Ep 01 - The Beginning

Story by sniperfox on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Sniper Fox

14 Mar 2218 - The Beginning Sniper Fox is brought before the leader of The Dark Society

The fox took one final look back at his ship, as he was lead off of it on to one of the pirate's fighters. His paws were bound behind him and a gag had been shoved into his mouth. He stared defiantly at his captor, a large stallion with dark brown fur, as a blindfold was slipped over his eye

Sniper felt the pirate's ship kick a little as it jumped to warp. They stayed in warp for what felt like an eternity to the blindfolded fox, but in actuality he thought it was in the order of 45 minutes to an hour. He could be nearly anywhere by now, certainly outside the range that any search parties would come looking for him. He sat silently awaiting his fate; the only sounds in the small craft were his own breathing and that of the stallion in the pilot's seat behind him. Suddenly, the ship dropped from warp and the ship's communicator crackled to life, startling Sniper and causing him to jump a bit, at the amusement of his captor.

"This is Manchester Corporation mining outpost 378. Your pass code is Dirigible. You have 30 seconds to respond with the correct counter-sign or interceptors will be dispatched," the voice on the communicator snapped.

Sniper heard the horse key the information in to his PDA. After finding the answer, the stallion replied via his communicator, "The counter-sign for Dirigible is Quark. Requesting permission to land."

The same voice came across the communicator and said, "Permission to land granted. You are assigned to hanger six, transmitting approach vector now. Welcome home." Moments later, Sniper felt the ship slow and then shake as it touched down inside the hanger.

The fox squinted against the bright light as the blindfold was removed from his eyes. The large horse jerked Sniper to his feet and walked behind him as they made their way down the ramp to the floor of the hanger. Waiting for him were two medium-build hyena males brandishing state-of-the-art shock rifles. "He's all yours," the stallion said, "Miranda said she wanted to take him to meet the boss. Make sure you take him to medical for a tox and virus scan first." He then nodded slightly toward the two hyenas and walked off in the other direction.

With only a loud grunt, the larger of the two hyenas pointed in the direction of a doorway at the far end of the hanger. Sniper walked toward the door, struggling a bit to keep his balance with his paws still bound tightly behind his back. The hyenas lead him through a series of hallways, down an elevator, and across a large cafeteria to the medical office. There was only a door, with no windows into the office, but it was clearly marked with a large backlit white cross inside a red circle, the universal sign for medical assets.

The door slid open as they approached, revealing a surprisingly large medical facility rivaling what Sniper had seen on large public space stations. A purpled-furred skunk fem with impressively large breasts greeted the three at the door, and said smiling, "I've been expecting you!" Under the guard of the hyenas, she led the fox to an examination table, removed his paw restraints, and motioned for him to lie down. Doing as requested, the fox lay down on the table and inserted his arms and leg into the table's restraints as the skunk fem locked him in. After the restraints were in place, the skunkette pushed a button and the restraints hummed to life. Satisfied, she dismissed the hyenas with a nod and said, "Thank you boys, I can take it from here."

The skunk fem turned around and shuffled through a knee-level drawer, giving Sniper an excellent view of her ass through her pleasingly tight pants. He didn't get to enjoy the view for long, however, as she quickly found what she was looking for and stood up, turning to face him. She held a syringe in one paw and a bit of gauze in the other. Without a word, she stuck him with the syringe and drew a bit of his blood. After wiping the spot off with the gauze, she sat the syringe down on the counter behind her and returned with another syringe, this one full of a blue liquid. "We needed your blood to test for common blood-borne viruses, this will help us test for certain sexual transmitted viruses only present in your semen," she said coyly with a smirk as the bound fox's eyes widened.

All that Sniper could say in reply was a loud "Mmmffff!" into his gag. Despite his verbal protest, the skunk fem quickly injected the blue substance into him right next to where she had just taken blood. Within moments, he felt as if his entire body was on fire. Pleased, the skunkette quietly walked over to lock the door and dim the lights a bit, then rolled a stool over to sit next her captive while she waited for the drug to take effect.

"Feels good, doesn't it? It's a powerful aphrodisiac that we managed to get the formula for. The boys tell me they found it in the database of a freighter owned by a chemical corporation traveling back to Earth from a research station a few years ago. The ingredients are easy to source, and we've been using it for quite a few different things. It heightens your sexual arousal and the sensations you get from sexual contact by triple, supposedly. You'll have to let me know if you agree once we're done, since there's no real way to quantify it. We've got versions from roughly double all the way up to around twenty times just by tweaking the proportions of the ingredients." She giggled happily and began rubbing his thigh as she watched his expression change.

