Amy - Chapter 6 [Incomplete]

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_ Edit: So, the whole second half of this totally disappeared? Sorry y'all, I don't know what happened! I'm leaving this bit up for now in case anyone enjoys it as is...I'm kind of upset that several hours of work just disappeared, probably my fault for not saving a backup, but I'm too paranoid to back up cub erotica on my computer lol_

I think we've finally reached the end of this story! At least, this is all I had imagined for it. I'm open to thoughts on where we could take Amy next, but I do have a lot of other stories I'd like to write. Besides, it's taken me years to get this far, do y'all really want to see how much longer it would take for me to finish (heheh) if we kept going with little Amy?

By the way, this final installment introduces a desperation element, but there won't be any watersports.

_Once again, this story is cub porn , sexual fiction featuring an underage/minor character. _

Amy stumbled her way onto the bus, feeling her pussy flutter and occasionally clench desperately. She was in a daze - she had had no idea that being touched there could make her feel so good. The bus ride passed in a blur, the voices of her schoolmates washing over her in a jumble of noise as she resisted the urge to squirm in her seat. For once, the wetness pooling in her belt and the vibration of the metal around her young cunny weren't what held her attention; it was the twinge of the muscles in her behind, still feeling empty. She was focused on nothing but how it would feel to get home and try sticking a few fingers in, herself - and she could keep going until she finished, again, like last time. She squeezed her knees together as pleasure rippled through her sex at the thought.

She practically ran home from her bus stop, paying little attention to her surroundings. She was going to run straight up to her room, and - she threw open the front door to her house, and stopped dead at the sound of her parents' voices in the kitchen. They were home? Why weren't they still at work? Arousal turned to a squirming embarrassment in her stomach at the thought of them knowing what she had been doing at school, or what she was planning to do in her room, but it didn't deter her from her plans. She closed the door behind herself carefully, then tried to hurry quietly up the stairs, but she wasn't quick enough; her mother emerged from the kitchen as she reached the second floor.


She paused and turned, trying not to blush. Not that it would be visible under her fur, but her mother always seemed to know, anyway. "Yes, ma? You're home early."

Her mother chuckled. "Oh, did you forget about the dinner party? We're having the new neighbors over, remember? They'll be here in about an hour, so go on and shower and change into something nice."

"Oh, right. Yes, ma." Amy managed to smile, but her face fell and her ears drooped as soon as her mother turned away. She had completely forgotten about the dinner party. She had been excited about it before - the neighbors' son was around her age, and she thought they might be friends. He was even kind of cute. But now all she could think of was Mr. Ericson, his big paws and his adult cock, his knowledge of where to touch her body to make her feel good. And how was she meant to endure a dinner party in this condition?!

Well, maybe she could still fulfill her plans. She did have an hour to get ready - and her parents weren't likely to bother her in the shower...Amy trotted to her room quickly, retrieving a change of clothing and the key to her belt. She hurried to the bathroom, barely taking the time to close the door behind her before she was undressing and scrabbling for the clasp on the belt, unlocking it. The cool air on her wet cunny was a shocking sensation, and she sighed quietly, but it wasn't what she was after; her asshole still twinged temptingly. She reached back cautiously, rubbing a hand over her rump, and shivered a little at the way it immediately awakened the nerves again, both her pussy and her ass clenching lightly.

Amy wasted no time turning the water on and climbing into the shower. Once there, she realized she wasn't entirely sure how to go about her plans - all she knew was that she wanted to get a finger inside of herself, like Mr. Ericson had done to her, and she wanted to try and reach the same peak of pleasure she had the night before. She stood uncertainly under the spray of water for a moment, shifting from one foot to the other, then stuck one finger in her mouth, sucking on it like she had seen Mr. Ericson do with his own earlier that afternoon. She wasn't sure how wet it needed to be - she had been hardly paying attention to the logistics, after all - but, she reasoned, her paws were smaller than Mr. Ericson's, anyway. She reached down eagerly, then realized that standing was hardly an ideal pose to reach her anus. After some consideration, she knelt down on the floor of the shower, turning her back on the spray so that the water wasn't raining distractingly on her face. She reached behind herself, feeling, until she found the best angle to carefully press her finger into herself. She moaned quietly, lifting her tail high out of the way on instinct as the breach sent pleasure sizzling through her body. Her paws were smaller than Mr. Ericson's, and she was clumsier and less experienced, and the angle wasn't great - but she was too worked up to mind.

