Goldifox and the Three Bears

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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It was getting late. Cold, alone and completely fed up, a lone golden-furred fox trudged through the woods, grumbling and grunting to himself angrily. He was lost. This had been the first time the young fox had decided to go on a walk by himself in the woods and, as luck would have it, he managed to get himself lost. The vulpine, named Gold after the colour of his fur, stomped through the dead leaves that littered the floor, looking around in a desperate attempt to find some familiar waypoint, something he could use to locate himself.

"This is stupid." he grunted, "Last time I'm taking a walk out here... Damn, it's getting cold. I gotta get back home before I freeze to death out here." he picked up the pace, eager to get out of the cold and back into the warmth of his home. As he made his way through the dense labyrinth of trees he had managed to get himself lost in, he noticed something off in the distance; a stone structure. Someone's house? Who would live all the way out here? Although, Gold had to admit, living out in the middle of the woods away from other people must be pretty damn peaceful.

"Maybe whoever lives there can tell me how to get out of these woods." Gold muttered to himself as he set off towards the house, eager to get out of the cold. The house itself looked pretty small. It was an old, stone house, the type you didn't really see being built these days. Gold figured it must be a pretty old place and was surprised it had been kept so well over the years. Whoever lived here must really look after the place. The fox raised a hand and knocked on the door. Nothing.

"Aw, come on, someone has to be home..." he sighed and knocked again, harder this time, "Hello?" he called out, "Anyone home? I'm, ah... I'm lost! I was hoping you could give me directions? No...? Damn..." Gold groaned and rubbed at his temples in exasperation. Despite not getting an answer to his knocking, he decided to try the door anyway. Maybe the residents just couldn't hear him? It seemed unlikely, but he tried the door anyway in the vague hope of getting out of this cold. To his surprise, the doorknob turned as he tried it and he pushed the door open. Maybe someone was home after all.

"Hello?" he called out again and stepped inside. No answer. Could the owners have left and forgotten to lock the door? Gold looked around. It was a nice, quaint little place. He could see himself getting relaxed here. He decided to make himself at home; if only to get out of the cold for a bit. He was sure the owners wouldn't mind. As he walked through the small hallway and into the living room, he noticed a big picture hanging on the wall. It was of three bears; big, chubby guys. Two of them looked about 40 or so, while the third bear looked to be in his late teens. 18 maybe? Gold couldn't help but wonder what relation they were to each other. That younger bear looked young enough to be their kid. A gay couple maybe, with an adopted child maybe? Gold inspected the picture. The biggest bear, and the oldest he assumed, was covered in brown fur with a patch of silver on his nose, his stomach pressing up against the tight white t-shirt he was wearing. Gold could practically make out the patterns in the bear's fur through that shirt. The bear he assumed to be the second oldest had white fur and a black stripe across his face. Just as chubby as the other bear, he proudly displayed his body for the camera, his belly pushed outwards for all to see. The youngest wasn't as big as the others in that department, although he did have a belly on him. Silver and black fur adorned his body and he stood with a happy grin in-between the older bears. They looked like a happy family.

Eventually, he turned away from the picture and decided to explore the rest of the house. The next room he nosed around in was the kitchen. It was then that the smell hit him; the strong, refreshing smell of fresh chicken soup. He noticed the three bowls lying on the table nearby and his stomach growled as the smell invaded his nose.

"I'm kinda hungry..." he said, "I haven't eaten all day..." for a moment he considered drinking some of the soup left out on the table, but stopped himself, "I can't just eat some random ass soup I found lying in the open in some strangers house... Let's see what else these guys have to eat." with that, he started to root around in the bears' cupboards, grabbing whatever snacks he could find and hastily eating them until his appetite had been satiated. Having helped himself to the bears' food, he left the kitchen to check out the next room in the house; the bedroom, which was on the same floor as everything else since the house itself was too small for a second floor. Gold raised an eyebrow as he saw the two beds.

"Two beds? One must be for the parents... Who's the other one for? The kid? Do they sleep in the same room? They must be pretty comfortable 'round each other. No way I could sleep in the same room as my parents." Gold explored the room, examining their decorations, their paintings, even rooting around in their closet. Part of him knew he shouldn't be going through their things, but he had always been the curious type and... hell, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. It was when he opened the closet and unceremoniously rifled through their clothes that he noticed something on the bottom of the closet, hidden in the corner. Barely able to contain his curiosity, he paused before grabbing the box and picking it up. It was a fairly small box and didn't weigh much, but there was definitely something in there. He opened it up, eager to see what was inside.

"Damn!" he said, his eyes widening when he saw the stack of gay porn magazines inside. Papa bear must have been collecting them or something. Gold rifled through them, skimming through some of them while paying closer attention to the ones that really caught his eye. It was when he saw a picture of a big, strong Stallion on the cover of one of the magazines that he felt the tingling sensation in his loins intensify, his foxhood twitching as he looked at the huge bulge in this model's Speedos. Gold reached down and stroked himself.

