Hauntings 101

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Beware professors of niche fringe science specialities. Chances are they may be far more invested in their work than they let on, and seek to draw their students into the same world they already inhabit. :o

This story was written for circuit. It contains M/Solo sexual acts, including consensual bondage, stretching, sounding, and some supernatural goings on. :3

Hauntings 101

Professor Jackson's eyes twinkled with excitement as he watched his class dispersing, the dozen or so students heading off in pairs or even alone into the depths of the old Kelbourne Manorhouse. Some of them were heading for the West wing, towards the suite of bedrooms in which Lady Kelbourne had supposedly seduced and murdered multiple lovers mid-coitus. Others ventured off in the direction of the manor's kitchens, where it was said you could still hear the moaning of the cook and the butler, eternally frozen in the last moments of their love affair before the roof of the pantry in which they had been rendezvousing had caved in on them. Only one solitary figure ascended the dusty stairwell though, risking the ancient superstructure of the house and potentially rotten floorboards with every step as they sought out the legend of Lord Kelbourne, whose obsession with sex and pleasure had driven not only himself, but the rest of the household to lustful madness and eventual death.

After waiting for a minute or so, pretending to scribble down some notes and taking a look at the initial readings from some of the ghost-hunting equipment that the class had set up at what was supposed to be their base-camp for this nocturnal exploration, the lupine professor set down his pen and paper. He took one quick look at the surrounding area to ensure that none of the students were still lingering within his line of sight, and spoke out into the gloom of the hallway.

"They're yours now. But... please, leave one of them to me."

In the semi-darkness, the middle aged wolf's eyes began to glow with a gentle green radience behind his glasses. A wry smile crossed his face as he heard a strange, disembodied whispering echo through the hallway, and felt a sudden chill in the air around him.

"I was hoping you'd say that. He was exactly the one I was hoping to keep for myself, too."

The whispering rapidly faded back to silence, and the unearthly chill lessened. Professor Jackson simply stood there grinning for a few seconds longer, one of his hands absent-mindedly rubbing at the already tented front of his grey trousers, before abruptly taking off in the direction of the large, oak and marble staircase. Towards his star pupil from this particular batch of students, and what was undeniably the most dangerous series of rooms in the entirety of this haunted manor.


Michael couldn't believe his luck. Not only did he seem to be the only one of the class brave enough to venture upstairs after the professor's warnings about unsound structural issues, but in the last five minutes alone he had witnessed more evidence of Lord Kelbourne's mad experiments than from the years of amateur study and online speculation which since his teenage years had given the fox his fascination with the bridge between sexuality, the occult, and the ghostly paranormal.

Walking down the eastern upstairs hallway, every room into which the vulpine male peered seemed to have a singular function. They weren't just bedrooms or a study or a library, each one appeared to at some stage have been converted into yet another site for one of Lord Kelbourne's attempts at unlocking the full potential of a person's sexuality. In the library, the fox had found volumes and volumes of hand written notes with intricate and explicit diagrams and drawings. In one of the bedrooms he had discovered a vast collection of Victorian age and earlier sex toys; dildos, beads, even what had looked like the rusted remnants of a steam powered fucking machine. And in another, so much leather BDSM related equipment that even discounting its age all looked incredibly well used and worn.

And now, in the latest room to catch his attention, Michael had struck gold.

With his breath escaping him in shallow gasps of excitement, the fox fumbled with his backpack and pulled out one of the notebooks he had taken from the library. He scanned hurriedly through it, searching for the drawing he had seen which obviously bore a resemblance to the device resting in the centre of the room. It was like a metal table, the kind you might have found in a Victorian asylum to which patients could be strapped down. It had been heavily customised though, with several holes cut into the metal to allow other objects to protrude upward from below. Craning his neck downward, Michael could see that on its underside there was a vast collection of cogs, ropes and gears; mechanisations and accessories that obviously suggested this table was for more than simple restraint.

Having found the picture, Michael poured over the associated notes on the page next to it. His eyes bulged with each sentence he read, darting back and forth from the notebook to the device itself as he counted off each of its functions and abilities.

