By Any Other Name - Chapter 1

Story by RyftDarkpaw on SoFurry

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#2 of What Makes a Hero

Remi returns! A little over a year and a half has passed and our dynamic duo have enrolled in Crea Falls University. Now in their second year, Ohm and Marten Rose have continued to keep their city safe, though some complications have arisen along the way. It seems that in his exuberance to show the Guardians what he's made of, Remi has started making mistakes.

Newbie - Remi

Of all the things to deal with in college, who would have thought that stopping criminals would be the thing I worry about the most? One look at me and most people don't even think of me as any kind of athlete, even though I'm not completely out of shape. I've never really had to worry about exercising much. I stay mostly fit just by rushing to and from my classes and chasing down bank robbers and the occasional almost-terrorist. I guess people just assume that I'm some kind of nerd. Not that it really bothers me too much what my classmates think about me. Never has.

I'm concerned with far more important things.

So it goes that while I'm sitting in the back of my Calculus 3 class-hiding my face between the pages of our comically oversized textbook of course-my best friend Virgil interrupts my terribly important nap. I snap awake with perked ears and cloudy gray eyes that quickly focus on the skinny marten beside me. Of course, he's got a smirk stretched across his narrow muzzle. "You know that if Professor Tarvish catches you sleeping again, it doesn't matter how high your test scores are. He'll totally give you an incomplete."

I groan and sit up straight, trying to keep my eyes from drifting shut again as I slap his paw away from my leg. "Come off it, Virgil. You know I was out late last night. There was that heist over at First National that I had to go after. And I need to be awake for Chem anyway."

He turns his muzzle towards the front of the lecture hall again but slides a sly glance over at me. "You mean the heist that the Guardians showed up to stop? I didn't know you were there. Is that what you were doing?" The sarcasm drips from his words heavy enough that I'm tempted to look on the floor for a puddle.

I slump back in my chair and groan again. "How am I supposed to prove that I can be a hero if they don't ever give me a chance? They constantly ruin everything I'm doing. I swear, I end up causing more damage than the actual crime does when they show up." My tail curls up and drapes over my eyes so I can let my arms hang. "And then they mock me. Every time, it's like I'm one of the villains. It's not fair."

I hear a tiny pop and lift my tail just enough to glance at my friend out of the corner of my eye. He's propped his feet up on the table and is twirling a rose between finger and thumb. "The great and mighty Ohm, whining about life not being fair. A perfect image for the public. Perhaps I should paint it for you?"

Glaring daggers has never quite worked that well on Virgil. Unfortunately for me, I'm too tired to do much else for mere indignation. "While you're at it, why not just add yourself in there and send it to one of those "superfan" websites you like so much." He rolls his eyes and flicks his paw, the rose vanishing. "I swear, if I see another Starfire Vixen poster go up on our walls, I'm going to torch them myself."

He sits up straighter and smirks at me. "So I'm guessing that means Pathos wasn't there last night to ease all of your troubles away, hmm?" His grin is wider than it was before and I go stock still. It's times like these that I wish looks could maim.

"Sh-shut up! He has nothing to do with this! I don't even have my posters with me or anything." I fumble with my tail and do my best to resist the urge to zap the marten. Not in public, I remind myself. I have a secret identity to keep. Even if my best friend has a penchant for teasing me about a crush. Static tingles my paw anyway.

He just shrugs and glances at the clock at the front of the room. "'Bout that time, lover boy. C'mon, we don't have our Chem lecture today. Professor Flint cancelled. You missed the memo, out playing hero till stupid hours of the morning. I'll get you a drink instead to assuage your forlorn soul."

I sigh, he smiles, but we both grab our bags and tromp down the wide steps to the door on the side of the hall. The ferret up front huffs in indignation and looks at his watch. "Both of you had better be turning in your papers on time this go around! No more second chances!" His squeaky voice has always annoyed me. I'm so glad I staked out the back row of this hall at the beginning of the semester. Otherwise I'd be broke because of all the painkillers I'd need. Why couldn't Virgil's powers have centered around healing? No, instead I get flower boy.

I flick my long ringed tail at the ferret and call over my shoulder as we leave, "Don't worry about it, Teach. You'll be impressed!" It's my turn to smile when I hear an incomprehensible squeak as the door swings shut, followed by a low murmur of laughter that I can imagine comes from the other students. I didn't even have to short his fan this time. "So, a drink you say? Where did you have in mind? The usual?"

