Dragon Storm: Chapter 34: Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!
yun tried to slash shayde in half to end this, but shayde parried the attack and rolled right under yun's legs and stepped on yun's tail to stop it from cutting him, while shayde sliced yun's back.
Virgin Virus - Ch4: Fear
." - the doctor swings around the table to face yun's back. yun slight tilts his head, keeping the doctor in sight range. - "kay." - yun sighs.
Life in Stone
As she worked, the yun opened its mouth and let out a big yawn. the yawn of a yun, she thought with amusement. a yawning yun. a yun yawn. nobody knew why the yuns yawned.
The Rules of Poker 2
yun, who's mouth was still open, gazed through the clear table at her women parts. "yun!" i said, trying to snap him out of it. "i wasn't looking! nope!" yun defended himself quickly.
Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 9
"yun, you are a saint." "i. am. a roo of benevolence," he smiled all smudged at her. yun is kind to all creatures great or small. he tries not to judge too harshly to anyone, especially people not from tao. "well i am not as virtuous as you are yun."
Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 8
"yun it's ok. caves are safe." yun's not buying it. he knows what he knows. "it will just be until the rain stops." "i heard that one before and he turned into a dog." sarah looked back at yun with a little-surprised expression on.
Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 10.2
yun's pace was slowing down lost in thought and he wasn't going to stop him, but now more than ever yun does not trust him.
The Rules of Poker
yun asked. "yup. i suggest picking something that you need. for instance you might want to play for height, for example." "you calling me short?" yun said toughly. i snickered slightly.
Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 10.1
yun was already on his guard.
Virgin Virus - Ch9: Conviction
- yun snarls back, then almost faints at the loss of breath. pausing a moment, hoyt just remaining silent, yun resumes. - "a general like you wouldn't lie to us.