World Divided: Chapter 1 - Past and Present

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#1 of World Divided


Early into the 22nd century, eight gods appeared as pillars of light and moved amongst the inhabitants of Earth

for several weeks, giving humanoid form to various beasts. The anthropomorphs were gifted with great powers,

elemental, psychic and more. These new beings were charged with the protection and maintenance of the world,

they were to prevent the self-destructive nature of humans from obliterating the planet. This came to be known as

the second creation.

Humans were un-accepting of these changes and fought for what they believed was rightfully theirs. Technology

however, was unable to match the immense power the anthropomorphs wielded. The anthros, as they soon came

to be known as, established dominant power over the human race and set forth their will, stripping mankind of

any technology that was deemed potentially hazardous to both the planet and it's inhabitants.

Though this knowledge was to be erased from the world, many thought it should at least be recorded, for

historical purposes. And so, all records, blueprints and research of such things as weapons, nuclear power and

even vehicles were placed in an archive that was locked and hidden away to be forgotten.

Centuries passed and the humans gradually accepted the rule of the humanoid beasts and began to co-exist with

them without incident. However, as is the way of mankind, greed and the desire to control festered in the minds

of future generations. Though they made no public advancements, they huddled in small groups and gatherings

to express their disliking.

The world was united and at peace by 3844, 4 years before the death of Dorian Kenedine. Near the end of that

year, an expedition was led into the isolated mountain range of what was once known as the Himalayas.

Seventeen humans, scientists and archaeologists, traveled through the area for a month before stumbling across

a long forgotten library of ancient and forbidden technology. Twelve people paid for the finding with their lives,

struck down in cold blood while they slept by five of their colleagues who were part of an underground

organization known as HOPE, Human Origin Protection Establishment.

Discovery of the library was not announced to the public, instead HOPE began manufacturing weapons in order

to take back control of their planet. Over time, the intensity of the anthro's powers and the number of anthros born

with such abilities dropped significantly, HOPE had been presented with an opportunity to succeed in their

dreams after an extensive time waiting.

Thirty-seven years after the death of Senthius Kenedine, HOPE emerged from hiding and struck a decisive blow

to the anthros, at first they believed they had won the fight with a single surprise attack. They underestimated

their opponent however and were pushed back as they were caught unprepared for a retaliation.

Through lies, bribery and influence, HOPE recruited vast numbers of humans to fight against the anthros and

soon the planet was divided in half. Humans wanted their planet back, and anthros, after much discussion,

decided it best for the planet's sake, that humans were eradicated altogether.




Past and Present

"Victoria, how many times do I have to say it? I'm not a child anymore, I can make my own decisions. Besides,

this command hardly gives me the kind of power and freedom the title of king does." Felister pushed his case

forward to his displeased aunt. He stood in front of a large fireplace, a wineglass filled with apple juice, in his


"Fine." Victoria said as she stood up in a huff. "Forgive me for not wanting you to become a sinful bastard like

your father."

"Oh come on. I'm two-hundred and nine, I have far more life experience than he did, I'm not going to fall to

corruption so easily. I know how you feel, why do you think I turned down the position of High Commander three

months ago. This command is only over the forces in Dennire; it's basically just management." Felister sipped

his drink as his aunt Victoria left the large, elegantly furnished room. ‘Stubborn woman.' He thought to himself.

The panther-rabbit cross breed turned around and watched as the log on the fireplace crackled. Thoughts of his

mother passed through his mind, she'd always been happy to see him excel at life, but in accordance to his aunt

Victoria's wishes, Felister kept his distance from any kind of major power. These little arguments were common

between him and the albino panther, she was very adamant and understandably concerned about her last living

relative's well being.

"How did she take the news?" A soft voice spoke up from behind the panther. A young, short, white rabbit in a

basic pink night gown stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

"She wasn't happy, I knew she wouldn't be. But she'll be fine." Felister put his drink on the mantle and walked

over to his fiancé. "Tilly, I've been thinking... come to Dennire with me."

"Are you sure?" The pretty rabbit sat on the couch and was soon joined by her love.

"I'm not going to get much chance to get away and come to visit you. Dennire is hardly on any front lines, it has

barely any strategic value. That's the only reason we've been able to hold it for over ninety years. The humans

have neither any interest in it nor the time to worry about it." Felister turned Tilly to look into his eyes.

