Under Winter Nights

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#6 of Secrets

Let me tell you right now that to fully enjoy this story, you need CONTEXT. Seriously, even if you want just the porn, it'll probably be a lot easier knowing who's fucking who, or which is which.

To make it easier, however, all you really need to read for the bare minimum is the first storyhttps://www.sofurry.com/view/886820

Just please put some effort into reading into this, because I've spent so much time trying to just refine it, not just for you, but for them, in the story. Thank you

In a much happier note, if you want some music, I feel this song really does reflect the themes and mood of the story extremely wellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK6jRNl83tY

"We have to be fast."

"I know."

Despite the words hanging heavy in the air, I take my time, savoring the taste on my lips. Strong. Familiar. Tainted by the coffee, sadly.

I writhe in his strong grip, his paws roaming all over me, his claws threatening to tear my clothes off right here and now.

"How many years has it been?"

"Too many."

We smash together, too desperate for words. He kisses me deeply, his tongue boring into my mouth, as if he were a hungry animal that had been starved. But I was no better. I moaned into his own maw, clinging onto him as I finally get back what I had lost so long ago.

My wolf. My dum dum. My l- . . . high school sweetheart.

He pushes me back, ripping off my shirt hastily before I can protest, sniffing at my chest, groaning.

"You still smell amazing."

He leans up and attacks my neck instead. I flinch, as if new once again to the erotic act on such a vulnerable place. It's not as if the area hadn't gotten attention after I had lost him. Though I suppose it was precisely because it was him.

I feel him sniffle and grunt, teeth nibbling on my neck as he plants bruises just under the fur. I didn't care if people noticed, to be honest. I just wanted them there so that maybe after we were done, after I return to my lonely, empty house, I'd see them and know this wasn't just some dream.

Before I know it, he picks me up, an arm underneath my knees and back, carrying me close enough so that I could still wrap my arms around his neck. Enough so that I could become intimate once again with the person who I had left behind so long ago.

He lays me on his bed, and I blush. I could faintly smell another person, most likely female. But I was far more interested in his own scent, which smothered me, pulling me into a torrent of memories.

Many of which were of him lying over me, our bodies entangled, deep places within me that have been aching to be touched by him.

"You really did ruin me for everyone else, you know."

"How so?"

A coy, smug smile.

"You were too good. Never felt nearly as good with anyone else."

"Well, I do have that effect on people."

We both look at each other's face. Scrutinizing one another, looking for the things that may have changed.

"I miss looking at you . . . I never did say it enough. But you're handsome."

"S-Stop it. Jackass. We're already in bed, you can cut the sweet talk."

"I mean it . . . I never even realized since I lost you."

He moves away so I can sit up, and we look over the rest of our bodies.

He's aged well. He looks as if he was in his prime, but I know that in truth that was at least a decade away. Still, he's probably worked hard for this body. I run my hands over his arms, the fur rougher than when I had touched it before, electric on my paw pads. The muscles, too, had tempered into an iron, tight against him, yet large and bulging. It was hot.

My face warms up. It's been a while since I was so turned on by just looking at something. I guess porn loses its luster after a while. The real thing is a lot more exciting.

I touch his chest, feel the faint beating of his heart, and think back to what could have been. I never stopped wondering, you know. Just . . . what could have happened, if I wasn't afraid.

I feel his paw touch my cheek. It had gotten so much rougher since the last time I felt it. Or maybe it was because I was used to gentler paws. I nuzzle into them, and he feels my fur between his fingers.

"Still as soft as ever."

What would have happened, I wondered, if instead I begged him to help me that day? To stay by my side? If I had acted selfishly, and told him just how much I loved him. How much I needed him.

Maybe it wasn't too late . . .

We move, and soon he's lying against the headboard, with me between his legs, sniffing hungrily at his quickly filling sheath. I bring my paws to him, pulling the protective pouch back and revealing his throbbing red member. I drag my tongue across the head, and he groans, complimenting my moans. The taste stuck hard on my tongue and refused to leave, and I didn't mind a bit. I savored the dark, musky taste of him. He was similar to back then, but this flavor too, had matured pleasantly.

Maybe we could run away. I could write that book, under some alias. He could work small jobs, and we could just be together again.

