Asgard Felines - Kittynapped and hound

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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Kittynapped and hound

Astrid opened her greenish eyes slowly, so she could realized where she was. She tried to recover her mind after a hard hit she got on her head. She remembered a small cage, pulled by a truck with another same cages inside as the cargo, with other valkyrie sisters of her held captive. She was curled up, looking with her green eyes her light brown fur, covered by a deep blue tight three piece armor: corset, thong and whole leggings, brushing her blonde hair as she remembered her beloved partner and weapon: A string-thin whip that was taken out of her before she was thrown into the small cage she was now on. All cages where stacked up on a huge truck, cruising a frozen trail. The shape of the lorry was enormous, with spikes on the tires, as the big exhaust pipes coming from it covered it into a big mass of smoke. The only thing she could see, from a hole used as a window inside the truck, was where she exactly was. The land was completely frosted, covered in ice, white dust and snow, lightened with weakened glees, as the rock under the ice was blacker than coal itself. Astrid realized where she was, and it was the place that she or her sisters wouldn't desire to be: Nieflheim, the realm of the demons and the undead.


Few hours later, the truck stopped harshly, setting in front of a prison fortress, like a castle, built out of black stones and covered on a slight layer of ice, shining with the mellow light there was. The main doors to the prison opened, letting the lorry enter the main court of the castle for receiving their new shipment: Valkyrie kitties, kidnapped by the local forces. A squad of guards was ready to prepare the kitties for their captivity: They took one out of the cage, seize her with heavy lead chains on her neck and wrists and then were moved out by two watching guards to their new cells, one by one. Astrid looked how her sisters were taken, until her turn came along.

As she was taken out of her cage, she saw one of the guards, trying to put one of the chains on, but then, she kicked the guard, grabbed the chain from him and prepared to fight, using the chain as an improvised whip, since she mastered it. The guards took their pistols and started shooting, but her reflexes acted, stopping the bullets by spinning her whip, grabbing one of the guards by the leg while it was distracted and pulling it to the ground. Then, the rest of the guards unsheathed their swords to contain her in other way. She looked at them, predicting their will to top her, but she swayed one of them, spinning across the guards, throwing her chain whip and wrapped one of the guard's swords, pulling it and disarming its bearer while he got slashed on his face by the pull of the whip, then she looked to another guard, making two slashes in cross, running and taking down the guard with a tackling kick.

Astrid made up her hair as she fitted her armor, looking back at the taken down guards, sighing "Amateurs..." but then, without noticing who was in front of her, she clashed with something. She stepped back by accident, she looked there was someone bigger than her, seven feet tall, and an odd suit, made out of leather bands and rings, black fur and wolf features. The kitty gulped, as she couldn't remember a bigger opponent she fought to than that, a captain of the forces of Nieflheim.


The kitty looked down his enemy and tried to tangle her chain on the left leg of the wolf, but when she pulled, she noticed it was too heavy to fell. The captain smiled, grabbing one of her arms and hanging her. She started to shake her legs, cursing her rival, while she was a feather for him as he was too strong. Astrid kicked the leather vest of his opponent, then the wolf replied the attack throwing her and hit one of the court walls, as she got hit on the head and fell into the ground face down, losing her consciousness. The wolf grinned, licking his lips and calling the guards, ordering them "Take her to the cell, but when she wakes up, I want to take care of her... personally" as he smiled the stunned body of her, while Astrid only could hear those words vaguely.


Astrid recovered the sense of time, her sight stopped blurring and looked that she was locked tight with black thick shackles on her legs, between three black cold walls like ice, with a big cross barred door, watched by two guards from the prison. They were tiny, almost hunched and with long furs covering then, one hazel colored and the other one black colored. They were drooling as they beheld the curves of the kitty, who was slithering on the ground away from them as she felt fear and guilty for them by her intuition. One of the guards babbled to the other "Isn't she cute, Nils?" as his partner replied "Surely, Finns, captain Vide chooses females greatly, lucky b..." and turned away from the cell, speaking about other things, without taking care of their guest. The kitty was shaken in fear, after knowing the name of that gigantic wolf, who defeated her in one blow, as she questioned herself how good warrior she was. Then, she looked through the bars of the door, a twirled stair, lightened with metal torches, tingling with the realm's frosty wind.

Astrid looked the space between the holding bars, but she remembered her skill to turn into a real cat. She smiled a bit and taking care that the guards were distracted, she closed her eyes and whispered runes. Suddenly, her body shined in a white flash and her body turned small, into a light brown blue eyed cat. As she was smaller now, she slipped through the shackles, crossed the bars and sneaked up the guards, going up the stairs. The guards saw the little kitty walking up the stairs, but then turned back and looked she wasn't inside. Both guards screamed in clumsiness and tried to chase the kitty girl going up and chasing after her. Astrid smiled as she quickly climbed each step, until the end. She looked the big main corridor, with a big long black rug over it, where was a big double door at the end that led to the main court, in other words, she was close to escape and be free.

