CatDance #4

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#4 of CatDance

In which Castle Kitty occupation increases 100%.

Of the new occupants, 100% are Kitties. Total boob increase is 60% overall with furry boobage now outstripping scaly boobage 60% to 40%.

However, care must be taken when counting individual boob increase as not all boobs are equivalent in mass. With the giant Argonian and the overly-endowed Lady Muz-Ra's size taken into account, total boob mass is roughly equivalent between the two species. Regrettably, after the great Argonian Texture Replacement, total nipplage has dropped somewhat.

It must be admitted also that the total sausage count has increased incalculably (since there IS one now and division by 0 results in a bunch of EEEEEs on old calculators).

Total number of butts has also increased proportionately.

We consider this change a net plus and look forward to investigating these changes in depth.

| The next afternoon found Kitty, Ubergard and Muz-Ra heading to the Tails.

"...not at all. I think it's a great idea! So much room going to waste anyway while the girls at the Tails are cramped up and sharing beds. It's just that... well, I can come with you guys you know. Or I can just stay with the Jarl." | image |

| "Yeah, but I'd rather not leave the castle totally empty while we're gone anyway. Plus this way you don't have to stay with the Jarl if you don't want to," Kitty pointed out. "But Ubergard, what makes you think K'rris would want to move in?"

The giantess smiled, "If Udaran moves out, K'rris will find anyway he can think of to follow. Be assured of that." | image |

| "But she's... with Cheetah,"

Ubergard shrugged it off as of no consequence. "He became infatuated with her from just pictures in the Tails of the Khajiit. I don't imagine that her lack of interest in him sexually is going to change that."

Kitty scratched her head, "I guess. Can't end well for him though. But if you're sure."

Ubergard nodded her confidence. | image |

| "Well thanks Kitty," Muz-Ra continued, "And we_could_ use more life in the castle anyway. I can't really say I'm dying to go out on another adventure yet honestly. I'm having too much fun with the Jarl, now that we can roam about without having to be secretive."

"I sort of figured so. I hear you are going on a little picnic with him tomorrow."

Muz-Ra sighed. "We're going up to visit a mountain lake nearby. Yeah, just me, him, and about 20 soldiers and Irileth. It'll be a real intimate date." | image |

| Kitty laughed, "20 soldiers! Wow, you're really getting promiscuous!"

Muz-Ra closed her eyes, "Ah, the good old days. Too bad Jarly's not that adventurous. I told him Irileth could join, but I got the clear impression that he'd rather have the 20 soldiers than one Irileth."

"Hmm. Odd relationship there. I'm surprised he can get it up with guards stationed all around!". | image |

| "Once again you underestimate me Kitty! When we make love, he'll be able to think of nothing but me! I call it my 'Total Immersion with Surround Sound' technique."

"Sounds like some sort of language study."

"Close! Well, it is lingual anyway. See, I cover his ears with my thighs and all his remaining senses are then focused on my..." | image |

| "Excuse me Red, but we're here," Ubergard said with her impeccable timing."I'm going to go talk to K'rris."

Kitty and Muz-Ra found Udaran and Cheetah lounging at a table outside the underground bathhouse. After initial hugs and greetings, Kitty explained her proposal to them. It took no persuasion at all to convince the two lovers to move into the castle and away from H's hideaway. The Tails certainly was luxurious and secure, but even with the open and tolerant attitude, it's total lack of privacy made the two keen to escape to Kitty's castle.

They all then went to talk to H. | image |

| "So, you want to take away my two best models to stay with you in your castle? Surely you can see my concern," H protested.

"Well, it's not like we'd really be away H," Udaran corrected the owner of the Tails. "We'd be back whenever you need us."

"Still, there's the matter of protection," H countered. "Here in the valley our security..." | image |

| Ubergard and K'rris chose that moment to step into the room.

"We have an idea about that too..." Kitty smiled, turning to the newcomers. | image |

| "Wait! You propose to take my best guard too?!" H's eyes went wide. | image |

| K'rris spoke up then. "H. Be reasonable. You and I both know this valley could be defended by a Skeever with a slingshot. You don't need me. Kitty does."

H sighed. "Well dammit you aren't slaves you know. I can't make you stay here. But K'rris, while the girls will still get paid for their work, I don't run a charity house here. If you leave you'll no longer be in my employ."

"He'll in mine," Kitty nodded. | image |

| "And you Cheetah? You haven't said much. You want to move out too?"

"Oh H, you know that where Udaran goes, I go too!"

"Alright then. I'll post your shooting schedules a week in advance, girls, so you'll know when you're expected to be here."

Both Udaran and Cheetah nodded happily, Cheetah letting out a squeak of excitement. | image |