I take him into my muzzle, his face just at the edge of my vision. He lets out a contented sigh, smiling softly as I take him in once again. He grows quickly, and sadly I was a bit out of practice, gagging softly, embarrassed at my rusty skills. But he doesn't mind. He guides my head down lower, meeting his crotch with rough fur and heavy scent. I take him fully, gulping him down hungrily as I recapture his taste.

We didn't need a glamorous life, and we were used to hiding. It defined us for a year. It wasn't as if we ever felt the need to announce it. It was something we shared. Maybe we even took a sick pleasure in it, seeing each other in secret. Knowing that we would be the only one for the other.

I pull him out of my maw, shivering as the thick pre he was dribbling liberally hit my tongue, viscous and manly. I resist, instead teasing him and assaulting his balls. They seemed to be larger than before, which only confused me more. Just how did he manage to hide so much away in his baggy jeans? Questions for later.

For now, I roll the large, orange sized balls in my paws, heavy and swollen. I lick them, relishing in the manly scent that permeated off of them. He shivers, pushing my head further in, and I comply by trying to take one of the enormous things into my maw, but it just wouldn't completely fit. So I resign myself to my smaller ministrations. I fondle them, lick them, massage them, worship them.

Somewhere, in the back of my mind, embarrassingly enough, I even wish I could have the cubs of this virile wolf, and regret my own biology. It was a natural instinct, I guess, something submissive within me. Not that I would ever share such a humiliating thought with him. I still remember all those times before, bending me over, grabbing me roughly, saying he was going to fuck the pups right into me, make me his good little bitch. I always hated when he took control like that, and loved it all the same. I guess that's why I love provoking him so much. Loved, I mean . . .

Soon enough, we move again, his paws guiding me until I was upside down relative to him. The kinky bastard wanted to sixty-nine.

"Haven't done this in a while."

"You mean with me, or with anyone else?"

"Both, I guess."

"Aren't you hitched? What, the ol' ball and chain won't give ya' any? I find that hard to believe."

"Eh, sex with her is . . . strained."

"Well . . . enough talk about that for now. After all, we could do a lot more with our mouths than just talk with them right now."

We get back into the rhythm of things, going down on each other. As always, he was surprisingly skilled with his muzzle, taking me in one whole gulp, swallowing and teasing my length with that strong and painfully agile tongue of his. But I don't hold back either, squeezing and pumping his entire length as I suck him down, pushing all the right buttons as my other hand goes back to his balls, trying to coax out my creamy treat.

Of course, being the wolf he is, he doesn't stay there for long, but instead moves onto my balls, licking and sucking them roughly, making me grunt. Then I feel his tongue on my taint, definitely moving upward towards-

"H-Hey, wait a minute."

"Ugh, what? I've been waiting about seven fuckin' years for this, gosh darn it. I ain't gonna wait fer long."

"W-Well you'll just have to wait longer! I . . . I-I haven't exactly cleaned back there as thoroughly as I should for something like this."

"Are you . . . serious right now?"

Needless to say, his growl sent shivers running up my back. Both of fear and deep arousal. And without even a warning, he plunges in, tongue licking up from my balls, to my taint, running strongly over my tail hole. I groan, the feeling being electric. But it was so dirty, so wrong, so . . . so . . . unhygienic!

He licks again, stronger, pressing into my tail hole.

I-It's not like I don't clean there. He kisses me, as if reuniting with my rump as well, just before he, and I don't exaggerate when I say this, plunges his tongue deep into me, hungrily eating me out like a depraved animal.

Nghh! I st-still cleaned back there out of habit, j-just not nearly as thorough as before. He grabs my ass in his paws, groping and massaging me lewdly as he bores his tongue deeper into me, prying me open as he allows his slimy saliva liberally slide into me, lubing me up for what was inevitable at this point.

I groan, squeezing and pumping his burning hot cock, stuffing it back into my muzzle to try to hold back the screams of ecstasy. After having the area left alone for so long, not even so much as a finger entering back there, my nerves were alight in a flurry of different, intense sensations. Feeling the slimy appendage spread me open, press into me, wiggle around, even finding and teasing my nut, it was almost too much.

I found myself a sloppy, drooling mess on his behemoth member, only moving up and down on instinct. I try to regain my senses, teasing him, squeezing the rock hard phallus, trying to get him all down. But he presses into me, claws pricking me as he pulls me deeper into his maw, his tongue pressing firmly into my prostate now, making my legs buckle, toes curl, vision go white, and my cock throb angrily, screaming to be played with.

