Remember not to fight; it will all be over soon

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Kade had been tied by a large reptile of some kind. It was hard to tell if his captor was iguana or anole. He thought the second more probable, but at that moment a blindfold was placed over his eyes, preventing him form continuing his observations. Most of the bouncers at the club were scaled in one way or another. Mixes were becoming quite common in his part of town. There was a new fad to see how many interspecies one could be. For Kade, this was somewhat amusing; being mostly dog, mastiff on his father's side with a little retriever from his mother, he had inherited his mother's good looks along with his father's butch physique. Most animals just saw dog when they looked at him, but in the K9 world, Kade was a mutt. That meant he was cast out of AKC society which left him on the streets when he was still a young pup.

Street packs were a rough way to become acquainted with the world. Kade had learned to use his mastiff strength to intimidate would be alphas into accepting him as a beta, he refused to be a leader and so following at close second came natural. But his pack had been involved in drug trade, something Kade had embraced for the money, and an occasional chance to get high with friends. Being young and a little stupid, the dog who thought he had it all quickly fell into debt with his dealer and ended up paying with his body. Yeah, good looks were his only saving grace when he came face to face with KJ, aka Kill Joy, his dealer's boss. This putrid rat not only held a monopoly on the town's cocaine shipments, but also dabbled in underground gambling, and the BDSM slave trade. Most of the unfortunate dogs that fell into KJ's line of sight ended up kibble for his collection of coy, however, Kade was, "good looking meat" and, "an investment for the club worth looking into." In other words, Kade was headed to The Harness.

Most clubs in the area catered to the usual doped up crowds looking for dancing and a fully stocked bar. The Harness was the only joint in town to step things up a notch by introducing private escorts and "erotic entertainment". Kade would start work immediately. So on this first night of unorthodox payback our young crossbred K9 would be "dining" with three of the area's most renowned musicians who had a thing for what the regulars called "virgin whores". Gabriel, another unfortunate victim to KJ's dealers would be accompanying him. The bitch had boarder collie in her, but she was no pure breed. They had been bound and blindfolded in the room together and now awaited their fate. Kade tried to relax; another worker had told him earlier;

Remember not to fight; it will all be over soon.

He could hear Gabriel's short anxious breaths near him,

"Hey babe, chill ok? It will all be over soon."

Even as he said it he could hear the shakiness in his voice betraying his own nervous state. The collie did take a deep breath or two, which demonstrated her willingness to at least pretend to believe him.

The room was large, lined with padding and velvet; it took on the feel of a plush den, complete with large chairs and a couch. There was a chest in one corner full of ropes, restraints, whips, and a number of other toys to be used at the customer's discretion. There were candles on a table against another wall; the floor was lined from wall to wall with inch thick red carpeting. It was soft to the touch, but smelled like stale cum and perhaps a faint scent of blood. You could feel the bass beats thumping through the floor form the dance rooms below. From the location of Gabriel's breathing, Kade guessed she had been placed on the couch. He lifted himself to his knees and sniffed the air for her scent. Fear engulfed his nostrils. At that moment the sound of footsteps coming near and a shrill laugh herald the arrival of their masters. Kade dropped back to the floor. The door opened and the smell of alcohol, drugs, and sweat entered the room.

"What are these poor children doing locked away in here alone?"

The voice was female, high pitched and slightly rough, he felt paws on him; a cat's claws dug into his side and rolled him over onto his back. Then another voice chimed in.

"Well, the bitch is just what we asked for, that's all I care about."

It was a male voice, young and smooth; he had to be a singer. The third member of the group said nothing, but Kade smelled another male scent, it was musty, older, with undertones of something darker brooding in its presence. The cat was purring over him and the younger male was talking to Gabriel. Suddenly, rough hands lifted him from the floor and set him down in a chair. The paws were big, dog like, yet the fingers were slightly longer, more weasel. What kind of crossbreed was handling him? A low growl emitted from near his ear sending a shiver up the confused K9's spine. Suddenly the blindfold was torn from his face and Kade opened his eyes.

His gaze fell on a tall figure with glistening black fur, short and rough. The animal standing over him was built like a wolf, but his snout was too short, and he had no tail. The animal's eyes were yellow like a cat's, but the round pupils were not feline. Kade had never seen anything like it.

"Hey Devil, you can't have him all to yourself, besides, he may not even bat for both teams." Said the female voice.

