Sweetening the Deal - Part 6

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#6 of Sweetening The Deal

The sound of the evening news reverberating throughout the living room, loud, but not to the point of being deafening. Karen stood over a hot oven, preparing dinner for her and Arthur. She inhaled the savory aroma of the prime cut ribs, thinking about how wonderful they would taste. Opening the oven, she checked on the baked potatoes, making sure they weren't over cooked. She flipped both the steaks over, hearing them sizzle in the frying pan atop the stove. Periodically, the vixen looked down at her paw, seeing the wedding band that now adorned it.

"Mrs. Karen Krieger," she kept saying to herself, and always with reverence. Over the weekend, she and Arthur had been married, having a small ceremony with Arthur's parents, siblings, nieces and nephews in attendance. Arthur asked her if she wanted a honeymoon, but the vixen explained that she was happy enough just staying home, enjoying their lives together. Being with Arthur was more than she could have ever hoped for. The squirrel never bossed her around, always put her needs above his own and treated her like the queen he said she was. The difference in species and age meant nothing to either of them. They were happy.

Even with the television turned up loud, the vixen could still hear the garage door opening. Arthur was home from work. She grabbed the TV remote, turning the volume down. The door leading to the garage opened and closed. She turned, seeing her husband enter the kitchen. He loosened his necktie and put his arms around his new wife, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Evening, honey," he said. "Smells wonderful in here."

"Thanks," said Karen, putting the frying pan on one of the burners that was not turned on. "How was work?"

"Just fine," he said, unbuttoning his shirt. "Did you have a nice day?"

"I did," responded Karen. "Did some walking outside, cleaned up the house, did some reading and relaxed."

The squirrel got in the refrigerator, finding the jug of ice tea and pouring a glass for himself and his wife. Karen took the cooked steaks and placed them on dinner plates. Opening the oven with a hot pad, she removed the tray of baked potatoes and sat them on the stove. With the hot had still in paw, she grabbed hold of the aluminum foil wrapped potatoes and put one on her plate and another on Arthur's. They sat down at the table together.

"Did I mention that I took a test today?"

"Test?" said Arthur, opening the tub of butter for his baked potato. "What kind of test?"

"One that I think you'll be happy to know that I tested positive for," said the vixen, grinning at her husband.

Arthur dropped the lid to the tub of butter. His mouth hanging open, he took hold of the vixen's paw. "Karen . . . are you saying you're . . ."

"Yes, Arthur," she said. "You're going to be a Daddy."

"Oh my God," he said, getting up and hugging his wife. "I can't believe it. I . . ." he felt himself getting choked up. "I always wanted kids, but thought that I was too old."

"I guess not," said the vixen, giving him a kiss. "You've knocked me up."

"That makes it sound dirty," laughed the squirrel, still overwhelmed from the news about his impending fatherhood. "What are we going to call the little hybrid? A firrel? A squox?"

"Cute," said the vixen, muzzling her husband. "We'll call him or her cute."

"I'm sure it will be," he said, sitting back down. "My parents are going to be thrilled to here they're getting more grandchildren."

The mention of parents always made Karen feel a mild sense of sorrow. She still missed her parents greatly, and wished they were around to receive the joyous news. Despite having none of her own family around, the vixen saw Arthur's family as her own now. They had welcomed her with open arms and never once criticized Arthur for his choice of a wife. The parents to be ate their meal, conversing and talking about everything they would need to do to prepare the house for their new arrival.

"I hope you know," said Karen, cutting up a piece of steak. "That when I'm breastfeeding, you'll have to control yourself."

Arthur blushed, his face turning bright red. During their frequent lovemaking, the middle aged squirrel always suckled on the vixen's nipples whether the sex was mild or wild. Karen laughed at her husband's embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," said Karen, going over and giving the squirrel a kiss on his forehead. "Did I embarrass you?"

"It's alright," replied Arthur, managing a smile. "I guess I can get carried away at times when we're . . . intimate."

"I'm not complaining," said Karen. "You've always managed to satisfy me in that area."

"Good to know," said Arthur, picking up his finished plate and carrying it out to the dishwasher.

