Good Things Come In Striped Packages

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Kendra works at a Sanctuary, where she loves her job, but loves a special creature even more

Good Things Come In Striped Packages

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr

8th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved.

Kendra watched as the tourists photographed just about everything that moved, and the young Anthropomorphic Whitetail Doe patiently waited, her deep brown eyes sparkling from beneath the shade of the wide-brimmed hat she wore. Her long ears lay back-swept along her neck, pinned down with a silver clasp â€" and they had been sweating now for the past two hours, leaving small damp patches at the back of her shirt collar. Kendra loved her job at the Zoo, and unlike some of her fellow staff, she didn't mind answering the questions that the visitors had â€" even those from the young children, who stared at the five foot six anthropomorphic Doe â€" rather than at the wide variety of animals on this free-range styled sanctuary.

Thoughtfully, Kendra moved the visitors along, showing them the savannah-type area, where a herd of young antelope and zebra's grazed peacefully â€" seemingly oblivious to the camera flashes from the visitors and their excited oohs and aahs. When they had taken what seemed to be an almost endless supply of photographs and such, Kendra guided them back towards the entrance, knowing that it was getting close to time when the sanctuary would close for the day.

Indeed, it had been a trying day â€" the warm sun beating down from a cloudless sky, and Kendra felt the cotton shirt beneath her khaki-outer shirt wet with sweat, and clinging to her firm, furred breasts and sides uncomfortably. Kendra wanted nothing more, than to finally be able to return to the staff quarters, shed her uniform and throw herself into the shower for the next two hours. Graciously accepting the thanks from the visors, Kendra happily turned them over to the staff at the gift shop, before she quietly slipped away through a door marked 'Staff Only'. Here, she closed the door behind her, then slipped off her hat and unclasped her sweaty ears â€" shaking her head and feeling somewhat giddy, as the restricted blood flow suddenly rushed back into her ears as they flicked back up into their proper place.

"Rough day?" Kaleb asked her, as he sat nearby, nursing a cup of coffee in his hands.

Kendra smiled at her human co-worker, and she unbuckled her belt, then undone the first few buttons on her shirt and walked to the fridge, where she retrieved her water bottle.

"I don't mind the people â€" or their questions," Kendra smiled, then tipped back her head and took a deep swallow from the water bottle. "That doesn't bother me â€" but why they made my kind wear these - "

Kendra took another drink, then clutched at the khaki shirt she wore and slumped into a chair opposite her co-worker, then poured some water into the palm of her furred hand and splashed it over her neck. Kaleb watched, an eyebrow raised, and he chuckled.

"Honey? Have you thought about it? An anthro like yourself â€" a very beautiful and attractive one â€" only wearing her natural fur..."

Kendra's eyebrows raised, and she stared at him.

"I meant â€" you're asked to wear human-like clothing, more for the comfort of the guests â€" and a sense of propriety and modesty. I've never seen your body â€" well, other than you in your uniform â€" which I add, does get me - "

He yelped and ducked, as Kendra threw her empty water bottle at him and laughed.

"You men are all alike - " Kendra admonished him playfully, their sexual innuendos and teasing having occurred for years.

"Mmmm - " Kaleb grinned, then reached over and laid his hand on her slender paw. "Right here and now â€" or..."

Kendra looked at him, blinked, then laughed delicately, and gently disengaged his hand from her paw and rose.

"You wouldn't last five seconds - " Kendra smiled, then walked past him, her tear-drop shaped tail flicking.

Kaleb watched her sensual rump, and her teasing tail flicks, before he sighed and nodded â€" then chuckled.

"That may be true â€" but it'd be five seconds, I'd remember for the rest of my life!" He told her.

Kendra paused, then glanced over her shoulder and flicked her tail up, wiggling her khaki-pants covered hips suggestively, and she saw Kaleb blush and hang his head.

"Bah, don't tease me so!" He pleaded, then laughed and handed her the water bottle. "Whats your plans for tonight?"

As Kendra refilled her bottle and put it back into the fridge, she smiled to herself and turned about, closing the fridge door behind her.

