Mate Hunting

Story by Ridayah on SoFurry

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Author's Note: Well, quite a while since I last posted, hope you all enjoy this story! Comments and such greatly appreciated!


"Look, Merinda, let's just land and rest, we've been flying all morning!" Janai complained. She looked down at the beach longingly, her bluish wings powering through the sky. Ahead of her, Merinda looked back and sighed. "Fine, we'll land and rest for a bit. I guess I could use it too."

Merinda tilted her wings and began a slow spiral down to the ground. The gray colored dragoness kept her head tilted slightly into the spiral, the long mane flowing out from her neck, accenting her black horns and the large black spade on her tail. Her body glittered, the sunlight from above reflecting off of her tiny scales. She sighed once again. "I'm sorry for sounding so exasperated with you; I know you're only out here because of me and I should be more sensitive to your needs."

The other dragoness just shook her head, spiraling down as well. "Mer, I wouldn't let you come out here matehunting all on your own, you're my best friend. Besides, I've got to matehunt too you know, we are the same age," Janai stated matter of factly with a shake of her head. She was nearly identical to Merinda in regards to looks, aside from having a deep royal blue body with horns and tailspade of a brilliant silver.

"If only we could find other dragons," Merinda muttered. "We've been looking two months and not another dragon in sight! I know our mothers said we'd have a rough time leaving the village, but I would have thought there'd have at least been... more of us."

Janai nodded. "I guess those tales we were told as hatchlings about dragons spreading through the world were true, but by the earth gods, have we not bred enough?"

"Not that the males back home hadn't offered," Merinda said in disgust. "Either settle for someone three times our age, or deal with males who were two years younger and had no respect. I'd rather not."

"Me neither," Janai agreed, and finally dove down to land on the beach. Her wings threw up a fountain of sand that drifted away in the light breeze. Merinda set down beside her, and the two surveyed the landscape around them.

They had been following the coastline for the last two weeks, thinking that many dragons would be there for the aboundant fishing and creatures that would roam the shores. Much to their dismay, over mountains and plains and now forests that ran right up to the water, they couldn't find a single sign of dragons anywhere. The blue and gray dragonesses looked about in dejection at what was a beautiful location, but completely devoid of any kind of draconic life.

Janai was the first to speak up. "If we don't find males soon, we'll be in trouble. Remember what the elder dams said about being in heat without at least a single male around?"

"That we'll be unable to move fast or far, and that our bodies will urge us harder with each day without mating," Merinda said bleakly. "I think it might be starting to get too late for me," she added quietly.

"I know what you mean, Mer," Janai muttered. She flexed her lithe tail up a bit. "Ever since last night I've been feeling a... tingle... down there. I think my heat's starting." The blue shivered for a moment. "And now it's getting more noticable, it feels like I can't set my tail down."

Merinda looked at her friend, and blinked. "But, 'Nai, you're younger than I am even if it's just by a few moons. You should have more time!" the gray protested, then blushed.

Leaning her forequarters down to the ground but leaving her rump in the air, Janai exclaimed, "I know! It doesn't make sense, you should have hit yours first!"

"Unless..." Merinda said, unable to meet Janai's gaze.

"Unless what? Tell me!" Janai said. Merinda didn't look at her, but whispered, "Unless my heat triggered it."

"Your heat, triggering mine?" her friend said in confusion. "What does that mean?"

Merinda turned and looked at Janai finally, a sad expression on her muzzle. "Well, when my older sister went into her heat, my mother had me leave. I asked her why, and she told me that the scent of arousal from either a male or a female can be enough to trigger another female's heat, if she's close enough. She didn't want me triggering early."

"But that would mean..." Janai's gold eyes went wide.

A blush crept across the gray's muzzle. "Yeah. About three days ago mine started, that same tingling sensation. It's just been growing the last two days, I can't put my tail down at all, I'm afraid to sit or lie down!" She exclaimed.

"Then maybe you triggered mine," Janai said and shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because there's nothing you could have done!" Merinda exclaimed, turning her head away in shame. "And I knew you'd worry if you found out."

"Of course, I'd worry, but maybe I can help!" It was Janai's turn to blush and look in any direction but her friend. She chose a cloud up in the sky to direct her attention upon.

