Courage Part 4: Open Show

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#6 of Courage

Sroth gasped as the van hit a bump in the road, the floor knocking hard against his hindquarters, and moaned unhappily as the motion made him struggle to keep his balance. He peered closely at the anchors binding his paws to the floor, but of course there was no way to get them to release him; he sighed, head drooping, then shivered as a little wave of arousal raced through him, making him hump at the air for a few moments before he brought himself back under control. Moaning again, he stared in longing at his exposed cock, the tight ring that kept it fully hard, and the plastic sheath encasing it that wouldn't let him touch himself--or let anyone else touch him, either.

And there had been dragonesses around him just a few moments ago, too, who had been willing to touch him, who had touched the sheath, teasing him with the attempts to fondle him even though he couldn't feel them. They all would have let him mount them if only he'd been able to, after that dance he'd had to perform in front of them all, if only he could have... He whined and humped at nothing again, nuzzling the sheath with his bridled snout, but just as before it was no use and he forced himself to stop after a moment. He hadn't just been guessing the dragonesses' desire from the scent of their arousal either; one of them had tried to ride him, and Ura had said she would have done it in an instant if not for his captor's orders. And that she would if he went back...

But there was no way he'd ever go back there! Sure, he'd been able to enjoy performing when he'd had no other choice, but if he went back to the club on his own she would insist that he be tied up, and that he dance again... He wasn't going to willingly display himself like that--especially if he started courting Saya--and there was no way he would let someone make him so weak and helpless again, not after how horrible it was to be tied up now. Assuming he was ever set free, he thought, whimpering softly past the bit in his mouth.

And that depended now more than ever on the whims of his captor, he sighed, looking over his restraints again. Wings bound, tail bound, the harness that kept him aroused and unable to touch himself strapped tight, the bridle that kept him from using his fangs or breathing fire locked shut, forepaws bound together and hind paws held apart, all four of them wrapped up in mitts, his claws sealed away behind layers of leather and cushioning that he couldn't hope to cut through. All the straps had metal cords, every buckle was locked, the steel shackles and collar impervious to him even without his weapons locked away... And with his movement so restricted by all the restraints, even the strength he was so proud of was useless; he couldn't swipe his claws, or kick, or whip his tail, or even bite down on something. He was completely helpless, he couldn't speak, he could barely even walk, and that would only change when his captor chose to set him free.

If he was ever set free at all, he realized with a moan. Even if he managed to complete all of these humiliating tasks, there was no guarantee his captor would keep his word, and could he trust the word of this perverted human? No, he thought instinctively, but shifting the little he could in his bonds to find a more comfortable position only emphasized that it was far too late for him to do anything about it. His only choice now was to perform the tasks, no matter how embarrassing they might be, and hope his captor was telling the truth. Refusing was out of the question at this point; the horrible denial he'd suffered through when he'd resisted was still so vivid in his mind, and he was growing so aroused from the combination of the teasing the dragonesses had given him and the sheer amount of time he'd been fully hard without a chance for release that he didn't think he could take any more stimulation that didn't take him to orgasm. He shuddered at the memory of the vibrations that his captor had used to torment him, and at the thought of having to suffer helplessly through that for however long the human chose. Whimpering again, he hoped that his captor was telling him the truth... because he couldn't bear to think otherwise.

The van finally came to a stop a minute or so later, and he started a little as his captor's voice sounded in his ear. "Before I explain the next task, the driver needs to modify your bridle a little." A small circular panel in the wall in front of him opened, light from the driver's compartment shining in. "Stick your nose as far as it will go into that hole, and hold still. If you attempt to struggle you will be punished."

Sroth nodded obediently and pressed his snout into the opening; it was large enough for most of his head to fit through, but not his forehead, so he couldn't see the driver or what was being done--he could only go by feel. First the two straps around his snout were loosened, then the human pried his mouth open, put something between his front teeth and closed his jaws around it, strapping the bridle tight again so he couldn't close his mouth more than the thing would let him--it was a metallic ring, he discovered by feeling it with his tongue--or open his maw wide enough to get it out. He heard the clicking of locks as the bridle was secured again, then his captor said, "you may pull your head out now, and leave the van."

The anchors binding the dragon to the floor of the van released him, and he paused a moment: could he even walk backwards without falling over in this position? And what about stepping down out of the van? Would he just have to roll over on purpose? Shuffling awkwardly, he backed up to the bumper of the van, watching his hind paws carefully to make sure he didn't step off the edge without noticing--he couldn't feel the floor very well through the mitts. He hesitated again, not sure what to do, then tried an awkward backwards hop; even though his tail hit the ceiling of the van, he landed off-balance on the ground but managed to stay upright, hind paws down in the grass of the forest clearing as he'd hoped and his forepaws still in the passenger compartment, though near the doors. The clearing was empty, he noticed, looking around as he waddled another couple steps backwards to get all four of his paws on the ground, then turned to face away from the van.

