Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 23

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#23 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Preview image used for this chapter made by - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=272568

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 23 - Deadly Meal In Commorall Town??!!!

As Chris walked up to the entrance of the town, he took a deep breath and sighed, relieved to be past the mountains and prison and close to a real bed once again. "Alright alright!! Good eating, big beds... And a new pal to help reach the peak of success!" he grinned, facing down at Snivy with a thumbs up, causing her to smile shyly and nod in response. Hearing a "hrmph!" from Kirlia as she scowled, he laughed nervously in, reaching up and rubbing her on the head. "No worries. We'll all have a good time! Once she's got enough pep for it, think I could rely on you to help Snivy get back into the game as far as battles go?" he asked, getting a jolt and a sudden grin from Kirlia in response. She faced down towards Snivy and cracked her knuckles as she nodded, with Snivy scowling at her cocky behavior, until Kirlia cracked her knuckles too hard and let out a scream, shaking her hand rapidly making Snivy burst out in laughter, tearing up as if telling her "serves you right!".

Chris shook his head with a groan and held Kirlia's hand. "Oy oy... You two can't be that way now. We're a team. And like it or not, my team is my family, so you have to behave accordingly." he scowled, the two crossing their arms and grumbling, yet nodding in obedience nonetheless. "Good good... Now, lets see what this place has to offer!" he laughed, strolling throughout the town. "Huh... A pretty simple place. Mainly white buildings... A lot of red roofs... Kind of makes the whole place look like a bunch of building shaped Pokeballs... Pretty ironic too actually..." he muttered, looking around. "...What IS the inside of a Pokeball like anyways when its not open...? Is it... Like a house? Every Pokemon living in something customized for them...?" he thought, tilting his head as he gave it a scratch. "I wonder... Is there anyone else who thinks about that kinda stuff...?" he thought aloud, making Snivy and Kirlia tilt their heads in confusion. "S... Sorry. Just thinking about stupid stuff..." he laughed nervously, waving his free hand to brush off the subject.

Walking about, Snivy suddenly started flailing in his arms, making loud noises as she sniffed the air and pointed in a random sudden direction. "G... Geez! What?!" he asked, nearly dropping her as she raised her nose, sniffing and letting out a long sigh with a blush, slightly drooling. Looking at Kirlia, she was doing the same, mouth hanging open as she smelled the air around her with a dazed giggle. "Eh? Eh...? Ehhh?!" he repeated, looking at one then the other several times. "Wh... What's wrong with you two...?" he asked. They both suddenly pointed in the same direction, facing him and shouting excitedly, Kirlia smacking him on top of the head as Snivy tugged on his shirt. "Ow ow ow!! Okay okay what is it?!!" he shouted, following the direction they desired. After a few minutes, he suddenly reached a building surrounded by a patio, filled with people sitting with countless Pokemon, feeding them endless varieties of food, primarily sweets.

"...Of course..." he sighed, showing a scowl. "I thought something was seriously wrong with you two or something!!" he lectured, the two rubbing the back of their heads with guilty laughs. Shaking his head, he walked inside and looked around, surprised by the endless varieties of food to choose from. "Geez... How are we even going to pick anything from all this...?" he muttered, walking up to the displays. Snivy quickly pressed her face against the glass, drooling as her eyes shimmered while Kirlia jumped all over his shoulders, repeatedly hitting the top of his head like a drum as they both made endless noises, as if saying "food food food!!" excitedly. "...I'm starting to feel a little depressed. I've never gotten THIS kind of reaction from someone eating what I make..." he slumped. Looking over the food some more, one of the maids suddenly walked up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hello there! How may we... KYAAAH!!!" she shouted, immediately jumping back with a pale face as Kirlia faced her with a scream, her eyes glowing enraged bearing her teeth. "Q... Quit that!! You know better!!" Chris shouted at her, giving her a soft pop on the head. Kirlia jolted and slightly relaxed in response, yet continued growling with her teeth grit nonetheless as Chris bowed towards the maid. "I... I'm really... REALLY sorry about that... She has a sensitive side when it comes to anyone touching me... I was beaten kinda bad not long ago and ever since... Well... She responds like that when she senses another person touching me... P... Please allow them to eat here though!!" he asked, bowing again as the maid laughed nervously. "I... I see... N... No problem..." she responded, keeping her hands behind her to be safe as she sweat.