"You can? How?!" Merinda blinked, facing Janai and slowly padding up to the blue dragoness. She kept her tail aloft from her sensitive nethers. "Help how?"

Janai nodded, still unable to look at her friend. "Mer, one of my mother's friends told me about how sometimes males don't like mating with females, and mate with other males. She said we didn't really talk about it in our village because two of the elders don't approve of that form of mating, but I wonder, if the males can do it, maybe females can too..." She blushed hotter at mentioning it.

Merinda blinked. "They do? But wait, males have their penises or cocks or whatever they like to call them. We don't, how can we... you know... I know my mother told me males like having the outer parts of their slits that their penises come out of rubbed, but..."

"Well if it works for them, it should work for us then right?" The other dragoness interrupted. "We have slits..."

"But," Mer interjected, "but you're my best friend."

Still blushing, Janai nodded and looked at Merinda. "But who better then, I guess? If it lets us find mates and keep flying, maybe we should, you know, do it so we could find them. Maybe it'll even be tomorrow if we're lucky..."

"Well, then..." Merinda blushed, her gray cheeks turning reddish, "Let's lay down beside each other then I guess, that way we can try at the same time?"

In response, Janai simply flopped over on her side in the sand. A bit of it puffed up, but the dragoness then looked at Merinda. The other dragoness took her time, easing down onto the sand. Once down on the sand, Merinda slowly lifted her hindleg, letting her gaze slip down her best friend's body to gaze hesitantly between her legs.

Janai's hindleg was lifted up enough to let light fall upon her nethers. The sunlight hilighted everything. The blue scales around the slit were fine enough for Mer to see the pinkish tones underneath on her flesh shining through. Of course, the fact the lips looked a bit puffy didn't help either. With Janai's leg up, Mer could also spot the slight glistening along the inner parts of her friend's sex, a sure sign of arousal during heat. As Janai gulped, she witnessed the outter parts clench tightly, along with a minor clenching at the small round hole just behind Janai's sex, at what could only be her anus.

At the same time Janai was witnessing the signs of heat that Merinda was, but they were far more pronounced. Mer's netherlips were very puffy and red, and the whole of the dragoness's slit was damp with fluids. Janai blinked, then reached out with a claw before pulling back.

Merinda saw Janai's paw pulling back, then blushing, murmured, "It's okay, you can... might as well get this over with."

With a nod, the other dragoness steeled herself and reached out, with two claws just barely touched her best friend's sex. It was hot to the touch, and she could feel the fluids sticking to her clawtips as she pulled them back. Merinda let out a whimper at the contact, clenching her vent and letting out a soft moan.

"You okay?" Janai asked instantly, clutching her paw to her chest. She looked worriedly down at Merinda.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just that felt so strange, but good... Kinda like a shock, it was weird," Merinda said by way of explanation. She slowly reached out with her own paw, pressing her clawtips lightly at the top of the puffiness and pulling down slowly against her friend.

Janai's tail arced through the sand, and she let out a small squeal. "Ooooh, I see what you mean!" She cried out, shivering and then reaching her paw out again. Within a moment her paw had returned to Mer's sex, brushing the slick lips with her claws. The other dragoness emitted a similar squeal, pressing her hips down towards the contact.

For a few moments the dragonesses writhed their bodies at the contact, feeling as if sparks were firing up through their loins towards their minds. Their scent and sounds slowly spread through the air. From the sensations however Janai noticed something on Merinda's slit as the folds parted from the gray's wriggling. She looked at what appeared to be a small bump right at the front of the gray's slit, and curiously touched it with a claw.

"Yiiikes!" Mer squealed, arching her hips and tail. "Ooooh gods, that felt good, what did you do?"

"You have a little... nub thing at the front of your... slit," Janai said, a bit embarassed. "Your slit kinda parted and I saw it, so I touched it."

"If I have one, you must too," Merinda said, shivering and looking. She couldn't see at first, so with Janai watching curiously, she used two claws and parted the folds in the front of Janai's sex to find her clit. Cautiously the other dragoness touched it, and Janai gasped.

With a bit of a whimper, Janai said, "Oooh yeah, I see.... let's try them, maybe it'll help." She quickly reapplied pressure, rubbing at Mer's clit, while the other dragoness did the same to her.