The cat, more appropriately, Lynx, put her arms around "Devil" and purred into his ear. This prompted the mysterious beast to step back and turn his attentions to his lady friend. As they looked away for a moment Kade turned his head to the couch where Gabriel was. Lying on top of her was another dog. He was a Shepard. The collie was not fighting him, but her muzzle moved away from his licks to her face. Suddenly a black paw slapped across the bound K9's face and he stared with rage at the dark face of his captor. Devil smiled, showing a very impressive set of teeth, lethal for sure.

"What was that for?" asked Kade.

"It's his way of showing he likes you love." The Lynx replied.

"You'll have to excuse his rough nature, but most Tasmanian Devils have a temper that matches their name's sake."

"What the fuck is a Tasmanian Devil?"

"Well, you just got bitch slapped by one. He's from down south, a part of the world I'm sure you've never been to. But Devil's a good guy; you just have to stay on his nice side."

"And how do I do that?"

"Just play nice."

"One more thing, why hasn't he said anything?"

"Does he need to?"

"Well, I'd like to be properly introduced."

"He has his own way of doing that, but my name is Ascara, you've met Devil, and the Shepard is Matt. You are Kade and she's Gabriel, it's our understanding that you're both new here."


"Excellent, then let me be the first to welcome you."

With that, she moved to the chest and began pulling out an assortment of objects. Kade only got a look at a few things before Devil picked him up and slammed him against the wall. The dog remembered that struggling was a bad idea and so he went limp in the animal's arms. Then he felt his bindings being untied, but his hands, still wrapped in soft cord, were stretched out above him. His legs were kicked apart and tied to bolts hidden well along the edge of the floor. Devil stepped back and together, he and Ascara looked at their prisoner. Kade was at their mercy, he tried to smile back at them, but he could not hide his vulnerability.

The Shepard, Matt, had removed Gabriel's bindings as well. She was now on all fours before him on the floor. Matt began by removing his belt, then he unzipped his pants and began stroking himself and Gabriel, still blindfolded, sat panting in front of him. Kade watched him from the wall while Devil and Ascara were standing over at the chest handling different toys and discussing what approach to take on their handsome slave boy. Meanwhile, Matt had pulled out his throbbing cock and thrust it in Gabriel's face. With a yelp, she sprung back, but the Shepard grabbed her by the ears and forced her head between his legs.

"Lick me you fucking bitch, that's right, gently now, yes, good girl."

The Shepard's tail was wagging eagerly and the young bitch pleasured him with her tongue. She whimpered periodically while he held her their, but there was nothing Kade could do. His captors were returning now with something from the chest.

Ascara was holding a dildo and Devil was right behind her with the lube.

"Now, is this your first time being fucked in the ass Kade?" Asked the cat.

"Excuse me? The ass? Look, I've never been an alpha, but I've also never been a fucking omega in anyone's pack."

"Well then, this should be fun for all of us."

She looked at Devil and nodded. He approached the dog with the lube and with one paw, surprisingly gently, began to take off his pants. Ascara watched with anticipation as the mutt's jeans dropped to the floor, exposing him. A purr escaped the Lynx's lips.

"Hey guys, I don't think I've ever seen a K9 hung like this."

Matt did not hear his friend's comment, for his dick was being pleasured by Gabriel at that moment and it appeared that he would momentarily be reaching his climax. Ascara and Devil seemed not to notice the orgasm going on behind them. The Tasmanian poured lube into his paw and let it warm up in his hand before dropping his arm between Kade's legs. The dog moaned as his manhood was gently rubbed with warm wetness. The Devil looked right into the K9's eyes; his yellow orbs gleamed with lust. Meanwhile, Ascara had advanced on her victim and begun licking his right ear. The cat was aroused by her male counterpart's sexual advances on the helpless boy. She instructed Devil to put down the bottle of lube. Then she guided his free hand down to her skirt. Kade watched as the black male happily obliged his mistress's request by moving his paw up under her clothing. This prompted the horny Lynx to let out a lusty cry and bite Kade's ear. The dog let out a yelp and tried to pull his head away. Devil slipped his hand around the dog's dick to encourage the erection.

"You like his touch don't you?" asked the cat.

"Nn... no! Uh, uh... I don't!" Cried Kade

But the devil's paw made the dog's body say otherwise.

