Chapter 34: Suck It and Smile

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#34 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 34: Suck It and Smile

Yuri stood in the gloomy room. It was empty except for a bed in the corner and the wooden pole that she was tied to by the wrists. Her wrists were tied above her head and pulled so far back that her breasts were thrust forward, her back was arched. Her feet, however, were free, and being tied so taunt to the pole with her bosom practically in her face, she couldn't even see them. She rested her head back against the pole and tried to keep from trembling.

After she and the others had been brought to the throne room, Enya had given some whispered orders to her servants: the Captain Teesa and her lusty brother Talib. Talib had happily led Yuri here on her leash, the gold chain of which had been removed, but the gold collar still hung around her neck, heavy against her heaving breasts.

Why had she been brought here only to be left standing alone in the darkness? Through the thin curtain that veiled the entrance of the hut, she could see the pressing shadows of huts spreading away for eternity and the softly glowing mushrooms that lined the streets. She felt a sudden convulsion run through her body at the sound of approaching feet. Her ears pricked forward. Oh, god . . . who was coming?!

The silhouette of a male filled the curtain, then the curtain was ripped aside, and Yuri's heart hammered in her chest: Talib stood there eying her up and down with a serious sort of satisfaction that frightened her at once. She let out a little whimper, a soft plea as he entered the hut, but he only laughed at her.

"Pretty, helpless thing," he whispered, taking a step into the room. "You have my pity."

He moved toward her, then around the back of the pole. Yuri could hear him shifting in the darkness, and unable to see what he was doing, her mind flew into a silent panic. She strained to look around, her shapely body twisting against the pole. His breath was suddenly on her mane, then his big paws reached around and cupped her breasts from behind. She shivered, watching with large and frightened eyes as his fingers started caressing. He was squeezing and massaging her soft mounds, almost as if he was milking her. Her pink nipples rolled around in his fingers, hard and jutting against the cool air.

Yuri closed her eyes as this massaging continued and tried to think of other things, but Talib was purposely making that very hard. He whispered in her ear every now and then as his fingers worked her, his taunting voice dropping teasing hints about all the things he planned to do to her, telling her that she was lovely, telling her that she was his, and she could tell just by his voice that his eyes were serious and glinting.

"Too bad you don't have any milk," he was whispering to her with a little sigh. "I like milking tits. I like seeing the milk squirt everywhere and the little desperate cries of the females . . ."

Yuri closed her eyes tight when he suddenly came around to face her. She could feel his eyes like a hot light tracing over her body, and then he spoke again.

"You are to be mine until the queen releases you. But you must've guessed that already, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the privilege of leading you away like that. Aw, look how you tremble! Come now, I'm not going to hurt you!"

Yuri opened her eyes, and her heart leapt to see the sincerity in the pale and loving mirrors that were the gray eyes of Talib. He looked her over again with helpless adoration, and suddenly aware of her curves and the hour-glass shape she was no doubt making as she twisted against the pole, Yuri put her feet flat on the ground in an attempt to look less attractive. Talib laughed at her again.

"Try all you want to," he said, "but you can't hide your charms, little sorceress. You are quite helpless."

He came close and Yuri tensed, grimacing that those pale eyes were so hungry for her! But he only leaned down, and with the gentlest pull of his lips, he gave her nipple a soft suck. Yuri shut her eyes again and bit her lip to hold back a moan. He sucked her again, deeper, hungrier, and she wriggled against the pole, wishing she could escape the sudden throbbing that was happening between her thighs. She shut her legs tight, hoping he would not next put his kisses in that sensitive place, but he seemed to read her mind. Yuri watched with a mounting sense of dread as he smiled up at her, then carefully spread her legs. He spread her pussy lips apart with two fingers, then carefully slid his middle finger up and inside. Yuri gasped and blushed when he smiled at her: she was slobbering wet just from one suck on her nipple!