The valkyrie ran happily towards the door, expecting she would escape and be free, but, suddenly, she was covered by a big shadow: It was captain Vide, who looked a hundred times bigger than her from her eyes. He wielded a black iron armor with brown marks, covering his muscled body, while the shoulders and the graves of the armor had a claw shape and his legs were covered in thick ring mail thread. Astrid, filled with fear, stopped her haste, until he started running again. However, the captain knew her intentions, so he grabbed her from the skin of the back of the neck, a known kitty's weakpoint. The kitty groaned, trying to shake herself so she could release from her most feared enemy as she showed a furious expression on her face, until she felt tired and recovered her shape of a normal kitty, hanged from the neck. Astrid tried to use her nails, but it was futile, as she looked Vide holding her with his black furred arm, squealing "Get off me, stinky dog!" as she moved the legs, kicking nothing but the air beneath her. Vide, enjoying the scene, shook his head as a negation, responding her "You are coming with me, prisoner" so he could carry her to his private room. Astrid trembled with fear, thinking what was that wolf planning to do with her.

After minutes of crossing corridors with twinkling torches and grey stone stairs, Vide stopped in front of a big, thick wooden door with black metal stitches on it and a ring-shaped knob, beneath a hole which was used to look inside the room. The wolf kicked the door down, carrying his prey on his right shoulder, a prey that was squealing and kicking all she could. It was a simple room: a burning wood lightened chimney, a weapon rack, decorated with a shield with a wolf head on the middle, a table, and a big bed, with several rags on it as there was no mattress over it. Vide tossed the girl to the bed, jumping over her and holding both of her arms as he clutched his claws so she didn't flee away.

The valkyrie gasped terrified, ignoring was what going to happen, without knowing which were the wolf's devious and evil thoughts. The grass-like green eyes of the valkyrie were gleaming with the tears, as she realized she couldn't escape because of the barred window on one of the walls and the blocked entrance by the sight of the wolf, her recent worst enemy. The wolf growled, showing his shining fangs side to side, as he started to touch the kitty's slim but resistant armor she had on. Astrid was panting and squealing in horror, so she only could whisper, in fear "Please, don't kill me..."

The wolf lifted his claws from her fur, with a weird, confused face, but then he shrieked, saying to the warrior kitty "Kill you? I prefer playing with your body, Odin's servant". When Astrid heard that sentence, she felt stunned, as fear was taking her mind, so she gulped and thought for herself "Play... with my body? Does that mean... he wants to torture me!?"

The wolf raised his claws, growling strongly and trying to slash the valkyrie's armor to make her turn naked, but the armor didn't budge, in fact, it only did a metallic bash sound, leaving the coat intact. Astrid looked down, yelling at him angry "You idiot, It's mithril, you won't break it with those feeble claws of yours!!!"

The wolf buffed up, slapping the kitty's face angrily, lifting her torso and finding the ties that secured her armor and the buttons that held her elastic thong with wrapped up strings. He drooled licking his own lips as he used his fingers to detach the armor accurately, so her bra, her whole cover, sprang out, making her gasp. Astrid was too scared, as she noticed how a stupid, single-minded wolf took out her corset, showing her hanging round breasts. Vide looked at the naked bust he unwrapped, grabbing it with his claws as he pressed them harshly. Astrid screamed, looking how that Nieflheim captain was feeling her up, so she asked between uncomfortable moans "What the hell are you doing!?" while she started to pant heavily with the tickles made by her breast stimulation.

Vide grinned showing his thousand teeth, as he licked the ears of the valyrie and whispered to her "Exploring your beautiful body, kitty, females here won't let us even get close to them, so we like to mess up with our captives!"

Vide grabbed one of the breasts with more strength, showing the nipple of it hardening, so he licked it, between his sharp teeth. The valkyrie moaned and meowed, bending her back forward, then the wolf smiled, so he started to play with her tits: lifting then, turning them and even chewing them inside his mouth, giving her new strange sensations.

Astrid was still dazed, as she watched how Vide slipped his claws on the trings wrapped up on the buttons of her thong, loosening them and showing her whole naked body only for his eyes. She closed her legs, hiding her crotch, remembering how their mother and master Freya explained to them that place was where lots of problems came from, also, she didn't know what "sex" meant, as her sisters before. She said "Stay off me... I don't know what do you want, you don't want to kill nor torture me, what do you really want from me, you twit wolf?"