"God Devil, don't stop! Yes... right there... YES!" Ascara let out a scream and fell onto the Tasmanian's arm.

Matt had recovered from his first orgasm and was now watching Gabriel touch herself at his command. The collie mix pawed herself in masturbation with loud panting. This drove the German Shepard into his second erection and he suddenly pulled the girl's hand away and mounted her with renewed vigor. She was not expecting his sudden advances and when he tried to penetrate her she screamed with pain. Ascara yelled at him,

"You stupid mutt, use the lube on her before you try that again."

Apparently Ascara had caught her breath. The Lynx moved away from Devil and Kade to assist the collie. Gabriel was crying and Matt looked embraced. Ascara pushed the eager male aside and bent over the frightened girl.

"Now now, there there, no one's going to hurt you like that again. That stupid bastard sometimes forgets how to treat a lady."

With that, she took the bottle of lube and the dildo she still had in her hand. Gabriel's eyes widened as the cat began smearing the toy with lubricant. Then she motioned to the collie to bend over the chair. The bitch complied reluctantly as the cat stepped behind her.

"Brace yourself beautiful, you're about to be fucked good and proper."

As she said this, Ascara slipped the dildo into the collie; the dog whimpered and gripped the chair with her paws hard. The cat was gentle, gliding the toy in and out very slowly at first, but at the dogs panting quickened so did the stokes of the dildo between her legs.

Devil had stopped touching Kade and now leaned against the wall near the dog watching the two females. Kade noticed he was touching himself through his pants. When she had finished, Ascara pulled out the toy. Gabriel was dripping and ready for Matt who eagerly stepped in to finish the job. The cat proudly traipsed back over to where Kade stood spread eagle against the wall. She ushered Devil to move the naked K9 around so that he faced the wall.

"That way we can access him more easily." She said.

The large black male pulled the dog around on the ropes and pressed his face against the velvet lined wall. Kade anxiously awaited his masters' next move. A hard wet object brushed his leg. It was the Lynx with the toy, still wet from Gabriel's cunt. She racked the toy along his inside thigh up until it rested under his tail. Then he felt paws on his ass. Devil was feeling around his hole with the lube. Ascara laughed as Kade tightened his cheeks.

"Oh boy, it will be much better for your ass if you loosen up Kade." Said the feline as she let the toy gently poke at his opening.

The dog tried to loosen up, Devil's fingers actually felt good around his hole, but he didn't want to be penetrated. Then he felt a soft wet tongue on his hole. Ascara was eating him out! The cat purred eagerly as her tongue gently moved around the dog's ass hole. Then she pushed into him. The sensation sent Kade climbing up the wall, but Devil held him still. Next a finger entered him. The mutt opened his mouth to cry out but a black paw fell over his mouth and teeth sank into the back of his neck. They were going to rape him.

Kade tried not to tense up. Ascara was gently penetrating him with her finger, then he felt the dildo move up between his cheeks. A low voice at his ear whispered,

"It's like nothing you've ever felt before."

The dog did not have time to register Devil's voice for at that moment Ascara slipped the toy into him. Kade could not cry out for the Tasmanian's hand was clamped tightly over his muzzle. Fangs sank deep into his neck which distracted his body from the pain under his tail. The Lynx was moving gently with the dildo, but it still hurt, Kade was very tight. After a few minuets the K9 had relaxed enough to take in the entire toy. When the tip brushed his prostate Kade bucked with pleasure. The devil's other hand suddenly fell around his cock and began stroking his erection. The dog was almost overwhelmed by so much sexual stimulation. Ascara was purring with excitement while Devil furiously jacked off the young pup. The two masters worked eagerly as their slave's orgasm began to build. The mutt was panting and pawing the wall, he suddenly went weak in the knees, but Devil braced his body against the wall. Kade could feel his dick quivering, he bucked again as the hot fluid began pouring forth into Devil's hand. This was the most intense climax Kade had ever felt, his entire body shook in excitement and tremors ran up and down his spine. He realized that his toes had curled and his tail was down over the toy to keep it from falling out. Ascara had stepped back to watch his final moment. Now Devil released his hands, letting the spent dog slip down the wall to the floor in a heap of cum and sweat.

Kade licked his lips and sighed with satisfaction. Ascara knelt down next to him and put his head in her paws. She stroked behind his ears gently for a moment and then roughly pulled his head up to look him in the eyes.

