Chapter 27: Puppy Love

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#27 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 27: Puppy Love

When her father fell asleep snuggled against Avi's shapely little body, Wynn slowly sat up and gazed with girlishly twinkling eyes at the young winged male. He was sitting with his back against the wall, his hard thighs drawn up and open. His cock twitched a little when she looked at him, threatening to become erect. Wynn giggled at his desire and he blushed. He was so cute, so young, only three years older than her, a boy of thirteen. And he was the prince of the winged warriors. Wynn still remembered the first time she met him: after days and days of floating along on her own pawmade raft, she had found herself sitting on the shores of his village, crying to herself because she was lost. Even if she wanted to go back to the jungle now, she didn't know how. He had slowly approached her, and she looked up to find him standing there, so handsome and so sweetly concerned. He squatted down at her side and pulled something from the bag on his hip: it was a flower.

Wynn had warmed to him at once. He didn't speak her language, not even her father's language. But that didn't stop them from giving each other's names. He was Inden, prince of the winged warriors -- at least, he gave himself a title that sounded like the word "prince." He then took her paw and kissed it with great reverence. Wynn's heart had fluttered, and she stammered out that she was Wynn, princess of the shemales, and she was lost. She pointed at the sky and shrugged, more tears spilling out. She wanted to go home. He took pity on her. But instead of taking her back to his village, he took her to a small cave in the vast forest that surrounded it.

It was in this cave that Prince Inden hid Wynn from his tribe for weeks, coming every morning and every evening with food. And he was so sweet to her, so kind. She started teaching him her language and even her father's language, which was the common tongue and was, therefore, partially known to him. Then he taught her a little of his own language (all the guttural growls and snarls that meant this and that), and pretty soon, they were sitting together in the pale moonlight, laughing and talking and sheepishly playing footy, bashfully letting their tails brush. They were children, after all, and the most they did at first was fumble for each other's sticky paws.

Prince Inden was so shy. Wynn took it upon herself to make the first move. When he was looking the other way, she suddenly leaned forward and kissed him. His cheeks colored up and she knew he had never been kissed before. She had never kissed anyone so full on the mouth, and she had never wanted to -- not until she met Inden. She thrust her tongue boldly in his mouth and he grunted his surprise but gave his tongue back with a moan. Kneeling between his legs, she pressed him to the wall and kept kissing him. His paw curled in her mane, and then very sheepishly -- almost as if he was asking for permission -- he rubbed his paw along her waist, just beneath the soft, sharp little mound that was one of her budding breasts. Without pausing in the kiss, Wynn clamped his paw over her sharp little breast and shivered when he very bashfully started to caress it, pinching the nipple, rotating it with a growing hunger that frightened and aroused her. She was only ten, but she felt a curious throbbing between her legs and her tail fluttered up and down in her excitement as it happened. She threw her arms around Inden's neck and whispered for him to keep touching her. He did as she asked with a blush, and she let out a little cry when she felt his fingers sink carefully in that moist place between her skinny legs. She trembled and whimpered against him: she was tight enough that just one of his fingers hurt. And he fumbled to pull his fingers out, stammering a blushing apology. She shook her head and told him to kiss her, and he did, wet and warm and fervent.

They continued these experiments for days at Wynn's insistence. Wynn became especially curious about Inden's hard muscles and balls. She had never seen a real male before. Aside from his wings, he was just the way her mother had often described Kilyan: his body was angled and muscular, his fur rough and bristly, his arms sculpted with muscles. He had no breasts, just these hard mounds of muscle that were nonetheless jutting with nipples. And his belly was ripped with muscles as well, not smooth and slender!

Wynn became more and more fascinated with Inden's body everyday, and Inden, blushing his embarrassment, would sit still and allow her curious fingers to examine his balls, his hard thighs, his chest. One day she gathered her nerve and closed a timid paw around his cock. It became hard in her paw at once, and when she looked up, Inden was grimacing and red in the face. His wings were trembling in some silent strain she didn't understand and yet understood all too well: that first time he had suckled her nipples, she had felt a wild and hungry throbbing between her legs, a throbbing that had threatened to explode.

"But what do you want to do with it?" Wynn had asked with large, innocent eyes: what was the point of his penis getting hard?

Inden explained that his penis could go in that place he had touched only days before, that place between her thighs. She had blushed to hear these things, and he went on, further admitting that he was just as curious about her body as she was about his: there weren't any females in his village. The winged warriors reproduced by kidnapping females from other places once a year. Male pups were kept, but the females and their daughters were murdered later. Wynn had gasped. How horrible! Inden had agreed, confessing that he hated his father and the winged warriors, that he often thought of running away.

Wynn understood that. She told Inden that she had been running away the night he found her crying on the beach beside her broken raft: not possessing a penis, she had never fit in with the shemales and had been a miserable outcast all her life. What was more, the shemales did not consider her a true heir of the jungle because her father was an outsider. She had left the jungle in search of her father, hoping that his tribe would accept her if her mother's would not.

"I hope you find your father," Inden had whispered, holding Wynn close, and Wynn sighed against him, happy in his arms.

Then there was one night when Inden brought Wynn a flower, and tucking it behind her ear, he stammered nervously in his thick, guttural accent, "I, um . . . how do you say . . .? Love? I love you, Wynn!"