Their squeals reverberated along the coast and through the forest nearby.


In the woods, the squeals were picked up by a number of ears. One young male, deep red with a number of horns coming out of his head and a forked tail, perked up. He glanced about at his family, which contained both of his parents, a brother, and two sisters, all younger. In fact, his siblings were triplets, identical in color. "Did you hear that?" he whispered.

"Yes we did," his mother said. "Go check it out, Biyan." She stayed at her mate's side, under his wing.

Biyan did as he was told. The red male slowly crept forward, using the underbrush as cover until he came upon Merinda and Janai on the beach. He felt heat rising in his body after catching sight of what they were doing, but turned around and padded back nearby where his family had stayed.

"Well what was it?" Biyan's father asked.

Biyan gulped. "Two dragonesses, and they were, they were mating I think. At least, they were exposing themselves to each other," he said, glancing from his mother to his father.

"That'd explain his hardon!" shouted the younger brother, always eager to point out anything embarassing about Biyan. The red's penis was poking out from his maleslit, the tip holding a drop of pre on it. Biyan looked down and shrugged. "Yeah, my brother's right about me, but I think those dragonesses are in heat."

His mother nodded. "That'd explain them exposing each other. Some dragonesses in heat prefer other females if they can't find a male. Maybe they're out matehunting?" She said curiously, tilting her head to look at her own mate.

"Well we're the only dragons around for months, if they're here they're going to be in trouble. You, I, and your brother are the only males around," his father said. "Go 'help' them, Biyan."

Biyan just grinned, turned, and crept through the forest back in the direction of the beach. The five other dragons made their way quietly and slowly forward to see the outcome.


Merina and Janai had become fairly oblivious to all around them. The two were squirming in the sand from the unusual but pleasurable contact of each other's paws at their genitals, rubbing at labias and clits. Both of their slits were now soaking from their fluids, and the heat coming off their bodies was intense.

"Oh, 'Nai, I feel something," Mer said, rocking her hips slightly and panting.

"Is it like a tightness? Because I'm feeling it too," Janai grunted out, closing her eyes and pressing her hips down towards Merinda's paw.

Merinda gasped and then nodded. "Yeah, when you do that stuff it keeps.. happening... it feels tight!" She exclaimed. The dragoness curled her hindclaws in pleasure, clenching subconsciously with her pussy and lashing her tail out. within her the orgasm was growing, even though she didn't realize it for what it was. She pressed her body a bit closer to Janai, and upped the rubbing of her own paw on the other dragoness in hopes of letting her feel the tightness grow too.

At the other end, Janai was more than feeling it. She felt like a bent branch that was about to break. She squealed softly and drove her hips against Mer's paw, until she felt the tension snap.

Biyan arrived in time to witness the blue dragoness orgasm, and his delicate nose picked up the scent of her fluids as they splashed out of Janai's tight folds onto Merinda's paw. His cock slipped out fully, and he was dimly aware of the throbbing in it as his ears picked up the cries of the other dragoness as she came as well. Confidently the male stepped out of the shrubs and onto the sand. In doing so he stepped on a twig and it cracked.

Both panting dragonesses's heads shot up at the crack. The quickly rolled over, tails held high off their wet and still-hot vents, and looked in shock at Biyen.

"Are you seeing what I am, Mer?" Janai asked quietly, staring. "If that's a male, then yeah I am," the other muttered.

"Who are you? You are on my family's land," Biyan called out, his voice calm and firm even though he wanted to run up to them immediately. By all accounts both dragonesses were exceedingly pretty, both about his age, and obviously quite aroused in their heats. The male couldn't hide the throbbing cock dangling between his hindlegs, and didn't really try to.

The two dragonesses blinked and then Merinda stated, "I'm Merinda, and this is Janai, we're two friends out questing for mates, but we haven't found any males until... you."

Biyan nodded. "There are no other dragons aside from my family for two to three months of flight in any direction. And aside from my young brother, my father, and myself there are no males." He took a few steps towards them and stopped, looking carefully at them. He knew some females could get territorial when it came to a male, and if that happened he would have to try and split them up. But he devoutly hoped it did not come to that, and part of his mind was hoping they'd be willing to share him, and he could claim both as mates.