This wasn't simply some operating table, or a simple bondage device like some of those back in the BDSM room. This was a torture device. A torture device and a sex toy, all rolled into one.

Stepping closer to the old but surprisingly clean and dust free structure, Michael felt his hand trembling as he reached out to touch it. He didn't know why, but something was telling him not to do so. An instinct buried deep in his subconscious was demanding that he leave this place now. That he run far away, and forget not only about this room or this house, but about ever wanting to seek out supernatural forces ever again.

Michael beamed. If ever there was a sign that there were supernatural forces present, it was his body telling him to be scared. A fact which he was thankfully able to ignore with ease, and which actively made his heart race with excitement as he finally placed on hand flat upon the edge of the metal table.

Instantly, a cold wind whipped around the room. The fox gasped, and shuddered as quite without warning he felt a wave of physical sexual pleasure surge through him. His cock rapidly began to swell and stiffen, pushing against the tight fabric of his denim jeans. His breathing grew ever more rapid, and his face flushed not with shock or bashfulness at his body's sudden arousal, but with desirous excitement of its very own.

"O-oh god... you're here."

Michael kept touching the table, kept feeling his cock straining and throbbing urgently within his trousers, looking all around him for any physical signs of spectral manifestation.

"Please. If you're here, show yourself. I... I just want to learn about you. To get to know about what it is you learned through all your years of research. N-not just the stuff written in your notebooks, but the details. The actual feelings you managed to create. There are stories that... t-that you managed to drive people so mad with pleasure that they couldn't stop cumming. That they orgasmed over and over again until their bodies gave out. I...I've always wondered how that was possible. If it was possible. A-and, how it might feel to be so overwhelmed with pleasure that it could stop your heart."

The cold wind faded, and to Michael's horror while his erection certainly didn't begin to soften, he did feel the rush of constant excitement and almost palpable stimulation from his physical contact with the table starting to dramatically lessen in intensity.

"N-no. Please, don't go. I... I'll do anything."

Looking around, seeking to find some way to make a connection with the spirit world like his professor had taught him, it wasn't long before the fox's eyes fell upon the table before him once more. He whimpered softly with excitement as a gloriously foolhardy thought crossed his mind, and without even a second of further hesitation began to hurriedly pull off his clothes.

Soon, less than fifteen seconds spent rapidly stripping later, the fox's whole body was trembling with excitement as he scrambled up onto the cold metal table. He laid himself down flat upon it, heart thundering in his chest, and called out again to the seemingly empty room.

"C-c'mon. See? I'm here, in your device. Your machine. Don't you want to come and find out if mortals more than one hundred years after your time are still just as horny? J-just as ready to risk their lives for a sexual high like only you could provide?"

It wasn't working, but then, why should it? Lord Kelbourne had been a genius. He had been able to peel apart the layers of the libido and read them like sheet music, playing each and every person he encountered with the skill of a concert pianist. So why should he bother wasting his time with a poser like Michael? A man whose supposed commitment to learning about the sexual supernatural only went as far as taking his clothes off and sitting on a device which was made to restrain and stimulate, not just to provide a cold, uncomfortable place to lie down.

Realising this, the fox did all that he could to make it seem as though he was prepared to commit. To actually have himself be used and abused by this archaic yet revolutionary pleasure machine. He tugged on the various levers that were perfectly positioned where his hands were lying at rest by his sides, and groaned as from beneath him the cogs and gears of the device began to turn.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a metal arm swung up and hung down over his head. Clutched within the clamp-like end of the arm was a smooth, varnished and again oddly dust free wooden dildo, its tip hanging a mere inch or so above Michael's panting muzzle. At the same time, he felt other metal clamps rising from the various holes in the table, closing around but not locking his ankles and wrists in place. The most odd feature thus far however appeared to be another locking device, which emerged not just from one side, but both edges of the table to form a metal arch over the fox's midsection. At its centre, a small gap in each metal bar allowed for Michael' cock to be perfectly sandwiched between the two. Once again, it didn't lock in place, but the tight grasp around the very base of his erect member still left the fox whimpering and panting with ever building excitement.