Raising up and giving Kirlia a scowl, he poked her nose with his finger. "If you want food, wipe the scowl off! She's just doing her job..." he muttered, Kirlia crossing her arms and facing away with a "hrmph!" like noise in response. Speaking with the maid for a moment, he made various orders and was given a seat, giving her another apology as she left them at their table, sitting out in the open in the midst of the countless other customers. "I've never seen such a popular place... Then again, I never really went to many other places here asides grandpas village and Sagacity... Kinda makes me excited again to see what else is out there!" he chuckled, setting the two down on the table in front of him. "So far it seems like I've run into reason after reason to make me wanna turn around... I mean, meeting you two was amazing... Sagacity was awesome, and then meeting those Mankey at the spring was fun... But it seems like I've run into just as many bad things as good... Hope things balance out a little better along the way..." he said, rubbing the two on the head while waiting for what he ordered to arrive. Looking at Snivy, he chuckled and rubbed her on the cheek, causing her to jolt and blink confused. "Know what...? I can see your color coming back! And it looks like your tail hasn't been as wilted since we left the hill... Keep it up and Kirlia is going to have some major competition coming in the cute department!" he laughed, causing Snivy to flush badly and push his hand away, making shy sounds as if to say "stop iiiiiiit!!" as she turned away, smiling from ear to ear in embarrassment while fidgeting her small fingers. But suddenly, Kirlia grabbed Chris by the ear and gave it a tug, scowling at him. "Ow ow ow!! Would you stop with the jealousy thing?! You know I think you're equally awesome so quit already!! Snivy deserves praise too!!" he scowled, pulling away and rubbing his ear as the two Pokemon gave each other glares, with Chris letting out a sigh and shaking his head.

Snivy suddenly started seemingly lecturing Kirlia over her response towards Chris, motioning with her hands as if telling Kirlia not to pull on his ear as she pointed at herself, sticking her nose up while crossing her arms as if she knew she was better anyways, only causing Kirlia to grow further frustrated as she took on a fighting pose. "Alright alright! Enough of that!" Chris interrupted, tugging on Kirlia's hair and Snivy's tail. "If you tug on me, I'll tug on BOTH of you, fair or not!" he scowled, telling them to get along or he would go and cancel his order. Both making sounds as if to say "ouch ouch ouch!!" repeatedly, he let them go and they sat down in obedience, with Snivy rubbing her tail and Kirlia fixing her hair, the both of them pouting as he noticed the maid coming with their order. "THANK you..." he sighed, looking up at the sky before waving at the maid with a smile. "Here's your order sir! Hope all of you have a big appetite!" she giggled, setting down several plates of Pokepuffs, various pies made from berries, even a plate filled with dozens of Pokeblocks! Snivy let out a loud shout of joy as she gawked at all the food in front of her, while Kirlia turned her nose up in all directions, smelling all of the food and confusing herself in the process as to what she wanted to eat first. "Ha ha... Wow, guess Pokemon really do go crazy for stuff made just for them more than they do when given what humans eat..." he chuckled, smiling at the two as they tried to decide what to enjoy first. "Snivy can't really eat very well yet ma'am... See, she was pretty weak when I found her and all... She was left malnourished and everything by her last trainer. So we may be here a while since I'll have to take the time to make what she wants as easy to eat for her as possible..." he explained, the maid nodding in response. "Please take your time! But... I don't think that's going to be much of a concern..." she told him, confusing Chris for a moment as she pointed at his Pokemon.

