Chapter 37: I Still Love You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#37 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 37: I Still Love You

Yuri was sleeping the next morning when Talib came to her in the room where she was kept. The bed had been dragged next to the wooden pole, and Yuri was tied to the pole by her golden leash as she slept on the straw mattress and sleeping furs. It was hard at first, sleeping with the heavy gold collar on, but she was sleeping deeply on her back -- her nipples pointing at the ceiling, her legs folded to the side -- when Talib gently awoke her.

Yuri's eyes fluttered open and she carefully sat up. Talib was grinning at her as gleefully as a pup. She blinked and frowned sleepily, adjusting the heavy collar against her breasts and wondering grumpily where her meal was. Talib usually brought her food on a tray, and he would feed her himself, dabbing her face with a napkin. After so many long hours of making love with him, Yuri was starving. She heard her stomach gurgle and asked drowsily about her next meal. Talib only shook his head impatiently.

"Yuri, who cares about food -- the queen! The queen is coming here --"

Yuri's eyes snapped on Talib, wide and horrified. Enya was coming here? Enya, who hated and despised her? She pressed her back to the wooden pole. She wanted to die. But why the hell was Talib so damned happy? She scowled at him and flopped miserably on the sleeping furs, her mane falling over her face.

"Don't you get it?" Yuri heard Talib scold her. "I'm the queen's favorite --"

"What!" Yuri shouted so loudly that her mane fluttered away from her face. She sat up again, staring at Talib.

Talib grinned at her. "Didn't you know? The queen and I . . . she took me as a consort for a while. Couldn't resist my charms." Talib proudly buffed his nails on his chest, looking very self-satisfied.

"You're lying," said Yuri at once. "En -- she doesn't like males!"

"Tell that to my cock."

"It's not true!"

"It is," said Talib, looking a little smug. He sat on the edge of the bed and folded his arms. "Are you saying she only pretended to want me?"


"Now, Yuri," Talib said slowly. "You keep arguing with me and I'll have to spank you."

Yuri snorted. He wouldn't dare! And of course he was lying. . . . wasn't he? She hoped to god he was lying. Her Enya with Talib? A rush of jealousy sent an adrenaline blow to her heart, threatening to choke her, threatening to push forth tears. She stuck her fists on her hips and declared loudly, "Enya doesn't like males -- Enya likes pussy!"

"Yuri," Talib warned, closing his eyes.

"Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, puss--"

Yuri was suddenly snatched and thrown across Talib's lap like nothing more than blue baggage. She cried out indignantly. She couldn't believe it, but he was holding her fast under his arm, her legs were dangling over his thigh, her head and her breasts were swinging toward the floor. He viciously yanked her tail back and gave her such a smarting rap on her plump little ass cheeks that she squealed. She felt her buttocks jiggling from the blow, and they were stinging so badly that she knew they were probably red under the fur. She dared to try to escape his arm and another few stinging blows came down, so rapid and heavy that the smacking noises echoed hard against the walls. Yuri wailed and tears sprang to her eyes. But she bit her lip. She would not give him the satisfaction of begging him to stop.

As if Talib had read her mind, he spanked her more, harder, faster, the flat of his paw sometimes scooping under, purposely making her buttocks roll up and then down with the stinging blows. He was hitting her so hard! Yuri couldn't stop herself: she sobbed brokenly that she was sorry, she sobbed like a little pup. She was incensed when he only laughed. He jerked her on his knee until her thighs jolted wide apart, and then he was spanking her sex as well as her buttocks!

Yuri suddenly didn't care anymore: she bucked on his knee, cursing him, her breasts flying everywhere, her face red. But his arm was strong around her and everything below her waist was vulnerable to his whacking paw. He spanked her pussy lips until they were hot and moist, until her glossy juices were squirting through the air from the smacks, and Yuri was soon giving moans of pleasure even as she sobbed.

"I think you forget your place, Yuri," Talib panted as he brought his paw down in another series of hard blows. Slap, slap, slap! Her ass cheeks wobbled and stung, and she sobbed harder, suddenly hating him.

"You are my pet! You don't talk back to me. This spanking, it's too good for you. You're gushing wet now. You like it!"

"N-No, I don't!" Yuri insisted, terrified that he might invent some harsher punishment. She gave a shrill little scream when Talib suddenly rammed his fingers sharply between her pussy lips.

