled self was bare and exposed at the moment as he sat there. Having himself hunched over a bit after putting his towel over his shoulders, a hand down massaging his right calf as the whole stretching thing or lack there of started to catch up with him after his shower. Most of the guys he had played with earlier had departed from the centre before him, a couple were left behind as they did their thing. Standing himself up eventually once he was done massaging at his leg, pulling his towel from his shoulders as he did, using it to rub over his scales a little more. Somewhat shamelessly standing there naked, looking down for a moment or two at his limp length as it hung there from his groin. Thinking that his foreskin always looked a little longer then usual after a hot shower, it covered everything entirely as it was normally.

"Earth to Jixer?" A voice breaking through the blue tongues deep thoughts about his junk, making him break his gaze away from his own groin to look up at an equally naked gryphon. Meeting the other's gaze to see that it was Ben, the guy that had asked Jixer to play with them in the first place. "You're in front of my locker... Gotta get my stuff."A smile gracing the gryphon's beak as he gestured to the locker behind the lizard.

"Oh... Sorry." Jixer got out as he moved himself out of the way, looking up at the taller feathered male after he did. The winged guy had several inches on the all around smaller reptile, Jixer being a respectable 5'10" himself guessing that Ben there had to be at least 6'2" or something. Mostly white with his feathers and fur fading to an eventual black over his forearms, wings and his lower legs. Several grey to black spot were scattered around over his rump, leaking out to his lower back and thighs a little bit as well. Not that Jixer was going to count them as he would be much more interested in inspecting the circumcised shaft that Ben had. Having seen it dangle a few inches past his furred sack in the showers, wondering if that was why his friends called him Big Ben... He certainly wasn't British.

"Thanks buddy." Once having his locker freed up for him the gryphon went and opened it up, going in to get his things sorted before he'd change into some cloths. "You're pretty good by the way, you play much?"

"I used to, nothing serious just domestic and high school stuff..." Normally being the quiet type in the past was Jixer, always felt a little weird when people tried to talk to him when he was at his old gym. Wasn't feeling any of that at the moment though, might have been because he was too busy ogling over the larger gryphon next to him. Being on the leaner side himself, which admittedly made it easier to get a bit of muscle tonage going for himself. Which was really the only thing he had on the gryphon body wise, not seeing too much definition through the other's feather and fur. He might have been looking in the wrong place though, finding his gaze down at those round rump cheeks for a bit. Averting his gaze once he had a nice enough look.

"Cool... There's 23 by the way..." Ben said as he glanced back at the smaller reptile over his shoulder and past one of his wings, catching Jixer's somewhat confused gaze after having seen him staring at his butt for longer than just a glance.

"23? 23 what?" Holding his towel in front of his chest now, the striped reptile looking back up to Ben after hearing the comment that seemingly came out of no where.

"23, there's 23 spots down there..." Twisting himself a bit as he placed a talon tipped grip down on his own rear, looking down at his spotted self before looking back to Jixer. "I assume that's why you were looking at my butt... Right?"

Not answering straight away as he looked back down to the gryphon's backside, pausing for a moment before he'd let out a slightly nerved chuckle assuming he had been caught staring earlier. "Right! I uh... Yeah, I lost count after 15..." Trying to make something up on the spot, looking back up as he was honestly a little surprised he hadn't gotten at least a little hard by now. Maybe if he hadn't just played with those guys his body may have been a little more at attention, thankful though he didn't have to hide and sprouting erections or anything, especially now.

"Uh huh..." Turning around as he leaned back against the locker next to the one he was using, arms crossed in front of his chest as he smiled away. Finding it rather amusing himself as he looked at the smaller blue tongue in front of him now. "Well I understand really. Not everyone can be as... Physically as gifted as I am, all hard work really. Muscles like these just don't grow on trees you know." Ben said as he lifted one of his arms up, flexing his bicep a little bit before giving it a little bit of a pat with his other hand. Turning into something of a proud muscle head for a moment as he flexed for the lizard, he was mostly joking though as he turned his attentions back to the other with him. "Not bad yourself though, a few protean shakes should put some muscles on these bones." He said as he went from his own bicep to Jixer's, giving it a bit of a light squeeze.

