Forgotten - Chapter 6: Ducks and Geese

Story by Hushpad on SoFurry

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#7 of Forgotten

While Tanjent builds more new stuff, the bots and the rest of the crew play games in a cargo hold.

Bell shivered softly in the center of the circle, sniffling as she slowly brought herself under control, trying to reassert herself. It was hard to, between the looseness of her cunt and the strong scent of male all over herself, but what really made it bad was how good it felt, and the guilt she felt for not hating herself.

"Tinkerbell. That's a fitting name. Sit in the mush-pit Tinkerbell, dressed like you are. You can undress when you get to sit with the good cubs again. Show of fingers, how embarrassed was Bell?", asked Mama-Bear. It didn't take long to count. "All tens Tumbles. That gives you 17 points. You're good at this. Go again, Coon-girl.". Tumbles looked around, hesitating, at this point really not keen on the idea of being caught, or the idea of catching somebody else. His eyes gazed over each crewmember, one by one, as his mind tried to find an acceptable solution. Finally they settled on his captain. On Syne. Ears lowered, he started walking the circle. "Duck... Duck... Duck.... Goose!", he called out on Syne, running and knowing he'd be caught. Syne didn't disappoint, reaching out to grab the running coon by the scruff.

When Tumbles stopped running, Syne said in a clear bark, "Go to the center and help Bell undress, then take her place, in the center. In the mush-pit.", his voice somewhere between hard, and calm. Possibly angry. Tumbles whimpered and obeyed, caringly helping Bell out of teddy and panties and skirt, hugging her tight as she took a seat again, hugging the coon back before doing so. With a whimper, Tumbles took his seat in the center, looking up with lowered ears.

"Truth or Dare, Tumbles?", asked Syne, locking eyes with the cowering coon.

"T-truth!", he squeaked.

As Bell smirked and chuckled softly, rumbling, "Some man you are.", she got smiles of relief from her friends as she started to sound more like herself again. Syne barked again, "Tumbles... Would you love what you did to Bell done to you, action for action, an exact repeat? Would you love mascara, panties... being a submissive, meek little coon-girl? And would you love it more than you love Bell herself?".

Mama-Bear nodded in approval, and Tumbles, having waited for it anxiously, spilled words out in a rambling, soft answer, "I-I love Bell, I swear I do, more than any kinda silly game, I had to do it cause it's the rules, and she did it to me and I knew she'd like it, she... she did, she could've said no, please believe me she wanted it, I know she did-!"

Syne cut him off, "How did you know? Because you liked it too? Say it yourself. Fess up.".

"I... I'd love it too.", the coon whispered, looking up at Bell, ashamed, "I'd love what I did to you. M-make-up, skirt... all of it. I'm s-sorry I pushed you into it, y-you... you said I could sorta and... and you can do anything you want to me in the future to make up for it, please don't hate me.", he churfed softly, staring at her.

Bell shivered softly, holding back tears herself, but not giving in. She was, afterall, the more manly of the two. "I can't hate you Tumbles, you... I did you first, and... and you can do me anytime you want, alright? J-just... not in front of the others anymore, okay?", she chirred in her gravelly, soft voice, "I trust you, and I... well, you heard it the first time, it still stands. Don't hate yourself, I won't hate myself, and we'll call it even until one of us needs to feel a bit more macho, okay?", the badger blustered, unwilling to say she loved him with others watching. Self-conscious, she looked around at the others and barked defensively, "Now don't the rest of you be getting ideas, this is between me and him!". With that final bellow, a brief silence fell.

It was ended by the bear bot. "Show of hands, how embarrassed was Tumbles? Bell doesn't count.", she intoned. Counting paws, she announced, "Five points for Syne.". Syne didn't care about score. He cared about his crew, and he was just happy Bell and Tumbles were okay. Syne got up, looking down to Cosyne, his twin, with a meaningful glance. Cosyne shot back a questioning one. This went on for a little, until the two knew what they needed to know. Syne started "Duck..."ing.

The cargo elevator opened halfway to Cosyne, and Tanjent, still wearing her gag as a necklace, pushed out another thing covered in a white sheet, placing it where Cosyne was chained before crawling back to the elevator, purring and blushing.

Syne stopped to stare for a bit, then kept moving. "Goose", he called when he got to Cosyne, sprinting off. He made it back to his seat, barely, and Cosyne took his seat in the center as Tumbles sat down. Trusting his brother, Cosyne barked, "Dare.".

Syne grinned. "I dare you to do some tricks for me.".

Cosyne blushed immediately, remembering childhood games. Mama-Bear rumbled quietly, "I'll decide if it's good enough after.".