I resist. I wanted this to last as long as possible. Because as much as I wish it wasn't, as much as I wish that our lives weren't just complete shit, it is what it is. And this may very well be . . . the last time we get to be together like this.

I don't let the thought fester, going back to the task at hand and easing the shaft back into my throat, listening to his groans, feeling his thighs flexing underneath my palms. He doesn't let me relish the small victory, lapping at all the right places inside of me, as if it was only yesterday when he had done this.

It made me smile a little, thinking the last few years had simply been an interlude until we came back together. I let the angry cock flop out of my muzzle, moaning loudly for him, licking it lazily as I push my rear back into him, silently begging for more.

He obliges, removing his tongue much to my chagrin and instead quickly stuffing in two fingers. I yelp, tail standing up straight as I feel myself stretch at the two thick appendages, groaning deliriously as he much more firmly presses against my prostate, making me kick and buck back into him like a feral dog begging for a treat. I hear the bastard chuckle.

"What, never had any attention back here either?"

"I-I'll have you know I wasn't ex-oh god-exactly an enthusiaaahhstic bottom in the fiiiirst place. I-It was only with, ngh, with you that I ever d-did . . . b-butt stuff."

"Wow, what kind of fox are you? Not even that big of a slut are you. Except for me."

I turn around, ready to let all Hell loose, but he retorts, by stuffing in a third finger and drilling hard against my nut, making me moan, bordering a scream. I grip his legs, mindlessly licking his cock, drooling over him as my mind blanks at the intense sensation, almost like electricity running through me, or a fire building from the bottom of my stomach. An old sensation I had been craving for a long time now.

I look back, hands still working over his cock. My face burns as I see the sultry look he gives me. He leans down and licks one of my cheeks, biting it softly as his fingers still work their magic.

He grabs my tail, pulling it up and making me yelp before stuffing his nose right under it and sniffing deeply.

"Mmmm, yeah. That's my sexy fox."

And to my dismay, he pulls his fingers out, roughly rolling me over to the other side of the bed, off of him.

Silently, I glare at him as he gets up from the bed. He looks at me, embarrassed almost, more of an apologetic grin smeared across his face.

"I . . . I need you bad. I don't think I can wait much longer."

He reaches down into a nightstand, grabbing a bottle of lube.

"Do you . . . do you still want to do this?"

I look at him and gulp, the tension palpable. Wordlessly, I move to the head board, lying down flat and raising my legs to my chest, tailing waving excitedly.

"Take me."

And he does. With a ferocity I didn't think he had in him.

He pounces on me, almost roughly grabbing my legs and pulling them around his waist, going down and kissing me roughly, almost enough to bruise my lips as his hands explore all over me, claws teasing over my most sensitive areas.

Without the need of any guiding paws, I feel his tip press against my tail hole. He slowly eases it in, making me shiver and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down as I feel him stretch me wide once again.

In that moment, we were perfectly attune to one another. He went just slow enough to make me almost beg for more, yet also adjust to his enormous girth. I squeezed down on him, desperate to draw him in further.

We were a symphony of moans, groans, grunts, and all the like. His paws felt electric running across my pelt. Our tails chased one another, intertwining and brushing against one another. I writhed against him, under his body that seemed to warm up the cold room. I couldn't even tell that it was a freezing winter night.

He slowly thrusts in and out of me, not in any rush to simply fuck me, yet desperate to feel me envelope him, just as I was desperate to feel that burning hot spire of a cock deep within me.

One inch.

We kiss, and we break apart. We nuzzle and lick one another. We whisper sweet nothings and dirty secrets. How we dreamed of this. How sex was empty without them. How every day, we would think of the other, in anger sadness, lust, or anything of the like.

And then, fluidly, we would return to kissing, tongues sharing a lewd and sinful embrace. I could feel his drool leak down into my muzzle, and I drank it up, moaning at the dirtiness of the act. But with him, all those formalities and rules were thrown out the window.

All that mattered was feeling good, and making the other feel even better.

Two inches.

I feel him squeeze my ass, and I moan, smiling almost madly as I revel in the wrongness of what we were doing.

I lived in such a religious house, having hate woven into me. I learned to judge others for who they were, and learned to hate for it. And in the end, secretly, without knowing it, I hated myself.

And I hated my parents for their hypocrisy, cheating on one another and breaking their oh so sacred vows.