Merinda flicked her head sideways, looking at Janai out of one eye. The two were blushing, but only slightly. "Do you think we could share him?" echoing part of the hopes in Biyan's mind.

With her eyes closed, Janai thought for a moment. "I don't know if I could in the long run," she said finally, opening her eyes again. "But for now, I don't care. Let's just get taken by him, and sort it out later." She shuddered at her own blunt words, but the urge in her mind and the ache in her loins was more important than subtlety right now. "You go first, you've had your heat longer," the younger dragoness whispered.

Meanwhile, Biyan simply watched them. He could hear them talking softly to each other but couldn't make it out, even though he strained his ears. But he didn't have long to wait for after a minute, the gray one began padding forward. "Well..." she blushed, "We would... would you..."

"Yes," Biyan said, interrupting her. "Merinda right? I'm Biyan." As she nodded, he smiled, trying to be charming, and hoping it relaxed her.

Even though he was being nice it didn't do much to ease Merinda's sudden apprehension. The young dragoness flicked her tail slowly, then with a blush turned sideways, lifting her tail lightly. "Yes, I'm Merinda. Please... take me?" she whispered.

The male felt his loins tighten in reaction to her words, and even moreso when the dragoness presented her reddish, wet, and aroused vent to him. He looked for just a moment, and then padded out closer to her in the sand. His claws dug into the warm surface below him, the Biyan's eyes adjusting to the brighter light of the shoreline and the crashing of waves a bit further down on the beach. He paused once he got close enough, and breathed deeply of Merinda's scent straight from her sex. It clenched slightly as he did, although from embarassment, enticement, or just a natural reaction Biyan didn't know. As the scent filled his flared nostrils, the drake felt a surge of blood to his penis. At that point, instinct took over and he quickly mounted onto the dragoness's back.

Janai could feel her own sex drip from the recent climax, and from need. She slowly crept up as Biyan climbed atop Merinda's back, and decided to watch what would happen. She eased alongside beside her best friend, and watched as she lifted her tail to the side, making way for the fleshy cock rubbing against it. Janai peered at the throbbing shaft, her first time seeing one up close.

Biyan's penis was thick at the base, and narrowed slightly until the head, where it came to a blunt point. There was a small slit at the end, which had a tiny amount of clear fluid that smelled like but unlike Merinda's or her own fluids. Along its length were a number of small bumps that looked unusual. Janai couldn't look away as Merinda arched her hips up against Biyan, and Biyan pressed down against the dragoness. The blue leaned in and watched as the cockhead ran over Merinda's tailhole, making her sqeal, and then along the crevice of the gray's slit.

Underneath the male, Merinda felt her mind became more at ease. She instinctually knew she should be here, and eager to feel Biyan against her she arched her hips up and her tail aside. Part of her mind yelled at her that this was only a male she had just met, but she ignored it. The relief would be worth it, she told herself. She could see as Janai went to watch what was happening.

At the same time Biyan couldn't forget how lucky he was. Aside from twice when he had been a hatchling, he'd only ever had contact with his family in their remote home. He thought he'd have to wait a long time before finding a mate, and here before him were two. It ignited a fire in his loins as he arched down, feeling his shaft rub against the heat of the female's sex. He stroked his hips up and down a few times, elliciting a couple of gasps from Merinda, before he shifted towards her opening and slowly began pushing in.

Merinda's eyes shot open and she squealed when she felt the flatish head of Biyan's meat press to her opening. Slowly it eased it's way into her virgin passage, and she could sense her insides adjust to take that broad tip. Once the head was inside, she let out a low moan and shuddered, beginning to press back. She wanted more.

Within moments the two dragons were locked together, Biyan's cock buried within the tight confines of Merinda's sex. The dragoness moaned, wriggling her hips and pressing close to the male.

Watching her friend being spread by this male, Janai couldn't help but gasp. The impact of their scents and the visuals caused her loins to tighten up, and she turned around, carefully standing with the other dragons' tails between her legs to watch more as Biyan began to arch his hips, causing some of the rigid length to extract itself from Mer's depths. It was slick with her fluids, and as two of the bumps on the cock came out from the vent, Merinda gasped.