"Please. O-oh, please. If you're here... show yourself. Can't you see that I want to understand? T-that I want to share in what you know?"

Squirming and shivering with almost unbearable lust, the fox cried out to the supposed ghost once more.

"I'll do anything if you show yourself to me. Anything to learn what you have to teach me. A-anything."


From just outside the bedroom, Professor Jackson peered through the still slightly ajar door and watched as the naked college student sat down on the machine, practically strapped himself into it, and begged for the spirit of Lord Kelbourne to appear to him.

By now the wolf had discarded his own clothes, and the hand which earlier had been simply squeezing the bulge of his cock had started stroking himself shamelessly. Much as Professor Jackson had been enjoying his student's exhibitionistic show though, there soon came a point where he felt that he couldn't simply stand there jerking off to Michael's ignorant attempts at making contact any longer.

"I'll do anything if you show yourself to me. Anything to learn what you have to teach me. A-anything."

It was when the wolf heard Michael utter those particular words, confessing that there was no limit he would not surpass in order to get what he so obviously craved, that he knew his time had come. Without another moment of delay the professor pushed open the bedroom door, and with his twitching, drooling cock still wrapped tightly in one stroking, squeezing paw, he strode towards his equally nude and horny student.

"So... it seems we really do have a true believer amongst us after all."

Michael practically jumped out of his skin as the wolf burst in, but his mortified embarrassment at having been caught in such a situation as this rapidly faded as he saw the naked and aroused state of his professor's body.

"P-Professor Jackson... you... y-you're..."

The wolf nodded, raising a hand to show that Michael didn't need to say anything more.

"That's right. Like you, I had an idea of how best to make contact with a spirit as well known for his sexual appetites as Lord Kelbourne was in life. Though... I confess, I never had thought of making use of one of his own sexual contraptions as a conduit for his spirit energy to manifest."

With his face now red both from arousal and bashful pride at having thought of an idea which his professor had not, the fox squirmed where he lay upon the metal table.

"I... I'm sure you would have thought of it soon enough. Besides, I'm afraid it's not working. I was certain I felt something earlier, but since it went away... nothing I've done has encouraged it to come back."

Frowning for a moment, the Professor made a show of looking up and down the length of not only the machine, but the fox upon it. He stepped closer to where Michael was lying, and even reached out his arms so his fingers were hovering mere inches over the fox's straining cock, its knot already beginning to swell just above where the machine had it clamped in place.

"Well, Michael, there is something we could do. But... no. No, it's too risky."

A high pitched, eager whimper escaped the fox's muzzle, and he shook his head urgently at the older lupine male.

"No. D-don't say that. Tell me. I'm willing to do it, i-if you really think it will work."

The Professor shrugged and shook his head back at the fox.

"I'm not even sure that it would. It's just... manifestation is all about energy. Even for ghosts, the rules of physics apply. Energy cannot simply be created or destroyed. So, if we wanted to create a better environment for Lord Kelbourne's spirit to manifest... we would need to generate power. Energy. By working this machine, for example... and making whoever was within it reach a powerful sexual high, we could produce both energy an sexuality; an irresistible combination for a spirit like the Lord."

Almost immediately, with very little time for thought, the fox nodded at his professor.

"T-then, do it. Lock me in. G-get the machine working. It seems... i-it's so clean, almost like it's been waiting here. Like someone, or something has been keeping it ready for use."

Professor Jackson stared at the fox in stunned amazement. Or at least, that was what he allowed his student to see. Deep down, all he could feel was urgent, passionate anticipation as he felt the pieces of his plan all falling into place.

"Are you sure about this? I mean... these manacles on your arms and legs. A-and, around your cock. They look like something you'd find on a medieval rack."

With a whimper that was almost impatient and angry, the fox rolled his eyes and grunted in helpless excitement.

"I... I know that. I've read the n-notes on this device. But... I believe I can handle it. And if we do make contact with Lord Kelbourne's spirit? A little bit of pain mixed in with my pleasure m-might be just what we need to get his attention."

