A Farm Vacation

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#1 of A Farm Vacation

Marked Extreme for Underage content.

This is a commission for Tsarin, featuring his Dragons OCs, Kentaro and Goro.

The teen, twins Dragons are sent away to a Farm for the weekend on vacation, and get some rather fun ideas for how to pass the time at night.

In the crisp light of early morning, a sleek black Cadillac rolled down the winding road leading up to a farm in the distance. The metal body of the limousine was shiny, expertly polished, and a vehicle designed for luxury. It stood out, a sharp contrast to its natural surroundings. It took a sharp left and drove across a bumpy road, wobbling left and right as the wheels attempted to cope with the uneven terrain.

The farm was simple, quaint, and homely. The limousine pulled up beside a cherry red tractor, splattered with mud and dirt along it's sides, the large wheels caked with wet, fertile soil. They were parked just in front of a massive wooden barn, the sides painted in a dull blue shade. Far to the right was a small, sturdily built house with a remarkably out of place white fence. The rest of the farm was mainly land, filled to the brim with growing crops of many shapes and sizes, from cabbages to carrots, lettuce and tomatoes.

Slowly, a well-built man made his way out of the driver's seat of the Cadillac, dressed in a lavish, three-piece suit, and a sharp Chauffer hat to compliment his attire. The suit was tailored to his bulging muscles and broad frame, and his Lion's mane was tucked firmly down into the collar of his suit. He rounded the side of the limousine and paused by the rear passenger entrance. He adjusted and tightened his crisp white gloves, before sliding it into the handle of the door and popping it open.

The door swung open and he allowed the passengers to leave the vehicle. One of them slid out, his brown scaled feet pressing into the mud with an obvious groan of disgust as the rest of their body followed. It was a Dragon, his posture and jutting jaw clearly that of a male. With a rich collection of light brown scales all over his body and a mop of line green hair stop his head, some would call him a Drake, but he appeared to be the type that didn't take too well to off-handed comments. His jaw was firmly set, almost into a pout as he stepped swiftly to the side. The Dragon groaned again as he heard to squelching under his feet.

"Perhaps you should have worn shoes." A second Dragon remarked as they, too, stepped out of the limousine, their ocean blue sneakers pressing down into the ground below him. He was the exact same colour as the other, down to their facial features and expressions. The two of them were twins, identical in every way, from their green hair atop their heads, down to the fur on the end of their long tails. Both of them looked to be no older than 14, and both had a rather decent set of athletic muscles, with calm blue eyes. Two horns protruded from their head each, curving backwards before coiling around briefly at the ends. Their neck and shoulders, as well as the base of their tails were striped and marked with dull green markings.

The two of them walked with an air of arrogance, but their personalities were rather clear: one them held themselves in an air of superiority and appeared rather quick to say what he thought, whilst the other was a little more reserved and quiet, observing from the corners of his own mind without putting much into a conversation.

"Master Kentaro. Master Goro." The Chauffeur spoke to them in turn, regarding one before the other, as if he knew them well. His voice was low and foreboding, yet his entire body language spoke of professionalism. Each of the twins had a single ring on their horns. Kentaro, the far more brash one of the two, had one on his left horn, whilst Goro had one on his right.

"This is your destination." The Chauffeur gestured around him briefly, regarding the two of them equally. Ken let out a grunt of disapproval.

"Bit of a dump, ain't it?" He remarked, his lips curling back to bare his teeth in frustration. Their entire reason for being here was to give his older sibling, Kimoko, a bit of a break. She was a hard worker and looked after both them and their slightly older brother, Tai, and probably deserved the rest, but that didn't mean that Kentaro had to like it.

"It's a farm, Ken," Goro replied quietly, nudging his brother in the arm. "They work hard here to make sure we have food to eat. Be respectful."

Ken backed off for a moment, but he still held a pouting expression as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his loose, black hoodie. The two of them had thought it better to wear different clothing to help tell them apart, so whilst Ken sported shorts and a hoodie coupled with a T-Shirt underneath, Goro had chosen similar shorts along with a red plaid shirt and shoes. Both outfits suited their teen bodies relatively well, and the pair of them seemed comfortable in them, despite their surroundings.

