Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 2

Story by NotSarahK on SoFurry

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#2 of Tao

In a magical paradise of peace and light Tao, a land unknown to man, live five special kangaroo-like creatures. Each warrior represents one of five virtues--benevolence, righteousness, order, wisdom, loyalty. However, the Warriors of Virtue's heroic journeys have not yet ended. An over shadow of evil is still in the land and darker forces are slowly making their move. The evil warlord Komodo might have forgotten who he was from previous events, but there seemed to be something else ratting about. Something that no ones else would have guessed and one new comer to Tao will save them this time. Will the new comer save all of Tao or will their world come to an end? You find out.

Disclaimer: I do not own in any shape or form of any "Warriors of Virtue" franchise. I will not be profiting from this story in any way. However, every character not mentioned in either the movies or the books (yes there are books) is mine.

I do not have any rights to the music that is used.

I do not have the rights to the movie I borrowed from.

Chapter 2

Meeting The Virtuous Roos

Sarah was weightless. Even though the current force of the water was making her roll ever which way, she was still feeling weightless and almost at ease. Almost. How did she get into this mess earlier, she asked herself. Well life wasn't going to be the same now. She knew if she didn't get out of this circumstance fast she was going to suffocate. She had no time to think much, only act. She noticed that the pull seemed to have decreased or disappeared all together, so she took this time to straighten herself out and find her equilibrium. But, when she looked up to a shining rays she saw she was too far down in the dark waters. She was losing air fast. Every second she used her muscles to swim up, her air was being burned away. She didn't have time to take in a deep breath earlier, which was regrettable now. Bubbles escaped her mouth gently as her weightless body could not make it to the surface.

What was real ironic was a specific soundtrack played in her head as she was drowning. In her mind she presses play to the mix and listens to it as she slowly passed out from lack of oxygen.

(Sarah's iPod: The Cell Track 1 - Howard Shore)

It was a melody that came from the beginning of the film called The Cell. It's the very first soundtrack which starts in a desert. Her mind was thinking dried open places, yet here she was in the deep waters slowly fading away. She closed her eyes and just floated there letting it happen. Letting the water take her. Arms floating by her sides not needing any strength to remain where they were and feet stopped there kicking and relaxed for what was left. Everything felt so smooth and weightless. She slowly slipped away.

* * *

Time was irrelevant, because the world was at peace again. Yet, one creature of tall stature sits by the dark river in the forest in deep thought. However, something in the water he usually familiar with has something unusual disturbing it's depths. Watching carefully he tries to sense if the water also senses any threatening down there. He waits for a while then dives in with grace as if the water partied for him.

* * *

(Sarah's iPod: Steve Gorn - At Ease)

After what felt like just a moment that went by, she opened her eyes to notice something that wasn't there and that she could do. She could breath. Air, not water. She wasn't floating anymore, but laying on grass on her side looking at a River. It wasn't the same river she was at though. It was to calm, there wasn't any sinkholes, and even though the water was dark it was still so clear. She also noticed she didn't need to cough up any water from drowning and her clothes were dry. It all was like she just fell asleep by this spring instead of diving in after a student. She just laid there for awhile wondering what is going on. She tried to Analyze the situation the best she can before trying to get up, but nothing logical came to mind.


She heard this loud, yet low booming voice behind her. Her body goes stiff and her heart skips a beat. She tries to use her muscles to roll in the direction the sound came from only to discover something she would not have ever expected in her entire life. Kneeling on one leg was this anthropomorphic kangaroo like creature looking down at her. Her body was to tired to scream, but she also did not feel afraid looking at this thing watching her. The eyes looking down seemed to kind to do anything funny.

"Are you alright?"

The creature softly boomed. Sarah may not be able to scream, but she couldn't talk either.

"Can you hear me?"

He continued to ask. Her jaw finally unlocked, but the words were still having trouble coming out, so she nodded her head in response instead.