"Alright. But don't think I'm going to be staying in the house all day long."

"I wouldn't dream of telling you to do that. I wouldn't recommend taking any extended nature hikes, but it's not

exactly a dangerous area to be in, that's the only reason I'm suggesting this." The two kissed for a moment then

kissed again.


Tilly nuzzled into Felister's chest as she hoisted her leg over his stomach, straddling him as the bed covers fell

off the side of the bed. The white rabbit lay on the panther's body and kissed his nose to rouse him from his


"Morning." She said softly. Felister opened his eyes and looked at her as his hazy vision cleared.

"Mmm, good morning."

"Did you sleep well?"

"I always sleep well with you."

"Is that because I'm warm and cuddly, or because I'm a good fuck?" Tilly lay against Felister's body, pressing

her bust against his chest. She breathed deeply, making his black fur lift towards her nostrils. The panther

stroked the long white ears of his love as she slowly slid her body down his. He knew what she was up to and it

made him horny. It was the same routine every morning, not that Felister had any desire to complain. Tilly was

very frisky, each night and morning she fucked him, and usually a couple of times during the day when she could.

The feline shared his father's and grandfather's appetite for sexual interaction and this white rabbit offered

exactly what he needed. Sleeping naked, his slumber was ever peaceful with the warm body of Tilly pressed

against his own.

She moved down his body, his penis growing hard fast and poking up between her legs. Felister ran his hands

down her arms as she sat up and lifted her body off his. With a hungry look in her eyes, Tilly took hold of the

feline's erection and guided it into her own body. Her warmth surrounded the panther as she settled down onto

his lap, swallowing his shaft completely.

Felister placed his hands on Tilly's breasts and kneaded them firmly, occasionally giving her nipples a gentle

squeeze. She rose and lowered herself passionately, letting her mind drift off as her body was washed over with

pleasure. Her body heat felt like fire around Felister's dick. Inside her was the only place the panther felt truly


Sun light streamed into the room and bathed the pair in mid morning brightness. It's warmth only added to their

enjoyment. Tilly moaned as she slowly, rhythmically pumped her body up and down. Felister's shaft pulsed as it

slid against the rabbit's inside. He felt her start to increase her pace, a clear sign she was nearing her climax.

In the morning light, Felister sat up and wrapped his arms around Tilly, holding her body against his. With each

rise and fall she rocked her hips back and forth; the four different motions made the panther's body spark with

ecstasy. At the base of his penis, he felt a dam of pleasure building up and it sent his mind into a haze. Both

figures embraced each other and kissed, body and mind merging to form a passionate unity.

Felister began to growl as Tilly continued to moan. Their breathing grew shallow as they panted over each other's

shoulder between growls and moans. Her breasts were sandwiched between their chests, her nipples rubbing

against his skin. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as her moans grew louder. Faster now, Tilly

almost slammed her body down onto the panther's cock, plunging it into her depths as far as she could. Felister

helped her, pushing her down as he shifted his hips forward, driving his penis between her folds.

Victoria rolled over and pulled the bed covers over her head, trying to smother the regular sounds that filled the

house each morning and night. She slept in a room on the other side of the large, seven bedroom house, but

Tilly's moans always managed to roll down the halls. They weren't overly loud, so the albino panther just

ignored them, mostly.

Felister held the rabbit tightly against his body as both dipped into the nirvana that was their orgasm. Together

they cried out in pleasure as the panther filled his rabbit with his heat. If they could have held each other tighter,

they would have merged into one being. They embraced for several minutes after their bodies relaxed, just

enjoying the warmth of the other, breathing heavily and taking in the scent of the one they loved.

"Mmmm. French toast for breakfast?" Tilly asked as she looked into Felister's eyes.

"Sounds nice."

They kissed for a moment, then Tilly got off her panther as he lay back. She stood next to the bed and leaned

over to kiss him once again before leaving the room.

"Good morning Tilly." Victoria said as she walked into the kitchen. The albino panther sat down, ignoring the

nakedness of the white rabbit.

"Morning Victoria. Have a good sleep?" Tilly bustled about at the bench as she spoke, not turning away from the

breakfast preparations.

"Until you two woke me up, as always." Victoria didn't really mind, but she enjoyed teasing her friend.

"Well, you won't have to worry about that for much longer."

