A Poem For September.
#4 of poems i like to lie about how old i am, but my birthday is on the third of september. ive decided to write a poem for my own birthday and heck, replace "third" with your number if we got in the same month! all yours!
The Werewolf Queen and the Little Blue Bird
Happy birthday, michelle. - demin.
On your birthday, i'm here for you, our special love let's us review, the moment i laid, my eyes on you, i hoped for love, my heart just knew. you stared upon me, with eyes so true, our deep attraction only grew.
birthday commision?
is anyone willing to give me a birthdaycommision? as is right now i'm broke and trying to save money so i can move... if anyone is kind enough to do so i would be very happy.
Fallout: Birthdays and Last Days
(special thanks to my editor for helping me with this) fallout: birthdays and last days (october 23 2077) \*beep beep beep\* an alarm went off but was quickly deactivated by a small hand.
Times have changed Prologue part1
Happy eighteenth birthday son dan said. (dan's my dad) what do you want to do for your birthday. let's go out for pizza sif suggested, sure big guy lets pick your mom up from work first. we went and picked up my mom from work.
Pale Shade of Blue
Thanks to birthday massacre and their song "blue".
Times have changed: Prologue part 1
It's my birthday i replied, i'm 18 now. i came here for my birthday dinner, how old are you sif asked? i'm 18 too nik replied. i'm going to throw a party for you nik said, ill invite everyone in our class.
Times have changed Prologue
Martin,ashley, eric and ben happy birthday sif, they all said excitedly. you didn't invite derrick did you, eric asked?
Patreon reward for kaji quick little gift-giving for a birthday draolf. really hard to shop for a god, but sometimes going with a hand-made gift works the best... sometimes.
Ridixin…Part One
wake up from my slumber. Stretching, I realize that today is the big day. I have grown from puppyhood to wolfhood, and I am old enough to go and establish my own pack if I want to. I have the option to stay with the pack, and establish a family, but I...
Birthday to the Hedgehog
This is a special late birthday gift to my hero, my idol, and my favorite video game character mascot, sonic the hedgehog. his 28th birthday was last night, and i wanna dedicate this very special story to him.