"Uh, thanks... I think?" Replying as he felt the light squeeze to his arm, tugging it back a little bit as he looked up at Ben with somewhat of an amused smile. "I think I'm good though, like you said. Not all of us can be... This..." Pausing for a moment as he would return the favour, reaching up to grip one of the gryphon's arms. Squeezing it he would find it was less pliable than his own was, not really able to shift that muscle much it seemed. Glancing up at a smiling Ben as he had the gryphon's arm between his fingers, pulling his hand away with a smile of his own before he'd turn to look at his things there on the bench. "Anyway... Think I should get going now."

"Fair enough." Ben replied back as his gaze went and trailed down Jixer's back, moving down to that firm looking rump the reptile had. Taking the time to slide his hand down to his own groin for a moment, drifting down the now slightly rigid base of his cock and down his shaft. Brushing down off the end after gripping it a little bit, just wondering if the reptile's rump hole was as nice as the view he had at the moment. "Oh... Before you go I did want to show you something." Thankful he remembered that as his hand left his cock head, leaving it to sway a little bit as he turned back to his open locker, grabbing his phone from his bag.

"Sure, what is it?" Holding a clean pair of briefs in his hands as he was just about to put them on before he heard the gryphon's request, turning around with them as his looked at the other with his phone already out. Seeing that Ben looked like he was trying to find something on his phone while catching a glimpse of what was going on down lower. Jixer's brown eyed gaze moving down to Big Ben's groin, finding himself looking at a slightly erect gryphon in front of him. Seeing that that recently limp length was now hanging away from his body, the base being more erect than anything else as it would sag down limply an inch or so away from that furred groin.

"Here you go." Placing his phone back down on his bag still in his locker before he'd look back to Jixer, catching the reptile as he looked away from the slightly turgid shaft that Ben was doing nothing to hide at all.

"What is it??" Jixer got out as he looked at the phone screen from far enough away where he really couldn't make out much sense of what he was looking at, looking to the gryphon who was leaning against the other lockers there next to his open one. Taking a few steps closer so he could see, not really expecting to see what the gryphon had pulled up since he had made it a bit over a year ago. Looking over to Ben after taking the phone into his hand, scrolling down the page a little bit to see that it was actually what he thought it was.

"That's you right?? Brown Eyed Skink...?" Again Ben was smiling, looking down to his phone again. Having brought up a dating website, one that Jixer had a profile on. Not that he had really used or checked it in several months but it was still there. "Likes sunsets, the smell of rain and cruising around town." Reading some of the bio Jixer had on there out loud for him, moving in closer to the reptile as he looked over his shoulder down at the phone pointing down to it with a talon tipped finger. "Found you in men seeking men you know.... Nice pictures by the way." Pointing those out for the skink as well, not that there were many most of which were clothed but there was a couple that were marked as explicit on there.

"That, might be me..." The reptile not really breaking his gaze from the other's phone, only really doing so when he noticed that the gryphon had both of those strong arms at either side of him with those hands up against the metal of the lockers. Taking a half step back onto to feel his scaled rump press against Ben's damp hip, inches away from the now half erect length the gryphon was sporting. Perhaps he was enjoying all of this while Jixer was feeling a little surrounded at the moment, looking back to that smiling beak.

Both of them would pause for a moment, looking into each other's eyes. The silent moment the two were sharing was broken soon enough though, both of them turning to look to the winding entrance in and out of the locker room once one of Ben's friends had called out to him from outside. "Damn it Ben! Quit jerking off and hurry up already... I'm hungry!"

This was then met with a soft sigh from the gryphon, hanging his head for a moment before he would hold it up again. "Hold on a second you impatient fuck, I'll be out in a second just go wait with the car..." Not hearing a reply Ben went and looked back down to the lizard that he had trapped there in front of him, smiling at him for a second before moving to the side. Giving Jixer his personal space back as he went back to leaning his side against the lockers, crossing his arms in front of his chest again as he remained cool, calm and casual even with the semi turgid shaft of his.