Wynn's heart fluttered. He was so full of nerves, his wings twitching, his long lashes angled to the ground, then to her face again. Hearing his words, Wynn's breath had shot from her chest and she couldn't speak, so she reached her furry foot toward his and rubbed her toes against the arch of his foot. He had blushed at this silent indication that, yes, she loved him back, and taking her suddenly into his arms, he closed his wings around them in a kiss.

They were young and they were in love, and they whispered to each other that they would run away together any day now.

And that was how Inden came to help Avi and Ryo escape: he returned to the cave to tell Wynn about his father's new prisoners. Wynn had realized at once that these prisoners were her mother, Ryo, and probably her father! Inden had vowed to help them all escape, and kissing Wynn on the cheek, he left to do just that.

It wasn't until Kilyan awoke the next morning to find his daughter snuggled against Inden -- the two of them happily wrapped in Inden's great wings -- that Wynn leapt up and explained to Kilyan why Inden was there, who he was, and why he had helped, carefully leaving out the fact that the two of them were in love. She cited Inden's reasons as his hatred for his father, but Kilyan wasn't fooled: he knew young love when he saw it. Hadn't he loved Lea when he was Wynn's age? But not wanting to embarrass the two, he said nothing about it and focused his energies instead on making Avi well. He kept her temperature down with the cold stone, as Wynn had been doing when he arrived, and when she awoke rasping for water, he tipped some from his paw and into her lips.

It was after a long night of caring for Avi that Kilyan, against his better judgment (he was grateful to Inden but had already expressed his fierce protectiveness of Wynn), fell asleep at her side.

Careful least she wake her parents, Wynn crawled slowly toward Inden, who was sitting against the wall. He opened his arms and she snuggled against him, wondering what was going to happen to all of them, wandering what Kilyan would say if he knew the truth.

"Your dad seems nice," Inden whispered, his voice rumbling from his hard chest and against Wynn's ear. "You look a lot like him. You kinda smell like him too."

"Do I?"

"Mmm, hmm," Inden confirmed. "When I smell you, I think of summer fields and sunlight, of flowers and grass and trees. When I smelled his scent . . . I thought of the same things."

"He's from the summer village, that's why."

"And you are too. You carry your heritage with you in your scent. But . . . your pussy smells different."

Wynn's ears pricked forward.

"It smells like it tastes sweet," Inden went on in a low voice, his whisper wet in Wynn's ear. "Sweet like your kisses."

Wynn shivered happily when his paw briefly squeezed one of her breasts, then smoothed down her narrow waist to the rise in her hip that her prepubescent body barely possessed.

"You're going to be so sexy when you grow up. Your tits are already really nice . . ."

He suddenly closed his arms tight around her and kissed her head. They sighed.

"You think we'll be together? What's gonna happen to us?" Wynn wondered. They couldn't hide in the cave forever.

"I'm not goin' back to my dad, that's for sure," Inden vowed.

Wynn sat up with bright eyes. "Then come with us!"

"But your dad might not like it . . ."

"Couldn't hurt to ask. You saved our lives, Inden! How could he say no? And you know this area better than we do. We'd be lost without you."

"All right," relented Inden, who would have done anything for Wynn. "I'll ask him but . . . I'm kinda scared. Your dad looks pretty tough. You shoulda seen the way he whacked my dad over the head with that rock. My dad might not've got up from that one."

Wynn kissed Inden's cheek. "Don't be scared! Cuz I'm not leavin' here without you!"

They smiled into each other's eyes, and Inden suddenly felt brave enough to approach ten Kilyans.

That night, unable to stand the cold drafts of the cave and fearful for a shivering Avi, Kilyan managed to stroke up a fire using a few rocks and tree roots that were poking through the ceiling and walls. Wynn was asleep on the ground near her mother, but the young winged male was awake and sitting nearby. Kilyan could tell that he wanted to say something but was too nervous, so he spoke up first.

"You're in love with my daughter, aren't you?" Kilyan said, watching Inden's blush with an amused smile.

"I am, sir," Inden admitted, and Kilyan was reminded of that night so long ago when he had confessed to Loryn that he loved Lea -- had always loved Lea! -- and that he wanted to claim her at the mating season. How nervous he had been, how frightened that Loryn would object.

"And I w-wanted to ask," Inden went on, struggling to keep his face hard, but his earnest showed through. "I wanted to ask if I might follow Wynn wherever she goes."

He waited as Kilyan stared at the fire. Kilyan's expression was unreadable, and Inden was scared out of his wits: they were very young, after all, and no where near what Wynn called "the mating season" -- whatever the hell that was. To ask for a ten-year-old's paw from her father was sheer audacity. Kilyan was a strong male and so tall. Inden had never been this scared in his life, even around his father, but the prince was in love and he was adamant that he and Wynn should never be separated.

"Follow Wynn all you like," Kilyan said to the fire at last. "But keep this in mind: you and Wynn are children. Wynn is ten years old. Now I don't know the customs of your village, but Wynn will stay with her father until she is seventeen years old. And by that time, if I deem you worthy enough, you might claim my daughter at her first mating season. Or . . . simply marry her if you like. By that time, it will be up to Wynn."

Inden tried to keep from grinning, and laying nearby and pretending to sleep, Wynn did.