He pats my shoulder and flicks his tail against mine. "Two for Crass Tacks! I heard Aaron hired a new barkeep and I wanna see who's replacing old Bradley. Who knows? Maybe he's a hunk." The cheerful marten slips a wink my way and loops his arm over my shoulders this time. "We'll get you over that crush in no time flat."

I rest my head on his shoulder for a moment while we walk, carefully keeping my tail arched and draped over his arm on my shoulder. "Thanks, Virgil."

His head tilts and rubs briefly against my ear and I can hear his smile more than I can see it. "Hey, it's what friends are for! C'mon Remi, I'll drive this time."

I slide out from under his arm and jog over to the student parking lot, finding and sliding into the passenger side of Virgil's sleek green convertible. A pair of duffel bags lay next to each other in the back seat. I barely give them a glance as my friend hops into the driver's seat and starts the engine. "Driving and buying? You must have a lot of guilt to work off. Did you lift a homeless man's last joint or something?"

His tail flops over mine between the seats and all I get is a chuckle as he pulls out of the parking lot.

We never talk much when we're in his car. Convertibles aren't exactly conducive to conversation when you've got the top down. So I sit back and enjoy the wind blowing back my ears and whiskers and head fur until he pulls into the small parking lot by our favorite bar, Crass Tacks. There's not as many cars as I would expect outside the squat brown building, but I suppose it is only about four in the afternoon. A bit early for most bar-goers, I'd say. We're here all the time though. The owner, Aaron Pulman, knows us personally.

And now it has a new bartender. I'm gonna miss old Bradley, but the badger was due to retire about ten years ago. I've forgotten my annoyance with my friend and am instead filled with anticipation. Anyone new at Crass Tacks gets an unofficial evaluation from us. If they don't pass, more often than not we won't see them back in again. The little lords of our turf. Kinda fun to have that kind of power without it being claimed as a super one. We've got enough superpowers to worry about.

I do everything in my power to put the thought of powers and heroes out of my mind as we step into the barely air conditioned building, walking straight up to the bar and settling into two tall seats set apart from the other stools. The owner built them himself, just for us. It helps that he knows our families on top of just knowing us. Settled and comfy, we scan the bar automatically for new faces. "Hey, ocelot at the corner table." Virgil nods to me; he's seen her. "Not sure if you're still a cat guy."

He grins. "They're not bad. Flexible. Hello, husky. Right side, booth." His tail flips against mine. "Pretty dogs. Too peppy for me, but you could use it."

I grimace. "You and I have similar taste, Virgil. Just not the same gender."

"Back to cats, then." He shrugs, eyes moving about surreptitiously. "Ooh la la, hello beautiful. Snow leopard, coming out from the backroom. Dressed to kill, too."

My ears perk, my whiskers twitch. "You blind? That's a guy. I think that one's my new bartender. Ready for it?" Now I turn to him fully, giving the marten my best conspiratorial grin.

He spreads his paws on the bar and grins right back. "Let the games begin, my friend."

Towel draped over one shoulder, black vest and black pants, the snow leopard is indeed beautiful. Not too tall, but perfectly groomed and just enough weight to not be scrawny. If I had to guess, he doesn't work out but at least runs. Did track in high school. Long tail (but not as long as mine) with not a hair out of place. A good first impression. I give Virgil a nod and we both turn to consider him as he approaches.

He sees us, stops, and I notice a worried expression flicker over his muzzle before a warm smile snaps into place over it. "Not wasting any time. Cacomistle and marten, so you two must be Remi Hartfeld and Virgil Masters."

Virgil goes first. "Pops spreads the word quick. You the new barkeep?"

The feline glides behind the counter with ease that tells of having done this many times before. "You've got me to rights, it would seem. You can call me Percy. What can I get you two fine gentlemen?"

I tap two fingers on the bar. "Whiskey Sour."

Virgil repeats the gesture. "White Russian."

"Coming right up." The lithe cat turns around, I grin wider. Oh boy, I'm going to like coming here even more now.

I don't even need to watch the drinks being made. I can turn around in the chair and whisper to Virgil while still knowing exactly how long the two glasses will take to mix. "Reminds you a bit of Pathos, doesn't he?"

Virgil snickers and pats my leg. "Reenacting all of your fantasies with the new guy now?"

A smile makes a glare so much less effective.