Yet now, in the time when I felt I hit rock bottom, in this moment when I was lying in bed with the wolf I love, forcing him to commit the ultimate sin of adultery, I couldn't give a damn.

I only cared about his teeth teasing and nibbling my shoulder, whispering to him how big his cock was, and how good it felt inside me, his slow, shallow thrusts, almost enough to drive me insane.

Three inches.

He looks down between us, and I follow his gaze.

I had gotten a bit . . . excited. My dick was leaking pre like a facet, spurting out a bit with every throb.

"Look at the messes we make . . ."

He smiles, dragging his fingers through my mess, the pre sticking to his paws in thick strings.

He brings it to his muzzle, taking them in without hesitation, growling lowly.

My face burns up.

"Mmm, tastes great, just like I remember."

He runs his fingers through my crotch again, just close enough to brush against my member, making it throb wildly and squirt out a jet that almost hit my chin.

"Here, why don't you try some?"

He holds his paws out to me, and I feel my ears pull back. But I can't resist him, taking in the fingers into my infuriatingly obedient mouth, my treacherous tongue licking and savoring the taste of my salty and musky pre, as well as the feel of those rough paw pads.

He watches me the entire time, still thrusting in and out of me at a leisurely pace, sinking deeper and deeper, ever so slightly each time, his own pre flooding my insides. He growls.

"Good boy. You like that, don't you?"

I let go of the finger, working on the other now, licking and sucking it like the whore I was.

"It's what you've always wanted right? A real alpha to take care of you . . . oh, you were probably so sad without me."

I lick between his fingers, lapping over his palm, getting every drop of pre.

"But I'm here now. And I'm never. Ever. Letting my little fox go."

He thrusts in suddenly, making me squirm as he stretches me further.

Four inches.

He pulls his paw back, making me whimper, but quickly stifling it by deeply kissing me again, letting his tongue dominate my muzzle again, a far cry from the controlled teasing from before. He licks my maw, tasting my tongue, almost pushing far back enough to get into my throat.

Desperately, my hands reach down, trying to grasp my member and give me sweet relief before I lost my mind to the sheer pleasure he gave me. If it got any more intense, I don't think I could keep my sanity intact.

But he grabs my hands by the wrists, forcing them over my head, fingers interlacing. Both endearing and domineering. Very much like Mark.

And thus, I acted in a way that was very much like me. I started struggling to break free, while cussing him out.

"You motherfucking cunt, let me g-go! I need to cuuummm."

He fucking chuckles. Licking my nose lightly.

I feel him press deeper, and I'm shocked into silence by his throbbing member pressing directly against my prostate, rubbing and sawing against the little bundle of nerves, sending electricity up my spine, lighting a fire deep in me, as if he was pushing the entirety of me upward, flooding my veins with ecstasy-

It felt really fucking good. There, that's the secret. It feels so unbelievably, unimaginably good, that it can't be described by anything other than weird-ass metaphors. Like a push, like fire, like electricity, like a flood, like a dam overflowing, none of it could describe the sheer bliss, the dirty satisfaction of a nice, thick, hot cock pressing deep into you in all the right ways.

Five inches.

He was relentless, thrusting into it, with a surprising amount of controlled force. Each time he hit that special place, I could almost feel the cum shooting out of my dick, a mini orgasm each split second of harsh contact.

I of course instinctively tightened up, not wanting him to leave my tail hole, despite knowing it would always come back. My tail wrapped around his legs, my own legs hugging him closely. He groaned, and his thrusts became much more forceful, but he still maintained a shocking amount of sanity and reserve.

I, on the other hand was pathetic. A drooling mess, desperate to feel his love deep within me, begging shamelessly for him to do the dirtiest things to me.

"P-Please~, I need you so bad! I want you to cum in me, fill me up, knot me like the bitch I am . . . be rough, stop caring so much about me, I don't care if it hurts, just fuck me! I deserve the pain, I've been such a bad little boy . . ."

Six inches.

He growls, thrusting in suddenly, making my eyes widen and nearly scream in the sudden pain and sheer, overwhelming pleasure as he sinks further into me.

Seven inches.

"Y-You will NOT say shit like that."

He growls, teeth running dangerously across my throat.

"You . . . you're not the one who deserves punishment here. So . . . don't ask me for that. Instead . . . just let me love you. All of you."