"I shall be off then, young Masters." The Lion bowed to each of them in turn. "I will return here, at this time, in 2 weeks." He rounded to the driver's door and popped it open. He bid them farewell with another sharp bow, before he climbed inside and shut it behind him. The engine revved into life moments later and pulled back, reversing out of the space and doing a sharp two-point turn back onto the road they had entered in on.

"Well," Ken let out a long sigh as he turned to face the small house. "Let's go, shall we?"

The two of them walked and talked, wondering aloud how their host would be, and what they would have to do here during their 2 week 'vacation'. Would they have to work, or would they have the luxury of lounging about?

Whilst the two were new to the establishment, the Farm was used quite often as a getaway for people from the city: it was an all-paid expense, with the optional extra to help on the farm. They would recieve food, shelter, and a warm bed, along with the entire farm experience. Of course, Kimoko had paid for the two to do manual labour, as some sort of teasing punishment. Ken and Goro were, unfortuantely, none the wiser to their fate. Of course, they knew the farm was a popular vacation spot, they just didn't know they'd have to work.

They strode up the small steps onto the farmhouse's porch and Goro leant forwards to briskly knock on the front of the door. There was a brief scramble from behind the door, before it finally swung open, revealing their host.

He was...large. Very large. The twins blinked in surprise as they stared up at the hulking mass of flesh: a bull, with rippling muscles with rich black fur. He heard a rather pleasant smile, despite his intimidating demeanor.

"You must be the twins, I'm guessing," He snorted at his own joke and took off his wide-brimmed hat, slicking back the dirty blond hair atop his head. He stood as an impressive 7 foot tall, towering over the 5 foot tall twins below him.

"That's right," Ken replied and a smile spread across his face, looking humble. "I'm Kentaro. This is my twin brother, Goro."

They introduced themselves with a smooth facade, something that was a stark contrast to their rather surly expressions before. When it came to new faces, it paid to put on a good first impression, and they knew it.

"I see. Ken, Goro." The bull quickly shortened their names down into something manageable. He looked them up and down and frowned at their choice of footwear.

"Ah. You'll need boots, both of you." He commented and turned, striding further into the house. The twins stood, bewildered, at the entrance, wondering where he'd run off to. The large fellow swiftly returned, holding two pairs of wellington boots, one in each hand.

"Put these one. You can wash your feet later, Ken." The bull assured him, and despite their hidden disgust, the two kept up a pleasant demeanor. They swiftly tugged on the boots, and Goro left his sneakers by the front door.

"Good. Follow me then, boys." The bull strode past them and down the steps, and the twins finally got a good look at him in the summer light. He was wearing a large pair of dungarees and apparently didn't bother to wear a shirt underneath, revealing the mass of hair on his chest that trailed all the way down to his stomach. He would have been the perfect specimen for those into that kind of figure, and even the twins felt a bit of a tingle.

"Come on, keep up!" The Bull called to them, and the twins snapped back to reality, swiftly following him. "I'm going to give you a tour around the farm and let you know what there is. I dunno what your folks have told you, but you'll be helping me on the farm for the next 2 weeks."

Behind the Bull, both twins grimaced at the prospect of getting down and dirty amongst mud, manure, and plant life. They were too used to their usual lifestyle of sex and teen luxury to really want to have to do manual labour. Not that they weren't fit enough for it: their sharp, angular muscles were testament enough to the fact they could handle themselves.

"First, the Barn," The Bull sharply slapped his hand against the side of the barn, and an eruption of scared bleats emanated from the open entrance. "This is where we keep most of the livestock. Pigs, Sheep, Cows, and the like."

The Bovine gestured, and he lead them around towards the entrance, heaving the door open a little. They strode into the dimly lit area and stared. There were animals all around them, of varying shapes and sizes. It was as if they were in a petting zoo.

