The Rookie

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#16 of One Shots

After a rough day the new guy on the force shows some appreciation to his partner.

Request by Wolfboy1995, hope you enjoyyy. <3

I apologize for any grammar mistakes I did the editing right before bed.

The Rookie

"Lansky! My office now!" the police chief shouted from the door of his office. A small german shepherd stood from his desk which was piled high in files and papers, his ears perked up. He jogged his way to the chief's office, not wanting to upset him further than he might have been. The shepherd's utility belt rattled as he went.

The blinds in on the office door chimed as the shepherd entered the chief's office and stood at attention. The chief stood and was holding a plain folder.

"Do you know what this is Officer Lansky?" the shepherd stared at his bosses paws and shook his head side to side while keeping his form straight.

"This is your performance review, you've been here six months and you're still as slow as day one. Why is that?" he slapped the folder on his desk.

"Sir, I've been doing paperwork for the narcotics team."

"Did I assign you to do that?"

"No, but Detective Gooddell asked-"

"I don't care what somebody else asked you to do, when you have an assignment you do it, is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"I want you to partner with Officer Peters, he's been here a while and I think it'll do you some good to see how things are supposed to work." Officer Lansky nodded. "Dismissed." he saluted, left the room and frowned; unsure how he was going to get the rest of his work done with others passing their work onto him. He walked back to his desk, fiddling with his paws in front of him. When he got there Officer Peters was sitting in his chair, the much more muscular canine had a serious look on his face.


"Peters." they acknowledged each other coldly. Officer peters was a 15 year veteran of the force and didn't like anyone telling him what to do. He especially hated working with new recruits. The only interactions between the two before had been unpleasant. To be honest Officer Lansky was a little scared of the bigger shepherd, he was small by comparison.

"I didn't ask for this, I just want to do my job." The smaller canine said with his tail between his legs. Officer Peters would never let it show but he actually found this new recruit to be adorable. He wished he didn't intimidate him so much but he had to keep up his routine.

"You don't need these, or these, and no one ever checks those reports they're just preliminaries." he started chucking files off the desk and into the shred bin.

"What are you doing?! I need to file those!"

"Nope, most of this is electronic now, so long as there aren't any originals here..." he flipped through some more files before tossing them. Lansky stood dumbfounded, all the procedures he'd learned were being tossed out the window.

"And stop letting people push you around, you've got your own shit to do, you don't have time for narcotics work."

"But Detective Gooddell-"

"Fuck Gooddell. He gives you any shit you tell me and I'll kick his teeth in." Lansky wasn't sure whether to be thankful or just keep quiet.

"Look at that I did half your work for you." he gave a crooked smile and leaned back in the chair with his arms behind his head.

"Can I sit down so I can finish? The Chiefs really on my ass about January's traffic reports." Peters stood, a little disappointed he didn't get a thank you.

"Get everything done by two were going on a short shift."

"What? I've never been on a patrol, did you clear it with chief?"

"I know you've been at a desk your first six months, it's time you saw some action." Lansky never asked to be put behind a desk, it just fit him. He was small and lean, sure he could run fast but it would probably take three of him to tackle someone to the ground and keep them there.

"Al...alright I'll get everything done." Peters stood from the desk and patted Lansky on the shoulder before leaving. Lansky was relieved after he left, it was difficult to hide his erection while standing. He hated being attracted to Officer Peters but he had been since he first started working here. He sat down in his chair and adjusted it back to his size.

Without busywork holding him down Lansky managed to get everything done just in time. He finished entering information on his computer was about to stand when he felt a heavy paw on his shoulder.

"Would ya look at that, you got it all done! I'll make a cop out of you yet." a familiar voice said.

"Yeah, so, we you serious about going out?"

"Of course, let's go gear up." the paw left his shoulder and Lansky stood to follow Peters as he walked out of the busy office. The locker room was connected to the showers and a small workout area. Lansky's locker was in the corner of the room, he went to it and opened it to pull out the Kevlar vest he had never worn.

