[Draconicon] Let Yourself Take Over

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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All categorized and complete with short descriptions to tickle your needs!Teryx chases down another rain dragon that looks exactly like himself. The stranger claims to be the real Teryx, easily hypnotising the confused dragon into serving his superior. (5k words)

What would you do if your doppelganger showed up?

Commissioned from draconicon, Gallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19650442/

Heh, figures that everyone's outside on the one day that it's not raining.

Teryx shook his head as he wandered through the crowd, the rain dragon gradually slipping between the other people that were taking advantage of the sunlight. The inside of the nearby mall was packed with people shopping for some summer deals, and the outside was hardly any better. Food courts were packed, and the few open spaces were open by the most technical of definitions, with a huge number of species running this way and that across them.

The dragon didn't mind it all that much, though. After all, it wasn't like he was in a big hurry to get to his destination. His train across the state wasn't leaving for another few hours, and he was mostly trying to kill time until it did leave.

Teryx stopped at one of the food stalls, paying for a small smoothie to keep himself from overheating, and stepped over to a corner near the walls of the mall. It was at least out of the way, and the shade from the mega-building kept him from feeling too overheated, at least. The problems of being a rain dragon, he supposed. Good in the chilly weather, not so good in the heat.

Smoothing back his orange mane, the blue and white dragon leaned his back against the rocky building and looked over the crowd. People watching wasn't the most stimulating of activities, but in this case, it was definitely one of the safer ones. No chance of getting run over, at least.

Sipping on the smoothie and enjoying the orange and mango taste, he let his eyes drift over the people. A wolf that was shouting for his partner to keep up, probably trying to get to that meat deal on the far side of the mall, at the butchers' block. He looked rather interesting, but was out of sight too quickly for the dragon to really get into.

He got a little bit of enjoyment out of watching a family of squirrels running along some of the shorter parts of the mall structure, but there was only so much fun he could have watching parents freak out over their kids trying something new.

He shook his head, turning back to the crowd again, only to sputter as he saw something very, very different. Teryx tapped his cheek a few times, and even pinched himself to see if he was hallucinating. It didn't work. That orange mane passing through the crowd didn't disappear no matter how he touched himself.


He stared at the mane for a minute, thinking that it had to be another dragon of his species wandering through the crowd. They were rare, yes, and he didn't think that there was another out here, but -

Then the dragon turned, and his eyes went wider still.

The face was a perfect replica of his own, from the eyes to the snout to the teeth as the other dragon smirked. It was like looking into a mirror from a distance, right down to the tight jeans and shirt that the other dragon was wearing. Teryx just stared as his double walked through the crowd, seemingly not noticing him.

He kept staring until the other dragon stopped not ten feet away. Right in the middle of the crowd, seemingly buffeted this way and that, the dragon turned his head until he was facing Teryx...and winked.

Okay, this is getting really, really messed up, the dragon thought. No sooner did he take a step forward than his double started walking off, heading deeper into the crowd.

"Hey! Hey wait!"

The crowd turned to look at him, though they didn't stop moving. He waved at his double, but there was no response. The crowd didn't even seem to notice what he was doing, let alone get out of his way.

Grumbling under his breath, Teryx thrust himself into the flow of the people, fighting his way through them until he was heading in the same direction as his...clone? Doppelganger? That one seemed to be the most accurate, as he didn't know of anyone else that looked so much like him. But what was going on? Why was that thing here?

He followed the crowd further and further through the outskirts of the mall, and as it finally started thinning around the construction yard behind the mega-mall, the doppelganger darted into the unfinished area.

What's he doing in there?

Teryx had mixed feelings about following someone out there. After all, there was no little chance of finding him without getting found first, and if it was something dangerous, he probably should call the police first. Rain dragon or not, he didn't trust himself to be able to deal with something this weird.

But then again...

All the way through the crowd, no one had seemed to notice the copy-cat. Nobody worked to get out of his way, and nobody had noticed that they'd passed the same dragon twice.

And if they didn't notice that, I don't know if the police will...Maybe I better get a little more information first.

Gathering his courage, the dragon stepped off of the sidewalk and into the muddy ground around the construction site. Nobody seemed to pay him any heed, and nobody called out for him to stop. Why would they? They weren't security, and they wouldn't be bothered by someone else breaking the rules.

He passed by a number of half-completed concrete structures, each one jagged and not-quite safe looking. The dragon pulled himself out of the muck onto one of the more solid areas, though not without the cost of a shoe getting left behind. Teryx grumbled, turning to pull it out -

"Hello there."

And froze in mid-reach. Not only his body, but his own voice? This was getting freakier by the second.