He sighs with relief, "Good!"

After staring at his face, what she thought was a him, and into those soft red like eyes for awhile she found her voice, even though it was still soft and cracked it was just enough.

"Where. Am I?" was what she could muster.

For a while he looked a little confused and concerned. His head slightly turned away, looking like to think carefully on his choice of words, and then looking back at Sarah to replied with...

"You are in Tao!"

'Tao? How I am suppose to know where that is' Sarah thought silently.

If she wasn't looking puzzled earlier she was now.

"Where you come from, do you know a Ryan Jeffers?" he asking a little excitedly.

That name did sound familiar. She gave it some thought and...

"Yes, I do. Believe so, but that was. Over two years ago. From one of my classes."

'When I first started at Albright Middle School. How does he know Jeffers though?'

"Has it been two years already?" Seeming to be talking to himself.

"I am sorry to be interrupting your train of thought, but I still do not know where I actually am and how I got here," she tried to politely put it.

Her voice still quiet. but slowly returning.

This kangaroo creature stood up and offered his hand out to her.

"Here, let me take you to our village where we can talk more there."

'Logic is screaming I should not take that hand because I do not know who this is or what kind of culture I would be walking into. They could be all crazy human eating things. Then I will just beat them with a stick! Yeah right, and how far would I actually get? Well he seems to be nice, and I really don't have much of an option. I will need to learn about this place in order to find my way home. What do I have to lose? I just hope it's not my life.'

"Thank you," after taking his big furry hand.

His grip was strong, yet very gentle, like making sure to holding glass carefully. After standing up she really found out how tall he was compared to her height, which she wasn't really high to begin with. Possibly 6'2" or 6'5"? They began walking in the direction he pointed to earlier. She just hoped she wasn't walking into a trap. However, Sarah was fidgeted a little because for some reason she felt a little nervous around him and not in as a scared animal panic way. Well he did seemed to have saved her life.

"I'm sorry, I have been staring this whole time, my name is Sarah."

He bowed his head.

"Please to meet you. My name is Yun, Warrior of Benevolence."

"Nice to meet you Yun."

And she just so happens to have something random pop in her head that very moment.

"Yun, would you happen to know some martial arts?"

With a raised eyebrow "Why do you ask?"

Smiling to herself "Nothing important. I just use to play this video game called Street Fighters as a kid and one of my favorite martial arts characters was named Yun. But, you don't look like him or a street fighter so you could be. Like I said it's not important, I'm sorry for asking."

"Are you saying because I am a Roo I do not know Martial Arts?"

"No no, I mean...I didn't think....aahh!"

While groaning she rolls her eyes, slumps her shoulders with her head hanging in shame. She already felt like she insulted him, but she didn't know this places and its culture so it's possible she just did.

'Why am I so nervous? I am acting like I'm talking to an old high school crush. Just shut up already.'

"Yun I'm sorry if I insulted you I just..."

But, when she turned to look at him he wasn't there. She looked behind her to see if he was just hanging back, but no he wasn't there either.

'Oh crap! Maybe this is a trap or maybe I really did insult him. I just know being here alone is not a good idea.'

Sarah's heart begins to race. Nope, she shouldn't even be here, let alone be-ing a-lone in a place she doesn't know. That can be dangerous for survival. Her behavior became so circumspectly she began backing up. Suddenly a loud thump came from the ground behind her, and a little yelp escaped from her. She was scared, she will admit it, but it's what was going to happen was the important part. She wasn't going to turn around to face it, she was going to start taking off in...3..2..1

"You better hold on tight" roared behind her.

She was grabbed from behind and lifted into the trees. If anyone was around they would have heard this scared scream fading off past the trees. Her body still a little groggy so she could not defend herself much, but she could at least still try.

"Sarah calm down, it's just me."

She looked over her shoulder, "Yun?"