"First, I'm going to have a shower - " Kendra whispered, one furred finger playfully touching her shirt collar. "Then, I'm going to feed Zee â€" he'll be hungry by now."

Kaleb groaned, rolling his eyes at Kendra's wilful flirting, but knowing nothing would ever happen between him and her, but loving her none-the-less.

"You ever considered, why Zee's mother abandoned him? I'm damned if I know why â€" he's not â€" you know..."

Kendra frowned, thought about it for a while, then shook her head, her sweaty ears slapping from side to side. "I honestly don't know â€" but I better go, he'll be hungry. I'll catch up with you tomorrow Kaleb."

"Sure, have a good one!" He smiled, then rose and washed his cup, before heading for the door.


Kendra walked through the sanctuary, back to her private residence. Taking the key from her pocket, she unlocked her door and walked in, then closed it quietly behind her. Latching in closed, Kendra groaned and quickly undone her shirt, peeling it off and feeling the cool afternoon breeze chilling the sweaty, white undershirt she wore. Struggling out of that, Kendra slipped her paws into the waistband of her tight pants â€" and pushed them down as well.

As they slid down her finely furred thighs, she stepped out of them and now stood â€" dressed only in a tightly fitting bra and her panties. Stroking her long, supple fingers from throat to thigh, Kendra sighed and her nose wrinkled, as she smelt the scent of her sweat. Grateful humans were not as perceptive with their senses as one of her kind, Kendra gathered up her uniform and walked to the bathroom. Her cloven hooves clicked quietly on the tiled floor, as she stuffed her uniform into her clothes hamper, and then adjusted the shower until it was pleasantly warm. Standing before the mirror, Kendra reached backwards with her paws and unclasped her bra, sliding it off her shoulders and down her arms â€" before she stared at herself in the mirror.

At just eighteen years old, Kendra stood five feet six inches tall, and her deep brown eyes sparkled with life, her outlook one of general happiness and joy in everything she saw and everyone she met. From the top of her head, down her back and legs, her fur was a pale ash-grey colour, with creamy white from the throat, over her chest, belly and inner thighs. The most distinctive part of her, apart from her large, firm breasts, which seemed to attract the gaze of men like flies to spoiled food â€" was her black cheek stripes, just behind her cold, wet nostrils.

Kendra kept her fur immaculately brushed and groomed, an exhausting chore she performed every day â€" but it had long become routine. Whilst she despised the hot, confining uniform she was forced to wear, she knew why â€" and her secret nudist fetish she kept to herself. Often, she had asked to switch the heavy khaki-coloured pants and just as heavy shirt, for an knee length skirt and lighter shirt â€" but her employers rebuked that idea, telling her they had 'standards of dress' that she must obey â€" and that the heavy clothing was a 'work-safety' aspect of her employment. Kendra had submit, but secretly, she knew that it didn't matter what she wore â€" dealing with still quite wild creatures, it didn't matter if she was wearing her khaki uniform â€" or nothing but the fine, silky fur she had been born with.

Thoughtfully, Kendra slid her fingers into her panties, and slid them down â€" feeling her tail frizzle as the panties slipped down her thighs. Stepping from them, Kendra moaned and stretched her arms up over her head, feeling great relief and satisfaction at finally being rid of those clothes. Stepping lightly into the shower, Kendra adjusted the water a little more, then just tilted her head back and let the water flow over her upper-body. After thirty-minutes, of thoroughly soaking both front and back, Kendra groaned and began to wash herself clean with the special soap.


An hour and a half after her day had ended, Kendra finally crept from the shower and dried herself off. As usual, it took several thick towels to dry herself enough to comfortably put back on a loose skirt and a thin blouse, before she strode purposefully out of the bathroom and headed for the kitchen. Here, she retrieved a large bottle and teat from the bench, then began mixing the special milk-formula with hot water. After she spent what felt like forever stirring it, she carefully added some cooler water to bring down its temperature, and walked out the back to the small stables she had there.