Sniper moaned immediately and involuntarily arched his back. His mind was racing, trying to come to terms with the situation. The mere touch of her soft paw to his thigh felt as good as some of the best yiffs he'd had in his life. His sheath hardened almost immediately and his cock began to emerge. His eyes tightly closed, everything around him faded away except for the feeling of the skunk fem's paw on his thigh. He knew she said it was triple the normal sensation, but he could swear is was more than that.

Smiling happily, the doctor rubbed up his thighs and began kneading his furry sack. She gently squeezed and fondled his large balls, watching eagerly as his cock grew before her eyes. The skunkette was She seemed satisfied after his cock reached its full length of about 17 1/2 centimeters (7 inches), and then moved her paw from his balls down to a small control panel in front of her. The skunk fem pushed two or three buttons and the ceiling above them whirred into motion.

A large tentacle, resembling something out hentai cartoon but metallic instead of organic, descending from the newly opened hole in the ceiling and poised itself right in front of the fox's cock. To his horror, the end of the tentacle opened up and began enveloping the end of his hard cock. Despite his fear and surprise, the sensations of the warm tentacle on his cock felt amazing. Inch by inch, the large tentacle slowly worked its way down until it covered his entire cock. He looked over at the skunk fem with half open eyes to find she had removed her top and was now fondling her breast with one paw as the other was unbuttoning her short skirt.

Clearly enjoying the show that he was providing for her, the skunk fem's arousal became apparent in the room. Staring hungrily at the bound fox in front of her being sexually serviced by the semen-collection tentacle had already gotten the skunk fem's cunny dripping wet. Her panties and skirt now around her ankles, she squeezed her ample left breast tightly as her right paw parted her pussy lips and began lightly stroking her clitty. She watched intently as the tentacle began moving up and down on the bound fox's cock. The scents and moans of the male fox inches in front of her only served to increase her sexual excitement. As her pawfingers worked her clitty more quickly, she began moaning right along with the captive fox.

The powers of the potent blue aphrodisiac were taking their toll on the fox. The tentacle had only been moving up and down his cock for a few minutes, but his vulpine knot was already at its full size. Groaning and much to his dismay, he was already on the brink of cumming. Sniper desperately tried to maintain his composure and hold off his orgasm for as long as possible. He didn't mind so much cumming into the warm suction of the tentacle, but he didn't want to cum so quickly and embarrass himself in front of the attractive skunk fem. It was clear to both of them that he couldn't hold off much longer, as he was moaning loudly and bucking into the tentacle each time it reached his balls.

The arousal of the attractive male fox coupled with the sights, sounds, and scents of the room pushed the skunk fem over the edge. She massaged her clitty roughly and quickly as she gave her breast another hard squeeze. Moments later, she let out a loud moan and her whole body tensed up. "Oooh... oooh... yesssss," she stammered, between gasps and moans. Her girly cum quickly flooded out of her cunny onto her already-soaked paw. She rubbed her clit feverously as her orgasm continued, her gaze locked on the hard fox cock in front of her.

The added stimulation of watching the large-breasted skunk fem next to him orgasm loudly was more than the fox could take. Despite his best efforts, the aphrodisiac and hungry tentacle were just too much for him. Murring loudly, he thrust into the tentacle as far as his restraints would allow. The tentacle seemed to sense what was happening and greatly increased its suction. This was all it took for the fox, breaking through his last bit of resolve and causing him to cum hard. Wad after wad of hot fox cum exploded from his hard cock into the tentacle. He held his body off of the exam table as far as the restraints would allow, murring into his gag as each wad shot from his cock into it. With one last satisfied moan, he collapsed to the table underneath him, gasping for breath around the gag.

Despite what Sniper had predicted would happen after he came into it, the tentacle continued to work up and down his cock, though it had reverted to the lower suction. His knot slowly faded away, but the tentacle's suction kept his cock rock hard. The damned thing was trying to get him to cum again, or so the fox thought.