Looking at Snivy, he suddenly saw her eating away at the Pokepuffs, stuffing her cheeks and letting out a loud burp in Kirlia's direction, causing her to inch away from Snivy and fan the air, shouting in irritation as she gagged and let out groan, as if telling Snivy "gross!!!" while trying to eat as well, causing Snivy to grin in amusement. "Uhhh... O... Kay then... N... Never... Mind...?" Chris told the maid, blinking in surprise at Snivy as she indulged herself. "Its amazing... What a little encouragement can really do..." he muttered, the nurse leaning towards him with her hand by her ear. "Pardon sir?" she asked, causing him to wave his hands embarrassed in response. "N... Nothing! Just thinking out loud. Its a weakness of mine... Um... Mind if I have some tea?" he asked with a nervous laugh, the maid nodding and walking off to get what he requested, looking back confused. "I gotta stop doing that..." he muttered to himself, watching as the two ate. Taking a piece of pie for himself, he put it in his mouth, causing his eyes to shoot open wide as his face sparkled. "G... Good..." he mumbled, swallowing as he looked at the rest of the piece on his plate. "R... Really good!!" he shouted, eating away at the rest while Snivy and Kirlia suddenly looked up at him, confused by his outburst before they both puffed out their cheeks, covering their mouths as they snickered. Pausing to look at the two, he let out a muffled "what?" through his stuffed cheeks, causing the two to suddenly burst out in laughter, falling on their backs as they saw his face covered in pie and his cheeks swollen with food. Around them, the crowd was snickering as well, several giggles coming from the crowd as their Pokemon looked around confused. Flushing red, Chris quickly swallowed his mouthful, having a bit of a hard time before it finally went down, and he quickly hid his face in embarrassment using a menu placed on the table, groaning as Kirlia and Snivy made sounds as if to say "aaaawwwww..." in response.

"Sooooo humiliating..." he mumbled, slightly sulking as he slowly took a small bite of his remaining piece. Facing towards one another, Kirlia and Snivy giggled and sat together on his lap, each holding a Pokepuff to nibble on. Looking down, Chris sighed and gave them a smile, putting the menu down and rubbing them both on the head. "Okay then... So if I make you mad you get along... And if I get embarrassed you get along... That's good to know." he laughed, the two blushing and smiling ear to ear from feeling his touch as he rubbed them on the head. "In all seriousness Snivy... I really am proud of you. Eating like this is a real big step, especially when compared to how you were just a day ago... I guess overcoming yourself really can do wonders for ya." he smiled, making Snivy smile as well, nodding in response as she ate quietly. "However... You still have to take what those nurses gave me..." he grinned, causing her to jolt wide eyed and groan, a shudder running through her body as she made a "blech" sound, Kirlia pointing and laughing. "Careful now. I might just give you a dose of medicine... You know... Just to make sure you don't get a stomach ache..." he grinned, making Kirlia stop laughing immediately and rapidly shake her head, stuffing her mouth full of Pokepuff trying to pull off a cute look as she smiled as if she was an angel. "Yeaaaahhhh riiiiggghhht!!!" he laughed, suddenly grabbing her and giving Kirlia a noogie. "That is SO not working on me. I know you better now!" he smirked, Kirlia pushing herself away and scowling with her cheeks still full of food, irritated by her messed up hair as she sit back on his lap with a "hrmph!" trying to chew.

After a moment, the maid returned and handed Chris his tea, apologizing for the wait. Shaking his head, Chris told her they were just about ready to go anyways, and with a nod, the maid gave him his receipt, thanking him for dining with them before walking off to tend to other customers. With a sigh, Chris stretched and took a sip of his tea, looking towards the sky. "Well you two... Guess that's..." he started to say before being cut off by an odd, gurgling noise. Looking around, he glanced down towards his lap and his eyes went wide, seeing Kirlia slowly turning blue in the face from choking on the Pokepuff she stuffed in her mouth she had tried to swallow. Freaking out, Chris jumped up and set Snivy down on the table, grabbing Kirlia and trying to help her bring it back up with the heimlich. The surrounding customers stood in a panic as well as Kirlia's color started turning more and more. On the table, Snivy watched wide eyed before shouting up at him to get his attention, suddenly getting on her hands and knees as she forced a pair of her small vines to come out, both weakly flopping onto the table as she pant. "Now isn't the time to try impressing me!!" he shouted, Kirlia flailing her arms rapidly as she lost all ability to breathe, repeatedly clutching her throat where a bulge could be seen. Looking at Kirlia while she stood back up, Snivy suddenly went up towards Chris while he struggled with Kirlia, jumping onto him and climbing up towards her. Once she was near his face, Snivy shouted at him and waved her arms to make him stop, quickly standing on his arms and pushing Kirlia's head back and pulling her mouth open so she could look down into her throat.