"This stuff's good..." he said as he squeezed at his increasingly hard fox member through the jeans he was wearing, "Heh, I'm sure nobody would mind if I took care of business real quick..." he said with a smirk as he took the box of porno mags over to the king-size bed he assumed belonged to the parents. He dropped the box on the floor nearby and put the magazine on the bed as he pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the floor haphazardly before kicking off his shoes and socks and pulling down his jeans. His golden furred body now free of his clothing, he hopped on the bed, spread his legs and grabbed the magazine, his hardening fox length growing from his yellow-furred sheath. He opened the magazine and teased his member with a finger, shivering slightly as he rubbed his sensitive meat. It only took him a couple seconds to find something that really made his mouth water. A picture of two Stallions; their cocks exposed; hard and throbbing as one kissed the neck of the other. The stallion being kissed had a look of ecstasy on his face as he let the other male nibble at his neck. Gold's length kept hardening until he was at full mast at a very average five inches. He was the first to admit that he wasn't amazing in that department but, hey, it got the job done. He gripped his cock firmly in his hand and worked it up down, gasping and sighing in pleasure as he stroked himself to the pictures in the magazine.

"Ohh damn..." he muttered. This was one helluva magazine. He was going to have to see about getting a copy of this himself when he got back home. He turned the page and gazed at a picture of a wolf pounding away at a fox's ass. There was an article next to it explaining who these two were, but Gold didn't care. All he wanted to see were the hot models and porn stars this thing had to offer. He wondered what that big, strong wolf would do to him if he was there in that room with him... He imagined the wolf shoving his cock into his ass and fucking him hard before blowing his load inside him. Gold rubbed at his cock faster, his hand squeezing his shaft tight as his other hand turned page after page of this amazing magazine until, to his dismay, he turned the final page. He wished there were more but, sadly, it had been a pretty short magazine. He reached down and grabbed a second one from the box he had brought with him and opened it up. He grunted and bucked his hips into his hand as he gazed at the models. Hot and sexy as they were, they weren't as good as the models from that first magazine. That didn't stop Gold pleasuring himself to it though. His grunts and moans filled the room as he jerked off to the pictures he found; hot, studly men fucking each other; slutty tight-assed foxes raising their tails and presenting their holes to their doms; cock-hungry sluts licking and sucking dick... Gold could feel his pre-cum drip down his shaft and onto the fur of his hand, covering it in the stuff as he stroked himself. He moved onto the next one, but found himself disappointed in it. Sure, the guys were sexy and the pictures he found were hot, but the magazine certainly wasn't as good as the last two he'd read. The next magazine wasn't much better. These other ones just didn't do it for him like the first one did. His strokes slowed to a crawl and eventually stopped as he looked over at the closet. Maybe there was another magazine from the same line as the first one that would be just as good? He hopped out of bed, his cock still hard and throbbing as he approached the closet and rooted through it.

"Hmm? Hello, what's this?" he muttered. There was another box in there. He was so taken with the magazines he had found that he must have missed that one. He picked it up and instantly noticed how much lighter this one was. He opened it up, expecting the box to be full of more porno magazines. His eyes widened when he was greeted with one of the biggest dildos the fox had seen.

"Wow! Damn!" he said, "I wonder who this belongs to... Whoever it is, they're pretty damn brave to take this monster..." he took the dildo out of the box. It was blue in colour and looked to be about nine inches long and pretty damn thick. He hesitated. The more he looked at it, the more tempted he was until he finally gave in. Try as he might however, he couldn't find any lube.

"Dildo this big and no lube? Heh, whoever this belongs to has a lot of endurance, I guess." he chuckled and took his new toy over to the bed and climbed on.

He took it slow and teased his hole with his fingers first. He was going to need quite a bit of stretching before he could take that inside him. He stroked at his entrance and pressed his finger against it, bracing himself before penetrating his ass.

"Nghh!" he grunted. He was tight. He'd only had sex a couple of times in the past and he was always the top; he'd never had anything inside his ass before, although he had messed around with his fingers back there a few times. He pushed in deep inside himself, his cock throbbing and twitching as he fingered his tight, virgin ass. Within a few moments he had shoved as much of his finger inside himself as he could and worked it around, humping into his behind, stretching it and preparing it for that huge, monster of a dildo he had found. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as he ignored the slight pain of stretching his own hole like this.

"Mph! Ohh damn that feels good..." he muttered as he took his cock in his free hand and stroked it, still working his finger in and out of his ass. He soon grew bolder and added a second finger. He let out a loud yelp as he felt his hole stretched painfully around his two digits, but continued on regardless. The pleasure he was feeling from doing this far outweighed the pain. He worked his fingers around his ass, moaning and whimpering in pleasure as he did until he finally decided he was stretched enough. He slowly pulled his fingers from his hole with a gasp before grabbing the dildo and inspecting the big, thick thing for a moment and lowering it towards his ass. He lifted his legs up to get better access to his entrance and aimed the dildo as best he could. It took him a few moments to find his hole, but he got it eventually and let out a loud, high-pitched moan as he felt himself stretching around the thick toy. He gripped his shaft tight and stroked himself, gasping and groaning as he worked the toy slowly inside his ass.

"Oh, damn! Damn that hurts!" he grunted and tried to ignore the pain. Inch after inch, he pushed it inside himself, his length dripping with pre-cum which now covered his gold-furred hand.

"Mm! Ohh yeah... That's it..." he whimpered, forcing another inch inside, and letting out a content moan as the pain he felt slowly gave way to pleasure, "This guy's got good taste in toys! Mm, yeah... This is just right..." he had shoved about half of the dildo inside himself at this point and decided that it was enough for now. He started working it in and out of his body, fucking himself with the toy as he continued to work his hand up and down his aching, five-inch fox cock. It felt so good. His friends in the past had told him how good it felt to use one of these things, but he never thought it would feel this good. He moaned as he shoved it deep inside his ass again, shoving over six inches of it inside him. He was so lost in the moment that he didn't hear the voices bickering just outside the window...

