Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 9

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Preview image used for this chapter made by - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3284460

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 9 - Bath Time!

Shaking the thoughts out of his mind for the time being, Chris started setting the table as several things cooked on the stove, consisting of two pots full of stew, rice sizzling in one pan, and a few dumplings sizzling in another. His stomach growled as he smelled the food cooking, drooling in a happy daze like state as Ralts eventually sat up on the bed once the rays of the setting sun were gone, stretching with a happy sigh. Looking towards the Pokemon, Chris asked if it felt any appetite growing, and it rubbed its stomach for a moment, looking down then nodding as it stood up and carefully walked to the edge of the bed, feeling for the end with its feet and clowly climbing down, landing on the floor with a plop. Ralts walked across the room, reaching out with its hands, and Chris tapped his foot on the floor for it, causing the Pokemon to jolt and quickly walk up to him, accidentally walking right into his leg with a loud oomph like noise, rubbing its head.

Chris laughed and squat down, lifting Ralts up onto his shoulders to be with him as he made dinner. It took a while, but everything finally finished one by one. He took half of what he cooked and placed it in containers, saving it as leftovers for his trip, and set the remaining half of the food on the table. They probably wouldn't eat all of what was remaining either, but that would just mean more for the trip. Sitting down, he placed Ralts on the table as well and set up its own plate, giving it a tiny portion of rice, half a dumpling, and a little stew in a separate bowl. Giving it all a sniff, the Pokemon smiled with a slight blush. Unfortunately, as Chris handed the Pokemon a spoon, he didn't really consider the fact it probably couldn't use human sized silverware, and likely had no idea how to... So he made Ralts face him as he scooped a small bite of food in the spoon, telling the Pokemon to open its mouth as he blew on it to make sure it wasn't too hot, slowly putting it in Ralts mouth and pulling it away, letting it enjoy its first bite.

He got a mouthful of his own portion as well, letting out a loud sigh and saying delicious, with Ralts suddenly seeming to mimic him, letting out a sigh as well along with a happy noise. He chuckled and told his Pokemon it was cute, making it blush and smile shyly, poking its tiny hands together. Telling Ralts to open its mouth again, he gave it another bite and repeated this as he ate his own food also, enjoying their first actual meal together in a cozy building. It wasn't long however before some of the local Pokemon caught a whiff of the food, since Chris left his door to the balcony open, so he offered up some of the food to them as well, putting some stew in several bowls and a dumpling or two on a few plates on the balcony. They backed away cautiously until he sat back down with the Ralts to finish their food, making the Pokemon feel safe enough to enjoy what he shared. Eventually, the food was gone for the most part, and what was left was quickly added to the containers for their travels. He gathered the empty dishes the Pokemon left on the balcony as well and started washing them all, with Ralts atop his shoulders once again, laughing as it felt bubbles popping on its face occasionally.

Once everything was clean, Chris wiped off his hands and looked around the room. There was a door in the kitchen area as well, likely leading to the bathroom, so he opened the door and looked inside, seeing that, it was a bathroom, but a very small one... Still, it was a nice room nonetheless, so he shrugged and walked inside. Smelling himself and lifting his arms, he asked Ralts if it thought he smelled bad. Leaning its head towards his pit, the Ralts quickly jerked itself away, holding its nose as it nearly fell backwards off his shoulder. Laughing loudly as he held onto it, Chris told the Pokemon it was settled then as he turned on the faucet, startling the Pokemon as it clung to his head. He explained what it was and let Ralts feel the running water, making it smile and sound as if giggling. Looking at it, Chris pulled Ralts away from the tub and pressed his nose against its stomach, making it jolt and push against his face as it seemed to snicker. Ohh...? Was it ticklish...? and this made the Pokemon suddenly shake its head rapidly, waving its tiny hands in a panic. He took a deep breath, and suddenly blew loudly against Ralts stomach, making its cheeks bulge out and suddenly erupt in laughter, flailing wildly as it bonked his face. making loud noises as if saying to stop repeatedly, its face flushed as it laughed, tears eventually welling up in its eyes as he played with his Pokemon.