As if gagging in disgust, Snivy suddenly took a deep breath and forced energy into her vines, lifting them and sending her vines slithering down deep within Kirlia's throat. Repeatedly making urking sounds, Snivy forced herself to go along with her own idea, Kirlia slowly slipping into a mere half conscious state as her body began twitching. Within her throat, Snivy was trying to spread it open enough for air to move past the clump of food that had lodged itself in place, while simultaneously trying to work them around the blockage to grab onto it. As everybody watched bewildered, many looking away due to being able to see Snivy's vines moving around inside Kirlia's throat, she suddenly went wide eyed and shouted at Chris, motioning for him to start doing his heimlich maneuver again. With a nod, he started pulling Kirlia against himself repeatedly in a well timed motion, with each pull causing Kirlia to gasp and gag, Snivy struggling to hold her mouth open as her vines struggled to keep a grasp on the blockage.

Suddenly, they both felt Kirlia slowly going more and more limp, her eyes struggling to stay open as her jaw stopped resiting Snivy's pull. Looking at each other, he and Snivy continued struggling to get the food free from her throat, the crowd around them shouting "heave!!! heave!!! heave!!!" every time Chris pulled against Kirlia, cheering on Snivy as well with chants like "you can do it!!!" being repeated over and over again. But suddenly, Snivy let out a shout as Kirlia thrashed back to life, a gargled scream coming from her as she flailed her arms and legs. Snivy finally got a firm grasp on the blockage and had budged it just enough to snap Kirlia out of it and let them know they had it. "Come on Snivy!!!" Chris shouted, suddenly giving Kirlia a slightly stronger heimlich as Snivy yanked on the blockage in unison with his pulls. As the crowd continued to cheer, Kirlia let out another gargled scream as the blockage inched its way up, until Snivy suddenly went wide eyed as she flew backwards in the air and landed on the table with a thud, the food flying out of Kirlia's mouth and onto the ground in the distance.

"THEY DID IT!!!!" the crowd shouted, clapping together and whistling as their Pokemon jumped and danced around. Leaning over limply in his arms, Kirlia was gasping for air as she clutched her throat with one of her small hands, choking badly as her color slowly began to return to normal, her tongue hanging out as Chris loosened his grip so she could relax and breathe easier, repositioning her so she was laying in his arms, cradled as he picked up a napkin and wiped off her face, which was covered in sweat. On the table, Snivy sat up panting, letting out "eeewwwww...." sounds as she looked at her drool covered vines, picking up several napkins and cleaning them off with a scowl while grumbling. Letting out an extremely relieved sigh, Chris picked up his things and scooped Snivy up in his other arm, bowing at the crowd and thanking them for the support as he turned and went inside to pay for their meal, leaving after a quick explanation so he could make sure Kirlia was really going to be alright, hearing her continue to cough as she shuddered all over in his arm. Finding a bench, secluded from sight for the most part, he went over and set the two down, rubbing Kirlia on the head. "Sorry we had to be so rough on you... Are you hurt at all...? Anything feel broken...? Hope I didn't crack or collapse anything... Maybe we wounded the inside of your throat using Snivy's vines? That could have made it worse if it made the food go even lower... Did any of it wind up in your lungs...?" he questioned, Kirlia merely shaking her head in response to everything. After a moment, she suddenly faced up at him, her eyes welling up with tears as she started to hick, holding her throat again.