Finally, the skunk fem's orgasm subsided and she slumped back a bit, breathing heavily. After regaining her wits and watching the tentacle suck the fox back to a full erection, she pressed a few more buttons on the control panel with her girl-cum-soaked paw. The tentacle released the fox's cock and returned to its home in the ceiling. Noticing the apparent disappointment in the fox's eyes, she laughed, "Oh, don't worry, the fun isn't over yet." She stood up, stepped out of her panties and skirt on the floor, and walked naked to the display behind her. "No viruses in your blood or in your semen. You're completely healthy," she said. She trotted back to him and began to climb up onto the table. With a wicked smile, she said, "Now then, let's see if I can get you off as well as the specimen collector can." She straddled his knees with her own and reached down with both paws to caress his cock and balls.

"Mmmmffff!" the fox moaned into his gag. He sighed and closed his eyes as she rubbed his most sensitive spots with her soft, warm paws. The skunk fem's left paw massaged his balls while her right paw, still soaked with her pussy juice, stroked up and down his shaft. She easily could have finished him off again, but she stopped pawing him and crawled up his body, now straddling his cock with her pussy. The fox murred as she lowered herself down onto his cock. She moaned happily as she descended ever so slowly down the length of his member. He opened his eyes and looked down at her lustfully as the last inch of his cock disappeared into her tight, wet cunny.

The skunk fem was in ecstasy. He completely filled her; his cock was pushing against the back of her tight cunny. Even though her legs were beginning to go weak, she forced herself to start sliding up and down his cock. Before long, she could feel another orgasm welling up inside of her. She rode him faster and faster, fulfilling her own desires and eliciting a great deal of thrusting and moaning from the helpless fox underneath of her. Soon, she began to feel his knot forming inside of her. It had looked large to her while she was watching the tentacle suck him off, but it felt much larger now that it was inside of her. On the brink of another orgasm, she squeezed her large breasts with both paws.

Sniper couldn't believe what was happening to him. First a bizarre tentacle sucked him off, and now a large-breasted skunk fem was riding him. If this was what he could expect from being a captive, then maybe life wouldn't be so bad after all. He thrust up into the horny skunk fem in rhythm with her. Unable to hold off any longer, he arched his back and closed his eyes tightly. Murr into the gag, he came in her soaked cunny, his hot fox cum quickly overfilling her and leaking out down his cock to his balls. He struggled to hold his hips up, forcing his cock to stay deep inside of her as he unleashed his cum into her.

Feeling his cum hit the inside of her pussy was all it took to send the skunk fem reeling into another orgasm. Every muscle in her body tightened and she threw her head back, moaning loudly. "Ooohh fuck. Cum in me. Fill me up with your cuuuuum!" She bounced up and down on him roughly as her orgasm took hold of her body. The skunkette squeezed her nipples tightly as gallons of her cum poured out onto the already sloppy fox. Her orgasm eventually subsided, but not until after she had completed drenched the poor fox trapped underneath of her. After taking a moment or two to catch her breath, she got off of him and climbed off of the table. "Mmmm, that was really good. We'll have to do that again sometime! My name is Aurora, by the way," she said with a wink. She pulled her skirt and panties back on, turned, and walked back to the door. She quickly unlocked the door and walked outside, leaving the girl-cum-covered fox alone for a moment.

Despite having just had two orgasms in the span of 15 minutes, Sniper was surprised to find that he was still horny. Whatever they put in that blue liquid was sure doing its job, he thought. Just as he was beginning to catch his breath, the two hyena guards entered the room. The smaller of the two unlocked the table restraints and then stepped back, staring at the fox. Sniper slowly sat up, and then pulled his clothes back on, relieved to no longer have his paws bound. After dressing himself quickly, he stood and followed the hyenas, who led him out of the room.

Three hallways and an elevator later, they were at the door to some type of conference room. The larger hyena typed in a code to open the door. The door slid open and the hyena went through it, followed quickly by Sniper. The guards led him to a chair at the near end of an oval table. A large rhino at the other end nodded to the guards and said, "Remove his gag, then leave us". The smaller hyena moved quickly and did as the rhino had requested. Soon the fox and the rhino were alone in the room.

"My name is Sumatran. I founded The Dark Society twenty-some years ago. Everyone and everything here is under my command. Do you know why you've been brought here?" the large rhino asked.

The fox paused for a moment, then managed to stammer, "I... I don't know, Sumatran. I suppose you mean to torture, sell, or enslave me."

Sumatran shook his head and said, "We only take slaves if we get a contract that calls for it. We brought you here because you destroyed two of my ships. How did you manage to do that, with a class D freighter?"