"Please tell me you didn't leave the door unlocked again." the brown bear sighed as the three bears approached their front door.

"Oh, quit worrying, nobody ever comes out here anyway." the white bear grunted back at him, patting his husband on the back.

"Even so, I'd prefer it if you'd just lock the door when we go out. What if someone breaks in?"

"Well like I said, nobody ever comes out here. So stop worrying about it."

"Um..." the younger bear spoke up and waved the two older bears over to where he was standing, "Papa, the door's wide open..." the two father bears looked at each other.

"Well, I hope you're happy." the brown bear grunted. The white bear rubbed the back of his neck nervously and followed the bigger bear inside.

"Can't believe this. C'mon, we'll chase out whoever's in here." the oldest bear searched around the house; the living room first, then the kitchen.

"Hey, they've been eating our food!" the younger bear said, pointing at the snack wrappers the intruder had left.

"Huh! Cheeky bugger. I'm gonna beat his ass." the brown bear growled and marched through the house, determined to find whoever had violated his family's privacy. The three of them stopped when they approached their bedroom. They could hear someone inside making... strange noises.

"Mmph! Nggh! Ohh! That's so good!"

"What's going on in there?" the silver bear asked.

"I dunno, but I'm gonna find out." the bigger bear said and approached the bedroom. He rushed inside, slamming the door open in an attempt to surprise the intruder.

"Hey! What are- huh?!" he stopped in his tracks, freezing in surprise at what he saw. On his and his husband's bed was the intruder; a golden furred fox, completely naked, the bear's porno collection nearby and his dildo in his ass, pleasuring himself. The two looked at each other in stunned silence for a moment as the other two bears entered the room to see what was going on.

"Oh my!" the silver bear said, "Well... what have we got here?"

"Looks like someone decided to break in and have some fun with our toys." the big bear smirked.

"H...hey, I can explain!" the fox sputtered, the dildo popping out of his ass as he leapt out of bed, "I... I was lost, see, and when I found this place... well, it was empty, I didn't think it belonged to anyone-"

"Yeah, sure you didn't." the brown bear scoffed and approached the fox who shrank in fear at the big, intimidating male.

"Hey... I don't want any trouble... I'll leave, okay? I'll leave right now."

"Oh, you ain't goin' anywhere, fox!" the bear growled and pushed him forcefully onto the bed.

"Mph!" Gold grunted. The other two bears approached him.

"What do we do with him, papa?" the young bear asked.

"Hmph... Well, breaking into someone's house, eating their stuff, using their things without permission... I think the little fox's been pretty damn naughty, don't you? I think he needs to be punished." the three bears looked at each other with wide, malicious smirks.

"Are you gonna punish him like you do me, papa?" the young bear asked.

"Oh yeah." the big bear grinned, "Although I don't think he's gonna enjoy it as much as you do, son." the smaller bear blushed and looked away.

"W-what are you gonna do?"

"Shut up, fox!" the bear growled, "Didn't you hear me? We're gonna punish you." he looked down at the smaller male, smirking evilly, "Yeah... we're gonna punish you good."

"Hey, c'mon, you don't have to-" before Gold could even attempt to reason with him, the bigger male grabbed him by the arm before sitting himself down on the bed next to the fox. The vulpine gasped as he felt the bear force him over his knees, struggling weakly against the bear's strong grip.

"W-what are you doing?! Hey! Let go of me!" Gold grunted as he tried desperately to free himself from the bigger man's grip. The other two bears watched on, grinning from ear to ear as the fox was manhandled. Within seconds, Gold found himself lying on his stomach, his belly resting uncomfortably on the bear's knees.

"You've been a real naughty fox." he said, looking down at the smaller male, "Looks like papa bear's gotta teach you a lesson."


"Quiet! You speak when you're spoken to, boy!" the bear growled. Gold whimpered softly but quietened up as ordered. He didn't want to anger the big, strong ursine further. The bear smirked as he rubbed his leg against the hardness Gold was still sporting.

"Heh, foxy here's still all hard. Guess you were really enjoyin' yourself, weren't you?" he chuckled, "How'd it feel, usin' papa bear's toy like that? Felt good didn't it?"

"Y-yeah..." Gold muttered.

"Yeah. Bet it felt real good shovin' that thing up your li'l foxy ass." Gold blushed deeply, his cheeks turning a bright red colour underneath his golden-yellow fur. The youngest of the bear's grinned.

"Hey, the fox's blushing!" he laughed.

"Haha! What's wrong, boy? You suddenly gone all shy on us?" the oldest smirked, "Well ain't that cute?"

"Are we gonna punish him now, papa bear?" the youngest asked.

"Heh, we sure are." the oldest said. Gold let out a sudden surprised squeak when he felt a strong, firm hand on his rump. The bear slowly ran his hand up and down the fox's small, petite ass.

"Mrrr, boy's got a nice ass back here." he grinned, "Yeah... real nice. Heh, nice, fluffy li'l fox ass." Gold blushed deeper, whimpering softly and wishing they would just get this over with.

"P-please..." he breathed.

"Hm? What was that, boy?" the oldest bear grunted.

"Please, just... just get it over with and let me go already."

"Get it over with? Oh, I get it. Li'l foxy here's getting impatient! Maybe he's lookin' forward to bein' punished like a bad boy!"

"No! I-"

"Oh, what a dirty fox." the white-furred bear chuckled, "Maybe you should just go ahead and give it to him, honey. Give the boy a nice, hard spanking!" he heard Gold whimper again.