"Zee...come on sweety â€" its dinnertime!" Kendra called.

A black and white striped muzzle poked over one of the stall doors, and the stall door was pushed open â€" as the muzzle was proceeded by a long, slender neck and the unmistakable look of a half-grown Zebra. Zee ran to Kendra, then began making his distinctive and odd cries, as Kendra laughed and playfully stroked Zee's forehead, ruffling the Zebra's ears. It lipped at her thin shirt, then as Kendra laughed and playfully pushed it's muzzle away, it scented the milk and brayed at her again.

"Here you go, come on â€" drink up." Kendra smirked, holding the bottle firmly between her paws and offering the teat to the hungry young Zebra.

At first, the anxious Zebra only nuzzled at it and lipped it â€" then Kendra rolled her eyes and pressed the Zebra's muzzle to the teat and squeezed the bottle gently. Fussing and braying, the Zebra kept seeming to resist â€" but Kendra merely laughed and finally â€" the Zebra took the offered teat and began eagerly suckling. Milk dribbled down either side of its black lips, as its tail with the black tip swished vigorously from side to side â€" strong throat muscles working as it happily guzzled the milk.

"Hey boy," Kendra giggled, stroking the Zebra's forehead. "Slow down â€" you'll make yourself sick."

Ignoring Kendra, the young male Zebra kept guzzling, until he had sucked the bottle dry, then kept lipping at it, as if expecting more milk.

"That's all you're getting, greedy-guts - " Kendra told him, then kissed his velvety nose. "A young stallion like you, still wanting milk...for shame!"

Indeed, Zee should have been weaned six weeks ago, but Kendra just couldn't bring herself to do it, as she loved watching him drink the milk â€" and it was their little secret between Doe and Zebra. When Zee nickered and nipped her paws, Kendra blushed beneath her fur and caressed his chin, then glanced shyly around. Her sensitive ears flicked too and fro, as the young Zebra nipped her again, then unashamedly nuzzled her skirt.

"Zee!" Kendra squeaked, then flicked her glance left and right again, as if afraid of being heard.

His insistent nuzzles grew more impatient, and he whuffled through his nostrils, then nipped her skirt again. Kendra stroked his cheek, and Zee lipped playfully at her belly, before looking up expectantly into her eyes.

"!" Kendra whispered into one of his forward facing ears.

He seemed to frown, then nickered and nuzzled her, before seeming to understand Kendra's refusal to his playful desires. Kendra sighed, then laughed quietly, cuddling the Zebra around the neck and playfully ruffling is thin mane. Zee shivered and whined at her, before he stood patiently, gazing with love and adoration at Kendra, the only mother-figure he had really known. Kendra ran her claws lightly along Zee's left side, clicking them off his ribs, then playfully rubbing his flanks and back legs â€" watching as his head turned to look and he shivered in pleasure. Walking behind him, Kendra slipped into the comfortably appointed stable, and as she checked his water trough, Zee playfully lipped at her rump through her skirt.

Kendra giggled quietly, then once again looked shyly around, and seeing nobody, she nodded to herself, and stepped aside, gesturing for Zee to follow. Sensing more than understanding, Zee happily walked into the large stable, and stood patiently, his alert ears pricked forwards and eyes staring at Kendra. She caressed his velvety nose, and he playfully lipped at her fingers â€" but his whiffing breath through his nostrils indicated he wanted something...more...than just a gentle petting.

"Soon, my sweet, shy stallion - " Kendra whispered, as she sat herself down on a hay-bale and rubbed his nose again.

Almost impatiently, Zee nudged her firmly under the breasts and tugged at her shirt, as if begging her to hurry. Kendra slapped his nose tenderly, more to get his attention, than to actually hurt â€" and he stopped and gazed at her, before nickering again.

"Zee â€" don't be so impatient - " Kendra admonished him. "I said soon, and I mean it. If you try to hurry me, you won't get your special cuddles."