"Impressive," the voice chuckled. "I didn't think you'd be able to get out of the van on your own without falling over."

He growled softly in response, though now that his mouth was held open by the ring it came out a little more loudly than it had before. Wait, his mouth was open now--could he talk? "Whaass nnneksst?" he managed; he could make more noise now, at least, but still wouldn't be able to make himself understood very well.

"You've been taken to another park; the trail on your left leads to a junction of paths with a fountain at its center. Your task is to go there, lie down next to the fountain and suck on your penis for a little while, then return here."

Sroth froze for a moment, shocked. Now he didn't just have to let people see him bound and exposed like this... he had to suck his own cock? It was something he probably could do, sure, but he never had; only dragons too cowardly and weak to find a willing dragoness to mount would stoop to the level of pleasuring themselves, and he was far too proud a dragon for that. But it wasn't just that--not only would he not be able to actually enjoy the sensations of suckling himself, he was being told to do it where people could watch him! No, there was no way, he couldn't... He shook his head for a moment in instinctive denial; this was too far, it was too humiliating! He wouldn't!

"What's that, my helpless captive? You don't want to? Perhaps you need a reminder of why you should obey, or perhaps you don't want to play my game anymore and would rather just let me torment you with that vibrator for a week or two..."

The vibrator in his cockring buzzed to life once again and he cried out at the sudden, powerful stimulation, thrusting out of instinct and shuddering all over; it was all he could do not to collapse and hump the ground, or roll onto his side and rub the sheath with his mittened paws--or even suck on himself then and there like his captor wanted him to.

"Are you so sure you don't want to play anymore?"

He moaned again, lust consuming his mind. "llleass!" he cried; he already knew that, just as before, the vibrations wouldn't be enough to take him to climax no matter how wonderful they felt right then, and to feel such pleasure, but not anywhere near as much as he wanted to feel... He screamed, unable to control himself any longer, and collapsed, humping wildly, fruitlessly, against the ground and sobbing when it did nothing to help him. He couldn't take another moment of this!

"Oh?" There was a pause, but to his relief the vibrator turned off. "So you will perform the task, then?"

Sroth whimpered, unable to control himself enough to stop thrusting, and tilted his head. Yes, yes, he would, if only to keep from ever having to be denied like that again... He had to obey. He had no choice.

"That's what I thought," the voice laughed. "Now for some details about your task. You will have only ten minutes to complete the task and return here, and you must suck on that plastic for five straight minutes, without stopping for any reason, before you return--I'll tell you when the five minutes are up, don't worry about that. Yes, as you've noticed, you can almost talk for now, but you may not attempt to speak to anyone. You must lie right next to the fountain, and also be in a position that allows as many people to see you performing the task as possible; I will tell you if the position you choose isn't good enough. Do you understand?"

He whined, but tilted his head yes, swallowing the saliva that had formed from having to hold his mouth open for so long and trying not to think about what he had to do. Finally he was able to stop humping the ground and stood again, head low in defeat, still shivering with arousal from the sensations of the vibrator.

"Good dragon," his captor said. "Your ten minutes begin now."

He hesitated for a few moments, whimpering, but an instant later he recalled his captor's words: he only had ten minutes for the task, and five minutes of that time had to be in plain sight, with his jaws around his cock--there wasn't any time for him to just stand there, not when he didn't know how long it would take him just to get to the fountain. He forced himself to walk, but groaned at the painfully slow pace that was all he could manage in his restraints; there was no way he'd have enough time if he just hobbled along at this speed!

But how to move more quickly? The chain binding his forepaws wasn't even as wide as his shoulders, limiting his steps to barely half of their usual length, and the spreader bar between his hind paws meant he couldn't run along on his hind legs as he had during the second task. Growling with impatience, he waddled along as he thought: how could he walk faster? He didn't have the time for this! Maybe... Yes, his two sets of paws were limited in how far apart they had to be, but if they moved together--

He stopped, then gathered his hindquarters and bounded forward, landed on his forepaws, curled his body as much as he could without hurting his tail until his hind paws touched down, then leapt forward again, setting off down the trail. It worked! The soft mitts on his four paws made the landings hurt his balled-up claws a little, but he was moving much faster now, and though it was a little tiring he'd much rather take a little weariness if it meant he didn't have to worry as much about failing to complete the task.