"Heh, yeah. Hope you're ready, fox!" Gold braced himself as the bear rubbed and stroked at his plump ass for a few more moments before giving it a good squeeze. He then raised his hand high above his head and brought it down hard on Gold's rump.

"Ahhh!" he let out a high-pitched cry as pain flared through his ass and the sound of the bear's hand slapping it echoed through the room. The bear spanked him again, forcing out another moan from the smaller male. Gold started to struggle which forced the bear to hold him in place with his free hand.

"Quit struggling and take it!" he growled, his voice strong and dominant as he brought his hand down on the fox's ass once again.

"Ahh! Stop! Stop, it hurts!" he cried out as the bear ruthlessly and unrelentingly spanked his ass hard again and again, "P-please!"

"Damn, fox, you're whining more than our li'l bear is!" the bear said mockingly, "You're just a little bitch, aren't you? Can't even take your punishment like a real man!"

"Ack! Nghh!" Gold moaned and groaned through clenched teeth as he tried to take the spanking he was getting which showed no signs of letting up anytime soon.

"What are you, boy?" the bear grunted.


"I said: what are you, boy?!" the bear repeated, an impatient tone to his voice. Once again the bear's hand made contact with the vulpine's rump, forcing out yet another moan from the bitch.

"I-I'm a little bitch?" Gold whimpered.

"That's right. Now again; louder!" the sound of hand on ass echoed through the room again and Gold could hear the youngest of the bears chuckling as he watched the older fox being punished.

"I'm a little bitch!" the fox cried out.

"Heh, yeah, that's a good fox! Say it louder!"

"I'm a little bitch!!" Gold obeyed, his ass burning from his punishment.

"Damn right you are." the oldest bear chuckled before giving the fox's ass one last spank for good measure before pulling him off his knees and throwing him onto the bed. The bear stood up and looked down at him. Gold looked back up at the three big, strong bears, blushing with embarrassment, his ass sore and throbbing with pain.

"You really gave it to him." the white-furred bear smirked.

"Well someone had to punish the li'l bitch." the oldest said with a chuckle, "And would you look at that; the boy's still all hard. What, you enjoying being spanked or something?" Gold blushed and looked away, cursing the libido that kept his cock hard even in this situation.

"Does it get bigger?" the youngest asked. Gold looked up at him, his cheeks turning even redder at the mention of his size. The three bears looked at him expectantly.

"Well? He asked you a question." the oldest said, "I think you better answer him." Gold gulped nervously.

" No, it doesn't." Gold answered. The bears all stifled a laugh.

"Ha! So, is that it?" the white-furred bear chuckled, "Not very impressive down there, are you foxy?"

"Heh, look at how much he's blushing. Poor li'l guy's embarrassed!" the oldest laughed.

"I would be too with a dick like that." the youngest smirked.

"Hey, how 'bout we show our guest here what a real man's cock looks like, eh?" the oldest said with an evil, malicious grin. The other two bears nodded in agreement while Gold lay on the bed, not saying a word. He watched silently, nervousness building up inside of him as the three bigger males stripped off. Maybe he could make a break for it; rush out the door while they were busy stripping. He considered it for a few moments before taking the chance. Without a second thought, the fox leapt off the bed and darted for the door. He had made it only a couple of steps before he felt the oldest bear's big, strong hand grip his arm tight and hurl him back onto the bed.

"Oh, bad fox!" he growled, "You want to be punished again, you little bitch? Huh?!" Gold let out a defeated whimper before shaking his head.


"Then you better not try that again." the bear warned, glaring at the smaller male. With that, he and the other two bears continued to undress. Gold just watched them obediently as their clothes came off on by one until, finally, the three of them stripped of their underwear revealing the now semi-hard shafts underneath. Gold gulped. Not even fully hard yet and they all looked so impressive...

"Look at him staring. I think he's impressed." the white-furred bear said.

"Yeah, I bet he is." the oldest chuckled, "See, fox. We're not even all hard yet and we're still bigger than that pathetic li'l dick you've got. Even our li'l bear here's bigger than you. Only eighteen years old and his dick's bigger than a fully grown fox. How's that make you feel?" Gold just blushed and remained silent. He couldn't believe this. He felt so humiliated... He just wished they'd get on with it and let him leave already. What made everything worse that, throughout the whole thing, Gold's cock was still throbbing hard, and nothing he could do would make it soften.

The three bears started stroking themselves, looking down at the small, naked and defenceless fox. Gold could hear them letting out soft grunts of pleasure as they played with their huge, thick cocks until they were all at full mast. Gold gulped at the sight of them. The white one was the shortest, but what he lacked in length he made up for in size. He looked to be about seven inches long, if Gold had to hazard a guess. Then there was the teenager; the youngest bear who was longer than the white-furred one, but not as thick. He looked between eight or nine inches. Then there was the oldest bear; the big, strong, daddy bear. He was by far the biggest. He had the type of cock porn stars could only dream of. Big and long and thick, the piece of meat hanging between daddy bear's legs was an impressive and intimidating sight. Gold couldn't even guess to how big he was down there. He really hoped he wasn't planning on using that monster anytime soon... The fox's surprise at the size of the three bear's cocks didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh, I think he likes us!" the white bear said.

"Heh, yeah. What's wrong, fox? You nervous? Never seen a dick this big before?" he reached down and gave his huge length a good squeeze. Gold whimpered and shook his head, "Big, ain't it? Much bigger than your little loser cock. Now, let me hear you say it. Tell me how much bigger mine is. And make it quick, we don't have all day." Gold hesitated before obeying. Maybe they'd let him off easy if he behaved himself and did as he was told.

