Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 12

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#12 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Preview image used for this chapter made by - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1203575

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 12 - Hot Spring?!

The two traveled along several trails throughout the day, randomly branching off into the forests to see what they had to offer for those curious enough to abandon the beaten paths, and they eventually found themselves heading further and further upwards, seemingly treading on a constant slope. Looking around, Chris had reached a part of the mountainous border which went in a complete circle around the forest. If you were high enough, it would likely resemble a giant bowl of broccoli! Which... Make Chris shudder and shake his head at the thought. He continued heading upwards more and more, keeping an eye on the position of the sun as he traveled through the now steep forest. As the light started slowly dimming more and more, he noticed something strange... Maybe smoke... Rising from a part of the forest not far off from where he was, and thinking it could mean someone being in trouble, he followed the trail as it drifted upwards into the sky. However, once he finally reached where the smoke was coming from, it turned out to be steam, coming from a spring nobody had made use of.

"Wow... This is weird... Most of the springs around the borders have been developed into inn's and stuff... Turned into tourist spots and the like... Guess its just our lucky night Kirlia!" he said with a chuckle, walking up to the spring. However, as he looked over the rocky edge surrounding it, he suddenly found a large group of Mankey's, huddled together in a circle around one of their own who seemed to be holding one of their friends that had gone unconscious. Once they saw him, they started going wild and jumped all over the place around the spring, glaring at Chris in rage as they tried to threaten him away. He held up his hands, quickly trying to calm them down as he explained he was just traveling by. However, the Mankey that had been holding their unconscious friend tried to climb out of the spring with it, falling over the edge and slamming onto the ground. This caused the group to panic, flailing their arms as they surrounded the two and raised up the member of their group who wouldn't wake. One of the Mankey's brought up a leaf, trying to fan it as they all showed worried expressions. "...Maybe it got too hot?" Chris said quietly as Kirlia climbed behind him nervously, hiding behind his head as she stood on top of his rucksack, sensing the strong feelings of anger and panic coming from the group of Mankey.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked up to the group, keeping his hands in the air as he looked down at the Pokemon they were worried about. "...It looks pretty young, it probably couldn't handle being in there as long as you guys. If you don't mind... I'd like to give you a hand." he said with a nervous smile. They looked at each other nervously and suddenly seemed to huddle up, making various noises as they spoke with one another. They all suddenly nodded and jumped up, facing towards him together. They pointed at their unconscious friend and shrugged together, as if asking what should be done. Walking up, Chris felt the Mankey's forehead and chuckled as it groaned, twitching for a moment until its eyes started spiraling. "Yep... Overheated... All we have to do is get some cool water, something to fan it with... And it might be a good idea to prop its head up a little too..."

Chris got on his knees and took out a large container, asking some of the Mankey to fill it with cool water from any nearby sources. A small group took it with a nod and jumped into the trees while he took out a small rag. "So... Who wants to hold its head up for me?" he asked with a smile. In response, one of the elders came up and sat down, holding its head as Chris took out a small notebook and started fanning the Mankey. "There's a lot of you in this group, you gotta make sure to keep an eye on each other when you're having fun, especially in a hot spring like this. If you don't pay attention, this kind of thing can happen to any one of you, young or old. What would have happened if you didn't notice this little fella' had passed out in time?" he asked, looking around at the group as they scratched their heads in guilt. It wasn't long after this the Mankey returned with the container, handing it over and standing with the others. Chris dipped the rag he got out in the cool water and started rubbing the passed out Mankey over its face, telling the others to pay close attention. "Whenever this kind of thing happens, you just gotta slowly cool the person down. Or... In this case... Pokemon... Its best to use a rag and carefully wipe cool water on the person, fanning them and keeping their head lifted just a bit. Once their body starts cooling back down to normal, its only a matter of time until..."