"Why not?" Victoria watched Tilly's back.

"Felister has asked me to go to Dennire with him, and I've accepted."

"Oh." Victoria was a little upset at this development. Tilly was the first real friend she had made in over seventy

five years.

"I know you're going to miss me Vic, but I promise I'll keep in regular contact." The rabbit turned around as she

spoke. Both her and Victoria had built a solid friendship in the few years they'd known each other. Now that Tilly

was leaving, the panther was going to be alone once again.

"It's ok. I'll be fine by myself. I got used to being alone a long time ago." Tilly didn't buy a word of the panther's

lie, but she didn't let on. The only thing Victoria had gotten used to over her life-time was seeing people close to

her leave in one way or another, but it still crushed her every time.


"Commander, the uh, new Commander is here."

"Thank you Archer, show him in."

Felister entered the office at the Dennire base and was greeted by a middle aged, brown bear who stood in the

in front of an elegant wooden desk.

"Commander Felrigard Denning." The panther extended his hand.

"Nuhgra Shilt. Welcome to Dennire. Would you like a drink?" The bear turned around and picked up a bottle of

scotch and a small scotch glass.

"No, thank you." Felister sat down in one of the leather chairs.

"Felrigard, that's a very refined name. Noble decent?" Shilt leaned against the desk and poured some scotch into

the glass.

"You might say that. Personally I prefer Felister, it's less formal."

"So I hear you actually requested this post, may I inquire why?" Shilt sipped his scotch.

"Family obligations. My aunt doesn't want me in any major position of power."

"I see. Well, I personally hate this place, it's too quiet. I want some action." Shilt grunted and downed his scotch

in one gulp.

"Shilt..." Felister rolled the name over his tongue and thought for a moment. "Was your father by any chance

Hender Shilt?" The panther sat forward.

"Yeah. Heard of him have you?"

Felister smiled.

"I served with him. He was a good man."

The bear looked at the panther with rabbit ears and blinked, his mind ticking over.

"Felrigard Denning." The bear nodded then stood straight. "The Lost Kenedine, I thought I recognized the name. I

think I understand now why you're here."

Felister stood up and walked behind the desk.

"Well, I have a transport waiting to take me to Pevine. It was nice to meet you, enjoy your stay at our longest

held territory." Nuhgra Shilt placed the empty scotch glass on the desk and turned to leave. Before walking out

the door, the bear turned and saluted, Felister responded in kind.

As the base's old Commander left the office, the crossbreed sat in the chair behind the desk and breathed deeply.

The room was only a few square meters big with light blue walls, dark blue carpet and a potted plant next to the

door. Dennire was a small coastal area of little strategic value which left it mostly ignored by the human forces.

While rousing next to no attention, it provided a stable base to train new recruits and store less mobile supplies.

Anthropomorphs with the ability to teleport were employed to move troops and supplies in and out of Dennire

unnoticed, keeping the important location out of the line of fire.

Though the area saw little military activity, it was not immune to the probings of the humans. These attempted

surveillances were few and dealt with quickly. Superior intelligence prevented the secret of Dennire from being

revealed through out most of the war and allowed a more flexible stance of the front lines.


"Sir, Frantell and Carn are in position. The scouts are also ready to deploy on your command."

"Good work Bwesten. As soon as the shells are spotted, tell Frantell and Carn to erect their shield over the base

and send out the scouts in the direction the shells are coming from."

"Yes Sir."

The tiger gave his orders and a young fox ran off to relay them. On each side of the Semming Base, two shielders

(anthros with the ability to generate strong energy shields) were ready to work in unison to erect a protective

shield over the base while scouts moved in the direction of the attack to seek out it's source.

A siren rang out across the base to signal the incoming attack and the shield went up. Within the base, the

artillery shells were tracked and the direction of the attack determined. Three anthros capable of high speed flight

through transformation were sent out at low altitude to locate the human forces so a counter attack could be


"Where the hell are they? Wretched homo-sapiens! Frantell and Carn can't maintain this shield forever." The

tiger punched a metal panel on the end of a console, sending sparks scattering over the floor.

"Sir, report is in. It's no wonder it took so long to find them, they're on the outskirts of Dennire." The fox reported

to the base's Commander.

"What? We can't get that far out before we lose the shield. Contact Dennire immediately, give them the


"Right away Sir."