He slowly turned his head, and finally got a better view of his doppelganger. The other dragon was lounging on the edge of an incomplete fountain, his own shoes kicked off at the base of the thing. The muddy footprints led right from the edge to the waterworks, and the dragon's shirt was off as well, thrown to the ground.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to come in. Glad that you weren't a chicken about it. I don't think either of us are particularly patient."

"Well, you're right about that much. What are you?"

"Isn't it clear? I'm you. Or, I guess, you as you should be."

Teryx was at a loss for words as the other dragon stretched out, bare chest glimmering under the sun as if he was covered in water. The dragon pulled himself off of the water fountain, and smiled wider and wider as he walked over.

"Oh, now, don't pretend that you're that surprised. You know how soft you are, how much you give in to everyone around you. Is that really the way that a dragon should behave, Teryx?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about. I'm acting the way that I should. Kind, as mandated. There's strength to be had -"

The sudden bark of laughter from the doppelganger broke his train of thought, leaving him blinking in shock. No real dragon would interrupt like that. What was this thing?

He almost took a step back, and only stopped when he realized he'd be falling back into the mud. Windmilling to keep his balance, he slid back onto the solid ground. In the process, his clone darted in, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Teryx shivered at the feeling of his own hand caressing him through his tight shirt, rubbing up from his stomach up to his chest.

"Look at you. Already so worried, so weirded out. Tell me, wouldn't you like things to be simpler?"

"I'd like to have some answers as to what in the world you are. I mean, this is...this is impossible. You can't be me."

"Oh, but I am...a part of you, at least."

Teryx pulled himself free, but not before the creature managed to grab hold of his shirt. The combined tension of a hard grip and his sudden tug away ripped it apart, the fragments of his shirt landing all over the floor. He blushed as he was left half-naked, but kept trying to walk away.

However, his copy didn't make that easy. It followed him, running a hand along his arm, over his chest, and each touch came with a tingling feeling that he couldn't quite shake. It was like the rumble of electricity in the clouds above, something waiting to come striking down. Electricity in its rawest form, he supposed, and it was making him feel better than he really wanted to admit.

He blushed as one hand slipped down to his pants, rubbing over his crotch. His breath caught in his throat as the copy squeezed him, and he had to stop and lean against one of the incomplete buildings.

"Ah, you see? You know what you want..."

"I don't want anything. You want -"

"I want you to be true to yourself."

He slipped against the wall as the creature kept squeezing him, draconic fingers finding the spots that only he knew. Each little squeeze did more and more to bring him to his knees, and soon he collapsed completely, panting and shivering as his cock stood up tall and proud in his pants, begging for attention.

The doppelganger loomed over him, and before he knew it, Teryx found his head buried in the creature's crotch, his nose brushing against a bulge just as big as his own, in pants that were an exact copy of the ones he was wearing.

"We all know what you really are. You just haven't admitted it yet. So, why don't you say it?"

"Say...say what?"

"That you're not a real dragon. That you're just a little bitch, waiting to be used by someone with enough power to make it happen."

That was impossible. It was so wrong that he didn't even want to acknowledge it, even if his cock was bouncing and twitching at those words. Teryx wriggled back and forth, trying to get out of that grip on his head, but it was so hard.

Particularly when a tail slid down between his legs. The rain dragon shivered, bucking his hips forward against that touch, grinding on it. Whatever will to resist he had slipped away, and he panted as he leaned against the other dragon's crotch. He could feel the bulge grinding against his cheek, how hard and hot it was. He could smell the musk building up underneath the cloth, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he'd smell the same coming from his own pants.

Summoning what remained of his willpower, he glanced upwards, fixing his eyes with the copy. Panting through his mouth, he forced himself to ask the question.

"What...are you? Who...Who sent...you?"

"I wasn't sent by anyone."

The copy kept its hand on his head as it leaned back, pulling him down with it as it sat back. His nose never left that throbbing bulge, and he shivered as he was left on his hands and knees as a result.

"I didn't have to be sent by anyone. I'm just the part of you that you never could use. The part that was neglected. The part that needed to come out and take charge when it was clear that you could never do it for yourself."

"And...what's that part?"

"The better part."

He had a front row seat as the doppelganger pulled down the zipper of his pants, had a perfect view as a thick, pink cock came free. It throbbed and bounced up and down, twitching and dripping with pre. The first breath he took as it came into open air left him shivering, his cock twitching in his pants and starting to ooze as well.

