Saturday morning

Story by ddoggiedo on SoFurry

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#1 of A day of pleasure

The blaring woke me up from my sleep. "I really hate that damn thing..." I thought to myself as I slapped my alarm clock. I rolled over onto my side and looked at Cody he was a Grey Husky and I had known him practically since High school. Our relationship was not as it was then as it is now until around the end of Senior year. He was tall about 6"1 with Hazel eyes the same ones that made me fall in love with him.

As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I slid out of bed quietly trying not to wake him up. I stood up and opened the door softly and slipped out of our room. Our apartment was a one bedroom two bath on the 2nd floor of our complex. Most of the time it was never really clean. We both were not picky about a clean house. Our kitchen was fairly small with just enough room to fit what was needed. The living room is cut off by a small half wall from the kitchen and has two green sofa's and a small flat screen t.v.

I walked into the living room and turned on the t.v. it blared for a fraction of a second since it had been on last night and used to watch a movie I turned it down. I walked into the kitchen and began to make some coffee while watching the news, the same story of a local grocery store being robbed was on. "Their version of robbed was a couple store items being stolen please." I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I looked up at the clock on the wall it was twenty past eight. As I finished making coffee Cody walked out of the bedroom. "Hey you, sleep well?"

"Jonathan you know I always sleep well next to you." Cody said as he winked slyly at me. "Did you make coffee honey?" he asked.

"Yes I did help yourself I bought some sugar yesterday its in the cupboard." I exclaimed.

"Is this still the same story that was on last night about the theft at the Grocery store?"Cody asked.

"Yea its been on all morning so far." I replied. "You wanna go down stairs and grab the mail real quick babe while I make us some breakfast?" I asked as Cody sat down on the couch.

"After I am done with my coffee baby."

"Alright, hey where are the eggs?" I asked as I stared blankly at Cody.

"I think they are in the back on the bottom shelf." Cody replied.

"Thanks honey." I responded.

"I am going to get the mail Jonathan."

"Ok, here's the key to the box." I said as I smiled at him. As Cody turned around I could not help but stare at his tight ass with his Grey tail swishing back and forth. I finished making the eggs I scrambled them and threw some bacon into them called it good. As I was setting out our plates Cody shuffled back in.

"Smells great wolfy." Cody said as he winked at me.

"Dont call me that you know I hate that!" I said giggling. "Now sit down and eat you." I looked over at Cody and he already began shoveling his food into his mouth. He glimpsed up at me and gave me a shit eating grin. I smiled back.

As Cody and I finished up eating Cody walked to the bathroom I grabbed our plates and put them in the sink. "Hey honey!" I yelled towards the bathroom.

"Yea?" He responded back.

"What are you doing in there?" I shouted.

"Taking a shower." With his response I was walking towards the bathroom as I threw open the door. He was already completely naked and I smiled at him. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT!" He shouted laughing at me.

"No I just wanted to see my honey." I said winking as I felt a bulge growing in my pants. Cody looked down and smiled.

"Oh so you want to play?" Cody said seductively

"Oh yes please..." I said suggestively. Cody got down on his knees and pulled my sweats and boxers off at once my seven inch limp member dangling there in front of his face.

"Oh Jonathan." Cody said as he grabbed a hold of my pre dripping member.

He immediately took it into his muzzle, with the speed at which he did it I was shocked with pleasure. I shut the bathroom door with my foot and slid down with my back against the door. Cody began to twirl his tongue around my member I gasped and thrust myself into his muzzle he smiled as I did this. He took his mouth off my member as it was hard and pulsing pre shooting out onto his face. "Wolfy I want you Inside me." Cody giggled. Cody turned around and stuck his ass in the air his Grey cheeks relaxed exposing his tight hole as his tail was in the air.

"Are you ready baby?" I asked him not waiting for response as I stuck the tip of my member into his tail hole. Cody gasped and squeezed his tail hole on my member I shuddered and shot pre into him. "Dont do that you might make me end early baby." I said as I eased my member into him.

He gasped and yelped "FUCK ME WOLFY!" that was all I needed to hear and I thrusted my member into him. Codys dick was throbbing as I pumped the length of my member in and out of his ass as he smashed his cheeks back up against my crotch our balls slapping together causing them to tingle. I leaned over onto Cody humping him ferociously as I spit onto my paw and reached around grabbing his member and began to jerk him off. He gasped and I smiled "You like the baby?" "DONT STOP WOLFY OH GOD PLEASE DONT STOP!" He shouted gasping and panting.

I could feel my knot forming as I was reaching my climax I leaned back and layed down onto the floor. Cody pulled my member out of him and turned around as his dick was facing my chest he inserted my member back into him and began humping me his dick bobbing up and down i could see his knot and he was gasping as his ass cheeks slapped against my balls. I leaned up hugging him as he wrapped his legs around me and I started to kiss him as we twirled our tongues in each others mouths. I kept pumping my member into him until my knot popped into his tail hole. I bursted with pleasure as I filled his ass with all of my cum. He next climaxed spraying his cum all over my chest. He lapped up his cum on my chest and smiled. Cody rested his head on my chin. I was panting hard and so was he.

As I stood up I slid my member out of his tail hole and it made a "Plop" noise. We both laughed at that. "Now Jonathan if you wouldnt mind can I take my shower now." Cody winked and laughed at me. I giggled and said

"go ahead baby" I walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me I walked out into the living room and sat down onto the couch and looked at the clock it was Nine forty three. "Today is going to be a long day." I thought to myself smiling.