Sniper swallowed deeply, and then replied, "I've been piloting star ships since I was a kit. I can't even tell you how many hours I've logged on the simulators. I've gotten myself out of some pretty sticky situations, but 8 ships attacking me was just too much. There was nothing I could have done to escape your crew, so I had to fight my way out. Had there only been just the two of them, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

The rhino seemed pleased with that response and said, nodding his head, "Indeed. We could use another pilot such as yourself. You can have 5% of the plunder and bounties that your lance produces, plus I'll give you a ship that you can outfit any way that you like. In exchange, you pledge your life service to The Dark Society until such time as a member of the Grand Counsel releases you. You will make a great deal more than you were making running cargo between the planets, and I can assure you that it'll be more fun and interesting. Do we have a deal, Sniper?"

"And if I refuse?" the fox questioned, almost immediately.

Anticipating the question, the rhino quickly replied, "Then you sit in our brig until you're sold into slavery next time we get a contract calling for slaves. Don't worry though; we generally get at least one or two of those per month. Serve me as a mercenary pilot and make the galaxy kneel before you, or end up mining ore on some planet they've never even heard of on your home world."

Without much hesitation, Sniper said grudgingly, "I accept your generous offer. I will pledge my life to your organization, Sumatran." He sighed, trying to force himself to remember that it's better off than being a slave.

"Excellent," the rhino decreed. He then pressed a button on the table in front of him and spoke into it, "Send Sonya in, please." Sumatran looked back up at the fox and told him, "Sonya is our quartermaster here on the station. She'll assign you a room and provide you with any weapons and equipment that you need. We don't have uniforms here, so you're on your own for clothing." Just as he finished speaking, a tall, slender Jaguar fem stepped into the room.

"You asked to see me, Sumatran?" Sonya questioned.

"Sonya, meet Sniper, our newest recruit," Sumatran said, nodding towards the fox. "Assign him quarters and whatever provisions he requests. Put him on Orange lance, he destroyed two of ships so they're short a few furs. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir," the jaguar fem replied timidly. "Please follow me, Sniper," she said, looking down at the sitting fox.

Sniper stood up, bowed slightly towards Sumatran, and followed the fem out of the room quietly. He watched the jaguar fem walk elegantly in front of him, finding his eyes drawn repeatedly to her slowly swaying ass. His body had its way of reminding him that the blue aphrodisiac that the nurse had shot him up with wasn't out of his system yet. By the time they made it to the elevator, he sheath was hard. He stood silently, hoping that Sonya wouldn't notice, but the fem soon picked up on the scent of his arousal.

"Heh, did I do that?" she joked, smiling and looking down at his hard crotch that was creating a tent in his pants. Before he could answer, the jaguar said, "If you'd like, I'll have to take care of that for you when we get to your room. After all, it's my job to make sure you're comfortable here and have everything that you need." She winked at him, and then turned to face the front of the elevator as it came to a stop.

Too embarrassed to speak, Sniper just nodded and then followed her down the long corridor. He watched as she typed in the code to open the door to his quarters, his nose picking up the scent of her own arousal as the door quickly slid open. He smiled at her hungrily, hoping she wanted him as much as he wanted her at this very moment. Licking his muzzle, he said, "Now then. Why don't you show me my new bed?"

"Right to the point I see. Romance truly is dead these days," she said, smiling. "I'm joking, it actually really turns me on when a guy takes charge. Do with me what you will, your merciless pirate." She trotted over to the large bed and turned around, falling backwards onto it and sprawling out across it.

"Oh, a submissive girl. How did you know my weakness?" the fox questioned laughing as he dove onto the bed on top of her. His need building by the second, he skipped any foreplay and put his paw directly up her skirt. He yanked her panties down roughly, pleased to find them slightly damp in the front, and then tossed the aside. Sniper grabbed the Jaguar fem by the hips and pushed her legs far apart with his elbows, exposing her wet sex to him. He stared intently into it, licking his muzzle, as he began removing his pants and boxers.

For her part, Sonya was very much enjoying the rough treatment. She moaned lustfully as she pulled her shirt and bra off over her head, leaving her wearing only a short black skirt. She looked down at Sniper as he pulled his boxers off, his cock now fully erect and only inches from her cunny. Her paws found their way to her breasts and she cooed lightly as she pulled and twisted her already-hard nipples, teasing him with the lewd display.

