Zootopia Body Swap: Finnick and Bogo Pt.2

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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Finnick and Bogo have set out to find the culprit behind their unfortunate body swap.

Part 1 -- https://www.sofurry.com/view/1014941

"First off-" Chief Bogo says in Finnick's stomach-rumbling baritone, "Who are you? And what are you after? I know you. I've seen you hanging around Officer Wilde. Your name is James Finn, apparently, and you live in a shabby van. How did -you- do... this?!" Bogo, evidently still unused to being in so small a body stomps toward Finnick as if he has his usual body's great stature. He is forced to climb onto the chair opposite his own in order to speak evenly with the fox.

"Me!? What you think I did this?!" Finnick says, waving his hand between his own body and the one in which he's presently residing. Bogo stands rigid with resolve. It is extremely strange for Finnick to see 'himself' operating under someone elses accord. It is his body of course, but Bogo wears it very differently from the way he himself does. The fox has a tendency to slouch, but Bogo is standing at his full one-foot, eight-inches. Also the fox doesn't normally grimace quite as sternly as the buffalo has been since he entered the office. It's almost as if the buffalo were shrunk and crammed into Finnick's body, operating normally but expressing himself through Finnick's features. He assumes the buffalo must know the same uncanny feeling.

"Of course. Even a low-life like you can imagine what a rogue mammal could do with my position. What, you want drugs I assume? More? Money? I found enough blue caps in your glove compartment to kill an elephant." Bogo says, jabbing his tiny hand at Finnick who stands aloof at the absurd accusation.

"Woah, hey. That's all prescription. Promise." Finnick says of his hidden blue stash. After the night howler incident there were quite a few unscrupulous chemists who got their hands on the problematic flowers and found new uses for them. 'Blues' as they're commonly called are one of these derivatives. The capsules function as a low-level stimulant and they aren't terribly habit forming or dangerous in moderation. Hardliners for the drug say it 'gets one in touch with their inner savage without allowing it to run wild.' Blue is causing trouble in sports industries as it can greatly enhance performance of some species. For Finnick and many others however the pills are best used as an aphrodisiac and the fennec fox is known for enjoying them with his girlfriends.

"Hah! A prescription with the twitchy, shady rat down the block I suppose? Speak! How did this happen?" Bogo says.

"Hold up, listen. I didn't do this, whatever this is. I woke up in your bed, in your body. Got no idea why!" Finnick says. Bogo drops his arm and sighs. It is evident that he doesn't truly believe Finnick to be behind the impossible happenings and simply had to vent his pent up frustrations.

"Urrrrgh. What is going on?" He says, sitting down on the chair. He holds his head in his hands.

"Hell if I know." Finnick says, collapsing onto Bogo's chair.

"What are you doing here? I didn't find you at my house and I was praying that I wouldn't find you goofing off here." Bogo says.

"Oh uhhh, I was goofing off actually. Had to rip on Nick as his boss. Can you blame me?" Finnick says shrugging.

"Yes." Bogo says flatly, "How much did you damn drink last night? I woke up drooling in your grubby van wearing an elephant onesie. Rrrrng, I feel like my head's going to split open."

"Haha, yeah I really dodged a bullet there." Finnick says, nervously rubbing the back of Bogo's meaty neck. He decides to withhold the fact that Bogo's incredible discomfort is due to a failed attempt to out-drink one of Finnick's ram friends who is twice his size.

"It feels kind of weird though right?" Finnick says.

"What does?"

"Being in a different body. I feel like I should be freaking out, but I'm not." Finnick explains, reasoning through the feelings as he discusses them.

"Oh right. I can see what you mean. It does feel oddly natural." Bogo answers, flexing the fox's handpaws.

"So uh, what do we do?" Finnick says after a long and uncomfortable pause. Bogo growls and stares forward, lost in thought. "We have to find out how to change back. I got a date with my girl tomorrow and y'know, I got other stuff to do."

"Hneh, I'm sure you do." Bogo says, directing his gaze to Finnick and contorting the fox's features into a sarcastic smile. "I don't think I need to explain to you why I need to get back into my body and back to work. There's got to be some connection between us. Oh! Was there a dart on you too?" Bogo says, excitedly fishing with a paw in his shirt pocket.

"A dart?" Finnick says shrugging.

"After I woke up, and after evacuating the contents of your tiny stomach onto the sidewalk, I found this thing stuck in the back of my neck." Bogo says producing a small, but very intricate looking dart. It is small even in his tiny palm. Finnick doesn't even attempt to manipulate it with Bogo's giant, hard fingers.