We turn around again and snag the drinks that are in front of us, taking a sip at the same time. Cold ice clinks against the glass, then my lips, and lightly sour fire rushes down my throat. Oh, he's good. One point to Percy. The twitch of my friend's tail against mine tells me that we've got a winning mixer. Perfect. Now for the fun part.

I set the drink down and lean one arm on the bar, ears perked towards the snow leopard. "So, Percy, you go to college still?" Nimble fingers drum the lip of my glass while Virgil mirrors my posture next to me. He's got his eyes on the rest of the bar, making sure we're not occupying the bartender if he's needed. We've got a routine for this. Slightly different when it's the bartender himself, but that's not a problem.

The fluffy feline shakes his head and rests his paws on the bar, leaning forward enough to be personable, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Good bar manner; that's another point, my dear. "Kind of. I'm taking some classes online to finish my majors, but it'll be a little while. With the time I have left, you could say that I'm a third year. And I'm going to guess... you two are the same year, and that it's your second. Close?"

I blink. "Spot on. Good guess." I lift the glass and swirl the contents before taking another blissful sip. "What got you interested in our little slice of heaven?"

An eyebrow quirks up on his gorgeous face, but the corner of his lips follow it and it looks good on him. "I'm a people person and I have a knack for saying the right things. Seems as perfect a fit for bartender as there could be when you add in a fairly extensive knowledge of alcohols and mixers." His smile grows and a wink comes my way. "Plus my great granda' was the owner of the Crass Tacks before Mister Pulman. Just returning to the family trade, I guess. Needed something to do and I saw the name."

Not a bad reason. The part about his great grandad owning it is news. Percy... Relsch, then? I'd heard that the Relsch family used to live here in Crea Falls, and Aaron always said he bought it from a wealthy family who was moving away. Decently influential for this side of the city. I'll keep that in mind. Another flick from Virgil's tail tells me that he's doing the same.

"Well it's a pleasure to have you join, or rejoin I guess you could say, the family. Always nice to see a friendly new face about. You new in town, too?" I bump Virgil's foot with mine, bringing him back into the conversation, even nose deep in his drink as he is.

Percy shrugs and shakes his head. "Not really, but I haven't been around in a while. Parents took off to the east coast when I was little and I went with 'em. I've got a bit more freedom now and wanted to come back."

Virgil smirks. "So that's a yes, to us. Anything in particular bring you back? I can think of a dozen cities off the top of my head that I'd rather be in." He's lying, with this. We've had our chances to leave, but we both love it here.

Another shrug, another heart melting smile. "It grew on me for the few years I was here. Wanted to see the old family haunts, hang around the history. Always loved how the northwest has been romanticized and I haven't been really disappointed yet. Plus, you guys have just the cutest local hero." His eyes sparkle and I stifle the grin that wants to spring to life on my muzzle. Score!

That aside, his personality is pretty bulletproof from what I'm getting off of him. Virgil's ears flick to tell me that he's feeling the same. The snow leopard has an easy air about him that screams genuinity. A+, Percy. Welcome to Crass Tacks. "You more than likely won't be. We've got most of the greatness of the northwest with few of the downsides. Supercrime rate's a bit higher than I'd like, but we manage. Also means you'll get to see Ohm or Marten Rose all you want. If you ever want to see more of the town, though, give either of us a ring. Aaron's got our numbers. Ain't nobody around who knows it better." It's my turn to wink at the feline and I get a thrill from seeing the twitch of his whiskers in a smile.

He leans back from the bar and tilts his head, paws clasped in front of him. "So, that means I pass?" He sounds anxious and eager, but the little twinkle in his eyes tells me he already knows.

Virgil pantomimes pulling something from his pocket and creates one of his roses with a flourish to disguise the power. "Full approval. Pulman's got an eye for bartenders, but you're a real catch. It'll be a pleasure seeing you around." The theatrics were his idea. Using the rose was mine. Seeing as how Virgil can just make them, it's a classy way to tell people that the normals approve of them. And that they won't be run out of the bar.

"I can only imagine that it'll be fun." He carefully plucks the rose from Virgil's fingers and deftly slides the stem into his vest pocket, complementing the shirt, vest, and bowtie perfectly. Sure doesn't look like he belongs behind a bar in that getup.

"Oh, sweetie, it's going to be a blast," Virgil says with a devilish smile.

The husky that my friend had pointed out earlier signals Percy and he excuses himself. "Duty calls," he murmurs as he slips past us. I try not to stare as he saunters over to the table. I don't completely succeed.