"I'm pretty sure you city folk know what animals these are, so I ain't gonna go into detail." The Bull chuckled again at his own joke. He strode across the barn, and the Dragons followed, glancing into the pens to see piglets squirming about for milk, or calves trotting around, looking to graze.

"Uh, sir," Ken spoke up as Goro remained quiet. "I forgot: we never got your name."

"Oh, right! Sorry, too used to bein' on my own." The Bull turned to face them with a grin. "Winston."

He held out his hand and briskly shook theirs in turn, leaving them feeling a little more loosened up. Ken silently remarked to himself how he felt as if his arm was broken. They left the barn swiftly afterwards and walked down the dirty path towards a second, small house that was sitting around the back of the barn. From where they had parked, they hadn't been able to see it. Perhaps the farm was bigger than they'd thought.

"And now, to my pride and joy: The stables." Winston stepped through the doorless entrance into an eerie silence. The twins looked confused for a moment as they scanned up and down the small pens where the horses sat, finding them empty.

"...Winston, they're e-" Ken began, glancing to Goro nervously, wondering if their host was a little insane. His sentence was cut off by a roar of laughter.

"Sorry, sorry. That joke, never gets old." Winston wiped his eyes with his gloveless hands and strode past them, pointing out into the fields. "They get let out in the morning."

The twins peered over and spotted numerous horses, of all shapes and sizes. Goro could spot a few fillies nuzzling up to their mothers, as well as a number of stallions running back and forth to exercise.

"Yep, most of the money I make off this farm comes from selling purebred horses." Winston sigh in happiness. "Don't get me wrong: the vegetables make a good profit, but this is where the money is. They don't like to be disturbed, so let's leave them be. Come on, let's finish off the tour."

The twins stared over at the horses for a moment as a thought brewed in their mind, the two of them glancing at each other, briefly, before they followed the Bull back across the Farm.

The rest of their 'tour' consisted of a brief lecture about tractors and how they work, as well as a very brief overview of the farmer's field. With that, they were lead back towards the house and were allowed inside.It was obvious to most that the Bull had done the tour far too many times to put his heart and soul into each and every one. Goro noticed this, though he didn't seem to convey this to Ken, who remained oblivious.

"Make yourselves comfortable: I have a room upstairs for the both of you." The Bull told them. "I'll prep dinner. You'll be getting an early night: we have to be up early to start your first day."

The twins groaned inwardly to themselves, but didn't argue, keeping their happy smiles on their faces. They ascended the rickety stairs as they heard the sizzle of meat hitting a frying pan coming from the kitchen. Winston was a quicker worker, that much was clear, and the two were thankful to get a brief rest after such a long walk in the sweltering heat.

Ken let out a long sigh as he pushed open the door to their guest room, consisting of a large double bed and a window overlooking the farm. The sheets on the bed were made of wool, and were finely crafted. Goro wondered to himself if the Bull had made these themselves.

"It's like he knows us well already." Ken remarked with a cheeky grin, and Goro smirked at him in response, tugging off the thick wellington boots and flopping down onto the bed on his back.

Ken clearly had other ideas, kicking off his own boots as he descended upon his twin. Goro let out a huff as Ken's hand snuck underneath his shirt to stroke along his scales.

"Is that wise? He's right downstairs." Goro muttered, but a smile played on his lips as Ken shifted to unbutton his shirt, spreading it apart. He pressed himself down onto the other Dragon, grinding his crotch firmly against Goro's hip.

"What, don't you think he's hot?" Ken replied quietly, letting out a soft exhale as his cock swelled firmly in his shorts, pressing against the other's warm body. Goro let out a sharp huff in response to the question, his own hands beginning to roam and squeeze.

"I guess so," Goro mumbled. "But you clearly had your eyes on something else."

"You know me too well." Ken grinned cockily and leant back up, tenting in his shorts a little. "Alright, alright, let's call a truce. How about later, after lights out? We'll maybe sneak in and...well, you know."

Goro paused for a moment before he grinned back at him, slowly nodding. He liked that idea a lot better than this.