It took a little more than a minute of hopping along for the paths to come into view at the end of the dirt trail, a simple concrete fountain at the center of the paved circular space. He slowed to the clumsy shuffling walk his restraints forced him to use if he wanted to move more quietly as he could already see humans and dragons in the open space ahead, blushing just at the thought of what he was about to do. Finally he reached the end of the trail and hesitated again there, nerving himself up to go out into the open. Oh, this was going to be horrible, everyone staring at him not just tied up, helpless and exposed, but humiliating himself by lying down right in the middle of the path and sucking on the plastic sheath that encased his full arousal. He whined, ducking his head instinctively as a human walked by and somehow failed to notice him standing right on the edge of the path. How embarrassing this would be...

Nothing left to do now but get it over with, he thought with a moan of despair. He paused another moment to prepare himself, swallowing more saliva before it could drool out of his mouth, then hobbled out into the open.

The reaction of those walking by was much like the reaction during the first task: those near him noticed first, and the sudden quiet spread from there through the whole intersection, everyone silent long enough for him to hear just the clinking of his chains and the splash of water from the fountain for a few seconds. His face flushed so hot it began to itch as everyone stared at him, looking shocked and disgusted, confused, a few even angry...

"Wha... what's he doing?"


"Get him out of here--"

"Somebody call the police!"

He forced himself to keep moving as their exclamations continued, but after a moment another dragon, a red one, poked his side with his tail. "You, stop. What are you doing? Why are you out like this in public? Don't you know what it means to be appropriate?"

Sroth shook his head mutely and kept walking, head down. He couldn't say anything, not if he wanted to complete the task and avoid being tortured with those awful vibrations again.

"I'm talking to you!" the other dragon snarled, and started walking along next to him. "What are you doing? Why are you here? Why are you tied up like that, and why won't you listen to me!?"

He only shook his head again. It was just a few more steps from the fountain now...

"Fine," the red dragon growled, and thankfully turned and walked away, leaving him alone. The other people there were still talking about him, and loudly enough for him to hear, but some of them had already started to hurry away and if he concentrated hard enough he could ignore the rest. Almost.

He stopped and looked around briefly as he reached the fountain, but looked at the ground beneath his forepaws after a moment as he instinctively hunched over to avoid meeting the gaze of those who'd stayed to gape at him. How was he supposed to do this again? Back to the fountain, lying on his side... Groaning, he laid himself down as his captor had ordered, then curled up so he could do what he had to do--but moaned in pain as curling his spine so much made his tail bend even more uncomfortably up along his back. He looked at the restraints holding it in place for a moment, but there was nothing he could do to make it less painful, and this was the only way he could reach... He didn't have a choice.

A little drool spilled from his lips as he brought his snout to his belly, and after one last moment of hesitation he thrust the plastic sheath between his jaws. He moaned softly as he felt the plastic slide through the ring, filling the space between his teeth and pressing firmly against his tongue; he couldn't help but lick experimentally at his encased shaft and moaned again in longing when once again he was denied the sensation. The ring barely fit around the sheath so it took some effort to slide it all the way down, and he moaned a third time as the ring in his mouth reached the base of the sheath--he hadn't been able to feel one bit of the pressure the ring and his jaws were putting on his shaft, no matter how much his arousal made him want to.

"Oh God--" a human screamed.

"What's he doing?"

"Spread the word, make sure there aren't children nearby..."

"Someone call the police!" a voice said again, and Sroth couldn't help but wish somebody actually would, if only they would come, take him to their station, get him out of this horrible gear... But until then all he could do was follow orders, and he didn't look up, staring intently at the scales of his underside as he sucked on the plastic sheath, beginning to pump it slowly in and out of his mouth and doing his best to ignore the onlookers.

"Stop him! Nobody should have to see this, this is a park, we can't have this sort of indecency here!"

He shuddered a little with arousal as he thrust into his own maw, unable to stop himself from wishing he could actually feel what he was doing; he'd been hard for so long, he'd been teased and denied, he wanted release so badly... He'd do anything for it, just to be able to feel that pleasure he needed. He tried to bite down on his shaft, to squeeze the plastic sheath to see if he'd be able to feel the pressure this time, but the ring between his front teeth was too strong for him to bend, let alone the sheath itself, and he stopped after a moment, whining with pain and denial. He could see his cock so clearly, feel it pressing against the plastic, feel the plastic that was shaped just like it against his tongue, and yet no matter how hard he tried he couldn't manage to get even the lightest sensation through... It was right there! Why couldn't he just touch it?

But he couldn't help but look up as a shadow fell over him, and he looked up to see: the red dragon had returned, along with two others, and they were all glaring angrily at him.