"It... it's so big... it's so much bigger than my little cock..." he said, swallowing his pride.

"That's right, fox. You're such a pathetic little bitch. Now, let's have some fun with you." he looked at the other two bears, wide grins on all of their faces. Gold gulped and braced himself for what was to come.

"I want his ass first." the youngest said.

"Heh, that's my boy. You can get his ass ready for daddy bear's cock." his grin widened as he imagined taking the fox up the ass. This was going to be amazing. Gold on the other hand wasn't as excited.

"P-please, just... just let me go already, you've already punished me and humiliated me! Just let me go, I won't come back!"

"No deal, boy!" daddy bear growled, "We'll let you go when we're ready for you to go. Until then, we're gonna have our fun with you." Gold was about to keep pleading but, before he could open his mouth, the three bears were upon him. Daddy bear lay on top of him while the white-furred and youngest bear lay down on the bed next to him. Gold whimpered and struggled as he felt the weight of the huge, chubby bear on top of him.

"Ple- Mmph!" Gold's pleading was cute short when the oldest bear shoved his tongue in his mouth and kissed him deeply and forcefully. He gasped and moaned around the bear's mouth as the bigger male forced himself on him, their naked bodies rubbing together. Gold could feel the massive bear cock rubbing up against his body, smearing his golden fur with his warm, sticky pre-cum. The other two bears started kissing at him; the youngest kisses and sucking at his neck while the other bear kissed and nibbled at his ears. Gold shivered and wriggled about, as the attention he was getting overloaded his senses. He could feel his own cock throbbing and twitching as copious amounts of pre-cum escaped from his length and dripped down his shaft.

"S-stop!" Gold gasped, managing to break the kiss between him and daddy bear before the bigger male shoved his tongue in his mouth once again. He could feel all three bears grinding against him, rubbing their big, hard cocks against his body as they ravaged him.

"Dirty bitch." the white bear whispered into his ear as he nibbled it, "Just listen to you moan..." Gold kept letting out muffled whimpers and moans as he was forced to kiss the older bear who was now sucking hard on his tongue. Gold clutched at the bed covers, struggling against the stronger males but to no avail. He didn't know how long the three bears were there kissing him like that, but eventually, the oldest broke the kiss and looked down at the fox.

"Li'l bear, you wanted his ass first?"

"Yes, papa." the youngest nodded.

"Heh, alright then, son. Lift your legs, fox!" the bear shifted position with his son so that the oldest was sitting on his knees, next to the fox, while the youngest bear positioned himself between his legs.

"You... you can't be serious?" Gold asked, hoping this was just some kind of joke to scare him.

"You're damn right I'm serious. Now get those legs up so my boy here can have a good look at that tight li'l ass of yours!" with a nervous look on his face Gold looked over at the youngest who was sitting between his legs, his hand on his cock. He looked impatient. Gold could tell that the young ursine really wanted a go at his ass...

"This fox really is just a little bitch." the youngest said, "Hurry up and get your legs up so I can fuck you already!" Gold let out a surprised "Yip!" when he felt him grip his ankles tight and lift his legs up.

"Ah! Stop! C-C'mon, please! I've never- I mean, I..."

"Never what? Never been fucked before?" the oldest asked. Gold hesitated before shaking his head.

"N-no, never..."

"Heh, besides the toy I caught you using, that is?" Gold's cheeks turned pink at that.

"I've... never had anyone back there..." he said.

"Wow, a virgin!" the youngest laughed, "I've never fucked a virgin before! Um, are you sure I can fuck him first, papa?" he looked over at his father who nodded with a grin on his face.

"Go ahead, son. Give the virgin a good fucking."

"Heh, thanks papa." the youngest said. Gold whimpered and braced himself, "Keep your legs up, fox." with that, the smaller bear let go of his right leg, keeping his other hand wrapped firmly around his left leg's ankle. Gold's leg immediately started to lower which got a threatening glare from the bear which had the fox's leg in the air again in a second. Content that the fox wasn't going to be misbehaving anytime soon, the youngest bear reached down with his free hand and gave Gold's rump a good stroke. The vulpine shivered at his touch as he felt his tormentor groping and squeezing at his behind.

"Oh, real nice ass you got, fox." he said with a smirk, "Let's see how tight you are."

"Mm! Ah!" Gold moaned and whimpered when he felt the bear's finger prodding and poking at his tight entrance. He gripped at the bedsheets as he felt the digit slowly pushed inside of him, stretching his hole around it as the bear penetrated his body.

"Ohh, wow, really tight! I guess that toy didn't stretch you out too much." the bear grinned, "I'm so going to enjoy fucking this."

"Ahh!" Gold let out a loud moan when the bear pushed his finger forward, shoving it deep inside of him. The fox whimpered and gasped as he felt him moving his finger inside him, making sure to give Gold's ass a nice, good stretch.

"Stop!" Gold begged, "S-stop! Ah, fuck!" he clenched his teeth as the bear added a second finger, stretching his ass wide around the two digits as they explored his tight, virgin rump.

"Awr, what's wrong, fox?" the oldest bear asked, "You were takin' my toy easy enough earlier. Don't tell me my boy's fingers are too much for you?"

"T-too rough...!" Gold whimpered, gasping out loudly when he felt the younger bear thrust both fingers deep inside him.