He carefully slid his fingers out and moaned thoughtfully to himself: she was so wet that her juices clung in a sticky web to his fingers. Yuri was mortified when he jerked her around until she was sitting on his knee, then brought his wet fingers to her face. She could see that his fingers were covered in the hot juices of her arousal and she instantly blushed.

"You like it a little too much when Daddy spanks you," Talib said with narrowed eyes. "There must be some way I can really hurt you --"

"Oh!" Yuri cried, terribly frightened now. Her big breasts heaved above her little waist. She trembled on his lap but dared to beg, "P-Please, Talib, I didn't mean it! You said you'd never really hurt me --"

"I know what to do with you," Talib said darkly, as if something had just occurred to him. He clutched the back of Yuri's neck and ordered her to kneel on the mattress.

Feeling wretched, Yuri did as she was told, that stupid gold collar dragging her down.

"Lean down on your elbows," Talib ordered, standing over her. "And lift your tail up high. Spread your legs a little wider . . . That's it . . ."

Yuri gulped and sobbed to herself. She was on her elbows and knees and her tail was lifted to reveal her most intimate places. She was a fool if she didn't know what was about to happen next. She saw Talib move until he was standing behind her, then his weight shifted the mattress and she knew he was kneeling, his cock rigid and ready to punish. He smoothed hungry paws over the curve of her ass cheeks, then spread them with his thumbs. Oh, no, not there . . . anywhere but there! In her mouth, in her pussy -- just not -- Yuri bit her lip and sobbed when it happened: Talib's dick crammed hard and fast into her anus. She gave out a choked cry and rocked forward, as if to escape him, but he grabbed her hips and sank himself in.

"Hmm," Talib muttered. "You've been had here before. Who went and popped your black cherry?" He laughed.

Yuri blushed angrily: Roan had taken her in the anus. It had hurt just as badly then too, but out of love for Roan, she had borne it. She didn't want to bear it for TalIB: Not Talib who had spanked her, who was raping her! She hated him suddenly, hated him and all the damned mountain wolves! Tears of pain and rage streamed over her cheeks as he started rocking his hips against her, squelching that thick dick in and out carefully, slowly, and with such satisfied moans that Yuri knew he was thoroughly enjoying her clenching, heaving walls.

Talib eventually became so excited that he grabbed Yuri's arms, and pulling her arms behind her back, he used them to press himself inside. Yuri sobbed quietly to herself as he rode her, trapped as she was with her arms behind her back, her breasts thrust out and flopping, tears staining her cheeks. She felt a rush of anger when he came inside her and that hot cum over spilled, seeping in the fur on her buttocks. He let her fall on her face to the mattress. Yuri was glad when her mane fell over her face. She lay there trying to catch her breath, listening to him moving around the room.

"As I was saying . . ."

Yuri heard the splash of water and knew Talib was washing his cock off in the basin. She felt something hot and wet dribble from her anus. Blood. She wanted to die. She cried a little and sniffed to herself, suddenly aware that Roan had been very gentle with her: it hadn't hurt half as much when Roan took her!

"The queen is coming here to see you," Talib went on. "And this is good for me because if you've been thoroughly humiliated, if she comes here and finds you miserable and blubbering, then I get a raise!"

Her face still hidden behind her mane, Yuri scowled. Why the hell should she care? She bit her lip to hold back a sob. She suddenly felt like a lost little pup and wished Zaldon was there to hold her, to sooth her aches and whisper loving words in the moon tongue.

"You are a special case, Yuri," Talib was saying. "A very special case. The queen was adamant that you should be punished. Thus far, I've been very gentle with you. I guess I felt sorry for you. But I had to hurt you sooner or later: if the queen came here and you weren't miserable, we both would have been in deep shit."

Yuri's heart hammered a little in her chest when she heard Talib moving across the room toward her. He gathered her to his chest. Yuri, tired and listless, fell limp across his arms. She saw him smile lovingly, sympathetically down at her and felt another burst of silent rage. How dismal to be his pet, to be subjected to a sudden rape in her ass just for the pleasure of Enya -- Enya, who wanted to see her in pain!

"But I had to lie to you. I had to make you angry so I'd have a reason to punish you. You've been such an obedient pet this far, I didn't want to seem unreasonable."

So it had been a lie! Yuri felt a sudden wave of relief and didn't know why: why did it matter if Enya had been with Talib or not? Enya hated her!

