My Wife is Cheating on me

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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*Warning, this is NOT a story about cheating, this is a story about forgiveness and love between two people. I know that were this to happen to a great many men, myself included, I do not think I could do what Paul does, but I do wish that I could love someone enough to try. At the same time do not let the Cheating tag discourage you, this is written in very much the same way as I write all my stories. I hope you enjoy and leave me comments. This story was written with the intent that it be read by adults only (18 or in some arias 20). If you are underage and still choose to read this story I wave all responsibility.*

My Wife is Cheating on Me

My wife is cheating on me. I found out just yesterday. I had come home early from work that day to surprise her. I had gone all out, gotten flowers and her favorite chocolates. My wife loved chocolates, or, at least I had thought so. I was soon to be proven wrong as to what I knew about her. I walked into our living room through the garage and tossed my keys on the kitchen table. Lily worked from home, managing her own business, again or so I had thought. I could hear her moving upstairs but thought nothing of it and ran up the stairs. With the flowers in one hand and the expensive chocolates in the other I pushed open the door to our bedroom and my heart shattered.

There, on our bed, the bed in which we had conceived our children in, lay my wife, writhing in orgasmic bliss underneath some strange fur. Even in this horrific act she was beautiful, an orange tabby cat with smooth curves long legs and a voice that could boil the blood in my veins. The male on top of her was a wolf, younger then me by a good twenty years, tall and strong with big arms and a barrel chest. They were fucking in a doggy style so neither could see me as the were facing away. My wife was moaning like a two dollar slut off the net....and I think that is what really killed me. If she were just bored or out for a thrill I could have confronted her, but she was loving ever second of this and I couldn't watch.

I turned and tried to stumble down the stairs, my eyes blinded by the bitter tears cascading unchecked down my face. I tripped and stumbled about half way and fell end over end the rest of the way. I didn't notice in, my grief, the sound of the lovers above me had stopped their dance of erotic betrayal. I was unhurt save for a few bruises and fumbled for my keys on the counter. I didn't hear the feet on the stairs as I walked out the garage door and into the car. I speed away from that house as fast as my car could take me. I was shockingly calm on the drive, though I didn't know where I was going. Seemingly on auto pilot a drove to the beach, an hour and a half drive away. I pulled into the small beach house on the pacific coast....the same place I had meet Lily twenty years ago. I turned off the radio and the AC, then the car itself. Then I broke down and wept like a five year old boy against the steering wheel.

I have no idea how long I sat in my car, it could have been minutes, it could have been years. Finally, when my eyes and throat hurt so that I could no longer weep, I opened the door and walked up to the house. Everything about it thrust thoughts of Lily into my mind like a long knife. With a shuddering sigh I sagged onto the couch with my head in my hands.

"What had caused this, what had I done, why had I driven her away?" I asked my self these question over and over, blaming myself for it. How was I even going to confront her about it, even now I loved her so much. She was my whole world, my entire universe. I did everything I could for her, gave her everything she ever wanted and I was glad to do it so...why? I saw that scene over and over again in my head, my beautiful wife as she lay underneath that hulking wolf, moaning and purring, loving every touch. I felt my stomach flip, I jumped to my feet and ran towards the bathroom. Bending over the toilet I retched, empting my stomach of my lunch. I sobbed over the toilet again, tears once again streaming down my face. I staggered towards the bed room and feel onto the bed, falling asleep right there in my work clothes.


And so there I sat, on the edge of my bed at the beach, with my head in my hands. I had to confront Lily about this, about her cheating. But how could I, to do so would mean that this was all real, and that our marriage was over. I didn't think I could live without her, I didn't want to live without her. So I sat there not able to move, my mind swimming with thoughts and fantasies of my wife and her lover fucking each other stupid. I was in my own hell, the images thrusting themselves into my mind drove me from fits of furry into deep bouts of depression.

After days of brooding and weeping and feeling sorry for myself I decided to end it. I walked to the closet were I kept a .22 in a lock box. I loaded the weapon with a single round. The only thoughts going through my mind were; How could I have let this happen; What's the point anyway; She doesn't love me; Did she ever?; Are they even my kids.

With that thought the tears stopped, my mind cleared, the storm clouds of my life seemed to open up and I felt a deep scene of peace. I let the gun fall from under my chin, removed the magazine, and took the round out. I placed it back in it's lock box and then back in the closet. I walked towards the door, still dressed in the clothes I had gone to work in days ago. I had no clue how much time had passed, I really didn't care. I locked the house up and opened my car door. I pulled out of the drive and headed back to the freeway and home, I knew what I had to do and knew I had the peace of heart and of mind to do it. As I reached the freeway I noticed I had left my cell phone in the car. I flipped it open and found that I had several messages and a few texts. They were all from Lily.