Biyan didn't notice Janai standing over his tail until he arched it up and the forked ending came into contact with something hot and wet. He arched his head back for a moment to see the blue dragoness squeal and pin his tail between her hindlegs. But within seconds his attention was drawn back to the dragoness underneath him as she clenched down on his invading member.

Janai held the tail tightly between her hindlegs as it had hit her sex. The feeling had been rougher, more sudden than Merinda's paws earlier, and the pleasure was elevated as a result. She arched her hips, rewarded with feeling the forked tail rub over her clit and folds, the rough scales adding further stimulation. She continued the rocking motion against the tail, her fluids slowly dripping out of her sex and down onto the red's tail, and some even landing on Merinda's as it swayed too.

The other two dragons quickly became oblivious to Janai's actions. Merinda was in throws of pleasure, arching her back up and crooning at Biyan as her body reacted to the length driving deep within her groin. She could feel each push and pull, all the little nubs on its sides, and the small amounts of pre that would drip out of it. The rest of her senses were not left out either, from feeling the press of his large body down against her, the pantings of the aroused male, and the deep musky scent of their mating. She rocked back against him, encouraging Biyan to take her rougher. Now she understood why the adults of the village spoke of mating so fondly. If this was what they experienced every time, it was a wonder they didn't mate constantly!


Back at the border of the forest, five sets of eyes peered at the trio of mating dragons. The parents stood side by side, and off to their left and right stood their triplets. They watched as Biyan mounted and began taking Merinda in full heat, and paid close attention as his attentions became rougher, driving his hips hard against the dragoness and lashing his tail about in the grips of the other dragoness's hind legs.

It didn't take long for the scent of three very aroused dragons to reach them. It had the quickest effect upon the mother and father, the mother easing her way underneath her mate and then whispering to the children, "Find somewhere private, you three, by yourselves." They were old enough that soon they'd get their heats anyways, so she felt it was high time they learned about mating from it actually happening. They'd certainly been asking enough questions!

The three split up, the two girls moving off to the side to watch and finding some rocks to rub their slits against, and the boy to the other side, finding a spot to grind his penis up to as he watched the others. As for the parents, the mother moaned softly but happily as she felt her mate's shaft drive home in her sex, taking her as they watched their eldest become a full drake.


On the beach, Janai, Biyan and Merinda were one writhing mass. Janai was crouching down, gripping Biyan's tail tightly between her thighs as it lashed against her sensitive, now-soaking folds. She squealed again and again as it moved up and down, for the forked appendage was flexing in time with his thrusts. Biyan's thrusts were becoming rapid and erratic, pushing down to be met by Merinda's hips as she pushed them back up against the male. Their moans filled the air on the beachside.

Merinda's mind was gone. The dragoness could only think of the heat and pulses emenating from her vent, the massive cock stuffing it, the weight of his body as he stood over her and pressed on her back, and the sounds of his grunts as he claimed her.

Behind her, Janai was focusing on the writhing length she held in her thighs. Sometimes it would run down as if trying to escape, and others press up tight to her folds. It was almost as pleasurable keeping it in place as it was feeling it against her virgin slit. The tension from before was building again.

It was truly Biyan who had lost himself. The feeling of one supple young dragoness around his cock, another coating his tail in her fluids was unreal. With a roar that sent birds from the forests flying, he came deep within Merinda's womb. His seed hammered out the end of his shaft, quickly filling the tight cavity and squeezing out along the bumpy shaft to run slowly down the dragoness's damp slit.

Biyan's cum was more than enough for Merinda, for the seed inside acted like a key on the lock of the tightness within her, snapping it and making her scream as an orgasm ripped through her.

Her tail lashed up alongside Biyan's. This put it directly against Janai's slit, and added a sudden, unexpected pressure to the blue's tailhole. The sensation made the dragoness fall backwards off the tails, fanning her wings in shock at the pleasure and squealing as she too came. The clear nectar seeped out and coated her folds thoroughly, and she panted on the sand where she lay.

The three dragons simply laid, exhausted, for a few moments, until Biyan shifted off of Merinda, his length coming free of the dragoness's cum-filled sex with an audible slurp.

"That... that was... amazing!" Merinda gasped out. She eased her way over to where Janai was lying, who simply turned her head and murmured, "I agree, that was even better than what you did to me!"