"The hell is that thing?" Finnick says "That was in my neck?"

"Good. You don't recognize it." Bogo says. "Was there one in me too?"

"I don't think so. I don't-- oh wait! Oh crap. I think I smashed it. You're too strong boss. Thought it was a bug and smashed the hell out of it."

Bogo growls "Unbelievable. Well it looks like this thing is our only clue."

"Waitaminute. Why don't we tell the cops? You're the chief right? Get them on it."

"Ugh. No. Right now -you're- the chief. I'm not letting you do anything in regards to the department. You wouldn't be able to lead them and there's no way they would take orders from me like this." Bogo then adds matter-of-factly. "We're settling this ourselves."

Huh. Sounds kinda cool when you say it that way." Finnick says with a juvenile grin. "So what do we do?"

"There's a magnifying glass in my top drawer. Get it out. There's some tiny writing on this thing." Bogo orders, hopping adroitly onto his desk proper. Finnick finds the glass and hands it to Bogo who has to hold it is two paws and even then it takes a good deal of strength to hold it in place. Finnick is about to help him when he realizes that if he did so he would be acting in the patronizing way that he hates to face in his normal body. No matter how politely the situation is handled small mammals generally hate to be aided or carried by larger ones.

"Here we go. You've got sharp eyes fox." Bogo says "Ico -Technics? Never heard of it. You?"

"Nah, no clue."

"Out of the way. Let me get on my laptop." Bogo orders and Finnick quickly backs away in the office chair. Bogo's level-headed ambition in the face of this uncanny situation is surprising. He finds himself being caught up in the buffalo's gusto. He peers eagerly over his own shoulder, nearly nudging Bogo with his muzzle.

"Do you mind?" Bogo says. "My password."

"Oh, sorry." Finnick says, looking away. He does peek however and stifles a chuckle at the sight of Bogo reaching full arm-lengths to mash the large keys with his fists. "Having a little trouble there? Haha."

"Shut it! I'll never look at you tiny ones the same way again I swear." Bogo says.

"Good." Finnick says, leaning back in the chair. "Not so easy for the little guys huh?" Bogo remains silent, but his shoulders relax and he lets out a sigh.

"Alright. Here's what we've got. I ran the company through the general police database. It'll give us the Zoogle result basically but we can dig deeper into names and places with it. Let me know if you recognize anything." Bogo slides his finger slowly down the scroll panel glancing over the paragraphs of unimportant financial and historical details regarding Ico-Technics. "Way I see it there has to be a common link between us aside from the two darts. Why me and why you in particular?"

"Could've been aliens, don't you think?" Finnick says, chuckling. "Working with the government I bet. Think Lionheart was covering that up too? Heh."

"Can you focus please?" Finnick had been kicking back twiddling his thumbs while Bogo was carefully scanning. "However this happened to us, this technology is dangerous. I'm a police chief, Finnick. What if you were a smarter, even more unscrupulous character? This entire situation reeks--" Finnick sees Bogo's eyes go wide and when he turns his attention to the screen he knows the buffalo's shock.

Finnick had been riding the subway into the city nearly one week ago when he saw him. It was very late, Finnick was meeting his girl, so the train was nearly abandoned. Half of the train car's length away on the bench opposing Finnick sat a kangaroo. A male kangaroo dressed very sharply. A marsupial is a rare find in Zootopia. Finnick would have been only merely put-off if the kangaroo weren't also attended by two huge bears, a male and a female. They certainly looked like bodyguards with the impressive way they managed to keep one eye on their boss and the other eye on every passerby at once. The kangaroo repeatedly met eyes with Finnick and if the fox didn't know better he would have guessed that the odd character and his entourage were sidling closer to him in their seats. Finnick departed the train before them and was happy to do so. It was a creepy experience and one that stuck with the fox throughout the week. Because of this fresh recollection Finnick is stunned when he sees the sharp-eyes and neatly dressed face of that kangaroo in a mugshot on the Ico-Technic's page.

"You've seen that guy too?" Finnick says.

"Yep. Last Friday as I was walking home. The creep and his bear thugs passed me by and made a point of making eye contact. Creepy as all hell. In my line of work you develop a sixth sense for trouble. This guy is definitely trouble, and the fact that we've both had run-ins with him has got to be significant." Bogo says, straining to plot linkages between the fresh details.