"Maybe we hurt you after all...? Not good... If her vines damaged your throat, my squeezing is bound to have damaged something else inside you too... Lets get you to a Pokemon cent..." he said, being cut off by a sudden shout from Kirlia, rapidly shaking her head in refusal. Looking down at her concerned, he held her cheek as he squat down. "I know it didn't go so well... Last time we needed help... But... It'll be alright this time... I knew Snivy's condition wasn't my fault when that happened... But if something is wrong with you because of food I bought and because of how we tried to help you... That IS my responsibility... So if I don't take you to a center when something could be really messed up..." he said, cut off as Kirlia rapidly shook her head in refusal once again. Trying to think for a moment, he let out a sigh and shook his head, looking into her glazed eyes as a few tears dripped from them. "Oy oy oy... A... Alright... At least just let me check what I can at least..." he told her, getting a nod in response.

Snivy crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in response, irritated by Kirlia's refusal to obey when its important and looking away. Leaning his face towards her's, Chris asked Kirlia to say "aaaahhhh" so he could look inside her mouth, making her tilt her head back as he pulled out her tongue for a clear view using the sunlight. "...Nothing looks wrong far as I can tell..." he muttered, leaning his face closer and squinting his eyes as he peered inside her mouth. As she faced up at him and felt him holding her tongue, Kirlia thought about how persistently he worked to save her from choking to death, thinking about how close she came to blacking out altogether as she saw and felt his terrified determination to keep her alive. Without noticing on Chris's part, Kirlia's face had flushed as her tongue slightly licked along his fingers, Kirlia turning the examination into a sudden taste test as her heart seemingly fluttered in her chest, and the next thing Chris knew, Kirlia suddenly jumped up and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pressing her lips roughly against his as she kissed him a little too hard by accident, being unable to see exactly how close his face was to hers when she jumped.

Jolting in a sudden wave of extreme shock, he tried to push Kirlia away, only for her to scream and shake her head rapidly in response and press her lips against his once again, and when he tried to shout her name, she shouted in response and her tongue slipped deep inside his open mouth, all of the drool she had yet to swallow since choking instantly being thrashed all over in his mouth as she locked him in a firm, unbreakable kiss, one as sweet as the most incredible syrup you could ever taste due to all the deserts she had eaten just before. As his heart began to race from bewilderment and an unbelievable shyness all at once, his body began to glow red brighter and brighter as he remained on his knees, frozen as he felt Kirlia's heart racing seemingly several times faster than his against him, with her horns glowing brighter than they ever had thus far. On the bench, Snivy was watching the two with eyes wide enough to fall right out of her head, jaw dropped for a moment until her jealousy started slowly seeping out of her heart, gritting her teeth and making fists with her small hands.

Standing with her body trembling all over, Snivy suddenly shouted at the two as she released her vines again, ready to use them as whips until, suddenly, she froze, watching Chris as he fell backwards onto the ground now out like a light with spiraling eyes while Kirlia slowly pulled away, brushing her bangs while a trail of their drool dangled between the tip of her tongue and Chris's lips. Sitting on top of him for a moment, Kirlia shut her eyes as she clutched her chest, trying to calm her breathing as her emotions rushed through her like the largest tsunamis you could imagine. Facing down, she slowly reached out and felt his face, giving his cheeks a pat to get a response, feeling his eyes as well, now shut. Confused, she tilt her head and started making noises as if to ask "you okay? hey... you okay?" repeatedly, patting his cheeks until Snivy suddenly shoved her off, taking her place on his body as she stood on top of his stomach with her arms crossed.

Sitting up confused, Kirlia suddenly shouted at Snivy, as if asking "what the heck?!!" in irritation, with Snivy simply sneering in response. She shouted back at Kirlia, pointing at herself as if taking her share of the credit for saving Kirlia, and in response, Kirlia crossed her arms and looked away, seemingly saying "thank you!!" but in a slightly smug and irritated manner. Standing up, Kirlia made her way back onto Chris, and together the two stood on his stomach as they argued, bickering due to their own jealousy towards one another and their like minded, mostly greedy, feelings towards Chris.

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 24

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 22

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 21

Preview image used for this chapter made by - [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=8947279](http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=8947279) This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few......

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