Suddenly the Mankey started twitching again, wincing its eyes and slowly opening them to look at the others. As they watched it come to, the group suddenly went wide eyed and began jumping all around, flailing their arms and making loud noises in joy. Several went up and hugged their friend, rubbing it on the head as it raised up, still seeming as if in a bit of a daze. It took the rag off its forehead and blinked at it confused, giving it a sniff as one of the Mankey pointed to Chris. Looking up, the Mankey stood with a slight wobble, rubbing the back of its head embarrassed and holding out his rag. "Nah... You guys keep it. That way you can use it for this kind of thing whenever you might need it! Plus, it feels good to take a bath and scrub yourself with it! You guys should give it a try sometime! Just be sure to clean it now and then!" he said with a laugh, the Mankey taking turns holding the rag and rubbing it on themselves happily. Looking at the spring, Chris asked the group of Mankey if they would mind letting him use it for the night and set up camp in the spot. "It would just be for the night fellas. We've got a long trek past the mountains coming tomorrow so it would be great to enjoy a fresh spring before I put my body through all that... Any chance you could loan it out to us?"

Looking at each other, the group huddled up to talk again. "Ha ha... They remind me of sports players..." Chris muttered to Kirlia, chuckling as she tilted her head confused, unsure of what a sport player was. She let out a nervous laugh nonetheless, trying to please him and act like she understood. The group of Mankey suddenly jumped up and faced him together, one of them walking up and holding out its paw. "Err... So... Is that a yes?" he responded, reaching out with a nervous laugh as the Mankey shook his hand, all of them nodding in response. Giving his thanks, the group jumped around again for a moment as they made noises out of excitement, running around their now recovered friend as they continued sharing the rag, throwing it around like a toy as well. They eventually all went off deep into the forest, leaving Chris and Kirlia alone with their own personal hot spring! "Man... Hope it isn't too hot considering it knocked out that poor Mankey." he laughed, walking up and dipping his hand into the water.

"Oooohhhh... That's... Niiiiice..." he sighed, feeling the steam on his face. Kirlia poked her head out from over his shoulder curiously, feeling the steam on her face as well and letting out a sigh of her own, slightly blushing from the cozy and warm sensations she felt. Backing away, Chris looked around at the area, deciding how to best set up his camp site for the night. "Lets see... This here... That there... Circle these like that... Hike this up... Hang those... And... Done!" he said, clasping his hands together as he looked at the site. Kirlia was trying to help out as well, taking small sticks and debris to the camp fire circle and tossing it in with a smile. Suddenly getting an idea, Chris asked Kirlia to use her Fire Punch on the wood, and with a nod, she set the small pile on fire, stepping back as the fire rose. "No way... It worked! That makes building fires a lot easier! You really are the best Kirlia!" he said with a laugh, giving her a rub on the head. She faced up at him and flushed brightly, quickly looking away and sounding as if she was laughing nervously and shyly as she played with her skirt. "Ha ha... You really are cute... Now then, lets see about getting dinner cookin' while I test out that cozy looking spring!" he said, rubbing his hands together with a grin as he took out more leftover stew and placed it in a pot over the fire to slowly reheat. Walking over to the spring, he swirled his arm in the water as he leaned against the warm rocks and boulders surrounding it. "Maaaaan... Those Pokemon have it gooood here..." he said as he took out soap and shampoo from his rucksack.

"I'm gonna wash myself off before hopping in the spring Kirlia. Some of those boulders are big enough to hide me, so i'll be there if you need anything." he told her, excitedly jogging over to his hiding spot to clean off. However, she couldn't help but want to join him in a bath, giving herself a sniff and blushing embarrassed after a muggy day in the forest. Listening to where she heard his humming coming from, she carefully made her way to the spring, feeling her way along the warm rocks and boulders with a happy sigh as the warmth soothed her through her hands. Finally hearing him up close, she poked her head from around one of the large boulders hiding him and called out, causing Chris to jolt and drop his soap. "K... Kirlia... Wh... Whats up?" he asked with a blush, blinking nervously at her as she came out from behind the boulder. She shyly flushed and twiddled her small hands, pointing at him and motioning with her hands to show she was wanting to wash herself too. "Y... You're... Female, ya know...? I mean... I'm a human and your a Pokemon but... Still... Its... Embarrassing anyways..." he said, looking down shyly. Kirlia's horns started to dimly glow as she picked up on his emotions, clearly sensing his shyness and nervousness. She showed a smile and let out a sigh of relief, knowing he was feeling the same as her about it, so she slowly made her way up to him and, after looking down shyly once again and twirling her foot embarrassed, she slowly reached up to him. "Well... Okay then..." he responded, picking her up and sitting her on his lap, facing her towards him. He lathered up his hands and started combing his fingers through her hair, looking away embarrassed while doing so.