I look at him, and he looks at me. He had such sad eyes, just now. And I know I was the source of them.

I don't deserve you.

But I want to be selfish. Just for . . . a little bit.

I kiss him, softly, and he groans, his hips picking up momentum.

Eight inches.

He shifts his grip, holding both paws with only one of his own. Not a difficult task with his giant hands, I'm sure. With his other, he roams my body, reacquainting himself still to my form.

His hands tweak my nipples, making me yip. He scritches behind my head, just below my ear, and I whimper. An old sensitive area he'd tease relentlessly.

And he lets the large paw fall to my face, cupping my cheek as he looks down, not missing a single thrust. He gives me a look that's far from the nature of our actions. They're solemn and distant, yet with a small spark of hope. They looked warm, like a dying fire that needed to be fed. And seeing those eyes, though I felt my guilt rise up to my throat like bitter bile, I also felt a flame within myself lit.

This really was a chance for happiness again. A chance to be with him. Not a redo or a reset, no. I couldn't change the past. But we could have a future together. It wasn't just some pipe dream.

He presses deeper, lowering his muzzle just enough so that we were touching. It wasn't a kiss, just a muzzle bump. But for now it was all we needed.

He pulls out of me, closing his eyes as just the very tip lie inside of me. Then, just a little too fast, with a little too much force, he pushes back in, grinding hard into my prostate, hitting all sorts of fun places deep inside me.

I moan loudly, almost screeching his name if I'm being honest. And I see him shiver, smirking. The bastard always did get a sick enjoyment from all my sordid cries.

Nine inches.

His hips are finally flush against my backside, pressing as deep as he could before his bulbous knot stopped his progress.

So we lie there, panting against one another, the slightest twitch bringing a rush of pleasure to the either of us. But more to me, since his dick was literally grinding down my prostate.

"Y-You got bigger."

"You . . . you got tighter."

He pulls out. Agonizingly slowly.

I throw my head back and moan. "J-Juuust out of practice."

Only the tip is in once he starts pushing back in, sawing deep into my passage, making my legs twitch and kick, ultimately making my whole body contract, trying to bring him closer into me.

"W-Well, it's d- . . . definitely tighter than the first time."

He nibbles on my neck, teeth dangerously pressing into the soft skin, reminding me of the vulnerable state I was in.

"Th-Thaah-Thaats nostalgia t-tAHHHalking."

But I don't really care. I actually enjoy it. Laying myself bare to him.

He hilts me again, prostate crushed under the massive size of his cock, knot pressing into my rear with it's threatening, gargantuan presence.

He pulls out.

"Oh god, I've needed you for so long."

He grips onto me, pressing his chest into my own, his hands intertwined with my again.

He pushes back in.

"M-Me too!"

I grit my teeth, toes in a perpetual state of curling.

He hilts in, and I feel my dick pulsing dangerously.

"S-Stop! Stop!"

He looks up at me, freezing all movements.

I clench down on him, making him groan, growling lowly.

"Mm, god I almost came."

I let out a large sigh.

He looks at me. And he grins evilly.

He pulls out of me, much faster than before. And he pushes into me with the same intensity, if not more.

"Wh-What are you- mmphh!"

He leans in, kissing me deeply, our muzzles locking together. I can feel his drool leaking out of the sides of my mouth as he begins to ravage me like a wild animal, our love making devolving into an intense fuck session.

Then again, for us, to fuck and to make love was never too far apart.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that he's going too fast. It's been so long since I've had something up there, I-I can't acclimate fast enough.

I grip his paws hard as I feel my body tensing as his dick pulverizes my insides, hitting every sensitive spot in me perfectly. I could feel my own member going crazy, streams of pre now coming out in a deluge, matting my fur over my stomach almost embarrassingly.

I try to hold on for dear life, not ready to cum yet, not ready to end it. Not like this.

But, in the end, much like many times before, I'm not in control.

I clench around his member as he thrusts deep inside of me, my whole body convulses as my dick starts spitting out a veritable flood of cum, shooting out between us as he moans into my mouth, grinding his body against my chest, stomach, and yes, my dick as well.

He stops the large thrusts, instead pistoning in and out of me, only using a few inches, but each time pounding hard into me, his knot grinding against my back door.