The wolf was about to propose another argument against Michael's plan, one last effort to make the fox utterly certain that they were on the same side, when without warning he heard the gears and cogs at the base of the metal table beginning to turn once more. At the exact same moment, the room grew suddenly chilly for the two naked canids, and with a sudden gust of wind that came out of nowhere the bedroom door slammed firmly shut.

Both Michael and Professor Jackson stared at one another for a few moments, silently questioning if there was any way the other could have been responsible for what was suddenly happening. Their mutual suspicion came to an abrupt halt however when a loud, heavy cranking sound began to reverberate out from the base of the metal table upon which the fox was lying. First his wrists, then his ankles, then the base of the vulpine male's cock were squeezed tightly as the metal already surrounding them locked itself in place. A groan of stunned excitement escaped the fox as even the wooden cock hanging down over his muzzle began to move, drawing back slightly as the arm upon which it was affixed did so, only to begin sliding forward and towards Michael's gasping maw once more just seconds later.

"O-oh gm-mhhh..."

A muffled gurgle of arousal escaped the fox as the clockwork device began to pump the wooden dildo in and out of his muzzle, like he was being face-fucked from above by a well endowed and exceptionally erect man. His eyes bulged as at almost the same time he felt something prodding between the cheeks of his rear, yet another hole in the table revealing its own purpose. It wasn't, as Michael had assumed, for waste removal in the case of extremely long sessions. Indeed it wasn't for anything to go down, but rather for something to emerge upward and out of.


Louder and with a decidedly more pleasure-hungry note, the fox howled around his cock shaped wooden gag as he felt another, even larger wooden cock beginning to prod at and advance upon the pucker of his asshole. He might have been scared rather than excited at the idea of being unexpectedly penetrated, had it not been for the sensation of some sort of slick, almost lube-like liquid gushing out from that second fake cock. Already it was soaking the cheeks of his rump, and as little by little the thrusting motions of that particular clockwork element grew larger and more invasive, Michael soon felt his rear being spread apart by a blissfully well lubricated and smooth-surfaced dildo.

Perhaps the strangest portion of what the fox was feeling thus far was the gentle tugging at his limbs. With each thrust of the two fake cocks into his holes, he felt the manacles upon his arms and legs give a gentle pull at his limbs. It was getting gradually more firm, and both the duration and the length to which his limbs were being stretched was increasing too, but for the time being it did not hurt in the slightest. As for the similar tugging at the base of his erection, that didn't feel strange at all. With the cool metal clamp holding it in place rubbing and grinding at the base of the fox's knot with every tug, it was that stimulation which was rapidly overtaking the cock pumping itself into his backside as Michael's main source of pleasure.

Of course, through the strange but thoroughly pleasant stimulation assailing him, Michael was aware that there was something almost undeniably supernatural going on. Neither he nor his professor had touched a single one of the levers attached to the table, and yet here it was acting seemingly of its own accord. Try as he might to look around the room for any visual clues as to a supernatural presence though, the fox could see nothing and no-one in here beyond himself and his equally surprised looking professor.

"P-Professor Jackson..."

Timing his calls with the point at which the least amount of wooden dildo was being stuffed into his muzzle, Michael found out that he was able to actually able to speak a few words at a time.

"...d-do you think this is... mmhh..."

The fox's cheeks flushed as the wolf just stood there patiently waiting for the conclusion of his question, one of the professor's hands still resting and squeezing at the knotted base of his own thick red shaft.

"... Lord Kelbourne? Is h-he doing this to me?"

Michael was shocked by how quickly the Professor responded, and how broad a grin suddenly spread across the middle aged male's face as he did so.

"Of course it's him. You're in his home, messing around with his equipment. Who else would it be?"