"Hey there hun, when are you coming home? Call me."

"Sweet heart, where are you, it's getting late, please call me."

"Baby? Baby please pick up. Paul please answer your phone....Hunny where are you?" It was funny, I thought I heard panic in her voice.

"Baby... *Sniffle,* Sweet heart please come home, baby your scaring me, the kids are asking about you and I don't know what to tell please come back to me?" Was she....crying? The last message almost made me stop in the middle of the free way, she was crying as she spoke.

"Baby please, I know what you saw...I know that you found out about him.....please baby let me explain, please come home, please Paul, please come home." I think she had dropped the phone because all I could hear was a distant weeping that I knew was hers. I set my jaw and put my foot down a little harder, pushing my car to just over 85.

Pulling up the street and into the driveway of my house I was once again in that strange feeling of calm. It was so odd, I thought I would be a basket case of rage and sorrow but instead, I was cool, emotionless, cold. I killed the engine on the car, walked up the drive to the door and pushed it open. It must have been a weekday because the children weren't home. From what I could tell neither was my wife. My mind was clear, focused as I ascended the stairs to the bedroom, no longer my own. I found Lily laying in bed, alone this time, asleep. She was in her night gown, her fur was a wreck, like she had neglected taking care of herself. Lily had always prided herself on her fur, taking exquisite care of it. I sat on the edge of the bed and lightly shook her awake. She gave a soft little morwl at being disturbed and rolled over blinking. At first she looked as though she did not believe her eyes, then nearly cried out as she through herself at me and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace, one I did not return.

"You came came back to me," she said through tears as she buried her face in my chest. "I can't believe you came...." I cut her off by standing up. She looked up at me with confused eyes, then realization dawned on her. "But you didn't...did you?" I shook my head solemnly, my face cold and emotionless.

"I'm leaving you Lily," was all I said before turning towards our shared closet. "I only came back to pack my clothes...and say good by to your children." I laid emphases on the word "Your," so that I would get the point across.

"They are your children too," she nearly screamed. I turned to face her, my face still a mask.

"How can I believe that? Why should I trust you?" I could tell my words struck home, their meaning clear. Lily sagged to the floor, her face wrapped in shock. At the look on her face I lost my temper, the very idea that my words and actions confused and shocked her.

"Oh come on Lily what the fuck did you think was going to happen, what was going through your head when you let that mutt into our bed" (Mutt is a derogatory term for any canine). I did not giver her time to answer and plowed ahead, "You weren't were you, you weren't thinking how deeply this might hurt me. You were only thinking about how good it felt, to be fucked like some cheep whore, some slut off the street." I knew right then that my words had been true, because she could say nothing, she just broke down and started to weep. "I'm right aren't I, you just wanted to be bad, be a sluttly little bitch for a cheap fuck. And the worst part of this is, you were probably with him every night I was gone." I had gone a too far there, she looked up at me with deep hurt in her eyes.

"No....the day you left I told him I never wanted to see him again." I'm not sure why I let her keep talking...maybe because I wanted to hear her say that it was nothing, just a fling, so that maybe we could stay together. "He never meant anything to me, your right...just a hot fuck to feel a little dirty, to feel like a little whore." I snarled at that and crossed the room in two strides, I lifted my hand to strike her but froze mid air. Instead I reached out with both hands and pulled her to me, forcing my lips onto hers.

"You could have done that with me," I said as my voice broke. I threw her onto the bed and went back to packing. I could feel her eyes on me, watching me.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Damn it Lily," I said wheeling around, "Are you really so blind...I love you," I used the present tense for a reason. "I would have done anything for you...if you wanted to feel like a slut for me we could have figured something out...." my mask fell away and I knew Lily could see the lines of deep sorrow etched on my face, the grey fur that tinged my face that had not been there when I had left. I felt my strength leave me as I fell to the floor, my tears flowing again. "Damn it Lily...why did you have to betray me....why?" My sobs were bitter, and painful. I felt her soft arms around me, her tears on my shoulder. I tore away from her, her touch burned like fire and cut like a razor. I couldn't look at her, it was like I was split in two, half of me loved her with all that I was. The other half was so swallowed in rage, hate and sorrow that I wanted to kill her. I rose with outward calm and closed the suit case, "I'm leaving Lily.....I don't think I will be coming back. With that I turned on my heel and once again walked down the stairs, heading for the garage. Where was I going to go? Back to the beach house? No, it hurt to much, to look at the couch we had made love on for the first time, the bed where so many erotic, glorious and endless nights passed by. No, I couldn't go back there, not now...could I ever?