Half-expecting to have his face stuffed full of cock as soon as it was revealed, Teryx was almost disappointed when it started bobbing back and forth instead, swaying from side to side as the copy batted it around. He stared at it, wondering why his copy was waiting. Wasn't he supposed to be taught a lesson? Why sway his dick around like a metronome, or -

"You'll let me take over, Teryx. You'll let me be the one to make all the decisions from here on out, and you know why?"


"Because you won't be thinking anymore. You'll be so deep down, so far from this world, that it'll be so much easier for you to just let me do the thinking. Just let me be in charge. And you'll definitely have so much more fun."

"I...I won't...I'm not like -"

"You already are 'like that', and soon, you'll never think of anything else. Just keep watching your better's cock, little dragon, and you'll see."

He had little choice in the matter, forced to stare straight ahead at that swaying cock. It went back and forth, back and forth, shimmering at the apex of each slow sway as light hit the pre forming at the tip. He imagined that it was probably wet and damp and musky as all hell if he were to try and taste it, and he tried to push that thought away.

Back and forth, back and forth it went, and he swore that it was slowly getting bigger. How, he didn't know, but he was fascinated by it. It was huge, and a little terrifying to think of tasting it and being touched by his own cock like this, but it was...fascinating, nonetheless. He couldn't take his eyes off of it.

Somewhere in the background, he could hear something being said, something being whispered, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the cock, the strangely familiar, strangely alien shaft being swung around in front of him. The words came in fits and bursts, but that was all, and it never made any sense.

"That's it...at cock...of cock...but a bitch...nothing...a bitch..."

It didn't make any sense, but he didn't care. He just wanted to keep staring at that cock...like a little bitch...

Wait, what? Why would -

"Just keep staring...easy to stare...so much easier...no thought...no acts...puppet..."


The word stuck out for him, but he couldn't linger on it long. That cock was still swaying, and it was so much easier to watch and listen, listen and watch, and not think.

"Yes...my puppet...nothing but...bitch...me...master..."

The words were fading more and more, and even as he struggled to hold onto his thoughts, they simply wouldn't stay still. They fled away whenever he reached for them, leaving him with nothing but the knowledge of cock in front of him. His own cock. That perfect cock that needed to be tended to.

He leaned forward before he realized he was doing it, and by the time he touched his lips to cock, he couldn't stop. Unable to even say he was forced, Teryx slid forward with a vengeance, taking that dick past his lips, over his tongue, and down his throat.

Is...this what I taste like?

He could see why past lovers had been complimentary about it. It was a nice taste, a bit strong on the musk side, but powerful and thick and manly. It slipped into his throat before he realized it, and he gagged for a second before the copy pushed down on him, holding him in place until he got used to it.

The rain dragon groaned as he started bobbing up and down, feeling like he was in charge, but at the same time, not. Some part of him didn't want this, but it was too quiet, too soft in the back of his mind as he started taking it deeper, deeper, the thick shaft rubbing against his lips with every thrust of his head. It was like he was fucking his own face, and...he supposed he was.

Glancing upwards, he could see his doppelganger watching him the whole time. Even with cheeks slightly reddened in pleasure and excitement, there was no way that the copy was dropping his guard. It was holding him tight, keeping him moving.

And he...

He loved it. His cock throbbed harder than ever in his pants as he sucked on that big piece of meat, and the only reason he didn't reach down and release himself was because he was too weak to move. The dragon wanted nothing more than to tease himself, to release himself, but something in the copy's words kept him too still to do it.

It didn't take long for him to start whimpering around the shaft, begging for more, begging to be given some level of freedom. No words, but the whimpers were common language for the two of them, it seemed, as the copy chuckled.

"Oh, you want more, do you? You want to let your cock out?"

He grunted.

"Well, I guess we can do that. But you'll be paying the cost. Are you willing to pay?"

Any other day, he might have been smart enough to ask what the cost was. Any other day, he would have been suspicious of the doppelganger, and thought about waiting to satisfy himself.

That would have been a day when he wasn't so zonked out and needy and beyond anything that he had ever experienced before. Teryx grunted again on the cock in his mouth, nodding his head as much as he could while it kept bobbing up and down, while it kept sucking.

"Alright, then. Pull back."

He moved almost without thinking, and that part in the back of his mind, the resisting part, realized some small truth. He was already deeply under control. There was something controlling his body, controlling his mind, and if he didn't act quick, he was going to lose any chance of fighting back.

That little part surged forward, pushing against the control, trying to snare his hands as the copy told him to unbutton his jeans. For a second, his hands froze, and hope surged.

"Oh, dear, dear. Teryx, are you still thinking that you should be in charge?"

