Paying the Storage Bill

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Boony meets Cherry's parents.

"I can explain everything...!"

Inwardly, Boony winced, and he was pretty sure he visibly cringed. Was that really the best he could come up with? Ugh, he thought, it was terrible. The young wolf say tied to a chair in the rabbit family's garage, his enormous cock having just gotten done splurting a huge load of cum through the open door after his equally enormous balls had just gotten done converting the young rabbit girl into the load he'd just shot. Still quite large, the balls lay spread out before him upon the garage floor, the dripping cock aimed like a cannon at the open door and the tall, attractive female rabbit who stood framed in it, an expression of shock on her face. In the hallway behind her, her husband lay on the floor, having taken the explosion of seed which used to be his daughter full in the face and blasted backwards.

What had happened was that Boony had been lured to the home of his younger neighbor Cherry, a voluptuous and precocious young female rabbit, under false pretenses, where she'd drugged him and then tied him to a chair in the garage and played a particularly erotic game wherein she'd stuffed various belongings of hers down his engorged cock, ostensibly to "store" them for safekeeping. But the game had turned dangerous, and the cock, ever ravenous, had swallowed the unfortunate Cherry down into the depths of Boony's balls, which had very quickly transformed the fourteen year old into a big, sticky load... the very one he'd just got done firing into the face of Cherry's very surprised father when the girl's parents had returned home.

Upon realizing his predicament, Boony had struggled, in the post-orgasmic haze of his sex-adled mind, to come up with some explanation which would satisfy Cherry's parents, and he was mentally kicking himself when the best he would blurt out was "I can explain everything." Technically, it was true. He could explain everything. He was just unsure if Cherry's mother and father would be particularly happy with his explanation. A lie could be easily disproven... and as for the truth, well, he decided it wasn't exactly in his best interest right now; Boony had heard that the truth would set you free, but he was fairly certain it wouldn't in this case.

"Well?" said Cherry's mother, Jessica, as she waited for the wolf to go on. She was visibly blushing hotly and trying to maintain an air of indignation, but her eyes kept wandering from the wolf's face down to his monster. She fidgeted a little.

"Bleghhh..." mumbled Cherry's father, Roger, behind her, as he recovered and sat up, thick globs of wolf cum dripping off of his clothed form. He blinked stupidly, completely confused, spitting out mouthfuls of jizz and gagging.

"I, uh... well...." the wolf stammered. "Your daughter--"

"Let me guess," said Jessica, "Cherry did this to you?"

She smirked and stood with her hands on her hips, hips cocked to one side, eying him. Something in her stance told Boony that she liked what she saw.

"Um, well, yes..."

"I see," Jessica said with a sigh, shaking her head sadly. "That girl. She's always been positively rambunctious. But she isn't too good at deleting her Internet search history!" Jessica gave a throaty little chuckle and walked towards Boony. "I always knew she'd eventually get into trouble."

"Y-You mean..." the wolf said, squirming a little, feeling his enormous cock stiffening once more, beginning to rise from the cum-covered floor, rivulets of what was once Cherry and her various belongings dribbling off of the meaty shaft. "You know... what happened to her?"

"Of course!" said Cherry's mother, laughing. "She wanted to see how much she could stuff down inside this beast of yours, and ended up getting sucked down into it herself. It serves her right. She shouldn't fool around with things that are so dangerous without adult supervision."

"I, uh, I couldn't agree more," said Boony, who was surprised, to say the least. "So, with that out of the way, can you, um, untie me and we can just put it all behind us...?"

Jessica ignored him. Over her shoulder, she said, "Roger, come here, darling."

Standing up, Roger flicked some spooge off of himself and walked in, shutting the door. He looked very embarrassed. "Yes, darling?"

"Any plans for the evening?" the female rabbit asked casually.

"No," said Roger, frowning as he stood there drenched in wolf cum, staring at Boony's gigantic dick bobbing and swaying before him, as though hypnotized by it. He didn't look over at his wife as he spoke. "And tomorrow is my day off, anyway."


Jessica grabbed him and made him bend over, his surprised-looking face aimed down at the huge swollen purple head of the wolf's cock, which yawned wide in anticipation. Boony watched in rapt fascination as Cherry's mother guided her husband's face into the yawning cumslit. Roger started to say something but the urethra clamped shut and swallowed his head, causing Boony to gasp out, squeezing his eyes shut. Jessica grabbed Roger's cum-soaked shirt by the collar and pulled her hands in opposite directions. Rrrrrippp! The shirt tore apart and came away, leaving Cherry's father barechested. Gripping his shoulders, Jessica drove her knee into her husband's butt and used it to push him in farther, making sure she didn't get her fingers swallowed along with Roger's shoulders as the hungry urethra crept over and consumed his broad shoulders.

"Unnhhhh..." groaned Boony as he felt the adult male rabbit filling him. This was quite different than his fourteen year old daughter! Roger was much bigger and would definitely make a larger load.