Her eyes big with excited fright, but she thought she saw what looked like to be a smile. Was he enjoying her being frightened and off guard? It was until about three jumps from tree to tree before he paused on a big enough branch and let her catch her breath. She did not realize how much she was squeezed him until she let go to grab on to the trunk for support.

He chuckles a little, "I'm sorry, did I take it too far?"

She just holds up one finger to him, giving the sign for one moment, and takes in deep breaths.

"You really surprised me and I thought I was in danger, hence me freaking out."

After a few more breaths, she began to calm down.

"Are you alright?"

"Just warn me please. Surprises I do not mind, it's just today has just been a rough day."

"My apologize, I thought it would help lighten the mood, and you did not insult me."

She gave it some thought, "I still feel bad I thought I might have."

They both took in a few moments. Yun was watching Sarah making sure she was ok, and she decided to change the subject for the time being.

"So, why and how are we up in a tree?"

"We can travel faster by branch leaps, because we are still a distances away from my village, and it was an opportunity to show off as well."


Yun offered his hand once more to Sarah.

"If it frightens you we can continue traveling by ground again."

"I was just caught off guard," she stated with stubbornness.

And took Yun's hands, but this time he offered her a ride on his back instead for easier jumps. As she was started to hold on to his robe she just had to ask one more thing,

"So, you really do, do Martial Arts then?"

He did not answer, but softly and deeply laughed again by her curiosity and took off again to the village.

* * *

(Sarah's iPod: Fox Stevenson - Sweets (Soda Pop))

It did not take to long for Yun to travel to the village by branch jumping. Before landing into the village he stopped on a thick branch that looked over the whole place.

"Welcome to Tao. This here is Master Chungs Life's Spring."

The were not much for words for what she saw. It was just beautiful. Everything was centered and built around what looked like to be a coral reef. People of all ages and creatures were walking about doing their daily activates. At one of the connecting bridges it looked like an Ox and a Rhino were having an argument, and worried looking man running about, and ever so once in awhile someone would greet him Mayor?, she thought she heard. Some villagers in boats came in dropping off their catches of the day, and kids running up and down the bridges giggling and laughing at who knows what mischievous thing they did. This place looked like a place where people enjoyed their lives. Everything just seemed so relaxing. No worries. No homework!

"Who's Master Chung?"

"He was great sensei to this village, and taught five of us the ways of Martial Arts."


"After a war here happened in Tao, Master Chung's life was one that was lost protecting everyone."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like he was a well respected person."

"He really was."

He paused thinking about his sensei for a while, but then had to collect himself and keep things going.

"Come, let me introduce you to the rest of the Warriors."

She held on ones more to get down from the branches and finally landing in the village. Everything was built by hands and still looking very strong. How everyone was working and helping one another you would not have thought there was a war there.

Yun lead her to an area where no one else was working in. Walking down some stairs she noticed that it was designed big enough to hold several classes. Almost all elements looked like they meet here. From the trees roots mingling with the stone surfaces to old builds as it meets the ground smoothing out to the river. It all had a connection. Just under the deck, all was silent looking out past the stream. Yun seemed to be waiting for something. He looked up and around searching for something.

"Stay here I will be back."

(Sarah's iPod: Last Man Standing - Hybrid)