Beyond that simple and oddly confident reply however, Professor Jackson seemed intent on revealing nothing more to the fox. Indeed as the speed at which the two dildos were pushing themselves into Michael's muzzle and rump increased, the wolf stepped away from the side of the machine and padded across the this particular room's dusty single bed. He sat down upon it, seemingly unconcerned as a cloud of dust rose up from the sheets around him, and leaned back against the headboard as the pace of his hand upon his cock began to quicken in time with those toying with the fox.

The wolf watched, groaning and gasping with increasing excitement and arousal, as Michael began to realise that he had maybe gotten in just a little over his head. Already the Professor could see that the fox's arms and legs were being stretched to their comfortable limit and beyond, and with the same pressure being applied to the base of the fox's cock it was no wonder that Michael was beginning to yelp and howl in near constant, overwhelmed stimulation that even he couldn't tell whether it was pleasure, pain, or a mixture of the two.

"Ohh god... here comes the good part."

Professor Jackson growled not to Michael, but to himself lustfully as he saw another metal arm rising up from the underside of the whirring, grinding mechanical marvel upon which the fox was trapped. This one bore a thin metal rod at the end of the arm, a rod which was already glistening with liberal volumes of lubricant that began to drip off its tip and down onto the vulpine male's crotch as it swung into position.

The wolf tenderly rubbed one fingertip against the very tip of his cock, toying oh so gently with the very apex of his urethra as he watched that lubed up rod begin to press itself ever so slowly and carefully into Michael's own cock. He very strongly suspected that the fox had never tried sounding before, since only a small percentage of people ever had, and sure enough the college student's reaction certainly seemed to support that theory. As best he could with his limbs being restrained and stretched to unnatural limits, the fox began to thrash and squirm upon the bed. At the same time though, much as his writhing looked like signs of torment and a general dislike for what was occurring, both his muzzle and indeed his cock seemed to suggest otherwise.

The desperate yet muffled wailing erupting over and over again from Michael's maw was a sound of overwhelmingly strained but undeniable ecstasy. Yes, there may well have been pain and discomfort, but if that was indeed the case then the fox seemed to be loving every second of it. The strongest and most visual clue however was in the sheer volume of pre-cum oozing out from around the sounding rod as it slid further and further down the centre of the fox's shaft. Professor Jackson could see the vulpine erection twitching and throbbing urgently even from his position half way across the room, and it was obvious that the glistening liquid trickling down its shaft wasn't simply some of the excess lubricant from the metal rod. It was Michael's own arousal making itself known, and displaying the unavoidable fact that all the fox was experiencing was only drawing him closer and closer to the brink of a wild climax unlike anything he had ever known.

"My Lord... o-ohh, make him yours."

Hungrily masturbating his own drooling, straining cock with both hands, one sliding up and down the shaft while the other squeezed tightly at his knot, the Professor called out to the spirit whose energy was making all of this possible.

"L-Lord Kelbourne, let him know the unfathomable and limitless bliss of your gift... a-and make him one of your servants, j-just like me."

As he watched the fox being stretched and pleasured beyond all reason, Professor Jackson thought back to when he had been just a few years older than this fox was now. When he alone had discovered this manorhouse and all its long forgotten secrets, and when he had been shown the wonders of Lord Kelbourne's gift through the days he had spent locked within that possessed, supernaturally empowered pleasure machine.

"Y-yes. Yes!"

He cried out joyously as he saw the manacles around the fox's wrists and ankles tugging the limbs further and more unbearably beyond their natural limits. There came no screams of agony from the fox however, just more giddy whimpering.

"Do it. Harder!"

Almost as if it was him, not the younger fox, locked inside the machine once more, the Professor begged for the dildos pounding Michael's muzzle and ass to quicken their already frantic pace and powerful strokes. He released his own knotted cock and brought both hands to bear at its very base, tugging sharply upward as if seeking to replicate that unique mixture of pleasure and pain that came from having that intimate and intensely sensitive flesh stretched and stimulated all at once.

Before the Professor could plead or demand anything more of the spirit he served on the fox's behalf however, he felt a formless frigid hand place itself across his muzzle, and another wrapping itself around the shaft of his swollen and desperately needy erection.