With an almost human-like snort, Zee backed off and turned to his feed bucket. He almost seemed dejected, ears back-swept and eyes half-closed, as he munched listlessly on his special feed â€" seemingly not to be enjoying it. Kendra felt pity for discouraging the young stallion, but he had to learn â€" Kendra decided when, and where, they would have their 'special cuddles' as she called it â€" not him. Kendra had slowly won the heart of this young Zebra, becoming his adopted mother when he was born â€" his real mother rejecting him shortly after his birth. Indeed, in the nearly two years that Kendra had raised Zee, their bond of love, trust and adoration only grew...and in that time, Kendra had become Zee's somewhat â€" tentative â€" mate.

It had all started innocently enough, bathing the young Zebra with a bucket and cloth, her paws stroking his shivering black and white striped body â€" and Kendra washed him from ear-tip to tail-tip, never missing a spot. She particularly washed his velvety sheath, keeping him clean and tidy. Their progression from bathing, to slowly learning to love each other â€" and then to their first sexual encounter, had happened with such slow progression, neither Kendra nor Zee knew the moment, it actually did happen. It was all so gentle, and seemingly innocent enough at first, until one evening, Kendra had taken the step which would forever bond this Doe to this Zebra.


After bathing and drying him off with some old towels, Zee had been happily munching on his dinner â€" a collection of oats, chaff, barley and Lucerne hay â€" and Kendra had been sitting beside him, idly brushing his belly. Zee had been completely relaxed and calm â€" having absolutely trust in Kendra â€" and he suddenly snorted in surprise and trembled â€" when he felt her furred head slip under his left flank. Kendra had soothed his fears, with gently tummy rubs, and as Zee happily returned to his dinner, he snorted and whiffled, then lifted his head and shuddered â€" as Kendra's furred lips touched his velvety sheath.

With a concerned nicker, he flicked his head around and nipped Kendra's rump gently, as if questioning what she thought she was doing. Kendra giggled from beneath him, her tail flicking slowly from side to side, as she stroked his stomach again and then pressed her muzzle to the narrow sheath opening â€" and inhaled the young Zebra's scent. Zee at first didn't know what to make of this â€" a part of him afraid â€" a part of him quite enjoying her beneath him like this, and the pleasure won out â€" as Kendra caressed his sheath, her tongue licking and nuzzling at it. For twenty minutes, Kendra stroked, rubbed and lipped at Zee's sheath, feeling the young colt's penis hidden away inside its dark, velvety folds.

At first, Kendra had been ashamed â€" wondering where this strange urge had come over her â€" to even think of doing this with a horse...a Zebra...her mind corrected itself â€" yet a part of her, wondered what it would be like â€" to feel him in her paws, to feel his warm, furred body quivering as she lightly caressed and stroked his slender length....


Now, a year past that first, embarrassing and nerve-wracking encounter, both Doe and Zebra had bonded even tighter, and Zee eagerly looked forwards to his mistress' 'special cuddles' she gave him. He was still afraid and nervous â€" but as he grew and his hormones began to flood his body, he desired more than just 'cuddles'. His growing impatience he tried to keep under control, but the scent of this strange Mare, was not yet indicative of her in season â€" but as Zee knew, it didn't really matter.

Zee relaxed, letting his penile muscles slide his penis from its sheath, and it hung limply beneath his body â€" but in a second, it could be fully engorged and slapping against his stomach, a recent development, that Zee had found quite pleasurable to do to himself. Kendra had seen Zee masturbating himself in this manner, and realised her colt was quickly growing up â€" and it might be time, to truly test the bonds between herself and Zee.

Kendra reached beneath Zee, and her fingers lightly stroked his limp penis, making the eager Colt nicker and tremble. As he brought himself to erection, Kendra pulled the hay-bale away from the wall and then lay on her back, her legs splayed either side of the bale and she lifted up her skirt. Zee turned to look at her, and seeing her in the receptive position â€" he whiffled and nuzzled Kendra's creamy inner thighs â€" inhaling the scent of the Doe. With a quick grunt and a lunge, he reared and his front hooves barely cleared the edge of the hay-bale on which Kendra lay, before he nickered and lunged at her â€" his erect penis eagerly slapping his belly and rubbing against her stomach.

