The flaoting dream.

Story by Evadrin on SoFurry

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#1 of The floating dream

Phil was a 16 year old fox who was slightly muscular and had a kind face and, his eyes were a deep hazel.

He couldn't believe it.

There in Phil's hand was an invitation to Castle Kexor. It was a dream come true. Everyone had wishes to go there. Castle Kexor trained the best of the best. Even if they started from nothing, anyone who went became great. The reason the school was so great was for its training and because of the advanced technology and magics they had. Just to prove that it was so great they made it FLY! The castle was Phil's biggest dream and it had come true.

He read over the letter once more:

Dear Philip,

We have chosen you to join the castle Kexor battle school. We hope you agree to join us and if so your instructions are as follows: you are to go outside your front door, step into your front yard and bow down until your nose touches the ground hold the position for 10 seconds then go back inside. Once you have done that you will have 48 hours to pack your belongings and say your farewells. Once the allotted time is up you will be transported to the battle school with the other new students. Once you arrive at the school you will not leave for another 10 years. We hope that you will think this over carefully.


Blaine dean of students.

The red fox couldn't contain his excitement. He was going to CASTLE KEXOR! He then went outside and bowed for 10 seconds then went back in to pack.

"WHAT!?" his friend exclaimed. "You were chosen to go to Castle Kexor?"

"Yep. The only hard thing is saying goodbye to all of you" Phil replied.

"How are your parents taking it?" questioned his friend.

"They're very proud that I was chosen but they're also upset about me leaving." Said Phil

"Well I guess this is goodbye....."

"Yea, I'm really going to miss you."

The 48 hours ended and Phil left for Castle Kexor.

"Attention everyone!" said the intercom. "Would you all please take your seats for the opening ceremony."

Everyone settled down as they welcomed us to the school. "Welcome to your first year at Castle Kexor! We have classes for everyone here for your own interests and skills. We hope that you choose your class wisely for it is what you will be doing for the next 10 years."

A few minutes later.

"Now we will dismiss you to your houses. Go to the back of the room and go to the teacher whose course you will be taking."

Everyone hurried to the back of the room to get to their teacher.

Phil went to the magics course.

"Welcome everyone to the magics course. We will be departing soon so gather your things." Said the instructor.

Phil gathered his stuff and went with the rest of the class. They were walking through twisting hallways

when it came to an end at a fireplace.

"Wait are we lost?" asked a student.

The instructor didn't answer but kept walking into the fire. Once he touched it he disappeared.

"Wow what happened?"

"Oh my god what happened?"

"Is he dead?"

"What should we do?" we all started to freak out.

Suddenly our instructor's head appeared above the fire." Are any of you coming?" he asked

So Phil grabbed his stuff, closed his eyes, and walked into the fire. When he opened his eyes he saw he was in a garden in front of a huge white castle.

"Wow......." Phil said in awe.

Later once everyone was inside the castle........

"Ok now since your all first year students your rooms are on the second floor. Check your pockets and you'll find a paper with your room number and then if you have older siblings already attending, they will show you to rooms. If no then fold the top right corner of your paper and it will lead you to your room." Our instructor informed us.

There were a lot of oooohs and aaaaws as people folded their papers.

Phil folded his and stepped back as it folded itself into a paper airplane and flew off. He quickly gathered his stuff and ran after it.

"Ok little bro this is your room." Phil heard just ahead."Oh well would you look at that your roommate must be nearby, because there's his plane."

Phil rounded a corner and saw two huskies standing there. The larger one was looking at him with a small smile as he saw Phil arrive and the airplane fall in front of him. Behind the husky was a smaller husky that jumped when he saw Phil. Phil noticed that the little one was about his age and was pretty much like him in physique but he had light blue eyes.

"Oh hello you must be my roommate." Phil said to the smaller husky.

The smaller one just blushed and retreated behind his brother.

"Yep! You two are roommates, this here is my lil'bro Ethan and I'm Trevor..... Well take care, I have to go help with your guys' treat. Bye!" And with a smile and wave he turned and left.