The wolf's eyes rolled back into his head, and with nothing more than an oddly muffled whimper, his hips began to buck and his cock to unleash ribbon after ribbon of thick, creamy seed. He coated his grey furred body in streaks of his own orgasmic ecstasy, shuddering and silently howling through his wide open muzzle all the while.

His sudden and visible inexplicable peak however was nothing compared to what Michael was still being gloriously forced to ensure. The pleasure. The pain. The constant and inescapable stretching of not only his limbs, but his cock too. All together it made the fox feel like he was constantly on the verge of orgasm, and yet no matter how much he felt pre-cum drooling out from around the sounding rod buried down the central shaft of his erection, nor how hard he felt the wooden dildo in his ass hammering at his prostate, he simply couldn't find that last scrap of pleasure necessary to send him over the edge.

He waited, watching as over and over again Professor Jackson writhed and thrashed upon the bed, locked in what seemed to be one endless orgasm as his cock tirelessly continued to coat his body in sticky streaks of his own cum. His ears twitched, burning with eager curiosity as from beyond these bedroom walls he heard other cries. Other echoing screams of pleasure reverberating around the manorhouse.

Outside the dusty windows, he saw the sun rise, and set, and rise again. All the while his pleasure grew. His legs and arms and even the base of his cock grew more and more ridiculously stretched and almost spaghetti-like. His thighs and lower belly became coated in a glistening film of his own pre-cum as it gushed out from the tip of his eternally throbbing, sounding rod stuffed cock.

It was only then, after days of pleasurable torment, after he had long since surrendered his sanity and begun gurgling with mindless bliss through the wooden cock upon which he was tenderly suckling as it fucked his maw, that Michael saw it.

Saw him.

A faint outline standing at the far end of the table, one hand gently resting upon the metal surface, a gentle glow of power emanating from his fingertips and flooding through the otherwise inanimate clockwork machinery.

Happily, overjoyed even though he didn't quite understand why, the fox yelped and howled through his dildo-shaped gag in celebration of Lord Kelbourne honouring him with his presence. Finally allowing him to see who it was that was doing this to him. Of course by that point Michael didn't remember why he had wanted to see the spirit. He didn't remember why he'd gotten into this contraption, indeed he barely remembered anything of his life before these past few days of non-stop and impossibly potent stimulation.

All he knew, was that it was good to be in the Lord's presence. Good to be surrounded by his lust, feeding the spirit the pleasure which he as an incorporeal ghost could not feel for himself.

"It's time."

The spirit's echoing voice whispered into the fox's ears, his glowing figure nodding from the base of the table as Michael whimpered in almost terrified anticipation.

"Join your Professor in service of me. Help him find others. Help him help me feel, and finally experience your share of the eternal bliss that I alone can grant."

Again, the fox glanced over to where Professor Jackson was lying upon the bed. Still the wolf was cumming. Still his cock was spraying hot jets of seed out into the open air, the same wild and yet silent scream of ecstasy spread across his gaping, panting muzzle.

Michael looked back to the spirit, down the length of his own trembling, stretched, pleasure-stricken but as yet unsatisfied body, and gurgled pleadingly.

If this feeling was what it meant to serve Lord Kelbourne, and if what Professor Jackson was going through was what he could expect in exchange for a promise to provide loyal and devoted service... then he would do anything that the sex-mad spirit asked or demanded of him.

Anything , whether or not he was ever set free from this stretching and stimulating masterpiece of mechanical engineering, just so long as his master granted him one favour in return.

He wanted... he needed to cum.

Not eventually. Not soon. But now.

The fox's eyes bulged, and he gurgled desperately around the cock stuffed into his muzzle as all of a sudden the sounding rod buried down the centre of his erection began to tremble. To shudder. To vibrate, faster and faster, more and more intensely.

His eyelids fluttered, but before they rolled back into his head like the Professor's own, he was just able to see a wry smile crossing the face of the ghostly figure at the foot of the metal table.

A moment later, he heard the spirit addressing him once more. Not simply granting him permission, but commanding his body into action with two simple words.

"Then... cum."

By Jeeves