Talib stood her in the basin now and started cleaning the blood and the cum from her. Yuri stood there looking miserable, her slender arms covering her breasts. Like the rest of the dark and shadowy mountain village, the water was very cold and her nipples were standing out painfully hard. She held herself and shivered as Talib cleaned her, grimacing when he gently cleaned at her sore anus.

"It's good for you too if the queen comes here," Talib went on. "If she thinks you're miserable enough, she might let you go. You have to act really wretched. Cry. Sob. Apologize. The whole deal."

Yuri closed her eyes as he washed under her tail: acting miserable wouldn't be any great feat. She felt so listless, so drained, so used. Talib had always treated her like his beloved pet, his tender possession that he was so proud no one else could have! But now it seemed as if all this time, he had only been using her to further his special favor under Enya!

She frostily ignored it when Talib sucked her nipple -- almost as if he was apologizing! This wasn't lost on Talib. He gave Yuri's rigid manner an amused little smile, then without warning, he sank his fingers in her sex and sucked on her nipple so hard the soft mound of her breast rose against his face. There was no way Yuri could ignore this, of course. She trembled against him, her knees suddenly weak with the throbbing hunger that was starting to build. She curled her fingers in Talib's mane with a little cry as he kept sucking her tit, his fingers working between her pussy lips with a steady skill that insisted her arousal. He touched her so exquisitely that she soon could not breathe and fell into a half-swoon against him. Still smiling to himself, Talib caught Yuri against his shoulder, and rubbing the back of her thigh as he crossed the room, he laid her carefully on the bed.

Yuri hated herself. Enya had been right: she was nothing more than a bitch in heat! She curled up into a little ball, hid her face behind her mane, and ignored it when Talib started playfully slapping the end of her tail around.

"I had to punish you, you know," he explained again apologetically. "What if the queen came in here and you were talking back to me like that! It would look as if all this time, I hadn't been punishing you at all! I was supposed to have you playing humiliating little games and crawling back and forth with your tits hanging down, but instead I've been cuddling with you and kissing your neck. Do you know how that would look?"

"Who cares!" Yuri burst, but it came out in the tongue of the moon wolves. It was just Enya! Why should she care about impressing Enya? Enya wasn't her queen! Not anymore . . .

Yuri sat up and went on in a rage in her native tongue: "You're nothing but a sad, pathetic little boy! Using me to get favors from Enya -- you make me sick! And if you ever touch me again, I'll puke uncontrollably until I die! I feel sorry for your wife! No wonder she hates y--!"

The last word was barely out of Yuri's mouth before Talib suddenly slapped her. He struck Yuri so hard that she fell to the bed with a little scream, her mane falling once more across her face. There was a long pause as Yuri lay there in shock, struggling to keep tears from rising, struggling to ignore the stinging pain that was pulsing on her cheek. She was gulping to catch her breath when she slowly looked up: Talib was kneeling tense over her, gazing down at her with hard gray eyes. She thought she saw the flicker of an apology in those gray depths, but he blinked and it was gone in a second.

"You should be careful what you say in other languages," Talib whispered at last. "You never know who might understand you." He turned away, resting his elbows on his knees.

Yuri sat up slowly, and with Talib's back turned, she touched a ginger finger to the bruise throbbing on her cheek and winced.

"I don't like hitting females," Talib said darkly. "When I spanked you, it wasn't really painful, just humiliating. That's what I do: I make pets -- love slaves, if you will -- of the village's captives. It's kind of my part time job." He laughed bitterly to himself. "I'm a mother's dream, aren't I? Mom has practically disowned me, but I get paid under the table for doing this and it puts pretty rings on my wife's fingers, good food in her belly. So I keep to doing it even if she hates me for it. For once these captives are disciplined and molded to live in our society, they are released. I usually handle females. The bigger boys handle brutes like that Zane of yours. We spank them, fuck them, sometimes whip them to make them humble and harmless. I've been doing this for years. But I never in all my time as a Master had to really strike a female until today."

Yuri stared at Talib's back, and just by the tone of his voice, she knew he wasn't lying.

"Talib . . ." she whispered, suddenly feeling guilty in spite of everything. "I'm sorry for what I said about your wife."

"I'm sorry I slapped you," he quietly returned. "But so long as you obey me, that will never happen again. Understand?"