He stepped out from the docks shadow and into the opening. Sarah watched him slowly make his way out. His footsteps were so quiet, for big kangaroo feet, if she was not watching him she would not have known he was walking. It was still and quiet only but the sounds of nature heard. Something to the corner of Sarah's eyes caught her attention. When she looked, she thought she saw this tail that looked like it was holding on to the deck above, and then it disappeared. From afar a light tumbling of rocks were heard which could have come from the stone build, but not sure. Sounds in that place echoed and sounded elsewhere. And then it all happened at once. Jumping from overhead Sarah's dock another kangaroo like creature came rushing down like fire towards Yun. While another came bolted at him from the trees. Just before they got to Yun, he swirled out of reach from both targets at once. He turn moved so quickly afterwards it looked like some kind of water force came from the river where he was near and pushed those others away. From the building a metal ring bursted from an opening hurling towards Yun now, and not to far yet another kangaroo spring in from his hiding place. Just has Yun deflects the ring, the one that came from the trees tries to use it's boe staff for a counter attack, but just like water he backflip jumps very gracefully out of the way, not ones missing a beat. The one that looked like he had fire around his tunic and the one with the metal ring seemed to have teamed up and heading straight to Yun again. Ready for the attack Yun planted his feet. However, just when they were about to hit their target he just disappeared under the ground. All that was there was this slow moving cloud of dirt where he was just standing. Than bursting from the surface stood one more kangaroo. With earth like colors and flowers over it's head that Sarah could have thought it might be a girl, but she didn't want to rude if it wasn't. After coming up from the ground white flowers began to fall as well, looking like snow gently floating it's time down. When all was quiet the other four stood still. Yun still has not appeared back from the ground. But, then, this rumbling sounded like it was coming far deep below. The others still not moving and watching the place he disappeared from. Like a geyser, he finally bursts out from his place. Also, like a water spout twirling in a force, he was able to push them all to the dirt at once. Yun stood tall, hands on his waist waiting for all to get back up again. The metal ring bearer was the first to stand up, but instead of talking he used his hands which looks like some kind of sign language. Some looked similar to the symbols she grow up with, being taught by her mother, but others you would most likely to have grown up here to know what he was saying.

"You all did well. But, next time work as a team and use your time well."

"There was an order, but Chi has yet to improve his patience" said the one with the boe staff.

The one with fire looked like he was shocked looking at his companion fighter.

"Huh... Says the Warrior of Wisdom, patience is still not my virtue."

The other one gives him a stare down.

"Boys, please calm yourselves. We all need work, Master Chung would have said the same," the one with flowers spoke up.

After hearing her speak, she knew then she was female, but you really never know in this world. Her tune and way of addressing to the others was very nurturing. She walked up to Yun to give a Warrior arm cheering of strength.

"Yun, where have you been all day? We were worried about you."

"I was in the forest, been thinking of ways to solve our issues. But, first we have a guest here...a new comer!" Yun looking in Sarah's direction.

Then they all looked at her at once. She just wanted to disappear so badly right there. Being on stage for a performance is one thing, but having eyes on you when you didn't even know what you were doing is frightening.

The one in fire was supposedly named Chi spoke up in surprise.

"Irrational. We should not be in war, that time has past?"

"That's right, structure has be been restored," agreed boe staffed kangaroo.

The metal ring bearer stepped forward and made a quick hand gesture.

"Lai, Yee's right, a new comer being here does not have to mean destruction is coming," Yun informed.

"That is right, let us not be too hasty," the one instructed next to Yun with flowers.

"At the moment we are also being rude," she continued.

She gestured for Sarah to come forward and over to them.

"I do apologize about my fellow companions, they have forgotten manors. My name is Tsun, I follow the Virtue of Loyalty. On the end is Chi, Virtue of Wisdom. Next to him is Lai Virtue of Order and Stability, Yee to my side is Virtue of Righteousness, and of course you may know Yun by now. If he also had manners."

Walking over a little bridge to meet them, she noticed all of the Warriors were kangaroo's. Kung Foo Fighting Kangaroos. Now she knew she wasn't in Kansas anymore, and Toto was still at home. She did a quick wave to say hello to everyone, even though some were not ready for new people yet.

"Hi, I'm Sarah, Sarah Williams a Visual Arts Major, teaching at middle schools. Nice to meet you all"

Chi, seemed like he was intrigued now with the new comer.

"It is nice to meet you as well" he said but no exchange of handshakes were taken.

"Come, let us all go up stairs and I will discuss what my decisions I have come to earlier."

