Personal Demons: Part 1

Story by ElonTrove on SoFurry

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#12 of Short Story - Dr. Tabitha Vega

Exploring the hellish world created by a powerful demon.

Call me Beatrice...

That's all I could think of it was led down the long dark hallway. The floor had red lights on either side placed every few feet to illuminate the metal walkway.

Our heels clicked against the metal as we walked. I started at the back of my guide with her long serpentine tail flickering behind her from underneath her knee length white pencil skirt.

I could feel the heat from her body flowing from her skin and passing over me as I walked in her wake. I swallowed hard and nervously but oddly excited as we stepped through a door on our left and was met by a rather empty room. Just a few computer and monitors placed around the room and a couch in the center, perfectly centered in front of the large window.

What I saw through the window was to fantastic to describe but I will try my best. It was a massive maze, stretched out over miles and miles. The corridors were narrow with hard steel walls on either side. Then every so often a bright flash would emanate from somewhere in the maze then be immediately followed by another somewhere else in the maze.

"So what do you think?" My guide started.

"It's much bigger than before. It used to only be a few rooms and a couple halls but now it's.." I was stunned and couldn't speak anymore as I watched the flashes in the maze.

"Kelly, you really went all out on this. I think you really out did yourself."

Yes I knew my guide as did Dante is his descent to Hell so I would of course know mine only there were two differences. One my guide was the devil not a scholar. Two this wasn't Hell or not entirely. I will explain more later but the short version is that this was a piece of Hell stolen during a great paranormal war where Kelly here and the devil fought over reign of the underworld.

Kelly was tired of being a demon under so many rules, the real rules. Where a demon could feel nothing but pain and suffering thus that was the only thing they would inflict on the souls that were cast down to them. So she fought back and built an army.

Kelly lost the battle but was still very powerful. So with her enchanted whip, she cut a chunk of Hell and pushed it through a void where it now sits today. Sitting on the edge of human consciousness where daydreams and nightmares are found.

This is what intrigued me the most about this place. How easy it was to access by anyone anywhere at anytime. It was Kelly's last bit of defiance as she put her new Hell in front to catch souls first sending the devil her rejects.

"I thought it needed a little upgrade. Something to really scare those fuckers! My maze was fun and all but it was too small and everyone was able to eventually find their way out... Boring! So I made the bitch much bigger with many more traps and creatures to make their journey more exciting." Kelly said excitedly.

"But my favorite addition is the flashes you see. I devised a device that connects to the victims balls or cunt and fucks them constantly. No stopping just over and over. That's not even the best part. The device will recognize when they cum and then will warp them to a random point in the maze removing all progress they had made!"

I winced and looked back out over the maze as the flashes became sort of relaxing with the back drop over the heavy purple mist swirling about above the tainted land.

I felt her step behind me, her pale and cold white hands gripping my shoulders. She had to lean down to whisper in my ear since she was a good 4 or 5 inches taller than I.

"Tell me you love it.." She said softly. "I need to hear it from your mouth."

She leaned down and kissed my neck.

"You know I do, Love." I whispered back.

"Good... Very good.. But there is one thing I wanted to show you. A little feature I cooked up just for us."

I could only imagine what the devil was up to in her scheming. It was never a dull moment with her around. She does come to the land of the living whenever she wants but can never be in her true form. Normally Kelly will walk as a young human girl, pale white skin, tight body and long flowing blonde hair. Underneath the facade lay a deadly demon with hot red skin, hooked feet, long spaded tip tail and long ram like horns jutting from her harsh black hair.

Without being in her true form she doesn't have access to all of her powers thus making the earthly visits less fun for her.

After a few moments she pulled out a device, a small metallic ring about 2.5 inches diameter.

I tilted my head curiously.

"And that is a?"

"A cock ring." The demon said bluntly.

"Of course it is. But that isn't anything new."

She grinned devilishly.

"Oh ye of little faith. This is quite new. Designed by a few of my personal engineers to fit around me and only me to use to interconnect myself with every soul in my Labyrinth."

My eyes widened as I looked over the maze.

"You mean you use that to.." I paused as I thought through her scheme.

"To fuck every sorry soul in my domain that I choose."

She said lifting her skirt revealing her already hard shaft and slipped the ring over the rigid frame all the way to it's base. She pressed a switch on the side and it sprung to life with a wur. Suddenly a mesh field of dark green light appeared around her shaft, like an electric condom.

"That's not all. It replicates myself in them as well as replicating who I am with, to their respective genders of course."

"So you are saying that you are producing pleasure for the women seeing how you would technically be the male here and my womanhood would be replicated for all the males in the labyrinth. They all feel what we feel."

She nodded and went over to the small desk and monitors and typed a few commands into console and turned to the window.

"There all of their devices should have been connected. Now all commands will come from the ring."

She stood up and walked back over to me, pushing me back hard onto the couch before flopping down next to me. She spread her legs, locking one of hers over mine as we both faced the large window.

It looked rather quiet as the flashes stopped, just the slight gust of wind of the glass or the sound of the buzzing device around the demon's member making its way into my ears.

I looked over as she began to stroke.

"Let's see if anyone of these idiots has a short trigger." She giggled gleefully as she jacked off slowly.

I rested my head on her shoulder as I watched through the glass. It was hypnotic in a way. Like a rainy day in the summer time. Even the heat of the demon's skin was therapeutic as we sat together.

Then suddenly my bliss was interrupted by a flash and a bout of uncontrollable laughter as Kelly fall over on the couch. She would surely suffocate if oxygen was even a concern for her.

"What a fucking idiot!" She yelled out after a good minute of nonstop laughter.

"Does it even tell you who it was or who they were when those flashes go off?"

She shook her head.

"Nah I just know coordinates and the number of the device."

She sat up, eyeing me over obviously through her peripheral.

"Wanna give it a go." She said grabbing my paw and wrapping it around her shaft.

"See if you can beat my record and making some poor bastard cum like the loser they are!"

I did like a bit of a challenge but it all made me a little uncomfortable. Not so much giving someone a hand job but it was the fact that she had no shame or any really preference about the situation. How she was just putting it all out there without worrying about being judged. Nor was she trying to be sexy about it.

I like a little tenderness, a little lovey dovey stuff occasionally to slow down and really get intimate with someone. Just having all the time in the world to really feel the other person you are with.

..But here I was, jerking off a demon, watching the flashing lights through a thick glass window.

This was only my first stop of many.