The newlyweds cleaned up the kitchen before going to the living room to relax. Karen had picked up the newspaper earlier that day and placed it on Arthur's chair, as he liked to read it after eating dinner. Extending the recliner, he opened it up and took to reading. Karen went back to reading her book on the couch.

"Look at this," said Arthur.

"What's that?" asked Karen, turning her attention to the squirrel.

"Looks like your old boyfriend was arrested for shoplifting," said Arthur.

"I'm surprised that they actually arrested him," said Karen, shaking her head.

"Most stores have cameras these days--kind of hard to look the other way if they have video evidence against you," mused Arthur.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Troy's uncle were to go to the store owner to try and talk him out of pressing charges, that piece of crap," snarled Karen.

"I'll remember to vote against him in the next election," said Arthur. He was about to turn his attention back to the paper when he noticed the concerned look on Karen's face. He put the paper down and got up from his recliner, going over to his wife. "I'm sorry," he said, rubbing her back. "I shouldn't have mentioned Troy's name."

"It's okay," said the vixen, still upset.

"Oh," said Arthur, giving her a kiss. "I know you still hurt from how he treated you. It was stupid of me to bring this up."

"I just . . ." begun the vixen as she sniffled. "I just still get mad at how foolish I was to put up with him for so long. I get mad thinking about how he spent every dime of my inheritance," she could feel the tears roll down her face. "I was such an idiot, Arthur."

The squirrel hugged his vixen tightly, trying to comfort her. "You were young and in love. People don't always make the best decisions in life, but you've learned from your mistakes."

"I sure have," she said, looking at him. "I have the most wonderful husband in the world."

"I try to be," joked Arthur. "I think I have the most wonderful wife in the world."

"Thanks," said the vixen. "I'm getting tired. You wanna go to bed now?"

"Sure," said Arthur, yawning. "Getting a little sleepy myself."

The squirrel and vixen retired to the bedroom, but they weren't so tired that they couldn't enjoy some fun. Taking their clothes off, Karen laid down, letting Arthur get on top of her. The two embraced in a deep kiss. Arthur let his head slowly move down the vixen, licking her neck. He looked up at her as he reached her breasts.

"Guess I should enjoy this while I can, right?"

Karen just giggled at his question, but the giggling quickly turned to moans as he sucked on her tits. Many females might have found such an act uncomfortable or even undesirable, but not Karen. The feeling of Arthur's mouth and tongue on that part of her was greatly arousing. Arthur put his paws in between the vixen's legs, fingering her increasingly wet insides. Karen arched her back at being stimulated by both the acts. Arthur had learned quickly that his wife's decibel level could get fairly high when she was into it, and that didn't bother him in the least. He reasoned that the louder she got, the more she was enjoying what he was doing to her. But, there was something else he wanted to do with her. Removing his paw from inside of her and ceasing his suckling, he moved his face down right into her crotch, licking at her clitoris. The vixen closed her eyes, whimpering from being orally stimulated. She stroked her husband's ears, letting him know that she definitely approved of his efforts. Arthur's tongue dragged roughly across her clit, driving his wife wild from the touch. Unable to hold back anymore, Arthur pulled his head away and mounted the vixen, giving her a world class pounding. Karen wrapped her legs around the squirrel, wanting to be fucked so badly. Horny as he was, it didn't take long for him to ejaculate inside the vixen, who was busy moaning from her own orgasm. Panting, he pulled out and was ready to go to bed, when he suddenly felt sick.

"Oh," he said, holding his stomach.

"You okay?" panted the vixen, still reeling from the after affects of their lovemaking.

"My stomach," he said. "Feels like its in knots."

"I'll go to the medicine cabinet," she said, sliding out of bed. She went to the bathroom, opening the mirrored medicine cabinet. She looked and looked, but couldn't find anything for her husband's ailment. Returning to the bedroom, she put her clothes back on.

"We don't have anything here, Arthur, but I'll go to the store and get you something."

"You sure?" said Arthur, sweating from the pain. "I could go."

"On no," said Karen, sliding into her jeans. "You just stay here and try to feel better. I'll be right back, okay?"

Arthur felt her kiss his cheek. She ran out of the house and hopped in her car, hurrying to get something for her husband's pain.