"Too rough, huh?" the oldest scoffed, "Well, tough shit, fox. Like I keep saying, you gotta take your punishment. Shouldn't have broken into our house now, should you?"

"N-no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I broke in here!"

"You're really sorry, fox?" the oldest asked.


"Heh, good to know. We're still not letting you go though." Gold whimpered at that. He had hoped that yelling out an apology might sway the bears to let him go, or at the very least go easy on him. No luck, however. He clenched his teeth, his body tensing up as the youngest bear fingered his ass with both fingers, shoving them in and out of his hole, sending surges of pain through his body.

"Hey, son, are you going to fuck the boy or just finger him all day?" the white-furred bear asked with a chuckle. The youngest looked at him.

"Just getting him ready for my dick first." he answered.

"He's ready enough, aren't you, fox?" the oldest looked down at Gold, "Just go ahead and fuck him already."

"Yes, papa." Gold let out a sudden, soft gasp as he felt him pull his fingers from his ass. The bear reached down and gripped the base of his own big, thick cock before aiming it at the fox's abused ass. He shuffled about, getting into a good position before pushing forward.

"Nghh!" Gold moaned through clenched teeth as he felt the tip of the bear's cock penetrate him, "Ohh! D-damn!"

"Quit whining." the oldest grunted, "He's barely inside you yet. At least keep your whining and moaning 'till he's all the way in." now that his cock was safely inside the fox, the youngest bear removed his hand from the base of his shaft and gripped Gold's right ankle again, using it for leverage as he pushed himself deeper inside him. He let out a soft sigh and shivered in pleasure as he felt the vulpine's hole squeeze his hard bear cock tight as he forced inch after inch of his shaft deep inside his bitch. Gold gasped and moaned, trying desperately to ignore the pain of having that big cock inside him. The smaller male's moans, gasps and whimpers filled the room, the three bears looking down at him with big, malicious grins on their faces. The youngest grunted. Gold's ass felt so good. It was obvious that he'd never taken it up the ass much in the past.

"Look at him squirming about!" he laughed, "What's wrong, too much for your tight li'l ass?" he thrust forward, shoving a couple more inches inside the fox.

"Ahh! Y-yes! Too much!" Gold cried out.

"Well you seemed to be taking papa's toy easily enough." the bear said, "I guess you just can't handle the real thing!" Gold just whimpered and wriggled about as he bigger male used him. The fox could feel inch after inch of throbbing, hard bear cock being forced deeper inside his tight body as he was violated, the two older bears looking down at him and stroking their own big, thick lengths. It was then that the white-furred one shifted position and straddled his chest, his knees on either side of the fox and his pre-dripping length in his face.

"You want a taste?" the bear smirked.

"P-please, no..." Gold begged, "I can't..."

"What's wrong? You're a fox aren't you? Sucking cock's what you do best!" the three bears laughed at that and Gold just stared up at the bear silently as the three of them humiliated him. The white bear rubbed his aching meat across the vulpine's face, covering his golden-yellow fur in his sticky pre.

"Heh, look at him, all covered in the stuff." the oldest bear said, "All covered in pre with a cock up the ass... just like a fox should be!" the white bear kept rubbing his cock against Gold's face as the younger bear pushed deeper and deeper inside his ass. The bear pushed in slowly, enjoying every second his cock was inside the fox. He could feel Gold clenching around his huge shaft and shivered as pleasure coursed through his body. The fox was so tight. It felt amazing being inside him.

"Look how hard he is down there!" the oldest bear said with an evil smirk as he reached down and gripped Gold's shaft tight.

"Ohh!" the fox moaned at the sudden squeezing of his cock.

"Keeps begging for us to stop, but still hard as a rock. Typical fox. You can say you don't want it as much as you want but we all know you're just a dirty little slut who wants his holes filled by some good cock." he squeezed at the fox's length and rubbed his thumb across the sensitive tip which got a loud moan from Gold.

"Ah! S-stop! Ohh!" he gasped out and started struggling against the bear's grip futily. While the oldest bear played and teased the poor fox's cock, the youngest was still busy with his ass. By this point his entire cock had been shoved inside him. He stayed hilted inside his bitch for a moment, enjoying the warmth and tightness of Gold's hole before slowly sliding several inches of hard bear cock out of his body.

"I'm going to turn your cute little fox ass into a cum dump, you little slut." he grunted before thrusting forward, burying his cock inside Gold's passage once again. Gold let out a cry of pain.

"Ahh! S-stop! It hurts!" he gasped

"Shut up and take it!" the youngest grunted as he started pounding away at Gold's ass. He panted, his body tense as he worked his throbbing cock in and out of the abused and humiliated fox's hole, his length dripping his warm, sticky pre-cum inside Gold's body.

"Heh, that's my boy." the oldest grinned, "Give the li'l slut a good fucking!"

"Ohh, yes papa." the youngest gasped as he withdrew all but the tip of his length from Gold's rump before slamming the entire thing inside him. Gold moaned, his body tensed up and his hands clawing at the bedsheets as he tried to ignore the pain.

The white bear kept rubbing his own cock against Gold's face, filling the fox's nose with his musk and smearing him in his pre. He'd had enough waiting and was starting to get impatient. He wanted his dick sucked.

"Open up, boy." he growled, "Open up and get this cock in your mouth." with that, he gripped the fur on Gold's head and held him in place as he shifted about getting into better position before shoving his cock against his closed mouth. Gold tried his best to keep his mouth closed but the cock in his ass was too much for him and soon enough the youngest bear's powerful thrusts forced out a moan from the fox. The bear took advantage of the fox's now open mouth and thrust forward, shoving his cock into his mouth.