"Thought it was you... Anyway, you can get dressed now if you want." Being met with a silent nod from the reptile, Jixer putting Ben's phone back down as he went and stepped back a bit. "Another thing." Catching the reptile's attention again as he had started to slip his feet through into his briefs, looking back up as he was greeted with a business card. "If you're feeling sore tomorrow or something should stop by... Might be able to help you out if you rubbing your leg doesn't work.."

"Thanks." A smile returning to Jixer as he had gotten himself decent again and seeing that it seemed Big Ben worked at a massage and spa, giving a bit of a nod to the big guy before he'd sit himself down on the bench to slip the card away in his wallet. Seeming that the semi possible moment that he was involved in a moment ago had disappeared thanks to one of Ben's friends, something that he was partly thankful for while another part of him wondered how things would have continued had they not been interrupted. It seemed the gryphon had moved on from it himself as he got to work at drying himself completely. Seeing this Jixer went and dressed himself completely, getting his things sorted out before he'd head on out of the locker room. Not before one another gave the other a nod and a bit of a wave off as they parted ways for the moment, giving both of them something to think about for now.

So around 24 hours had passed since Jixer and Ben had that little thing happen in the locker room, giving both of them plenty of time to think about it and what not. Now thought the soft burble of Jixer's motorbike was cut off as the lizard sat there in front of what he assumed was the place Ben informed him about. The Massage and Bath... Assuming it was a place you could get a massage while being one of those bath houses at the same time, the reptile did have enough of the outside though. Hopping off of his bike to make his way inside, removing his helmet as he walked in greeted with the ring of one of those door bell things. Walking into a reception/waiting room, seeing that the desk in the corner was empty. Leaving him to walk up to it, reading a few of the pamphlets and brochures that were there before Ben would walk in from a curtained doorway.

"Hey, glad you made it." Greeting Jixer with a smile, looking the reptile over as he was much more clothed than before. Noting the leathered jacket and the helmet he had as he entered the room. Both nice colour coded with the bike outside. "You ride?" The gryphon asked as he looked outside to see the bike sitting there, looking back to Jixer a moment after.

"No... I just like to wear bike stuff around for fun, the bike out there isn't mine..." Replying with a smile, being a little smart with Ben regarding the somewhat obvious question which was something that he did from time to time. "Yes it's mine, you can ride bitch sometime if you want..." Feeling more comfortable with the larger winged guy now that they were both wearing cloths, thinking the gryphon looked just as nice filling out that company green polo shirt... The shorts weren't bad either.

"No thanks, I like being in one piece... Anyway, I assume you'd like your massage now? How are you feeling by the way?" Ben said as he went back to the curtained doorway that would lead back to the other parts of the set up, holding it open for Jixer who would take the hint and make his way through.

"Oh I've felt better... A little stiff in a few places." A side effect of not stretching before doing the things, something that he was somewhat lazy about from time to time though again he was caught a little off guard this time. Looking around once he was through the door, seeing a bunch of curtained off rooms down the hall in front of him, assuming that was where all the massaging and stuff happened. Behind him Ben would go off to the left where there was half a wall of shelves with towels and such, grabbing one for Jixer to use.

"Well that's why you're here, now go in there and take your cloths off and get comfortable." The gryphon ordered as he placed the towel on the reptile's shoulder, pointing to the nearest room on the right before he'd start his way down the hall. "I'll be back in a minute." Looking back over his shoulder as he spoke once more before turning our of view down the hall leaving Jixer there to make his way into the room. Once in there he was greeted with a quaint little room, a padded green table in the middle of it with a few shelves here and there on the walls with some oils and such he assumed for massaging, even a nice little potted plant in the corner. Now though he was more concerned about being naked around the gryphon again, not that it stopped him from getting there as he unzipped his jacket after putting his helmet down. Wouldn't take too long to shed himself of his shirt, jeans and briefs as well after that. Taking the time to stack his cloths at the end of the table before he would grab the towel, unfolding it to see how big it was, he might have been a little more comfortable with a larger one but it would do the job. Wrapping it around his waist after a moment, it coming half way down his thighs once he had it there sitting himself up on the table once he was done.