"Dr. Smith, it says. Kinda generic name." Finnick says, inspecting the page.

"Well he's not a generic character, clearly." Bogo says. Pounding at the laptop he sets off on a new task.

"So what do we do? You're the smart one here, chief."

"This doesn't make sense." Bogo ignores the fox's unhelpful input, "This guy lives in a loft right over in Sahara Square. Ritzy area."

"That's a good thing right? Lets go in there and take him down." Finnick says as he launches the buffalo's meaty arm in a punch.

"Hah! It's not that simple. Even I can't just burst into an apartment for no reason. I'd need a warrant. And there's no way they... hold on a minute. I've got it." Bogo turns to Finnick with a fanged grin.

"What? What!?" Finnick says, disliking the uncharacteristic mirth he sees on his face.

"Have you used a dart gun before?" Bogo says as he rises to his paws.

"Actually yeah, why?"

"We're going to Dr. Smith's lab and we're going to make him talk." Bogo says, hopping off of his desk and striding confidently toward his door. If he is still ailed by hangover pains his determination is allowing him to prevail over them.

"But you just said we can't get in!" Finnick quickly catches up with Bogo and is annoyed at having to crane his neck so sharply to watch him.

"You're a police chief right now and I am a common street hood. I'll break in, you follow. If anyone asks any questions you explain that you were simply investigating a suspected home invasion." Bogo and Finnick step into the lobby.

"He-hey that's pretty good! You're pretty sly for a cop, Bogo." Finnick says, slapping his unwitting partner gently on the shoulder. Bogo leads them to the department's garage. On the way the pair pass Nick Wilde who is sipping water in one of the department's back rooms. Upon seeing him Finnick lets out an enormous laugh as if Bogo had just told the most incredible joke he has ever heard. The completely bewildered look on Nick's face is well worth the awkwardness.

Finnick, being the uniformed officer naturally drove the police cruiser. The fennec fox is an automobile fanatic and gushed a bit over the smoothness of the ride and punchiness of its acceleration. He was beside himself when Bogo flicked on the police siren and allowed the fox to blaze his way past the street traffic. They tracked Dr. Smith's location using the in-car computer and are presently closing in on a loft apartment that could not cost less than 100,00 bucks per month. It is a block or two removed from the Sahara Strip and must afford its owner an unrivaled view of the place. Despite the waning sunlight and glistening location the apartment does seem to cast a unique gloom on its surroundings. The windows are all tinted so as to be opaque and the lack of any decoration lends the location a cold and clinical air. Finnick departs from the cruiser to find that Bogo has already hopped atop the car and stands roughly at eye level to himself.

"You know, this is just hitting me now, this must be a trap or set-up." Bogo says flatly.

"Wait how do you know that?" Finnick reels away from Bogo, suddenly paranoid.

"It was too easy to find this Smith. He's the type who could disappear if he wanted to and at any time. He seems to have the money and if he's such a high-profile scientist he must be extremely well-connected. This whole thing stinks, like I said." Bogo hops his way safely to the ground and confidently crosses the street. To walk dauntlessly into a trap requires a courage that Finnick lacks. What the fennec fox doesn't lack however is a zest for defiance and, possessing Bogo's body, brawn. He sets off after Bogo with a mind to muscle the creep of a kangaroo into submission.

Bogo has entered a professional mode and has forgone speaking. He slinks along the side of the building to its rear. Finnick, being far more conspicuous, waits until Bogo gestures for him to follow. Glancing carefully around the building Bogo points out a set of stairs that acts as a 'spine' of the building and allows access to each of the lofts that comprise its three stories. Dr. Smith lives in the right, topmost apartment. Bogo darts out from their hiding spot suddenly and in a moment is summoning Finnick from the base of the stairs. The fox jogs hastily and kneels beside his body. Bogo makes a series of gestures then that Finnick is stunned he was able to comprehend. They will ascend together, Finnick is to punch through the deck window (the fox is eager to really let Bogo's bulk loose), and then Bogo will dart inside and allow them both passage to confront the doctor. Night is setting and lights are visible within so they assume he or his cronies will be present.