While I'm debating whether or not I want to bother Torres (the bar's chef) this early in the afternoon, Percy steps back behind the bar with a notepad in paw. "Hey you two, I was about to put in the first order. Care for a bite to eat?" Damn, his timing is pretty good.

"Sure sure, get us each a Pulman special. Torres will know how to make it." I nod slowly, starting to feel the effects of drinking on an empty stomach.

"Extra cheese on one!" Virgil calls after the snow leopard as he walks towards the kitchen.

"You and your cheese. You're gonna have a coronary one of these days." I sip a second drink that had shown up next to my paw just before I finished my first. I'm liking Percy more and more as time goes by.

Virgil just leans back and loops his arm around the back of his chair. "Nah, and even if I did, Crosser will patch me up. She's got a thing for me, you know."

I roll my eyes. "And I'm the king of Wales. You think every female super you run across has a thing for you."

"What if I'm right?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and I can't help but laugh. "I'm pretty irresistible, when I want to be." He sips his drink again and it leaves a bit of white residue on his upper lip. I have to set my drink down so that I don't spill it as I crack up even more. "What?"

"Irresistible isn't the word I'd use. You got a little something right here," I gesture at my own lip with a snicker.

His eyes go wide for a second before he wipes the residue off on the back of his paw. "Oh hush, it's not that funny!" he tries to protest, but even he's grinning now.

I recover, albeit slowly, and the ambient noise settles over us for a bit. A few more people meander in as the day goes by and the almost magically appearing drinks keep me in a delightfully hazy state for most of the afternoon and into the evening. Percy gets busier as the night goes on, but he still manages to stop by us every few minutes and contribute to our conversations. It's really remarkable. Aaron really did hire the perfect person. He's right at home.

I'm not sure of the time that it happens, but I feel a paw on my shoulder as I'm slumped at the bar, muzzle on my arms, watching the ice melt in my glass. My eyes are half lidded and I'm fairly certain I'm going to pass out soon. The touch brings me back to full wakefulness near immediately. I look up into green eyes and take a second to process that I'm looking at Percy. "Do I need to take your keys?" His voice is soft, but playful. Music to my inebriated ears.

Said ears go back, but not down. "Virgil drove us. He's the designated tonight."

Those green eyes flick past me and then back. "Then I think you may need to find another ride or a cab."

I turn and find that, indeed, my marten friend is missing. He must have buggered off into town for one of his little projects. I have no doubt that if I checked my phone, I'd have a text from him saying that he'll meet me back at the dorm. "Okay. Lemme get something from the back real quick. Virg left my bag there." I take a moment, gauging just how far gone I am. A quick shake of my head confirms that I'll be good to get home without needing a cab. Probably. I slide from the seat and smile up to the snow leopard. "Thanks for checking on me. See you tomorrow."

He just smiles and returns to his post behind the bar.

I carefully weave my way through the patrons towards the employees only door, then push it open only enough for me to slip through. I pull out my phone and a small keyring with only two keys on it. A quick scanning of my messages confirms that Virgil will be out late. I fumble with the keys, jamming one into the locked door that would normally be Pulman's office if he didn't interview people and conduct the majority of his business from the storage room. Just inside the door is a black duffel bag. I smile.

After a quick check outside the back door to make sure that the alley is just as deserted as it normally is, I make the change. Blue jeans get stripped off and black jeans get pulled on. The t-shirt with a heart filled with nails gets stuffed into the bag and I slip a royal purple hoodie with a high voltage warning plastered on both front and back over my head. A domino mask goes into place just atop my muzzle and I pull the hood up, fitting my ears into the slits. After hoisting the duffel onto my shoulder, I slip out the back door before one of the waitresses or worse, Percy, comes back here.

Out in the alley I do a quick survey and see that once again, it's deserted. Never changes. I close my eyes and let static crackle between my fingers. Never gets old, either. My feet lift from the pavement and I ascend swiftly into the brisk, late spring air. I get a little thrill every time I feel the air swirling around my entire body like this. It's one of the best ways to relax that I could ever ask for.

In my current state, I let out a laugh and spin through the air as I swoop higher and higher, letting harmless arcs of electricity jump all over my costume. This is the life. This is why I want to be a hero. Everyone deserves to have this kind of peace of mind, and it's my duty to help give it to them if I can, right? I'm not a terrible person. I like making people happy. Makes me feel good.