"Heel!", shouted Syne, pointing at his feet. Cosyne shivered, moaning quietly, and took a seat on his haunches where told. "Good boy!", praised Syne, ruffling his brother's ears to quiet giggles from the crew.

"Lay Down!", a embarrassed and quite canine >Rorrrwf!< came out of Cosyne as he obeyed, lowering to his belly like a dog, tailwagging happily.

"Roll Over!". As Syne called the third order out, Cosyne shuddered and obeyed again, baring his tummy.

"Good boy, Oh yes Such a Good Boy!", crowed Syne, scritching his brother's tummy as his brother kicked the air and rolled his eyes in bliss and minor embarrassment, whimpering as his red, shiny cock grew erect at the pet-treatment. "Oh my, Good Boy REALLY likes bein' a pet, huh?".

Cosyne howled in shame, squirming on his back.

Syne got up, fetching Bell's panties from the center, damp and sticky. He wadded it into a ball and held it before Cosyne's nose, rubbing it in his face as the poor canine whimpered before calling out, "Sit!".

Cheeks burning red and smiling sheepishly, Cosyne obeyed, looking up at Syne.

"Fetch!", said Syne, hurling the panties across the bay. Cosyne barked twice and chased, on all fours. He picked up the panties in his muzzle and whined at the taste, tail curling between his legs briefly. As he turned around though, it started wagging, ears lifting in simple canine pride as he strutted back to Syne on all fours, setting the panties at his feet.

Syne finally chuckled, everybody else, except Cosyne, giggling and laughing for awhile now. "I don't want that! I swear, dogs will chew on anything. Put it in the pile boy.". Cosyne earlowered and obeyed, sitting in the center when he was done with a woof. Syne looked to Mama-Bear, she looked back, disapprovingly.

"Speak!", called Syne. A chorus of woofs and barks followed, enthusiastic, embarrassed, cute.


Holding his paws up like a puppy, his ears lowered, Cosyne whined convincingly, as if he had practiced. Which, the crew realized, he likely had.

Mama-Bear nodded approvingly. "Good boy. Show of hands for Syne?", she paused a bit, counting, "6 points! that's 11 total for Syne!". Again the elevator opened, and again Tanjent wheeled out another concealed piece of furniture, this one where Tumbles had been chained before crawling back, leashed the whole time and accompanied by her keeper. After she left, the bear spoke again, "Go again Syne.".

Syne nodded and hrmed, looking around. His eyes settled on Doc for a second, Cosyne no longer an option. Then upon Frost, the only other who hadn't been touched yet. He didn't know Frost that well, and while he didn't know all that much about Doc, he did know that she was completely unphaseable. His tail twitched as he thought about her, remembered what had happened to her in that strange place the burning creature had brought them all, trying to come up with something appropriate. She gave a demure smile back to him, and a tiny wink of encouragement, followed by a strange smile. His mind made up, Syne started "Duck..."ing his way to Doc. When he got to her, he called, "Goose!", and started sprinting with a grin, not sure she wouldn't try to catch him and really not wanting to end up at the receiving end of any more fun. Besides, he had to last a round or Cosyne couldn't have his fun. Seeing Doc in front of him confused him plenty, enough to make him look behind himself. Which is why she tagged him with ease.

Smiling her strange smile, she whispered in his ear, "A captain needs to be able to think around corners, but you need to learn how to think around simple bends first, I see.", Syne just stared back, stunned and confused, "I've always liked you Pup, and I'm old enough to be your great-grandmother. So it's not too big a stretch that I'd end up babying you a bit.", the blue eyes of a seductress looked into Syne's, empty, unreadable, aside from something like lust. Doc's poker face up, she watched, trying to figure out just how sensitive Syne was about this. He was blushing furiously, but not resisting, not crying, not hurting.

The young, fresh kitty-ear of a much older soul twitched once, "All this aside Syne, I always hoped you'd knock on my door once, for something other than... medical... purposes. I'd say that to make you happy, to boost your pride through this, but I'm thinking you get your pride from someplace else. Don't lose it.", ending her rapid whispers, she placed a paw on Syne's left rumpcheek swiftly, almost a swat, gave it a gentle squeeze and pushed him towards the center, kissing his cheek as he stumbled into place.

"Truth or Dare?", purred the Doctor.

Syne, still in shock, gazed up at the cat, still wrapping his mind around the simple deviousness of his Doctor. "Would... Would you actually...?", he started to ask, staring into those blue eyes. Blue eyes that belonged to somebody whom he deeply respected, despite her odd proclivities, but whom he knew very little about. With a shiver, he pondered his choices.