By way of explanation, Jessica casually said, "I just had to see if it was true, and he was already all lubed up and ready for you. Cherry got it from me, this fascination with seeing what a cock can take. Roger has let me stuff things down his cock sometimes, too, and he could take a lot, but from what I'm seeing here now, he's a lightweight compared to you! Enjoy him."

She undid her husband's pants and pulled them down, along with his underwear, so he'd be naked when he went, in, the cock yawning and gulping as it slowly swallowed the unfortunate male rabbit down slowly and hungrily, Boony groaning the whole while. Never in a million years had he ever anticipated his evening would be going like this! Jessica, for her part, stood back and stripped nude, and fondled her breasts, pinching and teasing her nipples and lightly sliding one finger delicately along her pussy lips as she watched her husband being eaten by the monstrous cock of the wolf they'd come home to find tied up in their garage.

Boony grunted and ground his teeth together. He bucked his hips in the seat, feeling the back of the chair straining, close to cracking. His body took over. He no longer had any control over Roger's fate, and so the other male got sucked in past the hips. Boony couldn't tell if Roger was also hard or not. His view didn't allow him to see. Somewhere, in the back of his sex-adled mind, he hoped he was; the poor guy definitely deserved to enjoy himself. The cock suddenly bucked up, flinging the long legs of Cherry's father into the air, and then it continued to make up and down swallowing motions to suck Roger in deeper and deeper, a perfect outline of his trapped form visible through the tightly-stretched flesh of the shaft, until at last his feet were sucked in with a wet "glurp" and the tightly-wriggling form slowly wormed its way down through the base of the cock and was emptied into the balls to share his daughter's fate, and Jessica walked up and slid the underside of the gargantuan member between her breasts, which she held up around it tightly, the hot, pulsing member laying against her face, so much taller than her that the tip stuck out behind her head, dribbling precum down onto her bare back and into her hair.

"Mmm," she cooed, "titfuck me, darling, show me what a real man you are."

Nodding, Boony squirmed in his bonds, feeling the chair back finally snapping loose, freeing him, his arms, sore from being tied behind his back for so long, falling limply to either side as he sat there on the by now sagging seat, and leaned his head back, tongue lolling as he started thrusting his huge member back and forth in-between the rabbit's breasts as Jessica moaned. Inside his balls, there were muffled cries and screams but those soon stopped, drowned out by a loud gurgling sound signifying the conversion of Jessica's husband from a virile male rabbit into a huge load of cum.

"Mmmm, ohhh, baby," groaned the female, "don't cum just yet."

"Huh?" gasped Boony, leaning his head back forward to stare at her incredulously. What else did she have planned?

"I know Roger is a tough act to follow, but before you blow up all over the room again, I wanna see what else you can take..."

So saying, she stepped back, breasts heaving. Of course, Boony thought. Like mother, like daughter. So it was back to the cock-stuffing. The wolf sighed, wanting to get away from this crazy rabbit as soon as he could. Then Boony realized that in her sex-crazed mania, Jessica didn't realize he wasn't still tied up. He smirked and decided that he'd use this to his advantage and ensure Jessica went the way of her husband and daughter.

He pretended to remain tied up, watching Jessica move around the garage interior, looking for random items to stuff inside his cock. She was limited to what her daughter had left for her, though. She seized a few random things off of shelves and began stuffing them into the urethra of Boony's cock, earning big, deep groans from the wolf, who closed his eyes and kept his arms held down at his sides, clenching his hands into fists. Jessica seized a metal fuel can with a plastic flexible spout attached. The label on the can said "Gas." She shook it. Some liquid inside sloshed around noisily. Boony opened his eyes. He considered making this the point at which he stopped playing games and revealed he wasn't tied up anymore, as he wasn't too sure about having gasoline poured into his body, but before he could, Jessica was inserting the tip of the spout into the tip of his cock!

"Bottoms up, darling," the rabbit purred seductively.

Oh, you bitch, thought the wolf as he squirmed, the feeling of the cold liquid flowing down the interior of his shaft making him shudder in a manner that was both uncomfortable and oh so desirable. I'm so gonna get you for this, he thought, feeling the chair creaking underneath him. It'd withstood a lot even with the added weight and now the back having broken, but it seemed that the poor piece of furniture just wasn't up to any further punishment. Boony just hoped it lasted a little longer, at least until the pleasure from this latest feeding had passed, so he could get the drop on the mother rabbit. If it gave way now he wasn't sure he could prevent his arms from flailing as he fell, giving away that he was no longer tied up.

When the can was emptied of its contents - and Jessica gave the upended bottom a few good, hard smacks with the palm of her hand to ensure it had been - the container itself was inserted spout-first down the shaft which greedily sucked and schlurked it in, ripping it from the rabbit's hands. The pressure from the cock's interior caused it to crumple, crushing it like a flimsy soda can as it sucked it down into the depths of Boony's reproductive system. After feeling it enter his balls, Boony slowly caught his breath. The moment to finally strike, deal with this crazy rabbit and get the heck out of here came when Jessica selected as her next cock-stuffing item a big, heavy antique typewriter, thick with dust, and upended it over the cockhead, whose opening yawned hungrily for it. Sweat beaded her naked form as the muscles in her arms strained with the heavy appliance, and she slid awkwardly, her bare feet slipping in the cum coating the floor, and she lost her balance. An attempt to fall backward was made, but she made the mistake of not dropping the typewriter; her grip on it ensured that she was pulled forwards and down, towards the "captive" wolf's cockhead.