"Good." He twisted around, leaned back on his arm, and their lips came together in a kiss so tender that Yuri shivered.

Yuri was reaching bashfully for Talib's cock (she had never dared to do such a thing but had always wanted to) when two tall males suddenly burst into the room, and Talib leapt to his feet. Yuri knelt there on the bed looking frightened: oh, god, Enya was coming! Enya was here!

"Her highness, Queen Enya," announced the two males in unison, and bowing together, they pulled aside the curtains.

Yuri's heart hammered in her chest when Enya stepped into the hut, looking somber and stiff and so haughty and regal that Yuri almost smiled: her bold and daring Enya! She looked over Enya's body and sighed to herself that Enya was still so beautiful: her slender waist, her little feet, her round calves and great breasts, and that white stripe cutting up her belly and over her nipples! Yuri had always loved more than anything to drag her paw down that stripe! She flared her nostrils a little, drinking in Enya's delicious scent. She caught a whiff of Enya's hot, moist pussy and felt her own pussy heave a little, emitting a small amount of her juices.

Enya's pretty blue eyes gave Yuri such a frosty look that she cringed behind her mane. God, Enya was so angry! What was about to happen here? Her sable eyes darted in a silent rush of anxiety between Enya and Talib, and she let out a little scream when Talib suddenly nudged her very roughly in the pussy with his toe and ordered for her to greet the queen.

Yuri instinctively scurried forward on paws and knees and kissed Enya's little feet. She had always loved Enya's feet, so small and perfectly shaped, the nails so glossy and pink as they curled down from the fur. She hesitated but gave the arch of Enya's foot a soft little kiss. She glanced up: Enya was gazing down at her with such a terrible sadness! Wanting to make that sadness go away, wanting to apologize for what she'd done, Yuri started kissing Enya's ankle, then her leg. Her kisses traveled higher and higher until Yuri was sucking eagerly at Enya's shapely little thigh. She closed her paws slowly -- almost questioningly -- over Enya's buttocks and kissed her thighs again, very close to her pussy. Yuri's lips trembled against the sweet-smelling fur. She could feel the heat radiating from that moist crevice and wanted very badly to kiss Enya there, to lick her, to taste and smell her arousal. Her tongue was slowly emerging from her parted lips when Enya rapped her head hard with the scepter.

"Enough!" Talib barked, yanking Yuri back by her leash. He added under his breath, "Stop trying so hard -- you're pissing her off!"

"Have you punished her?" Enya demanded. "Let me see."

Yuri was horrified when Talib nodded, and without hesitating, he suddenly swung Yuri over his shoulder. Yuri hung there, her red buttocks and swollen pussy lips in plain sight for Enya to see. She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt Enya's wooden scepter tracing in her fur and realized what Enya was looking for: she was making certain that Yuri had been spanked! She shivered when she felt Enya's small fingers peel her pussy lips apart, then prod her anus. Talib did the same, and they spoke to each other in soft voices as casually as if they were speaking over some dumb goat that they were haggling over at market!

Yuri winced when the scepter grazed a place that was especially sore and she was glad when Talib set her down again. She knelt at his side, feeling small and naked under them both: no one in this room was covered, and yet Yuri felt so exposed! Together, they had inspected her pussy and anus, her ass cheeks, her thighs, as if it was nothing! And now there they stood, talking calmly to each other. Talib was reverent and humble, speaking with doting "Yes, your highness" s and "no your highness" s. Enya, meanwhile, sounded cold, bossy, and firm. She wanted to make sure that Yuri had really been punished and declared that she wouldn't be satisfied until Yuri was punished in front of her.

"I think a few games would make tears come from those eyes," Enya was saying.

Yuri looked up and blurted out before she could stop herself, "Oh, Enya, no! Please, don't d-do this, I --"

"Silence!" Talib hissed and yanked hard on Yuri's leash. He apologized in a low voice to Enya, his eyes lowered.

Enya stood glaring down at Yuri. Her blue eyes narrowed and she said darkly, "Gag her."

Yuri's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe this was happening! She knelt there with her breasts heaving, her long lashes fluttering wildly in her building dread as Talib knelt behind her and tied a piece of cloth back against her tongue. Her silvery mane was caught up in the gag, and Talib had tied it so painfully tight that she choked a little. Enya, meanwhile, stood against the wall looking dour, her slender arms folded, her scepter and its painfully hard jewel in her paw. Oh, what was about to happen here? What were they going to do to her? She started to cry before she could stop herself and felt a dismal pang when she noticed Enya's cold satisfaction.