"Well, that was a fine performance, but we have only just finished the first act. Like any good play, there must be several building moments leading up to a grand climax and the finale. We're only just warming you up big pup."

With that she pushed him to the floor and he felt Devil's rough hands binding his hands behind his back. Then the dog suddenly remembered the two other K9s in the room and searched for them. Matt was lying on the couch taking a break, he looked very high. Ascara had crossed the room to where Gabriel was standing. The cat put her hands on the dog's hips and gently pulled the shaken collie into her. Kade could not hear what they were talking about but a few moments later Gabriel suddenly pushed the Lynx away and ran for the door. It was locked from the outside.

The cat laughed loudly. "Oh you poor foolish bitch, come back to me right now and I'll forget that little episode of disobedience; if you don't I'm sure Matt would love to roughen you up a bit with some raw penetration."

The dog was visibly shaken by this threat and proceeded to obey her mistress without any further hesitation. Kade did not think it wise to point out that Matt had passed out on the couch a few moments ago; after all, he was sure that Devil would gladly commit any act of rough penetration if the situation arose. Speaking of, those strong hands fell on Kade's scruff, dragging him to his feet. Then he did something somewhat unexpected. With what looked like effortless movements, the Tasmanian moved Kade to Ascara, pushed the Lynx into a chair and moved both dogs to their knees before her. The feline lady smiled up at her counterpart and nodded. Her hands went to her skirt, slowly she lifted said garment revealing her wet cunt. Devil sneered and grabbed the two kneeling animals by the scruff and guided their muzzles into the soft warm folds of her awaiting pussy. Both K9s began licking. Ascara moaned softly at first, but as the oral pleasures continued her cries grew louder. Kade could not help himself; the smell was overpowering and the taste, oh what a strange, yet alluring taste. Never mind the cat, Gabriel's tongue brushing against his aroused the young K9's loins. He wondered what it would feel like, being inside her. The collie was very beautiful, innocent and young, perhaps tonight was her first time. He wished he could have had her first, she was so soft, her body rocked in time with his as they continued to pleasure their mistress.

Devil had released his grip on the two slaves and stood back to watch. The Tasmanian removed his pants as he watched and happily began stroking himself while watching the three others in front of him. He had been hard for over an hour and could wait no longer. Without warning he pushed the other two dogs off the Lynx who was on the verge of climax and thrust himself into her. She screamed in ecstasy as he pounded her without mercy. The devil's breaths came in short huffing growls, harmonizing well with Ascara's yowling. The two rocked in a tight embrace for a moment and then Devil fell onto his lady with a satisfying sigh.

The smell of sex hung heavily in the room. In the moment Kade and Gabriel had been left unattended the collie had untied her peer and the two had moved away to the far side of the room. Kade was still very turned on and the bitch at his side seemed curious about him. Her scent awakened a basic instinct in him which triggered an old pack instinct. He turned Gabriel around so that her back was to him; pushing her tail aside he let his dick press between her legs. He held her tightly against him and whispered into her ear.

"You want me to take you right now?"

She did not struggle as he spoke, but her body language clearly said no. It took every inch of moral strength the mutt had in him to let go and pull away. The collie turned to face him.

"Thank you."

But before Kade had time to reply, a strong hand fell on his shoulder and spun him around. Devil had recovered from his romp with Ascara. The Tasmanian smiled.

"You should have taken her just then, she was asking for it. Or maybe you're looking for something else."

Without thinking Kade let his right fist fly and it struck the devil quite hard on the jaw. The tall black animal turned his other cheek.

"Hit me again slave."

Kade obliged his master with another sock to the face. However, where his hand should have landed on the Tasmanian's face, instead he swiped air and then his legs were swept out form underneath him. The dog landed belly up onto the floor and the heavy body of Devil fell upon him. There was no struggle, for the great beast's hand clamped quickly over the dog's throat and the weaker K9 lay in submission.

Ascara appeared with some leather restraints and bound all four of the dog's paws. Then, Devil picked him up by his neck and backed him against the wall. He was tied by his hands, but his feet, still in cuffs, were left free and he kicked violently at his masters and they stepped back from him. The cat moved to the trunk and pulled out what at first appeared to be more rope. She let the "rope" uncoil from her hand, holding the end tightly in one paw. As Kade kicked again, there was a crack in the air and a stinging lash fell across his chest. The K9 yelped in surprise and stood still. Ascara laughed loudly as she approached.