"Stop," the red growled. "You're embarrassing yourself, you're embarrassing everyone who has to see you, and you're embarrassing your entire race! Why are you doing this?"

Sroth could only whine softly and keep suckling himself; he didn't have enough time to afford to stop and start again, and couldn't explain his actions anyway.

"Stop!" all three of the dragons roared, but he kept going, whimpering, and couldn't summon the will to look back at them, he was so ashamed of what he was doing. Oh, he wished he could stop, but he was helpless, and the punishment if he did would be so terrible...

"I mean it, you disgusting creature! Don't you have any dignity? What dragon would do something like this to himself!? Stop humiliating all of dragonkind, go back to your home and take all that stuff off, or we're going to force you to!" The three dragons bared their teeth at him, claws flexing.

He could only whimper and keep sucking. Yes, it was so humiliating, he didn't want to, he wished he could stop, wished he could listen to them... But he couldn't suffer the horrible vibrations again, it wasn't worth it! These dragons wouldn't be able to free him... he couldn't listen to them, no matter how much he wanted to. Why couldn't they understand he wasn't doing this by choice, and leave him alone, let him suffer in peace without making him feel ten times worse than he already did about being so helpless and exposed, and embarrassing himself like this...

The red kicked him in the chest with a hind paw. "Stop."

Sroth looked back at him this time and shook his head, letting out a pleading whine past the hard cock stuffed into his maw. If they didn't want to see him do this, couldn't they just go away?

"Stop!" one of the other dragons roared, slashing down with claws out and scratching his side, hard enough to cut through scale and draw a little blood; he just shuddered at the pain and kept suckling the sheath, burying his snout in his crotch yet again and doing whatever he could to distract himself. But the blows didn't stop: all three of the dragons laid into him with their claws, tails, even teeth, beating him as hard as they could, all the while roaring for him to stop embarrassing himself and crawl back to wherever he'd come from.

He could only cry out softly with pain and keep sucking on the plastic sheath. Not only was he bound far too securely to have a chance to fight back or even shield himself, but to do so would mean uncurling from his self-pleasuring position--and he couldn't afford to let his cock out of his mouth for even a moment, not when he had so little time to complete the task and the punishment for failure was so frightening. All he could do was lie there and try to shut out the pain, suckling and pumping the sheath in and out of his mouth, his shudders progressing to sobs of despair--why were they hurting him? Couldn't they understand that being tied up meant he didn't want to be doing this, but was helpless and had to obey orders? Couldn't they just stop and leave him alone? Oh, it was bad enough already, and for them to make it hurt so much besides...

Finally the three dragons stopped attacking him, all of them panting from the effort the beating had taken. "If you won't stop this on your own..." the red dragon snarled, "then we'll just have to make you stop, and drag you away so you can't humiliate yourself any longer."

No! he whimpered again, shaking his head just a little. If they got him to stop then he would have to start over, and there was no way he had enough time left to if that happened... and that would mean failure, and torture, and denial--his captor had said a week or two of it! Just a few minutes had been bad enough! He couldn't let them do it, but he couldn't fight back, either; how was he supposed to stop them?

"You two hold him down," the red growled, approaching him; the other two dragons pressed down on his hind paws and shoulders, leaving him unable to squirm away even if he wanted to.

"Nnn..." Sroth moaned softly, shaking his head again, but the red dragon kept coming, taking hold of his neck with his claws and pulling hard-- "NNNN!" he cried, wriggling and twisting and just managing to wrench his neck out of the other dragon's grasp before his snout could be pulled all the way off his cock, pressing the end of his snout hard into his belly and refusing to move it away. The red's claws moved back towards his neck and he began to sob again, a few tears spilling down his cheeks. How he wished he could let them stop him, and just go back to his cave, find a way out of his bonds, give himself the orgasm he needed so badly... But he couldn't, and their attempts to intervene were only making it worse.

The other dragon snorted and backed away, and the two keeping him pinned down released him after a moment. "Suit yourself, then, if you're so desperate to show everyone how weak and shameless you are... You're a disgrace to all dragonkind," he growled, and struck him across the face one last time with his paw before turning and stomping away in disgust, the other two dragons trailing behind him.

Sroth sagged in a mixture of relief and despair as they left. They were right... He was a disgrace. Captured, bound, cowed through the threat of being stimulated and denied orgasm and forced to humiliate himself over and over again, and all of it done by a human! But even still he didn't dare stop, not when he was so afraid of that denial, and started to thrust into his jaws again as the other dragons walked away. At least by now the space by the fountain had mostly cleared, and only a few gawkers remained; less than ten were still watching him pretend to suck himself, and he was sure at least four minutes had passed by now... he only had to keep doing this a little while longer.