"Just do what she wants," Talib whispered kindly in Yuri's ear, "and I won't have to hurt you badly."

Yuri blinked out tears and nodded breathlessly, suddenly very glad that Talib was there in the room.

Enya suddenly gestured with her scepter, and in response, Talib sat on the bed and swung Yuri easily over his lap. It happened so fast that Yuri gasped behind her gag. She lay draped across Talib's hard thighs, her ass to the air, her breasts hanging down. She kept perfectly still and didn't dare to look up as Enya moved quietly through the room. Her heart was pounding. Oh, what was Enya going to do! She sobbed a little to herself and was warmed when she felt Talib's paw reach under her mane and secretly stroke her cheek with the back of his fingers. He rocked her gently on his knees, as if to calm her, and she felt her heart stop beating so hard. She tried to clear her mind, tried to accept that whatever was going to happen here, there was nothing whatsoever that she could do about it.

Seconds later, and Yuri gasped behind her gag: Enya had stretched her body on top Yuri's. Yuri felt Enya's great soft bosom smashed against her back, the stab of her sharp nipples, Enya's breath on her mane. She shivered and her pussy dripped until the juices were seeped in her fur. She had never expected this! This sweet closeness, their fur and soft curves pressed together. She wished she could turn over and kiss Enya or that Enya would kiss her neck. God, how she missed those sweet lips on her body! But what was happening here? Enya was reaching around. Yuri blushed when she felt Enya's little paw stroking the inner curve of her thigh, so gentle and yet hungry. The tips of her fingers grazed Yuri's throbbing sex, then Enya suddenly kicked Yuri's legs wide apart, and Yuri gasped at the sudden intrusion of the wooden scepter in her pussy!

Yuri's heart beat wildly now. She couldn't believe it, but Enya was raping her with the scepter! It rammed in and out against her pussy lips, squelching in her juices, and it was so painfully sharp and hard that Yuri was soon sobbing as it stabbed inside. Enya rocked against her as she continued her assault, her big breasts slapping Yuri's back. Yuri's breasts were heaving from the thrusts as well. She squeezed her eyes shut and sobbed behind the gag, the tears flowing.

Growing ever more aggressive and wild, Enya wrapped a strong arm around Yuri's neck and continued jamming the scepter in so hard that Yuri wriggled and sobbed her agony, begging in a muffled voice for Enya to stop, moaning that she was sorry. But as Enya's big breasts smacked against her, all Yuri could think was "Oh, God, Enya, don't stop . . ." For her pussy clenched against the scepter now, holding fast to it as it plunged her, and the brush of Enya's breasts and hot sex against her, it had her so dripping and moist that she was soon moaning between sobs.

Yuri wriggled under Enya now, thrusting her ass out to receive these deep stabs, her eyes hooded, her body on fire from Enya's touch. Enya closed her paw over Yuri's tit, squeezing it and massaging it as she raped her, that nipple rolling in her fingers, her breath in Yuri's mane. Yuri moaned her delight. She would receive this rape gladly if it meant having Enya on top of her like this, Enya touching her so deliciously, Enya's heavy breath in her ear! Affectionately, she smashed her gasping and gagged mouth against Enya's arm and sucked with her lips, a silent plea for more. Enya fucked her harder with the scepter now, deeper, and Yuri was glad to hear the shuddering breaths that were coming from her once-lover: Enya was as aroused as she!

"More!" Yuri whispered to herself around the gag. "M-More! Oh, god, Enya, yes! Yes! You feel so good on top of me . . ." Her pussy clenched tight over the ramming scepter, and she gave a sputtering cry behind the gag as she came, her juices gushing over it.

Yuri sagged against Talib's legs when Enya suddenly stopped. Enya sagged on top of her, breathless, her breasts heaving against Yuri's back. Yuri felt Talib touch her cheek again and remembered with a flutter that they were both draped across his knees. With Enya on top of her like this, she had completely forgotten he was there! But now she could feel his cock standing stiff against her and heard that he was breathless and gasping as surely as they were! He'd been painfully aroused by this rape that had taken place right in his lap and his voice was a little strained when he spoke.

"Your h-highness?" Talib humbly questioned, out of breath.