"I would never hurt any of you. Kinda against my job ethics, little pup.", answered the doctor softly.

"Dare.", woofed Syne, voice fairly steady.

Doc smiled a strange smile, hard to read, hard to understand. She walked up to Syne and her voice purred gently, with her forefinger against his lips, "I dare you to suck on your thumb the rest of this game, unless you're spoken to.". Mama-Bear nodded, almost grudgingly, and Syne blushed furiously.

Looking to the ground in shame, he lifted his left paw to his muzzle and started to suck on his thumb, cheeks turning a brilliant red. It was a small thing, a silly thing, but he'd be lying to say he didn't love it, and lying to say he didn't hate doing it in front of everybody. It was hard for him to tell if the soft laughter from around him and the couple sympathetic, "Awwww"s he heard made it better or worse as he sucked away, whimpering muffledly around his thumb and feeling childish, despite the quite unchild-like rigidness of his cock.

"Show of hands, how embarrassed is the pamper-puppy?", Mama-Bear spoke, taking count, "5 points for Doc. And I think it's time to stop for lunch. Tumbles, you win. Frost, you lose.", Frost shivered softly, not liking the sound of that and resenting the fact he'd been given no chance. "Syne, you are to suck your thumb until tomorrow, like Doc said.", ignoring Syne's whimper of protest, she continued, "Make the circle a little bigger, all of you on all fours except for Tumbles. Frost, take Syne's place in the center, on your back, Syne, all fours, well, threes, thumb in muzzle until your food arrives.".

Syne and Forst switched places, and Tanjent was walked in on all fours to a place in the circle, between her brothers, still wearing her gag around her neck. The seven bots walked in, each resembling their charges now, and each carrying a doggy-bowl with their "cub's" name on it. Except for Tumbles' and Frost's.

Tumbles' carried a plate with steak on it, and silverware. Frost's carried a bag of sorts, made of childishly printed vinyl. Each keeper walked behind their crewmember, and waited, Frost's going to the center and kneeling in front of him, setting her bag down.

"Before we eat, you all can watch Frost show you what happens when you 'lose'... the same thing in store for all of you eventually anyways, just before any of the rest of you have to do it. So pay attention, because in less than a week, all of you will get this treatment.", explained Mama-Bear.

Frost whimpered very nervously as his keeper opened the bag, and pulled out something rolled like a sleeping bag. She unrolled it beside Frost, and he blinked in confusion, trying to figure out what it was. It was made of a shiny material and smelled like the bag. Like a diaper bag. It was a soft green, with a repeating print of cute, blurry cartoon animals on it, and it looked very heavy. At various points on the mat, hasps and straps hung off, mostly around the edges, with a device of some sort mounted center on one of the edges. The bot smoothed it out as the others watched, equally confused, and pushed a button on the mat's corner. The mat beeped twice, then straightened itself with a heavy >Thump!<, clinging to the ground tightly, it's structure now rigid, though well padded.

A magnetic changing pad. With restraints. Frost looked at the diaper bag, realizing what it was and started to whine, looking around for a way out. Girly was fine, he loved that, and knew it, even if it embarrassed him a little, but this? This was too much for the poor fox-wolf, who already was sensitive about his age.

Before he could move, strong, furred paws grabbed his sides and laid him on the changing mat. Quickly, she looped a padded strap over his belly and tightened it. His whimpers grew frantic as the bot stretched his paws out to the mat's corners, securing them there. He tugged, frantic whimpers turning to panicked whines and squirming, but the mat clung to the floor, not budging at all.

As the crew watched, shivering for various reasons, Mama-Frost yerfed in a soft, comforting voice of mechanical authority, "Is my poor baby fussy? Open your muzzle little Frosty-kins, and we'll see if a soother calms you down. If it doesn't, don't worry sweetykins, Mama-Frost will give you a nice soothing mint enema in front of all of your big friends until you calm down again.". Holding back tears, Frost gave his wrists two more soft tugs before lowering his ears with a defeated sniffle, trying not to cry. He opened his muzzle slowly, blushing furiously and shutting his legs to hide his cock, peeking from it's sheath, and his new cunt. He couldn't tell for sure, but he was pretty sure it was a little bit damp as well.

The 'soother' that Mama-Frost took from the bag only pushed Frost over the edge and into tears. It was large and had a fairly standard pink muzzle-guard and white ring dangling from it, but the locking muzzle and head straps were somewhat unexpected. The part that really got to him though, was the nipple: a 3 inch long rubber doggy cock, complete with knot. He tried to cry quietly, and his caretaker obliged him by stuffing his muzzle with it. After the plop-ing noise of the knot slipping past his lips, past his teeth, to make his cheeks bulge obscenely, Mama-Frost tightened and locked each strap, making everything he did fairly quiet.

