Sweetening the Deal - Part 9 - Epilogue

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#9 of Sweetening The Deal

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just a very brief story that tells the end of this series. Hope you've enjoyed reading it. *

Arthur's entire side of the family was busy getting the decorations ready for the big party. Sophia, Arthur's sister, scolded her almost seventeen year old son Gary as the boy was more interested in playing his bass guitar--that he had brought for some reason unbeknownst to her--than he was in helping with the the party.

"Gary," snapped Sophia. "Put that stupid thing down and go help your grandmother in the kitchen or I'll beat you over the head with it."

"I thought Uncle Arthur said you couldn't beat with Rickenbacker? He said to use a belt. The boy felt the paw of his father Gerald give him a swat on the tail, making him yelp.

"Listen to your mother," said Gerald. "Or I'm going to need an attorney of my own."

Gary grumbled, putting the bass back in its case, he went out to the kitchen to assist his grandmother who asked him to put the silverware and plates out on the table. He rolled his eyes, wishing that he wasn't at the age where he was expected to help out, but still, he was looking forward to seeing His Aunt Karen and Uncle Arthur return to their home.

Arnold, the elderly father of Arthur looked outside from his spot on the couch next to the window. "Hey," he shouted. "They're here!"

Everyone got into position, waiting for the couple to step inside. They could hear the sound of the door being unlocked. The door open, and in walked the squirrel and vixen couple hearing the sound of "Congratulations!" being shouted by the entire family.

"How did you guys get in here?" asked Arthur.

"Sophia has a key to the place, remember?" asked Gerald,

"Oh, yeah," laughed Arthur. "Forgot about that."

"This was quite the nice surprise," said Karen. "Thank you everyone."

Ariel, Arthur's mother ran over to see the bundle she had in her arms. Karen had been released from the hospital after giving birth to a healthy baby boy. Ariel, Gerald, Sophia and everyone else crowded around, wanting to get their first glimpse of the little cub. The boy, presently sleeping, had a patch coat of red and gray fur, owing to his parents different colors. The bushy tail was the same patchwork of colors, but had a white tip. His physiology like that of his mother, a fox.

"He's adorable," said Ariel, giving the little boy a soft brushing with her paw. "What's his name?"

"Jared Arthur Krieger," answered Karen. "He's named after my father and of course his own father."

"You couldn't have named him after me?" asked Arnold, feigning having his feelings hurt. Everyone laughed at the old squirrel.

"Don't worry, Dad. We plan on having more."

"Good for you," said Arnold. "At least you're going to try to have more . . . from what I hear, you two try a lot."

"Arnold!" snapped Ariel. "Quit being such a dirty old pig."

"Gerald," said Arnold, putting his arm around his son-in-law. "You sure you don't wanna take up being a divorce lawyer instead of a criminal lawyer?"

"I heard that," said Ariel.

Arthur and Karen sat down on the couch as little Jared squirmed around after waking up. Everyone wanted to get a closer look at him, holding him, loving him and hoping that he would be everything that his parents had hoped for. It had been a rough year for the two, with Karen being assaulted, then Arthur being badly beaten and narrowly escaping death at the paws of Karen's ex-boyfriend, whom she had been forced to kill to protect both of them. It had been extremely rough, trying, but as the two looked around, seeing all the loving family they had to support them, and the immeasurable love they felt for one another and their new son, they could get through anything.