He wouldn't have to wait for Ben to get back, the gryphon coming back in with a couple small bottles and one of those ipod speaker jack things. "There's no other customers here at the moment so I thought I'd get this." Ben said after walking in, speaking of the speaker jack that he had and was setting up at the moment. Some softly played local radio would play from the small speakers after a bit, the gryphon turning his attention to the helmet and cloths once the sound things was taken care off. Jixer just sat there and watched for the most part, hunched over a bit as he rested his elbows on his knees. Watching on as his things were put under the table. "Alrighty, just lay down and relax." Ben said with a smile as he got back up, grabbing one of the bottles he had brought in before he'd squirt a small clear ball onto the palm of his hand. Spreading it around both of his hands as he watched Jixer shift onto his front, doing his best to keep himself modest even thought Ben had seen him in all his glory not too long ago. Resting his head on his forearms.

Didn't take too long for the winged guy to get to work, first he'd pull the towel out form under Jixer's groin leaving it loose ontop of the reptile's rear. His lightly oiled hands sliding over Jixer's back lightly, moving up and down from the lower back up to the lizard's shoulders just feeling his client out a little bit. "Thought I told you to relax..." Ben said after feeling that Jixer was rather tense just about everywhere he had touched him, reaching up to reposition the reptile's arms down by his sides. Jixer did shift about a little bit once his arms were moved, taking second to get used to the new position with out his arms to rest his head on. Looking over to the wall to the side as he focused on what ever the people on the radio were talking about between songs. In the mean time The gryphon would get back to work, moving down to the reptile's lower half with plans of working his way up from there.

Jixer would slowly get used to the feeling of the gryphon's own scaled hands, not like his own but he would begin to relax more and more as the treatment went on. Ben would be working over the reptile's hamstrings when he'd really feel Jixer relax for him. His muscles not as tense as they were while he wasn't fighting the movement as much as well, letting the gryphon move and push him where he wanted. The now limp bodies reptile did relapse a little bit once he felt the towel being shifted off of his rear, becoming more aware of where he was being touched now as he felt Ben's hands move up and over his rump cheeks. The gryphon would take this chance to kneed and massage Jixer's rear, shifting that tail there to give him a nice view of the reptile's tail hole. Watching on as it seemed to tense as he spread and pushed at those cheeks, just resisting the urge to see if the pink, puckered flesh was as tight as it looked. For now at least, he would feel the front of his shorts get a little tighter though which he thought Jixer couldn't see thankfully.

Placing the towel back over Jixer's rear, moving his hands back up the striped lower back as he moved up the reptile's body. Feeling that his client would again start to relax and settle down again once he was past one of those sensitive areas, getting closer to being finished with the first half of the treatment as he worked on the lizard's shoulders and neck. Ben being happy to think that Jixer could have been asleep he was that relaxed now. "Alright, time to switch sides."

"Well that was... Nice." Jixer said with a bit of a lazy smile as he opened his eyes, best he could describe things was just nice at the moment. Probably could have fallen asleep if it had gone on a bit longer, probably would have fallen asleep if he hadn't gotten a bit stirred up over the close contact under his tail base. Not that he was going to complain at the moment, reaching back to grab the towel as he began to roll over, shifting back onto his back now with the towel scrunched up over his groin. Assuming the position now once he was ready.

It would go on like before, Ben would make his way down and start at the lowest point and work his way up. Doing the best job he could like with any other client he had, even if he did have a few extra side tasks for this one. Taking a little longer than actually needed on the lizard's legs, making sure Jixer was nice and dozy before he'd take a second to make things more comfortable for himself. Slipping his shorts down along with his underwear as quietly as he could, in case his naked friend there wasn't as asleep as he looked. The gryphon kicking his lost clothing under the table a bit before he'd return to work, being much less decent himself this time though. Sporting more of an erection than he had in the locker room all those hours ago, his circumcised cock almost straight out from his groin as his would bob up and down slightly with every steady throb from his heart beat. Thoroughly enjoying this at the moment obviously.