"Oh, don't make fun of me!" Yuri whispered, struggling to close her thighs on his fingers. "Please!"

"But what's wrong with being so easily aroused?" Talib asked her gently. "You have no idea how many females can't even get it up . . ." He leaned one arm against the pole just above her head, and leaning over her, he continued fingering her as he spoke -- so casually and so absently that Yuri couldn't believe she was still getting aroused.

"Some females I have in here," he went on, gazing down at Yuri with amused gray eyes, "I have to go down on them for thirty minutes, maybe more, before their clit even reacts. It takes a lot of work and I have to do a lot of different things to them before they're aroused."

"What things?" Yuri asked and abruptly bit her lip. She couldn't believe she had asked such a thing!

Talib looked surprised as well, but he answered her with a laugh, "All sorts of things. Each female is turned on by different things, Yuri. A poke in the ass with my tongue, my kisses on their thighs -- sometimes just kissing their mouth and squeezing their tits for an hour does the trick."

"How do you know my name?" Yuri demanded.

"Why, her highness told me, of course! I know all your names! That Zaldon." Talib shook his head and laughed. "He really has it out for me. I wish the queen would let me have him too. He's a big sexy thing. I'd really love to fuck him -- or rather, I'd love to be fucked by him. That cock of his!" He sighed dreamily.

Yuri stared at Talib in amazement.

"Oh, sorry," he said, grinning. "He's your father or something, right?"

"Let me down from here," Yuri begged, twisting again against the pole.

"Why? You look so gorgeous, these big tits pushed out, that little waist and those hips twisting back and forth . . . and these shapely, irresistible thighs . . ."

Yuri started to tremble again when he lowered himself to his knees, and pulling her legs apart, he kissed her thighs and even sucked a little on them. Her pussy was wet and revealed to the cold air, and now his hot kisses were traveling slowly toward it. She twisted again, as if she could somehow escape the pending doom of his mouth on her sex. But his kisses kept coming, fervent and eager and so wet and hot that Yuri moaned in delight in spite of herself. She bit her lip to hold back a cry when he spread her pussy lips with his fingers, then she felt his tongue -- so hot and wet and loving -- start carefully stroking her pussy lips and the rim of her pink and heaving vagina.

Yuri pressed her lips together to stop her cries, but they kept escaping her mouth anyway, shrill and delighted and weak and breathless. She rose up on tiptoe in a feeble attempt to escape as his tongue drew ever closer to her clit. She could tell he found her alarm amusing. She saw his gray eyes smiling as his tongue kept pleasing her. Oh, no, he was getting so close! She rose up on tiptoe as high as she could, her breasts thrust out very far now, her face the perfect picture of alarm.

"Oh, please," Yuri whispered, gazing down at him wide-eyed. "Please, don't suck!"

But as if to show her there was no escaping, he grabbed her plump little buttocks, pulled her hips toward his face, and sucked hard on her clit. Yuri let out a shrill little scream. He sucked her deeply, hungrily, eagerly, his lips pulling at her passion with a skill that startled and terrified her. She wriggled again against the pole, giving yet another terrified plea, but he only put her legs on his shoulders, and burying his face in her sex, he kept sucking.

Yuri felt herself throbbing hard now. She couldn't breathe and her body was getting so hot . . . And, oh, god, he could really suck her . . . He sucked on her clit with a passion, with an insistent pulling of his lips that soon had her weak and breathless. Her big breasts were heaving in her desperate attempt to keep from coming in his mouth, but he seemed determined that it should happen. With her legs still hanging over his shoulders, she wiggled her little feet, a silent plea. But he gave her clit a last loving suck and she screamed. Her passion erupted in his mouth and her legs fell limp over his shoulders, her body sagged weakly against the pole.

Yuri was so weak from the orgasm that she knew she wouldn't be able to stand, but Talib put her feet on the floor again anyway. She felt him standing over her, and then he was leaning against the pole again, looking down at her with loving gray eyes as he stroked her mane. He seemed to delight in her weak daze, in the heave of her breasts, the blush of her cheeks.