"Hey!" Kendra gasped, then hurriedly pulled herself forwards. "Zee â€" gentle!"

Zee snorted and nipped at her, wanting desperately to feel her paws on his length â€" but this time, he didn't know if he could control himself. A strange ache filled him, and his orange-sized testicles squirmed with a new desire, this young colt had never imagined â€" let alone felt. Kendra slapped his nose, and Zee whinnied, then blinked and looked down at Kendra, who glared with an expression of annoyance and disappointment. Zee felt his ardour cool, and he whiffled again, then licked Kendra's forehead, as if begging her forgiveness for his impudence.

"Zee â€" you got to be gentle...remember?" Kendra spoke, as she reached between his forelegs and her paw lightly brushed against his half-erect member.

Zee's ears flicked and touched, as he threw back his head and his top lip curled in delight, eagerly waiting for his mistress' skilled paws to begin stroking him from flaring tip to sheath base. Kendra didn't disappoint, but this time, Zee's eyes widened as he felt her carefully pulling him forwards â€" and guiding him between her slender, furred thighs.

"Gentle Zee - " Kendra panted, sweat spreading from under her arms and her paw palms. "Oh, please my colt â€" be gentle..."

Kendra breathed in and out, feeling Zee trembling, as she guided him further up her thighs â€" then took a firm grasp on his quivering length â€" holding it lightly against her pubic mound. Kendra knew Zee was far from a full-grown stallion, and for this â€" she was grateful. Even still â€" having had a few boyfriends in the past â€" none of them compared to the warm, lightly throbbing length she held tightly in her paw â€" and prepared herself to be mated by an eager, somewhat inexperienced, but loving and trusting Zebra Colt â€" a mating â€" Kendra hoped â€" would turn Zee from Colt to Stallion. Kendra breathed in and out again, relaxing her body â€" and Zee nickered and trembled â€" knowing the pleasure that was to come â€" having had his mistress please him this way before â€" but the ache in his scrotum grew more and more instant, and his eagerness began to show with him trembling in her grasp.

As gently as Kendra could hope to manage, with the already panting young Zebra colt standing over her, Kendra guided Zee's penis against her mound â€" then she gasped and pushed herself down onto him. At first, as the Colt's penis suddenly grew alarming in hardness and length â€" Kendra bit her tongue and hissed through her nostrils â€" feeling Zee trying his best not to lunge and buck as instincts demanded, for which she was very grateful to him. Her groin slowly relaxed its painful clenching, and Kendra began panting, slowly pushing herself back and sheathing more of this beautiful young Colt inside her.

Zee nickered, shivered and grunted â€" feeling his mistress' tight folds sliding him deeper, then he whinnied as her paw encircled his penis and squeezed tightly.

" more, please Zee â€" let me...let me get...used to it." Kendra groaned, her groin tightening again, as it felt the six inches of throbbing, trembling Zebra penis pushed inside.

Zee threw back his head and whinnied in pleasure, his mind flaring with the sheer delight of being with his mistress â€" let alone her sharing herself like this â€" and he did his best, in his limited way of thinking â€" to hold himself as still as he could. He loved Kendra with all his heart, placing his complete trust in her â€" and he knew instinctively, this was no mare â€" even though he had never mated with a Mare, generations of instincts told him, whilst this was similar â€" very similar â€" he had to restrain his urges.

"Zee â€" please...shush!" Kendra gasped, as she relaxed a little more and slid Zee a little deeper, until she could not possibly take any more of his wonderful length inside her.

Zee nickered and began nuzzling Kendra's face, his hot breath rippling the fur on her muzzle, as Kendra began stroking him, her tight cervix muscles aching abysmally â€" but soon, the pain was forgotten as her own ancestral instincts took her â€" and her tense muscles relaxed. Zee stepped from one rear hoof to the other, then twitched and pushed forwards â€" making Kendra gasp. Zee blinked, then looked down at her and tried to pull out of his mistress, his ears flattening as he inhaled her distressed scent.