Every Kangaroo, Roo for short, went their own way up on the decks. Lai pushed off the ground and it almost looked like his bo staff grew a little helping with the force. Tsun, pushed off the ground with her arms and then spreading them wide open as if using wings. Chi jumped from one ledge to another reaching the top. Yee, on the other hand was still on the ground. He walked right up to Sarah examining her a little. She was a little scared not knowing what he was going to do. The other roo's noticed and watching the scene take place below. Even though he was very stern and looking very powerful, she needed to show she meant no harm. However, out of all the things to say she had to say the most random thing, once again, that came to her mind because of her nervousness.

"You seem more of an 80's Rock than heavy metal kind of person."

His face did not seem to be amused, but more confused.

"Music, I mean the style of music to listen to." She thought for a moment. "Hold on."

Luckily for her, she confiscated an iPhone and pair of headphones to go with it. The student was taking unwanted pictures and annoyed everyone around him. After a nice clean up on the phone all that remained was a laundry list of songs and some games to play. The kid actually had some good tastes in music just not in humor.

After digging into her bag she pulled it out and was amazed it was still able to turn on. She found the album then the song that he should listen to. But when she looked up to put the ear phones in she hesitated. He had these bunny like ears and not quite sure how to put them in. So she tried to show him that they go in the ears, so he can do it himself. Ones in she pressed play. He jumped as soon as it started. He looked all around to find where it was coming from, but could not see anything. Then his head began lightly bobbing. Then his whole body bobbed.

(Student's iPhone: Spirit In The Sky - Greenbaum)

It looked like he was enjoying it. Somewhat. He didn't take them off yet was one clue. But, then he stopped suddenly and looked at her. Taking off the earphones, it looked like he was about to attack, but ends up just holding out his big pawed hand. She looked at it and figured it was a handshake. But, as soon as she goes to start handshaking he grabs her arm with the other hand, and nods his head. He lets go and makes a powerful jump up to the deck and joins the others. Sarah not sure what just happened, but she thinks it was an acceptance. Forgetting all about Yun he walks up to Sarah and smiles down.

"Let's go."

And he makes his jump back flipping up.

'Show offs,' whispering to herself.

(Sarah's iPod: Buddhist Taoist Meditation - Sleep, Relax, and Mediation)

She was left with walking to the stairs to meeting up with them. That was really not a problem, it was finding where to meet them in this maze of a village. Just a little around the corner and a couple of turns from the stairs she found them all sitting in a circle discussing what sounded like improving protection plans, but still needed the help with a book.

"But, Yun without the help from Ryan no one else can read the Manuscript." Lai instructed.

"At least we know the knowledge is safe from harm in other hands," Chi pointed out.

She did not want to be rude, but it would seem no ones was going to explain what was going on unless asked.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what is this manuscript everyone is referring to?" Sarah finally making her way into the conversation.

Chi explained about the Manuscript of Legend and what was told by Master Chung and that it held many secrets for Tao. After the war Yee and Tsun gathered the pages to the Manuscript, but they all still appeared blank and only but one page that Ryan was able to read was visible for others to see. It helped save all of Tao and Komodo's soul by purifying it and starting anew, but that was all anyone can see.

"Warriors, there is a reason why I believe Sarah is here and she may be able to help us," Yun stated.

"How can we know to trust her?" argued Lai.

"Would it hurt if I just saw blank pages?"

Lai didn't say anything after that and just looked more grumpy.

"I'm sorry for being this "new comer", but you can rest assure I am not trying to harm anyone. At this moment I would just like to make my way home. But, would any of you mind if I may look into this...Manuscript? If I can not help you then you do not have to worry about me hurting your world and I will find some way home and will not bother anyone."

Chi stepped forward, "There is no harm in it, I don't see why not."

Tsun looked over at Lai with eyes that asked why he did that. He still did not say anything. Chi walks Sarah to a spot where it looked like something else used to sit in there with a stained shape. The dock looked over a wide area for people to observe anything from a distance. On that platform ledge was a book stand. The book that laid there looked quite thick for just a manuscript.