In step the pair ascend the flights of stairs to reach the doctor's level. Finnick grounds himself before the window and forms a tight fist. When he throws the punch he is sorely disappointed for the buffalo's fist crashes through it with no difficulty whatsoever. He looks absently at the chief's unscarred hand before diving into cover before anyone can spot the chief's body. Bogo jumps clear through the hole his partner had made and a second later the click of several locks disengaging is heard. Bogo shoves the door open for Finnick and he slips inside. He enters as if he were a suspicious policemammal investigating a break-in, but only as an afterthought. He and Bogo stand side by side in a swank living room staring at the doctor's male bear bodyguard who is sitting on a couch sipping at liquor.

"Aaaaand there they are." He says.

"Told you." Bogo says crouched and alert.

"Settle down fellas. The doctor wants to have a quick chat with you, that's all." The bear rises and steadily approaches. "No need to be so tense."

Finnick's large ears swivel instantly rearward in a motion the actual Finnick understands instantly. He spins around adroitly just in time to see the female bear, a few inches taller than himself, lunging at him. Bogo's body seems to react on its own. He hops backward adroitly and with his arm muscles pre-coiled he launches a stern right hook which catches his assailant squarely on the cheek.

"Awwwf!" She groans, stumbling backward.

"Lucy!" The male shouts, stomping angrily toward Finnick, "All you had to do was cool it. I don't mince words. Now I'm going to have to rough you up!" The bear dodges an expert blow from the buffalo and lands a jab in Finnick's gut. Meanwhile Bogo has launched himself at the female and is pounding her face though his tiny fists do not phase her in the least. His legs can barely straddle her thick neck. Recalling the dart gun on the chief's waist Finnick reaches for and fumbles with its lock. He was too clumsy in the action, when he frees the weapon from its holster the bear is prepared and swiftly chops sending it skittering into the far kitchen.

"Aw come on, I just ooomph-" Finnick is interrupted by a blow to the back and even with the buffalo's constitution he collapses to the ground. He finds the bear's weight pressing on him through the paw holding him in place. Bogo soon joins his partner courtesy of the female bear Lucy who lightly holds him into the carpet with one hand.

"Rookie mistake. Embarassing." Bogo says rolling his eyes.

"What?! I thought I did pretty good." Finnick says. The bear stomps him firmly.

"Shush. Here he comes." The female says in a sultry voice.

There is a repetitious clacking of claws on wood flooring. Soon the kangaroo emerges into the living room looking as though he had been deeply, rapturously lost in a pressing project and had to force himself abandon it and to tend to his intruders. His fine suit is now dirty and bits of complex machinery peak out of its pockets. When he sees the defeated condition of his guests the doctors mood softens a bit. He leans back and sits on his tail as a smirk steadily spreads across his muzzle.

"Finnick and Chief Bogo. Right on time I'd say." The kangaroo says in a thick Outback accent. "I trust you boys have had a very discombobulatin' day?"

Bogo growls as Finnick blurts, "What is going on?! What did you do to us creep?"

"What I did is pretty obvious right?" The kangaroo says. Evidently a restless sort the kangaroo begins padding around the room. "Well the specific mechanics are a bit over both of your heads. Hmm. You found the darts, I gather. Or one at least, Hector says you really wrecked yours Finnick?"

"Haha. Destroyed it doc. One slap." The male bear says.

"Yeah. Yeah, expected." The doctor is an odd bookish sort whose awkward habits are at odds with his generally handsome appearance. "Anyway to explain the process simply those darts collect and encapsulate your very identities and then remotely swap them. They were placed in your necks after you fell asleep. Lucy and Hector are surprisingly cunning given their size. The darts compiled and swapped your identities to give you a nice, rude awakening." The apprehended pair would have laughed openly at the kangaroo's explanation a day earlier.

"Fine, marsupial, but why us? What in the hell could we have in common?" Bogo's frustration is palpable.

"Why not you two?" The kangaroo says, "No, no. In all honesty chief I wanted to swap you for sure. You were part of the plan from the get go. The identity of the second participant was totally arbitrary. But when I saw this little guy on the train I told Lucy 'this is the guy.' What can I say I thought it would be hilarious to put a buffalo in a little fox body. It still tickles me. Hah."

Bogo growls as threateningly as Finnick's body is able and at this point even Finnick himself is fed up.

"Sorry, sorry. Today was meant to be a message. I am Doctor Smith. I invented the swapping dart two years ago as a sort of passion project. I have always been fascinated with the idea of experiencing the body of another animal. There are so many different species. So many different strengths and weaknesses even within the same genetic family. The darts have allowed me to live out this fantasy and I've been blessed to find friends in this singular interest. My very first patients are the couple standing over you now." At this the kangaroo smiles with genuine fondness, "They were an adorable transsexual couple and when they heard of my black market dealings they came to me with an enticing idea. Lucy wanted so sorely to be male and Hector urgently to be female I helped them to simply swap bodies and I believe they've never been happier, right?"