Angry, bitter and kicking himself for getting caught shoplifting, Troy sat in a crowded jail cell next to several other beasts. After being in jail for a day and a half, he finally got over his aversion to using to communal toilet in front of others, but was still humiliated at having to do it. If only he had been more careful when he tried swiping that whiskey bottle

"Rovenstine!" yelled one of the jailers, standing next to the cell.

Troy got up off the bench. "Yeah?"

"Come with me," said the jailer, unlocking the cell. Troy had his paws put behind his back and was handcuffed. Sighing, he was escorted by another jailer down the hall of the county jail. Troy looked at a sign on one of the doors that read "Sheriff's Office". He knew what was in store for him now. One of the jailers opened the door to the office. Inside, an older wolf sat at a desk, looking rather perturbed at Troy.

"Remove his cuffs," said the older wolf.

"Yes, sir," said one of the jailers, complying with his order.

Troy put his arms back around, rubbing at his right wrist, which by now had healed, but was still easily irritated, especially by the pair of tight cuffs that had been placed on him.

"You can go now," said the older wolf.

The jailers looked at each other, unsure of what was going on. Closing the door, they left the two wolves alone in the office. Troy opened his mouth to speak, but the older wolf shot him a menacing glare.

"The hell is wrong with you, boy?" growled the older wolf. "Getting caught stealing a bottle of bourbon? Real bright."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Amos," said Troy.

"You are sorry," said the older wolf. "Now I have to be the sheriff whose nephew is a damned thief."

"It's just been pretty hard for me lately," said Troy, trying to explain himself.

"And that wouldn't have anything to do with the decisions you've made, would it?" asked Amos sarcastically.

"I've made a few mistakes," he said.

"A few?" laughed his uncle. "That's the understatement of the century."

Troy groaned, rolling his eyes at his uncles harsh words. He sat down in the chair directly in front of the desk. "Look, can't you make this one go away?"

"Already have," said the sheriff. "But just barely. Luckily for you that store owner owed me a favor. I busted him for dealing drugs out of his liquor store a few years ago. Big supply that guy had. Would have been federal time with that weight."

"What'd you do with the stuff?" asked Troy.

Amos smiled at the question. "Made a bit of a profit out of it."

"How?" inquired the younger wolf.

"No sense in letting it go to waste, so I told the guy he had to give me a cut of what he was making. He was all too eager to do it too--nice way to supplement my salary."

"Nice," said Troy, impressed at his Uncle's cunning. "I gotta do anything for you now?"

"Yeah," said Amos. "You could help me move some weight in the bars."

Troy thought about it for a while. "Yeah, though there's a few I'm not welcome in around town anymore."

"Gambling debts?" said Amos. "You give them some of what I got and they'll forgive them."

"You think so?"

"Might be a little bit of a loss at first, but it'll eventually pay off. You get in good with everyone around those places again and we can really make some extra cash."

"Okay," said Troy. "I'll do it, but I need a favor."

"What do you call what I did for you tonight?" growled the older wolf.

"I'll make it worth your while," said Troy.

"That so?" laughed Amos, hardly believing his nephew.

"Yeah, I won't take any money from the deals if you do me this one favor. I promise you that."

Amos thought it over for a moment. His nephew was a fuck up, but when he heard that the younger wolf didn't want any money from the deals, ti was music to his ears. "Okay, what's the favor?"

Troy leaned in, a pained look on his face. "I need you to find out where my old girlfriend is living."

"Hoping she'll take you back?" asked Amos.

"Yeah," said Troy. "I know I fucked up, but I want her back in my life--might make things better for me."

"Okay," said Amos, standing up. "Hold on, I gotta take a leak."

"So, I'm free to go after this?" asked Troy.

"Yeah," said Amos. "Be right back."

Troy waited until his Uncle was out of the room before making his move. Looking around in the desk, he found struck gold. Looking at the semi automatic pistol, he released the magazine, checking to see that it was loaded. Indeed, the magazine was filled to capacity. Tucking the gun inside his pants and covering it with his shirt, he sat back down, waiting for his Uncle to return and look up an address. He was really looking forward to his reunion with Karen.