Talib sounded so strained, so choked by his craving that Yuri suddenly want to suck him.

"She's such a slut," Enya said scathingly. "She's enjoying this!"

"No, with all due respect, your highness . . . I think she's enjoying you."

Yuri's entire body went rigid when Enya backed off of her. She lay there across Talib's knees, the cold air once more blasting her hot sex. Yuri could hear a funny slapping sound and realized suddenly that Enya was smacking the scepter angrily against her palm. She felt Talib lift her tail and carefully sink a finger in her anus. She tensed at the sudden pain, clenching that tight knot against him.

"I already punished her here, your highness," Talib said. "She's still sore. I don't think she could take it --"

"Shut up," Enya whispered and Talib fell silent.

Yuri was privately grateful that Talib had attempted to save her, but she knew deep down that there was really no escaping Enya's wrath: Enya's heart was broken, and she seemed determined to punish Yuri for it.

Yuri let out a little scream when Enya suddenly grabbed a fistful of her mane. All the little roots of her mane tugged like a burn as Enya dragged her up with a sneer and threw her on the floor. The ferocity of this move had been so sudden, so brutal, that Yuri lay there on her back, staring wide-eyed up at Enya, the heavy golden collar almost choking her when it slid back against her throat. Enya was standing over her, her little paws clenched in fists on her scepter, and she was biting her lip so hard she could have drawn blood. Those blue eyes read bitter resentment and hatred. Yuri trembled and looked away. She couldn't stand the anger, the hurt in those eyes.

Enya suddenly threw the scepter aside, and kneeling down over Yuri, she dragged her up by the golden collar and suddenly slapped her. Yuri screamed behind the gag as her head flew to the side. Her mane fell across her face and she kept her head bowed, not daring to look up into those cold eyes. Enya's slender paw was strong on her arm. She could feel the fingers clenching so tight they sank in her fur.

"You whore," Enya whispered and slapped Yuri again.

Yuri sobbed brokenly behind the gag now, her breasts heaving, her cheeks red from these swift and sharp blows. She let out a shocked cry when Enya smacked her breasts hard and they wobbled against each other, blushing until the nipples stood out. Enya roughly yanked Yuri's legs wide apart and sank her fingers hard in her sex. Yuri leaned back on her paws, blushing that Talib was witnessing this abuse, this delicious fingering that was happening to her. Her thighs trembled in her embarrassment. She hated having her legs so wide apart, her little pulsing clit bare for their prying eyes to see. It was obvious she was aroused by Enya's skilled touch, no matter that she cried, no matter that she screamed. Her head fell back with a little moan when Enya fingered her deeply, but Enya jerked the golden collar until Yuri was forced to lift her head again.

"Look how easily you get wet," Enya taunted, showing Yuri her sticky fingers. "You're just a stupid bitch in heat. Zane knows that. That's why he took you, isn't it? Because he knew it would be easy getting this up."

Yuri let out a choked cry behind her gag when Enya pinched her swollen clit hard. She dragged her thighs together against Enya but received another sharp slap across the face. This blow was so hard that Yuri fell on her back and broke down sobbing.

"Yes, cry," Enya said darkly, watching as Yuri's breasts heaved with her sobs. "Cry the way you made me cry! You liar! You whore! You told me you loved me and, fool that I am, I believed it!" She shoved Yuri over onto her belly and suddenly rammed the wooden scepter hard into her anus.

Yuri screamed behind the gag, her body shivering with the painful thrusts that her sore anus stretched to receive. Oh, why, did that scepter have to be so thick? She buried her face in her arms and wept, and when Enya suddenly ripped the scepter free, her ass felt torn and defeated. She lay there on her stomach, sobbing, not daring to lift her head. She could hear Enya moving somewhere behind her.

"Your highness," began Talib, who seemed shocked, even taken aback by the rage of the little queen, "she can't take it. She's such a tender thing --"

"Oh, shut up, Talib," Enya snapped. "And get the fuck out."

"Yes, your highness . . ."

Yuri lifted her head. No! No, don't leave her alone with Enya! She reached feebly after Talib, snatching at his legs as he walked by, but Enya rapped her knuckles with the wooden scepter and hissed for Yuri to stop it.

"He can't save you," Enya told her. "No one can."