"Sorry again about... You know... How I found out you were a female and all Kirlia... I really didn't mean to be all invasive or anything... Back at the inn I really was worried I actually hurt you. It kind of makes your heart stop when your first Pokemon suddenly passes out on you like that." he said with a nervous laugh, sweating slightly as Kirlia blushed at remembering he saw something even a Pokemon considers sacred and most personal above all else. But... She couldn't help blushing and smiling knowing he had, and faced up at him, letting out a happy noise in response as she shook her head to say she didn't mind. She reached up and held his hands, rubbing off the soap from them onto her own and, staying still for a moment, she suddenly touched him and started rubbing soap on his torso nervously, trying to return the favor. Chris flushed in response and told her she didn't need to do that, but she shook her head and kept rubbing her hands on him anyways, spreading the small hand fulls of suds she had all over him clumsily. With a deep breath and a sigh, Chris continued washing Kirlia, rubbing her cheeks and slightly smushing them together so she made a fishy face, making himself laugh and causing her to get slightly irritated, pushing his hands away with a quiet grumble. He told her he was sorry as he got a little more soap, and as Kirlia tried to reach up to rub soap on his chest, she suddenly froze and let out a quiet gasp, her body going into a complete shudder as she flushed red enough to glow.

On top of her head, Chris was gently rubbing her horns, tenderly covering them in soap as he hummed. He didn't really consider the fact that a Kirlia's horns are one of, if not the most sensitive parts of her body, and that her kind generally detest having them touched by anyone. However... In this case it seemed the opposite... Due to her affection towards him, the more his fingers rubbed all over her horns, the more her heart raced, causing her breath to slowly grow more and more heavy as her eyes opened wider and wider. "These puppies are gonna be nice and shiny when we're done! I'll make them look as beautiful as you!" he laughed, starting to get used to bathing with her, female Pokemon or not. However, this comment only made it worse on Kirlia, as she suddenly felt the twitching she experienced back at the inn coming back in the middle of her legs. As he rubbed his fingers along the rim of her horns, she suddenly felt something between her legs squeeze painfully tight, and she could no longer resist letting out a loud shout as she started convulsing, leaning forward and holding onto him as she gasped and shuddered all over, gritting her small teeth together trying to control her body.

"Wh... Woah there... Y... You alright Kirlia?!" he asked, his eyes going wide as he touched her horns again to finish cleaning them. She rapidly shook her head, both to get him to stop touching them and to say no as she felt the painful squeezing happening again, and she jerked back with another shout, clutching herself between her legs as she flushed with tears welling up in her glazed eyes, feeling something unbearable yet irresistible rushing through her like a wave. Slightly scared, he suddenly got some water in a container and started washing all the soap off Kirlia, thinking it might have something in it that was hurting her. "I... I'm sorry... You gonna be alright? I got all the soap off! Does... Everything feel okay now...?" he asked, putting a hand on her. After spending a moment getting her body to relax as she slowly calmed her breathing, she finally wiped the tears off her face and nodded, suddenly giving him a hug with a blush still on her face. In her mind, she was wondering what it was she suddenly felt... It wasn't bad at all... Scary but not bad... And... Felt incredible... Yet was painful too... and as these thoughts regarding her body rushed through her mind, Chris told her it would probably be for the best if she tried to check on the stew for them. He didn't want to bring her into the spring in her condition and risk something happening to her, like with the Mankey, or maybe worse. "There's a ladle in my rucksack... Will you be able to find it on your own and stir the stew for us Kirlia...?" he asked in a soft voice, trying to be as kind as possible while rubbing her head. She nodded and pointed to the ground, with Chris slowly lifting her up and setting her down in response.