"Aahhh!" she cried out, eyes widening in sudden surprise and growing harder as the slit opened to accept the typewriter... and her. "No!"

"Ohhhh, yessss..." hissed Boony.

The typewriter, with her hands gripping it, entered the dark hole. She released it, reflexively, but it was too late, for as the heavy antique appliance tumbled down the black interior, without Boony's cock even needing to swallow it due to its heaviness, the twin hills of the wolf's helmet slammed shut, clamping down on the female rabbit's wrists. She gasped and struggled, trying to pull free, but the grip was too strong and her bare feet could find no proper purchase on the cum-slicked floor. She was doomed. Prey to the cock now, as her husband and daughter had been.

Now able to drop the guise of being tied up, Boony wrapped his arms 'round the cock and lifted it up, and Jessica with it, and hugged it against himself, as he felt the first swallow drag Jessica in to the elbows. She moaned and made inarticulate pleading noises, but nothing could save her now. The proud wolf cock rarely gave up that which it had laid a claim to. And Cherry's dear mother was going to be no exception. Eager to silence any pleas for mercy which might annoy him, or, worse, make him regret doing this by feeling sorry for her, he reached up and grabbed the back of Jessica's head, and pulled it towards himself, assisting his cock in consuming her. She managed a single "Wait--!" before her voice was smothered into meaningless muffled moans in the thick flesh as the urethra squished and squelched open around her face and swallowed her head, her long ears laying back flat against her back.

Now he rose, the chair creaking, his legs a little numb from sitting down for so long. Damn it, his butt had fallen asleep, too. Walking carefully and mindful of all the cum making the floor slick in the garage and the hallway beyond, Boony made his way to the family's cozy living room, finding amusement in the way is overly full balls bounced, mere inches from dragging along the floor, his huge cock stretching forward and bobbing, the darkly humorous sight of a rabbit MILF sticking out of it, legs delicately kicking like a pair of weird antennae, flinging little droplets of cum every which way, and eased himself onto the couch.

The cock was laid across the coffee table. Slowly but steadily, Jessica was drawn in, first her tits popping in with an audible glorping sound, which made Boony chuckle, and then the rest of her naturally tapering body following after, an easy snack after the slightly buffer form of Roger earlier. He as the weakly squirming form of Cherry's mother was steadily gulped down by the cock, until her sexy legs and big rabbit feet were gone. Like her husband and daughter, and, indeed, everything else which went into Boony's cock, the rabbit was turned into nothing but a slowly descending bulge that slid down the dark interior of the shaft, to be deposited squirming into the humid and fleshy prison of the wolf's nuts, and there to be transformed, converted into a heavy load. The process began almost immediately and didn't take long.

"Oh, wow," said Boony, "can't wait to, unh, blow this load..."

He stroked over his shaft. After eating two rabbits, a load of gasoline, the can it'd been poured from and an old typewriter, he had a lot to give, and decided the living room walls could use a new coat of paint. The kind that flaked and crusted as it dried. He smirked, then gasped, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, back, back...

Since he used his hands this time, his orgasm creeped up on him a lot quicker than it did before, and with a wolfish howl, he exploded, only to realize that when he leaned back he overbalanced himself and tipped the couch over backwards. He yelped as he felt himself suddenly upended and found himself lying on his back, his cock, the tip spraying a torrent of hot, slimy seed like a big fleshy firehose, following after him, painting not just the living room wall but the ceiling too! Boony made a face as it dripped down on him and got into his hair and fur. Shit. Oh, sure, he enjoyed the orgasm as he rode it out until the flow tapered to a few measely spurts and finally stopped, but after he caught his breath and slowly picked himself up, dripping, he realized he couldn't go outside looking the way he did, not unless he wanted to turn heads and look as suspicious as possible.

It was nothing, though, that a shower couldn't fix, and with the entire rabbit family converted into cum and out of his way, he had the run of their house, so he went into the master bathroom and took a long, hot shower. It took a while for his cock and balls to shrink down to their original size, and even longer, not to mention the family's entire supply of soap, body wash and shampoo, to wash all of the cum out of his fur, but by the time he'd used up all the hot water and turned the rapidly cooling flow off, stepping out of the shower, dripping wet, he side and felt clean, fresh, renewed.

After drying off, he located his clothes where Cherry had left them, dressed himself, and contemplated leaving, but decided that since he wasn't going to be interrupted, he may as well enjoy Roger and Jessica's really comfortable-looking waterbed. He eased onto it and felt its sloshing motions gently rock him to sleep. Ahhh, he thought, he felt so much better now. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into a contented slumber.

The End.

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