Suddenly, his head was lifted up and he was face to face with his doppelganger. Their eyes locked, and in that split second, the resisting part knew that things were going to get much worse.

The copy's eyes began to glow, and the light pulled his will into them. Teryx slumped in the doppelganger's grip, sliding down until he was almost on his hands and knees again. The light pulled at the deepest recesses of his mind, tugging at his will, pulling it further and further away from where it could do any good.

Teryx could feel it, like a portion of himself was dragged to the edges of his eyes, like a diver moving up to a diving board. It was pulled further and further, enticed out by the light, and hesitated at the very edge.

Please...I want...no I don't...I do...I don't...

That annoying little piece wouldn't shut up. It wanted to keep things the way they were. The way that they had been. It wanted to go back to being kind and soft and never really understanding the truth.

But that wasn't possible anymore. Their eyes had been opened, and they knew what they really were. It was time to let go. It was time to let the better part take control.

Teryx opened his eyes as wide as they could go as the glow got more intense, and he felt that small, resisting piece of his mind disappear, like they'd dived off of the edge of the world and would never return. His mouth dropped open in a panting smile, and he giggled to himself as he nodded his head to his masterful side.

The glow faded away as the copy patted his head.

"That's better, isn't it? Just letting that part of you go away. Now, continue what you were doing. Take off your pants, get as naked as you can be."

That was easy enough for the eager rain dragon. He shucked off his jeans, throwing them somewhere over by the fountain, and his other shoe and his socks came off just as quickly. They thumped around...somewhere. He couldn't be sure just where, but it didn't really matter. He was following orders exactly as he should.

Finally naked, he felt a temptation to grab at his cock and enjoy it, but...he didn't. He was confused, but he let that feeling go. If he needed an explanation, if he really needed it, then the copy would be able to tell him what was going on.

The doppelganger lowered him to the ground, laying him out on his side. The feeling of the cool rock under his scales was surprisingly nice, and he let out a soft coo.

"Hehe, feels good, hmm? Well, you're going to be feeling even better in a second or two."

He could hardly imagine how that would feel. Teryx grinned stupidly, knowing that he looked silly and not caring. If he was going to get pleasure, he would do whatever he needed to do, obey whatever order he was given.

A hand slipped down along his leg, running from his ankle all the way to his knee. The pressure under it pulled his leg up high, and he felt the other dragon sliding in behind him. Hard scales pressed against his back, and another hand pressed his tail out of the way, keeping it from being in the way.

"That's it, Teryx. Submit like a good little bitch."

Good little bitch...

He moaned softly as the slick shaft - his slick shaft, on another body - slipped under his tail. It was hard and throbbing, and so very, very thick. He could feel the tip pressing against his hole, the pointed end managing to nudge inside by the barest of measures. The dragon groaned at that, arching his back slightly, much to the amusement of his doppelganger.

"Heh, the subby little dragon likes that, huh? Well, now, let's take it the rest of the way."

Another nudge, and the head slipped in a bit further, almost the whole head sliding in this time. A spurt of pre, a burst of heat that shocked him, and the head slipped back out. Teryx's cock throbbed and bounced, oozing on its own.

Another nudge, and the whole head slipped in, followed by an inch or two of shaft. The whole thing was so thick that his hole burned, and the only thing keeping him down was the power of his better half, the masterful half, the perfect half.


It seemed right, but the word was so...alien. When had he started -

Mmmph. It didn't matter as the shaft slid out and back in again, stretching his rim again, making his cock bounce and bob against his stomach. His toes curled as the long length went almost halfway in before starting to pull out again, and Teryx shivered as he realized that he still hadn't taken the whole thing.


"Mmm, need it so bad?"

"I need it! Please!"

"Heh, fine. But there'll be another price to pay."

"Anything! Just give it to - aaaah!"

His next moan was deep and maybe a little too loud as he was finally impaled completely, his hole spread wide on an exact copy of his own cock. It was so wonderful that he very nearly came on the spot, his eyes crossing before rolling back in pure bliss.

The copy's grip on his leg and tail gave him a perfect thrusting angle, and Teryx soon lost any chance of thinking of anything else. Thrust, thrust, thrust went those perfect hips, and pop, pop, pop went that perfect cock into his ass. He leaned his head back, almost drooling and panting like a dog as he was fucked, his hole burning slightly, but the pain overwhelmed in every way by pleasure.

In and out, in and out it went, and he only craved more. His hole started twitching, milking around that cock, and every time it did, the shaft felt bigger as he tightened around it. He started doing it on purpose, and moaned louder and louder.