"Mmm, that's it!" he gasped, "Suck it! Suck it like a good slut, you little cocksucker!" he gripped Gold's head firmly and force him onto his cock, forcing his entire length down his throat and shivering in pleasure at the warmth of his mouth. Gold whimpered and moaned and was forced to push back his gag reflex as he deep-throated the huge, throbbing bear cock. The bigger male started humping into him, panting and gasping as he forced his length in and out of Gold's body, his pre-cum dripping freely from his throbbing cock head, filling the vulpine's mouth with the taste. Gold could feel the sticky stuff dripping onto his tongue and filling his mouth. He had no choice but to reluctantly swallow the stuff.

"How is he, papa?" the youngest asked.

"Ohh, he's a good little cocksucker!" the bear answered, "He's really good with his mouth!"

"Heh, a natural, eh?" the oldest chuckled. Gold was letting out muffled groans and moans around the big, thick cock in his mouth as he was forced to pleasure the bear while the youngest raped his ass hard, mercilessly ramming his cock in and out of his now sore and abused hole. The youngest rested Gold's legs on his shoulders and leaned forward before reaching down and gripping at his waist for better leverage as he picked up the pace, his panting and moaning reaching a fever pitch as he felt his big, heavy balls tensing up.

"Ohh, take it! Take it you dirty slut!" he cried out in pleasure, "Mm, fox you have a real nice ass! So nice and tight!" he furiously pounded away at the fox, slamming his cock deep into him with every powerful thrust of his hips. He and the white bear kept fucking him while the oldest bear still hadn't let up on the fox's cock. He stroked the diminutive length, keeping a firm grip on it as he occasionally ran his thumb over the tip. Every time he did, the fox would whimper and wriggle about as the attention to his sensitive tip overstimulated his body.

"Heh, listen to the boy whimper." he chuckled as he gave the cock head a particularly rough rubbing which got another loud, muffled whimper from him. No doubt if his mouth wasn't filled with cock he'd be begging for him to stop. Gold could feel the other two bears' thrusts picking up speed. They started fucking him faster and harder, ramming their cocks deep inside him and making him their little bitch. He could feel them tensing up, their grips on him tightening as they used him. They were close and Gold braced himself, dreading the thought of having to swallow the white-furred bear's cum.

It didn't take much longer. The youngest was the first to nut. He clenched his teeth and held onto Gold's waist firmly, pounding away ruthlessly at his ass as his cock twitched and throbbed and his furry balls tensed up.

"Ohh... I'm gonna fill you up, fox!" he grunted and let out a loud roar of pleasure as he thrust in deep, unable to contain himself anymore. Gold moaned as he felt his cock throbbing and twitching inside of him as the bear blew his load and filled him with his thick, warm cum. He kept pounding him as he came, pumping the fox full of his seed and shooting more into him with every second that passed.

"Mm... Our friend here's got a really amazing ass." the youngest gasped as he slowly slid his cock from Gold's ass, shooting one final rope of cum across his stretched and abused hole as he did.

"You enjoy yourself, son?" the oldest grinned.

"Yeah." the youngest nodded with a content sigh, "He's real tight. You have to have a go at it."

"Oh, I will, just give me a minute. I want him all to myself." he looked down at the fox, smirking as he watched him sucking on the white bear's cock. He was the next to cum, and it didn't take him long. After a few more moments of face-fucking the vulpine, he could feel his load building up and, soon enough, blew his load down Gold's throat who groaned in dismay as he was forced to swallow the stuff, the salty taste filling his mouth as the white ursine's cum filled his mouth.

"Swallow it!" he grunted, "Swallow all of it you little cock slut!" Gold did as he was commanded, not that he really had a choice. The bear gasped, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he became awash with pleasure. He rammed his cock into Gold's mouth, shooting several hot loads of his cum down his throat before suddenly pulling out and gripping his cock. He stroked it furiously and blew several more loads over the exhausted fox's face. Gold just lay there, covered in cum and gasping for breath as the three bears looked down at him.

"You having fun, fox?" the oldest asked with a smirk, "You like swallowing a real man's cum like that? Hey, don't relax yet. I still want to fuck that cute little ass of yours." Gold whimpered at that. The bigger bear released his grip on Gold's cock and grabbed the fox who let out a surprised "yip!" as he was manhandled and rolled over so that he was lying on his stomach.

"Ass up!" the bear demanded, giving Gold's rump a good slap. Gold gasped and immediately raised his ass for the bear, "Good boy!".

The bear got into position; his huge, aching cock still at full mast in anticipation of taking the fox.

"Now that my boy's gotten you all loosened up, lets see if you can take this." he said. Gold groaned when he felt him pressing the tip of his hard length against his used hole. His cock slid in with little resistance after the abuse it had gotten from the youngest bear, but Gold still felt his ass stretching painfully around the thick shaft. He was so much bigger than his son.

"Ahh!" Gold moaned.

"Heh, like it, fox? Big, isn't it?"

"Yes!" he cried out in reply, gasping out again when the bear thrust in deep, forcing several thick inches of his length inside him. He gripped the sides of Gold's ass firmly and pulled him back as he rammed his cock deep inside him, forcing out another gasp and moan from the fox.

"You're a slut, fox." he grunted, hilting inside of him, "Isn't that right?" Gold just whimpered in reply and gasped when he felt the bear slap at the side of his ass, "Isn't that right, fox?!"