Ben's hands returning to Jixer's thighs, sliding them up under the towel a few times with less of a reaction than he got before. Removing the towel that kept the reptile decent a moment after that, moving up to rib and kneed Jixer's firm belly along with his groin just above that uncut length. Thinking that it was time to move onto why he really wanted Jixer there now, just sliding his fingers over and around that resting length. Lifting it up before he'd get his other hand involved as well, sliding one hand up from the base and to the tip of the reptile's cock one after the other a light squeeze around it as his hands took turn sliding up and away.

Now that things had gotten a bit more sexual the gryphon was more or less as hard as he could be, his erect cock pointing upwards slightly as it throbbed away with his slightly elevated heart beat. Lucky enough to be gifted with a couple inches over the average length, feeling the lizard's uncut shaft starting to firm up itself along with the soft squelches from his gripping fingers. By now Jixer had started to stir a bit, his knee lifting up slightly as his head tarted to move. Wouldn't take long for those brown eyes to open up to the world again, tensing up again as he realised what he was feeling, looking down to see Ben who had moved his semi hard shaft down onto his groin watching and feeling the oiled hand roll over his cock as he slid it over his groin.

"Rise and shine." Ben said with a smile, looking as if he was doing absolutely nothing wrong with his expression. Jixer on the other hand was looking a bit speechless himself, looking a bit away from what was going on with his own junk to see that Ben wasn't wearing anything under his shirt and that he was sporting a pretty impressive erection. "Hope you don't mind, I've heard this is a great way to get guys to relax... I know it works for me." By now the gryphon had his hand gripped lightly around Jixer's shaft, jerking the reptile off at a steady pace while his other hand slide up and down that firm scaled belly.

"Uh... Yeah..." Spoken with a soft breath as Jixer shifted his head back against the bed, moving his hands up behind his head. Almost as hard as the gryphon now, not as above average as Ben was though, more toeing the line between the two if he was being generous. Not that they were measuring now though, Jixer was just enjoying Ben's touch and Ben was happy to give it.

"So... You a virgin?" Wondering how experienced the reptile was with all this sexual guy on guy stuff, assuming he was only into guys considering that date site thing he had found. Pulling Jixer's foreskin down enough to expose the pinkish cock head underneath, sliding his thumb over it lightly a few times before he'd slide it under the loose skin around it. having a feel around in there for a second after he did.

"No, there was this other guy." Trailing off a little bit at the end of his answer a little bit, lifting his head up a little bit to see the gryphon's handy work. His back arching up off the bed for a second as he was just full of tingling pleasure down over his groin. Not long after he'd feel that familiar sensation fill his sack as it shifted around a little with Ben's motions, his cock pulsing harder than before as Jixer let a soft moan escape with an slow exhale. The first string of cum from his orgasm spurted from his cock tip, it would soon be a stain on the reptile's chest before the next rope would follow. The gryphon had slide his hand down to the base of that pulsing length now after the first eruption, watching as those hidden orbs pulled up slightly before he'd hold his hand out to catch the second and third bursts of cum.

Feeling the warmth of the lizard's seed laying there across his palm Ben would move his hand away, smiling as he watched the last few spurts leave the end of Jixer's length getting weaker by the last as it just sort of slide down over his hand. He would put the cum he had collected to good use, using it on his own rock hard length. Leaving the lizard with a cum stained front, his chest rising a falling at a steady and quickened pace as he enjoyed the afterglow of his orgasm. Ben's hand would release that slowly limpening cock after a second longer, watching it shrink for a second as he felt his own was nice and lubed up now.

"Well, that was fun." Ben said with a smile as he used the towel to clean his hands, looking over the mess that was Jixer at the moment as he did. Resting both of his hands down on the side of the table leaning over the lizard a bit as he did. "Just one more thing I need to do before our session is complete." His lubed cock would be a decent indicator to what he was talking about, Jixer did have a good idea himself as well as he lay there with a pleased smile.

"Fair enough." Sitting himself up, placing his hands back behind him as he looked down at the eagerly waiting length that Ben was sporting. Moving over to the side of the table before hopping off, feeling a little funny for a second as he got his feet under him. Turning his back to the gryphon who was getting ready himself, feeling those talon tipped hands on his hips before he'd lean his front over the table a bit. Getting comfortable there as he looked back over his shoulder, seeing Ben smiling yet again as he looked down at the rear that was presented to him. "Just relax right?"

