Chapter 2: Flaunt It

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#2 of All In the Family

Chapter 2: Flaunt It

In the weeks that followed, it slowly became more than apparent to David and Tammy's parents that something very -- odd -- was going on around their house. For the strangest of occurrences had taken place: their children were getting along! They no longer squabbled at dinner, they didn't bicker about chores or even talk back to their parents. A strange sort of serenity seemed to have descended on the Harris house. Little did Mr. and Mrs. Harris know that it was because their children were having sex.

After that Saturday night when they slept together for the first time, Tammy took to creeping in her stepbrother's room at night. He would be passed out in his clothes, filthy white socks on, sleeping on his side with his dark curly mane tousled and in his face. She would sit on the edge of the bed and smile at him as he slept, and sometimes, she would reach in his pants and jerk him off. He would come awake, and they would kiss and make out all night, keeping their voices, their cries and moans low for fear their parents might discover the tryst.

Tammy loved those steamy nights more than anything. David wasn't bad looking, after all. The first time they met and he looked at her with his sarcastic blue eyes, her heart had fluttered. He was so cute, so tall and lean, and he had this smile that . . . She sighed, loving the sweep of his long dark lashes as he slept. But he had been so mean to her! He didn't seem to find her attractive in return, only short and annoying. The very first time they met (which had been a year ago), he shook her paw and she pulled away in disgust after realizing that he'd licked it. He had then sucked on his finger, smiling at her, and she knew living with David was going to be a nightmare.

It wasn't a nightmare. Not so much. David was the typical teenage boy: moody and brooding, always blasting metal in his room, skipping school to go smoke at the park and feel girls up behind the gymnasium. She didn't even exist to him, and a part of her was glad for it: it wasn't a secret that he deeply resented her and Debra. Debra had apparently broken up his father's previous marriage.

But Tammy was also angry that David ignored her. He was so handsome and tall, and she thought he was the coolest wolf in the world. If only he knew how much she secretly admired him! But she grinned when she realized: now that they had slept together, she could tell him all she wanted.

"He tore my clothes off last night. It was fucking hot," she told Mindy one morning at school.

The girls were ducking class in the girls' restroom. Mindy was sitting up on the scummy sink, watching with largely fascinated eyes as her friend leaned close to the mirror and smeared on lip gloss.

Mindy was a small gray wolf with large black eyes and glasses that were even larger. She had a small pink nose, and her long mane she kept pulled back in a thick tail. The girls were in their schoolgirl uniforms: plaid skirts, socks pulled to the knee, white blouses and sweaters. Shy Mindy's sweater was buttoned up to the collar, but Tammy's little bosom was pouring out of her navy blue cotton. She smiled through the mirror at Mindy's fascination, giving her lips a firm smack to smear in the gloss.

Mindy blinked owlishly behind her glasses and shook her head. "Oh, Tammy. You always have so much fun. I wish . . ." Mindy sighed sadly and twisted her fingers.

Tammy gazed sympathetically at her friend. "Mindy! You could have all the guys you wanted."

Mindy looked up in amazement and wriggled her nose against her glasses. "I -- I can?"

"Sure!" Tammy cried. "I'm not the only one who can get laid."

"But, T-Tammy," stammered Mindy, "you get so many boys because you're so pretty. But me? I'm too plain . . ."

Tammy snorted. "Only because you make yourself plain. You don't even try! Mindy, boys like confidence. Don't be so scared! And look how you cover yourself up!"

Mindy gasped shrilly when Tammy grabbed her sweater and yanked it open. Her bosom spilled out and her buttons went flying across the restroom, pinging off the walls. Mindy blushed crimson and covered her heaving breasts.

"Tammy!" she squealed.

"And these glasses," said Tammy, shaking her head, and she promptly slipped Mindy's glasses off her face. "There! Now I can see your eyes. They're so pretty! Here, let's put some color on those lips."

Mindy watched in silent horror as Tammy rummaged in her little purse for the perfect lip gloss. She pulled out a glittery tube and grinned. Mindy shook her head so hard her ears flopped.

"Oh, no, Tammy, I c-couldn't --"

"Don't be silly! Now stick out your lips. No, no, like you're gonna kiss me -- that's it . . ."

Mindy sat very still on the sink as Tammy smoothed the lip gloss in. She was still holding her arms across her breasts and they were heaving under her blouse. She was suddenly aware of her breasts for the first time in a long time, their softness, their nipples, and the white lacey bra they were strapped in. The next thing she knew, Tammy would be telling her to take that off next!

"You're such a pretty girl, Mindy," Tammy said with a sigh. "It's about time you had a boyfriend. I'm tired of telling you about mine. I wanna hear nasty stories about yours!"

Mindy's cheeks flamed.

"Now," said Tammy, hopping up on the sink beside her friend, "are there any boys you like in particular?"

Mindy bit her lip and couldn't believe it: Tammy was asking her this as if she could deliver any boy Mindy wanted with a snap of her fingers! Embarrassed, her eyes drifted over the restroom stalls, and she wished the buttons hadn't popped off her sweater so she could close it back up. She hated having her breasts out: boys were always staring at them it! It made her feel like a piece of meat, and when they smiled at her, she had the horrible feeling they were undressing her with their eyes.

"I . . . I like . . ." Mindy stammered herself into silence, not sure if she could admit it.

Tammy smiled as it slowly dawned on her. "You like Brian, don't you? David's friend? I thought so, I just wasn't sure."