"Hey can you help me with this?" the smaller dog asked, unsure of how tight to fasten his vest.

"What they don't teach this at the academy anymore?" Peters was already wearing his under his uniform, it made his chest look even bigger. He grabbed the smaller dog and turned him around to tightly fasten the vest around him.

"You want it to stick to your body but not constrict you. Make sense?" Lansky nodded, closing his locker and checking all of his pouches to make sure he had everything.

"Come on, I'm trying to go home sometime today." Peters was already leaving the room, he seemed to always be two steps ahead of Lansky.

"Which one do we take?"

"46, right over there." Peters pointed at their squad car. As they got into it Lansky was running through everything he remembered from the academy, he had started to sweat a little.

"You good kiddo? Just follow my lead and you'll be fine." Peters spoke in an almost caring fashion which seemed a little odd to Lansky. He appreciated it though, Peters had done quite a bit for him today.

"Alright were going to check out the South port area and then head east. Everything goes smooth and we don't get any calls we can head home a little early. Lansky nodded and they headed out onto the streets.

"There's something I want you to remember okay? Everyone breaks the law. We don't have time to stop everyone who does so you have to be able to make that call on the spot."

"How do you choose who to go after?" Peters smiled, he used to hate these questions but for some reason he like answering Lansky's.

"Trust your gut, it takes time, you'll figure it out. Like that right there." Peters said calmly as an old beat up car ran the light in front of them.

"Flick the lights on would you?" Lansky stared at the center console, looking for the light controls, it was only his 3rdor 4th time in a squad car.

"Holy shit..." Peters looked over and laughed, pointing to the siren control and flipping it himself. Lansky felt embarrassed but at least now he knew where it was. Peters sped after the car, gaining on it quickly as the engine screamed. The car saw them and immediately started to pull over.

"See, that's all there is to it, now we just give em a ticket and be on our way. Run their plates would you?" Peters looked over and grinned, "you know how to do that right?"

"Yea I think so, you want me to join you once it's done?"

"Yeah." Peters called in the stop to the dispatcher over the radio as he stopped the squad car. Once finished he got out and walked up to the old vehicle they had pulled over. There were two furs in it from what Lansky could see. The computer took forever to pull up information but the info on the plates finally came back. Of course the car was stolen, why wouldn't his first ever traffic stop be a stolen car.

Lansky could see Peters talking with the driver through the window and palling around. He ran the plate again to make sure he didn't make a mistake. It beeped and the same information came up. The small shepherd took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little constricted by the vest. He grabbed the radio receiver in the car and pressed the talk button.

"Dispatch this is unit 46, over."

"Unit 46 go ahead, finished with the traffic stop? Over."

"Negative dispatch vehicle plates came back stolen, request additional units over.

"Roger 46, additional units in route, out." the small shepherd stepped from the patrol car and called out to his partner. Peters had an arm resting on the roof of the stolen car when he looked over. As soon as Peters looked towards his partner Lansky saw the driver move quickly. Two loud shots rang out and the big shepherd stumbled backwards and fell into the street on his back. The car's tires spun and before the rookie had time to draw his sidearm the car was too far away. Lansky knocked the patrol car door with his knee as he scrambled to get back inside.

"Dispatch, unit 46 shots fired, officer down send an ambulance, suspects fled in a gray 80's sedan, over." before the dispatcher responded Lansky was out of the car and running over to his partner. The veteran officer was cursing as he lay on his back. Lansky didn't see any blood, the two holes in the dog's uniform were both around his stomach. The rookie started to frantically pry off his partner's uniform when Peters stopped him.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" Peters extended his paw and slapped his partner's cheek lightly, he could see he was panicked.

"I'm wearing a vest remember? I'm fine, did you call it in?" Lansky nodded while rubbing his cheek.