He's masterful, no doubt, working my body as if he was playing a piano, roughly and crudely, yet each move done with precision to prolong the intense experience as much as possible. He crescendos, playing adagio and feroce in a mad rhapsody,

He ground his cock at such an angle that it was grinding against my prostate constantly. Each thrust was timed perfectly with my body, hitting every time I felt as if my orgasm was waning. He moved at his own pace, ignoring my legs desperately trying to get him to fully hilt into me, almost begging him to progress and egress at the same time.

And this whole time, I was in a daze, silently screaming his name into his muzzle, thrusting up aimlessly into his solid gut and back into his boiling hot cock, tail thrashing against the bed, stars dancing in front of my eyes as I could barely remember why I was even there.

I could only focus on the sheer magnitude of the orgasm that seemed to shake me from my core. It was by far the best orgasm I've had in years.

Mercifully, he stopped his motions as my moans of pleasure became grunts of discomfort, overwhelmed by the excess stimulation that my body wouldn't be able to handle for long.

He releases my muzzle, and I throw my head back, quickly sucking in as much oxygen as possible. It felt as if I was going to black out. My whole body was numb and tingling. I was actually shaking, every inch and facet of me severely aware of every touch, rub, or even when his fur would barely graze my own.

I could still feel every pulse of his member, still hilted deep inside of me. And soon I could feel him moving in me.

He's a cruel lover. But I was never much better. And secretly, we both loved doing this to one another, and it's evidently something we both still enjoy. So I don't complain much when he pulls back out and thrusts back in, quickly working back up to a normal, fucking pace.

I whine, and he growls, but it's just something that happens.

My dick doesn't even get soft. In fact it seems to scream once again for attention, cum-tinged pre still liberally dripping from the tip, though I wasn't really looking at it very intently. Not with so much hot wolf on top of me.

I squeak, whimper, moan, and all sorts of other noises I can't begin to describe. He just growls, the dirty pervert getting off on just what kinds of noises he could get out of me.

We were loud. That was undeniable. The head board was constantly tapping the wall, the bed was squeaking relentlesly, but that all seemed eclipsed by the growling, grunting, and barking that Mark was devolving into, not to mention the almost disturbing squelching sounds coming from me probably due to his pre overflowing out of me, or the increasingly loud sound of our bodies slapping against each other, his balls striking my rear to the point where I was surprised it didn't hurt him.

I wondered if the neighbors could hear him. Maybe they were angry. Or maybe they were jealous. I groan at the thought of others people, just on the other side of the wall, or just a floor above, jerking off their cock to the sound of us fucking like animals.

Mark didn't really seem to care. He just focused on rutting me harder and harder, railing his cock right into me, putting a wolf-cock shaped indent permanently into my prostate.

And boy did I absolutely love it. I was holding onto him tightly, at least with my legs. Despite the fact I had just cum, I could feel my balls rising, my whole body singing and screaming. Heavy death metal I'm guessing. To be honest, I was still so sensitive, from the moment he started fucking me again, I was overwhelmed by the sensations assaulting me.

I barely noticed the second time I cum, already so far deep into the pleasurable feeling of being fucked I couldn't tell the difference. After all, I can only tell the difference by so much. It was out of my comprehension, because he was bringing me to heights of pleasure I couldn't even fathom already. Any higher was outside my realm of understanding, though I did feel the intense pulses of cum that jetted out form me, a few spurts actually hitting his chin.

Still, I was a drooling, moaning (possibly screaming, who knows) mess, incoherently begging for more like a cheap slut, and boy did he accept that challenge, his hips becoming a blur as he worked through the resistance of my constantly clenching ass. He was like a machine. A sexual beast taking me to the pits of hell, shooting me up to heaven, and then pulling me to the most sinful pits of the underworld that may have existed.

His knot ground into me, slipping in more and more with the sheer force backed behind each thrust, and despite the size of that behemoth bulb, I craved for it in me, because I knew it signaled his ending as well. Not that I wanted it to end. But I did want to feel his hot cum, warming me, filling me, bringing me an infinite amount of satisfaction, knowing I was able to please him as well.

I want him to claim me. To make me his. To ensure that no matter where I went, who I passed, they would know exactly who I belonged to.

His thrusts slowly devolved, becoming more forceful, more intense, and definitely more feral. He growls, he gnashes his teeth, he snaps, he spits, and he even barks at me, eyes cloudy with his impending climax.