"There now," Talib whispered, pushing Yuri's mane lovingly behind her ear. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He laughed softly. "Why are you so afraid?"

"It frightens me," Yuri admitted in a whisper. She squeezed her thighs together and added bashfully, "When I get so aroused . . . I can't breathe . . ."

"Make noise," Talib told her. "It makes it easier to bear."

Yuri blushed, unable to believe how casually this advice had been given. Still trying to catch her breath, she realized with a jolt that he was untying her wrists.

"Does this mean you've -- you've finished with me?" Yuri asked hopefully.

Talib laughed at her. "Hardly."

Yuri's heart leapt. Oh, god, what was he going to do to her now? She felt her wrists come away from the pole, but they were still tied together when he led her toward the bed by the arm. Yuri watched him sit on the bed and she noticed with horror that his cock was now painfully erect for her. Opening his hard thighs wide, he leaned back on his paws and gestured with a smile for her to kneel in front of him. Yuri did as she was told with a miserable sense of dread.

"Oh, how frightened those pretty eyes are," he whispered. "I gave pleasure to you with my lips and my tongue."

"I didn't ask you to!" Yuri dared to retort.

Talib, as ever, laughed at her. He yanked her toward him by her bound wrists. She fell forward in his lap with a shrill cry, and before she had gained her balance, he grabbed the back of her head and brought her face down toward his cock.

On her knees in front of him, Yuri stared at his cock with fluttering sable eyes. It was a dark brown in color, lined with small veins. She saw it twitch a little and throb out pre-cum, watery and clear. She could smell how salty and sweaty it was, could see the dark shadow of his balls beneath. His hard thighs flexed as he shifted in anticipation. Yuri's eyes traveled slowly over his body. God, Talib was handsome. He was smiling at her, and suddenly, he leaned back against the wall, put his big arms behind his head, and whispered for her to suck it and smile.

"And make sure you swallow, or I'll just pull it out and come on you," he added.

Horrified at the very thought, Yuri quickly took his organ in her mouth and sucked. He sighed and his muscles heaved as her lips pulled him in long and eager strokes.

"Yeah, baby, that's it," Talib whispered happily. "Suck it until it chokes you . . . that's it . . . oh, god, you're good. You've had some practice, eh?"

Yuri blushed angrily but kept sucking. She felt the heat of his body when he suddenly leaned forward, then his big paws were fumbling to untie her wrists. She was forced to kneel there crouched under him a moment, his thick cock still holding her sore lips open wide. When he pulled back again, her wrists were free, and he took her arms and placed them around his waist. Yuri was now hugging him even as she sucked him. This new position forced his hot cock to the very back of her throat. She choked and sputtered on her own spit, but her arms held him tightly, and suddenly, she understood what he wanted. She sucked him deeply, her mouth ravishing his cock in wet earnest, and she felt a little pleased with herself when his body tensed and he sputtered weakly, "Oh, n-no, not too hard, baby, you're gonna make me come!"

Yuri suddenly wanted him to come. She wanted to force that passion from him the same as he'd forced it from her! She devoured his cock now in hard, eager strokes. His tight muscles flexed, his chest heaved in his silent struggle to keep from coming. But it happened against his will: he let out a choked cry and pulled her head from him too late. Yuri watched with silent satisfaction as his cock flinched and spurted its juices. The cum ran over his balls, dripped down his thighs, but he didn't seem angry, and she couldn't believe it when his cock didn't go down but remained as rigidly hard as before!

He suddenly pulled Yuri onto the bed with him, and putting her leg on his shoulder, he sank into her hard and fast. Yuri cried out, reaching her arms above her head in an attempt to wriggle away, but he clutched her leg to his shoulder and humped her with eager, breathless cries. She was soon gasping under him, taking his rhythmic thrusts with flapping breasts, her cheeks blushing.