The two of them adjusted themselves until they were decent again, and heard the Bull call them down shortly after. Both of them were stunned by the basic, traditional meal put before them on the kitchen table: a simple meal consisting of steak, vegetables, and boiled potatoes. They sat down to eat and the conversation was relatively fragmented between their eager munching and chewing, but the conversation was clearly in the realms of their work.

The twins, apparently, were going to help the Bull get everything ready in the mornings, from coralling pigs into their outside pen, to herding sheep onto the field, as well as maintain the Farm during the day, in preparation for the Bull's absence further on in the week when he would be delivering crops to the city. The twins suavely agreed with a smooth facade, keeping their true intentions of what they would be doing tonight to themselves.

"Alright," Winston picked up his empty plates, polished of food, and set them by the sink. "I'm going to round up the horses and get them into the stables. You two, get some shuteye. I need you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning."

Ken and Goro didn't put up much of a fight on that front and bid Winston a good night, ascending the stairs once more and shutting the door behind them. The two of them weren't even close to tired. It was 7pm, and they were used to staying up until 1am most nights playing video games or other things. After hearing the Bull leave the house and trudge down the porch steps, they cuddled up and lounged on the bed, waiting in the darkness for the Bull to re-enter the house.

It must have taken Winston a good few hours or more until he'd finally corralled all the Horses back into the stables, for it was 11pm when they finally heard him re-enter the house. They waited, listening to the heaving steps of the Bull's boots ascending the stairs, walking past their room and into his bedroom. They heard the faint click of the door closing behind him, and the loud creak of him flopping into his own bed. They waited slightly longer, and roughly 10 minutes later, they heard a loud snore.

"How we'd ever sleep with that assaulting our eardrums, I don't know." Goro muttered and heard Ken snicker in response, shushing the pair of them with a hand. Ken reached over to the end-table, pulling open the door to find a flashlight sitting inside. He snorted in triumph and took it, stuffing it into his hoodie pocket. Slowly, the two of them crept out of bed and quietly opened the door, sneaking out and down the stairs. Each step creaked as they went, and they winced, listening for the Bull waking up. Yet, he appeared to be a heavy sleeper. They blew a sigh of relief and continued.

The night was cold as they stepped out into the evening air. Goro shivered briefly in his plaid shirt as the two quietly walked across the farm towards the stables, giggling and chuckling to one-another as they tossed ideas to each other on what they would do.

They rounded the end of the Barn and finally reached the entrance to the stables. Inside, they could hear the snorting and whinnying of the horses within. Ken retrieved the flashlight from his pocket and clicked the end, shining a light into the darkness of the stables within.

"Which one do we pick?" Ken chimed in a sing-song voice, cackling to himself with his twin shaking his head behind him. The two of them crept further into the stables, peeking into the various pens, discussing their options.

They had a number of different options in mind by the time they'd hit halfway through the stables. Ken turned to shine his light on one of the horses, and his jaw dropped.

Standing there in the pen was a massive Stallion, with a proud white fur coat and a rich black mane to compliment his colour. Its hide was speckled a darker shade in places, but the thing that caught Ken's attention was the massive, hefty swaying orbs that hung between the horse's legs, seeable even from the odd angle the Horse was standing at.

"That one." Both of the Twins spoke at the same time, and shot each other an amused grin. They sought aid for their sexual endeavours, briefly searching the stables until Goro found a small stool they could use to stand on. With it in hand, he pushed open the pen and the two of them stepped inside.

"There there, boy." Ken wasn't sure how to talk to a horse, so he spoke to it like a dog, stroking the front of it's nose. The large horse snorted, and it's tail lashed behind him, though he didn't appear too displeased. He must have been around people a lot, and had probably become used to them.

"You got the lube?" Goro asked as he placed the stool near the Horse's back end. Ken stuffed a hand into his shorts pocket and tossed a small bother over to his brother, who managed to see and grab it in the dim light. Ken patted the Horse's snout a little more as Goro fiddled with the large Equine's backside, pulling his tail to the side to inspect the 'offerings'.