The fox looked back up at her after tossing his boxers aside. She was dripping wet now, playing with her nipples, and moaning occasionally. This girl, the fox thought, was going to be great to have around. Taking a hint that she was ready to go, he positioned himself above her and rubbed his cock up and down her slit, coating it in her juices. "What do you want, slut? Do you want my big fox cock? Tell me you want it! Beg for it, you whore!"

Sonya nearly came when the fox rubbed his cock up and down her sensitive slit and talked nasty to her. Without question or hesitation, she begged, "Oh please fuck me! Please shove your cock into my dirty cunt! I'm your whore; I'm your dirty slutty whore!" She moaned lustfully as the fox quickly complied with her request, shoving his cock roughly in to her. He was a bit larger than she was used to and his cock hurt her slightly, but she loved to have a little pain with her pleasure. "Oh... oh god yes... fuuuuuck", she stammered as he started thrusting in and out of her soaked pussy.

"Unnh... take it. Take my cock, whore!" he shouted down at her, trying to look as furious as he could despite being in a world of pleasure. He pulled all but the head of his cock out of her with each thrust, then slammed it back in to her as quickly and forcefully as he could. The jaguar fem seemed to like rough sex, so he was determined to do his best to give it to her. The problem was that it was making him feel much too good as well, and he doubted he'd be able to prolong the ravaging more than a few minutes, thanks to the aphrodisiac still flowing through his veins.

The two continued the rough yiff, properly breaking in Sniper's new bed. The length of the strokes and pace wasn't something the fox could maintain, at least not in his current chemically-altered state, and he knew it. Another couple minutes of this and he knew he'd be filling an unsatisfied girl with his seed. Slowly the pace only slightly, he reached down with a paw and began flicking across Sonya's clit at the top of each trust.

Sniper's attention to her clitty produced results quickly, and the jaguar fem suddenly tensed up. Arching her back far off the bed, she moaned loudly as she started cumming. The fox showed no signs of slowly down his relentless ramming of her battered cunny and the sensations were driving her wild. She covered the fox's cock with her cum, squeezing it tightly within her as the spasms of her orgasm tried to milk it dry.

Sniper murred, desperate not to give in to his desires and fill her with his cum right then. Despite his knot just starting to form, the fem's orgasm had nearly pushed him over the edge. Panting, he kept slamming his cock in and out of the fem. Before she had completely come down from her first orgasm, his knot was full size inside of her and she was well on her way to her next orgasm.

As she tugged on her sensitive nipples, Sonya cried, "Ohh... fuuuck yes. Fuck me hard." The jaguar fem moaned loudly with each thrust. A dozen hard thrusts later, her body tensed up again. She looked down lustfully into his eye and begged, "Cum with me. Fill me with your ... *gasp* ... hot cum!" Just as she managed to moan her request to him, her second orgasm took hold of her body. Her pussy clamped down tightly on his cock and she dropped one of her paws from her breast to rub her clitty roughly as she came, gasping and moaning loudly.

Feeling the spasms of her orgasm on his cock was all it took to force the fox's body to fulfill her request. Though his mind wanted to hold out longer, the fox's body betrayed him and he began emptying his balls into the jaguar fem. Throwing his head back and howling noisily, he slammed his cock deep into her just as his cum started to flow from it. Holding her body motionless against him, he felt his cock convulsing inside of her drenched cunny as he filled it with his seed. After his orgasm subsided, he pulled out of her and flopped onto his back next to her, panting heavily.

The two lay next to each other, struggling for breath and basking in the afterglow of their first sexual encounter together. Sonya spoke first, lightly saying, "That was ... *pant* ... wonderful. We'll have to do this quite often now that you're part of the crew." She then sat up and slid her panties back on.

He smiled down at her as he watched her pull her panties on. "I never want to see those in my room again, Sonya. If you enter my quarters, you enter them without panties. Do you understand?" he asked the sweaty female. His worry that he had gone too far was quickly eliminated when she looked back and him and nodded quietly. "Also, if you could find me a larger bed and some softer sheets, I think it would benefit both of us in the long run." He watched her tail sway happily as she silently walked out of his room.

The fox stretched out on his bed and closed his eyes. Today, he was captured by pirates, sucked off by a hungry tentacle, recruited as a pirate, and yiffed by two beautiful pirate women. As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if all of his days were going to be so eventful.

Tales of Sniper Fox - Prologue

**The Tales of Sniper Fox** The year is 2218. Mankind, as it was known in the early 21st century, was no more. In 2023, two comets of unknown origins and consisting of material never categorized before or since passed within a few thousand...

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