Mindy blushed. She had harbored a crush on Brian for a year now. Being Tammy's best friend, she had often come to the Harris house, and nine times out of ten, Brian would be there, sitting on the porch with David, his feet kicked up on the glider as the two of them tossed Cheeto Puffs into each other's mouths and chortled over comic books, porno mags, and video games all afternoon.

As far as Mindy was concerned, Brian was a dream: his long silver mane, his slightly muscular build, his bright brown eyes. Unlike David, Brian was an athlete: he liked boxing and sometimes ran track, which made him the possessor of one of the nicest rock-hard asses in the school. He was also star of the swim team. One might wonder what such a busybody as Brian was doing hanging out with lazy-ass David, but the two of them had been friends since preschool, and just because their interests went separate ways, it didn't mean they had.

Mindy sighed. Brian had always been so sweet to her. But he never showed any real interest and was never anything beyond polite. It made her feel dismal, and she shook her head.

"Oh, never mind, Tammy!" Mindy begged. "Brian would never go for a girl like me!"

Tammy rolled her eyes. "Stop making excuses! Mindy . . ." Tammy took her best friend's shoulders and said gently, "I want to see you happy. Just for once. And . . . you'll never know what could have been if you don't at least try."

Mindy bowed her head a moment, but she looked up with a slow smile and stammered, "Okay, Tammy, what's your p-plan?"

"That's my girl!" Tammy cried, giving Mindy a kiss on the cheek that made her blush. "Now! Brian goes to swim practice after school everyday. He stays after practice til about four. I think. Anyway, around five is when he usually comes to my house to see David. So I'm guessing four is when he's practicing over at the gym."

"And you want me to meet him there!" Mindy cried in alarm, and her ears went flat at the very thought: Brian would more than likely be alone!

"Do you have a bathing suit?" Tammy said, staring at Mindy with serious and thoughtful green eyes.

Mindy colored up, but nodded, imagining Brian seeing her in a swimming suit. Oh, god! Brian had never seen her in anything less than her school uniform, which wasn't saying much: Mindy kept herself covered up pretty well, even keeping her skirt pulled low until it was well past her knees.

"Good," said Tammy thoughtfully, then she paused as if something had just occurred to her. "Hey, Mindy, have you ever . . . been kissed?"

Mindy bit her lip shyly and shook her head.

"Didn't think so," said Tammy, smiling. "Well, if you want to impress Brian, I think you should practice."

Mindy's eyes grew round. "With who!" She went very still when Tammy only stared at her, the green eyes full of meaning.

"Oh," said Mindy, trembling a little.

"He'll want to do all kinds of things to you probably, and if you don't understand, you'll be scared."

Mindy nodded and held down a shiver to imagine Brian of all wolves wanting her. "Teach me whatever I need to know!" she said, her voice a squeak.

Tammy smiled. She cupped Mindy's face, then leaned forward and kissed her. Mindy went stiff, not knowing what she was feeling. Tammy's sweet lips pulling at her felt good and her mouth tasted like strawberries. She suddenly pushed her lips back, leaning into the kiss, even moaning. She startled Tammy when she gave her her tongue.

Tammy pulled back with large eyes.

"S-Sorry," Mindy said breathlessly and her dark eyes darted up and down in a sudden wave of shyness.

Tammy shook her head. "No, it's just, you're a natural kisser, Mindy! Brian is gonna be very happy . . . ." So saying, she leaned forward and kissed Mindy again.

Kissing Tammy back, Mindy felt a soft tug and realized Tammy was carefully unbuttoning her blouse. She trembled nervously but didn't try to stop Tammy. Tammy's careful fingers opened Mindy's blouse until her white bra was revealed against her gray fur. She reached behind and deftly unhooked the bra. It fell away and Mindy shivered to have her sharp little breasts bare to the open air. She couldn't believe it when Tammy brought her paw up and cupped the side of one of her breasts, carefully stroking the nipple with her thumb. She had never been touched there before, and it felt so good that she whimpered behind the kiss and whispered breathlessly for Tammy not to stop. Tammy was surprised by her friend's eagerness but complied: she closed her paw hard on Mindy's breast now and massaged it with firm strokes, kissing her more deeply. Then leaning back, Tammy opened Mindy's blouse even wider. She lifted one of her tits and sucked gently at the nipple.

Mindy shuddered and moaned when she felt Tammy's tongue grazing her nipple, flicking over it before her lips gave more of the slow, wet sucks that were making strange things happen under Mindy's skirt. She pulled back, breathless and red-faced. "Will Brian do this to me?" she asked, as if her innocent mind had only just put two and two together.

Tammy nodded with twinkling eyes. "And more if you're lucky." Her eyes darted to Mindy's lap, and Mindy flushed to think of Brian touching her there of all places!

"Your tits are so nice, Mindy," Tammy whispered with a sigh. "Don't forget that. In fact, flaunt the fact in front of Brian. He'll want you more."

Mindy gazed at her friend in silent fascination. It seemed to her as if Tammy had had enough lovers to fill a lifetime while she -- shy and frightened Mindy -- had only just awakened in places that should have been pulsing with passion years before.

"Tammy . . . do you do these things in front of David? You know, flaunt your t-tits and make him want you?"

"I used to do it all the time," Tammy admitted with a laugh. "I just wanted so bad for him to like me . . . Now that Amanda's outta the picture, guess I got what I wanted!"

They put their heads together and giggled.

Just then, the bell rang. Tammy gave a start and fumbled to button up Mindy's blouse. Mindy helped with clumsy fingers, then the girls hopped down from the sinks and snatched up their books. As they were hurrying out, they didn't see Amanda open one of the stall doors.