Slowly, the Dragon's thumb traced over the protruding, sensitive asshole, circling around the obvious jutting pucker. He spread it lightly with two fingers, wondering how tight it might be. He popped the cap of the lubricant bottle and smeared a dribble onto his finger, applying it to the Horse's entrance. Once he was sure it was fairly lubricated, he dipped a finger in.

He felt the Horse squeezing around his finger and gripping firmly, but Goro was surprised at how loose it was. Perhaps he should have guessed it would be. He pulled his index finger back, and added his middle finger to the lewd action, slipping both of them inside. It felt much tighter after that.

"Jeez, Ken. This Horse is warm." Goro remarked to his brother as he flexed and curled his fingers inside the tight anus, feeling the clenching muscles around his digits. He eventually pulled them back and shifted, standing up on the stool. It was the perfect height, and his clothed crotch was level with the horse's fine ass.

"Have at it then, Bro." Ken chuckled in response as he continued to stroke the Horse's nose to keep him docile, for the moment. Goro tugged his shorts down, along with his underwear, and they fell to a loose pile around his ankles. He kicked them off for the time being and reached down to grope his own humanoid cock. A small sigh escaped his lips as he tugged his foreskin back, stroking his fingers along the glans. He was already fully hard, just from fingering the Horse.

"Here goes, then." Goro spoke, smearing some of the lube onto his dick as he closed the bottle, placing it in his breast pocket. Ken could hear wet, slick sounds as his twin slid the lubricant over his cock, making sure it was completely coated in the sticky substance. Goro wiped the lube on his hand onto the Horse's flank, and angled his dick, smearing it against the pink pucker.

He firmly pushed and felt the asshole suddenly clench and spasm around his dick, making him shudder. He slowly popped the head in, guiding the rest of the cock using a hand at the base of his member, before he pressed his hands to the Horse's rounded hide. He wasn't sure if the Equine was willing or if they simply didn't care, but he felt the hole loosen briefly as the cock slid inside, hilting to the base. A sharp hiss escaped the Dragon's throat, followed by a brief groan. The asshole had clamped firmly back down and squeezing around his cock like a vice. The warm insides were sickly sweet around his pulsing member, leaving Goro feeling a little flustered.

"How is it?" Ken asked curiously, peeking over towards his brother and spotting his expression. "Oho! You really like it, huh?"

Goro glared over at Ken, spotting his cocky face peeking out from just behind the Horse's shoulder blades. The Dragon slowly shook his head with a sigh and pulled his hips back, feeling the spasming over his cock once again, making him pause on more than one occasion. Eventually, he thrust forwards again and elicited another sharp groan. It felt amazing.

He began to pick up a steady rhythm of humps, his hips bucking back and forth as the Horse's asshole clamped and squeezed around his dick in various places, making the Dragon huff and pant with each thrust. He never knew a Horse could be this good to fuck, and he wish he'd known sooner.

"Jeez, Goro, are you going to bust already?" Ken teased from the front, deciding he wanted a bit of fun of his own. Ken circled around the side of the horse and crouched down, and his mouth hung open at the sight. The Horse appeared to have gotten some stimulation from the rough anal fucking, and it's flared cock hung limply at full mast. It wasn't quite twitching and pressing up against it's underbelly, but it was definitely as long as it could be.

"Holy fuck. Goro, you've got it hard." Ken laughed, and Goro let out a sharp groan in response. The squatting Dragon leant forwards and grabbed the flared tip in his hands, giving it a squeeze or two. His other hand delved across the long length and rubbed it slowly, back and forth. The Horse snorted from above and Goro felt it's tail lash left and right. Ken watched as pre-cum trickled from the tip of the member onto his brown-scaled hand. Amused, Ken smeared it all over the flared tip, leaving it shiny and glistening.

"Fuck..." Goro mumbled, feeling the aching in his loins grow more and more intense. He was so close already, and he'd barely been in the Horse's ass for more than a few minutes. Yet, it was too good to resist, and he couldn't stop. He leant his body over and pressed his chest down into the Horse's back and he weakly bucked his hips, pre-cum flowing from his tip. The air was quickly filled with the wet squelches of his pre-soaked cock pounding into the Horse's behind, over and over.