" my love, it...its alright - " Kendra murmured, caressing his cheek with a shivering paw, and using the other to tighten her grasp on Zee's length.

He whickered again, but feeling her paw tightening on his penis, Zee understood he wanted him to stay within her, and he grunted, as Kendra moved slightly, her muscles giving Zee's penis tip a squeeze.

"Oh...oh Zee - " Kendra began panting, as she relaxed more and felt her body adjusting to the loving Colt who stood over her.

Zee lipped at her ears, then he gave a low, moaning cough and twitched against Kendra â€" whose eyes widened and a second later, she buried her muzzle against Zee's warm chest, clutching his neck with her paws as Zee arched his back downwards and he gave two, quick pumps of his hips â€" before he whinnied loud and strong, then his first true orgasm erupted into Kendra's body. Kendra muffled her anguished cries against Zee's chest, as pulse after pulse of incredibly hot semen flooded Kendra's cervix. Never had she imagined just how much semen a Zebra male could produce in one breeding â€" and as the unbelievable flood came again and again, Kendra gurgled, feeling a sudden nausea washing over her.

Zee was oblivious to his mistress' distress â€" as he pumped his hips back and forth, his gentle mating becoming one more like nature intended, as he ejaculated even more semen into this mare's body. Finally, as suddenly as Zee's orgasm had come â€" he gave one pump of his hips â€" then he pulled back â€" his half-erect penis slipping from Kendra's aching, tortured groin with a sickly squelch â€" followed by a brief spurt of Zee's semen, that matted the fur of Kendra's upper thighs and the inside of her skirt.

Kendra lay sprawled on the hay-bale, then she clutched her paws between her thighs and moaned, feeling the warmth of Zee's semen soaking into her fur â€" and the rich, salty scent assaulting her nostrils. Even though the actual mating had been quick â€" Kendra felt as if she'd made love with Zee for hours, so badly did her cervix ache â€" but she banished the painful thoughts, and shivered to herself. Zee, semen still dribbling from his half-erect member, nuzzled Kendra's belly, and she wrapped her arms around the back of his head, and made him back up. Zee obliged, pulling Kendra into a partially sitting positron, and she moaned again, as her muscles spasmed and twitched over-fired, sensitive nerve endings.

"Come...come here Zee - " Kendra moaned, and gestured to the young Colt.

He obediently stepped forwards, then nuzzled her, licking at her cheeks with his large, rough tongue.

"Good...good boy - " Kendra gurgled, resting her forehead against his lower muzzle. "Good boy Zee..."

For two hours, Kendra sprawled on the hay-bale, rubbing and petting Zee's head and neck, as she brought herself back under a semblance of control. Zee lovingly licked Kendra's muzzle, until her fur was soaked with Zee's saliva, and she giggled and scratched his chin.

"Good boy - " Kendra repeated. " still need â€" to learn to be more gentle!"

Zee whiffled and nudged her, then playfully pushed her onto her back and began nuzzling her belly. Kendra slipped herself out of her shirt and semen-spattered skirt, then lay her naked form back down on the hay-bale, feeling the straw pricking her back and rump. Kendra watched Zee curiously, as he sniffed her groin, then shivered and lunged up over her again. Kendra barely had time to use both paws to clutch Zee's once again erect penis â€" and hold the eager young Colt still, before she carefully guided him inside her again and he grunted, before trembling and bracing himself firmly on all four hooves. Kendra gasped, feeling the eager Zebra's penis slide into her again â€" until he was brought to a stop in his enthusiastic forward movements.

"Zee...gentle!" Kendra gasped, then slapped his firm belly with the palm of a paw.

He nickered at her, then relaxed and whuffled through his nostrils, but this time, he did not try to begin humping eagerly- but seemed content to press his weight against Kendra's furred stomach and chest, and remain as deep inside her as Kendra would let him. Indeed, this time â€" Zee seemed more in control, and Kendra groaned, feeling her body relaxing, the tight cervix muscles giving up their painful cramping, as Zee twitched and nervously nickered at her.