"Help me up, the son of a bitch knocked the wind out of me." Lansky backed up and helped his partner to stand just as the ambulance pulled up. Two furs came out and made Peters sit on the hood of the squad car, another squad car showed up too. Lansky stood by while his partner was evaluated, his paw held up to his muzzle to nibble his nails nervously. He was beating himself up over not acting quicker or smoother, he kept thinking about what he could have done differently. The two paramedics gave Peters a green light and he walked over to his partner.

"I can't believe you let them shoot me. On your first traffic stop no less." Peters joked but Lansky didn't catch on, his eyes grew heavy with guilt and he turned away.

"Whoah hey I was kidding," he placed his strong paw on his partners shoulder and tried to comfort him, "come on let's get back to the station and fill out an incident report." they got back into their patrol vehicle and quietly left the scene. On the way back to the station the dispatcher informed them they caught up with the suspects and arrested them without incident.

"See? Everything worked out," Peters smiled but his partner was unresponsive, "I know what you're thinking, and no, there's nothing you could have done." Lansky looked over, a little comforted by what he said.

"Should I have gone after them?"

"What? And left me there? No you called it in and came to help your partner, that's all I could ask from you. You wanna know why they didn't get away?" Peters smiled again, warmer this time, as if he was talking to his family. Lansky shook his head.

"Because of this," Peters held the radio in his paw and shook it, jingling the cord around, "nothing can outrun a radio." Lansky smiled, feeling a little better as his partner tried to cheer him up. They pulled into the stations lot and parked quickly, Peters was eager to get his vest off and see the damage. They headed up to the locker room and the larger shepherd quickly shed his top and the vest he had worn, he set in on a bench and it wobbled a little as if there was something solid in it.

"What's that?" Lansky asked, noticing the unusual size and firmness of the vest.

"Oh that?" Peters opened a flap on top of the vest and pulled out a heavy ceramic plate with two small indents on it. "I wear a ceramic plate just in case." Peters winked, an action Lansky didn't think he'd ever see from the older shepherd.

"Come here." Peters had removed his top and his muscular furry chest was pitch black. Lansky walked up to him as commanded and looked at him with a funny expression. "Feel this, come on I don't bite." he grabbed the rookie's paw and placed it on his chest, near his heart.

"Under the fur, do you feel it?" Lansky took a while to notice the small scar on his chest, he was enjoying the opportunity to see him topless and was trying to seem uninterested. "I wear the plate because the vest didn't stop that round seven years ago."

"Really? At the academy they tell us the vests will stop anything we'd encounter."

"Well this vest didn't." Lansky's paw stayed on the shepherd's chest, it rubbed around the scar at first but was now rubbing his muscle gut too. Peter grinned, glad the younger shepherd was as interested as he was. He grabbed Lansky's paw and removed it, chuckling as the rookies cheeks lit up red under his fur.

"I need to shower, let's go." Peters took the lead and Lansky wasn't fighting it. The small shepherd was a bit sweaty under all his equipment, he shed it and made his way to the showers where his naked partner was waiting in one of the stalls with the shower curtain open. Lansky grew increasingly shy as he stepped closer to the stall, feeling exposed; he covered himself with his arms as he stepped one foot paw in. As he stuck in the second he slipped and flew forward into Peters quickly outstretched arms. The stronger canine lifted Lansky to his feet and chuckled as he closed the curtain.

"Why are you so mean to everyone? And why are suddenly being so nice to me?" Lansky spat it out, he wanted to get his feelings off his chest before anything else happened.

"Don't take it personally," Peters placed his paws on the smaller shepherd's cheeks and gave him a serious look. "I've seen a lot of things over the past 15 years, I've lost some partners. If you would have gone up to that car instead of me today you could be dead."

"But..." Lansky stuttered, his paws holding onto Peters.

"I've liked you since you first started here pup, you work hard and furs take advantage of you. That's why I had you transferred as my partner."

"You did? Just to look after me?" Peters licked his nose.

"Well that and someone has to give you the experience you won't get behind a desk."