Finally he stopped, allowing Ralts to gasp for air at last while showing an angry expression, eventually puffing out its cheeks yet again while covering its stomach. Chris couldn't help but laugh as he pet the frustrated Pokemon, one of its weaknesses now taken advantage of by him, and he told it he was sorry. Ralts looked away as its face continued to flush, both out of frustration yet... Happiness... while sticking its nose up away from him. once the tub was done filling, he set the Pokemon down on the floor and stripped, testing the water and slowly getting in the tub with a satisfied sigh. Now this... This felt good... Really good... he thought, having not soaked in a nice, hot bath since his grandfather passed. He hadn't even realized he had yet to bathe in so long... And it made the water feel all the more amazing. The Ralts felt his clothes, seeming to play with them as it went in his shirt and poked its head out of his sleeve. Chris laughed and told the playful Pokemon how silly it was, and Ralts laughed in response, crawling out of the sleeve. Since it had likely been a while since it had any type of bath as well, Chris tapped the side of the tub and told Ralts to come to him, the Pokemon carefully walking up over his clothes.

Once it was feeling against the side of the tub, Ralts faced up at him as he asked if it wanted to take a bath too. It nodded in response and raised up its arms, hopping in place. He carefully picked it up and slowly let it feel the water with its toes. It jolted in response at first, and as he slowly lowered Ralts down, the Pokemon blushed and let out a happy sigh, loving the feel of fresh, warm water soaking into it. Knowing the tub was too deep for it, he put Ralts down on his lap, and told it to relax and enjoy, smiling while dipping a rag into the water and covering his face with it. However, after the Pokemon sat down, it felt something strange touching it... Slightly confused, it felt around behind it until suddenly touching the funny object. Ralts stood back up on his lap and turned around, facing down as it felt around again. Since its touch was so soft, Chris wasn't able to feel it as the curious Pokemon felt its way between his legs. Confused as to what it was feeling, Ralts poked at something squishy and glided its tiny hands along something... Hanging out... It was soft too, but was different than the other squishy part it was feeling and was longer than the squishy part as well. The end of the thing hanging out felt funny too... And the confused Ralts tried to picture it in its head.

After a moment, the tiny Pokemon placed bits and pieces of what it felt together. Two weird... Squishy like round things and one... Weird... Sticking out thing with a... Funny... Tip to it... And it suddenly jolted and flushed, thinking of its trainer being a male. If it was in a bath, its trainer had no clothes, so it was with its trainer while he was... and it suddenly let out a loud noise, like that of an eeeep!!! causing Chris to shoot up and look around in a panic. He asked Ralts what was wrong, if the water was too hot or it felt sick, but the Pokemon remained silent and rapidly shook its head, waving its hands nervously. Tilting his head confused, Chris said alright and leaned back again. He told Ralts it was best it stayed closer to him though so it didn't fall off his lap and into the tub, so he picked it up and sat it back over his hips, right over his crotch and the Ralts froze like a stone and flushed brighter than a bulb in response, its mouth repeatedly opening as if wanting to make a sound but only the most silent of shy noises coming out. It sat completely still as it shuddered, eyes wide although blind as it felt its masters member rubbing against its tiny butt. It felt awkwardly uncomfortable sitting on it yet at the same time oddly excited by it, and after a moment Chris leaned over Ralts, picking up a bottle of shampoo and lathering it up in his hands. Chris told it to shut its eyes and cover them, gently starting to scrub the shampoo onto Ralts head.

It gulped nervously, feeling soothed as he treated it so gently, yet also feeling... Weird... After its realization. Once he was done, Chris picked up Ralts and leaned it back, laying it on the water as he scooped some over its head to rinse off the soap. Ralts panicked and put its hands between its legs as it laid on its trainers arm, shuddering and still showing an embarrassed flush. Confused, he asked Ralts if it was okay and it rapidly shook its head in quick response. Lifting it up and holding the Pokemon against him, he rubbed its back and asked what was wrong, but as the already flustered Ralts felt its trainers bare chest against it, the poor Ralts finally let steam pop out of its head as it went limp, leaning back in its masters arms with spiraled eyes and making dorky like laughing noises. This caused Chris to freak out a bit, thinking he had the water too hot after all, and he quickly got out of the bath, grabbing a towel as he carried it to his bed. He turned on a fan to allow cool air to flow onto Ralts as he dried it, starting with its head, then its arms and torso. However, when it came to Ralts legs, he was slightly confused because of the gown like skin covering them. But he dried them as best he could nonetheless, and while doing so, he managed to learn his Ralts... Was actually...