Much like Tanjent, a rubber cock resting on his tongue aroused him. Even moreso than the humiliation in general. And, when the fox-wolf bot spread his knees and strapped each one into two more of those awfully padded loops on the mat, connected by a bar, all the world could see this in the form of his pink fox-hood, poking up towards the sky. Unable to do anything anymore but mumble pitifully and drool, Frost did both, his cheeks soaked with tears. His caretaker flipped a lever at the base of the mat, and lifted on the bar that bowed Frost's legs at the knees, lifting it on a well concealed telescoping rod, angled and curved to lift his knees and butt off the mat cleanly, leaving his knees over his newly-grown breasts, widespread and with his legs bent, looking like something between a baby ready for a diaper to be slid beneath him, and a bitch in heat laid out missionary, knees spread obscenely, eagerly.

At first, his cunt lent more credit to the latter idea, sopping wet and lewdly pouting as a puddle of drool grew around the poor faux-wolf's cheeks and pre dripping from his cock formed splatters against the moutthguard of his 'pacifier'. But, when Mama-Frost took out a pink diaper, one extra thick, and held it over his face so he could see it, even holding his cock aside to improve his view, and explained that it was extra thick in the front and the crotch, rubbing his cock and cunt, to help keep special boys like him dry, his renewed sobbing lent a rather babyish quality to the whole scene.

"My little Frosty-kins can, and will, wet himself lots and lots and lots, but you won't mess without permission. Because I know you can't help it, I'll give you a hand.", the bot purred, taking out a sizeable butt-plug from her bag and lubricating it while one slick digit ringed the bared and helpless fox-hole before her with lubricant as well. Frost's squeal was barely audible, his eyes widening as his tailhole was violated, stretched wide, and then collapsed, spasming, around the narow base of the plug; shoved in in one smooth motion, not really hurting, but very much driving in his helplessness. The diaper was laid beneath him, and his butt, groin and cunny were liberally sprinkled with baby powder before his butt was slowly lowered to that hidiously crinkling piece of fluff and plastic. The robot cooed gently as she lifted the diaper's front between his spread thighs and taped it shut, it's bulk resting thickly against his throbbing cock, pushing against his thighs and crinkling under his throbbing ass in a way he couldn't ignore.

"Thatsa good boy...", the bot comforted/taunted as she rubbed the front of his diaper, pulling a pair of pink rubber mittens from the bag, "Little foxy-pup can't make a mess and bother Tanjent-kitty anymore!". As she finished her sentence, she groped Frost's ass, rubbing in the inch and a half of padding now separating his butt from the open air for the benefit of those watching. She slipped the mittens on, adjusting and locking them, admonishing him that, "You'd best not fiddle with your diaper, that's only for adults to do. These are here for your own good, to keep you out of mischief!".

Mama-Frost freed Frost from the mat, and rerolled it up. He rolled onto his butt with a loud crinkle, a silenced moan, and a puff of baby powder. Looking around shyly, his tail tucked between his legs, covering some of the humiliating garment, Frost saw faces that looked sympathetic, and nervous, remembering that this was supposedly going to happen to all of them. Syne looked particularly sympathetic, and ashamed by proxy.

Mama-Bear confirmed their fears, "Tumbles, because you won, this will happen to you last. Frost, on the other hand, will lead the way into this aspect of your new lives.", with that, each bot laid the doggy bowls in front of their charges, each filled with oatmeal sweetened with brown sugar and syrup, warmed pleasantly. Tumbles got his steak, and silverware.

Frost got a baby-bottle full of formula, which he was allowed to take his gag off to drink before it was replaced, holding it between his mittenned paws and suckling with his eyes shut and cheeks burning.

As each ate on all fours like dogs, staring at Frost, they thought fairly discouraging thoughts, very few even planning on how they'd disable their bots. Tumbles wasn't on all fours. He was eating steak, civilized, and feeling like the world's biggest traitor as he looked at the bot behind him, watching it for any clues on how to best get rid of it.

Frost, for his part, was adrift in a submissive sea of incredible sexual frustration, trying hard not to rock against or hump his diaper as he moaned pitifully into the bottle's nipple, and filled with a kind of beaten-dog humiliation most can only imagine.

The only people smiling were Tanjent and Doc. And then, only Doc, and a sad smile at that, as Tanjent's cock-gag fell in her oatmeal, forcing her to lick it clean before continuing to lap up her lunch.

Until it fell in again a minute later.