"Let her have her wolf," I said to myself, "I could have anyone." The statement was true enough, but the act was a lie. I didn't want anyone else...I wanted my Lily. I tossed my bag in the car and started the engine, I was halfway down the drive when she ran out of the house, wearing only that tiny slip of a gown. How many times had she laid on the bed, waiting for that man in that same stained was it with his cum? These questions, and others like it, tore at my soul, the very fabric of what I was.

"Please Paul, don't go....stay...please." She was crying, why was she crying, she never cried. I would ask myself this question many times in the week to come, but at that moment my mind was too full of anger to notice. I revved the engine and speed away....fully intent on never seeing her again.



He was gone....he was really gone. How could he leave? My mind was so consumed by grief and guilt I actually didn't believe he had left. I shook myself out of my stupor, a voice in the back of my head spoke.

"Of course he's gone, what did you think would happen? You wanted to be a whore and now you are. Did you honestly think he would stay?" The answer was yes, in my utter selfishness I did think he would stay, that he would forgive me, that he would wrap his strong, wheat colored arms around me. Say that he forgave me and loved me and do anything for me. My God I was so stupid, a spoiled little girl that thought she could do anything without consequences. "You are 40 years old Lily, you are, or were, married to the man of your dreams. What the heel is the matter with you?" I didn't know, I just wanted a cheap thrill, to feel a little dirty. No, it was to feel young again, to be wild and crazy again. "You are 40 years old, those days are long over." Damn that voice, why was it so right. She found herself once again in her bed room and for a short, terrifying second considered calling him again.

"What am I doing? Am I really so stupid...god I am so fucked up." I started to think about what had happened, why I had let it happen. I had met Rick a while ago at a club, god I even told Paul I was going out that night. I had thought I was going with a bunch of other girls but no one showed. So there I was in this club all alone, sipping drinks at the bar and waiting for someone to show. Then I saw him, this big young wolf staring at me from across the room. He came over and we talked, at the time I thought he was cute, but now the thought made me sick. After a few too many drinks we did it, right there in the club bathroom.

My stomach lurched and I had to run to the toilet to vomit. I brought him home that night, Paul had been in Europe, at the time I thought he was so good. It was exciting and I justified my acts by convincing myself that Paul was doing the same thing. But somewhere deep down I knew it wasn't true. I had him over again almost every time Paul was gone, sometimes when he was just at work, and we would just fuck all night long. God it made me feel so dirty, so wrong. I started to think about what I would have done if our roles had been reversed, Paul's and my own. What would I do if I found Paul in bed with a strange woman? The question made me cry to think about, I threw up again and started to realize how much I had hurt him.

Paul had told me when we first started dating that he had been something of a player, but when he kissed me he never wanted to kiss another woman again. I remember his words made me blush and giggle, I had thought he was just being romantic but now, now I knew it was true. Oh how I had wronged him, how could I ever make it up to him, could I ever make it up to him. The answer was quite simply "no" I could never do anything to make it up to him.

Deep in the dark parts of my soul I knew that it would serve me right to have Paul cheat on me, even if it was just out of spite. He could never hurt me like I had hurt him, because I was ok with sleeping with other guys....Paul wasn't. I think I was the first woman Paul had ever slept with, I on the other hand had been with tons of guys before Paul, and one after. Tears started to flow again, oh how I had hurt him.

I spent the time Paul was away, I wasn't even sure how long it was, alone in my room. I called my parents and told them what I had done, they were not pleased to say the least. I asked if they would take care of the kids while I dealt with this and they agreed....though my father never even looked at me when he came to pick them up, I didn't blame him. After a week or least I think it was a week, I got a call. It was Paul, I was so happy I couldn't speak for a few minutes.

"Lily, I think we need to talk, can you meet me for lunch at the usual spot?" I stuttered out a yes and he hung up the phone without another word. I almost dove into the closet, looking for the sexiest clothes I could find, then I stopped.

"If he seems me in this," referring to the black dress that I knew he loved to see me in....and was also the dress I met Rick in, "he is going to wonder who else got to see me in this....and he would be right to think so." I looked at the dress with scorn and threw it away, then went back into the closet, looking for something that would make me look pretty, but not slutty.