So tonight, I focus on making myself feel good. I close my eyes and float lazily through the air in the general direction of my dorm, keeping up the barest of currents arcing across my hoodie. At this altitude, I don't have to worry about buildings and I'm not high enough for planes. A perfect place to clear my mind.

Or so I thought. I'm interrupted by a low, gravelly voice. "I'm gonna have to ask you to pull over, Ohm. Flying under the influence is strictly prohibited over the college campus."

I startle and drop a few feet, my hood sliding off my head. When I stabilize, I'm staring into the grinning visage of a coyote in sleek sunglasses and the tight, orange and yellow suit that I'd know anywhere. "Barrage, damnit. Scared me half to death."

The other super chuckles and pats my chest before drifting to my side instead. "Out drinking with Marten Rose again, were you? I could smell the alcohol on your breath from a mile away."

I do a slow roll and get my bearings, seeing that I aimed pretty well and ended up over the college campus, like Barrage said. I slow down and simply float for a bit. "Yeah, had a rough night last night. He thought I could do with some unwinding." I shrug.

"Then he up and leaves without mentioning where he's going, yeah I hear you. How long have you known him again?" I can see the laughter pulling at the corners of his muzzle. "Doesn't matter. Last night, eh? Oh, the heist? I didn't know you were there."

I sigh and kick up my legs, reclining in mid air. "Yeah, and I had everything handled. Then Starfire Vixen and the wonder brigade show up to ruin all of my hard work. Made me out to be the bad guy, again. I didn't even short out the security system this time!"

The coyote crosses his arms and shakes his head. "Poor little cacomistle, poor Ohm. I know Starfire isn't the easiest to work with, but somebody there has to have it in for you, if it's always this bad. She's not the type to hold a grudge or badmouth another super who would be obviously trying to help." He tilts his head and props up his muzzle with a fist. "But she won't say a word against her own team in public. Have any friends there?" I shake my head after a moment. "Any enemies?" I shrug. "Well someone obviously knows something they don't like about you, otherwise they wouldn't have been admitted to the team in the first place. Unless they were there before Pathos showed up and can pull seniority."

I'm too inebriated to control the sigh that slips out of my muzzle at Pathos' name. Barrage quirks an eyebrow at me with a questioning look and I can't help explaining a bit. "He's just always so calm and cool about everything! He's smart and collected and always in control, it's not fair. He's the perfect hero. I'm just a bumbling wannabe that can't even stop an armed robbery. I didn't even know they had a super in their crew! That's such an amateur mistake! I'm better than that!" I huff and curl my tail up into my paws. Nervous habit.

The canine considers this for a moment, then without changing his thoughtful expression, states, "You have a crush on him."

"I do not!" At least I don't stutter this time.

"You're terrible at hiding your feelings when you're drunk. Word to the wise, don't try and pull the wool over my eyes, boy. I'm on your side." He pulls his paw away from his muzzle and idly picks at his claws. "Seems to me we have your problem right there. Either someone else on the team realizes that you do and doesn't like you for it, or he's the one making the accusations. Having worked with him before, I can cross out the second one. He's on the up and up." He shakes his head and finally looks at me again. I'm half hiding behind the tip of my tail at this point. "You sure can pick them, though. That cat is quiet and keeps to himself. Telepath, y'know? Hard to be a big hero when you're constantly in everyone else's mind."

I groan and sink down a little further into despondency. "Yeah I know. I'm sure he knows all about me too, since we've crossed paths in a few of my many misadventures." I pinch the bridge of my muzzle and feel myself sinking lower in the sky by a few inches at a time. Time to go home. "Anyway, I'm not doing patrols tonight. You got this side of the city covered or do you want me to put Marten on it?"

He perks up and shakes his head. "Nah, I got things locked down. I'll be in the area for a while. Marten's got my number if you wanna hang, talk about stuff. We'll hit up a skyscraper or something." He salutes, then tumbles into a roll and shoots off. Barrage is pretty great. I wish he was around Crea Falls more often. Having another level headed person nearby is good for me. That and I like Barrage. I think he's got some kind of gravity manipulation or control of kinetic energy. I can't quite remember right now.

I blink my eyes open again and shake my head. Damn, better get out of the air before I pass out. I spot my building and zip over to the roof, settling onto it just as lightly as possible. Within a few moments, I'm back in civilian clothes and strolling down the stairs to my floor. Fourth floor, six doors in, I pull out my keys again and open up room 426, promptly stumbling in and collapsing onto my bed. I don't even look at my phone.

I really should have.