Lansky lowered his head as he thought about the roller coaster of a day. His partner waited patiently for him to react or do anything. With his head down and the older furs paws on his cheeks he had a perfect view of the canine's muscular torso and hips, his black furred sheath was hiding his pink tool. For the first time today Lansky decided to take charge; he pushed both paws against his partner and forced him against the tile wall. Lansky's paws moved down the bigger furs chest quickly to grab the heavy orbs between his legs. Peters tensed at the sudden movements of his partner but slowly relaxed as balls were massaged by the smaller fur.

"What? You don't trust me?" Lansky teased, Peters was a little taken back by his sudden change in behavior.

"I've never seen this side of you is all." they kissed, the smaller shepherd forcing himself on the bigger canine, holding him against the cold shower tiles. Peters was getting aroused quickly, his pink cock expanded from its sheath and up the underside of Lansky's arm. The smaller canine grinned as he felt his partner growing harder against his arm, he kept rubbing his balls until the shepherds full mast was raised between his legs. Once it was Lansky dropped to his knees and pulled the canine's cock down to his muzzle, his slid his lips up it before Peters could protest.

The older shepherd turned the water on and aimed the faucet at the wall, hoping the sound would drown out his grunts. The pup's muzzle was the greatest thing he'd felt in a while and he wasn't about to let it be interrupted. Lansky was enjoying himself thoroughly too, the thick cock he had daydreamed about for months was finally between his lips. He bobbed on it like candy and loved the sound Peters made when he sunk it down his throat, knot and all. He was disappointed when Peters paws pulled him off his cock and up off his knees. Peters bent down and grabbed Lansky behind his small thighs, commanding him to jump. The small dog did and Peters lifted him up, his paws under the dog's rump.

"What's this? A new trick from an old dog?"

"I was doing this one before you were born pup." Peters turned around and pressed the smaller dog against the tile wall. Lansky's legs wrapped around the bigger shepherds torso and his arms wrapped around his neck. He knew what the dog was about to do and he longed for it, he could feel those strong paws holding his cheeks apart as his partner prodded for his entrance. When he found it gravity did the rest, Peters lowered the smaller shepherd on his cock, holding him against the wall so he wouldn't get tired quickly.

"That's it... take it all like a good bitch..." Peters whispered to his partner. Lansky struggled to keep quiet as he impaled himself on the bigger dog, he held tightly onto the shoulders of his new mate, using that to control the pace of their breeding. It picked up quickly and became rough, Peter's shaft lodged deep inside Lansky with each bounce. The shower was barely loud enough to hide his gasps as he was used. As his knot grew bigger Peters grew more needy, he kept trying to push it into his partner but Lansky would tighten up before he could tie him.

"You want it bad don't you stud?" Lansky teased, his words broken by muffled gasps. Peters replied with an angry growl, he was desperate the closer he got to his orgasm, the desire to tie his bitch was overwhelming.

"If you let me drive next time you can tie me." he whispered. Peters nodded without thinking and the smaller shepherd loosed up, allowing himself to sink down on his partners knot. Peters came instantly, he was as deep as he could be inside the pup and his cum started to coat his insides. Lansky hadn't been with a guy in a while but Peters was definitely the hottest. The stud held him against the shower wall and just finished in him standing up, he could feel every pulse of the large cock inside him.

Peters started to loose strength quickly as he came, his knees shook slightly and he was forced to gently kneel, being careful not to drop his partner. The water from the shower splashed against them both now as Peters knelt on the floor, Lansky was still on his back and tied. He hadn't cum yet and Peters paw made quick work of that. He pumped over the smaller canine's cock and rutted his hips into him until Lansky threw his head back, almost hurting himself on the wall as cum shot up his body. Peters was grinning the whole time, he'd finally buried himself in the pup and made him his. Watching him shoot cum all over himself was just a bonus.

They lay there soaking in the shower until Peters could pull free. After cleaning each other for real they returned to their desks to finish their incident report. Lansky wasn't sure how many people noticed his slight limp throughout the rest of the day.