"Y-yes!" he cried out.

"What are you?"

"A slut!" Gold moaned, "I'm a dirty slut!"

"Good boy!" the bear smirked and gave his ass another good slap. With that, he started fucking the fox's ass. Gold clenched his teeth as he felt the huge, throbbing cock being worked in and out of him. He suddenly became aware of the other two bears sitting on the bed on either side of him, kneeling over him. They both had their cocks in their hands and were stroking themselves as they watched the bigger bear having his way with the slut. Gold was letting out loud, high-pitched and submissive moans as the bear bred his cum-filled slut hole.

"Oh, son, you weren't kidding." he said, "This ass of his is amazing!"

"I told you." the youngest chuckled, "Really tight, isn't he?"

"Damn right!" the biggest moaned in pleasure as he rammed his length inside the fox once again. It didn't take long for him to reach a fever pitch with his thrusting and was soon pounding away mercilessly at his ass. Gold would let out a moan every time the bear thrust forward and the two bears watching nearby weren't letting up with their stroking; they just kept pleasuring themselves as they enjoyed the show. The oldest moaned when he felt Gold clench around his cock.

"That's it, clench around my dick, boy!" he grunted, "You're liking this, aren't you? Sluts like you just love having a good cock up the ass!" he thrust in deep once again, forcing out yet another moan from the vulpine. Gold noticed the two bears nearby stroking themselves faster. They tensed up and aimed their cocks at the fox, intent on covering him with their cum. Gold could hear them panting and knew it wouldn't be too long before he'd be feeling their warm loads covering his body. A few more moments of stroking and the white furred bear started bucking his hips, humping into his hand as he finally blew his load and came all over the fox, covering him in the stuff. The youngest reached his climax seconds after; moaning in pleasure as he shot several hot, thick loads of bear cum over Gold's naked body, covering his golden fur in his seed.

"You look pretty cute covered in cum like that." the white bear chuckled.

"Yeah. He looks like a regular little whore!" the youngest laughed. Gold's cheeks were burning red in embarrassment. He felt so humiliated being used like this. He could feel the bigger bear tensing up behind him and his thrusts become faster and more erratic. He could feel the big, thick cock being forced deep inside his tight, used passage as the big, strong, chubby bear raped his hole, his cock twitching and throbbing as he was pushed steadily towards his orgasm.

"Ahh!" Gold cried out when the huge cock slammed against his g-spot, sending waves of pleasure through his entire body. He couldn't hold back anymore. That last hit on his g-spot pushed the fox over the edge and, as humiliating as it was, he felt his own balls tense up and his cock twitching as he reluctantly gave in and let himself cum across the bedsheets. He moaned and gasped as the attention his ass was getting made him shoot several thick loads of fox cum, whether he wanted to or not. He felt so humiliated. Not only were these bears raping and mocking him, but he had actually cum from it.

"Haha! Look at the little slut!" the youngest laughed, "Look at him cumming!"

"Heh, that's a lot of cum for such a small cock." the white bear chuckled, reaching down and giving the fox's tip a teasing stroke.

"Ah!" Gold whimpered as the touch to his tip overstimulated him. The bear behind him continued to fuck his ass as Gold's length started to soften into his sheath now that his orgasm was over. Gold could tell by his breathing and the way he was pumping into him that he was ready to blow at any second and readied himself. No doubt the big, strong bear had quite the load ready for him. He tensed up as he felt the huge length twitching inside of him.

"I'm close!" the bear grunted, "And you're gonna take all of my cum inside your tight li'l ass like a good slut!" he thrust in deep and roared in pleasure, his voice echoing throughout the small house as he climaxed inside him, filling his body with his warm cum.

"Ohh!" Gold whimpered submissively as he felt the throbbing cock inside him shooting several hot loads into him.

"Oh, damn, fox..." the bear gasped as he finished up inside of him, his cock shooting one final thick rope of cum inside his ass, "That's one hell of a fuck hole you got." he smirked as he pulled out of Gold's cum-dripping ass and let the fox collapse on the bed, exhausted and panting.

"I think he enjoyed himself." the white bear chuckled.

"Heh, well I know I enjoyed his ass." the oldest smirked, "Alright, fox. Get up." Gold gulped and did as he was told. He slowly got off the bed, his legs wobbling an threatening to give out after the harsh fucking he'd been given. He managed to stay on his feet however and looked up at the bigger male, wondering what he was going to do now.

"W...what now?" he asked.

"Now?" the bear grunted before scooping up the fox's clothes from the floor and shoving them into Gold's arms, "Now I want you to get out of here. And if I see you 'round here again... Well, we won't be nearly as gentle, will we?" the other two bears chuckled and glared at the fox menacingly.

"Well? What're you waiting for? Get going, slut!" the bear gave Gold a good, firm slap on the ass that made the fox yip in surprise and dart out of the room, thankful that, after all the punishment he'd been given, the bears finally let him leave.

"Remember what I said, fox!" the bear called out after him, "We catch you here again and we won't be as gentle!" he could hear the fox scampering out of his home and turned to the other two bears with a smirk.

"I wonder if he'll be back." the youngest asked.

"Heh, you saw how much of a slut he was." the oldest said, "I'm sure he'll be back with his tail between his legs begging for our cocks before long." and with that, the three bears went to clean up after their fun with the intruder. None of them were hiding the fact that they wanted the fox to intrude into their home again one day. And, like the oldest bear said: next time they wouldn't be as gentle to the slutty little fox.