In a matter of moments, his orgasm had hit him, and Goro let out a long groan of pure ecstasy. He pushed and rolled his hips as he pumped this thick, 14 year old load into the Horse's backside. It wasn't much, in comparison to the Equine's entire body, but it felt like a lot to the Dragon. He must have guessed it was the biggest orgasm he'd ever had in his young life. He slowly pulled his hips back and thrust again, another moan of bliss emanating from his mouth.

"Already?" Ken teased. "Well, good. I need a hand."

Goro let out a long sigh of pleasure and eventually pulled his hips back, as per his brother's command. It was only fair that they both enjoyed this encounter, and that was how it always worked. He hopped down from the stool, his cock soaked with cum and lube, and he let it hang free in the cool night air as he crouched down next to his brother.

"You weren't kidding." He remarked, awe-struck as the Horse's entire length. He glanced to his brother, who sported a rather cocky grin as Ken continued to pump the Horse's member with his hand.

"You wanting to fuck it, or get fucked?" Goro asked quietly, having never minded either way. Ken thought about it for a moment, a smile playing on his face. He wanted to try the cock, and see how it felt inside him.

"Grab me the stool." Ken said, and Goro understood immediately what he planned to do. The Dragon grabbed the wooden instrument and tugged it around towards his brother, who sidled it underneath the Horse's frame. It was just about the right height for him, and he sidled towards it on his knees, pressing his clothed stomach down into the wood, lying on his front.

"Give me a hand?" He asked for his brother's aid as he got into position, slipping his shorts down past his hips to reveal his own ass for the Horse to take. Goro tucked underneath the Equine, grasping the long cock firmly in his hands as he smeared the tip against his brother's asshole.

"Goro, lube it up first, jesus." Ken remarked. "I don't want it dry."

"Oh, shit. Right." Goro had forgotten, in the heat of the moment. He heard Ken chuckle his amusement at his forgetfulness as the other Dragon grabbed the lube from his shirt pocket, smearing a decent amount on the Equine length, and worked his hands around it. He heard the Horse snort above them as he quickly made sure the majority of the penis was covered with the lubricant, before he returned to what he was doing before: smearing it against his brother's ass.

"That's better," Ken remarked. "Keep going. See if you ca--"

"I know." Goro chuckled in response. He pushed the flared tip into Ken's ass as the Dragon rolled his hips back, letting out a groan. He relaxed as much as he could, and the two of them squirmed in an attempt to fit the head of the member into such a tight ass. After some effort, it finally slipped inside, and the Horse snorted again from above them. He clearly quite enjoyed it, though made no real effort to do anything about it.

Ken let out a soft groan and lazily relaxed as Goro attempted to stuff some more of the length into brother's ass. Ken's insides squeezed and flexed around the tip, and he could feel the cock flaring inside him every so often, leaving him with a sickly warm feeling of the pre-cum rolling around inside him.

"It doesn't look like he's really into it." Goro commented, feeling how the Equine's hard member felt a little limp in his hands, despite feeling somehow rigid. He tried to work the length with his hands, but it didn't appear to do much to help stimulate the Horse into wanting to thrust.

"Maybe it's because he's not taking charge." Ken suggested, having another idea in mind. He reached around behind him and slowly groaned as he tugged the cock back, letting it pop from his asshole. He shuffled out from underneath the horse, adjusting himself as he slowly stood. The Horse had left him gaping a little, and he limped his way over the fence that held the pen together. He bent over, raising his tail up and exposing himself.

"Maybe this'll get him going." Ken chuckled, and Goro took a step back to watch what happened. The Horse angled his head left and right, snorting and flicking his tail. His beady eyes centered on the Dragon's presenting ass, and he moved.