The wolf growled in frustration, so he said back "Your damn virginity, you damn feline!"

suddenly, Astrid remembered how, on her days on Valhalla, some warriors were too... cuddly with her and her sisters. It was clear for her that what the wolf wanted was the same as those perverted fallen soldiers. Then, while she was thinking, the wolf grabbed her thighs, opening them as she returned to reality and screamed "No, wait!!!"

Vide glared at the girl's crotch: a fleshy pussy, mid moist, plain labia... the captain, growling evil, grabed a chain from the clothes, the same chain that Astrid used before to fight and escape the first time, while he removed each part of his blackened armor, part by part. Meanwhile, she was breathing recklessly and nervous, looking at the chain that, in a blink, was already set on her bell. Vide wrapped the chain on his palm, closing the paw, saying "Now you are going to feel like a real bitch".

Vide's dark skin didn't hide his physical shape either: Big, tight muscles, covered in veins, shining blue eyes and, of course, an exaggerated crotch, heated up by Astrid's beauty and prettiness. The pussycat showed her meat loosely, as her legs were split away. The wolf pointed his head down, showing his tongue, licking the kitty's crotch with lust and haste, setting the tongue between the lips of it. Astrid felt that tongue like if she was tickled with a feather on her feet, but coming from the belly. Her brain make her felt that unexplainable sense of pleasure, as some shocks made her wish more those tickles, as the wolf bent his tongue in different ways and shapes. The kitty meowed continuously with all that pleasure, as her mind tried to puzzle where all that newfound pleasure came from. Vide found the valkyrie's clit, so he pressed it with his tongue, sucking it with his lips. Astrid passed from tickles to real hits of pleasure, as she started to daydream while all the mess was happening. Her face was roughly blushed, as she felt the skillful mouth of the wolf to lure her into that intimate body pleasure, which was seriously banned for her to feel.

The big but surprising tongue explored every corner of her intimate flesh, slipping between her own labia and getting inside, until it felt her hymen some few inches deep. The kitty only could meow as moans of pleasure, as the tongue covered from her intimacy to her virginity, as she closed her eyes and rubbed the head of the wolf. Then, the captain started to move his mouth muscle up and down, so it went in and out from her, giving her more pleasure than ever. Astrid, who didn't like, not even love, the wolf, started to feel her own walls getting moist and hot as a response of her body, as the evil licks made her reply them with intense moans coming from her throat.

Captain Vide unstuck his tongue from her, tasting her sweet warm flavour. She was panting, looking at Vide's lips, who were drooling of her own wetness. Suddenly, Vide grabbed his own gigantic cock, setting it over Astrid's belly. The kitty looked to that organ confused, as she never saw one of those on her entire life. It was swollen, red and hard as a rock, willing to test her, so the wolf stood up and made the kitty stare closely to his dick, saying "Lick it... now!"

Astrid, without whining, grabbed the wolf's flesh, starting to lick it as it covered in thick bloated veins and got crooked, showing it was ready for it's next step. The creature cleaned his dick with the hand, drying the saliva of her and asking her "Get on all fours... NOW!" and following his wishes, Astrid turned to the other side, scared, as she set her body like a table. Vide kept licking his own lips in lust, looking at her breasts, who were affected by gravity, her wide sexy hips, her slim plain belly and, last but not least, her light and slick ochre-furred tail, swinging randomly. The captain took his position at her back, grabbing her butt cheeks with his claws and giving her two slaps on them. The girl screamed and looked back, trying to guess what the rapist wolf was doing.

Astrid's rump was swollen red, showing how brute Vide was, but that didn't let the enormous wolf stop, opening her butt cheeks and setting his cock between them, rubbing his tool between them and pulling it out, drooling saliva from his mouth. He grabbed his cock again, pointing her flower with its tip and pulling the chain slowly. Astrid felt the force of the chain, so her ears were point as a reaction of the pressure. The wolf pressed the pointing tip of his edge between her fleshy, moist neither lips, slowly, followed by grabbing her hips and giving a strong thrust inside her. Astrid felt the overpowered pushing force, making her moist and tight walls opened up and her hymen ragged, so agony and pain crossed her body, screaming loudly, as the blood started to cover the intruder inside her, so she could only think on begging to make him stop from this supposed torture for her.


Astrid was feeling how her walls tried to close and defend themselves, but Vide knew what she was up to, as he felt how all that pressure was giving him more pleasure. The wolf pressed the hips and pulled the chain, while his dick was heavily stimulated but she was feeling a terrible pain because her walls were forced to be open. The tool was drilling her insides, her walls were trying to block it, but all the thrust power made them wrap up that monster and made the young kitty feel pain and shame. Her eyelids were soaked in glittering tears, growing with all the pain and deception she was feeling the whole time as she was forced by a bigger stronger male, pulled by a chain and her tail like a low live dog. The wolf suddenly clashed his tip against her cervix, so his thrusts went more strong, trying to pierce and cross it, releasing the tail of the kitty he was grabbing, which started to shake violently, and set his free hand on one of her breasts, clutching his claws deeply on the flesh, but without piercing the skin. The valkyrie felt all that flesh fulfilling her, as it was crushing deep inside, like if she had a piece of iron hitting inside her like if she was being stoned.