"Something like that." Ben replied as he clutched the blue tongue's tail, moving it back towards jixer a bit as he looked down at the puckered entrance between those firm rump cheeks. His other hand gripped the base of his own length, guiding his lubed cock head over and around the lizards tail hole a few times. Enjoying the reactions he got before he would focus more on the pink flesh, leaning himself over the back of the lizard in front of him as he slowly shifted his hips forward. Jixer's rear would steadily part to make way for the invading tip and the rest of that length that was waiting after it. Jixer let out a soft groan while Ben above had a moan escape as he began to slide inch after inch into the welcoming inner wall, bending his knees slightly to get himself up into the reptile a little more.

Once the gryphon's groin had reached those scaled rump cheeks Ben would begin to thrust his hips back and forth, around half of his length out before it would slide back in. Over and over again at a steady pace to begin with. Looking down to see his partner gripping the edge of the table tightly with his clawed fingers, Jixer getting used to the feeling that he hadn't felt in a while, the pleasure was growing though as the slight discomfort vanished along with it. Just getting into the rhythm of being shifted back and forth some with the gryphon's thrusts, the soft slap of hips against rear joining the mostly drowned out sounds from the radio.

Getting into it now Ben's hands would move down to Jixer's sides, drifting them over his scales and down to his hips where he'd grip them lightly. Using his grip to shift the lizard back and forth into his thrusts ever so slightly, the slapping seemed to get a little louder and faster as it would feel like more of the gryphon's shaft would slip and slide in and out of that now slick rear. Craning his head back a little bit as waves of pleasure washed over his body, the feathers on the back of his neck and on top of his head standing up on end as he looked back down again. Shifting back over Jixer now, using his hands to try and hold the lizard still now. His thrusts did slow some, in turn most of his shaft would slip free before being thrusted back into the reptile's inner walls. Anther soft moan escaped Ben's beak as he felt his groin tingle, a couple more hard thrust were given to the reptile shifting him and the table under him a little bit.

Pushing his furred groin against that scaled rear now, trying to get more of himself inside the reptile even if there was no more to get in. His thighs twitched a bit as his own hanging orbs pulled up towards his groin slightly, his cock pulsed in turn as his own orgasm rolled in on him. His own seed would jet deep into the reptile's rear, pushing into the lizard with each spurt that would escape his cock head. Jixer feeling that strange warmth from the gryphon's length resting inside of him, feeling every pulse that surged through it adding to the warmth a little further up. The reptile looking back at the gryphon with as it seemed things had slowed down, what felt like a half dozen healthy shots had escaped into his rear before it would quiet down. Just standing there with his tail held high as Ben held himself there as well, regaining a steady breathing pace himself as he revelled in his own orgasm.

Feeling himself loosing his erection now the gryphon's would decide to pull out finally, taking a step back as he watched his cum stained length fall free from the lizard's now slightly ajar tail hole. Just taking in the sight of the not so puckered rear for a second, reassured it would return to it's naturally tight state in a bit. Moving from Jixer's rear now over to his side, pulling the striped male up from his bent over position. Happily pulling the smaller guy up against his side, smiling down at him as he saw the reptile rubbing a cheek of his a little bit holding the base of his tail out from his rump a bit as well.

"Go get cleaned up then?" Ben said as he broke the hold around Jixer for a moment, sliding his shirt up and over his head shortly after, joining the reptile in his nakedness before he'd move his arm around behind the reptile again. Happy enough to be side by side with the other now after sharing some intimate moments with reach other.

"Sounds good to me...So, how much is this going to cost me??" Not able to help but think back to the reality of his little visit, his own arm moving around behind the larger male as he looked up at Ben a bit.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. But, If I had to guess..." Bringing his fingers up to his beak as he pretended to think of an answer for the reptile. "Maybe dinner? Some time in this current life time??" Asking with a bit of a shrug, the gryphon starting to lead the blue tongue out of the massage room they were in and on their way down the hall towards the bath house part of the place.

"I'll think about it...."

(The End??)