Now that the older husky was gone and he got a good look at the smaller one he saw he was really cute. Phil blushed and shook his head.

"Well let's get going inside. Heh, I bet it's puny in there." And with that Phil opened the door and gasped.

It was HUGE! He ran in and looked around. There was a lounge looking area with a fire place. Then it split two ways. One way went to a big bathroom. The other went to a master bedroom with two king sized beds directly next to each other. There were two giant wardrobes and another fireplace.

They each proceeded to put their belongings away.

That night.

At dinner they had a big welcoming meal, and then the teachers and older students showed their new students a display of their profession.

When the time came for the magics class to show everyone was amazed. It started with a flash then the entire magics class was on stage. Then suddenly there were plants everywhere and animals of all kinds (even mythical) running through the room with the students transforming into them and running around the room. Then there were some fireworks, or at least they looked like them until you looked closely and see they were a strange colorful bird. Then the entire place went all smoky. Then when it cleared there was a tiny galaxy floating on the stage. After a couple seconds each star and planet morphed into a student. Once they were all there they took a deep bow, and everyone applauded as they left the stage.

They then announced us by class to go back to our rooms.

Phil and Ethan walked back together and entered their room. When they got in they locked the door behind them and went to get into their pajamas. When they got to their closets they found the pajamas assigned to the magic students already there.

"Well", Phil announced after they were in their pajamas "Looks this is going to be a great time living in the castle. Huh?"

"Yea this will definitely be fun" said Ethan.

Phil was pleased with himself for finally getting to hear Ethan's voice which he noticed just made him like Ethan even more than he already did. That was when he realized that he was actually feeling something towards Ethan. He shook his head to clear the thoughts.

"What?" asked Ethan smiling a little.

"hmm?" replied Phil

"Why'd you shake your head just now?" asked Ethan again.

"O! That! Uh that was nothing don't worry" Answered Phil scratching behind one ear nervously.

"Okay then well I want to say sorry for being so shy and quiet earlier" said Ethan "I was just worried about having a roommate, But now I've come to think that we will have a spectacular time! At least I hope we do...I mean... um.. well... Goodnight!"

Was it just Phil or was Ethan coming onto him a little?

"Uh okay goodnight." Said Phil as he watched the cute little husky got into bed blushing madly at the embarrassing seen he had just made.

That night Phil had a fantastic dream with Ethan in it.......

The next day.

"Good morning!" Declared Ethan as he pulled open the blinds to let in the morning sun, "Time for our first day!"

"Muh?" replied Phil drowsily. "O uh good morning! Geese what time is it?"

"It's time for YOU to get up!" He declared grinning hugely.

So Phil got up and dressed and they went to breakfast. Once in the "cafeteria" they went and got breakfast and sat down to eat.

"So have a nice night sleep?" asked Ethan, "Any good dreams?"

At that Phil blushed a deep crimson through his fur as he remembered his dream.

"N-n-not really" He stuttered.

"Hmm? Well okay then if you say so!" Ethan ended as began chomping down on breakfast.

So the day went on like that as they went to their classes and were welcomed by the teachers. They were given introduction from each teacher about their course and were given class gifts that the teachers made for the students from their specific magical skills.

"Wow this is pretty awesome huh?" asked Phil on their way to their rooms that evening.

"Yea this is really n-AAAAH!" exclaimed Ethan as he tripped and fell.

Phil jumped and caught him from face planting on the floor by grabbing him by the waist. As he helped Ethan to his feet Ethan began to blush deeply at Phil's touch.

"T-t-thank you! Hehehe um well as I was saying...." Said Ethan.

"No worries just be careful I don't want anything to happen to you." Phil said and then both boys blushed deeply as they realized what I said. "I MEAN! .... Um ....... Well it's just........ I didn't mean it like...... you know what I mean?...!" he stuttered violently.

He looked at Ethan and saw he was smiling.