"It doesn't go down," he panted over her, "until I've tasted this!" He fingered her clit as he was fucking her, and Yuri cried out when her clit swelled and heaved all over again. She fumbled to pull his paw away, then reached again above her head, closing her fingers in the sheets and trying yet again to escape. He fucked her even harder, and her shrill cries became rhythmic when he suddenly growled, "And stop trying to get away!" He reached under, grabbed her by the tail, and flipped her hard onto her stomach.

Yuri lay there stunned, the wind knocked out of her. She squeezed her eyes closed and screamed when she felt him enter her again. He pressed himself in her gushing juices with a slow squelch, then putting his paw on the small of her back until her ass cheeks were pointed at the air, he rode her again. Yuri lay under him, her breasts smashed together, her fingers curling in the sheets as she struggled with her eyes shut to think of anything else. She wanted to think of Enya, but Enya had subjected her to this humiliation and torture! So she tried to think of Roan or Zane, but the two of them were the reason she was in this mess!

Yuri's mane fell in her eyes when Talib gave her a thrust that was particularly hard, and leaning down close to her, he whispered in her ear, "Stop thinking of other wolves. Talib is fucking you, honey, and he's gonna be fucking you for a long time!" He reached under and cupped her breasts as he rocked her. Yuri's legs were spread wide against the sheets, and she could feel the strength, the thick power of his hungry cock as it sank rapidly in and out, bringing such pleasure to her throbbing clit and sucking pussy that she sobbed and screamed under him, begging for a release.

"Oh, Talib will give it you, baby," he whispered in her ear. "Every time."

And he was true to his word. He fucked Yuri deeply, wildly, rapidly, and it was so juicy, so delicious, that her heaving pussy could no longer contain itself. She came under him with a shrill scream, her mane in her eyes. She felt both her clit and her pussy walls release. She sagged under Talib, her thighs covered in her own juices, still panting shrilly to catch her breath. He stayed on top of her, his cock going soft inside of her, his paws gently massaging her breasts as if he was pretending once more to milk them.

Laying there under his hard body, Yuri felt so weak and drained. Her body melted into the sheets, and she felt an odd content when he put a few loving kisses on her long neck. He brushed aside her mane with his nose and pulled her up until she was sitting weak and panting in his lap, her back to his hard chest, her head bowed. He kissed her cheek, and as he cupped her breasts and kept massaging them, he whispered with hot breath in her ear, "You like when Talib fucks you, honey?"

"Y-Yes," Yuri admitted, closing her eyes against the tingling pleasure his fingers were bringing her breasts.

He threw Yuri without warning onto her back and sank himself sharply inside. She gasped at the violence, the ferocity of the thrust. He gathered her roughly against his chest, and standing with her clinging weakly to him, he took her buttocks in fistfuls and started pumping himself inside. Yuri clung to his neck, gasping weakly, her cheek on his shoulder. She could hear him grunting and groaning as her wet, slippery pussy closed hot around him again. He lifted her up and down with his big paws, pushing himself up and in, and Yuri could just imagine how her juices must've been dripping down over his balls, his fingers, his thick shaft. She closed her eyes tight and whispered Talib's name. When he grunted again, she could tell by his voice that he was smiling.

"You're mine," he whispered to her, groaning to get inside. "Do you understand that?"

"Y-Yes," Yuri panted around the shrill cries that kept coming from her mouth.

"Then stop thinking of other wolves. Only Talib can give you this wet pleasure. Only me. Say it!"

"Only you -- only TalIB: " Yuri panted, weak in her ecstasy.

God, he felt so good inside of her that she would have repeated anything he told her to! Talib seemed to guess this, and smiling with self-satisfaction, he suddenly pulled Yuri's head back by her mane and closed his mouth over hers. They kissed breathlessly, passionately. Then Talib pressed himself inside very hard and she felt it: his hot cum spurted inside, dripping down over his shaft and seeping out between her pussy lips.