Indeed, Zee loved the sensation of being inside Kendra, her warm, well lubricated cervix clasping his penis, and her furred body pinned beneath his own. He could feel her breathing, as slow, shallow gasps, but as Kendra carefully pushed him back a little, Zee obediently took a half step back and let Kendra get comfortable again.

They lay together, Zebra within Doe, for three hours, Zee tenderly licking, nuzzling and snuffling at his adored Mistress's throat and muzzle, as Kendra shuddered in delight â€" each gentle movement of Zee within her receptive body, making her wonder if she would ever make love to another human or anthro again.

"Oh Zee - " Kendra panted, pulling his head down and lovingly kissing his black, velvet-like furred nose.

He blinked at her, then his rough tongue licked her forehead and he gave a gentle rock of his hips, sliding himself deeper, then pulling back to his original position, and again licking Kendra's forehead, as if asking her permission.

"Gentle...big boy - " Kendra gasped, as she wrapped her arms around his strong, muscular neck and began panting eagerly.

Zee whiffled, then began slowly rocking his body against Kendra's, feeling his penis sliding up and down inside her body â€" each time, a wet, squishing sound came from Kendra's groin and she moaned against his neck, her furred fingers digging into his neck and her claws scratching at his skin. Zee didn't mind the scratching, he actually found it quite pleasurable â€" as he become a little more encouraged by Kendra's relaxing muscles. He twitched and threw his head back, but only bucked a little harder â€" feeling his body overcome with the sensations of their mating â€" wishing his mistress could have do it with him all day.

"Oh...oh Zee...yes...yes my stallion - " Kendra began moaning, as she clawed at his neckline with her blunt tipped claws.

Zee nickered in distress, then tried to pull back, but Kendra pulled him back forwards, her paws grasping his front legs, and as he was pulled against her, he slid even further inside Kendra's well mated body â€" and she bucked against him as she finally orgasmed. Zee felt the strange muscular contractions along his penis â€" and he whinnied and pumped his hips a few times, but apart from the sensation of pleasure it brought him â€" he did not ejaculate again. Kendra bucked and moaned beneath him, clawing along his sides, before she gasped and went limp â€" the strong scent of sweat reaching Zee's nostrils.

"Back...back down Zee..." Kendra gurgled, her paws weakly pushing against his chest.

Disappointed, Zee did as his mistress asked â€" slowly dismounting and his erection rapidly wilting into a half-erect state. He nickered at her and lipped her belly playfully, and Kendra pulled herself into a sitting position, then grasped Zee's head between her paws and began kissing him adoringly. Zee blinked and shivered, the post-orgasmic pleasure still sending trembling through his body, but the scent of a well mated Doe was what caught his attentive interest.

Kendra weakly rose, then nearly collapsed, her knees turning to jelly as she grasped Zee around the neck and held him tight. He merely shivered his black and white striped coat and stood patiently, waiting for his mistress to get her legs back.

" were wonderful â€" my dear Colt - " Kendra gasped, as she lovingly stroked his tubular ears and cuddled his head to her stomach.

Zee didn't understand a lot of what she was telling him, but her scent and the cuddles he understood well. His mistress was happy, and as he whiffled through his nostrils and nuzzled her, he tried to express his love for her â€" in what she had so willingly shared.

"Zee â€" my love - " Kendra moaned and caressed his nose with a shaking hand. "I...I need to go shower, and go to bed â€" I have to go back to work tomorrow..."

Zee frowned, not liking his mistress' tone of voice, and he nuzzled her, as if begging her to stay here with him.

"No, Zee â€" I...I can't, my love â€" please try to understand â€" I...I will come back tomorrow, I promise!" Kendra sighed, then stroked his back, and scratched his rump.

Zee, sensing their special cuddles time was at an end, merely snorted, licked his mistress' face and turned back to his long forgotten dinner. Kendra watched his for a moment, then stepped back into her skirt and shirt, before she cuddled him again and quietly walked out of Zee's stall, locking it behind her â€" and hearing his playful whinny as she walked slowly back to her house.