But the lack of bystanders meant he didn't have so much humiliation to distract him and again he found himself suckling the sheath a little too eagerly, wishing he could actually feel the pleasure he was pretending to give himself, imagining it was Saya's beautiful muzzle and not his own pressed against his belly, jaws spread, tongue caressing his length... He moaned with arousal and humped still harder into his snout, losing himself in the fantasy for a moment until he tried to press down harder on his cock and was again stopped by the stout ring between his teeth. Oh, how he wanted to be able to feel this, so he could take himself to wonderful climax...

Then finally his captor spoke. "The five minutes are up; you may now return to the clearing to complete the task."

Groaning with relief, Sroth tugged his head up away from his belly, the sheath sliding free from the ring with a little effort. He squirmed and managed to roll back onto his belly after a moment, then stood and began to bound across the circle to the dirt trail he'd come from. For a moment he thought he shouldn't let anyone see him in such a hurry, hopping along like a frightened rabbit, but he snorted to himself after a moment: anyone still nearby had just seen him, bound and helpless, sucking on his own shaft right out in the open. What could they see him do that would be worse than--

Oh ancients, what have I done?

The realization made him stumble, and he barely managed to keep his balance as he reached the trail and hurried back down it. He'd just willingly humiliated himself in front of what had to have been at least forty people, suckling his own hard cock like some desperate dragon too weak to find a dragoness to mount, securely bound to emphasize his weakness to everyone who saw him... How could he even consider keeping his pride after doing such a thing to himself? What pride could he even have left? Another few tears slid down his snout. What kind of dragon was he now, that he'd been so afraid of what a human might do to him that he'd been willing to do something that humiliating? A coward, he thought, head hanging in shame as he reached the clearing and hobbled to a stop.

"Congratulations! You have completed your fourth task," his captor said cheerily, either not noticing or intentionally emphasizing how awful Sroth felt. "Those mean dragons didn't hurt you too badly, did they?"

He shivered at the memory and looked himself over: aside from some sore spots that were sure to bruise and a couple of shallow cuts, he seemed to be all right. "Nno..."

"Good. Get into the van, let your paws be tied down and stick your nose into that hole again so the driver can set your bridle back to normal."

Sroth paused for a moment--what about getting tied up even more? Was just having the bridle closed his "reward" for finishing this task? But he shuffled over to the back of the van without questioning it--there was nothing bad about not being made even more helpless!--and put his paws up onto its floor, then after a couple experimental hops lunged forward, lifting his hind paws just high enough to get them into the van. He put his paws into position, watched resignedly as they were secured to the floor, then swung his head forward and pressed his snout through the hole that led to the driver's compartment.

The driver poured a little water onto his tongue to help him wet his mouth, loosened the straps enough to pull out the ring-gag, then bound his snout shut again, forcing his teeth tight together and locking the buckles securely; once that was done, he pressed lightly on the dragon's snout, and he pulled his head back so the driver could close off the hole again. He let out a muffled growl, then swished the water around his mouth and swallowed it, along with the saliva that had built up from having to hold his mouth open for so long.

"Now the van will take you to the location of your fifth task; I'll give you your next set of instructions once you're outside again. Oh-- I almost forgot to give you your reward for completing this task! Since you seemed so eager to pleasure yourself... here's some pleasure for you to enjoy if you ever want to distract yourself during the remaining tasks."

His cockring began to vibrate.

"Nn! Nn-nnn!" Sroth howled as the sensations began to resonate through his loins, shuddering as the pleasure raced through him. No, feeling the vibrations for just a couple of minutes had been so horrible before, he couldn't suffer them for however long it took him to perform all the other tasks! He'd go mad with lust long before then, be reduced to a shuddering heap that could do nothing more than grind himself against the ground and hope that eventually he would be given enough stimulation to orgasm, unable to shut out the sensations or make them as strong as he needed them to be... How could he perform any more tasks like this? He noticed after a moment that the vibrator wasn't buzzing nearly as strongly as it had when used as punishment, but it was enough to make him start thrusting again, and he struggled in vain to shift his paws and tail before dropping his snout to nuzzle fruitlessly at the sheath trapping his arousal. It felt so good, he just needed more... "Nnn!" he cried again, thrashing helplessly, but his captor didn't bother to respond to his muffled pleas.

He moaned and strained to move his paws, to rock his hips more, to nuzzle the sheath hard enough to actually be able to feel more than the light vibrations teasing him, but once again all his restraints were far too strong and he could only hump helplessly at his snout as the van drove away.