The usual spot was a little place downtown that Paul and I liked to frequent. It was a little place with great food and expensive wine. It was a nice little place with good people and better food. I was wearing a simple white dress that came to my knees and was cut high on the chest. I had my hear done up in a bun with my Lily pine holding it all together, an anniversary gift from Paul. I walked in and saw him sitting alone in a two person booth, looking sophisticated and handsome in his business suit his curly red hair flowing around his soft ears. My lion, my perfect lion, why did I forsake you? I found myself asking this question but didn't want to think of the answer. I walked over and sat down, and what I saw shocked me. Paul's face was ragged, his whiskers bent every which way, his hair unkempt and his face looking gaunt and thin. He looked like he hadn't eaten in days, his eyes were sunken into his skull and they were misted and cloudy with grief.

"My God, look what I have done to him," I told myself. I reached out and wrapped my paw around his. "Paul?" I asked softly, his eyes looked into mine, as if noticing me for the first time.

" look nice," He gave a weak smile, a small glimmer of love winking in his eyes. My heart broke for him, I was such a bitch. I gave a soft sniffle and blinked back tears, fighting to keep my voice even. I gave his paw a soft squeeze, "What did you want to talk about sweet heart?" I asked softly.

"I..I wanted to ask if you would take me back." What? My God, he thought this was his fault, he thought he was the thing that made me go to Rick.

"No Paul, I should be asking you that question, can you ever forgive me for being a stupid girl." He looked at me with those, those eyes that could get me wet with just a look, and deep in those blue pools I saw forgiveness. Under all the sadness and anger and grief I saw forgiveness, and my heart leapt so hard I thought it might jump from my chest.



"How long?" I asked softly, I had already forgiven her, but I had to know. We were back at home, after two and a half weeks apart we were at home together. I had forgiven her, and I think she had forgiven herself. At our Lunch, only hours ago, she had told me everything, how she met this 20 year old, Rick. What had happened, why she had done it, I only needed one more question answered.

"Two months," she said when she could speak again, "Oh god Paul I am so sorry." I held her close, I was so ready to leave her a week ago...and now I didn't think I would ever let her out of my arms. My heart swelled, my tears flowed like little rivers, but for the first time in weeks they were tears of joy. I could feel her tongue on my cheek, something she only ever did when we were alone, and as I would find out, something she only ever did for me. I picked her up and placed her on our downy bed, our bed, ours and only ours from that day on.

We left explanations for later, right now the both of us only wanted one thing, each other. Before I realized it her soft paws were on my chest, undoing the buttons. I kissed her neck tenderly, letting my tongue lick the yellow fur the way she licked it. She sighed and slid the shirt off my back, letting it fall to the floor, my pants soon fallowed. She help my member in her hand and slowly brought it to erection like only she could, massaging it in just the right ways.

"Lay on your back," she whispered in my ear, and so I did. Rolling over with my member strait in the air. She smiled at me and slid between my legs, "I should have known...I would never need another man." She kissed the head of my penis, then the underside and then finally my sack. I loved her so much, and realized I didn't need this. I was about to tell her so when I saw how happy she was, she wanted to, no, she loved doing this for me. I was not about to reject her and let it happen. Her sandpaper tongue licked over my ball sack and I groaned softly. Hearing me she licked up the underside of my member, a large glob of pre forming at the tip, which she slurped up with hungry satisfaction. Then she wrapped her lips around my member and began to suck on it gently. She slowly started to envelop my penis with her mouth and throat, which at 8 inches was not small, with practiced ease. Her hand cupped my may balls and messaged it in just the right way, letting the heavy orbs role between her fingers.

"Lily," I moaned softly, and she new then that I was on the edge. She braced herself and plunged down onto my cock, sending my over the edge. I long stream of cum flowed into her mouth and throat as I let out a long moan. She swallowed ever drop expertly, which again was no easy task. She looked up at me with the most beautiful smile on earth, on that was only meant for me. I sat up and kissed her deeply, the taste of myself fresh on her lips. I let my hand trail down to her nethers and stroke her lips. She gave a pleasured squeak and gasped. She loved this more then anything, I knew. I traced her slit with my fingers as I kissed her deeply, her mouth opening to admit my tongue. We kissed in the most passionate way a man can kiss a woman, her fingers around my member, my fingers on her slit. I slipped a single finger into her folds and tickled her insides the way I knew she adored and my efforts were met with her soft moan on my mouth. Another finger and into her wet folds, followed by another and another. With all four fingers buried in her she fell back onto the bed, her head at the foot. I lay on my belly to kiss her thighs, my fingers gingerly and dexterously probing her insides. I leaned my mouth forward and blew soft, warm air on her erect clit, sending her over the edge. I felt her pussy clench on my fingers in orgasm, the first of many to come that night. I slid my fingers out of her sex and spreads her pussy apart, licking her outsides with my tongue, bringing squeals of delight form Lily. With slow deliberate movements that she loved so much I sank my tongue into her slit and licked lovingly at her folds. She held my head in place with her thighs while her hands played in my hair. I delved deeper inside her, knowing all of her hotspots by heart and by feel. Found and tended to the all in turn, sending my dear Lily into fits of orgasmic bliss. Without waiting for her to come down I pulled my tongue from her slit and wrapped my lips around her clit, sucking and nibbling on it, sending her over a third time.