However... He didn't realize that, as he picked her up off his lap, she left something... Sticky... Smeared all over his legs where she was sitting, and as she was lifted up, a trail of it could be seen coming from under Kirlia's skirt. She carefully walked off, clutching her chest, and as she heard Chris climbing into the spring behind her, she suddenly realized something was... Weird between her legs... And as she rubbed her upper thighs together, it felt... Gooey... Kind of slippery... So she suddenly faced down, reaching under her skirt curiously to find out what it was. She rubbed her small hands around, feeling her inner thighs and slowly gliding them up until her hands were between her legs. As soon as she felt her fingers touching there, she jolted and blushed once more, feeling... Sensitive... Kind of tingly... And she poked her fingers around for a moment, feeling something very, very tiny poking out, like the smallest baby pea that, when touched, sent a shudder throughout her body, and she also felt something weird... Kind of... Like her skirt in a way... Between her legs... Tiny folds of skin... And the more she was curious with herself, the more of the weird... Gooey... Slippery stuff she felt between her legs. It wasn't like the rest of her body there... It felt... Really... Different... And she noticed whenever she thought of her human friend... The feeling that came from the strange spot felt... Irresistible... In a way...

But her curious exploration was cut short, as she suddenly heard Chris calling for her, making her yank her hands out from between her legs in humiliation, wiping them off on the rocks and, luckily, feeling Chris's shirt at her feet, used it to wipe herself clean and dry between her legs in a moment of panic, running out from behind the boulders with a nervous laugh, popping out in front of the spring so reassure him she was alright, waving her arms rapidly while sweating. "You're... Acting a bit... Funny... You sure you will be alright Kirlia...? I don't mind running you to a center to get checked on... I don't like feeling worried I did something to hurt you a second time..." he said with guilt in his voice. Her horns glowed slightly, showing her his emotions in her heart, and as she felt his guilt and worry because of her, she suddenly smiled from ear to ear and danced around happily, making cheerful sounds as she sought out his rucksack using smell and felt for the ladle, holding it up high in the air in a "found it!" kind of way. Rubbing the back of his head, Chris told her to be careful when she stirred the stew, not to burn herself or anything, and with a nod, she sniffed the air for the food, following its scent to guide her to the pot, and once she felt the heat from the fire, she stood on a large rock and waved the ladle around, tapping the pot until she found the top and put it down into the stew to stir it.

As he rested his chin on his arms and watched, he smiled, impressed at how well she was managing the food, even giving it taste tests while blowing on the hot spoonfuls like a pro. "Not bad Kirlia! It doesn't sound like anything is sticking to the pot either so far... I think I should make you my own cooking student too!" he said with a grin, making her blush with a happy smile, nodding in response. Once she thought it was done, Kirlia let out several noises and pointed at the pot, signaling Chris to come out and give it a check. With a nod, he climbed out of the springs and wrapped a towel around him, coming out from behind the large boulders with a stretch. "Man... Whenever we come back I am DEFINITELY going to stop by this spring again... Now lets see about that grub!" he told Kirlia, walking up and leaning over the pot to give it a smell. "Not bad... For leftovers this actually smells freshly made..." and he picked up the ladle, giving it a taste. With a nod, he told Kirlia it was time to eat, but... After he put on some pajamas! With an embarrassed laugh, he went into the tent to put them on, coming back out to find Kirlia already doing her best to pour the stew into two bowls. She had a little difficulty, but she did it nonetheless, and he started clapping his hands as he sat near the fire. "Very nice! This was sweet of you!" he chuckled, scratching under her chin.

With a happy sigh, she sat next to him and, together, they began enjoying another meal under the stars., with Chris looking over the forest now below them. "Hard to believe our progress... Down there is my grandpa's village and Saga City... Hidden within all those trees..." he said with a smile, Kirlia facing him and patting him on the arm in response with a smile.

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 13

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://morifi.blog94.fc2.com/blog-date-20100921.html](http://morifi.blog94.fc2.com/blog-date-20100921.html) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 11

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2686539](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2686539) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 10

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=60234](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=60234) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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