His knot pounded a lot harder against my tail hole, stretching it wide and pushing pre deep within me before pulling out again and repeating the process faster than I could even realize it was happening.

He leans down, opening his maw wide as he latches onto my shoulder, locking down hard into a mating bite. I throw my head back and scream, feeling my dick pulse weakly as I'm thrown into what I can only assume is my third orgasm, though it didn't feel like the first or second one ever really ended.


"NgghYAAAHH!!" I scream as I thrash in his grip, with him letting my shoulder go, raising his head back and howling so loud the fucking floor seemed to shake.

I could barely take it, his knot stretching me so wide, allowing him to press deeper than what should have been physically possible, and adding a new pressure strong enough to make me feel like I was going to explode.

My mind was completely blank, my maw hanging open as drool steadily leaked down, too overcome with the extreme stimuli bombarding my senses. Mainly his gargantuan dick still pounding away into me, knot and all locked in and still expanding until-

He roars. He fucking ROARS, thrusting as deep in as possible, his cock pulsing before letting out a deluge of cum with every sticky burst inside me, quickly flooding my insides. He still shallowly thrusts, the hot, viscous liquid filling every facet of my insides, just barely leaking out of his engorged knot, and most definitely stretching out my gut a little more than it already was.

He finally lets go of my paws, his own roaming my body desperately as he leans down, soon grabbing my muzzle and kissing me deeply as he instinctually continues to push into me, as if he was trying to ensure every drop of cum was in me.

We break the kiss, still close enough that we could feel our hot breath waft past one another. We were panting, moaning, grunting, making all sorts of small sounds as we tried to calm down. He wraps his arms around me, holding me close as he nuzzles me, licking my shoulder and neck, pecking my cheek gently.

With a little rearrangement, we're lying on our sides now, still panting, but looking at one another.

"You've . . . *pant* you've been here all this time, huh?"

"Y . . . Yup. Hah . . . I honestly thought I'd never see you again."

"Did you . . . did you ever want to see me again?"

"I . . . thought about you every day."

". . . Wow."

"So . . . I guess I didn't want to see you again. Because . . . I knew this would happen."

"Yeah . . ."

We both breathe deeply, trying to capture the other's scent.

"Do you regret it?"

"Less than I should, more than I would."

"I've thought about you every day too."

"You shouldn't. It's out of character."

"Screw archetypes."

"Still . . . you should move on from someone like me. I'm not worth your time."

"Bull shit."

His knot finally deflates. At least enough for him to slip out with relative ease. I shiver at the sensation, biting my tongue to hold in a moan. I clench down so I can at least try to hold in most of his cum inside of me. I don't want to make a mess on his bed, after all. And maybe I wanted to relish the feeling a little longer . . .

I shift around, and he complies. We're spooning now, him behind me, pressing me close into him. I push back, engrossed in the familiar warmth.

"You're still way too warm. It's uncomfortable."

"You're not too easy to cuddle either, bub."

"I know."

"So what happens now?"

"We cuddle."

"You know what I mean . . ."

"Well . . . this . . . what happened between us . . . it has to end."


"Nothing's changed."

I liked spooning him. It was like cheating. I got to enjoy being close, while not having to look at him.

"I'm going to get cleaned up and dressed soon enough. Then I'm gonna go prepare dinner. And life with my wife will continue."

"It . . . it doesn't have to."

"Yes it does."

"Stay with me . . ."

"It won't work. We won't work."

And we go on quietly. Maybe because we wanted to leave it at that, and not do the stupid thing. That's right. This way, it was said and done. So if we just stayed silent, enjoying the borrowed time we had, we could just . . . pretend we were okay with this.

But of course, Mark isn't that kind of person. So he gently moves me, pushing me until I'm lying on my chest, him on my back, his hard cock, the trooper it is, ready and raring to have another go at me.

"Well . . . while I have you here, I'm sure as hell gonna get as much of you as I can."

And I smile, faintly, lifting up my ass for easier access. He growls, being the dumb alpha male he was.

He slides right back into me, making my recently softened dick twitch, as well as making me grab the sheets and groan. I have to be careful. I might just get addicted to this feeling. And going cold turkey would not be an option.

He grinds his dick into me, his chest rubbing across my back, his breath rolling off my neck. He leans forward, gripping my shoulder in his maw, biting down as he begins to absolutely rail me again, making me claw up the sheets, biting a pillow I had been resting on just to try to suppress all the embarrassing sounds I would have no doubt have made.