Yuri felt dismal when Talib disappeared behind the curtain, but with Talib gone, she suddenly realized that she had a chance of confronting Enya. Her paws were free, after all, and Talib was no longer there to stop her should she try to remove the gag. She reached for the gag at once, but Enya quickly grabbed her arms.

"What do you think you're doing!" Enya growled as they twisted and struggled against each other. "I didn't say you could take it out! Did I say you could?!"

Wriggling against Enya, Yuri managed to get the gag partway out. She sputtered around it, "I don't take orders from you, Enya! You're not my queen! You're just my Enya --"

"Don't say that! I'm nothing to you! Nothing! You made that clear when you fucked Zane!"

She drew her arm back as if she would slap Yuri again, but Yuri grabbed her, and yanking Enya to her, she kissed her. Enya stubbornly pulled back, shoving Yuri away from her.

"Don't! I won't kiss lips that Zane and god only knows who else has kissed. I don't want some nasty disease --"

"Shut up, Enya!" Yuri snapped, ripping the gag completely free. She threw it aside, and grabbing Enya's face, she closed her mouth over hers, pressing her tongue hungrily inside.

Enya leaned back and tried to struggle away, but Yuri's tongue was so insistent that she relented before she even realized she had. She gave Yuri her tongue back, and soon, they were shuddering against each other, frantic in their need to touch. Yuri rapidly touched Enya's curls, her cheeks, the soft heaving mounds of her breasts. She pulled Enya's legs open even as they continued kissing and sank her fingers, sighing as their tongues caressed. God, she had missed this. God, she needed this -- Enya's soft body against her own!

Suddenly fervent in her arousal, Yuri crushed Enya to the floor. Enya gasped under her, sighing and moaning as they rapidly kissed and touched.

Smacking her lips against Enya's, Yuri whispered between kisses, "God, I love you, Enya -- I need you! I came all this way for you, to find you, to hold you. I only slept with Zane to push you away, to keep you safe! Don't you see that?" She was saddened by the sudden rise of tears in Enya's eyes.

"Oh, Enya," Yuri whispered, wrapping her arms around Enya's neck. She held Enya close as she cried, her fingers curling in Enya's soft mane. "I didn't want to hurt you. But if it meant keeping you from a stoning --"

Enya sobbed harder, her cheek against Yuri's shoulder, and Yuri started rocking her, singing a low lullaby in the moon tongue that Zaldon had often sung to her when she was small. _Hush, my dearest, safe and warm . . . I'll protect you from all harm . . . _When Enya's sniffles quieted, Yuri kissed her head, so glad to feel this slender, beautiful wolf against her at last. Their soft, warm bodies crushed together, it was heaven.

"Can you ever forg-give me?" Enya whispered, still blinking out tears. "I hit you. I never thought it would come to that --"

"It's okay, Enya."

"It's not okay! I smacked you, I made you c-cry, I . . ." She placed an apologetic paw on the soft rise of Yuri's buttocks. "I just wanted you to feel what I felt when I saw you with him . . . I wanted you to hurt as badly as I hurt . . ."

"I know, baby," Yuri whispered, kissing Enya's head again.

"And you forgive me?" sniffed Enya, pulling back in amazement. She stared at Yuri with large blue eyes. "Don't -- don't you hate me?"

Yuri smiled and shook her head as if Enya shouldn't have had to ask. She brushed away Enya's tears with the back of her fingers when she answered, "Oh, Enya! I knew you'd probably lose your temper, but I don't hate you. I love you!" She took Enya's paw and added, "I know you very well -- and I still love you."

Enya laughed through her tears and they embraced.

Chapter 36: Pili's Pie

Pili's Pie Chapter 36 As they were passing through the manor grounds, it suddenly occurred to Zeinara that she'd been at Canderly Manor at least a month. The last message from Motsumi had been a week before. It was a signal in the sky, a distant...

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Chapter 38 Force Your Love

Force Your Love Chapter 38 Etienne was soon to realize that he liked Taiga. Her family too. The next morning, he awoke to find they had laid out bear skins for him to wear. He quickly dressed and entered the front room for breakfast. Around the fire...

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Chapter 36 Giving It Back

Giving It Back Chapter 36 "Ah . . . ah . . . ah. . . ah!" La'puit sat on the swing, screaming shrilly as Li'Enlil held her by the thighs and stabbed his thick erection in her tight, pink sex until her juices oozed down to her anus. Her legs were...

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