"Our Master Chung told us about the many wonders the Manuscript of Legend would hold, but unfortunately, he passed away before he could see it and Ryan is within his own world now. To this day it remains here unreadable."

Sarah walked up to the book with an interesting symbol on the front and opened the cover. The first page was indeed blank, and it was to be expected for just a page protector. She continued. Eyes moving back and forth, up and down, and moving on to the next page. She did this repeatedly for three other turns. Her fingers delicately glided across the pages surfaces. The pages were indeed old but not fragile, which was good.

"You say that no one can read the pages?"

"No, I am saying that no one can see what is written on the pages."

Sarah was astonished, because when she looked down at the book again it was filled from page to page of knowledge. Some of the words even moved or twirled as she turned to the new page.


Chi looking upon her face to read her facial expression thoughts.

"You are telling me no one can see this?"

Now it was Chi's turn to looking surprised. He walked up next to Sarah to see if he can see what she is seeing. Nothing, still nothing appeared on those pages to him.

"Yes. What can you see?"

"Well, just glances over the titles and images I would say something about using elements. I can't really say what it all means, but I can try to further understand it all if given some time. Do you mind if I can look at this deeper? I will tell everyone what I have found and that's a promise."

Chi looked over at the Warriors to find an answer. She wanted to look over the book some more because it was so fascinating just first glance, but she was trying to be polite before plunging in.

"Do you mind if I can take some time to reading this?"

With welcoming arms, and an ok sign from Yun, Chi instructs Sarah to take all the time she needs.

As she was getting into the groove of reading the book she went to her backpack and pulled out her iPod Touch. She turned it on to test out the machine and to her amazement discover it didn't get water damaged either. Plugged in her favorite earphones and canceled all other sound to focus on her task.

As she read alone the Roo's talked amongst themselves

"Yun you need to stop bringing in newcomers," Chi playfully saying walking his way back.

"I still say it's a bad idea for her just reading the book."

"Lai, give her a chance," Tsun tried to tell.

No matter how logical Lai thought, it sometimes is not easy to convince him to see things from another perspective and have faith.

"We do not have much of an option. We can not force Ryan back."

Yun tries to lead the Roo's the best he can without Master Chung, but sometimes tasks like these test his leadership skills, so getting any help that is given is the best that they can all do. Knowing Lai was not going to win this battle until proven, he grunts himself a way jumping off the ledge out of sight.

"Give him some time Yun."

"I know Tsun, I just hope our faith isn't mistaken."

Yee does a couple of sign language ones more to the rest of the group.

"Yee is right let us eat and figure out our next plan from there."

Chi's stomach second his opinion out loud also.

(Sarah's iPod: Crystal Drop - Misery)

Sarah unaware of the Roo's she was still back at the book taking in every page.

Page after page she continued to read.

Standing up.

Sitting down on the docks edge.

Walking in circles counting steps.

Her focus was so concentrated on the book she never noticed others watching her.

Chi still being the curious one asked what the others were already thinking out loud.

"I wonder what she is reading."

Yee hand signaled more messages to those that can read it.

Chi responded "It is possible, but we will not know until she tells us what it holds for everyone."

"Whatever it is, we will know when she is ready." Yun stated.

"Come on you guys, let's give her some room." Tsun tried to gently push the guys away.

* * *

Sarah decided to stop after awhile of reading as much as she could for one day. She puts the book down next to her and stretching out her muscles not realizing she stayed in one place for far too long until her body screamed of pain.

"Feww. Wow that was a lot to take in," whispering to herself and closed it for now.

When she looked up it was dark. She stood up from where she was sitting and walked over to the ledge again. The place looked even more beautiful than before, if that was possible. No annoying city street lights. No busy cars polluting the air. Everything was so dark yet so clear because of little lightly lit candles glowing in huts which could be seen almost anywhere close by the village. Blue and green bugs fluttered around the tall growing trees. For the first time after getting here she just stood back to relax and listened to everything. Breathed in the clean air that didn't feel like toxic fumes. Felt the comfortable atmosphere the village had. And yet, a little sadness tugged at her emotions.