The dog is like a machine, not knowing the definition of exhaustion at all. And I had to say, I was thoroughly enjoying this fact.

He growls, his hips a blur as his dick strikes all the sweet spots inside of me, making me squirm, not sure if I wanted him to slow down or speed up. But speed isn't all he has. There's also an infuriating strength behind each thrust, slapping against my ass hard enough to feel like it would bruise, but I relished the raw masculinity of it. He strikes deep within me, making me almost delirious with pleasure at the oddly dexterous pounding he's giving me.

I start barking and yipping, cum leaking out of my dick in weak spurts, my balls nearly drained. He releases my shoulder, gnawing on my neck now, sucking on the sensitive spots and continuing to mark me up with hickies now. But if I really cared that much, I'd have a larger problem with the scent of wolf that was staining literally every inch of my body.

His knot, still only beginning to re-inflate, slips in easily, stretching me wide, but not nearly as much as when it had at full size. It was enjoyable, and I was glad to get the extra few inches in me as a precursor, but the bulbous monster was starting to wake up again.

His paws wrap around my chest, teasing my nipples as he lewdly licks my neck, making me whimper like a common bitch. He'd argue it was because I was a fox. I'd punch him in the gut. But I can't argue, since I am meeting every thrust by slamming my hips back very enthusiastically.

He moves up to my ear, nibbling and sucking on one, sending extra shivers down my spine. He always loved messing with my ears for one reason or another. He sticks his slimy tongue inside, making me yelp. I can't say that I hated it.


His knot, now at a much larger size, slips in, quickly engorging as I clench down, having another orgasm fucked out of me. I scream, and he howls again, thrusting wildly and biting my scruff as he pumps me full of yet another load of potent wolf cum, the virile concoction penetrating deep within me, warming me up.

I hear him scratching the sheets, trying to push even further into me with his hind paws, almost desperately. I'm doing the same with my front paws, pushing back.

He leans down further, the both of us still in a heated daze, kissing me deeply, almost viscerally as we sloppily lock muzzles. There was a lot of tongue, and even more drool. I'm not gonna lie, with anyone else it would have been disgusting.

But with him, as well as what felt like over a foot of dick inside of me, I could make an exception.

And I made a lot more exceptions that night. A lot more.

I guess this wasn't exactly a quick stop for coffee.

* * * *

I push in the key to my home, unlocking the door.

"Mark, I'm trying to take a shower."

I pass by the numerous pictures. I hated them. They were all so posed.

"C'mon . . . we both know you won't get the smell all off . . . might as well get some more."

_ _ I listen. It's quiet. Something I've grown accustomed to.

"Mark, I have to go."

_ _ I go into the kitchen, pulling out some knives, some pots, a cutting board, and some veggies.

"C'mon . . . you already stayed the night. How about another? Just a few more minutes."

_ _ I start preparing dinner, taking solace in the almost solemn process.

"Mark, I don't have time."

_ _ I cut and dice methodically. I try to fill my thoughts with the slicing. I can't think.

"C'mon . . . I don't know when we'll be able to do this again. I need some more."

_ _ I try to forget his smile. I think about the time.

"Mark, she'll get suspicious."

_ _ I start boiling some water, getting out some pasta and chicken.

"C'mon . . . you already told her you were goin' on a business trip, yeah? So rela~x."

_ _ I put the knife down. I hear the front door opening.

"Mark . . ."

_ _ "Hi honey." I say with a smile, seeing her walk in, putting her purse and coat down. "I just got back. Thought I'd make us dinner."

"I have a wife."

_ _ "Oh, how thoughtful!" she says, smiling brightly. It's so innocent. So infectious. "Let me help."

"C'mon . . ."

_ _ "No, no, you~ relax." I say, pushing her towards the couch, smiling myself. Though it may have been fake . . . it's been so long I've forgotten.

"I already know. You told me. But she doesn't have to know."

"You just got back from work." I say, firmly sitting her little vixen butt on the couch, kissing her cheek.

"And if she doesn't know . . ."

_ _ "Sweety . . . you're too good for me." she says, sinking back into the couch, letting out a sigh.

"Then another round won't hurt, now will it?"

_ _ "Tell me about your day." I say, being the thoughtful husband I am.

_ ". . . Jackass . . ." _