"I'd like to add my sentiments to that, that was unbelievable," Biyan commented, panting but walking over to the two dragonesses. His cock dangled below him, slowly dripping both clear and white-colored substances, still quite hard. It drew the attention of both dragonesses and they looked at each other.

Merinda licked her muzzle lightly. "Males smell good..." "Yeah," Janai agreed, "I wonder what it tastes like..."

The two shifted and before Biyan could do anything, the pair of dragonesses had their muzzles pressed against his raging hardon. Their hot breaths washed over it as tongues flicked out and began drawing the mixed cum off it, to be sucked and tasted upon.

"It's really salty, but oooh tasty," Janai murmured, quickly running her tongue across the head. At the same time Merinda licked the length, adding, "It is! At least, Biyan's is..."

Biyan blushed but stood his ground, grunting as the tongues inexpertly cleaned his cock. He could feel his heartbeat throbbing in his loins as this teasing kept him hard. He thought at one point he heard muffled moans from the bushes, but ignored it as he felt a tonguetip run across the head of his penis. A gasp escaped his muzzle, and he looked down to find Janai twirling her tongue there.

Janai caught his eyes and blushed, looking away but again snaking her tongue out to tease the appendage of the male. Merinda grinned, panting softly while she teased about the length of the shaft, each breath filling her nostrils with that scent of 'drake'.

"I think that's enough," said Biyan through gritted teeth. He wriggled his hips and moved free of the dragonesses, turning to come muzzletip-to-muzzletip with Janai. He smiled a bit, then blushed and said, "So you're Janai, right? Would you... like to be mated too?"

"Oooh yes I would, please, but..." Janai murmured, tilting her head down.

"But what?" Merinda asked, looking at her friend. Janai looked up and added, "If you get pregnant from him, I don't want to too. I want to be mated so bad, but don't want us to have young from the same father, yet anyways!" The blue dragoness kept her tail lifted high, unaware she was giving the family in the bushes quite a view of her damp sex. But Biyan rumbled deep in his throat, drawing their attention.

Biyan grinned a bit sheepishly. "I ah... may have an idea to that." At both dragonesses's confused looks, he explained. "Once I caught my sire and dam mating, but he wasn't in her... vent. He was in her other vent, the lower one. She seemed to really like it, and I know you can only get pregnant if my stuff winds up in your first vent. We could try that other hole?" He looked into her eyes.

"Other hole?" Janai said. Her first reaction was to say no, but then she remembered how it had felt when Merinda's tail had touched there, how it had been like a jolt. Maybe it would work.

She looked up at Biyan and nodded, smiling shyly. "Okay, let's do it that way. How...?"

"Lay on your back? That's how they were doing it when I saw them," Biyan said. Janai complied, quickly settling onto her back, tucking her wings to her spine and taking a glance at the sky. She was surprised to find the sun setting already, but as a shadow fell across her face she turned and looked back, finding Biyan above her. Tilting her muzzle, she could see the large penis waiting underneath him.

Merinda grinned and waited, watching the two. She wasn't disappointed as Biyan's wet cock slowly eased down, settling against the tight back ring. "Now relax," she heard him say, before he started pushing down.

Janai felt the pressure there, and wanted to clench. But she shivered as the pressure became combined with a low pleasure, slowly building. So she gritted her teeth and relaxed, until with a groan she felt her muscles begin to part for the meat trying to gain entry. It took a few minutes where Janai was extremely uncomfortable, as the head slowly entered and the first bits of length stretched their way inside behind it. But the more she relaxed the easier it became, and Merinda came up and whispered, "Wow, it's stretching you, you're all pink down there!"

Biyan focused on going slowly, but his instincts screamed to pound away. It was tight, even tighter than Merinda had been, and the heat and pressure were intense upon him. He could see the pleasure slowly rising within the blue, and once he reached about halfway he stopped and smiled, looking down at her.

Her eyes gazed up at him and whispered, "Biyan, this is... oh amazing, it's tight and a bit sore, but it feels so good too, I see now why Merinda loved it so much... please, do to me what you did to her?"

"Gladly," he whispered back.

Slowly at first, but gaining speed and depth, the red pulled his shaft out slightly before pressing back in, using little rocking motions of his hips. Janai's tailhole would clench sometimes out of reaction, and he'd slow down then, but soon the dragoness's hips began pressing up against him and her muzzle parted in soft moans. Her claws dug furrows in the sand beside her.