After sometime a slight creaking was heard from behind under the decks shield roof. She jumped and turned around to find no one was there. She narrowed her eyes and listened carefully. Still nothing. She carefully walked over to try and find anything. So, she walked back to the ledge and faced back on to the village again. She crossed her arms listening carefully, and then the creak happened again.

"You know for a Martial Arts Roo you are quite noisy!"

Nothing. Then a gentle thump to the wooden platform softly reaches her ears. She slightly grins to herself knowing she figured it out. Walks right next to her side still without saying a word. She then looks to the Roo to ask...

"Would you like to see something cool?"

(Sarah's iPod: Childhood (Harp) - Peder B. Helland)

Yee and Sarah walked down to the open area just under the ledge she was at reading at.

"This is perfect. Ok you and I need to sit here in the middle of this stream being dry on this rock facing each other. This will help channel the Yin and Yang at an easier plain."

"Ok so your element is metal correct?"

Yee nodes his head ones.

"Can change your metal into any weapon also?"

Yee nodes again.

"But, have you tried using that same metal as a defense or shield?"

Nodes again.

"What about creating one without touching the metal?

Yee doesn't move for awhile, but then finally shakes his head, and Sarah smiles.

"Alright try to mimic me like a mirror, and concentrate on a bubble surrounding you while doing as I do."

Slowly starting from the sides her two hands rise to the center, flat palmed, fingers together, and thumbs almost touching. When both meet in the center and barely touching each other they stayed at that pose for a few seconds. Then slowly she leads Yee's hands to move horizontal. She stops at her shoulders length, because the Roos arms were already much bigger than hers and they wouldn't be able to complete the task at hand if she tried to go any farther. Then she began to bloom the fingers out. Slowly and softly not to break Lee's focus she instructions him.

"Yee, I want you to stay concentrating on your bubble. I am going to pull away, but I want you to remain just like you are, ok."

She waited a few seconds before slowly beginning to just pull her arms down, but did not get up. Reaching behind her she grabbed some small stream pebbles. Still focusing on Yee. A few seconds go by and then without warning she flung the pebbles at Yee. But, before they could hit him, these lightly gray ripples echoed softly like metal sounds that formed all over Yee just about 3 inches away wherever the area the Pebbles were going to land. Sarah started to giggle watching Yee get so fascinated with his newfound shield. She waited until the sounds died down before announcing...

"It worked! This can now help protect yourself while still protecting others! With more practice you can form a shield even in a fight if necessary. But of course they do not last long."

Yee's hands then came down as well. His face became serious and stern. He hammered his fists together and then a fist to his chest.

Watching Yee, just with a slight smile, but serious as well, she may not really understand what he was trying to say to her but she could guess. She closes her eyes and bows gentle to Yee in respect.

From afar Yun watches the scene from the high branches out of sight. Softly you can hear from the distance laughs and giggles from the newcomer asking if Lee would like to go again. And so, Sarah and Lee practiced his new elemental protection most of that night. Yun pondered over the idea that maybe just maybe....

Reference Notes:

  • Movie: The Cell
  • Video Game: Street Fighters - Yun
  • Movie: Wizard of Oz
  • Culture: Ying and Yang

A/N: Some of the information that I get are from the movie, of course, as well as from the book that was made after the movie came out and a series of Warriors of Virtue kids books. Each one you got to know more about the Roo's and their personalities, but I know I won't get them perfect but would like to get them close enough. Not many people knew about them and I am not surprised. I just discovered them myself, but that was because I was only curious what else I could have found to continue learning about this world. So with the knowledge I am finding I will be adding more to it. This will be a lot of fun and I hope you guys will as well.