Hot breath blew on the back of his neck, and he started imagining the smirking face behind him. His smirking face, if he'd ever had the confidence to act like this. His smirking face, if he'd ever been...been a real dragon.

He blushed at that thought, even as his cock throbbed and surged upwards, slapping hard against his belly and leaving a puddle of pre behind. He could only imagine how much he was betraying his own ideals here, but the shift, the corruption, the change from 'kind soul' to 'needy bitch' only made it better.

"This is what you are."

The voice slipped into his ear, and he groaned as he felt the other dragon pushing even closer, almost rolling onto him.

"This is what you are. A bitch. A slut. A needy fucktoy...and this is what you always will be, without me."


"Heh, don't worry. You won't change. But everyone will think you will."


"Don't think. Just...cum."

With one last thrust, the creature filled him up to the brim with cock, and a second later, with cum. It was a torrent of the stuff, rushing into his hole, gushing deep, and it was more than enough to push him over the edge.

It took all of his willpower not to roar out in pleasure, though he didn't know why he stopped himself. Something in his head, telling him that it wasn't a good idea. Whatever, he managed it. His cock bounced and twitched, throbbing against his stomach as he unloaded a massive amount of cum on his belly and chest.

He wasn't sure how long it took to completely finish. All he knew was that, when he was done, he was staring down at a slimy mess on his torso and on his tail.


"Was good. But now, it's time for you to pay the price."


The word barely formed before the creature was upon him, over him, covering him. Scales formerly hard as iron became soft, squishy, thick. He was drawn into it as it spread, almost like it was squeezing over him, sucking him into a strange, warm embrace.

Exhausted, all Teryx could do was watch as the slimy goo expanded over his body, sliding along his arms and legs, over his chest and over his cock. It took on his exact colors and patterns, leaving nothing out as it covered him from neck to toe, even as it swallowed him, padding around him, going from a slippery sheet of the goo to a thick blanket, and then further still.


"I told you. You will never have to change, but the world expects there to be a Teryx out there. Except, instead of the little bitch that it used to know, it'll be dealing with me. Someone who can do better than you ever did."

"But I...I..."

"Don't worry. You'll never have to think about it. Just..."

Two larger tendrils pulled out of the rest of the gooey body surging over him, and slid into his ears. They pushed deep, emitting strange electrical charges, and Teryx's vision began to swim.

"Just...sleep...and enjoy..."

The world slipped away from him, and in its place, he found himself in a deep, soft, warm bed. He felt the covers around him. He could see the warm colors and soft lighting that danced on the walls. He could smell his own sweat and musk, and that of a partner somewhere beside him in bed. He felt the bed swallowing him up, pulling him into the mattress, sucking him into the darkness where he could be taken care of forever.

And he could feel the tentacles that were even then swarming around him. The thought that they couldn't be real never crossed his mind. All that mattered was that they were there, rubbing along his legs, teasing his balls as they went higher, sliding under his tail. He felt them sliding deep inside of him, and stroking him, and he leaned back, panting and moaning as he enjoyed the feeling of getting fucked properly.

Please, don't let this ever end...

The head slipped into a gooey hood as the illusion completed, and the 'fake' Teryx chuckled as he finally finished covering the body of his target. He flexed his muscles, feeling the power of the dragon he'd taken over, and he shook his head.

"The bottoms always love to buy into that idea, that they're the bitch. Man, wonder what else he might have believed..."

He ran his hand over his chest, feeling the soft rumble of the dragon whose body he'd stolen. His goo-body was already settling into his host, taking it over bit by bit. Soon enough, 'Teryx' would be little more than a memory, isolated into a little section of his own mind to live out the rest of his days in perpetual hedonism, while he would have a brand new body to play with.

At least this time he'd remembered to keep some of the clothes around. His own had been too illusory to really work as real clothes, but the host had brought his own. A pity about the ripped shirt, but he supposed that the crowd could deal with some eye candy as he made his escape.

Still, it was a little hard getting dressed when his host body was still so turned on. He could feel that massive erection swaying between his legs constantly, slapping up against his thighs, rubbing against his clothes when he was finally able to get them on. It was always begging for attention, and he knew that he'd need to find someone to deal with it soon.

Curiously, he searched through Teryx's mind for any thought of a partner or a current lover. Unfortunately, there was nothing of the sort, but the dragon was scheduled to be heading out to the other side of the state...and there were tickets in his pocket.

The creature smiled, his hand moving more steadily as the final control started slipping into his grip. Pulling the tickets free, he nodded.

"Well, no time like the present...let's see if there's some sluts out there to enjoy...Seems like this man has a couple of friends out there..."