Its a FEMALE!!!

As he shouted this and jumped back, Ralts eyes shot open wide and she started freaking out, sitting up and holding herself embarrassed. Chris blinked and blushed slightly, feeling bad now about the whole bath scenario, and told Ralts he had no idea she was a... Female Pokemon... and hearing this made her show an angry expression, being told he couldn't tell the difference. But as Ralts thought of how he found out, she quickly shoved her hands between her legs and seemed as if to start yelling at him, turning more and more red in the face in anger and humiliation. Chris waved his hands nervously, repeatedly telling Ralts sorry as many times as he could. All he was doing was drying her off and he happened to find out that way! He wasn't trying to do anything to her! He only did what he had to because he was scared he hurt her since she passed out!

Ralts opened her mouth as if to yell at him some more, but thinking about the fact he really didn't know or understand, and about the fact he did technically do what he thought he had to out of concern over her and caring... She slowly shut her mouth and faced him in silence for a moment. Ralts stood up on the bed and paced around, seeming to think of things for a moment as Chris stood rubbing the back of his head, still embarrassed, and Ralts suddenly faced him again, walking to the side of the bed and holding up her arms. Chris blinked at her for a moment, nervously saying okay in response, and picked her up in his arms. He had forgotten about still being naked as Ralts touched his chest, giving it rubs as she blushed slightly, and face up towards him. After a moment, she suddenly placed her cheek against his chest as her horn dimly glowed. The two remaining silent, she slowly pulled her head away from his chest and pointed back at the bed, wanting down again. Chris nodded in confusion, telling her alright as he set her on top of the sheets. Feeling awkward, he told Ralts he was going to put on some pajamas now, and left her on his bed as he removed them from his rucksack, going to the bathroom and closing the door.

She faced towards where she heard the door close and simply stood silently for a moment, and with a slight blush, she put her tiny hand between her legs and let out a tiny gulp, feeling an unsettling... Twitching... Happening for some reason. It was really weird, and Ralts couldn't figure it out at all... But she shook her head and felt her way to one of the pillows, plopping down with a stressed out sigh as she flopped onto her back. Ralts used her psychic to read her trainers heart and mind a moment ago when he picked her up, and she knew he was telling the truth and wouldn't do any weird things to her. But the fact her trainer saw something like that and touched it... The small Ralts flushed red once more and tossed and turned on the pillow, feeling the twitching happening even more now between her legs as she thought of such things. As she sat up and faced down, curious and annoyed by the feeling, she suddenly started to smack herself between the legs, making sounds as if to tell her body to "stop that!" in a way someone would argue at an empty stomach as it growled. Chris came out of the bathroom, and looked at Ralts as she smacked herself still.

Uhh... What are you... Doing Ralts...? he asked, making her freeze and suddenly lie down on her side. She waved at him as if to say nothing, or maybe never mind, and acted like she was going to sleep, not wanting to do anything else to cause either of them further embarrassment for the night. Raising a bewildered eyebrow at her sudden weird behavior, he shrugged it off and shook his head, cleaning up the room and, eventually, climbing into bed as well next to Ralts. He rolled onto his side to face her, and told the frustrated Pokemon he was sorry once again, rubbing her head. She scowled and blushed, but her scowl soon turned into a smile as she sighed and enjoy the calming sensation of being pet, closing her eyes and curling up on her pillow.

What a weird way to find out the gender of your Pokemon... Chris thought as he eventually rolled over onto his other side. He looked at the moonlight coming in and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting out a relaxed sigh, feeling they both had been through enough for one day...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 10

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=60234](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=60234) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 8

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=263166](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=263166) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 7

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=327835](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=327835) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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