Suddenly, the Equine hoisted himself up and pressed his chest down onto the Dragon's back, it's hooves planting on the rickety fence that the Dragon was propped up on. Ken let out an audible grunt from the weight, and struggled with it. The Horse's cock stood to attention against its underbelly and twitched frantically as it searched for a hole. Ken wobbled and struggled to remain still as the flared tip pressed and pushed, attempting to find a hole.

Eventually, the white Equine found it's mark. The flared tip mashed against the hole and popped in within seconds, the rest of the length soon to follow. The Horse bucked powerfully and Ken let out a hot gasp of surprise, jutting his hips forwards as his little humanoid dick suddenly stood to attention. He could feel the flaring end flexing over his prostate as the Horse bucked a good number of times. The equine shoved in half of his massive length, paused, and then thrust again, pressing as deep as he could do. Ken could feel brief stabs of pain that soon subsided, replaced by a sickening pleasure.

"You enjoying it, Ken?" Goro asked with a smirk, getting in closer so he could reach his hand around to jerk off his brother's cock. His fingers gripped and squeezed around the humanoid member, causing the Dragon's hole to spasm and clench around the Horse's cock. The Equine bucked again, hard and fast.

Horses never lasted long, and neither did this one. He thrust and pressed, and suddenly, there was an explosion of cum in Ken's asshole. The Dragon felt a sudden warmth spreading throughout his body and a groan escaped his lips. Goro leant down to furiously masturbate his brother, attempting to help him get off in the midst of the Horse's orgasm.

But, the Equine wasn't one to stick around. He pulled back and his cock hung limply as he withdrew completely, hopping back down, narrowly missing Goro in the process. Ken let out a shuddering sigh as cum poured from his asshole, dribbling down his legs and getting his shorts wet from the sheer amount of it. Goro, however, continued to jerk him off, and Ken kept himself propped up, his breathing growing more and more erratic.

"Yes..." He sighed, and his cock pulsing, shooting a thick load of cum onto the stable floor. Some of it trickled onto his brother's hand and Ken bucked his hips into Goro's fingers, emptying the remnants of his load onto the floor.

"D...Damn. That Horse ruined me." Ken remarked. There was a lingering stinging pain in his slightly gaping ass, and the cum was dribbling out of him extensively. He could do nothing to stem the flow, and was forced to let it drip out of him.

"I hope you can get a shower in the morning, then." Goro chuckled, licking the cum from his fingers before he stood, helping his brother to upright himself. He tugged up Ken's shorts for him, and grabbed his own. The Horse snorted and flicked it's tail, wandering off into the corner of the pen. It appeared pleased.

"Let's get back." Goro suggested, scooping up his own shorts and helping Ken out of the stables. The Dragon was limping a little, bit it was all worth it.

They managed to return to the Farmhouse and get up into bed before the Bull noticed they were even gone. Even when they returned, he was loudly snorting from his own room. With that, the Dragons retreated into the comfort of their own room and rested, falling into a deep slumber.

It didn't last long. At 5am, they were briskly awoken by the Bull himself. The Twins were firmly tucked under the covers, so they were thankfully covered.

"Up and at 'em, kids. Get showered and be downstairs in 10 minutes, no exceptions." He told them with a grunt, turning and leaving the room.

The twins groggily clambered out of bed, naked, and made their way to the bathroom. They were thankful for plumbing, but the hot water didn't last long: in the midst of their brief showering, it quickly became cold. Neither of them seemed to mind it too much: it was unpleasant, but it woke them up. Goro helped Ken to wash his gaping asshole, and the two of them had little time to enjoy each other's company before they had to be downstairs for breakfast. Ken managed to hide his limp well enough, hoping it would get better as the day passed.

"Did you sleep well?" Winston asked them, dressed in the same dungarees from yesterday. He placed plates in front of them, piled with toast, bacon, and eggs.

"...Yeah. We slept well." Goro replied, glancing at his brother. Ken grinned cockily at his sibling and began to wolf down his food.

"Well, good. We've got a full day ahead of us. The first job: Clean out the pig pens." Winston beamed happily at them and bit into his bacon.

Ken and Goro groaned. This was going to be an exciting, but tiring 2 weeks.