I then lifted her hips up a little higher and started to like at her ass hole. I had never done this before so Lily was shocked. Her protest died in a moan however as I sank my tongue into her rosebud, licking and playing with her tail hole. She was soon overwhelmed and pulled my to face her. I must say I was surprised by the fire in her eyes, I didn't see lust but love, a deep burning love that was more arousing then the deepest look of lust. I knew that no matter how hard we fucked, how long we came or how dirty we were it would be a pure thing, because we were so in love. I kissed my wife deeply and laid atop her, sliding my cock into her wet folds with ease as she moaned her approval. I started my thrust right away, feeling a fire building in my belly and I could tell by the sounds of my wife and the heat of her pussy that she felt it too. Her breasts her bouncing and the bed was protesting as I threw myself into my wife, fucking her like never before. She loved it, I knew she loved it because she was screaming my name in ways she had never before. She was moaning and begging me on as my cock pulsed in her pussy while her cunt convulsed around my cock. I was moaning her name and how hot she was as I felt her cum on my cock. That feeling of hot fluid rushing around my cock caused me to explode inside her pussy, coating it with cum as she screamed and came again from the feeling. I rolled off and out of her with a pop onto my back next to her. She grinned and got up, leaning over a chair with her tail razed high.

"Don't stop my love, please don't stop, I want you so bad." I was surprised by how vigorous she was but I was still hard and wanted to keep going too. I stood and walked to her. I leaned over her back and kissed her neck, her perfect hips in my hands as I pushed into her. She moaned as I started to pound her again, and then an idea struck me. My wife and I had never tried anal before, it had always been on of my fantasies but for some reason I had never asked Lily to try. I pulled my cock from her pussy and aimed a little higher. I pressed my cock against her tail hole and pushed softly. She let out a groan but made no attempt to stop me, so I pressed forward harder and sank in. She grunted in a mix of pleasure and pain as I sank, balls deep, into her ass. All at once I felt her anal ring relax and she almost instantly started to moan. I propelled forward, pumping into her ass as he beautiful tits swung free. She grunted and groaned in the most erotic way I had ever heard and that only drove me to pump faster. She started to cream my name, begging me to fuck harder and faster, so I did. Her juices were running in cheeked down her legs and onto the carpet, making a pool at her feet. As my balls tapped against her pussy I heard my self moan her name louder then before. She spread her legs a wider and with a defining scream that I am sure the whole neighborhood heard she gushed onto the floor. Lily had never been a gusher and I found the sight of a solid stream of her cum shooting onto the floor incredibly erotic. With a softer howl of my own I let loss a torrent of cum into her ass. We both sagged to the bed together in each other's arms, all transgressions forgotten and forgiven. We lay there for hours before one of us spoke, it was Lily.

"I love you so much Paul," she said softly in my ear, "Please forgive me." I smiled and kissed her neck, cupping her breast in the way that drove her crazy.

"It is done." She sighed a heavy and relieved sigh, then rose on trembling legs and walked to the bathroom, flicking her tail. I smiled and fallowed, as this was the, "I want to fuck in the shower," signal I knew all to well. She turned on the water and stepped in, letting the hot water cascade down her body. I went in behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She started to purr, something she only did when I was with her, and lifted her tail. She spread her legs and leaned against the wall as I pressed into her. I thrust into her softly and tenderly as she cooed and squeaked her pleasure. The lovemaking did not last long this time as we cam together in silent ecstasy.

After all was done we lay in our bed, just holding each other in a way that only two people who are truly in love can do. She smiled and kissed me, then we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Our children had gone to stay with Lily's parents for a while, so she and I spent the weekend with each other. But that is a story for another time.