He swung his head around to where Merinda was watching, her tail still held high. "Merinda," he called, "You two liked my taste, I'd love to taste you if you come here!"

Merinda looked and grinned. She could still feel the heat from under her tail, and the filled feeling within her and was eager for more. So the dragoness quickly padded up, positioning herself in front of Biyan. "How's that?" she asked.

For an answer, he snaked his tongue out to run along one side of her nethers. She gasped before arching her tail higher.

Biyan simply began rubbing his tongue and muzzletip against the slick vent, occassionally pulling some into his maw and tasting it before resuming. He continued for a few more moments, and then looked down at Janai.

The blue dragoness had her eyes closed, and was pressing her hips up towards the male. She was moaning as the cock filled her rear, and pressed her tail to his as if encouraging him on for more. He got the hint, and began pumping her with renewed vigor, making her gasp.

"It... feels... s-soo.... goood... Ooooh," Janai said around her pants. She gasped as he felt something liquid splat on the tip of her muzzle, and opened her eyes to see Merinda's slit directly before her. As she watched Biyan's tongue whipped out and teased along it, before pulling in. Ever curious Janai lifted her head a bit, slipping her own tongue out to taste.

It was a bit tangier than just the stuff that had been coating the male. She took a liking to it quickly, and joined Biyan in licking off Merinda's sensitive nethers paying special attention to the gray dragoness's clit, teasing it with her tongue.

Merinda nearly jumped when she felt a second tongue add to Biyan's, but she realized instantly that it was Janai. So she simply leaned back and closed her eyes, moaning from the dual assault.

Janai's orgasm built faster than she expected. She felt the tension building up and groaned, fighting it by going harder against Biyan, trying to drive it away with pure pleasure. But all that did was accentuate it, the sensations like lightning shooting through her. She could feel the male pushing deep within her rump, and when she stopped to think about it she blushed but kept going. This male, this sex felt so wonderful and so good she couldn't help it, and after a few more moments of intense grinding, she came and came hard.

Her vent spasmed, causing some of the fluid that was being secreted to shoot upwards and splatter wetly against the red drake's lower stomach. Her sex and her anal cavity tightened, locking Biyan within her.

Biyan found himself unable to pull his hips out as the dragoness clenched, keeping him in place. He then switched to wriggling his hips down against hers, instead pushing even deeper within the heated space, making Janai moan and gasp, her tongue snaking out and twining with the male's against Merinda's vent.

Merinda suddenly found two tongues at once pressed to her nub. It had the same reaction as being struck by lightning would have done, every muscle in her body tensed and she squealed loudly, her sex squeezing out more fluids as she came once more. The dragoness couldn't even breathe, it was as if her lungs and heart had stopped while thunder roared within her nethers, a neverending wave of ecstasy that held her rooted in place.

The sounds of two orgasming dragonesses filled the twilight on the beach, flooding Biyan's ears. He had one dragoness cumming on his muzzle, and another with her rear clenched tightly around his length. It was simply too much for the young drake and with another massive roar, he pumped his white cream deep within Janai's bowels, making her feel more full than she had ever in her life.

The three dragons simply panted and stayed against each other for a few moments, relishing in the pleasure they had all just shared.

But all that action had taken it's toll. They were completely exhausted, and slowly Biyan eased away from the two dragonesses. He flopped into the still-warm sand and lifted his wings. "I think we can rest here," he said smiling, and waited until Janai and Merinda were settled comfortably on either side of him, then covered their bodies with his wings. In seconds they were all asleep.


From the bushes Biyan's mother sighed and smiled as she felt her mate's cock slip from her now cum-filled sex. She turned around and licked it clean before it retreated into his maleslit, and heard the rustling returns of her triplets. On her son's stomach she could see bits of white cum staining his scales, and the undersides of the girl's tails were still damp.

Their father just winked and tilted his head out at the beach. "Let's go rest too. It'll be warm and we can head home in the morning."

So quietly, all five of them padded out onto the sand. Biyan's parents settled down curled up against one another, one of his father's wings spread over his mother, and his siblings curled into one ball to sleep out the night.

And overhead, the first stars of night twinkled down on them under a full moon.