Vide was drooling more every second, with his devious grin, as he bent the nipple of her breast with his fingers. Astrid was suddenly stabbed with pleasure, moaning hard, as her mind went blank in a state where pain was equal to pleasure. Then, Vide slipped the hand, slipping it down and far, as he found her clitoris, while her walls lubed his dick. The only thing Astrid could do was breathing hard, pant and moan the whole time, as the wolf showed his skills in female anatomy. Vide started to thrust quickly and hard, the valkyrie felt those intense pushes inside her, fast but also painful, even so, she didn't care because pleasure was the only thing her mind could take that moment.

The wolf captain sped up his thrusts, pulling from the restrictive chain she had on her neck, so Astrid set her torso up and stuck her back on Vide's chest, while the breasts of Astrid were bouncing faster by the back and forth force she was receiving. The captain grabbed her both breasts with his hands as he was feeling his throbbed meat, swollen and wrapped in thick veins, was about to blow. Astrid close her eyes, gritting her teeth, waiting all that pleasure blow on her too, as friction forced her mind go crazy. Vide, after a few minutes of intense thrust, growled loud, knowing he couldn't hold it anymore, so he stopped pumping, pulled his tool back and gave a last push, howling like the creature he was. The valkyrie kitty screamed aloud, in pain, but at the same time, her walls leaked and flooded her sweet, pleasure milky nectar, pressing Vide's blade with her powerful orgasmic contractions, at the same time Vide's manliness blew up, making his evil seed cross her cervix and filled her tiny womb. It was so much cum to take, the cervix released out the rest of the seed, mixing with her fluids and letting out a white, thick grime coming out of her, like cream, wrapping and stacking around his fleshy dick.


Vide let his fluids mixed up and filled up Astrid, followed by a strong pull out of his dick, then he pushed her forward. The valkyrie fell face down, lifting her head and turning her sight, looking the leaky cock, with a few drops of cum falling, while her pussy was bursting all that fertilizing seed out of her. Suddenly, the wolf, with his still grin, pulled her from her hair and grabbed his cock, pointing it at her eyes and ordering her "Now clean it, bitch".

The pussycat licked all that sticky glue like fluid with her short tongue, tasting the salty, rotten fish like flavor. She licked every square inch of the tool, at the same time the flesh wasn't appetizing either while she was forced to do such thing. All the pleasure her mind held turned into hatred and fear at the same time, again. When Vide found that the kitty was doing wrong while her job, he pulled the hair of her, forcing her to clean and do her best. After she finished cleaning up, she coughed disgusted while he felt clean, so he pulled the chain that was on her neck, carrying her on his strong shoulders and taking her clothes as they started to walk through the cold dark prison corridors to her cell.

Eventually, the wolf arrived to the dungeons with hi prey, opening the door with the master key he had on a necklace he bear and tossing the kitty like if she was a rag doll. Astrid, too exhausted after the torture he suffered on her body, tried to stand up between whines and panting, showing an angry expression as she her virginity was taken unfairly by that mean captain of the Nieflheim forces. Vide grinned, throwing to the kitty her clothes and saying to her in a devious, narcissist mood "You will be not the only one, nor this shall the last time. I shall mate with everyone of you, all I want, just for listening you cry and scream" followed by a nasty laugh that extended through the corridor.


Astrid only could hold her anger, too tired to attack the wolf that raped her moments ago to kill him, but instead, she could look at him, closing the main door of the cell as a chain mail net was covered over it so she couldn't escape as a kitty, and also in the rest of all cells of the prison. Vide walked back from the dungeons, showing his arrogant mind every step he walked away the kitty.

Minutes later, Astrid was on the ground, feeling pain and cold through her whole body, as her memories came by in front of her eyes: Memories with her sisters, funny and delightful moments she had with them while she was free at Valhalla. Her emerald green eyes were covered in tears, as she looked up to the small barred hole she had as a window, as she talked to herself "Sisters, please... I beg all of you... if the rest of you haven't been captured... come and save me and the rest of us... please". Astrid was exhausted, closing her eyes and falling asleep, waiting the next day and the wait for the arrival of their sisters. Even she had been used as a sex slave, she didn't lost her most precious treasure: Her warrior pride.




Written by [Shiro Uzumaki](%5C)

Characters by [Chochi](%5C)