"You should remember your place Kade, no more thrashing out ok? Now, I believe Devil is setting up a little show for us."


The collie was bent over on all fours just a few feet away. Devil was towering over the dog, his hands rubbed up and down her haunches, but his eyes were on Kade. The Tasmanian grinned as he moved the bitch's tail out of the way. Kade could see the devil's throbbing cock press against her inside thigh. He struggled in his restraints to free himself, but another lash fell across his chest and he cried out in rage. This only spurred the devil on. He grabbed the lube off a nearby chair and began spreading it between the collie's legs, then; he picked up a condom and slid into the latex with ease. He bent over the collie and began.

"No! Please don't! You're hur... uh... uh... NOOoooo!"

Gabriel's cries stunned Kade. What was he doing to her? The dog strained against his bindings. Devil was pounding the collie quite hard. She cried out in pain every time he slid into her. The Tasmanian's eyes never stopped looking at Kade. Those yellow orbs seemed to glow with a dark menace that fed off of his victim's screams. Finally he strained over the bitch and gasped. She fell onto the floor beneath him and whimpered. The devil stood and turned to face Kade, he peeled off the bloody condom and threw it at the dog's feet. Ascara looked at the floor and said nothing.

Gabriel didn't move from the ground, Kade could see more blood on her tail and between her legs.

"What did you do to her?" Cried the dog.

"I'll show you." Came the devil's reply.

Devil moved so close to the K9's face that the dog could have easily bit him in the face, but the Tasmanian's eyes were enough to keep the dog still. Devil snapped at Ascara and pointed to the chest, she nodded and a moment later, stood at the devil's side holding a bunched up collection of leather straps.

The harness wrapped tightly around the dog's neck, down his chest to his legs, and around his tail. When pulled taught, side straps spread his legs and moved aside his tail. The Lynx snapped a leash to his collar and pulled him to his knees. Devil uncovered two D-rings in the floor and buckled his wrist restraints into them. Knee straps bound his legs apart into separate ground bolts. Once he was tied down Devil took up the whip and let two lashes fall in an X across the mutt's back. Kade tensed in pain and threw his entire weight into the restraints. Instead of giving, the bindings tightened. The dog was at the mercy of his masters. He felt hands around his loins. Ascara was slipping a leather cock ring over his dick. Then she began licking him until he became quite hard. Sweat dripped form his forehead and his back legs began shaking uncontrollably. Devil came to stand before the bound K9. The impressive animal grabbed the dog's ears and forced his open mouth over his cock. Kade did as he was instructed, sucking gently. Biting did cross the dog's mind, but he feared what Devil might do to Gabriel if he acted out again.

Remember not to fight; it will all be over soon.

The words echoed in his head as he felt the Tasmanian's dick hardening between his lips. Suddenly the devil pulled out and moved away. Kade felt his hackles rising as Ascara continued to pleasure his cock. The ring was holding his erection nicely. The familiar caressing of lube around his ass prepared Kade for what was to come next. As Devil prepared to fuck him, Kade realized what the Tasmanian had done to Gabriel.

"You bastard!" Ahh! uh... uh...

Devil was not slow, or gentle, or even considerate. He buried himself to the hilt in one blow, it knocked the dog forward with great force and the mutt screamed like a bitch. This brought a smile to Devil's face as he pounded every inch into his obstinate slave boy. Ascara watched from the sofa next Matt. The German Shepard was still in a drugged up stupor, but Ascara took in every scream, every scent. Finally she put up a paw and called at Devil to stop. He gave a few more thrashings and then relinquished his hold over the dog.

Kade was silent; he could feel the warm blood seeping down the inside of his thigh. He submitted to the rest of his masters' demands without further refusal and by the end of the night he lay on the floor next to Gabriel in tears. The collie crawled closer to him and huddled against his back. Kade flinched, but soon turned to face her and tried nuzzling her face. She shuddered and buried her head in his chest. The smell of blood, cum, and sweat was sickening. Finally the door opened and a pair of lizard bouncers dragged them out into the light of a hallway. Kade took one last look back through the doorway of what had been his prison.

Remember not to fight; it will all be over soon.

And it would be...