The bears shift their weight upon the pair and kiss loudly.

"Gross. So you're like kissing yourself? That's ... that's really messed up." Finnick says earning himself a firm slap on the head from Hector.

"My message is this: I am tired of working out of my many hidden safe rooms. I'd like to shake things up and show the world my amazing gift. I will not be caught, Bogo. If I feel you are getting too close to me after I leave you today I will abandon this body and escape to another continent. I wasn't born a kangaroo of course and I won't reveal my original form not that it would aid you if I did. Soon you will be hearing of cases of animals waking up in bodies that aren't their own and you'll be helpless to stop it. Take my darts if you like I promise you will not be able to back-engineer what I've done."

"You're insane, clearly." Bogo says. His blunt delivery somehow cuts through the kangaroo's reverie, putting a scowl on his face.

"If I am chief then your entire city is about to get a sizable taste of the insane." He adds.

"We'll see about that." Bogo says, setting his sights evenly on Dr. Smith. The kangaroo suddenly appears bored with his captives. He rises again from his tail seat and makes his way to the kitchen.

"So what happens now? You'll let us go?" Finnick says hopefully.

"I'll put you back in your proper bodies." The doctor says, bending to retrieve the thrown dart gun. "I'll turn you loose and the chase will be on."

"You 've made a big mistake in telling me your plan you cocky bastard." Bogo is defiant and grinning even as Smith levels the gun at him. "I'll hunt you do--owwwwwn." The tranquilizer dart hits Bogo squarely in the forehead and he is instantly out cold.

"Goodnight, James." The doctor says. Finnick flinches as a dart finds its way into his neck. Yet he is completely alert.

"Name's Finnick." He says as the doctor shrugs and looses another dart at him. With the second dart Finnick begins to feel drowsy and with a third the buffalo body finally loses consciousness.

A stern tapping of his chest awakens the fennec fox. Almost before his eyes are open he knows that he is back in his own body. He had nearly grown accustomed to Bogo's body, but he is happy to be back in his own. Even with the lingering effects of the night before. Chief Bogo is standing over him looking very groggy.

"Whu, what happened?" Finnick says. Blinking he looks around to find that he and the chief are across the street from the doctor's apartment in an alleyway near the police cruiser.

"He's gone. We've been out for two hours and he's probably on a flight bound for the other side of the world by now." Bogo says looking exhausted. Finnick flinches as he realizes that the swapping dart is still stuck in his neck. He yanks it out and stomps on it.

"Man. It's been a hell of a day. I'm going home." Finnick says.

"Let me give you a lift." Bogo says, already on his way to the car.

"Thanks." Finnick says. He and Bogo are both quite shaken by the day's outrageous events and the news of Doctor Smith's impending swapping spree. Rounding the car Finnick hops in beside Bogo.

"What are you going to do about him?" Finnick asks.

"Nothing for now I think. I'm going to need some time to figure out how to explain to my department that I switched bodies with a fennec fox for a day and that soon it is going ot be happening to other animals all over the city. Ugggh." Bogo says grimly.

"That's a tall order chief."

"Of course I am also going to have to pursue your case for the hundreds of blues you have stashed away." Bogo says this with what he might misconceive as being humor but the intended effect is lost on Finnick.

"What?! Are you kidding me?" The fox shouts. "There's a lunatic kangaroo on the loose and you're going to come after me for a little blue?"

"Afraid so." Bogo says, grinning inwardly.

"Unbelievable!" Finnick sits angrily with arms crossed. Though in a moment his eyes go wide. "You know, you may want to rethink that chief. If you don't let me off the hook I might have to have a chat with Nick about how you and that chubby cheetah have a history."

The pair had been approaching a stop sign, but in his shock Bogo slems on the breaks sharply. He grips the wheel tightly and his face is stricken with shock.

"Yeah. You know Nick. In an hour the whole department is going to know about how you have the hots for---"

"Shut it! Shut it right now." Bogo says. His tone is severe, but the embarrassment is written all over his face. "No one hears about... that and no one hears about the small pharmacy I found in your damn van. Deal?"

"Haha. You've got yourself a deal." Finnick says. He folds his fingers behind his head in satisfaction.

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