Those Days...

Story by FurryWolf25 on SoFurry

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#6 of Poetry and poems

Had one of those "I know exactly why" moments

You know those moments...

the ones where you know exactly

who, what, when, where, why, and how

a situation is brought on?

Not only that but

what to do about it,

Yet you know the answer,

though simple, is nearly unattainable

And this only wrought more situation.

So you're sitting there,

in content that everything

is identified

Yet unsatisfied by

the notion

Of sation to rectify the situation.

Those moments kind of suck.

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I Do Me

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PQW: Pleasure

Pleasure is... Those endorphins triggered by those certain concepts that stimulate you. That increase your heartbeat The itch in your throat that makes you want to shout with glee The blood flowing through your system urging you to...

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