As she slowly pressed her finger deeper into herself, she leaned forward, arching her back to try and reach more easily. Eventually she had her cheek pressed into the shower floor, tail lifted in the air, presenting eagerly to the empty bathroom. She couldn't reach well enough to get her finger in further than the second knuckle. She spread her legs a bit to gain better access, gasping loudly as the spray of the shower unexpectedly rained down on her aching pussy. This strained her young patience, and she quickly started pumping her finger in and out of herself, her pants echoing in the shower. It felt so good, although not as good as Mr. Ericson's had - she didn't understand what he had done to make it feel so fantastic, so much like when she had stuck her fingers in her other hole, and she wasn't approaching from the right angle to figure it out, but the sensations washing over her were more than enough. The thought occurred to her that she must look like one of the women in that magazine Mr. Ericson had given to her - on her knees, ass in the air and tail up, offering herself. She thought about a boy seeing her like this - no, a man, like Mr. Ericson. She imagined a man standing behind her now, watching her thrust her finger into herself. Her pants turned into quiet, whimpering moans as her pussy clenched.

As time wore on, it would have probably occurred to Amy that the stimulation from just her finger in her anus was not enough to get her off, even with the light rain of water stimulating her desperate and puffy pussy lips; but as young as she was and so inexperienced in pleasuring herself, she was too preoccupied with the rhythmic clenching of her pussy and ass to realize that orgasm was out of her reach like this. This being the case, she continued in this way for some time, barely noticing as the water raining down on her began to cool from hot to tepid. She was lost in a world of sensation, her heartbeat and pussy throbbing in tandem, her neglected clit twitching occasionally in a way she had never experienced before, her legs spread too wide to even offer it any stimulation from her thighs rubbing together.

Suddenly, a knock at the bathroom door startled her, jarring her out of her fantasies.

"Amy?" Her mother's voice was concerned; Amy stay frozen where she was, unsure she could answer without her voice shaking, muscles aching with how long she had been posed kneeling on the floor. Her mother called again - "Amy? Are you alright, dear? You've been in there an awful long time," and the doorknob started to turn. With a flash of panic, Amy realized she had forgotten to lock the door! She pulled her finger out of herself and scrambled to her feet, and was just standing as her mother opened the door and peeked in.

"Mom! I'm showering!" she yelped, trying to sound indignant and not terrified. Her mother quickly pulled back out of the room.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey! I just got worried, you've been in there so long! Well - you should hurry, our guests will arrive any minute." She closed the door behind herself, leaving Amy still panting slightly under the spray of water.

Amy hurried through the rest of her shower, too embarrassed and startled by her mother's intrusion to call back her former arousal, thinking only of getting ready quickly before the guests arrived. She was surprised and nervous by how long she had been pleasuring herself; the idea that the guests could have arrived without her realizing made another hot bolt of embarrassment shoot through her, imagining them hearing her moaning if she had been too loud.

She finished cleaning herself and dried and dressed quickly, trotting downstairs just in time to help her mother set the table. The next few hours passed quickly, her heat pushed to the back of her mind; any time her thoughts drifted in that direction, she remembered her mother barging into the bathroom, and embarrassment quickly caused her arousal to sizzle back to the quiet background thrum that she was used to during her heats. After the guests left, she helped her mother clear the table and then disappeared into her room.

As Amy prepared for bed, in the privacy of her room, heat began to bloom low in her loins again. Climbing into bed, she felt the ache low in her stomach, but was too tired to do anything about it; besides, she was now very aware of the sounds of her parents moving downstairs, and the fact that either one of them could come up to her room at any time and find her touching herself that way. The idea just didn't bear thinking about. She closed her eyes, and quickly drifted off into sweet dreams of slowly building pleasure and intimate touches.

Audrey pt 1

_Slavery and sex with an underage character (not quite cub) below. Proceed with caution._ _No, there's no first part that you missed. At least not one that I've put on paper yet._ * * * Audrey moaned in pleasure as the rabbit buck's strong fingers...

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Amy - Chapter 5

_I told you there was more of this story to come, eh? Heh...come._ _If you are not familiar with the earlier parts of this story, please be advised this is **cub porn** , i.e. sexual fantasy including an **underage/minor/child** protagonist._ * *...

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_This story contains cub porn and feral/zoophilia fantasy subjects. I do not, **under any circumstances** , condone sexual relationships with minors or with nonhuman animals. That's what fantasy porn is for, folks, don't fuck up someone else's life...

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