Suddenly Ethan jumped at him and grabbed him around the waist and kissed him. At fist Phil was shocked but then let go to feelings and kissed back. It was the most compassionate kiss they'd ever had. And they didn't hold back. They loved each other and nothing was going to break them apart. Accept for some students coming around the corner..... luckily the boys heard them coming and separated in time for the students to not see them making out.

"O umm..... he he" Said Phil.

They then turned and gathered their stuff then bolted back to their room where they locked the door and kissed even more.

At some point Phil grabbed Ethan and pushed him away for a sec.

"I love you..." he said blushing but looking deeply into Ethan's eyes.

"I-I love you too!" Declared Ethan as they continued to make out.

They stopped after a little bit and decided that they would decorate their room with the stuff their teachers had given them that day. When they were done they looked at all their things. There was a shelf of potions(from the alchemy teacher), a fire and an ice chandelier hanging from opposite side of the ceiling(from the elements teacher), they had a cage with a couple of Phoenixes in it(from the magical animals teacher), they had a floating palm tree and some kind of Exotic plant said to make anything smell like the owners favorite thing in the world(from the magical plants teacher), they had two trunks with their belongings now stashed away in them and a couple of knapsack like backpacks that they would carry their stuff in around school(from the magic weaving teacher).

"Well now that that is over with... want to move our beds together? So we can be closer?" asked Ethan sheepishly.

"I'd love to" answered Phil.

So they moved their beds together to form one giant bed that they would sleep together in.

"So um what now?" asked Phil

"Well let's go to sleep... it's pretty late and we have our first day of classes tomorrow."

So they went to sleep in each other's arms and had fantastic dreams.

Around midnight.

Both boys woke up from a sudden wetness on the bed.

"O! uh...... I'm s-s-so s-sorry!" exclaimed Phil as he realized he'd had a wet dream.

"It's okay it seems we both did." Said Ethan pulling off the covers and pointing to their twin cocks drooling pre through there boxers and all over the bed.

"Well now I'll never get to sleep." Complained Phil as he rubbed his boner.

"I can fix that for you. If you want of course!" said Ethan nervously.

"O ..... o um well........ if your sure..... that would be amazing but....... I'm kind of a virgin.... I don't really know

what to do...." He said.

"Well so am I really." Ethan blushed.

"I guess we could try..." said Phil

Suddenly with a devilish smile Ethan tore off his boxers then Phil's and they were suddenly in bed together naked. Both of their swelling cocks bobbing together. Phil was in ecstasy looking at what must have been an easily 9 inch dick while Ethan admired Phil's 8 and ½ inch boner.

"Wow you are gorgeous...."said Ethan

"look at you! I can't believe how beautiful yours is!" exclaimed Phil.

"Well you ready?" They asked in unison.

"I guess that a yes!" said Ethan.

Ethan then sat down on Phil's throbbing cock and it started to push in.

"AAAAHHHH!" both boys moaned.

"O my god! You feel so good! But it hurts so much!" moaned Ethan

Afraid he was hurting him, Phil pulled away but Ethan exclaimed.

"NO! No it's okay. It'll just take a little to get used to..." Ethan said.

"My god your ass is so tight! Man this is the best thing I've ever felt!" Exclaimed Phil.

Then once Ethan had reached the Bottom of Phil's cock he pulled up and starting humping him. Phil humped back out of instinct and soon they were moaning together in pleasure. They went on for nearly 10 minutes when suddenly Phil gasped.

"I'm going to cum!" and with that he spewed fox cum all over Ethan's insides and Ethan spewed Husky cum all over Phil's face. As they lay side by side on the bed with Phil's cock still inside Ethan, Ethan turned around and kissed him passionately for a minute then whispered in his ear.

"I never want to leave you......."said Ethan

"I want to be together forever..." replied Phil.

The he pulled away allowing some cum to drip from Ethan's slightly opened ass.

Panting Ethan sat up and looked at Phil.

"Tomorrow night *pant* I get to fuck you*pant*" he said.

"No problem I look forward to it!" smiled Phil.

Then they passed out and stayed asleep till the next day.